xt7gqn5z6g1b_7 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29.dao.xml Woman's Democratic Club of Fayette County (Ky.) 0.68 Cubic Feet 2 boxes archival material 50w29 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic Club papers Women -- Kentucky -- Societies and clubs Women -- Suffrage Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's Democratic Campaign Manual text Women's Democratic Campaign Manual 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z6g1b/data/50w29/Box_1/Folder_8/8154.pdf 1924 1924 1924 section false xt7gqn5z6g1b_7 xt7gqn5z6g1b lDomen's Democratic
, Campaign manual
‘ 1924
! Issued by
I} cThe Democratic national Commi’dee
1;, (The Democratic Congressional Committee
‘ Washington, D. C. ,

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. gn gppreuatmn
, Rs Americans we can mourn prouoly for Wooorow Wilson. 2%
great man, surely. more than a great man; history will write him
. oown as the greatest of all. We have hao great leabers of our
motion, but never before a lumber who was at the some lime the
loabor of the worlo.
. Gruly when Woobrow Wilson spoke. his voice was hearo arounb
the worlo.
: Nothing like it was over before known. Ghere have been men
whose teachings in the course of generations or perhaps of centuries
' have swayco as much of mankino as on Wooorow Wilson within
two years; ano there have been men who in a short time were
supreme at home or in a limiico fielb; but this man almost overnight
became the master of the soul of the civilizeo worlo; ano from that
lime in 1917 until the bay when the shaoow of the Angel of Eealh
, first fell athwari his path. he was the leaber onb the ruler of all
I living. able to change ano changing with a woro, the beslinies of
th principles of national freeoom one of liberty that Wooorow
Wilson laio oown are now written in the constitutions of many
countries. they have become part of the public law of the worlo anb,
ooublless most important. they are guaroco as precious treasures in
the bosoms of millions of mankino.
Ghink, Americans. of the height to which Wooorow Wilson raiseo
. our country. Yirst of all. he showeo the worlo that this was the
mightiest nation of the globe. that there was nothing lhat its strength
might not achieve, no force that coulb prevail against it; ano yet.
. with that giant's strength biscloseo. America. unocr Wooorow
Wilson. was not {cargo but only lovoo.
_ Our mm) was low. our [lot was supreme, it was occcpieo without
. question, but not because it was onnouncoo as the oecree of a bictaior.
but because it was reveroo as righteous. it was known as fair. it
" . was lauoeo as unselfish. a stream from the very fountain of oivino
never has lhe [lag of any nation been raiseo to such a peak of
glory as was the flag of America by Wooorow Wilson.
. TiDavib flanker Miller.

| i


Davis picture...................................Frontz‘spicce
i Tribute toVVoodrow \Vilson............................ l
, xForeword 5
' The Democratic Presidential Candidate................... 7
The Democratic Vice-Presidential Candidate. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Status of ‘Nomen in the Democratic Party.............. '19
The Democrats and Equal Suffrage..................... 22
Six Major Issues for 1924 25
Conservation or Honesty in Government. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Tarif’f-—ATaxonVJomen............................ 37
Foreign Relations..................................... 47
SocialWelfareinGovernment......................... 59
\VomenandLabor Problems.......................... 69
Merit System Versus the Spoils System................ 72
Hints for Campaign W'orkers........................... 77
Hints for Spealcers..................................... 79
Vv’hyIAmaDemocrat.................................. 82
Taking the Bunk Out of Politics........................ 92
Organizing for Campaign DUCLL53 95
’l'welve Things a Precinct \IVorker Should Know. . . . . . .. 98

Four Reasons Why Farm V\-"omen Should Vote the
Democratic Ticket 99
' How to Interest Women in Voting...................... 102
ShowingUptheG-.O.P 104
Veterans’ Bureau Scandal............................104
Republican Scandals.................................. 107
Coolidge and the Police Strike Myth.................. 108
Injunction Dawes 114
' Senate Investigations................................. 117
Republican Investigations.............................. 118
Sample Speech—“The Tariff”........................... 121
Fooling the Women 131
Campaign Literatm‘e.................................... 134
CampaignSong......................................... 140
\Vomen Voters, Attentionl............................Insnrl


l /

 A Foreword

$7ng its 1924 platform the Democratic party
«as. "fie”?

(32%? says:

“We welcome the women of the Nation
to their rightful place by the side of men in the
control of the Government whose burden they have
always shared.

