xt7gqn5z6g1b_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers text Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_12/18183.pdf 1927 1927 1927 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_11 xt7gqn5z6g1b Issued by

Vol. II January, 1927 N0. 1
The Club’s 1927 Luncheon Program
Tradition gives us a pretty story about a poet of France who used his

idle hours to plan what he would do if he were king. Perhaps that is in part

the inspiration of the plan which the \Voman's National Democratic Club
has made of it's 1927 program luncheons. At any rate the Club proposes

to invite certain outstanding men and women of the country to speak at a

series of luncheons at the Club house in \Vashington, the general subject

of the series to be “Presidential Standards.”

There can be no doubt that in the period of time which has elapsed
since 1920 the standards of honesty and of efficiency and achievement for
the office of President have fallen far below that heightof excellence set by
our great Democratic President Woodrow Wilson. It may be that ordinary
mankind treading the path of ordinary every day life can not attain to that
height, it may be, as some say, that the world crisis which was Woodrow
VVilson’s daily trial was also his daily stimulation to the mighty works he did.

But however that may be there can be no two ideas as to the possibility
and desiralulity of a higher standard at the White House than that which
permits the use of the nation’s public resources for private spoils as the Fall
case in the Courts daily reminds us has been an accepted policy; than that
which permits the use of the Department of Justice for the enrichment of
private persons at the expense of even handed justice as the Doherty case in
Court reminds us was an accepted policy; than that which permits the dis-
ruption of the three great quasi judicial independent Commissions which
were created to represent all of the people in the problem of government deal-
ing with the Railroads, Big Business and the Tariff as we are reminded by
the failure of the Senate to confirm certain appointments, and by Senatorial
investigations, is an accepted policy; than that which permits the use of the
Veterans Bureau and the funds appropriated for the care of the world war
soldiers and their dependents to become a public shame and reproach by the
appointment of men who have used their positions for graft as we are re- ‘
minded by the presence in the penitentiary of a former head of the Bureau
was an accepted policy.

The Club believes that the early part of the year 1927 is an ideal time to
set about calmly and dispassionately raising an ideal for honest and efficient
administration of the nation’s affairs which shall be as a guide and a measur—
ing rod to the country so that not even the heat of political controversy can
again be used to blind the people to their own betrayal. Toward that end the
Club believes that this series of addresses of a constructive nature will bea
valuable contribution.


Congress Convenes

The second session of the 69th Congress is now in full swing. Although
the eyes of thewountry are upon it. in a more or less speculative manner. it
is fnot: expected that much of Vital importance will be transacted. In view
of the fact that this is the short session, and that the 70th Congress is al-
ready duly elected and is hrwering‘ in the backgrouml. waiting to take the
place, of this one. it. seems almost inevitable that only the routine Con-
gressional business will be attended to. There is neither the time, nor the
inclination on the part. of the Republicans in power, for discussions and
issues which might: give. oft a disastrous backfire.

\ The Supply Bills

The most important item of routine business before the Congress is,
of course, the passage of the supply bills. The operations of the (Emernment
and the work of the Departments for the next fiscal year must be provided
for before this Congress adjourns, and the fear is freely expressed that so .
many other matters will cro‘xvd upon the attention of Congress as to compli-
cate the passage, of the necessary supply bills, and render an extra session
inevitable. A heated fight, which will probably take up some time, is
expected in regard to the na\ al supply bill, which does not include an appro—
priation for the construction of the three cruisers authorized by the last
Congress, the authorization for which expires July 1 of this year, Although
the l’resient has recently announced that he approves of authorizing the.
construction of ten more cruisers in addition to those three, it is understood
that he is opposed to the passage of any a1’)propriations for additional cruiser
construction. This will, of course, bring down upwi the naval bill the fire
of those who advocate the maintenance of the 575~3 ratio for our navy, and
will undoubtedly lead to a fiery if not lengthy argument. It is, indeed, so
manifestly disingenuous for the Administration to request authorization for
the construction of cruisers while at the same time blocking appropriations
for that purpose as to lead to the suspicion that those paper plans for the
increase of the navy are being used as the pawns in some game, international
or otherwise.
The Seating of Smith

