xt7gqn5z6g1b_14 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers text Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_15/18210.pdf 1930 1930 1930 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_14 xt7gqn5z6g1b i 0 fig] MWYVE\W 1"“ i 1 %) fld/yg (Eu/~— Wit/a, /fiD if ' W ”a Fa ‘ aw ”1W W W 371% / / m , , 1 .; 9 ~33 7%- 3—33333» ~M 3i . \ ‘3 33.; % «flair-nu / X ,i . 33333 ‘ as a ....-- Wee/3 3. é 3 {it . P ‘ :VA7 " 5”; 5J9 ”XML/K 5R; \ 32 ”my, 3%., 3 f! f I m X? .333 4 . / VD 3M, (”I'Mg I) vii/1g“ fik‘ 3;; i \j I W M/W‘VV % % K A 53 333.3 w { i f f/az— 7 3 , 5‘ \ K: ‘ is m i Way/0&1, ”MW/V Kg? . 3 .3 3 ‘ i t i 3’37 W4 w 433‘ ““4 ““‘““”‘““ : \\%\ S? xix; 43“” N}\ \\ sax-Lave, ? ‘ A/é,» fl) VXX/VVWWV I” 3.. ‘ ‘3 '13 3‘” 3 3 3 [3 ‘33 \ l\§ J\‘ 3 3‘ 3:} ' G $ § %i3"«7‘“3* 3L Ajk /MV ”Z5; haw/g2] A \ 3:3} XS 3/ 3 3/ 93 3L, : 3 =3 3 Lg g 3&7 _ ,,fJ,//(/V 33/ W347 /3» ,4 3 \ V , 3‘3; it . r F /’ ,3/ ,1 ; _ \-.—_ 33$? 3K \ [Va/21’ ZYM ”fl ”"2 ‘3’" ’“W7’ 3 %% fill/I32 VM/gfifi’ 77C“) WV“ ‘1? 51/5/2/V/9M‘.» “:33" $1 [fie/“3W_,,X\ San/427 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C. @w NELLIE TAYLOE Ross TELEPHONE VICE-CHAIRMAN NATIONAL 8364 May 10, 1930. Mrs. S. M. Wilson Lexington Kentucky My dear Mrs. Wilson: In cooperation with state leaders, I plan to hold a Regional Conference in Covington, Kentucky, for Democratic women of Indiana, Ken- tucky, Ohio and Tennessee, on Friday, June 6th. We are inviting to this Regional Conference the Committee- women, State Vice Chairmen and Congressional Committeewomen of the four states, and also the women members of the State Committees, County Vice Chairmen, and officers of Democratic Women's Clubs. . You will understand the necessity of having enthusiastic co- operation from the state leaders in each of the states included in the Conference if the occasion is to be a success and to assure the psychoe logical effect we want. I know that you will employ every effort to that end, and especially am I anxious to know that you will attend. While the business sessions of the Conference are scheduled for the 6th, a reception is tendered to those attending the conference and to delegates to the Kentucky State Convention of Democratic Women's Clubs, meeting also in Covington, on the evening of the 5th at Summit Hills Country Club. A large mass meeting will close the Regional Con— ference on the evening of June 6th. Enclosed with this letter you will find a statement of other details, including tentative program and information concerning hotel accommodations, transportation facilities, etc. I am looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to seeing you and conferring with you, and would be glad if you would let me know whether your presence can be counted upon. Yours most sincerely, ” /’ ' / 7 m (a JOHN J. RASKOB, Chairman JOUETT SHOUSE, Chairman Exrculive Committee CHARLES A. C—Rmrnouse, Secretary JAhtlis W. GERARD, Treasurer Vice-Chairmen MRS. NELLI}; TAYLOE Ross FRANK HACUL IIARRY I“. BER-o MRS. FLORENCE l“AI;LLZY SCOTT b'nRius Alabama I"!lszxrtclzzjs-etis £50,373 Juan-{g WATT T. BROWN EDWARD W. Qumx l’.