xt7ghx15qp0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ghx15qp0z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1998 1998 1998-02-17 2020 true xt7ghx15qp0z section xt7ghx15qp0z  












[IL'II/I/I' Liar/III new ("[11] III/f} lop/I/m In ”IQ/II




By Hal Kirtley

XII/H II '/ ”('1‘



AMT APPEAL ]II/.Iu ( {om/man

stars in
See I)iZ‘I’IZ\"/IIII.\". page


F ire station
smokes wit/o

I looks like ‘JIII' other fire station in l.e\7
itILIIoiI. lIiit Station 18 sounds a whole IIII


fill/(U. [tie/a war if. Rain
twig/.II. 1oz." III-l 5‘. Ram

rumor/me. ['1'qu Hear 51/,

"ll ‘IH' I)’()/"I'UI."I‘/'.\I ‘

. Red, hot and Bluegrass

near campus
country boat

iiieiIt ttI pLIi’ILILI rhythm with LIverI'oiie else‘s.

’l'hLI look \LIi'I IIIIIL'II .II ease htit theI are so
IoLiised attIl plat so passionatLlI III It IIILII L an
piIIIIaIIII hear tIIIL nL.\t note IIL-Iore it has lILLIiI

Inside the garage is a (ITIII pound.
4 ‘IIHII IirIL ItiiL'k. It is alw .iIs iLaIII to usL.
hit its ineiIs areiI t hLarLl IIItLIn at St. ItIIIii III".
\\ lieit Iou Ieate the garage. \oti enter the
Inuit room. where .I wIIoIleii IlLIsk takes tip so
iiIuLh iootn \IIii II hate to Lall it IIILI LIII'LtItLi—

(IIILI man is sti'timiiiing his guitar; another is
piLIkiiILI his II..IiIio The woman to his right is
plaI iiILI II Iss LIuit. it

'lhe II.Iss pl. on is siiiilInLr IIILI III In in tiiiI
tiiiiig his guitar is sitiilIiIL. IIILI II ”no pl. net is
stiiilittg. 'l'he iiiaii next to the IIaiIio plaI L-r Is
smiling. IIIL-n IIILI elderly man standing outside

(.II/II. [i om Sta/mu
.\'/I 18‘. [I/III'I r/II' III/IIILI. He 11/”: [I/IIIII I’IIH/I} III/i/ QII/Ir/l'. 717/ III 30

LIIIILIrnor‘s desk.
phones resting IIiI top.

IIII'L‘ept IIIr the three Iiremeit IIII duty

that unites Irotn people etIioI'itIg people.

Inltlrliltll jam—session theI
to as “piekin' and griniiin‘,"

you just LIan"t help htit grin.“
van. the platoon‘s eaptain III eight years.

and IIIII sitting in a eirLle.l

\Ithough it is large enough III he the
it has oiIlI a Iew IIliiIking

II Iou walk It little Iurther down IIILI eorri~
Ilor. IoIi LIoiiIe III the Ii\ing are-a III the modest
III‘L' house. Most nights. this room is desolate.

I\L‘II thtee nights. IrienIIs and spLL't ators
\entuie out Uld RiLhmoiIIl Road III Station 18
wheie its third Iite platoon Iills this room and
provides IIILI down-home feeling oI fellowship

It is here that IIILI third platoon holds .iii
.IIIeL'tiIInatelI rL'IL-r

“By playing tIitIsiLI, we iiist have so IIIIIL"IT IIiiI I he
said Dave Sulli-

If you look around the room on one III these
nights voti see a group III men and women IIIIing
.IILh plays his insttti—

thLI L'irL'lLI with his hands in hIs poLIkets tapping
his Ioot III the heat is smiling.

'I'he song LIoulIl goon forever. hut the IHII‘II'
man with the thiek dark intistaehe has not I'et
given the signal \ I‘ew moments later. he tri«
IiiiiphantlI s.houts lake its home Have.”

\ltnost iiniiILIIi. IILII'. David Bit/I. in] sets
down the iiiaiIIloliiI III has heen plaIttILI .IiIII
pieks tip a h.'itiiIoiIiLa. lle ptiIIs awaI on IIIL
new iiIsIt IitiieiIt. .ill IIILI while swaIing his entire
IIIIIII I'iotii side to side.