One of the most explosive matters facing the Senate is the. question of
seatingr Colonel Frank L. Smith, Senator—elect from Illinois. This issue has
been injected into the present session instead into the first session of the
70th Congress, by the action of Governor Small of Illinois in appointing
Colonel Smith to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator R‘IeKinley.
The Illinois primary scandal, in which it was demonstrated that Samuel
Insull, manager of public utilities corporations of immense capital, had con-
tributed $125,000 to Colonel Smith’s campaign fund, Colonel Smith himself
being chairman of the Illinois Public Service Commission, and that the total ,
campaign fund had amounted to more than $400,000, had made it exceeding—
ly doubtful whether he would be allowed to take his seat at the proper time,

(Continued on. page 6)

By il[arion Banister

A year ago i had the pleasure of introducing to the. friends of the old
For/nightly Bulletin. published from 1921 to 1924 by the Democratic Na-
tional Committee, the new Bulletin which the “loinnn's National Demo-
cratic Club thcn proposed to issue to take the place of and carry on the work
of, that first little publication. It now gives me much pleasure to introduce
to its readers the second volume of lee Bullrtin. This little monthly paper
has just completed its first year, and is looking forward into its second with
high hope and confidence.

In reviewing this past year, the Club feels that it has been more than
justified in undertaking what was more or less an adventure into the journal-
istic world.

The rcspons-c to The Bulletin has been gratifying to those of us whowere
interested in its establishment and has borne out our belief that the Demo-
cratic. women of the country needed and wanted and would support such a

, publication.

Tlc’ Bulletin is still a yery small magazine, but. it hopes to grow, and it
wants Democratic. women every where to help it grow. “hat The Bulletin
was meant to be and wants to be is not the publication of the. W'onmn’s
National Dcmomatic Club but the publication of the Democratic women
of the United States. Feeling that there was need for such an organ and
work for it to do, the Club constituted itself the agency for its publication,
but its purpose is to form a connecting link and central contact: for all Demo-
cratic women everywhere; and the Club wants them to feel this, to look upon
The Bulletin as theirs, and in the future even more than in the past, to get
behind it with their interest and their support and their ideas.

“’0 want The Bulletin to be responsive to the wishes and needs of the
Democratic women of the country, so if you have any ideas as to how that
may be accomplished, be sure to send them in. “"6 want The Bulletin to be
interesting and informative to people in all sections, so if you have anysug—
gestions as to what they want to know and would like to have discussed, be
sure to tell the editor. We want The Bulletin to reach as many Democrats
as possible, so if you have not already subscribed, be sure to do so. And if
you have subscribed, get your friends to follow your example. If you belong
to a political club, get it to subscribe to The Bulletin for its entire membership.
Everyone can afford The Bulletin. It is only fifty cents a year, and every
fifty cents helps The Bulletin to “carry on” a little further. Democracy
has a pretty big job before it in the next few years, and there are many who
feel that our greatest hope lies in the women. ‘ It is highly necessary, there-
fore, that the women should prove their political mettle, so to speak, that
they should keep intelligently abreast of what is happening, in Congress, in
the Government, in the country and in the world; that they should form in- ‘
telligent opinions about the issues of the day and should vote their opinions;
that those women who are Democrats, and most women are Democrats at

\ heart, should be thoroughly familiar with the fundamental doctrines of the
Democratic Party and should consistently apply those doctrines to the
current isues. All these things The Bulletin wants to help the women to do,
if the women will help The Bulletin to do it.

3 ‘

 TH li BULLliTlN

A Review of 1926

The \\Vonian's National Deino-z‘ratic Club feels that. it: has ever_\' right to
be gratified at the achievements of this past year. Since Januarv, 1920, the
(flub has considerably increased its membership, both resident and non—
resident: it has greatly expanded its activities and the range of its in Iluence:
it has offered an interesting and informative program to its members, issued
a monthly publication not. only for the benefit of the members but for Demo-
crats and Democratic Clubs all over the country, established a sunnner train-
ing school in organization, and maintained an information and advisory
service, in addition to offering it; club house as the central meeting place
for l.)emoerats in \Yashington. All these things the Club plans to continue
in 1927, and hopes to carry forward the work to even greater fulfilment.
The December Program

“ith Congress in session and practically all of our resident members
back in \Vashington, the '(‘lub has been very active throughout lf)ecember.
The first program luncheon of the month, which took place on \\'»:r_lnes(lay,
December 1 , ‘\.'\'as entirely a Club affair, being; gi ven river to informal iliscii:—:sions
by various members. Mrs. .ltndrieus A. Jena-:1. the Club's president, pres
sided, and Mrs. John B. Kendrick, T‘iirs. Charles 5:7. Hamlin, Mrs. \Yilbur
\V. Hubbard and Mrs. James :‘iieredith Helm were among those who spoke.