\11;1r‘7{ H. om}; MRS. CHARLES J. SHARP MRS. NELLIL M. SULLIVAN Mus. JAKE .—‘\. I‘JTYN‘ION Arizona :ljfriiimn 3.1357,: (“awggm DR. CLARENCE GUNTER WILLIAM A. CU\T{~1TUCI{ erx C. Linn-nay; MRS. JOHN C. GREENWAY Miss ICVI‘: \ :: I‘hmsnox .‘iRs, L. 13'. JESYISGS Arkamar Illiilizflsol/I 303-1th Dakota VINCENT M. MILES JOSEPH “JULF \V, W. ”my; ALICE COKDELL MRS. STANLEY V. Honor. Mus, ijjyg SI‘RU‘II‘IL California fifinixsippi ' ',"C,.,:5,.S,_...,; ISIDORE B. DOCKWETLER STONE DEATUITRJ"; IiExroy 31,31: 51m: MRS. CHARLES L. DONOIIOR MRS. DAISY MCLAIIRIN STEVENS MRS. LYON (fun DRESS Colorado A! immri Tag-g, GEORGE A. COLLINS WM. T. KEMRER ‘ JED, C, ADAMS MRS. GERTRUDE A. LEE MRS. CHAS. IS.I.“/\1?.IS MRS. CI .‘IIEA I)l~‘lSiTIl,I. Scrum Connecticut Mouton/z Uta}; THOMAS J. SPELLACY 'J. BRUCE KREMER JAMES H. Mum, LILLIAN S. ABBOTT MRS- .I- 5- M- NEILL MRS. R. E. ALLEN Delaware Nebraska Verfiwm — .\Z\’DKE\V C. GRAY ARTHUR F. MULLEN FRANK H. DUFFY MRS. JOHN R. ESRRIDGE MRS. CHAS. G. RYAN Miss MARY P. MAHONEY Florida Ne coda Virginia J. T. G. CRAWFORD SAMUEL M. PICRETT HARRY F. BYRD MRS. Leis K. MAYTS MRS. S. T. SPAS-IN MRS. R C. WATTS Georgia New 11 orn/Islurc II ashmgton 'I' mi ’ -' v JOHN S. COHEN ROBERT JACKSON‘ ”“0” born“ 1 - I: .9 r . . MRS. Eric—AR ALEXANDER MR3 DOROIHY B. JACKSON AIRS. LIJIALLTH D. CHRISTIAN . West Vir inia Idaho New Jersey . , g . S , . . .. IAERBILRT MrszTchr; .-.snex B. .‘EILSON PRANK Hiram v“ Q \, B i s. i 051-; TI. URCHINAL MRS. THERESA M. GRAHAM MRS. JAS. J. BILLINGTON A r , l’r"iscomin .I' ‘ .H " -‘ , I ”‘0” R H H ”‘0 MHZ“ JOIIN Al. CALLARAN - - '-i\. THOMAs F. DOI\0\.\‘.\I . . .ln.l.’t MRS. JAMES CARMGAN MRS. ELIzAnETn A. CONKEY MRS. ANDRIEUS A. Joxes _ If: yonnng imlimm AC?” Y‘l’fk PATRICK J. QUEALY CHARLES A, GREATHOI’SE NOXU‘LAN E. “EACK IVIRS. NHLH‘, TAYLOE ROSS MRS. BESSm L. RICGS ELISABETH ISIARRURY .1275,“ Iowa North Carolina .l~ .I- CONNORS RU'IIARD F. MITCHELL CAMEROX Monmsoy MRS. GEORGIA TIOLZHEIMER MRS. FLORA ETTLR MRS‘ PALMER “mm—“T [lick-Tn! of Columbia on): 17. COSTELLO Kansas North Dakota I Y Y, , MRS. FLOREXUR J. MARRIMAN DUDLEY DOOLITTLE - J. NELSON IxELTA’ MRS. FLORENCE FARLEY NELLIE DOUCHERTY Hawaii 01' Jon:-: II. WILSON Kentucky ‘ no MRS. L. L. IvlcCANDLESS J. E. ROBINSON W. A. JULIAN 7') “.3" i. ) MRS. J. C. C. MAYO MRS. BERNICE PYRE ’ ’v‘l’lilil-"L “Limb ' Rom-11w If. MAYLEY 140155131?!