xt7ghx15n565_99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001.dao.xml unknown 9.56 Cubic feet 33 boxes archival material 0000ua001 English University of Kentucky The intellectual rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. James K. Patterson presidential papers Group portraits. Political letter writing Kentucky--Lexington. Universities and colleges--Finance. Women's colleges--Kentucky--North Middletown. Department Reports text Department Reports 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15n565/data/0000ua001/Box_9/Folder_6/119476.pdf 1887 1887 1887 section false xt7ghx15n565_99 xt7ghx15n565 " E'JZZ‘TWI" i L .‘ . 73.5 I II
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 Jas.K.Patterson,Prest.A.& M.Collcge or Ky.

‘I The following -'
tabular statement shows the attendance,and the distribution of '
students'in classes forthe year just past. I
Classes. No.enrolled. Dropoed during te>m,Passed Ex
Anat.& Physiology, 30. . 7. 18
“eOIOgy. 4. ‘ 3. f
Cemparativo 3901. 1. l. '
Dhfiwing. 8. 5. 3.
Physical Geog. 13. 4. 7.
ZOOlOgy, Y 7.
Histology, 4. ‘ 4..
Paleontoloéy, l l

The average standing in the classes is as follows.Anatomy '
end physiolOgy,13.G-Geology.14.8 -Comparative Zoology.l5. -
Drawing.l4. —Physieal geography,11.9 -ZOOIOgy,12.5 —HiStOlOgy
14.3 —Pale0ntology,15. The Physiology class was taught in tNO'
divisiOns daily to accomodate a number who could not attend
,the regular hOur. .

' Special mention should made of the folloving who have at-
tained highest rank . T.H.Morgan having a standing of 15. in
two classes running through the whole year;Miss Laura Clay hav
“ML "V E M Wines haw-4x7 Ht” 4../£7)..-er S; 32%.», ‘-"’?‘5/
ing the same rank in ZOOIOgyA. Very excellent work has also
been done by the Misses Anna and Marie Ingram,in a years eourse
in drab-ling. , . ‘ \ 1

Most of the students Who have studied in this department
have been 5reatly hampered by attempting to prepare for too
many daily recitatiOhs.The average scholarship is of necessity
lowered on this account,~hile some have failed to pass final
examinations in consequence,involving a loss of time as wellasp\\
of rank. 5

 2 .

Some very important steps have been made possible in the
direction of organizing a department of Natural History,by the a
grant of a working fund. I have not deemed it best to expend
the whole amount this year;not because of decreased needs but
with the expectation t'at by carrying forward a part of this
years apprOpriation I may be able neat year to jpurchase some
mwch needed apparatus which will cost more than one years fund

' I have thought it best in view of the needs of all the departe
ment of the college,to ask for no more than the s500.oiworxin$
fund for the coming year. t V
For financial statement see accOmpanyind and previous ac-
. count with vouchers.

The additions made this year have been chiefly books and
microscOpical apparatus.1 have thought it but Just to chargefm
this fund some of the expenditures which I had made personally V
for the department including a type collection of minerals pur
chased of Dr.Foote of Philadelphia,a case of birds prepared
by Shorten of Cincinnatti,and a set of models for the drawing
class;all indispensable but hardly chargeable to the teacher.

the work done this yearin pursuance of the plan to build
up'a department of natural history ,has resulted in some sub—
stantial gains. The Peter Herbarium has by the assistance _
of Mr.T.H.Morgan been classified and arranged for referencain
the large case built for it some years agO.Tbe whole collection
_including nearly the whole flora of Kentuckflhith large addi-
tions from the adjoining states is now distributed in genus
covers and plainly labeled in type‘Mr Morgan has contributed

l lllhis labor for the nominal sum of 12.5 cts.per hour.(see vouch—
. ers).The special studies of Mr Morgan in comparative zoology
and anatowy have resulted in many preparatiOns of great val-

 3ue tofihe department without cost other than that for a few é
chemicals &c.and some books which are themselves an acquisif ;
tion to the library. ' a
It is expected that Mr.Morgan will for two years to come é
pursue the studies begun with me at Johns H0pkins Universaty; E
and it will be needful for me to appoint a student assistant %
to take his nlace for the time. ?
Additions of bookfimost of which are desirable for the def: ;'
partment and some of which are of Special value have been made
through the kindness of HOn.W.C.P.Breckenridge.from the Depart l
wents at‘WashingtOnho the number of about sixty volumes. . l
The Mechanical Department under the imfiediate management ?
of U.A.King,has enrolled 13 students inhhop work practice,all ;
‘of whom are required to give two hours her week to the elements:
of drawing preparatoryto mechanical drawing.0f this work I have: '
taken the charge.It is hardly needful to say that in practic- 3
a1 mechanics the lack of prelimlnary training is met with more ?
than in the ordinary school branches;and the need of immedi- 5
ate personal supervisiOn is Proporti)nally increased.This Mr. E
King has been able to give ,with results which though uneven 1
.are on the whole very commendable. . I
It will be seen that I have used small amounts of the work
in; fund of the Natural History Dep.to meet necessary expenses ‘
in the shop. A working fund should be provided for the Shop p
for next year. $200.93wi11 be needed if steps are tobe taken ’
towards building a very much needed clock for the tower. '
o/o/scfl'.-7&:::v /c'/ flea-7 7’54 9%

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”(Hay MW («new M £76 $14M“. Adam,
APE-fife; fies/4m“..- £4.2ng ’ .
I nofirsvn M,& .5. ”Iv/{WM
fl m/M Inf/k man/L.
5 ,4..,-..,/. ,9 r; 1:, fr. Mam/M
7 6,3. flw7 /
To”. A774, 2 z:
.1./3M7 MM
. #. 64¢; '
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”In J? ,t/sz,
1:./.1’. Elem
'13}, 2f, xixzpm a,
”’./,3: ”fab/as
15%,}? Ema/2:97 I
“gin 53.1.”.
M, yr. 54¢.
:15, /3’ 71am“.
I/l‘l ,l3. Phi/W I

firm/MW... 517A“ .4. 575:4. via/#211532.

/ 27111.. 464.1. 22. 151,172.,
2. .1714.- .4'fl2/1w 13 fir/Mime
5 . Z2... 5. fl, fialw 1.1, d //L_ ;Am’m/awn,
1/ 1%“; M21. [liwvufl 1 57,211; 97/12.. 51.1%
3» a 22% Cm.-- 24%”; 5..;/..' ms.“
07 5. 1322.163 1 7 65 1 WWW

' 7 21 5511/“ {£114 [3’11 2 51122;,
7 /£ , /Z. 7%“an 27 11%- 17177.1”
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M W jam. 5, hoe/haze
// #354. f/mw Blflfmflmrsm
/t Z,/Z,fl?u? 33M {Kr/m [1,35%
/3 W firm; flmsm .74/IL“; )(‘va'c 5&3”.

. /£/ 5, Almééa/r
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4, 7. in fluid/m,

‘/ 4

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/ 2”, § [3911me
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z, 07, M flag/4411A.
5“ w x4014 524%
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27:; 4464234034; pas-Ms ? Al’S/éié A414 [222”. 2. km? 27/7115
We: 7%: flaw/,2. (2427 #7424. KL flute. A24 we. batman ,7
J4? 4772,12,.411, Ame 4221. 1262245] 713432242217 [2; 7L A/st
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4,“, 038445 5,51 J} 474/? M 75774, f mega/4,
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