xt7ghx15qm1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15qm1f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-02-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1981 1981 1981-02-09 2020 true xt7ghx15qm1f section xt7ghx15qm1f CHE t0 delay announcem t ft .t. . V
By BILL STEIDEN put it (the announcement) off until grant universities and (“Ollegcs the higher education budget during what they establish over there tat said I « " I
Senior Staff Writer March or April.“ before next year‘s tulthn rates can the second half of the biennium. the CHEi " Bob Halsey. l'K assistant IllreC " '

(c) 1!!!! Kentucky Kernel it had been expected that the befinalized. , UK President Otis Singletary Singletary said he expected the tor of student financial aid. said he ' I .

‘ . ' amount of tuition increases would “Our objectiye has been to move confirmed that he supported the amount of the shortfall to be deter» does not expect students receiving - « .- I

A delay in the Councd on Higher be revealed at the CHE‘s regular (Kentucky tUltIQnSl toward the delay until more information about mined sometime in the near future. t'inanCial aid to be adversely af- . ., '_
Education‘s announcement of meeting tomorrow, as announced benchmark median." said Carter. the forthcoming sfiortfall. possibly "I talked to State Finance fected by the delay. despitethe fact ' ' ’ _ _ '
state-wide tUlthh increases has by CHE Executive Director Harry “One constraint ‘5 that the law 5835 as high as $181 million. could be oh» Secretary George Atkins the other that they must turn in their aid re» I , , .. - t ‘
resulted in part from the transmon Snyder Jan. 13. Tuition increases our tuttion rates must bemaintain- tained. day. and he said we would know questsf‘or next year by April 15 3‘

difficulties in the office of lid for the present academic year were edas lOW 35 905$le What we‘lldo Last year. Gov. John Y. Brown reasonably soon.“ he said "As far "They can goahead and put down . . ‘
Carter, Cl’lE_ deputy . executive made PUth last Feb.27, '5 move toward the median at a cut a total of $31 million from the as that‘s concerned. sometime in an estimate of what they think . ‘ .Q '1
director of institutional finance. Snyder said Friday that he ex- rate which IS not such a burden on 1980451 budget for higher education March would not be unnatural " they’re going to need." said Halsey. .1 -. ' ,
Carter. formerly assistant pectsaspecial meeting of the coun- students." . in response to a projected $114 He said that while he does not ex. "and when we get the final figures ,_ . j,
budget director at UK. resigned Cll to be called in March to settle The CHE raised 1980431 tuitions million shortfalL $11.2 million of pea the delay mum“. an“ 5m.” m. M. llJUSlL‘lltillgt’ mem . ‘, ‘ . .
Jan. 15 to assume the Cl“; POSt the tthtlon question. bUt agreed 18 percent last year. and an in- which came from capital con— problems at UK.he understmdthat However. SA President Brad ' ' "f. "y
from Larry Owsley: now Wlth the Wlth Carter that the announcement crease 0f 15'25 percent '5 (“(99th struction and program funds plann» it might cause students some cont Sturgeon pointed out that "not "
statedepartmentoffinance. could be delayed until the next for 198182. ' ed for CK. cern' everyone has gm. 50,le m ”(‘5 ‘g
“BaSically. Ive only been here regular meeting in April. Snyder said another cause of the "We can't just plan the budget." “The students‘ problem is. ttie financial aid St’t‘Vlt‘t' -‘ l; . L'
two weeks and we didn t have all . Carter said his office still‘has to delay was the desire 0f Kentucky‘s said Singletary. "We mustestiinate sooner you know tthe amount of the "l know in my case, I borrow ' j. -‘ '
the work done. said Carter. hhl§h a benchmark comparison 0f uan‘TSlt)’ prcSidents to gauge tht‘ our income and expenditures and tuition increase». the sooner you money from my dadtorschool.‘ ~' 3'
“We’re not ready. so we deCided to tuition rates at Kentucky‘s land- effect of state revenue shortfalls on do a lot of computation based on can make plum wwpe mth it ” he ('«mllnuetl ml pager. .; 'f- i

\l . i-

I . ., :. 2 .3,

VOLLXXXI“, No.103 . l niyerxity of heiitutk) ‘. .' .-

M0nday, February 9. 1981 .III iiiilependtm \ludt‘lll newspaper l.e\ington. Kentucky , l i} " -

