xt7ghx15qh8w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15qh8w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1956 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1956 Vol.23 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, December 1956 Vol.23 No.3 1956 2019 true xt7ghx15qh8w section xt7ghx15qh8w J J IJ
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J Published in the Interest of Community Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers J.
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i be J, {‘L‘ of FREEDOM . W; 31:23:; ‘ J, J
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Jat’s " ’ {’34. May His message of peace and good wxll fill A. i 15;: J J J
mu- f ‘ ,: -. :3; every heart at this Christmas season. And may “2: J J ,:;._. £5 5 J
izen \ ”if“ ’ 3., 2‘ your heart and home be filled with all the many 4 ' l I _
J C _‘.=? g ! a3: 22: =.
tter .3553?- JE; §; blessings of the Yuletide. l 1:3 2; J
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. ‘. i Through the one-order, one bill, one check plan -- /"fl_/ i Sharmd
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' 1 RPS is equipped to give serVice to the advertiser 4i . /:‘,,ff . sponiibi
. - j and agency from the time a budget is being made 1111— . . ’4" I, I. publishe
i til the last statement is paid. If}? 9 by” " /i l in” Bu
' 3' For the past thirteen years we have been g1v1ng the . /,_ .4- i 31] his i
‘ following services: {3 " i . '4? i a luture
1. , a- ~: .
a ‘ r ,. . article, i
i O assisting in making up a budget // ‘ .m //E
- i O assisting in choosing a string » f," ”.9.” 1 An :1
. i . . . . r:- i, ., /W 2 to sell is
l O issuing indiVidual contracts 4! \ , "‘- My?) , i . ‘
'7 l ~ - > - - - - " W'L‘ "5/2"? // wants to
; O issuing 1ndiv1dual insertion orders 4. _ ,- \ E, _; ’V .
. i . . . ‘g/ er in a 111
E 0 mailing mats, plates or copy - " in 1 mm
.r . . r ‘ ' -
i 0 furnishing requested proot of publication ' keeps thi
i O rendering blanket itemized statements true den
i 0 paying the individual Publishers KPS does not offer special group rates. Space users muntry
. i 0 handling all details and correspondence may select from the Rate BoQk any particular group, : competit;
i and doing every other thing within reason to insure 01' use the entire list, dailies and weeklies. Through i “He 11
i satisfactory service and obtain best possible advertis— arrangement we service border counties in Indiana l wants at
E ing returns. \Ve check for position, press work, and and Ohio, and cooperate with the Tennessee Press He W311"
i: make suggestions to our publishers on more effective Service in servicing border Tennessee counties. Com- I: 1.621% i
ii placement. pensation in lieu of group rate is received from rout— 1.1“ “f ‘
E ' . . . . . [1011 o i
ii Without exception we have enjoyed our working ing your advertismg schedules through the one-order [he “her
ll relations with the agencies using our service—we in- 1312111 it S‘dVCS the agency large overhead office 6X- I ”(hmi‘lism
I. Vite the continuance of these working plans and also PCHSG- ' cmmnuni
ii invite the inquiries of agencies who have never ae- culurly in
i eepted our oltei' for simplifying entry into the news- KPS is an affiliate of Weekly Newspaper Represen- interestin
l i papers of Kentucky. tatives, Inc., which organization is the only authorized Cy can be
E No space under 5 inches accepted, unless for con- national advertising representative of our Kentucky Will be It
‘i ' _. . - .. - . . - - 18a smal
ii tiiiuous run. ,. .- 1 weekly publisheis. National advertising schedules dail
. ' V \ . . ' ' ' placed With Weekly Newspaper Representatives for y.