The luncheon on l,)ecenxber 8 was in recognition of the Second Confer—
ence on the Cause and Cure of \Var, then being held in \Yashingfton under the
leadership of Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. Mrs. Ben Hooper, of \‘Cisconsin,
who was attending the Conference, was the principal speaker, her subject
being the work and purposes of the Conference. i‘i’Irs. Hooper was intro—
duced by Mrs. Minnie Fisher Cunningham. A number of out—of—town guests
were present, among them being Miss Esther Ogden, of New York; Miss
Nora B. Houston, of Riel‘nnond, who entertained a table of Virginia dele-
gates to the Conference; and l\’lrs. Charles E. Johnston, of Detroit, who had
as her guests a number of delegates from New York and IVIichigan.

Honorable Alfred P. Dennis, vice chairman of the United States Tariff
Commission, was the speaker at the program luncheon on December 15.
when he made a most. interesting address on the subject of “Tariff Problems,”
giving a history of the Tariff Commission and the present situation in regard
to the all-important issue of the tariff, and ‘the personnel of the commission.
The Victory Dinner

In celebration of the Democratic victories in the November elections
the Woman’s National Democratic Club gave a dinner at the Clubhouse. 011
the evening of Monday, December 20, at which the newly elected Demo-
cratic Senators and their wives were the guests of honor. These included
Senator and Mrs. Harry B. Hawcs of Missouri, Senators-elect Alben Barkley
of Kentucky, and M rs. Barkley, Carl Hayden of Arizona, and Mrs. Hayden,
Elmer Thomas of Colorado, and Mrs. Thomas, and Millard E. Tydings of
Maryland. Representative William B. Oldfield, chairman of the Democratic
Congressional Committee, and Mrs. Oldfield, were also guests of honor.
Mrs. Andrieus A. Jones presided, and Mrs. Percy E. Quin, wife of the Repre-
sentative from Mississippi, acted as toastmistress for the occasion.


 T H E B U L L E T I N

\Vith the elections of 1926 behind them and those of 1928 looming large
in the foreground, both political parties are actively engaged in looking
around and taking stock of their situations and their prospects. In such an
inventory the Democrats will find much of an encouraging and hopeful
nature, and for a proper realization of their blessings it would be well for
Democrats to turn their attention toward these things instead of dwelling
upon whatever difficulties with which the Party may be faced.

In the first place the results of the 1926 elections were encouraging for
many reasons. They were encouraging because of the actual Democratic
gains in both houses of the national Congress, gains which considerably cut
the Republican majority in the House of Representatives and practically
demolished it in the Senate; they were encouraging because in addition to
these national offices Democratic candidates were successful in acquiring
numerous State offices in all sections of the country; encouraging because of
the fact that a great Democratic trend was noticeable everywhere and even
in States in which Democratic candidates were not actually elected to office
the usual Republican majorities were cut to an extent which was highly
significant; encouraging because they again demonstrated the thoroughly
national character of the Democratic Party, possessing as it does active and
effective organizations in every State in the Union; and encouraging because
they afforded new proof of the splendid vitality of the Party, which defeat
has never destroyed. .

In the second place the general political situation throughout the country
is encouraging to the Democratic outlook. That time-worn favorite of the
Republican Party, the high protective tariff, is at the present time nearer to
being discredited than at any previous time in the history of the long struggle
against it. Its position is perilous, with the very industries it was designed
to aid in a sorry condition, with the agricultural interests of the country in
bad shape, largely as a result of high protection upon industries, and with the
bankers of all the nations of the western world uniting in protest against the
principle of protective tariff as a barrier to the free flow of commerce and the
economic stability of the world.

The Republican Party, also, has persisted in basing its appeal to the

’ voters upon the issue of “prosperity,” as if it were the sole cause and creator
of the ecnomic advantages and vast natural resources of this country. It is
an absurd claim, but even upon the basis of that claim the Republican situa-
tion is far from comfortable. Agriculture has long been a dark spot in the
supposedly bright picture, and it is now becoming more and more evident
that with the exception of certain favored industries the industrial situation
is not all that could be desired. Business is being curtailed in many ways,
buying is slow, many bubbles have been pricked and the great tide of general
prosperity which is being so ceaselessly proclaimed by the Republican Party
and the Republican press does not exist in fact. .