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or 3 V ams expec 6 ram proposa S
3!? cow“ 3 .
O 3 .* .‘
“ UK km ' [an
. . speed new par g p
.g 1‘ By DALE (L. MORTON like to see the plan employed in one to be some adjustment in tees ‘ to . . " _ _
'. 1 ~ Senior Staff Writer year because of the additional fund the proposed improvements ,1; a
' . ‘ ' $1361“) in revenue that would be However. by attempting to 1
UK Officials have decided to generated. alleviate the parking problems at 3 5
4 ' ’ .,. speed up increases in parking fees The only alternative available l\ one time. the 1K community would ' ; 1
5.. ~ .. 5 ‘. . t . m ' - despite complaints that a one-stage to spread out the doubling of park- be forced to bear the entire cost of f ;‘
. h \ ‘ ‘ f ' implementation of the campus ing sticker fees over a thrteyear the plan. 7’ . '
. " t" . “My... .- ' parking plan will too quickly period. Students. faculty and staff The extensive proposal to im» . .: I 5 .-
. ’ L. . K ' burden students with high parking would still be forced to pay double prove parking at [‘K was announc- . j.
~ " 1 i _ * costs. what they are currently paying at ed Jan 26. The plan would add 2.699 ‘:
. :v . . m » 3 \ ‘Q ' The original plan m-imimended the end'of the three years. parking spaces and require all who ' ‘, _.;
" ’ a ' < a .. . ‘ k - a staged implementation of im» Because of past mistakes in plan park on campus 1» pay increased ( ‘z. 1 .
. 1 ‘ . . ' 3‘” ’ ‘ .. __ } provements to tiandlcpsirking pro- ning. L'K must do something parking sticker tees .11.; ‘.
_ ‘ :‘- “ . “ ‘*.' ' ‘ . ' ' ‘ t~'1:_L ) ’3 blems as the need arose. said Bob "dynamic" to the parking system. Longfield said the proposal took 7' '. ‘1
. rt“ “‘ ' .l . r "" __ ,. "w,” . Longfield. head of the traffic said Tom Padgett. director of ll‘ltt account the number of people _ 'lt} -‘
“1”“) 4 ' ' . l ff '11 ., .‘ engineering department for public safety. The question is not e:-.pected to have it demand for
”a; V ‘ , V . . 1 . . g‘ Harland~Bartholoniew and “if” there will be an increase. but parking spaces during the next five _' > .
- ' y} . 3““ 7, 3” Associates. a Meinphn. 'l'cmi, tral- “how" the increase is to be, on vears These tiguri-s were based on
" o o ’ ByTOM “ORAN/Kernel Staff tzc consultant. plemented enrollment predictions supplied by .5
say It 18“ t SO A gradual unprovuncnt plan “It (the plan) was obviously not t'K .r
would allow cost increases to be recommended tto take effect ; all at (‘urrcnt parking control does not fl’r,
Raising his arms in disbelief. Coach Joe 8. Hall pro- llall heeded the banner's ad\ ice and kept a low pro- 'smaller. once.” lxingfieldsaid. adequately “3”le demand bald A .
tests a referee‘s call. After drawing a technical foul. file for the rest of the game. Jack Blanton. "lt‘t‘ P‘ esident He said in order t0 change CUP Pit‘lflt‘tl ‘ _ ‘ j . .
. for business affairs. said he would rent parking troubles. "there needs ( "ntlnl't‘tl 0" page 6 . .
By DEBBIE MCDANIEL ments. such as UK Research Foun- Kemp said, day and could not be reached for tenths if they were hired for a ten Friday ‘, .'
4 Associate Editor dation. said council member Paul Granvdle Stokes. associate dean comment on the proposed regula- month assignment ' _
Sears. of the College of Agriculture. said tion. _, Faculty and staff on Kt‘mpwmedthelaciilty i111952as “._.f‘-.';'.v

The Senate Council Friday ap» According to the regulation. that the airfare and expenses of Some of the reasons faculty assignments which are funded an assistant professor. was pro- ‘15'; ,
proved a proposal allowing faculty faculty and staff members who are faculty members are already paid members travel out of the state or through contracts. grants or moted to associate professor in 1 .. '
members absent from UK on tem» on assignment can receive funds through federal grant funds while country are to present research cooperative agreements can 1955. and was awarded full pro ; ,
porary assignment to receive funds from the governmental agency they are temporarily in a’ foreign papers or attend conferences. said receive allowances and perquisites lessorship in 1959 Kemp said he l: “...
from a governmental agency as sponsoring them in addition toa UK country. a spokesman from the dean‘s office ibonuses or fringe benefitsi which has been a member of the in mm _ 1t; ;
well as their UK salaries. salary. This will benefit those who He said. however. "As far as I of the College of Agriculture. their sponsoring agencies normally t)‘ Senate and Senate Council "on 1:, :9