“The Democratic party congratulates them upon
the essential part which they have taken in the
progress of our country, and the zeal with which

, they are using their political power to aid the enact-
ment of beneficent laws and the exaction of fidelity
in the public service.”

; It is not only in theory and on paper that women
are given equal recognition in the Democratic party.
In actual practice in the various states, as well as in
the great national Conventions of all the states the
party of new ideas and liberal understanding has
been organized on a fifty—fifty basis not only of work
but of responsibility and glory as well. For there
is work and responsibility in politics, lying back of
the pleasant places in the limelight granted to those
who attain special honor and distinction.

To justify the faith that is in them, Democratic

‘ women pledge themselves to hard and efficient work
in the campaign that is being waged to elect John
W'. Davis and Charles W. Bryan to the high places
for which they have been named.

To give suggestions for this important campaign

, work, to answer some of the questions that are sure
to be asked of all campaigners, and to catalogue the
publications which will give fuller information to
those who desire it, this handbook is issued by the

9 Democratic National Committee.


 Democratlc Presuientlal
my) OHN ‘W. DAVIS, Democratic nominee for
i‘gjfifig President, was 'born in Clarksburg, West Vir-
f, ‘ :3; ginia, where rest in the soil four generations
of his people-«made up, as he himself said, of “arti- .
sans, tradesmen, farmers and a sprinkling of the pro—
fessions—laborers all, who played in a simple fashion .
their appointed parts in the life of the community.”
His childhood was the normal life of the normal
American boy of a small town. He was the idol of
his father, with whom he went everywhere—to the
presbytery of their church, to circuses, and even to
political meetings—4mm the time he was a very
little fellow. It was said in the Davis family that
the father “loved his son first, his umbrella second,
his dog third—and the rest of us next.” On Sunday
evenings it was the household’s custom to gather
around the piano and sing to the father the hymns
he loved. “This hour was the greatest religious in-
fluence in our childhood,” says a sister of John W.
The elder Davis, who himself served twice in the
United States Congress, was a‘picturesque character.
, “He was born nine years after Jefferson’s death, and
grew up in an atmosphere of Jeffersonian traditions
. while these were still the most vital possession of the
American people. Though a Union man he was also
a strong states’ rights man and a radical free trader.
It is told that he feared the face of no man, but that
of his idol, his son, who when barely a lad “once


made him sit down and be Silent in a Democratic

‘ county convention—and made the old Tartar like it.”

1 Once when a local editor wrote a slanderous article
about his father, young Davis seized him and admin—
istered a thrashing, immediately afterward presenting
himself before the mayor of Clarksburg, saying:
“I’ve violated a town ordinance and I want to be
fined.” He was, and that ended the matter.

‘ These instances occurring so early in the life of
the Democratic presidential nominee, clearly prophesy
his later development into a man of decision and quick

‘ action who lets the public know where he stands on

matters of public moment.

These virile qualities, an unquestioned integrity

i and a personality that makes a quick appeal, together

1 with his tall, handsome figure and fine carriage, will

i make him a President to Whom the country may point

3 with pride.

i Y outh

i It is not alone Mr. Davis’ father to whom is trace—

: able unquestioned influence upon his subsequent splen—

did record on public humanitarian questions. His
mother also must be taken into consideration. She had
an exceptional education for a woman of her time, hav-
ing won a BA. degree from Baltimore City College,

‘ afterwards called Goucher College. She was passion-

ately fond of reading history, which she had at her

‘ fingers’ end—not dates alone, but causes. Therefore it

i was natural that her son’s civic consciousness was

; aroused early in life by the constant discussion in his

home of public questions and of history, which is in its

3 essence the politics of the past. ‘

7 Mrs. Davis was an early and earnest suffragist,

1 frequently voicing her feeling that it was “a shame"

 \r\'o.\.n<;:<'s l)r;nocm’1‘u: CAMPAIGN KIANL’AL ’9
that an intelligent, educated woman should not vote
when the most ignorant freedman on the street had
the ballot. She went happily on preaching the new
day, writing in prose and verse of its sure coming.
and living until within a few months of its dawn.