There have been recent indications that the American people are be-
ginning to resent the graft and corruption, both in office and in the securing
of office, and the successive scandals to which the Republican Party has
treated the country in the past six years, and that the inevitable reaction to
the general public indifference to these things may be expected to setg'in

Altogether, the Democratic outlook is more than hopeful. The Party '
is in a strategic position, and if that position is properly handled DemocraCy
has a great opportunity ahead of it. The quotation “We look before and
after and sigh for what is not,” is a perfect expression of the attitude wthh
should not be assumed by Democrats in the next two years. The Party at
present needs enthusiasm and hopefulness from within, it needs a renewal
of old faiths and a Vitalization of mental attitude. Individual Democrats
are apt to assume an admirable, but not altogether helpful, attitude of
humorous resignation. They are too philosophic. That attitude is splen-
did when resignation is necessary, but in the face of a situation offering strong
chances of success a more aggressive frame of mind might be more effective.
Standing firmly upon fundamental Democratic doctrine, and united upon
the basic principles of that doctrine, the Party may expect to go forward to
Victory and f ulfilment.
(Continued from page 2)
and the Senate appears to feel that the objections which would prevent his
recognitiOn in the 70th Congress hold good in this one. It seems to be pretty
generally conceded that Colonel Smith will be denied his seat, the discussion
at present centering largely around the question as to Whether he should be
refused the privilege of taking the oath, or allowed to take the oath and then
Tax Reduction
The indications are that the important question of tax reduction will be
kept sternly in the background throughout this session. In spite of the
Democratic desire to return the present Treasury surplus to the people
by means of tax reduction, and their charge that by delaying action on this
matter the Republicans are endeavoring to make political capital for the
1928 elections, it is generally accepted that the Democrats in Congress will
be unable to accomplish their purpose, the time factor alone almost barring
Other Legislative Matters ,
Among other items of business which will press upon Congress during this
crowded session are included the famous ”pork—barrel” Rivers and Harbors
bill, left over from the last session; the extension of the Sheppard-Towner
Maternity Act, which was blocked of passage in the last session; the con-
firmation of various appointments of President Coolidge’s, some of which
- promise a fight, one particularly distasteful to various members of the
Senate being the nomination of Cyrus E. Woods, follower of the Mellon
faction in Pennsylvania, one-time lawyer for the Pittsburgh Coal Company, a
and manager of the Pepper-Fisher primary campaign last year, as a member
of the Interstate Commerce Commission; and the question of farm relief,
which it is conceded will be among the things not acted upon.

 Issued by
Vol. II February. 1927 N0. 2
Amerlcan Imperlahsm
HERE are few things more distasteful to the liberal element ofcitizens,
I and indeed to most thinking Americans, than the suggestion of im-
perialism or the aggressive interference in the affairs of another nation,
on the part of the Government of the United States. And yet that is the
policy which the Government has recently been pursuing and which it
asks the American people to support. Most Americans, whether justifiably
or not, are firm in the conviction that in the matter of imperialism or
territorial aggression this nation’s skirts are clean. And yet the country
is suddently startled by the fact that American troops have been landed
upon the soil of another nation, and a policy established which, if it may not ‘
technically be described as armed intervention, is undeniably the armed
policing of a friendly nation’s territory. It is, of course, armed intervention
in fact. The first flimsy pretense that American marines had been sent
to Nicaragua to protect American lives and property, neither of which was
menaccd, dissolved under the fire of public opinion and Secretary of State
Kellogg then came out with a series of reasons for the Nicaraguan inter—
vention, none of which was convincing and no two of which agreed. The
country does not yet know in any authentic way why this deplorable stop
was taken, although it is difficult for any intelligent opinion to avoid the con—
clusion that it was done to protect certain large American investments
which might not flourish so exceedingly under a liberal government as
under a government put in power by American interests and kept in power
by American arms.

The foreign policy of the United States under the Harding-Coolidge
regime has been 21 series of blunders and mistakes, and has brought about

~ the most infinitely disastrous results. ‘Within the past six years the United
States has come to be one of the most hated nations in the world, and if
The foreign policy of the Government has not been the only cause, it has
been a very decisively contributing factor. It is difficult to conceive of
anything more unfortunate than the policy of isolation which the Govern—
ment has unsuccessfully attempted to follow in regard to the European
nations, except the policy of aggressive interference which it seems deter-
mined to follow in regard to the Latin-American nations. The happy
mean between these extremes, the mean of cooperation, in fact and not
merely in theory, appears to be unknown to this administration.

How much longer are the American people going to be willing to entrust
their intercourse with other nations to such hands as these? How much
longer are they going to allow such voices to speak in their name? It does
not seem possible that it should continue much longer, and we believe
that the people will soon take steps to see that the international pres-
tige of this nation is restored.

()ffsclting the drcary round of revelations of corruption and fraud in
political life, which has been this country's daily fare for the past six years,
two events which have taken place in the Senate of the United States within
recent weeks offer a ray of hope that the reign of corruption is drawing to a
close. The first of these. is the refusal of the Senate to allow Frank L. Smith,
Senator-designate from lllinois, to take his seat in that body, and the second
is the refusal of the Senate to affirm the appointment of Cyrus E. Woods of
Pennsylvania to the Interstate Commerce Commission. In the case of
Colonel Smith, the Senate took the position that the Constitution Specifically
granted it the right to pass upon the qualifications of its members, and in
View of the methods employed by Colonel Smith to secure the nomination,
his qualifications were not of a kind to admit him to the nation's highest
legislative body. While there was not the same charge of personal un-
. fitness against Mr. Woods, the Senate held that the nature of his con-
nections in Pennsylvania, as follower of the Mellon faction, manager of
the Pepper-Fisher primary campaign last spring, and former lawyer for
the Pennsylvania Coal Company, rendered him unfit: for a position upon a
semi—judicial, non—sectional body such as the Interstate Commerce Com-
Farm Relief Again
The h/II‘NLII‘y-Haugcn bill, which so harried the flank of the Republicans
in the last session of Congress, has again come to the front and is being
pushed simultaneously in both Houses of Congress. This bill appears to
be the. form of agricultural relief which the various farm organizations want,
and they are making a most determined effort: to get it. \Vhat under- '
currents of public opinion have operated to change Congressional sentiment
since last June it is difficult to say, but it is being generally predicted that
the bill- which was defeated last year will now be passed by both Houses.
If it is, it will be another stunning blow at the Administration, which
though advocating and practicing forms of special privilege and protective
lcgislation for industrial interests, is still firmly opposed to doing the same
thing for agriculture. Thepassage of the McNary-Haugen bill will place
President Coolidge in an even more uncomfortable position than he now
occupies in connection with farm relief. If he should sign the bill, he would
' antagonize the Eastern industrial interests from which he draws so much
sustenance and support, and if he should veto it he would antagonize the
\Vest and Middle \Vest.
President Butler Speaks His Mind
Nicholas Murray Butler has made another speech, and his remarks
have caused a regular flurry in Washington, particularly at the two ends of
Pennsylvania avenue. He predicted that Mr. Coolidge would not run
for a third term in the Presidency, and the wicked might almost find in
these academic utterances the implication that he could not win the election
if he (lid run. There has been much unrest and ferment in inner Republican
circles, concerning this matter of the 1928 nomination, but for anyone to
speak out in meeting like that is very exciting to the orderly Republican
soul. and many are the hearts that are beating with high hopes as a, con-
sequence. It may be that the time has come when it will be safe to make a '
fight on the silent man in the White House, and if so, there is no telling '
where the lightning will strike next.

T H E B U L L E T I N '

Honorable Cordell Hull, Representative from Tennessee, former chair-
man of the Democratic National Committee, expert in tariff and taxation in
Congress, and one of Democracy’s most capable men, opened the series of
“Presidential Standards” luncheons on January 17 with a splendid speech
which centered around the idea that mediocrity in the White House was not

‘ proving satisfactory, and that in selecting its standard bearer to combat
mediocrity the Democratic Party should set before itself certain high re-
quirements as necessary to the great office of President of the United States.
He listed these qualifications for a Presidential candidate under six heads.
First, he must offer efficient leadership, leadership in the double application
of administrator and leader of his party. Second, he must be a liberal; third,
he must have vision and the courage to back it up; fourth, he must have in-
itiative and constructive ability; fifth, he must have high ideals; and sixth, ,
he must possess a thorough knowledge of the theory of government and the
principles underlying it, including a belief in our Constitution properly