. ‘ ‘ 7 i x , . . ‘ ‘ . “ ,
iii . THE AGENCX W110 11595 0m office £01 clearing the state of Kentucky are cleared direct to our news— l ““3""
.; . '- , .. . - - - HI‘C willir
ii . issues one contract to KPS papeis thiough KPS \Vltll' the absolute minimum of \\'eek]ieg<
1E . issues one insertion order to KPS time lag. KVNR has serViee offices in DetrOIt, Chi— [its \i ‘
' . . . . J 11V
El . . supplies string of papers . cago;Philadelphia, With the main oflice at 920 Broad— “me nei
.. . , . , .
iii ' 0 supplies mats, plates or copy , , \Vay, New YOl‘k 10, New York. VVNR offers the same monev to
i ' O pays the bill to KPS in one check less agency discount. one-order Plan for national coverage- i dailies. E
i: . ‘ i
1:“ THE AGENCY PAYS NOTHING FOR THIS , . . . . .. i . a; “u“ that
E , ESERVICE Three Easy Steps: KPS Will help select product i “Again
i markets, give market surveys, and help plan any cam- paper. Yr
E . Y V )ai n to cover. 2. KPS assumes the time eonsuminor E Sell to the
E THE AGENCY AND ADVERTISER 1 ‘ g . . . . . .D 4‘ I. .
t , cider-checking detail of scheduling; 1t renders one in- " Prlnte
ii 2 . ~ ’ .
ii 0 receive full credit on each contract and insertion order mice and proof tearsheets at the end of each month. Fledse‘l W
ii the same as if the agency issued the orders 3 One receipt of agency’s monthly disbursing cheek, ‘ Tijuana. .
El KPS will not knowingly extend any of its services KPS pays; its newspapers by monthly check. his: “TC“
El to unrecognized advertising agencies or advertisers, ' inii mid
ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y’ 01
E nor Will it knowmgly accept advertismg which might Legitimate advertismg ageneies and national adver- i What thcv
IE untavorably involve the publisher, his newspaper, his tisers are urged to use the services of KPS; to advise i wlm they
E readers, or his advertisers. with KPS on all affairs of mutual concern. I “In “xi,
i '. lmrtation
E . mClmpOlii
i: ll i H I

 _ p . 1 ,...... . . . v“ ‘jxry 311:, t" 7 . 1 1 1 1 1 .11 . 1. 1
- 1 1 1511111 1::
1‘ 11 111,11
1 1111111
1 11 1 1111
. 1 1 i
‘ . . 1 11111111
1 ° ‘ as editors and publishers, should take the 1 1, 1§;1‘11111
1 MerCha nd ISIng IS The A nswer time to find out why that particular product 1 1111111111
1 is not in your home town or community. 1 11111
. 1 . . You should sell your local IllCl‘clllelt-‘llc can 11 111111111
’ To com mu n ”'y Pa per S Ll nea e do much to persuade the advertiser, 11111111111
7 \ g "\Yrite to the advertiser and offer assist- 1 1111”
Members of the National Editorial Associ- is no longer a problem. You have a bigger, ”ht" 1” finding ”h ”“le 1“ 5"“ community. 1 11111
1 1111-01] at the Fall Council meeting were priv- more forceful competition than you had Do a selling job as to why the advertiser 111111111111
1 ileged to hear a stirring address by Norman twenty-five or even ten years ago. But you should hill-‘3 his product h] the market "0“ 1 :11111111
1’ Sharrock, media director of (,Jampbell-Ewald have to keep up with the times. It is to be ”Cd by your newspaper. 1 111111 1
Company, Detroit, on the problems and re- hoped that you are not still publishing the 1 “And that naturally leads in“) the (pies- 11 1,1111 1
sponsibilities of a connnunity newspaper same paper you did twenty-five: ten years “0” ”1 merchznidising. You should hl‘VCSh‘ 1 11111 1
publisher with special emphasis on advertis- ago. gate what is being done on this score by the 1 115111 1
iiig. Because of space, we cannot reproduce "Look to yotir business contacts with the hh‘lmhy "1 “iCCthS “hd Shhlh dailies. 1 1 1111 1