The regulation was considered at maintain two residences or operate know. there are no increases in “As a professor gains recognition give their employees. and Jill Slnce it was founded ' s" f . .
the request of President Otis under higher living costs in other (UK) salary." He added that facul in a particular field of work. those wli‘aculty whose assignments ll‘l' ‘ '
Singletary and referred back to countries. ty living outside the United States people in learned societies volve increased responsibilities “‘9 council “l5“ elected “ ,-~‘.'-.,.3 '-

, him. Singletary had asked the coun- Faculty and staff can receive a for two years or more do receive throughout the world are attracted may receive salary increases secretary forthe 1981~82session 5"- t .
cil to determine if the rule would maximum supplement of 10 per- some monetary compensation. to each other.“ Strokes said. ex- through their sponsoring agency , "l .
meet faculty approval. cent to their UK salaries “as an in- The regulation was drawn up to plaining why out-ol‘~state up to 8 percent of their oneyear llnn lV}. dll‘t‘t'lm‘ “l graduate ‘3 'I'

The regulation contains centive for theindividuals to accept answer questions which have risen assignments occur so often. t’K~base salaries studies in mUSIC. W35 élpp‘tlnlf‘d 33: v". 1
guidelines regarding performance temporary assignments away from in the past about faculty members The proposed regulation also in other Senate Council business. 50CI‘018Y‘.H‘lf‘t't Ollht‘ (‘Uum‘il ‘~ 3. K‘s, '
review. promotion. salaries. vaca- home.“according to the rule. who are on assignment more than statesthat: carrot cake. coffee and the 1981-82 :53}: {f
tion time. sick leave and employ- Sears said the additional funds one month. Sears said the new rule wP‘aculty members who receive Senate Council chairmanship were Kemp and lvy will assume their Lil?"
ment of faculty members who are will come from contracts. grants legitimizes what is already in prac- outof-state positions for one year served to Kemp onhis 58th birthday duties Jul\ 1 . -_'. ~'i j
out of state or out of the country and cooperative agreements ticeat UK. . or more and who are on a nine— or _ ,
during specified time periods. between agencies and the in- "Before the President im- 10-month assignment at UK will be ‘ ' J - :~" .

It will affect primarily those in dividual. pleniented it he was desirousto see appointedtoaoneycar assignment - p “ ff i- '
the College of Agriculture who are “It conforms pretty much with if there were any matters of con- at UK, Base salaries for these per- TICket demand .. (/ l' 1 ". ,
involved in Southeast Asia and in- what's done (normallyi. but this is com from the faculty.“ he explain» sons can be increased by two-ninths .a— a. a _'
temational programs in addition to the first time it‘s all spelled out.“ cdtothe council. if they were originally hired for a . 7' ~ §
traveling members of other depart- Animal Science Professor Jim Singletary was out of town Fri- nine-month appointment.or by two. breaks record .» ‘ .\ ‘ '94 .. 7'

Those students who have - ' v '

waited until today to receive . . ;~ '

their basketball tickets are in ‘ ‘4 A} ' .

for a disappointment ()fficials _- .. ‘Q: .7.

. . . . . . . reported that all student tickets l~l a . ‘. -‘ rl'. .

By PEGGY BOECK SA preSIdent. Vice president, Its Spectal problems.’l‘here is little the L'K campus. Whatever hap- for the Alabama. Vanderbilt 'l. 1 I - -'~ ...':
Staff Writer senator-at-large and freshman reason to deny someone enrolled in pens. I don‘t think t‘s goingto hurt and LSli home games were .,. _ if '4 I
senator; and whether LTlshouldbe LTl the right to be a freshman us. If so. we‘d be fighting like given out m the distribution at -' v I; j " ."3