It is upon such requirements as these, Mr. Hull said, that the Demo-
cracy should concentrate its attention and base its hopes for future success,
instancing the fact that the Party had given the country many men possess-

' ing such high qualifications, and that'when in office it had always main-
tained a record of liberal accomplishment which no other political organiza-
tion had equalled. With such a candidate, it would then only be necessary
to carry on a suitable program of education, for he stated it as his belief

, that if the fundamental Democratic doctrine were stated in simple terms and '
placed in contrast to the political philosophy of the Republicans, eighty-
five per cent of the people would agree with it.
Political Ideals

On January 31, Honorable William B. Wilson, former Secretary of
Labor under Woodrow Wilson, and Democratic nominee for the United
States Senate in Pennsylvania, continued the discussion of Presidential
standards under the title of “Political Ideals.”

Mr. Wilson emphasized the necessity for political idealism and high
standards of public morality throughout the whole fabric of political life,
but particularly in those aspiring to highest political office in the world,
and cited the Pennsylvania situation as proof of the present decline of these '
qualities in American life. In this connection Mr. \Vilson quoted figures
relating to the November elections in Pennsylvania, in which according
to the official figures, Mr. Vare carried the State by a large majority, which
are startling and significant. Exclusive of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh,
the two Republican machine centers, Mr. Wilson carried the State by a
majority of 98,000, and even with Pittsburgh counted in, he reached the
outskirts of Philadelphia with a majority of 60,000. And yet, by the
official figures, Vare won by 173,000. Whereas the average in ,the entire
State of registered voters who voted in that election was 46.6 per cent, the
percentage of registered voters who voted in Philadelphia, according to the
figures, was 87. This was a total increase in 1926 of 97,000 more in Phila-

' delphia than in 1924, when Pepper was running, and of 67,000 more in
- Pittsburgh than in 1924 when Senator Reed was running, both being favorite
sons of those localities. The inference of these figures is obvious.
3 .

Forum Suppers

With the coming in of the new year the \Voman's National Denmcratic
Club has swung into its stride for the season, and January has been perhaps
the most active month of its career. One of the interesting new features
ushered in by 1927 is the series of Saturday night forum suppers, which
has long been in prospect. '

The first of these was given on the evening'of January 8, when Honor-
able Edward Keating spoke on ”Direct Primaries versus Conventions.”
The principal address at the forum suppers is followed by informal dis-
cussion of the subject, in which many of the guests present take part and
in which much interest has been displayed.

On the evening of January 15, Representative Allard Gasque, of South
Carolina, and Honorable Perry Belmont were joint leaders of the discussion
on the subject of “Campaign Expenditures,” Mr. Belmont speaking par—
ticularly on the cause and effect of the present law requiring publicity on
campaign contributions and expenditures, in the passage of which he was
largely instrumental.

“Lobbying” was the interesting subject for the forum supper on the
evening of January 22, when Mr. Frank S. Bright: was the principal speaker,
and on January 29 Dr. Albert Putncy discussed American foreign policy
in regard to Mexico and Nicaragua, under the title “Our Neighbors.”
Program Luncheons

The regular program luncheons have of course been continued, although

‘ they have been transferred from \Nednesday to Monday of each week.
The 1927 luncheon program comprises a series of discussions on “Presi-
dential Standards,” from which the Club hopes to crystalize into definite form
prevailing Democratic opinion concerning the requirements for that high
office. The series was begun on January 17, with Representative Cordell
Hull, of Tennessee, former Chairman of the Democratic National Com-
mittee, as the speaker, but was interrupted on January 22 in order that the
Club might have the pleasure of giving a luncheon in honor of Lady Muriel
Paget, distinguished English Red Cross worker, who spoke on “Impressions
of the New Russia." On January 31 the Presidential Standards series was
resumed with Mr. William B. W'ilson, fonner Secretary of Labor in the
administration of \Noodrow Wilson and Democratic nominee in the recent
Senatorial struggle in Pennsylvania, as the speaker, “Political Ideals” being
the special phase of the general topic which he discussed. ~
Tea in Honor of General Federation

On the afternoon of January 13 the Woman's National Democratic
Club entertained at tea in honor of Mrs. John D. Sherman, President of the
General Federation of VVome