I Its I. me is \LI‘I squitIII as he plat s. .iliiIost .Is iI‘

lte is in piin. \\ Ith one IIiIal puII he IItI. IIII sits
still. l""\LIIIIttL L'lsL stops too. and IIIL sIIIILt Is
IIILII llis IIIL we aIs the sIme smile as the othLis.
group. whose iiiiisiL'al ItIspitIitioiIs
raiILIe Irotn |)IIL- \\'.Itson III Peter Paul and
\laiI IoLiises primarilI on traditional II|itL~
gt ass and Iolk iiIiisiL'. hut Sullivan siIs IheI pl. II
.III IIpes ,



FI‘DTBI‘IIITIBS' new program
may increase grade IIDIIITS

By Jessica Coy

.III/Iran! \I’I.“\ I‘ll/HUI

lltL liItLiIt .ItLrIIitI ( .oitnII II pIIIssLII I sIlIoliiship
progratti last semester that II. Is Irate rtIitI grades on
the rise.

The new program lIiiiits sIILial IVIIIIt"II()I1\" I'or atII
chapter whose eolleL'Iive grade—point .iserage is not
Iihove the all—male average at ['K.

“I think this shows that otir presidents tltiitk the
IraternitI' system needs III protnote scholarship
instead of how many parties have." S.II(I.IHSIT Knipp.
ll'(. president.

I his is ieitIIorI LIII III the I.ILt that IIILI new pro-
gram II.Is tnore teeth III it. It tnakes it IIlear that
II,- low aver age grades aren I ItLLI."LIptahle

.\lthotigh I2 out III I. Iratertiities experietILL-II an

‘ l I

iiiipi'oteiiient in(. l’ \s hemeen WWI and I907 IInlI
IIILI It .ItL-inities hid ( I’As that surpassed the all-
III III ate iage

ldotI I think that it is Iair Ior Iraternities to he
penalized for iinprovements.‘ saidjames l)ethler r.
president III'.-\lph.t 'l‘au ()inega.

\"iL‘k Mover. president III‘Sigma (IhI. agreed.

“I think that the SL’ITUIIISIIL' goals were set It lot
higher than what they should have heen. at least ini-
tiallI." \IIII'LIr said.

"‘lhere are several Iraterttities who will he
petitioning I'or ehanges III the scholarship pro-

..\I In (. Iegg. the president of II (., said that the
new scholars up program was intended to he an aLII-
IlI-inie ("II.IIIL‘ITgC III fraternities

“\\'e know that this new program is somethtng



The top five fiatemities aerording to
GPA for the 1997 academic year

Sigma Nu 2.9690
Sigma Phi EpsHon 2.9478
FarmHouse 2.8790
Kappa Alpha Order 28571
Phi Kappa Tau 2.8521

source: UK WCoundt

that fraternities will have III adiust to, htit we are Irv-
ing to make sure that academies heeoine a top prltbr‘
itI to Iraternities .it L K." (. legg said

Sigma .\u is meeting the ehallenge head on lead-
ing the “III in IIIer rall(I I’. I\s with al

“ I he higgest reason for our high grades is that
we are now reLruitIng hetter students." s. uIl
Brendan King. president III Sigma .\ii.






o (JIM/"HI 6 /)/. II I/wiiI 2
(I....._ III! 5 l [i :. [mu/l 4


"K 8030']

By Haili Wu

\,.I// I Shift II I/.'.I


.iiIoihLIi III-io
SI Iizlliis inn

IIILI IIIiIIIi'Lti oI lseiiitII kt \I. ill I! It.
in I l\ lIasIIIIIaIl IoII II liIII II\ Sii Ill‘.
IoiiiIIl. IIIIIII IIII lllltlt ipti\ilI LIIII I hil IIL‘ ii might LIIII-
IIIL-iii .IiIoIIIL-i IhaiIIIw II III. ikiiII: ii iii IIIII l\ s \IIIIIII