Conflicting proposals concern~ represented with up to twosenators senator."Yeh said. anything." Memorial Coliseum yesterday. .j i L. ‘ ' If: > . ‘-
inglexington Technical Institute basedonthe college's enrollment. Bingham would not elaborate on Despite the fact that Bingham‘s Thisisthe first time since the -*.- 3.: . x | . . 1:
representation in the Student On Jan. 19Leslie Bingham. Fine her position. proposal concerning proportional Wildcats started playing at . 1 ‘ t st / x f : ..
Association have been submitted to Arts senator, proposed support of Yeh also Presented a proposal representation was defeated, she Rupp Arena that the tickets ‘4 ,". av , ' g}... .’
the senate as SA continues to amendments that would refuse LTl which supports LTl having the op- said she will not present it again in have run out in the first day of i X 8 . .. - , .'
rewriteits constitution. students the opportunity to run for portunity to elect the same number an attempt to get it passed. ”I will distribution ' i' ' 1. -

The proposed constitutional those four SA positions. These pro- of representatives as a college its live with Madeleine‘s amend~ Approximately (1.800 student \ . ‘\ .— .. .- . ‘
amendments primarily deal with posals were passed. defeating pro- size. This proposal. passed on Jan. ment." She said. "ll l 898 the need tickets are normally available. ‘1./ f _ c t , 1‘.
two questions: whether LTl posals submitted by Madeleine 19. defeated a proposal by Bingham for a change in the future I will br- of which 2 700 were distributed a“ .‘5’ " .. _ / " _' ‘ . ‘ -

- students will be allowed to run for Yeh. Arts and Sciences senator. which called for LTl‘s representa- ingit up." this pa“ 'weekend m group i.-. 5? ' I. , 1:4 9 . .
. which favored LTl having the 0p- tion to be limited to two seats. Yeh said that because of seating Students snapped up W'fir‘t' igfhf; ’5’. s ‘ , - .
Insue portunity to run for senatorat- despitecollege size. academic decismns made by SA. the other 4000 yaterday. said ‘* ,. .‘z‘tgses'i 3, ’32.; f . . Q . .1 _,
——~_-__~_.___ largeand freshmansenator. “Schools of this university are Some p90ple feel that LT! has no Lvnn Williamson associate i 3.. ’-’i~‘i‘ 'c a. y» r 1
Yeh said the association‘s aCtion allotted college senators based pro business in the association at all. dean for student life The stu~ «F .- . .
. . . . . . . .. . . ‘ . .. . ~ . ~ ‘ ~ rying an egg in the dead of

Many Atlanta blacks feara raCist Will discriminate against LTl portionally 0" enrollment. Each However. little acadt mic bm’mmg dent tickets distributed includ- .- t t . ‘d bl ' .
conspiracy in the slaying of 19 students. “Students at LTl are a college is guaranteed at least one is conducted by the Student edabout200f0r band members. “altiigcrgffdaim: :r“ i } . ‘ »
children. reports Andrew Young. part of this community —they pay senator." Yeh said. “Under Association. During the last The previous record sellout 1’ hold I) k.“iinptucgkot: . .

the same tuition. live in the same (Bingham‘s) proposed amend- semester only 10 out of 84 bills con— was at noon on. the Monday at «Kc th "Y as f ha “his
9! "old—g dorms. have the same activity ment. LTI could never have more cerned academic matters. The the first ticket distribution this ‘5 : nil 1‘3”“ ou h t: ’f .
——_ cards and in many cases go to the than two senators. A drop in enroll- other bills affected LTI students as ear Y” ' - ' speec 9“?) . . .
same classes. ment could reduce this toone." much as students from any other y ' "”hma" cooked “P on Im-
“I-Yahmen senators are elected Mary Lyn Von Roenn. LT] school." PT°"""“ brunch for h" friend ~ ‘ -

Southwesterly winds will make every fall. They represent the senator. said.“l think right now we Brad Sturgeon. SA president. . . “my What". "“'"day at ‘
today‘s sunny aodegree weather whole freshman class. This is the have sufficient representation. said he does not really think LTl By1‘0M MOR’“V Kernel 5"" Memorial( ""9””
seem cool. largest group on campus and has We‘re just really fortunate to be on needs ‘