1 all his inspiring message, reserving part for national advertiser and their agencies. I can ”“Y'lhm” ”walling ‘0 he ”1‘1””! 1 ”I“ "“1“ 11:11 1
1 a iutnre article, but present a portion in this assure you that I know of some which are [”1" 1h“ 11” ”1.3.0“ know that the 5111”” news- 1111111 1,
1 article, relating to the advertising: woefully outdated. Competition is keener papers h‘WC been notoriously bad about mer- 1 1111 11
”An advertiser who has u good product than it ever has been. Claims for the advcr- 11111111915111]?“Sh“;‘h‘h' 51‘1”". hf“: ”11“] there ‘1 11111 11
to sell is anxious to sell it everywhere. He Users (10111” are greater than ever: BM that ithjlnhl) ”1155 1.1111111.“ ()\1Clhlglll.. 15 being 1111111 1
wants to get his message to everyone, wheth» dollar is spent with the publicationwhich :h’lh‘lfihp ”t1 '11 11“}‘11’1 1"“‘511 11’1“’1“1‘s’1‘1‘~1"1 11111.1
‘ er in a larger metropolitan center or whether has the best story to tell: [he one WINCh 11sz to .1 11cir Hull) ,1 1L (luduhfhlfilfi “I‘lgcmlihl 1 111 1|1
1 in a small community. it is his business that the 1’61“ representation—and then only ‘1 “'1.[-15:1(111C‘1:111.:§lcn[[ “f1” “aft 1)o\vlcd o\ei 1,1111
’ keeps this country what it is today—the only the claims that are made (an be proved. \ 1 _ ’1 11511” 511(1111’1‘1’15‘1‘1'11‘T' . 1111111 1111
true democracy in the world, because this ”1 C2111 cite YOU one CXEUUPIC alter llllOlllCl‘ A 01 1mg K I”. the (”halls“) more than 1 111111
. . , {4 ch on free enter )rise— ol‘ this type of publication. The publishers to have the retailers acquainted “71th the 111.11
sers (ountry .“dq 011m l 1 1, _ 1 11 _ . _ ‘ campaign that is running in a newspaper. 11111
)up, competition—the backbone of our economy. and C( itois \\l1() operate a community papei Many times a call by 110“ on the 11111111 outlet 1 1, 1 1,111 11
Ugh “He has an advertising budget——but he :15 ‘11 service [10' the.“ conmiu'n‘ityfand “101 as will result in .\l)lllTlOi\'.\l. lineage rim ‘1 1111 El'
iana 1 wants a fair return for the money he Sl’ChdS' ‘11”.(ld'hm‘f 01 d print sliopiaie {11.61.0116 who locally. It you would olller to mail letters or 111 11
’ress He wants to be certain that his advertising hiuh” the attention of the advertising agen— reprints tolselected lists; if you would oll'er 11111 11
10m_ is read, just as the editor wants to be sure “05' . assistance to the local outlet in the form of 1 11.111 1 1
Out— that his editorials are read. it 15 am Obllgfl‘ 1 "\5 to 1111C £15515}:an the 1‘7“}le IIC‘VSIEHI’CI: marketing data in your community, publish 111111 111
rder tion ol the advertising agency to see that (1.1411‘gi\c1t()raii1a1ver1tls10r1dljf 51ml: 0 3;" bulletins. make phone calls—all of these 1111 11
e‘{— the adyertiser receivesthe most value [or the 511‘.” “011'“?5'5 10"” ye 10‘1“ cm m ore) ‘ 1' might well result in the push to get a cam» 1'1'11’ 1
‘ advertiser’s budget. It the newspaper in the bliarrotk Sdld- pilig‘n instead 01' leaving you sitting in your 1 1111 1 11 1 -
1 t‘mmnunity in “thh the advertiser is parti- “But now I “'"hld like 1” get into the “‘1‘ office bemoaniiLL’; the fact that the metropoli- 111 1 1
1 cularly interested is “16h edited. “1011 printed, "9111511155 Chd "1 the 51‘1“” “WHY [or ‘1 min- tan dailies arC .8"Cttin,§r all the lineage and i 11‘ 1 1
15611- 1 interesting. alive and current, then the agen- ute. Certainly we all are in business to make the little publication is being forgotten. 11111.1 1 1
ized C)’ can be rather certain that this newspaper money. Advertising is your and my source "The metropolitan dailies are giving enor- 1 1 ‘,1‘11;1 1