In view of her attitude, it is worth noting the official
activities of women of the new day in connection with
her son’s nomination for the Presidency of the United
States. It was a woman, Mrs. Izetta Jewell Brown, of
West Virginia, who made the speech nominating Mr.
Davis. Women were everywhere in evidence at the
New York convention, working shoulder to shoulder
with the men on an equal footing and as an integral part

' of the convention proceedings—~this being in conformity
' to the Democratic party’s liberal policy towards women.
1 It was as if the spirit of John W. Davis’ mother
t hovered there. Women were at the New York COIl~
vention as delegates, alternates, national committee~
women, speakers, chairmen of important committees,
and in some delegations there was a bloc of women who
‘ held the balance of power, and a woman vice-chairman
* even presided for a time over the convention itself.
5 John \V. Davis graduated from Washington and
d Lee University, at Lexington, Virginia.-A. B. 1892;
'- LL. B. 1895. After admission to the bar he became
3. assistant professor of law at his Alma Mater in 1896.
1- The following year he practiced in Clarksburg with his
if father, the firm being Davis and Davis. The young
it man’s fine personal character and exceptional abili—
lS ties as a lawyer were so generally recognized and
is admired that his friends persuaded him to run for
ts the legislature. Though the district was Republican,
‘ he was elected to the West Virginia House of Dela.
it, gates by a substantial majority—«being only 26 years
a" old at the time. From that time down to the present


1 he has had an increasingly broad experience in public 1
‘ affairs, though he has not been continuously in public , ,
office, and cannot be in any sense ranked as a pro-

fessional office-holder. l .
In 1911 Mr. Davis began his participation in the
affairs of the National Government as a member of ‘
Congress and took an active part in pushing through
the notable legislation for which this Congress—the
Sixty—third~——is celebrated. ‘
“Few, if any, Congresses have equaled it in con-
structive and progressive legislation,” said Mr. Davis

. in addressing that body at the close of its first regular

1 session. “On this record of promises kept and

J pledges fulfilled we appeal with full assurance to the

3 American people. '1‘ * * In this country, as in

, every other, there must be fought out the endless

j warfare of equal rights against special privilege, of

government for the many against, for, and by the

j few.”

1 It was in this Congress that John W. Davis was so
active in supporting the legislation creating the Chil~
dren’s Bureau, established to gather facts regarding
infant mortality, birth rate, orphanages, juvenile '

‘ courts, child labor, diseases of children, etc. This was
the beginning of the effective assistance. which the ‘
Government since has been giving to the states in
improving sanitary, social and industrial conditions

1 throughout the country.

. To establish the constitutionality of the first Child

, Labor Law, considerations of humanity, of morality,

, of public policy and of economic efficiency were in-

3 volved in Mr. Davis’ fight for the protection of chi1~
dren. The Supreme Court could find no warrant in,

Elie constitutiou for the law he championed, but public
: opinion has since sustained him in the fight he made to
: tree the children of the Nation from commercial ex-
? ploitation.
_ I Mr. Davis supported in the House the bill to revise
"| Schedule K (covering duties on woolen goods) of the
Payne—Aldrich tariff. Twice it went to the President
only to be vetoed. President Taft also vetoed the
bill removing the tax on agricultural implements,
sewing machines, fencing wire. lumber, shingles,
‘ shoes and the like, and a bill to revise the cotton
schedule. The Republican Senate defeated this Demo—
cratic House bill. which would have put sugar on the
free list. Mr. Davis was an ardent supporter of the
Underwood tariff bill which substituted a very much
lower level of duties than had been in effect under
Republican rule.

It was this Congress, in which Mr. Davis figured so
prominently, that established the parcel post system
which has proven a boon to housekeepers. This legis—

‘ lation had been opposed successfully for years under
' Republican administration.
. The attitude of Mr. Davis throughout his entire
career has been favorable to labor. More than 20
years ago, as a young lawyer, he volunteered his
services to defend striking miners who had been
arrested for “unlawful assemblage, riot and inciting
‘ to riot,” at a time when his community was domi—
l nated by big coal corporations and it was an unpopu-
lar thing for any lawyer to undertake. Then, too, it
i was in 1911, in that Sixty—third Congress that he
. tool; active interest in workmen's cmrnpensation
1 legislation.