Continued on page ti
0 ‘ t a t b l t

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editorials &
. i sin.» \Ianc) sum Robinson um; Alb Juan (‘lly (‘ary Will» 1-... m...
I l bdllul in Clue] i diionul Editor :m‘mml Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Picture Edimr
j C I
‘ ‘ . Auocmte Editor! DIV“ Coylc
. I l Ja\ l'lnbflII Chll‘l Photographer
. . . 1 Managing hdilor \lex ( rout-h Steve Mirth" Ll“ “'aunce
1 I l “ch Poole Ron Hall [mule Ward d' Auutant Entertainment Editor Dun (1mm
l 1'th A A d l- ' “II I, p | H II n Mb“ til I. I; J ~k'R dd AsualantDay Editor Johnthtle AuiltantSporuE itor StafIArtl'lt
I rum: ,1 rm netomn runs-n o muons .e than u mums on c . rlvtt- l l “ l “ I) .
h v l word and Include lune. rude.” and proper idrnlitiulion Iflt‘ludlflrl It In [or sludeyri‘ls and l k l l Dll)‘ hdltur 35:12:3‘:
|I unpluym Ielten should he Itlmlrd u. 200 hurdx .na opal-sum "a comments u. 300 mum ' l SeniorSiafIWme"
. l '
. --. s__.#_ ._ ___-,._ _ _
, ' ' Word ‘qualtfied ’ Shouldn ’t be stumbling block t 't'
, . ' ‘. With the election of Ronald Reagan much recentlv said he is “one of the best friends undertone that hints of racism '
. . . , - . the de reer
. - ' speculation about the future of the (YlVll they lblackswould have.”I But the charge that UK is consciously at mosgtmsti‘fflggfsmms necessary to teach
. ‘ . rights movement lite): surfaced. BeiIiJamin Hooks. prIeSIdentn of the Na- discriminating in the hiring of blacks by us- '
y . tis no unexpec . tiona Association fort e Advancement of ing the word “qualified” is much more - - - -
. . t . . The result is that the intense com tition
. . , Blacks knew what to expect. although colored People. and Andrew Young. former serious ——and much harder to substantiate. for black faculty and staff membepfs has
. I .- they weren t always pleasedIWIth the pro- UN ambassador. have said because of this A recent report by the Office of Civil Rights priced a lot of schools out of the market ‘
. ~ . - , gress, under IJimmy tarter s preSidency regressive turn in Civil rights. blacks will found that UK and other state schools were because they are unable to offer as much as
y . I- which saw an increase in the number of Job have to become more vocal in their not making an adequate effort to hire black other schools This was evidenced at UK
- . . fl _ . programs for minorities and disadvantag- demands. . . . . faculty and staff, but it did not mention that last year when George Wright a black
* , ' , ' ed, the implementation of affirmative ac- bviuence of this move 15 hitting home at these schools were using a dual hiring history professor transferred, to the
. ' . tion orders and other advances in the ClVll UK as Charles Row-ell, acting dean of system. University of Texas
; . . . I . I rights field. . . undergraduate studies. accused UK of be- The fact that UK is having trouble finding - '
. how some of these programs.Iincluding mg “racistI in its hiring of black faculty enough blacks who meet educational It is re rettabl th t t' f
‘ I, .. lair housmg and affirmative action. seem because offiCials at the school have said criteria for faculty rank is not unique. ti n g edf e la "3.518950 segregra-
, -. . headed for the gallows under the con- they are hav1ng trouble finding “qualified And while part of the problem may be a [1% hictutld d gr :(ihlmg m thtisbztaIte and at
f ,' ,- servative swmg headed by Republican US. black faculty and staff. lax effort to do so, figures illustrate that the l ,d thl‘ .1 ' u h ‘5 canno a lowed to
; senator StIrom Thurmond. leader of the Rowell said the word qualified does not real problem is one of economics — supply ghzliild ":5 :ssuet t- aédall teachers at. UK
, . senate JudiCiary Committee. surface when UK officials recruit white and demand. 0 d t Iee Ieer ain ucational “We“ m
- No wonder black leaders are worried. faculty and staff. He said this is analagous On the demand side, most universities, wrhaftrchishglierfm matter whattheir race or
g ‘ Thurmond proposed to end the Voting to both conscwus and unconsmous raCism. and particularly those whose institutions 5.
~ . Rights Act, which authorizes federal action [In one respect. Rowell makes a very good have a history of segregation, are trying to If discrimination is occuring in this
' I , . . to knock down barriers to full political par- pomt. Because officials have not used the meet federal orders under Title VI to regard, then officials should move to im-
. . ticipation of minorities. He has come out word “qualified in their search for faculty eliminate all vestiges of the dual system in mediately remove it. But let’s make sure
I - . against court-ordered desegregation I— in- and staff at the school unless searching for higher education. On the supply side, there that discrimination -— and not economics _
eluding busmg. And despite all this. he blacks, they are, in effect, creating an are not enough blacks who have completed is the problem.
. Search for mass murderer 0f Children “flit .t. f At] t
, 1 . ATLANTA ~ This ('ll} is in tears Essentially the sii'tiiiis are ex- - - v . - .
, . and ”mm“ over the murder or pressions of historic iiioriisi Wlllt'll posintI)le suspects . according to atlantas Citizens are under (Editor‘s note: the Associated
disappearance of m children 0‘” Atlanta had begun finally and raCia or psychological categories. unimaginable pressure. but that Press reported yesterday that
‘ _ ' . , the past 18 months The children almost lllll‘ilt'ulilibl‘v lo overcomi- Every pOSSXblhty IS being przssuredis {Prgm-g a deeper unity Atlanta police began an intensive
. U l ' have all been between the ages of The problem starts with the need to thoroughly Checked and masses 0f :n t pn ersItanding than has search for Patrick Baltaza. 11. car-
: '4 : eight and 15, and all were black and blame sol'iit'olli‘. and l-acla group ondrcw ermatlon have been gathered, (TM: 0 ore eXISted' Whether a_ lone ly yesterday morning. Baltaza W35
. . mm In the poorer neighborhmds of then MIL II\ oi-cpsmuni £lll.\lt‘ll(*.\ contributing along the way to the psthOtic ora genoc1dal conspiracy reported missing Friday night, just
, . - ”I“ thriving mu Fifteen of the 18 comiiw Hillit IIIIII 0U selution of several other crimes. turns out to be the cause 0f the one day after the discovery of the
I I. .- were murdermt H In“ and m0 2‘ - y I to But nothing of substance has turned $389de the PeIIIOPle 0f Atlanta are body of Lubie “Chuck” Geter, l4.)
_' ’ , 'irls The bod h; ., l .. i( d First. the iaicniscwiicnd that no up Pertammg to the missing and acmg n toget er. and pride and - '
~ ‘ . :iri-wn in \‘llCill‘ll: ll:l:(11l)l((l”':\‘0(::‘l:d 0h? Fall"! I‘lhl‘h ”1‘- 3”“- h‘l' murdered children. love Of our community WI“ prevail AhIdl‘G'W Young l5 a nationally
I “ areas within the metropolitan area Chlldl‘l'h “Fl“ ”1““ - "ll” "l -» over this tragic 9V“ WhiCh has in— Zingldriteherott'h‘e‘ilsmorhisncomm“
' . And. as long as the crimes remain them Wl‘ll‘ >llll>¢“lll“lll‘~ ll’lllld The nerves and confidence of vaded us. p ' y g.
. . ' . unsolved. no one knows where this murden-dl 'l‘hc polici are lllulllt‘d .
» . .' . Sli‘k pcrsonor groupol persons will for failing 1“ “Sillhlhh illl lhl‘
' . . strike next hlt‘dlillt' hllkilill‘ lll lll" (“Mll- ' stress and emotional instability rom prOS l u es 0 a 0
' . , , , . _ . Willilllt‘t‘b dlld lll'Jihb ‘llllfv' lllt‘ But the black communiiyiividslhis
' > ' ‘Ml‘mt‘: \ ”“3"; m" (,“mmw WTSlSlCllU‘ ”l lh“ ‘hl‘ llll‘itll‘h‘“ incredible No one has {my heard This week's column is '1 com ila- ~ .
I' minor U. WM“ MM" and the parents "l ”l“ “Ml-“7'” l'hlllll‘l‘ll of a black mass inurlly-ii-r who tion of observations kp‘ercc Sons If you watch teleViswn you’ve
. - I ' ,, poice (hull d” of whom happen I” forced the entire c:l\ io recognize slrangles or suffix-meg ”him-(in and comments ‘ p « thably seen the Bamstable
