xt7gms3k0w4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gms3k0w4x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-04-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 2002 2002 2002-04-25 2020 true xt7gms3k0w4x section xt7gms3k0w4x "4‘ Proposed ordinance would ban smoking in bars I 5



CD review

Andrew WK.
helps heavy metal
make a comeback

l 6




SAB dismisses member in closed meeting

“core values." said (‘hris
Rogers. SAB president.

"At a meeting Tuesday
night. he said he wouldn‘t fol
low the guidelines of the
advisers and university.“
Rogers said.

According to SAB docu-
ments. Smith is accused of
threatening Student (‘enter
staff. showing others "places"
where only he was authorized
to enter. making unauthorized

By Emily Hagedorn and Tracy


Three weeks after unani-
mously re-appointing its coin-
inunications director. Student
Activities Board voted in a
closed meeting last night to
kick him out.

Tony Smith. a two-year
SAB member. was voted out be»
cause of a difference between
Smith's anti the organization‘s


A second shot  
at graduation  

Cat basketball star of ’903 plans
on coaching after graduating


In the midst of celebrating another NCAA basketball cham—
pionship in April 1998, Allen Edwards struggled with emotions
of sorrow and bliss. His mother. Laura Mae Edwards. had died a
month earlier after a long and private battle with breast cancer
and his UK teammates rejoiced their NCAA supremacy.

Edwards grew up in the dark alleys of Miami‘s ghettos and
in the shadows of his older brothers. Steve and Doug. who both
played in college. Doug even made it to the NBA.

Edwards had a loving mother and a basketball background
that helped him escape the negative surroundings of his child-
hood. His basketball talents led to a scholarship at UK from 1994-
1998 where he won two National Championships in 1996
and 1998.

Edwards never made it to the NBA as a player. but now.
with some help from the Cawood Ledford Scholarship Fund. he
dreams of becoming a coach after earning his degree.

“There are ways out of the ghetto." Edwards said. “Don't
just be surrounded by what’s going on because it's what you‘re
used to.

“You never know what will happen as far as in athletics.
People always say to have something to fall back on. Why not
take advantage of the opportunity? Most people don't even have
the opportunity to attend college. especially on a scholarship.“

Latest in a tradition of UK scholar-athletes

Edwards is one of countless UK athletes who have returned
to UK after their playing days ended. Most take advantage of the
Cawood Scholarship Fund. an endowment set up by the leg-
endary UK play-by-play broadcaster who died in September.

Athletes from every UK athletic program are eligible. and
the current list includes former basketball players Dale Brown
and Derek Miller and late-80$ football player Ron Robinson. Ath—
letes from basketball. baseball. football. tennis and volleyball
have received the scholarship.

Bob Bradley. associate athletic director of student services.
said most of the scholarships recipients have returned after
playing professionally.

Valerie Still. a center on the UK women's basketball team
from 197983, returned to UK in the fall of 2000 after playing sev-
eral years professionally in the American Basketball League
and overseas.

Still graduated in December 2000 with a degree in animal
science and is an assistant coach with the WNBA's Orlando
Miracle. She has encouraged other athletes. including LaTonya
McDole of the UK women's basketball team. to
finish school.

“I always wanted to finish up my degree. and I only had one
semester left." said Still. UK's all-time leading scorer. “I cherish
my degree more than any of my accompishments at UK.‘

Edwards is just the latest in a tradition of UK scholar-ath-
letes. but letting go of his NBA dreams was difficult.

“Allen talked to me about finishing school many times."
Bradley said. “He‘s been off and on. taking a semester and then
pursuing pro ball. but now he is concentrating on his degree.“

Edwards has some advice for others who may follow
his lead.

“Be more attentive in class and show a teacher that you are
interested." Edwards said. “If you do that. everything else will
work out for itself.

"A pretty good amount of athletes take for granted the op-
portunity." Edwards said. “Knowing what i know now. I would
take school a little more seriously. I would take it just as serious
as basketball",

Not the way he planned

Basketball success did not immediately befall Edwards. It
took him three years to earn the opportunity to consistently
contribute during his time at UK. where he played behind a


decisions concerning the fire
code and room capacity. leaV»
ing rented equipment unattend
ed and requesting “redundant
quotes" from a local coinmuni
cations film.

When asked. Rogers would
not explain the accusations or
cite specific instances in which
they occurred

Smith was reappointed
communications director be-
fore the SpiitScreen Film Festi~


val. which he helped organize,

Smith said that during the
festival he carried out other
member's duties because the
jobs weren't done properly.
This prompted the board's vote.
he said.

“It shouldn‘t be about who
gets their feelings hurt. it
should be about getting the job
done." Smith said. "I was their
work horse all throughout the
festival. anti now that they




Back campus

mroeecat I pectotoiron

Allen Edwards. a UK basketball player from 1994-1998, watches the UK
women's basketball team shoot at Memorial Coliseomlnst below his new
office in the UK basketball ottlces. Edwards won NCAA titles with the

bounty of future pros and under two coaches.