“ Oklahoma MRS. GRACE H. AYI‘ZSI‘L‘RIIOUSE COL. ROBERT Ewme SCOTT FERRTS .) t 19' i ir a -zco MRS. STELLA HAMLIN MRS. D. A. MCDOUGAL I . .. I HENRY \v. DUDLEY Main! Oregon MRS. JEAX EI’RINGSTEAD VVHITTEIHORE . . ‘ S\ . , 181 J §ICGIL§°UDDY g VALE“ ”T Canal Zone Rs. ELE- . . ELLA AVIN ' , . w Dm. Am” LOUIS II'IVJNSLICY . r. T ' —. . Maryland 1)g,,,,,~y/mnm ..IRS. L. I). REE). HOWARD BRUCE SLUUWICK IUSTLER l’frein ISlU'hlA‘ ELTzABETn R. Manama ANNA O‘Dm MURPHY 1?. E jomg, some? FROK NELLIE TAYLOE ROSS, VICE CPAIRKAN DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, 1066 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. PERTINEHT FACTS FOR PRACTICAL WOIEN DO YOU KNCW That the Democratic Party is responsible, to a conspicuous degree, for the modern development that has given women increasing recognition in Commanding positions in government? DO YOU KNOW That a Democratic President, Woodrow Wilson, broke all precedents to appear before the Senate to plead for the passage of the Woman Suffrage Amend— ment and followed that action by urging Governors of States to call special legislative sessions to ratify it after its passage by Congress? DO YOU KNOW . That a Democratic President, Woodrow Wilson, had incorporated in the League of Nations Covenant the provisions: "All positions under or in connection with the League, including the Secretariat, shall be open ’ equally to men and women"? .DO YOU KNOW That the Democratic Party was the first of the major parties to grant to women equal representation on national and state committees? DO YOU KNOW That it was under the Democratic administration of Woodrow Wilson that the Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor was established, with a woman Director; likewise the Women‘s Bureau of Metropolitan Police in the District of Columbia? DO YOU KNOW - That a Democratic President opened to women the positions of Assistant Attorney General of the United States, and Commissioner of the ' District of Columbia? . DO YOU KNOW That these two important positions, have been returned to the incumbency of men by Republican administrations? DO YOU KNOW That a Democratic President first appointed women to the important positions of U. 8. Civil Service Commissioner, and Judge of the Juvenile Court of the District of Columbia? DO YOU KNOW That it was under the Democratic administration'ef Wcodrow Wilson that army nurses were given rank and title similar t) that of army officers? {UVJEV -3- DO YOU KNOW That it was Senator Sheppard, a Democrat, who introduced the SheppardFTowner maternity bill which now has become inoperative owing to failure of the present Republican administration to support it by appropriation? DO YOU KNOW That a Democratic Governor in Georgia appointed the only woman who ever set as a member of the United States Senate? DO YOU KEOW That it was the Democratic Party that conferred nominations upon the only two women who ever occupied the Office of Governor in the nation? DO YOU KNOW , That the Democratic Party nominated in Ohio a