. , I, - . be black have been )(iinch by the the tragedy and hhmh h. hmhlh" (Thildrcn who themselu-s were ' twins; as Playboy points out, they
. . ." . l~ Bl. the (Irefll‘gld Bureau oi In all available "WWI.” W wh mg almost abducted here héfl't‘llf‘ht’l‘llr lGY are probably the most filmed and
i’ifistigalionsandthepolicelorcesof the (“mm rd l th 'h't d l l' ‘k , . , .. .- photographed twins in America.
. . Fulton and surrounding counties m t )0 w l e an ) at .x as possi iou could call them the \ice . Th , -
.. . . f thy .. H” II . I: II hlcassailants. squad." . ey were the Tom (shampoo)
.‘ , (mt o L worl s inos massm Th0” m H“. mum? ”Hm My . . . H . . . a! » twins. starred in Doublemint gum
y. — and sophisticated criminal ill? . . , . .. . . m The black community hi” llVl‘d ave you ever sat down and fossefl a -~ ~ ‘ ‘
.. - , and spread iii loss lllt pollici nrlill'k . . . _ - - ~ , ~ commercials, have toured Whh 30b
-~ . . vestigations But bx [hp end of . . through the ClVll rights ileihslllir thought about lhlS region lh “thh u
.. - ~ » . neighborhlxids. lllt‘ police and lllt‘ . . .I . , 1 - o . Hope, appeared 0“ The Love
> January thevsliil had now'ilnesses. , . . . . ~ , » u . lions. lh“ history 0l hllhlhllllir 'llld weal lwe' " .. "
. x - - llltl}()l blaiiiwi ihi- l in illlfl .liislicc , , - - . . ' Boat, “Ollywmd Squares (ten
-I '. I, no definitive vyidt-nce no conles De ai‘tml-ill h I. m, m”, n'( , . ._ VlOlt‘hce h)’ [ht K” Klux Him the N0! NS! Lexmgton, but the entire " timesl and havea red on all the
I~ : . . “(m and m wrhmm about the tray i‘1\'o“‘ III; ‘ ‘ ’ l“ ”H “k recent shooting of Vernon Jordan. Bluegrass area. You know the one x -. ma'or talk shows ppea
. f‘ motive for [his reign of terror A ' | and the murders of black lllt‘ll in - land 0f fast horses.smooth hour» then the Bam'stable twins nt
' ~ - l .‘ against our Cllllllrt'll N0“ ”1-” l“\l‘l‘Wlll‘ l‘lllll't’lHlllll‘ ls Buffalo, New York If you're black ml“ and burley tobacco. (Some peo- . we
. Bl' ‘k 'nl “h II 'l . . r involywi “till the one, and a and don‘t get slightly paranoid ple include “beautiful women“ in to Ufilthi': pigwugced the" name
- . I . - lhe :hnirhuhitv 2:": 11:3;th Slllolloo rmai'd iillt‘l‘ has produced amidst all this Violence. then you‘re their Bluegrass list, but I Wlh in Waco, Texas. and all hell broke 2: lthaofth ( m- 'Tth-Zl?‘ Bl“
~ ' « l _, _} _ f l I‘ . . . no (‘Vlllt‘llt'i‘ ill siispi-i'l. lllt‘ really sick eliminate it so I won't be called a lose. The newspaper at Baylor, “ ey are ”C an amous
I~ 7 _; ;:':::Ilnl:::1f:tI:ItHygfipdyul’h; newspaix'i's .il'tl' :’\ lillllt’ll lend to . sexist pig as usual.) which is a Baptist college. publish- the down:home Kentucky name
. . "xv': Ig . (I . I a ig. an shift ”8”]de mm “Home As {\Ilost black Atlantans tear a Think about that for a moment. ed an editorial saying not that Just doesntmake it. They now call
,- ' . ' 5‘11“" “l” on ullmmoll spot an- p in ('urlow llél,‘ been imposed on deliberate ractst conspwaq to Fast horsefi Smooth bourbon women ShOUld hose for the‘ themselves the Barn-STA-ble
-. . . nouncenients Parents patrols allchildreniiiidorllii-:i in of l?) undermine the generation of ill“ B l t b‘ I' ' ma azine b t th t th h uld twms. ‘
. r . .. nciglihorhixxl watch groups, school 5“ gm.“ and imderghi which \ilanla ur ey 0 acco. g ‘ l.’ a Iey S 0 Fame and fortune make you do
. . . . .t ._ . w _ . 'l‘hc HMO]. N i , ,._ _ - ., “ ; p ’ Maybe I'd better translate that: have the Ch0lce 0f POSlhE or hOl- . - -
. (lilttll\('\ and (Hill (\p( rts tiom l) ~ ll . hnll l" lhll‘h‘h has produced The re or! of r'i"l§l » ~ strange thlhghke that you know
. ‘3' H the (‘enter for Disease ('onlrol ar:.l haw ‘ll‘lllll’t'ill'wl ll‘Ullllfv' dUl'lhR cells under loing l'irpct r'ik'tice betting. alcohol and smoking. A But the preSident 0f the college, ‘ I
, .-I . . , . . .. . .. I. . I _ (lznll’lll Ml .\ w ( . , ‘ F ‘ l—f , p “ pretty impressive mofight? whOisknowntohaveAdolph Hitler-
. . the biliaxioral stitntcs all art in . ls l ll»- ll lll hhlplhllls, and paramilitary training r'iises , . . . .
. wired in trying to save Our hemp” hm} whumh or m roule m the SIMmI of ms to deni (rite \ou see. a lot of residents of this type tendencms. was upset with the (-ee.noG(Th)ASE. .
I I . . . . - . I .» and 1mm WWII I n 05 , . I ~ , PII ‘ g i - region live off other 1.3 vices editorial A few months ago I read in the
.. _. ihildien and 0m (ll) mm the l i. when diiidc. demoralize and destroy peop .. 4
I _ . . e nit-mic of death parents. ”0 mun“, how diligent and M -k .. h .- .i and make pretty good money at since the paper at Baylor is sub- Wall Street Journal that the
. p H,S‘mmhh, “mm“ h‘, with their Tallk llxgrpszsf [$2312 Ede?“ it. too. sidized by the university, the presi- California Public Utilities CommiS-
I.I . IlIoIddIateIIIihi IioiIhImuihi} has chlldl‘en and “hm [Gummy boys in violence and fecollectionsboflt‘hclgin But that s nothing new for this dentI said that he, in effect, was Sl0n approved a $97.5 million an-
. Iriihi Inge ierIImaIru ous }: iIiIiui h particular hau- tiadiiionalh been mm“ on black progress after the arlla Horsesbourbonand tobacco publisher of the paper and would nual rate increase for General
_I . .j 2 as mtriin raI MI eiiioiiona I» in encouraged mhnd 10h”. and were“ hm] War are moving anxiously have long been a tradition in this have no more stories on Playboy at Telephone Co.Iof California — but
I ‘2. supporiol ll.\(l iIurIis lakenhosiage liononlheirow-n throughthcblackcommunit . . area. And another vice. ”05m”. Baylor. The editors of the paper, at the same time it penalized the
, , I ,I in lran. but the strains of race and ‘ 5 tion, has been around for a while. however, thought otherwise. They company $7.4 million because of
:I ~ . , class different-es Zirt' beginning to The conventional wisdom in the llul [hm-cic- ntlélnllrwhllt‘ mood in [00 allowed the stories to continue and P001“ service.
. Inhow as ItthhurlIii-Ip oi lhl::2:\'ilflt‘IlI‘}: Wllllt' communities and among the Atlanta The mayor and the police Asa matter of fact. the house that were promptly fired. expelled and The commission ruling said that
II l ,- )IflllmlI\ll\l l’“ ll lllllll! IU “ll” _\ experts in behavmral studios tends have continued a high-level. profes. Mary Todd Lincoln (you knOW, had their scholarships revoked. if the utility’s service was ade-
iIIieIuIyInJiiuiiinIIisiiniiod:l.uthiIihin to suggest that the ifl'lml'S havo Slum] investigation [0 root out the Abe's wife) grew up in was at one «That could not happen at UK quate. it would have recievied a
. ,' to: larIoiIileI ( (llhlllll's are wumi- been committed by a young black kliipr or killers They have resisted time a pretty active brothel. Not since the paper is independent and $104.9 million increase.
IIlI lllLllllnqul male under enormous personal .11] attempts to label or typecast when she was living there, mind receives no money from the The Uhhhfi commission said
'. .II .; you. but 13!ng after she had moved l'niversity. The administration has reports showed that 51 percent or
3‘. .-‘ awa . nodirctt input on who can work‘on GTE‘S reporting units failed to
. . , , y . .
'. .. .l And I hear that the prostitution 1"? paper. And the Kernel editor-in- meet two ”Chhcal standards" dur—
.,II_I l .I. . market _ both male and female ~ chief is hired and can be fired only ing a period lh 1979- The standards
". . some to «when, is still thriving in the Bluegrassl by theIKernel Board of Directors. include the ability to complete a
. l “O O c ' day. lwas hoping to talk to the pp Nomdiwdual can censor the paper call Without encountering a busy
', I- - ,a/thwuié; ,:.:-/ g ,7" I] sent madame of the Lexington pro- here.) signal and the number 0f times
.- . . 4: ' r «a; { smunon market for this column. wnen Playboy searched the ivy cnslnmernrepontmuue-
I, ,