Edwards pursued his own NBA dreams after he finished his
college basketball eligibility. but most of his professional days
were spent tolling through various semi-pro basketball leagues
in numerous nowhere cities for three years.

The frustration of living city~to-city is why Edwards re
turned to UK. and is only one of the reasons why he said being a
student again is the easiest thing he has ever done.

"It's probably easier than you think because you have a lot

more time." Edwards said.

See EWARDS on I)

. elem . tum“

don't need me anymore. they
are getting rid of me "

Rogers cited an exemption
to the Kentucky State Open
Meetings law to close the meet-
ing. The exemption allows pub
lic agencies to discuss person
nel issues in private. but it does
not allow final yotes in secret

Rogers said she allowed the
board to vote in secret session
in order to protect Smith‘s



Smith requested the meet»
mg stay open

Kim (ii‘eeiie. an attorney
for the Kentucky Press Associa
tion. s‘IIltl the board most likely
should have honored Smith‘s
i't-qliesl for an open meeting

"Generally. a public agency
doesn't have a privacy interest in
its iiitctings The peison With the
privacy interest is the member
or the employee." (lrecne said.

UK partners
with Georgetown
for second time

Patterson School offers seats: Collaboration
will help increase collegial atmosphere

By Forrest Rutherford

CONWIB‘JY‘N'; Mt 'i-‘l

[K and (.eorgettmn
(iollege haie named up for
the second tiiiie in the past
two years to help provide a
growing academit environ
ment for students.

The latest collaboration.
the Master of Arts in liiplo
macy and international com
merce University St holars
Program. is aimed at helping
create a collegial itiillos‘pllet‘t‘
between the state's mlleges
and universities

"(The prograini is intend
ed to be a first step iii what
hopefully includes some other
private colleges such as
Berea. Transylvania and ten
ire." said Mike Desch. §i~\l.\
tant direi tor of ifK's l’iitii-i‘
son School of Diplomacy and
International ('onimerct-

Descli said l'K ind
Georgetown ilrearly l; we
working t'oiiiiectrwiis that
made it eds} i'oz‘ tho-m
together iii lili~ Venture

l'iidei‘ Tl‘n- new pin". .1}:
nounced iris? week. Sit‘iflf‘I‘J‘
at (leorgettmm. triumph»;
commerce. language and
lure Will be 'illl“ to take il‘ftll'

it' ill)

lilU RSlNG


uate level courses in their
fourth year and haye their
master's by their fifth. During
their fourth year. students in
the program will take courses
through the Patterson School,

The first collaboration
came in the spring of 2000
with a partnership between
Georgetown and L'K‘s Martin
School of Public Policy and

.lason (‘oy a commerce.
language and culture junior at
(,wrgetown college. was in-
retested in the new plan,

"1 d like to learn more."
he said “I was going to get my
masters at {K anyway, so
this is something i definitely
plan on checking out."

William (‘rouch presi-
(le‘tlt of (i(,*(irgeti)‘\\'n College.
said the new plan is exciting
for both {K and Georgetown

‘ This continues a trend of
iiillillt‘ institutions and pri-
22-m- sr hools partnering for a
mod academic environment."
he stiltl.

Todd als‘o expressed joy in
‘he =‘i‘t‘fllitill of the new pro~
gi an). teriiiing it a 'trt-mo-ii-
don» at'coiiiplishiiieni'

See PLAN on 3


in college-aged women

Down in the dumps: Researcher finds
that one in three women are affected

By Rebecca Jackson

Elf? R. ' Vt] fl; ’-~

Most stizdvi‘?
pressioii car. i‘ =- l .
Nursing who l‘..l\ stiidm

I 1

And many students \illlt‘l‘

iiit'iil‘t'ssit ‘I‘. 11‘.

. new it \t‘lt‘.“ point. but de-
- . .i ‘ ~ n . ~
. '- \i‘llt mi .i. the ( ouege .ii

lw‘xiiim vi‘. codege aged

from flt'iii‘ess‘a‘il without know

mg it. said researrhei .\Zl.". l’e-deii who discowred half of col
lege \yoiiieii unknow nigh stiller ft or: iiiild to moderate depres

she said

(hie out of three woniei‘. are 'itl‘oicted by depression.

"Dt‘pi‘es‘sioi‘. l .li‘. Jilin l .ii‘adt'i‘gics work sleep and decision

making. and depressed
Peden said

Peden said she hopes .


should seek help."

ier research raises .iwareness about

depression in addition to documenting reliable information for

future incidents
(lnce awareness

.~ i‘iised

it s liliptii‘? int to realize the

symptoms of depression 4".»- \.ll