 l2 \N’omcx‘s Diamocmrtc CAMPAIGN MANUAL
Public Service jc
‘Nhen Mr. Davis resigned from Congress in 1913 a
to become Solicitor General upon appointment by 5‘
W'oodrow Wilson, one of his first official acts was to , S
defend the constitutionality of the Adamson Eight— xr
Hour Law before the Supreme Court. He pushed the Ev
case with such vigor that the Supreme Court decision 6
was reached within six months after the passage of p.
the bill. V
“The right of labor,” he declared, “to an accurate n1
wage earned under healthful conditions, the right to tl
organize in order to obtain it, and the right to bargain at
for it collectively, through agents and representatives g
, of: its own choosing, has been established after many f,
3 years of weary struggle. These rights are conceded L
; by all fair—minded men.” s;
In his defense of this act affecting the eight~ 0
. hour law for railroad employes, he maintained that b
i “The efficiency and safety of railroad service de- 'tl
pended upon the skill and physical fitness of their
1 employes. 4‘ * * Physical efficiency is impossible C
without proper living conditions, which demand suit— 1',
able food, clothing, housing, rest and recreation.” d
It is a coincidence that Mr. Davis is a candidate 3;
for the Presidency of the United States at the moment a
when the Government is seeking to force private 1L
interests to make restitution of some of the very lands 3
and mineral wealth which he, as Solicitor General, a
i‘ snatched from another set of Republican exploiters d
, and returned to the national domain.
j Through Mr. Davis, 2,300,000 acres of agricultural tl
land in Oregon, valued at $50,000,000 at that time, s
i and 100,000 acres of timber land in Oklahoma, valued 1‘
at $4,500,000, were recovered.

Mr. Davis served as Solicitor General at a critical
juncture. in the history of the United States. It was
3 a time when progressive legislation cnfolding many
v social and economic reforms was coming before the
L) Supreme Court. The Federal Reserve Act, which has
._ made this country panic-proof since its enactment.
CC was threatened and Solicitor Davis successfully de—
n fended it. The income tax law was attacked, and he
preserved that.
f Toward the end of the war, in 1918, President
Wilson commissioned Mr. Davis a member of a com-
a mission to negotiate with the German Government for
O the exchange of prisoners of war, with headquarters
n at Berne, Switzerland. These negotiations required
is great skill and tact, for the German armies had suf-
y fered reverses for which the German people blamed the
d United States. A spokesman for this country under
such conditions was required to have broad knowledge
Z* of international law and usage. John W. Davis had
it both that and the requisite tact to handle successfully
3” this delicate situation.
1‘ In 1919 he succeeded Mr. Page as Ambassador to
ie Great Britain, and at that post served his country’s
t‘ interest With credit. His task was to achieve Presi—
dent VVilson’s purpose of a permanent peace, at the
If same time preserving American independence of
It action and American impartiality as among the Allies.
1"! He returned to the United States at the end of his
[5 service and brought with him the good will. respect
I. and friendship of all the nations with which he had
'5 dealt.
After his return to America he became a member of
11 the New York law firm of Stetson, Jennings and Rus-
3' sel, and later was elected president of the American
‘il liar Association, the most distinguished honor that

 15l- \5\io.\-IEN‘s l)l-::\locv..»x'rlc CAMMION MANUAL
can come to a member of the legal profession in this
T he Davis family’s physician at Clarksburg is
quoted as saying: “In a lawsuit he won’t take ed~ '
vantage of anybody, especially if he sees a man has a
bad lawyer. You ask any lawyer ill Clarksburg. As I
a pleader he’s magnetic, and he never quotes a piece
of law unless he is sure of it. Judges trust him and
he interests them. Ill the Supreme Court you never
see ’enl leaning back and reading papers when he’s
arguing. No, they’re leaning forward on their elbows
listening. * * * I’ll never forget a campaign ‘
speech he made as long ago as 14 years. He took
. his opponent and ate him up and spit him out and ate
him up and spit him out again, and then again, till
there wasn’t a Shred left, and yet-—and yet there
wasn’t a word of personal meanness in the whole
‘ speech; it was all sheer argument. * * * He's
‘ an arguer like his father was. John ‘N.’s a good
listener, too; will listen to the old Nigger dog catcher
here in Clarksburg—loves to meet and know people.
Color, creed, size, sex or social standing don’t make
any difference to John Davis. One of John’s out—
standing characteristics is his unadulterated polite-
ness to the humblest.”
‘ Mr. Davis is a member of Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Beta
Kappa, an Elk, and a thirty-second degree Mason.
He married in 1899 Miss Julia McDonald, of Jeffer-
son County, West Virginia, who died ill 1900 leaving
. a daughter, Julia McDonald Davis, who is now Mrs.
Norman McMillin Adams. He was married again in
I 1912 to Miss Ellen Graham Bassel, of Clarksburg.
John W. Davis has creditably served his country as
i legislator, Solicitor General and Ambassador. As. a
candidate for the Presidency of the United States,

 KNORIENBS l')i‘.i-ioc:i<.a'ric Cinnamon i\