\ Iii‘st ttiiiei' at IliaiiII IoiiiiIlatioiIs. Siiitth
IleserilIL-Il his idea .Is mother II.IIliiiotI he \\aiIis lttt'ttll
tiiIiie Iioiii IIIiiIiet I Is II.IsketIIaIl L'oIILh. lx‘iek l’itiiIo

I liIIs isI something I \\.!III III Iai'i't IIILIi Hunt
the pi‘e\iIIus LIIaLIIiiILI st III lkiiIIw we did .I loi III
LIILI It things iii the III. 'iIiIIIiiIi'_I .\Iltlllt said "'\\L'
\\ am to LIIiIItnIIL IloiiiLI IIIL \.III-It tlIitILI IIHIII the
stand point III helping lsLiitiiI k\

\\ ItlI II:s I itiie .IitIl IIIL-stige iii the st. He the IIIIIII
II. Itioii is I\\ iI Iot Smith to help IIIL IIIiiiiiItiiIIII

l""lLI II. is I wiIL .IiIII thiee lsIIIs . he ILI-Lls he is III.
\isIlI]I~ position to do this. ' saiil I‘Irooks Downing,
.IsNII'L'IIIIL" Ilit'L-IIIIIi III iIiI-Ilta relations.

\'.III I loiI-iII‘LI. the seLt‘etarI .IiIII II\LII'IIII\ LI Ilii'LII
tor III the IIIIIiiIlatiIItI LIIiiiiiIittee. is L‘tii‘i'eiItII iii the
pi'IILLIss IIIsLIItInLI up the IIIiiiIIlatiIIiI.

Smith is working with II'IIIieiILe.
eterIthitILI is still in the works.

“I II.IILIII'I i‘ealII' had .I LIIanLIL- to sit IIII\\II with
the IIL'IIIIIL‘ III 'IIL' LIIttttIlIlIL'L' III I‘L' tIl\ IltsL’IIss II
we will I\L'titiiIllI IIiinilIutL the iLsottiLLs to iii. IiII
IIIIILietIt LhatiIiLs. Smith said. "Ilwoiil I like it III III
a statewide IoIiiIIlatioiI, hut \IL- \\llI pi‘olIaIIlI stat‘t at
.I L'itI leIel Iirst."

iiieIIiIlILts h. I\L III .ipplI Ioi' iiIII'oipoi and st ItIis Ioi
lItisitILss in IIILI st. Ite III l\L‘IIIlIt' kI.

th nest stLp Is to Iile IIIr leS iIoiI L‘\t‘.II}II t.I\
status. Right now, IIIL" IIIIiiIIlatiIIn has
iIIL'orpoi‘atL'Il status I.I‘IIIII l\L‘IIIlIL’I-L_\. .iiiIl
pi‘IIL’L'ss IIIiIilIIIL' with the IRS.

I‘IIIH‘L‘ITL'L' orgaiii/LIII l’itiiIo's IoiIiIIlatiIIii and its
stlL‘L‘L'ss \IILIUIII he an tltIltL‘attIItI III IIIL" \IIKLKSS III
Smith's IIIuitIIaIiIIiI,

“Rick's IotiiIIlaIioII raised
while he was .II I'ls."

III a news release. Smith said he and his I.IiiIiII .II‘t‘
"‘espeeiallI pleased III start a IotiiIdatioiI that we
hope \Vildeat IIItIs will help support."

In addition to [Is Ians. Smith hIIpL-s students. land-
It and L'ampusoi‘gatii/ations \\ill lLIiIIl .I helpitILI haiIIl.

""\\'e‘ll \\L'IL"IIII]L‘ aiII' sLIt'\iLe IIrgatti/atioti here on
L".lIIlI)II\ to ioiiI In and \oIIItIteLII‘. \\ LI II.IiI do a lot III
things for the LIIIiiiiiIiiiIitI." Smith said.

Smith said lie would like the IoiinIIatioii to "‘gne
and support ItitidLIi‘pi'nilLILILIIl L‘hilIli’eiII iii iiiaiII' tllI‘
ILIreiIt \\.1_\'s.L'IItlL‘.tIlIItI \IIsLIaiIIl health \\I\L'."

Basie IIL-eds III the L‘hilIli‘LItI are also sIIiiiL-thiiiLI
the Ioundatioii \\ ill I-IIiiLL-ntratL- IIiI.

“\Vh .II we are going III do is Ilisti‘ilIiiIe rL-sIIiirL'L-s
thtough IIiI'ILiL-iit IIILI .iiIi/atioiis .iiIIl LIharitalIlL'
LItIItips stiL‘h .Is the I iIitLd \\aI Smith sI.iIl

“\\ e hIse iiIaiII IliIIereiII LitiL gioiips that do
things that “L promote Irotn thL IrIIIIiI league
tight down III IItlILr IIigaiII/atiotis that will IIII it
also. IIL said." lh it s \\ II It we arI . LIoiIiIa trI III do.

and said that

is in the

.IIIIIIII S33 million

I‘iIIH'L'IICL‘ said.



linguist talks

By Janey Cowling

(.III/r/‘I/Ilmnq II I"lft"l'

Russian. (ierman. lI'rLItILh. ‘Iapanese. l’ten iI \\ LI
don't know how to speak these languages. we are
I‘aiiiiliar witlt their L'\lsIL'ITL’L‘. \\ e .lL'ls‘IIt)\\lL'tI_L{L' and
respeet them. But \\ hat .IIIIIiit (IIIVIIL'I'CITI “home I.IiI-
giiages" or dialects?

x\ppalaLhian l‘iltL’llslt. Southern rural l'iitLIlish.
(Ititer Bank's l‘nglish. lIlaek lIiiIglish. popiilarlI
referred to as II'IIIIiIiLIs. Many diaIeL-Is l|\ LI and thrive
within IIII'I'LIrenI LIitlttires itI -\iiiei'iIIaiI sIILIietI. But
what do we know .Ihout them?

(In \\ ednesdI "II at 4 p. III. in IIILI Singlet. II\ ( en-
ter l’resiIIL-nt s Room \\Iilt \\IIIIrIIII will talk IIIIIut
IIiIleretIt dialects. how theI are important and th
we should care. \‘IUII‘I‘MTI is a \\'il|iam (3. Friday dis—
tinguished professor ()IVIIIIgllINIIL‘s at North (Iaroli—
in State L‘IIiversitI.

\.s .I Iliiigtiist \VIIII'rain esplores IIILI diI‘IiLIr—
enees IIIunII III languages and seeks III iiILIre-Ise
people s awareness. He Is the author III H hooks
and mm III) articles on language diIIeretIL‘es s.
and has LIoiIIlttL'tL-Il numerous workshops and
seminars {Of a wide range of puhlie and private

\\'oll‘ram also worked on the award-winning
IloeiiinentarI “I\meriIan Iongues and served as
the primarI linguistiL Lonsultant in the mention oI‘
“ l he I. IeLtriLI ( .IIiinanI. 'IproIluL ed III ( hildren s
leletision \\ ork'shop.

\\IIlIr.InI will use the LIIiItrIIIersI surrounding


. . .-_.a.tQ-~_-q-y~w~


Mum. ,. if, fl“


 z III/“"(ll/I. Iii/ninth I" l‘l‘iV. Ail/HILH'I l\.iii..







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By Matt Mulcahey

\i ill il \tilll II Vl'i/tl

No other author has ll.|ll their
work LlcscL'i‘atcil iiiot‘e Ii} the
ino\'iLs than ..\lichiLl (Ii'iehioii.
\ltei‘ LiiiliiiiissinLili liail
t'ctitlltions ol ll’t l.ll\f
ll "or/ii. /)/\ luv/m antl ( iii/wt.
the tisk ot liiinLiiiiLi( iiLh
ton s sLWiL nLL iietion/thiillLi


proceiltire to lie taken in Lase iii an
e\tr.i—terresirial encounter. 'l'liis
report iiielutletl a recoiimieiitleil
L'rew. whiLli \\'()ttltl consist oi a
psychologist Illnl-l'llhllll. a lllt)
chemist (Sharon Stone). mathe—
(Samuel l.._Iaek-
still) and an
tl.ie\' Sclit‘eilict‘t

.S/t/it'it to lile falls into the new.
capalile liantl oi talentetl alonLl with the
(lll't't'lttl‘ llari‘} l.e\‘iiison. typical. top»
SttiiitiiniI \‘istials have - sLL‘rLt armt'
:- ‘ ‘ I i
iiL\Li‘ Men I (\Iltsttlt s MOVIE7‘FI IF’ZL totii1hL1ti\ pl ateil

stionLi siiit litit hL piiwitlLsa
Lllilslttiplitililt L'II\III>IIIIILIII
tot his iiuL slttittL’ point.
«IL-\L-lopiitLl characters.

l'I'L‘LIIIL‘IIl l.e\iiison eolr
lalioi‘ator l)ustm IltilllltaII
\\litisL‘ ioli is to iiiter\iew
the \III‘\ i\ors oi plane L'l'.|\lli
L'\. \\ heii he‘s in} stcrioush tlowii
out In the IIIllllat‘I to the iiiitltlle
ol the l’acilic ()L'L'LIII. llottman
I‘L'all/L's this is no til‘tllll.ll"\ plane

th ship liiii'ietl at the lioitom
ol the mean appears to lie alien.
lIlll Iroin w here aiitl when remains
tiiiteitaiii. llollman is chosen lot
the issiL'nmLiii
\L. iis iLio hL .iutliotLLl i inoit lot
ihL \\hitL ileiailmLi thL

stars .is .l

liLL'.-tusL st\Ll'll


LoiwinLinLtlt It}
L‘Ll l’ctct‘ (it))'()IL'.


(01” 01"“ C) Lroes (It i\\ II It)
‘Spbere’ intestiLtate the

, straiiLre eralt.
IlarnerBrotlten lnsitle the ship
the_\ linil a

LriLi-antic. seem—

inLrl) metallic

splieie. 'l he sphere has no \'l\llIlL‘
openiiiL-s aiitl reflects everything
e\L‘ept the hinges ol the crew
llIL'IIlltL't‘s. l".iscinateil li_\ the
sphere. .IaLksoii somehow Ltains
.iiitl out with the
.ilulii_\ to manitest his theams into

.ll LINN L'ttlllt'N

\s otliei crew members enter
the sphere. terror ensties as each
ol their worst nightmares comes


with sometimes tatal

tti lilc


IIIII'IL‘IIIIIL‘ premise tor the lieL'itr
niiiLl III the llllll.
iii to iiiiplausiliiliii' aiitl prtwitles a
hurried. iiiatlequate liiiale th.it
t'iiins wit it othLiwisL L'tlllltl‘\C
liLen attiih tiiiiqiiL lilm.

th. .itilt lot this letilown lies
in the maliiliti to itaiislei (.IlL‘lI-
ton‘s .iiiia/inLil} eoiiiple\ time]
into film. \\ith all the intricate
«IL-tails antl e\planations, l.e\inson
eoultlii‘i eitn atquuatLli lit them
into the _ l/I lioui ttmniitLY time

It I unison woultl \e cut down

In insoii's ewes

tlte hook into simph .i horror
stoi}. the [mute \\ot|ltl\L liL‘eii
lietter. ll l.e\iiisoii wotilth'e

e\paiitleil the l‘lltl‘. men more to
include the imssiiiLt tletails til. the
iio\el. the mmie woulLlRe lieen


Samuel 1..
Sin/mu Smile
.Im/ Hint/n
Helium” (left)
smr ll]

Wilt/tel t'. I fl’t'
Aisles! film
from Iii/rm
l.t'2'lll.\ril!. Ir
\l'tii.‘ \ ill

II iiial’l’ll/ ill/ll
Iii/iii) II in:


l he iitcl‘l‘ectn‘e script leaves
Liame' plot holes impossilile to
till. e\ en with the Lrootl perfor-
mances l'roin the ample cast.
\Vhet: the crew I‘II‘NI enters the
alien ship there are a set ol loot-
prints. \Vhose lootprints are the}?
“ho knows. it's never explained.
In the end. the crew IIIL'IIIIICI‘s
w lio‘Ve enteretl the sphere escape
lw' realizing that the frightening
iiiiiLrL-s .-irL iiist liLrinents of their
imagination ll. these images are
iust liLvtnLnts. how ilo the\ liitital—
li‘ kill ltim Liew memliers: So
III.III\ questions are lelt unan—
sweretl lea\in;1(.richioii‘sorigi—
nal \isioii a lamt metiioi‘}.

(it‘ichtoit‘s no\'el was alioiit the
power ol' the human iinaLrination.
L'iiloi‘ttiiiateli'. l.e\'inson's moxie
lacks an}. (Ionsitlering the talent iii
from olantl lieltintl the camera. this
one‘s a Lolossal tlisapptiintment.



By Jonathan D. Gent

\li/H I il/i.

(Ils. L'\L'i'}oiiL* out there
i'L'iiieiiiliei’ “ I lie l,ittles7" \ chil-
tli'eii‘s show aliotit little people In
me in .I liiLI people‘s worltl? \VL-ll.
/ l't‘ litu'iltfiala Is tlIL‘ lllttt ltasL‘tl (in
the lititik that I lit" l.ItIlL‘s"
stolen II'ttIII Le. irs IL’H

lhe goes like
this: \\ hen iht owitLi oi

\\ .ls


the house out tiii\
heroes tlwell iii tlics. a
new owner takes tnel‘

the house. LaiisiiiLl Pl‘ttll-
tltilIL‘il \IL'L‘ IIL'I‘tics. I lit‘
new owner ol the liotise
Is ( )eiotis l’oitet'. an exil
H‘.Illlil' plaietl lit john

leiiis tor our


* ‘k *

MOVIE has adul

the hull} iiiLI hit: Li'uy imoli'es mul-
tiple L‘I'HIII shots? Kiil‘s moxie or
not. tloes lltill}'\\t)tl(l neetl to cater
to the lowest common (lentimitta-
tor when it comes to humor? ”I
want chiltlisli moronic L‘tilllCtII'.
the 'l‘lii'L'L' Stooges still lieat any
stale lart ioke or talking otit his .iss
cheeks. Is it so hard to have a chil—
tlren‘s lilm th.it can
lie L'Iii()_\'L'tl h_\' hoth
kids and adults. as
well as all ol its in

'I lie Ii’iii‘rrirz't-ri
accotnplishes this.
nearly as well as the
[)L‘I'l‘CCI example of
II My II iii/kit and the
(Ilium/ate l'ili‘trii'i'. lt
comliines the crude

(HHILIIIIJII. . “fart atiil hurp"

(.ootliiian has inatle a (out offire) humor with intelli~
lialiit tettntli out «it ‘TbeBorrmvm’ Lrenee and wit. lt
ippL .HIIIL’ iii L--\Lt\ liltii also wraps it all up
this sitle ot the poin Polyg‘mmFilms into an incretlihle
|IIlltl\ll}‘ Visual package. Lliie

\\itlt titles in [ill/U mainly to the pro-
lhm/u-iv. 3mm. lv'.///,ii,‘ 'I'Iw Burr/[.32 tlnetion tlesiLrner. (lemma Jack

(7". plus the upcoming ll‘t ”IQ
/.t'ltri.‘."\l‘/. (iiioiliiiaiiK making
liiiiiselloui to he .i reuular I..III(('

’iaLk to the llltii. I’ottei‘ \Hslics
to lc\cl the little people's lioitiL'
antl litiiltl .ipartiiieiit coinple\es
tor the w ealtli}. \\'hat this sets tip
touLliinLt lilin aliout the
(Loinmuiiism \eistis

Is .I
aspetis ol

\\h\ is it

iii\ol\inLl the


met) liliii
er liLihtiiiLr


\ little research showsjackson
also LIL-signed the ilark. Lrothic
wtit'lil (ii. that Snow \Vhlte lilltt
that went to straight to video last
_\e ar (Sigoriiei \\ eaver as the e\il
queen LhLLk it out). [In Bowman
as ahall— ltitiiristiL. hall- retro look.
turns out very well.

'lihe acting is lair. (lootlman is
IIPICJI (itiotlinan somewhere
lit-tween Iii/Hun link and King
RII/III'. 'l he coiilusetl ilirection can




l‘l‘r /' int Itl‘l'i ./

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