woman for the State Supreme Court, Judge Florence Allen, who still holds the distinction of being thr only woman in such a position? DO YOU KNOW That the Democratic Party nominated in Kentucky two Women who now fill lead~ ing state offices, —— Secretary of State and Treasurer? DO YOU KNOW ‘ That the Democratic Party has taken the lead in placing Women in State, County, and City positions all over the country? DO YOU KNOW . That the Democratic Party has been the chief medium through which women have made effective their efforts to translate into laws their interest in social welfare? DO YOU KNOW That the Democratic Party, in lending itself to the above mentioned accom— plishmcnts, has simply applied the basic Jeffersoniun principle, which . is equal ri hts to all the human family? i PATRONS ARE REQUESTED TO FAVOR THE COMPANY BY CRITICISM AND SUGGESTION CONCERNING ITS SERVICE \.;?2:;§s : 1’ CLASS OF SERVICE S I G N S _ TH —‘ f 11 Teleglfa: :1- uCéfitee— gram unless its de- {6;er character'is in— LCD = Deferred Cable dlcated by a sultablc . sign above or paced, NLT = Cable N1ght Letter ing the address. WLT = Week—End Letter ' newconn CARLTON. PREBIDENT .v. c. WILLEVER. Fmsf vucz-pnzsmam I mule of receipt at destination as shown on all messages. is STANDARD TIME. Received at 124 East Mam Street, Lexmgton, Ky. KW") J” J /l “1 0- r; I . .--. .12 :J .. A ! ,_ _ . v , , 7 i" 7' J04 15‘- H WASH I HGTOH DC 4 41LQ7A . f7 ‘ f ’..: .. f‘ ". Ty ’! ' I _ l 2 r‘rlfifl ; I I / .RS SAgXHLSQJ-V’Z ) id» /( 2,5 .1 g 77 K . xx ‘ CA R E JU D3 E ‘7'! IL 80H L EX! HST 91"." K Y: NF: NT] / v‘_/ (um ~_ n _ pm. I - ‘ I r.- co .IDEM.L\ LOQxlm: FOnWARD SEEK»; YOU AT COVINGTON MRS HT ‘2" f D ‘ m ‘,7 r ~. . , SULL#I CAJTHELL AND OTHER DE OCRATIC FRIEst LEXINGTON: H _ - , r\ HELLIC TAYLOE R080. . g;7 w/ . p _ .. 7- ' ,, I I: 1 (xx?- if- ~ 1 ‘ g 77‘ RN ' ~ 3 ) L-' .7 ”mg—r THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE 33 W21? DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE NATIONAL PRESS BUILDING ~ WASHINGTON, D. C. . @Is NELLIE TAYLOE Ross TELEPHONE VICE-CHAIRMAN NATIONAL 8364 June 12, 1930. Mrs. Mary S. Wilson, 423 Fayette Park, Lexington, Kentucky. My dear Mrs. Wilson: Your letter to Governor Ross sent to her at Covington did not reach her, unfortunately, and Was forwarded here. She left Cincinnati immediately for the West. we had a very interesting meeting at Covington and Governor R0ss felt very much gratified, but she missed you very much. I heard her inquire about you several times. Very sincerely yours, Jw 66% , Executive Secretary, Wbman's‘fliyision. SSW:G JOHN J. RASKOB, chairman JOUETT SIIOUSE, Chairman bzcczztws C'o-;':r;i::itlv:a (L LIAIui-Lte A. ‘:}R;‘.;i"{11(.ll15~312, Stcn’tory JAMl-ZS W, GERARD, Treasurer Vice-C haz‘rmmz . v. ,r‘. . .. ‘ - ' H. An\"' >,~._ .. ' ' ‘ ‘ MRS. NLIIIL lAIwL Ross FRAEK hAcuL ll WI.» F. la ..n Mus, FLORENCE LAIILLY Scorr BERILIS Alabama Iliuvvarh/L.