icky “11h be read from cover [0 cover—whether h ”f income. It 15 an agency obligation to mous assistance merclnindising-wise. You say 1 11,111 1 1
lules is a small weekly, daily or metropolitan maintain a good balance. however, and pro- 1.1,“ can‘t “(ford it. Y1,“ don't have the maii- .1 1,111 1 1
1 for daily. vide revenue for the continuation of a cam- power: you don't have a budget l'oi' such as- '1 1 ‘ 11,11 1
eWS- 1 “Maybe too l'requently some advertisers paign. lIwas asked. “"1””? other things h." sistaiice. .\nd i say that the addition of a I 1111 1.1
n of are willing to gloss over the part the small your chairman to discuss, ll. lywould brielly, man or two or three. depending on the 51'“. 11315 1 1
Chi- “helm“ and dailies [)lil)’ in their connnuni- how ”hl’orhlht '3 the ham)” 5 Shhhl town of your community, might well result in your 1 ' 111 1 1
lies. Maybe they are too anxious to cut oil‘ market in today's increasing competition. getting the advertising “”111,“in necessary 1 1‘ 11 11
oad— these newspapers so they will have more "J can safely say that any market is im- tomore than pay those men many times over. : 11 111111
lame money to spend in the larger metropolitan portant in today's business. .\ny place where “\s publishers of community and small 1 11111151 1
dailies. But let’s really look and see whose there are people, there are potential cus- towil weeklies, one of the best services you 1 11111
1 1 fault that is. tomers for the advertiser. So it is up to you can perform is to encourage young college 1 11 111111
dUCt ”.\gain, take stock of yourself, your news- to prove to these advertisers and to us in the graduates and high school students to be» 1 1 1111 1:1.
cam- paper. You should really have something to media field how important your market is come interested in the newspaper business. 1111111
fitting SC“ to the advertiser. Your newspaper slionld to the advertiser. “leekly newspapers will (live them a ('liaiite to get their feet: wet by 111 11 111 1
6 iii- 1)“ printed so that the advertiser will be always play an important part of any adver» having them work on a merchandising pro- ‘1 111 11
)nth. 1 Pleéised when he sees his copy in your pub- tising program if the market is in that com- gram [or you. 11 1111
160k 1 lication. The reproduction should be good. munity. Let’s suppose you wonder why you “ll: might inspire them to stay in their 11‘ 11 ‘ '
7 ‘ The circulation should be all that it can be. are not included in an advertising program own home town or community instead oi 1:,11'1111
1 it should be a militant force in your conimu- of one sort or another. going off to the larger metropolitan centers, 11 11 :11
_ “11V. You should really give the readch “You can rest assured that it is not done and in the meantime they are working l'or ,111‘1 1 1:1
ivhl' I What they want—and not force them to take maliciously. No important market ever will you, helping to build a reputation in your 1111 1
flVIse 1' Mm they can get. be overlooked by an advertising agency or an own community. 11 1 1 111
1 “In ( . , ,. , . .. . . .. _ - wrtiner. But maybe there is no outlet in ”.\gain i say this is the age of competi~ 1 {111,1
1 Portatitofimlligs 22‘15h11iml What“, :lhén.u‘lns, rid“. ‘15 “mm, [1;]- the )articular )roduct tion. liierte competition—l920 policies are 111111
- . easily available, shipping )0111 ( min , l l 1 _1 1 ‘ _ 1 11 1,1111
1 iiietropolitans into the smaller communities that is being advertised in a campaign. You. not acteptable iii limo-nor are 1950 ')()llv 11.1; 111
I—‘z 1 1 31111
1 1 111:1:
1 1 1' 111111
1 11 1111111151
1 ', E 111

 , 1?
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i cies. Everyone is getting into the act and I Page Dummies Wi“ Cut ing and makeup was controlled by the natal
-. . should just like to admonisli you newspaper- Composing Room COStS desk. It saved time on the news desk andl BeI
men to get into the act too. This is a won- ‘ Y gave a system to our work. i
‘ derl‘ul age in which we live and there is By S' 5' VAN (‘UROB Before that everyone from newsroom to?

:» room for everyone, big or little." Harlan Daily Enterprise composing room was ilouiidering around j"

' But community publishers iiitist do their The problem ol’ production costs as always the dark trying to mentally guess on pm To
' ‘ part to justify being in the act. is the chief problem most of the newspaper (hitting the newspaper. The composing room‘

. “Another question raised by your cliair- industry is continuing to fight today. The knows exactly when and what it must pml Flaml
l. ‘ man was a frank and honest discussion as to metropolitan newspapers. with their corps o[ duce. it gave everyone a plan to follow! questior
what problems we encounter in dealings experts, have had an advantage over the Much of the copy, on light advertisingtlayi, jewelry

V . with the weekly press. I have already men- smaller newspapers and have led the way for the inside pages goes out the afternoon! other e
.'. tioned poor reproduction of advertising as in the battle. Consequently. the continual belore. by busii
‘ ’ one of the biggest problems. It’s pretty diffi- rise in production costs has not been as suc- Most of the advertising is produced aday given ht
' ' cult to show an advertiser a tear sheet which cessl'ully harnessed by the smaller papers. ahead ol? schedule. “’6 found that merchants Meeti

‘ has been carelessly prepared, poorly printed, .ln kicking this problem around a few years are willing to cooperate, many of them girl Cliambe

. and expect him to believe that he is getting ago at The Harlan Daily Enterprise, we list- ing us their copy two or three days before! local je'
value received from the money he is spend— ed the problems and then searched for the particularly the large grocery accounts. Thil tising a;
‘ ing. solution. has balanced our production schedule volume

, ' “Another problem is delayed billing. which First, we admitted that our money is made throughout the week. A lot of pressure has tatives t

many times causes no end of difficulty in our in the mechanical department, or at least a been taken oil the composing room just lit adopted

" ‘ own bookkeeping department. great deal of it. That’s where the biggest fore press time. recogniz

“And this one I am sure will surprise you. investment is and that’s where a big share Morale in the composing room improved! They
1 \Vould you believe that many times an ad- ol' the cost goes. \Vhen we recognized the greatly and a lot of bickering was eliminattt of regul
vertisement is run in a weekly newspaper stark reality that our composing room gov- between departments. Now, otir newspaper jectional
carrying the wrong address for the local re- erns the production oi the newspaper, I operates as a team and every department i which 11
“ tail outlet of the nationally advertised pl‘Od- think we discovered pay dirt. Elimination eager to cooperate. No departments want cliinaxet
. i iicts? As newspaperan in small communi- of expensive overtime was one of the cures to be caught short. . industry
: ties, it would seem unbelievable that you we sought. \Ve cut our work week from 4-8 hours [0‘ the jewc
t3 would not know whether a dealer or iner~ It was here we realized that the other de— ill hours and have actually moved press tiiiit Partic
chant is in a new building. That WOUld partments had to be geared to the produc— up a full 30 minutes and most of the tin ing and
I seem to me to be local news of interest to tion schedule of the composing room. Say- 115 minutes a day over the previous schedule. eilect Nt
’ your readers in the editorial columns. But ing and doing is two different matters. and Only once in two years have we missed in} still COL
it. time and again “'6 receive [CM sheets carry- “How" was the problem. “To knew an ear- portant bus schedules for delivery of tli letters as
5 ing 2111 Old HddrCSS—SOIDCUWCS “'CChS after 11 her advertising deadline would help, but paper and this was because of mechanitt1 atthcni
! new place of buSinCSS has been CStHlJIiSIICd~ that wouldn’t solve all of the problem. News failure. i receiving
ii “Again, I must say that you gentlemen are deadlines for pages and departments were Our experience has been profitable andl Object
! proprietors 0f 1* "”1”“th Property. But isn’t important. Establishing these would help. believe others could profit by this systeiiyl short bu
l it true that you are slipping some if you But possibly the biggest help was enforcing even the weekly papers, . all com]
7 > don’t know whether your local man has a rigid rule of dummying all pages for the monds, ‘
i .chaiiged his place of business? Are you composing room. —‘—.——-_ the uset
i: really trying to perform a service for your \Ve changed our advertising deadline to Basic Rules For Newspapers Similar l
1! community or are you trying to run a print noon the (lay before publication and saw to Y , . . . . lei' must bir
ll; sho i? it that more dummies from the advertising hfmh‘m lsaacs, managing editor 0 .1 “free" it
il, h . _ . . y _ . j . ‘ 1‘ h ‘ l .. d k . 1 Louisville Times, said in a speech at the W; d . ~.
l “'I he media department oi any 11(l\Cl tiSing dcpai tllltnt went‘ to t re neyis es not titer versity of. Michigan, December 4’ that Ameri Heceptnt
ll agency, and I certainly can speak for -Camp- than ,1 in? p.m. Editorial page ~deadline pas can Iournalism fails to understand the [h Cretit (
if bell-Ewald at least, is ever alert to giving its set at 2:30 p.m. the day before. Deadlines ')l(‘ and their needs PCrmitte
i, advertisers the best newspaper representation for other pages were set at hour intervals I ' ‘ " ly indim
l for the allotted budget. Future plans for any [or the next. morning with all inside pages He listed six basic rules which he said fl: be possil
i client of Campbell-Ewald certainly will in- to be in the composing room by 10 a.ni. cry newspaper should follow. They art: , False,
,: (111th the use of weeklies and small dailies l'agc one and the jump page was set at l. A concise, literate, understandable M; magpie.
where they are deserved.” 122]?) to meet our ~l p.m. press time. mum of: what is happening. lnbited a
l . The page dummies, an idea we borrowed 2' An account which is untainted by opit: Iiierits, ll
1" . . . [mm the metropolitan papers, saved more ion or bias 1 (1311118.
i The total VOIUUIC 0f Amfil‘lcah advertismg, time than any other system we had used in c ) ' . y “It sale in
; national and local, is running close to $10 the past. 5- lliotographs, maps ahd'Othel plat)“ ”unbelie'
ll hllhOh this WI”? just about triple the 1946 It helped particularly in three wayS: data to 3“.“ a visual conception 0f the" before,”
i level. 1. Cut out all lost motion in the shop as “e“ as a textual one. ,' ruled ou
i 'l‘otal school and college enrollment in the of. searching for stories to fill a page or a ‘5- ‘\ steady “Talml’ 0f the 10056 threadsdlfi Descri]
‘1 United States reached a new high of: 41,558; hole. hh‘l‘” (ICVCIOl’l’lg stories 50 that the rec! E1 lt‘rs as (
ll 000 pupils this school year. 1,754,800 more 2. Eliminated the problem of overset or can 1'0““ Oh the total problem. ‘ 1 or model
i than last year’s enrollment of 90,798,700. underset. (3. An intelligent and courageous Cdlwl'l' JCCIS and
l This is the 12th consecutive year in which 5’. Saved time on the news desk. page that comments on news developmell] ilntees at
l the total enrollment of schools, colleges and In addition to this it gave us an improved in such a way as to awaken the readet'S‘Jt “atch-jei
‘ universities has shown an increase. newspaper in appearance and content. Edit- terest and reasoning power. i under th
Matt's i'

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E lili EE:
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: Ell
:l m- are nil-E . Public't H d R l ‘I‘ lllllil
ews deskandl B B A | Y an out n es EEEE 2 EEE
. elter usmess ureau cts Adopted By Many Papers i. a E
. I it I
newsrooin loi . . Rules on publicity handouts have tended iE llEll iil
ing ierundjE T Prevent Mlslead Ad to case the tension between the editorial l it‘llI
guess 011 pro 0 lng S and advertising departments on some news- E lrllE lli
mposing r00m papers. Reviewing some of the common E; lIiIIi l
t it 1111151me Flamboyant, misleading and otherwise We have here an outstanding illustration points "f argument ‘15 to what is news and l ‘II‘Illill
2m to IIOIIOIIIl questionable advertising by Louisville-area of business self»regulation in action—business what should be advertising, they set up the ‘l‘ l-ll
vertisingdayi,l jewelry dealers is on the way out! And an- acting on its own initiative rather than re- [IOHO‘Vmg standards: ‘ ‘IIiii lI
the afternoonI other example of voluntary selflregulation fusing to correct its own shortcomings and Woman’s page releases 35 circulated by l Ililll
by business in the public interest has been finding itself eventually faced with govern- ready-mix manufacturers, fashion houses and i iill
roducetlada given here. mcnt regulation. \Ve commend highly the others: Never use them. To do 50 “OHM liI i
that merchants Meeting on November 20 at the Louisville progress already made—BBB only encourage 1‘ space-rate publicist ‘0 send i illi l i
y of them git Chamber of Commerce, representatives of __ more. l E ll
:6 days beforci local jewelry stores whose combined adver- ._ List of names of donors, submitted because i EHll
accounts. Tllll tising aggregates roughly 80 Per cent of the The action on jewelry advertising followed the soliciting agency has promised publicity i ll‘Ill
:ion schedule volume in that field here, and five represcn- a similar proceeding when U] Garrett N00- for the donation: \Von’t do it. If a person l llllll
)f pressure has tatives of daily newspaper and air media nan, Advertising Manager, Courier-Journal has to be bribed into giving, the spirit of IE" llll lE
room. just llt adopted BBB recommendation for ending and Titties, sent a very significant letter to the thing has been lost. ‘IE ElIll ll
recognized abuses, motion picture exhibitors about “suggestive Motor car agency mats of new models as 3 ill ll E E
00m ImPIOIIIIi They unanimously approved for use a set and indecent movie advertising." they appear: \Vill publish, because automo- :I lll ll llE
was eliminattt" of regulations outlawing the principal 0b. [t is our feeling that some of the thoughts biles and the new designs are news. Il l‘flll ill
our newspapti jectionable features of jewelry advertising expressed put the spotlight on a very im- Some major sports events, now designed lllil IIE
departmenti which have been affronting the public. This portant problem. Consequently, for what by the names of their sponsors: \Von't so -. llIIil l
lrtments want (‘liinaxed some eight months of joint BBB. value it may be to KPA members, we are identify. No free publicity for a brewery, ll‘
industry-media preparation originated by reporting that letter in part: just because a staged golf tourney carries its - i lill l
in 4-8 hours it the jewelers themselves. . . It is necessary to maintain propriety name. lI lii ill
)ved press [lmf Participants in the meeting now are work- “11d good “15W in the commercial columns 0f HOW“ 1’1”” and SkClCh “5 the Home "E the . Iii l iI
)st of the tint ing under the regulations which went into these newspapers as it is in the news col- \\’eek, furnished by an architect who does , lIIl ll
vious schedult effect November 29 for all advertising which umns. The newspaper is read by all of the it because he wants the business: \Nill do. , lIIllI l l
we missed im. still could be “caught.” Meanwhile BBB family. Children, teenagers and adults find House plans are of general interest. . iii l li
lelivel‘Y 0f [ill letters asking others concerned who were not SOIDCthillg Of interest in their newspapers PiCtUl‘CS or newly employed insurance I I iii'i lI
of mechanitt‘ at the meeting to support the movement, are every day. This interest ranges from comics agents, young lawyers or doctors just start— E, 3 iii 5
receiving gratifying response. to philosophy. Hundreds of advertisements ing in business: \Von’t publish pictures of llll l , ,
rofitable andl Objectionable features banned under the in each issue attract the attention and read- insurance agents. because it would be a nev- . I llIl .
)Y this sl'steil short but comprehensive regulations include CI‘ShIIP 0f 11 “N majority Of our subscribers. CII‘Cnd‘Inb‘I thing. Will publish pictures ”f l II I ‘
. all comparative price advertising of dia— “On October 25, 1955, I wrote to all local lawyers and doctors because of the new IlIli; I E
inonds, watches or watch repair work, and advertisers requesting ‘voluntary compliance’ ”Whine-“II ”SPCCL 3I§:llI I I!
—_ the USE 0f ”free,” “give away,” “2 for l” and with the TRUTH 1N ADVERTISING code, . ‘1 . . ’1 L. . . . ., i llllr; lll
lpers similar terminology in all cases where one which means, of course, nothing more than 1“? "Ill”:‘lv' l’ltmltlni‘i WE‘RE-n), 5:116: Vvol- l IIllil i ;
editor of Til lllIISI, buy another article to get the so-called an honest statement of fact about the nicr- umc ‘5 ‘lpln Am“ 6} nine “ ”m ( 0 ‘U‘S' E llE-EEE
*ech at the Uni ll‘ce’litem. Dealt with also is the often— chandise or service offered for sale to the ———'———-— . E Iiiiil }
E4} that Amell deceptive use of merchandise certificates or public. . too grown up . . . all at the same time. , lIlI‘I l ”llI
rstand the ptl crcdlt checks“ Advertising these will be “it has been rather shockingr to see the \ KISS BEFORE DYING — She was go- I E ll EEE
permitted only if their exact nature is clear- misleading, in fact untrue statements, as well ing to have a baby. His way out was to E i ll ‘l
l)‘ indicated and no public confusion would as the false titles and illustrations that are kill her. E l‘,I El lll
iicli he said El be possible. currently attached to a number of recently “There were many others too numerous ' lE l l
They are: E False, untrue and misleading statements, released movies. to mention. But those listed, I believe, illus- l ll ll
erstandable El ('uts (pictures) and deceptive layouts are pro- “\Ve know, of course, that the illustrations [rate the point in question. ‘l l E: ii
liibitcd as are superlatives, exaggerated state- and titles, as well as the descriptive copy of “The only value these newspapers have to ' i. lil li
ainted by opil‘ Signs, flamboyantElanguage and unprovable the moyie, are far-removed from the actual sell. to our advertisers is reader confidence. l llI llEl ll
ms. Phrases like “the greatest jewelry :1('[1()11 in the movie, because we know that If it is destroyed or even weakened, these i: .E El l
. rill sale in Louisville,” “unmatchable values,” such stories would not receive the approval newspapers would become a mediocre adver- l IIIIIlI lil
EOthelI Plcifll ”unbelievable values,” “never again,” “never of the Motion Picture Censorship Board. tising medium. “7e do not propose to let ll ll
Ion Of the i befOre," “riot sale” and similar terms are “TVe consider the following titles and COPY that happen. IIII Ill 5 ‘I
;' ruled out. misleading, untrue and an exaggeration of “Advertisements that are indecent, vulgar, ll; I ii i
loose threadil Descriptive language in ads on such mat- fact, as well as contrary to ‘good taste.’ suggestive, or generally offensive to good l ll 1 ll ‘ l’
that the “all, 101‘s as credit terms; discontinued patterns “A CRY IN THE NIGHT — then came taste, will not be accepted for publication by llI Il i,
em. . .i or models; bait advertising; used, factory re— the date in lover’s lane and Liz knew it had these newspapers. If there is any doubt in ll l ll
igeous edllOl‘” has and seconds; contest advertising; guar- gone one thrill too far! your mind as to the acceptability of any copy l' , lIE iii
‘5 developmelll “MCCS and technical items like gold content, “SHE SHOULDA SAID ‘NO.’ of this type, we strongly suggest that you l llE‘i'E
the readerIsll Watch-jewel ratings and others is restricted “THE BURNING HILLS — they flame submit the advertising copy to us before