\x“iH Rima’c Islam! WATT 'Ij_ Bgnq'x EDWARD W. QUINN PA‘IIIII'K H. QUE}! MR5. CHARLES J. SHARP Mus. NLI LIE M. SULLIVAN MRS, JAE-(Ii ;\. KEV-Kim: Arizona Mfr/7.29mi; Sozzti- Carolina UR. CLARENCE GUNTXCR WILLIAM :'\. Cow-Stony: lo.“ (L. RIMAIIM MRS. JOHN C. GREENWAY MISS Tin-11y»: TatiaRsuox .‘JRS. L. H. JENNINOS .Alrkanm: Niamey/Io ,‘szrfl; Doha/(I VINCENT M. MILES JOSEPH WOII‘ I}; w, Howas ALICE CORDELL MRS. STAYLI‘TY V. Honor: Mpg, ANN-i 51mg” 5 California « ili’fxsisrr'h {vi 7.711.151,” IsmORE B. DOCIIWEIIER 51 ONE DliAVLflTI-LS BENTON firfiflhulx MRS. CHARLES L. DONOYIOE MRS. DAISY Taft mem STEVENS MRS. LYON Cummings Colorado I‘I/[ixmwi ’1“ng GEORGE A. COLLINS WM. T. Knuprg J 1m C. AMMS MRS. GERTRUDE A. LEE Mus. CHAS. B. FARIS I’m/[85, (7mm 1315550“, 812nm: Comzroliczz! Ilfontnt-m , Utah THOMAS J. SPELLACY J. BRUCE KIIEMm . JAMES H. ith‘JLl-E . LILLIAN S. ABBOTT MRS. J. S. M. NEILL MRS. R. E. ALLEN Delaware NC I) rarha ' Venn on t ANDRJ-ZW C. GRAY ARTHUR F. MULLEN FRANK H. DUFIY MRS. JOHN R. ESKRIDCE MRS. CHAS. G. RYAN TxlIss MARY P. MAHONEY Florida, ‘ Emmi/I - l/Ergz'nz'a J. T. G. CR:‘.VK'.“-0!~'D SAMUL‘I. M. l’usmtr'r Timmy F. Gym: MRS. LOIS K, MAyrs MRS. S. T. 5mm; Tz’i'ks. R C. WATTS - - .. I I ' , . Gztorym A .219 11a).‘z;>5‘mrc . ,9 05111718'v0fi JOHN S. COHEN ROBERT Lacs-soy *("3‘51' BULLET V“ , .. \—'JI."' :TTF .‘ 1:” ' ‘ . MRS. {mom .Xr.Ia:»;.-.‘-:m-;R . MRS. Donoruy L. JAcxsox ' ‘ I"“"”"‘” D' CHRISTIAN . . . ' JVFSi Lyn/25,5... lawn M19 frrsrfy 7‘ ° ‘ ‘ _ . , ITERMLRT .‘Irzmrmcx .aSIIEII Ii. ViiLSOX FRANK Lien“; ‘T l" _, ., 1 , . .. ._., Arts. \(‘HII ‘I. DURCHINAL MRS. THERESA M. GRAHAM MRS. JAs. J. I'ILLJ/[NGIUN f i-E’isco-nsiit -; -, » ., , ‘ Y ,. ~. 1.11.101. 1 . .HLJ .JAIIICO Jenn m. (,.~.I.I.Aer " ‘ ‘ ‘Tl ' . . ..“v « TRON“ P' “03““ { H H“""‘ _ MRS. JAMES LARRIGAN MRS. ELIZABETH \_ CONKEY MRS. AmnuLUs A. Jon’s TI'» .. ‘ .;. H’J'U'Ifliilg ' Imliam; New York PA'rmcx J. QUEALY (‘HARLES A. Gunnery“. NORMAN 15- MACE". Mus. NHLIIE Tutor. Ross MRS Brssrr I RI”.g ELISABETH. IVIAFJIURY I; , ,. . .._ . 1. m. [gm/Cd Iowa [rt/ft}: Carolina J. J, Cotgggs Rmnmm F. MITCHELL CAMERON Moamsnx Mss. GEORGIA HOLerEmEn MRS. FLORA ETTER MRS. PALMER JERMAN 131.55,...” 0).- Colmubia . . om; 1i. COSTELLO I‘xrmsas North Dakota “I _ . , , 2.11:5. FLORENCE J. HAIIIIIMAN DUDLEY DOOLtrrLE J. IVELSON {\ELLY MRS. FLORENCE FARLEY NELLIE DOUGHERTY Hawaii r Oi‘ JOIIN H. WILSON KMWCIZ} ”0 Mrs L. L. McCANnLEss J. E. ROBINSON W. A. JULIAN I7‘.:':;. : , 1 ,. . MRS. J. C. C. MAYO MRS. BERNICE PYKE 1 WWW“ ”'"de Roumr l—Z, MANIEY Louisiana Oklahoma MRS. U}:.»,(IEC U. ‘.YLS'I‘IzuIIOUs‘E _ COL. ROBERT EWING SCOTT FERRIS , W , "win nzc') MRS. STELI.\ HAMLIN MRS. D. A. MCDOUGAI. \f 1‘ ‘ ill-13R! \Iu LIOOLEY Jfljirff, Orggon MRS. JEAN ‘.3mu: