xt7gqn5z705g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z705g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19460531  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 31, 1946 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 31, 1946 1946 2013 true xt7gqn5z705g section xt7gqn5z705g The Kentucky Kernel

Den man Says


A UK Night Spot





Sue Ann Bradford
Elected Band Sponsor


M Mi'.rR

MAY 31. 19Hi

Commencement Friday
On Library Portico





The final examination schedule
for the spring quarter has been announced by Dean Leo M. Chamberlain, University registrar. The sche.
dule follows:
Thursday, June 6:
The Veterans Administration
Sue Ann Bradford,
Graduation activities bsin Sunmeeting 1st hour on any cycle starthas sent, the following letter,
Junior from Lexington, will be the
day. June 2. at 4:00 pm.. Mrmrnal
ing on either Monday or Wednesday;
lMfi-4- 7
sponsor of the University
concerning veterans who will
hall, with the Baccalaureate spi m'm
classes meeting 1st hour
not attend summer school to
bend. She was chosen by the band
being delivered by the Risht
on any cycle starting on either
Lyle K. Henry, assistant personat a meeting Wedensday afternoon.
William R. Moidy.
o of
Tuesday or Thursday;
nel director.
the Episcopal Diocese of LexingThe Independents were allowed
meeting 2nd hour on any cycle
The attached V. A. form
ton. Commencement exercis will
two candidates and each sorority
starting on either Monday or Wed- should be filled cut by
be held the following Friday a; 7. 10
could enter one for the selection.
3-- 4
classes meeting 2nd
each veterans in training und?r
pm. at the library portico, wi ii
Miss Bradford, vice president of
any cycle starting on either Public
hour on
law 346 who does not Honorable Fred Vinson, Secretary 'C
Kappa Kappa Gamma, is a memThe War department's annual inTuesday or Thursday.
plan to attend summer school.
the Treasury, as principal speaker.
ber of Beta Gamma Sigma, national spection of the University's ROTC
Friday, June 7:
The veteran should
Other activities of thr . k incommerce honorary, and an SGA organization will be held on the
meeting 3rd hour on any cycle startquestions from one to ten, include a meeting of the Uuivv .;i y
She has been a campus next Monday and Tuesday
ing on either Monday or
Board of Trustees in the
Women's by four officers designated to report
member of the
classes meeting 3rd hour
Veterans should report to
office Tuesday at 10 a m.; a ru- -on the activities of the local unit
Glee club. Student Union commiton any cycle starting on either
rocm 204 of the Administration
tion at Maxwell Place Thi.r
tee, and has received a Guignol key. for the 1945-4- 6 school year.
Tuesday or Thursday;
tmldins. Mr. Henry stated.
4 p.m. for members of the i. lullThe officers named by the War
meeting 4th hour on any cycle start
The new sponsor was queen of
ing class and their guests, al.i.nm
last year's Military ball, and was department to conduct the inspecjriiT'lriif g ing on either Monday or Wednes- nrafcjffl
trustees, and faculty: a commenceI
meeting 4th
an attendant of the May queen.
are: Colonel Clifford R. Jones,
ment luncheon for the farm- gr.ii;i
hour on any cycle starting on either
Miss Bradford, who succeeds Eva C.A.C, Fifth Service Command, Ft.
on the lawn in front of th engiTuesday or Thursday.
Singleton, graduating band sponsor, Hayes, Columbus, Ohio; Major J.
neering building on Friday at l."0.
Saturday, June 8:
will assume her duties in the fall c- - Rives, and Major L. B. Amick,
eys' "'Phornore mens leadership and the annual meeting of t.ie
both from the infantry of the 2nd
meeting 5th hour or from 12:00 to
wl" sPnsor the Univ"" Alumni Association at the Union
Memphis, Tennessee:
1:00 on any cycle starting on either 'r,a,er"lty'
rxt Dk
building on Friday at 2 .30 p m.
Mnnriav nr WsrinpsHav 10.11 sn
the basis of beauty and marching Major K. S. Dumond, Signal Corps,
tional honor society for freshmen
B.k?h- War department, Washington, D. C.
classes meeting 5th hour or from men.
Plans are being made to install laureate services, the Student Union
Phases of the instruction to be
2:00 to 1:00 on any cycle starting
a UK chapter of the fraternity. Board will hold a rec? ption for the
The sponsor of the University checked by the officers include
on either Tuesday or Thursday;
which corresponds to Alpha Lambda faculty, seniors, and guests, in the
band is chosen each year by the theoretical class work to be heard
classes meeting 6th hour;
Delta, honorary society for fresh- - hall of the Union building
members themselves, after a march- at regular class periods, squad and
M .ry
apclasses meeting 7th, 8th,
men women.
ing exhibition by each contestant. platoon combat tests, rifle squads,
lou Witherspoon is in charge of
pointments, conflicts, etc.
The purpose of Phi Eta Sigma is arrangements,
She attends all band meetings, un- and infantry drill regulations.
Examinations for classes offered to encourage and reward
less excused by the director, and
a bulletin frnm th- - nrr,
Review Monday Afternoon
6 o'clock are to be given at .scholarship among men
appears with the band on all
students, dean T women reminds .s,T..,rs tl- - ,t
Practical tests will be held on the Five outstanding citizens will re the treaty between the U.S. and was instructor in physical education ine last regular class meeting.
riiii,iin.. '"r
inarching or concert engagements.
"""'""""P i asea limited seating facilities np- -,.
No final examination
shall be
Turkey and to Madrid the same year at the University from 1919 to 1923.
area between the main, campus
y " scnolarshl
Miss Bradford was presented to
(ute that each senior be Umur-degrees at the Uni- to negotiate a treaty of commerce Miss Blanding was named acting iriven before the last three davs of
ceive honorary
to two reserved seats for rrluiiv. .
the band immediately following the drive and Monday, Limestone street versity's 79th annual commence between
- T.""i
at 4 pjn.
and, in addition
the United States and dean of women in 1923 and later any quarter except on written per-- ! rp
voting Wednesday aternoon.
must be mide on
i These reservations
j to the routine maneuvers,
Spain. He was solicitor for the State became dean of women and assist- mission from the registrar.
a mock ment exercises Friday, June 7. Four
or Delore June 6, at the deans ofThe retiring sponsor. Miss Eva battle using blank ammunition will
In the case of a conflict, the in- are native Kentuckians; the fifth is department from 1925 to 1931 and ant professor of political science,
Singleton, Lexington, will present be staged. A review of
has been legal advisor since 1931. serving in those capacities until structor involved shall report this
the ROTC
In case of rain the
the sponsor's belt, symbol of her band and cadets will be held, and a University graduate.
V. F. Kalb was elected Dresident
He is a member of the permanent 1937, when she was promoted to fact to the registrar at least two
luncheon, scheftoioa for ru-da- y,
election, to Miss Bradford at a the Monday afternoon inspection is
The Kentuckians are Judge Green court of arbitration, The Hague; associate professor of political sci- weeks before the final examination 0f Alpha chapter of Tau Beta Pi.
will be he:a at the Union b:i:Vi-in- g.
Haywood Hackworth of Prestons-burlater date.
open to the public.
member of the advisory committee ence in addition to her duties as period. In such a case the registrar national eneineering honorary, at
Tickets for the luncheon m.tv
legal advisor to the State de- on research in international law of dean. In 1941 Miss Blanding became shall decide when the examination a meeting Wednesday. May 22. in
The University's ROTC unit has
judges Harvard law school; delegate for director of the Cornell college of is to be given.
the Faculty room of the Engineer- - be obtained at either the oftic of
always achieved the War depart- partment and one of the
the dean of women or the alumni
serving on the International Court the U.S. to the conference for codi- home economics.
The final examination in orienta- - jnK quadrangle.
The following
ment's highest rating, that of "exJudge William Henry fication of international law. The year she was named dean.
lion snail ne given at me last reg- J. A. M Uer was chosen recording office.
cellent," which is symbolized by a of Justice;
Maysville, chief justice, Hague In 1930; delegate to the eighth
During the war she served as di- ular class period before the final secretary
and treasurer; S. F.
small blue star worn on the right Rees of
Kentucky Court of Appeals; Sarah international conference of Ameri- rector of the Human Nutrition divi examination period.
Adams is the new corresponding
sleeve of each cadet's uniform.
Excepting the College of Law, the secretary and cataloger.
Gibson Blanding of Lexington, dean
The rating of the inspection stall of the New York State college of can states held at Lima in 1938; sion. New York State Emergency above schedule of final examina
New members initiated at the
delegate to the eighth American Food commission, and member of
By Hugh Collett
(1) the degree to
is determined by
home economics at Cornell univer- Scientific congress in Washington the American Council on Education. tions snail appiy to au colleges oi meeting are J. C. Hamby, P. W.
The annual YMCA-YWCcabiof Vassar in 1940; and served as advisor to the She was associate director of the the University.
Bells will ring out from the tower which the unit has attained the sity and president-eleButton. Jr.. J. A. Miller, C. J. Baker,
of Memorial hall in honor of the objectives set forth in the War de- college, and Neal Trimble McKee of Secretary of State at the second Office of War Nutrition for New If an instructor wishes to give a E. R. Lieberman, A. A. Nierenberg. net planning retreat whs held Ut
Saturday afternoon and S'lif!
final examination he may
graduating seniors, this Sunday partment programs of instruction; Mt. Sterling, research engineer and meeting of ministers of foreign af York state from 1942 through 1943.
(2) the condition of government
morning at Camp Daniei "Vxne.
of the Superheater fairs of the American republics, held This spring Miss Blanding was do so, but the examination must bo
from 3:30 to 4:00 pm. and on Fri.
two-hostate YMCA site on the Kentucky
period 1
day evening from 6:00 to 6:30. ac- property issued" at the institution; company. New York City.
in Havana in. 1940.
elected to the presidency of Vassar given within the
(3) the adequacy of facilities
cording to Dr. Alexander Capurso, and
Judge Rees is a graduate of Ken- college.
Mervin Joe Kelley, physicist, di
for practical and theoretical in
The meeting, desicned to allow "lie
head of the music department.
rector of research and executive tucky Wesleyan college, holds the Mr. McKee holds the B.M.E. and The class tickets for a course shall
struction and for the care of prop
Scovell chapter of Alpha Zeta, University's "Y" cabinet meinVG
of the Bell Telephone LL.u. degree from the same lnsti M.E. degrees from the University. be filed with the registrar by 9 a.m.
The bells, actually located in the erty and vehicles.
to review the previous year s artr-itinational agriculture honorary
of Monday, June 10.
laboratories in New York, who has tution and the LL.B. from the Uni He has served as
basement of Memorial hall, are
and to plan for the mming
voted to raise the scholastic
to membership in versity of Virginia. He was admitted the Superheater company, director
Just been elected
known as carrillonic
standing required for membership year, was opened with a rTeation.
the National Academy of Science, to the Kentucky Bar in 1908 and of the Air Preheater Corp., director
tower bells. The bell-litone,
from 18 to 2 0. to meet University period Saturday afternoon.
will receive the Doctor of Science was named judge of the Kentucky of the Superheater Co., Ltd., of Can
originating from bells no larger
A general discussion, preside! nwr
standards for an honor society, at
Court of Appeals in 1928, being j ada, , In 1920 to 1922, he was director
degree in applied physics.
two inches in diameter, is sent
its rcpular meeting Thursday. by Edward Bary, Brry LtC riei:.!.-ma- n.
Judge Rees elected to , the same office again : in j of Marine . and. Locomotive, Super- Judge Hackworth and
from the tower by means of ampliMrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
Dorothy Collins, ani ,Jm
r.. '
Thomas Gregory, arts and sri - May 23.
fication, according to Mr. Lloyd women, and Miss Jane Haselden, will be awarded the degree of Doc inni ttuu iirtd. u. etc i vcu m iiuci ineater Ltia.t in ijonaon, cugiaua anu
Thomas H. John.vm was elected Tucker, occupied Saturday nishfa
1941-'4- j Justice in 1933-3- 5
companies pnrm lunior was elected President
and in
Ekstrom, installation engineer for assistant dean, entertained with a tor of Laws. Miss Blanding will reqpr.
activities. The group discu
of the State Na-- 1 and built plants in England and of Nu circle of Omicron Delta Kan - sent, and A. U. Rowland was
Schulmerick Electronics, Incor- tea in honor of graduating senior ceive the LL. D. in education; Mr. He is
eral campus problems, esppciailv
s leadership honor- - rhnsn as chronicler. .
McKee will receive the Doctor of tional Bank and Trust Co. 'at Mays France. His inventions meant the pa, senior men
women yesterday afternoon at the
fraternity! Scovell chapter, founded on the those regarding the students' social
difference between success and fail- ary, at a meeting of the
Science degree in engmeering.
campus in 19U, was reactivated at opportunities ai ine wniversuy
Mr. Ekstrom explained that the Faculty club.
Miss Blanding holds a certificate ure of the locomotive superheaters Tuesday.
Judge Hackworth attended ValIn the receiving line were Mrs.
set contains four amplifiers which
Addrexs By Peak
from the New Haven Normal School and saved millions of tons of locoOther officers chosen to serve for the beginning of this quarter.
build up the resonance of the bells, Holmes, Miss Haselden, Miss Re- paraiso university, Georgetown uni- of gymnastics, the A.B. degree from
An opening worship was ror.'l'C"""!
motive fuel throughout the world. the following year are Ja'ck Bana- versity law school and George Washhardly audible without amplifica- becca Lowe, Miss Frances Street,
Sunday morning by Paul Snnds and
degree He is a Fellow in the Royal Society han,
John Hopkins.
the University and the M-CllOSen
tion. As the operator of the set Miss Emily Jones, Miss Betty Ann ington university. He was counsel from Columbia university.
Lenora Henry, with Bart, N. Pe:k.
She of Arts (London), and holds mem- recording secretary; Dr. M. E. Pot- - , r
1922 to
presses notes similar to an ordinary Brauer, Miss Betty Fleishman.
for the UnittU States from
secretary of the University YMCA.
studied at the London school of bership in various other scientific ter, faculty advisor; Dr. Charles
piano keyboard, a magnetic hammer The hostesses were assisted by 1925 under the boundary waters Economics in 1928 an 1929 and
delivering a brief talk.
Snow, faculty secretary-treasure- r.
(Continued on Page Three)
Keys, sophomore men's leadership
is dropped on the bells. The sound Miss Margaret Bruce Cruise, Miss treaty of 1909 between the U.S. and
Tommy Gish and H' lrn !
fraternity, has elected as officers 'craft, presidents of the YM ai.'l V
resonates in small tubes connected Chloe Giflord, and Mrs. Dorothy Great Britain; was sent on special
lor tne coming year John Crockett. cabinets.
mission to Lausanne in 1923 to draft
op- - nM h
with the bells. Wires connected to Evans.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon. president; other general meeMns: in
the tubes lead to the amplifiers,
Robert Puryear, Phi Delta Theta. Freshman club, the Univfr i'vs
which have a combined power of 400
Kenneth Midkiif. ul.jous program, publicitv. an,l
watts, making it possible to hear the
Well kids, here it is! The last dog, that is she brought the hide of Slew Davis was the chief buddy
Sigma Kappa, secretary; and tUre aid to freshmen and new
bells for a distance of two miles.
column of my last regular school her former pet to school. Casey, if and consultant at Jewell hall. Th?
Whuley. Sigma Phi Ep--1 dents veTe duscussed.
From the amplifiers, the sound is
year, and my turn to write 30. But you want that hide, it is hanging crap games behind the Union wrre
School And Examinatons Could Be Fun
treasurer. The new orlicers
speakers locarried to four
At 11 :30. a church hour r.rprra
always interesting, especially when silon.
(thank God and Mr. Webster for from the rafters of the attic of the
were installed at a meeting Monday dinnpr and adjournment of the
cated in the tower of the building.
If You Choose To Believe Jim Donovan
that word) before I go, there are house to this day. (Casey's note: it Bill Barton won a dollar from one
Dr. M. M. White has been hour
By Jimmy Donovan
you might be on the third floor, hot a few things I should like to write is not, it's in the Zeta house right of the campus cops,
Two additional speakers are lochosen as faculty adviser for the
Thirty-si- x
de'"?ates atiendfd h
cated in the organ chamber beside
about, that I was never able to now!)
Now that space is getting shr.rt. fraternity.
Probably the best way to take an to mention the fact that it's
meeting, .and rnaperonrs ircl'idd
sidered unethical to leave the class-"d- write about before. So here goes.
the auditorium's stage to facilitate
Last year carried its interesting there are a few things that I have
is to take it home; but as
Joe Mathews. Kappa Alpha, and
playing of the bells in conjunction
and believe me, there is nothing connotations
also. The football always wanted to do in this column Bob Ingram, Triangle, were ini- Mrs. John Roberts. Mri
Testapo" frowns on this prac- - room during an exam,
Collins, and Mr. Peak.
question has un like graduating amid a shower of team arrived on campus amid a and now, by damn I think I shall,
organ. Special switche:; tice. it mieht Drove inadvisable if
Even if the first
with the
make it possible to play the bells not yerboten.
nerved you, don't be alarmed. Re- - tainted type.
shower of blue jeans and plaid
Keys, plans to revive the custom
The first desire ls t0 nave my
both inside and out or individually,
However, there are a few simple member, relaxation is the key to
One female acquaintance at the shirts, Hugh Shannon was the cwn name mentioned in the gossip of sponsoring the annual Sadie
Mr. Ekstrom concluded.
boy on campus column
ruies for taking examinations.. which success. Remove the wooden mallet University began her career by dat- well Adele Denson the H:iwkins dance the second Saturday
nnnf f
16-4vv rwlrcf' . VignH ing
will assure success. (Tne autnor nas
of the football team in one and, Dick Youngerman was every- - mispElling is natural too, because in November.
years, it to a friend, and tell him to use it night. Beginning at 6:00 she had one's dream man, BiU Embry was for tnree years T have befn misppl- been at the University for ten
Officers chosen for lot of T'hi
and if anybody knows how to take with utmost discretion right be- dinner with the first one, the next the biggest wheel and girls didn't ling your namcSi anrj it stands to
Upsilon Omicron for th
tween your eyes.
finals, he certainly should.)
plaved bridee with the even bother to curl their hair and reason that mine should be also.
hour she
year are Cyrene McConn. Wim
in When you regain consciousness a second one, read poetry with the be eager at it was impossible to get
Of fundamental importance
2 Next z wm mention mme of
ter. president; Marie SLim;r. C
taking any test is total and com- - few minutes later, you will probably third at 8.00, went to the show with a aace witn any oi mem as in, my mf)re
classic blunaers tnat have
lit it n
plete mental relaxation. If you've be lying on the floor. Don't get up! the fourth, at 10:00 had hamburg- - waiting list was too long. Summer
The fifth annual exhibition of
Jn tms column
haye had
t r v:
Just have someone hand you
caught a cold in the head the night
student paintings, sponsored by the
ers witn the fifth, at ll:oo spin a
gjrls marring tne wrong man j
Frances Horlachtr. Lexin'on. recil and paper, and in the calm
from the draft generated
bottle with the sixth, went to Joy- - Averach the bathing beauty. Last twQ gli& campused for a week j Art club, will be shown throughout cording secretary; Kay
com-yo- u
turning pages in textbooks, pose of the cool concrete floor,
room of the
ya nau was
ZeU Tan Alpha . . . "Pride of Our
lana with the seventh, had conee
mentioned something nice about a June in the Music
treasurer: Jo. Aim Kx k.rr.
may think you have a handicap, plete your examination,
Union building.
where. Quietly and calmly the
with the eighth, who brought her
Hearts' formal, 9 to 12, tonight,
f0f n) reasoR at aU except j
Lexington, chaplain; Bermee Hud-sr- n.
As time passes, the pages of writ-fa- home. Believe
but don't let that worry you. The
Students having
Ballroom of the Phoenix hotel.
it or not. she mar- - quietly would close at 10:30, equally- tnougnt it mignt lead tQ hu a,k exhibit are Frances pictures In the
Lexington, historian:
you can't breathe will ten material will begin to accumu- - ried
Chaffins. Helen
and calmly five or six win- lng me for a
the boy who took her to the
formal serve to take your mind off the more late, but you are so relaxed you
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Arnold, Ida Dean, Mildred Jackson, Herman,
uuws wouia rise to tne up
3. Now
you, I'm not grip- Corona Smathers,
Lexir.-.dinner dance tonight at the Lexing- depressing work at hand.
Kancy Skeen. Martha Jane Rinso,
don't even notice it until the sun
the hall woul spill all ing, but mind tell you some
The most interesting times were
ton Country club. Dinner at 6. After you're seated and consider goes down and you find yourself
let me
of thi Bettv Brooker, Martha Stivers, Tay- marshal.
over the
several ways),
however, when
Dancing 9 to 12.
trials and tribulations of writing
yourself ready for the crucifixion, finishing your sentences up the side had the year 1943-4summer the social calendar this column. On Friday mornings, lor L. Davidson, Elizabeth Goggtn.
the local men were swapped for
Anne BirdweU. Elizabeth Crapster.
test for tenseness by gently grasp- - 0f a table leg.
Sigma Nil . . . "White Star" formal
the AST units, and the women were read. Sigma Chi river party . . . just about the time The Kernel hit
When vou get up to hand in living
riinnor rln tniDht at the Phoenix ine the leg of your chair. If you
Sigma Chi river party . . . Sigma
in the fratomitv houses
" ..
... T.
Fireside room. Dinner at 7:30. near the sound oi spiinieimg wooa, your paper, be especially caiciui w wnen mzzy
K(,c that out campus, I haveexplain dragged Shindlebower. Patti Perrone, Patty Joan byRuby.Johnny Long wi?:
was playing tne piano Phi "
of cIasRes to
myself, Petty, and Joe Ward.
find another avoid a repetition of the "relaxa- you're not relaxed
and T"l
Dancing 9 to 12.
Sigmas did everything on cam- the
Just thg year x
summoncd frQm
chair, sit down, and think about tion" treatment from the under side at the Sigma Chi house. Kong was
Almost half of the paintings are Fio Rito bands as their "fivon e
spring for- nothing (your professor will do).
passing in and out at the SAE P". that is. at the river. In the my njce
Alpha Taa Omega
portrait studies; there are also some eirH of Beta Chi chapter of K.i;Ma
0f the table. With this accomplished.
mal Saturday night at the Phoenix
the Phi Delt girls were old days everyone went chasing actjons x
m a batUe Qf
When you feel that you are ready you piclc up y0ur mallet, and leave house-- all
still lifes, color plane studies, and Kappa Gamma, at the spring indating Transy Air Cadets, the around trying to find cigarettes to wUh five yeterans and alth
Fireside room.
formal Tuesday night.
again, pick up a" fountain pen and Dy the most convenient exit. It's
n a few imaginative pictures.
conga dnnk with, now everyone, as one j was
Lyde Gooding and Doris
M thg
ZeU Ta Alpha . . . senior lunch- write your name slowly and de- - not considered cricket to call your lines Sig girls were having
well knows, has trouble finding the nQ
in and out of the house at
were the other contestants.
purpIe hfart
eon in the Thoroughbred room of liberately. If the line Is less than professor names at this point, prl
Miss Ruby was presented a bouan inch wide, you're ready to begin, marily because he hasn't yet turned all hours, and brew in the rooms drink to smoke with.
crank letters teIling me my
the Phoenix.
on hot days and all anyone had
The institution of marriage was stunk th&t js and furthermore,
quet of red roses by Jack B mah.m,
Turn your test paper over ana
IK Dames . . . wiU meet at 7:30 look at the first question. If you're m ayour grade.
to do
chairman of the Student Union
last reminder is to avoid loiter party when they wanted to have a somewhat different in yon mar- - I walked in on a marriage at the
p.m. Wednesday, June 5, in the
was to lower a suitcase out of also. If someone were to get
Miss Chloe Oifford. secretary to Dance committee, on behalf of the
asked to tell who ran the red light ing on the campus, because if you
Alpha XI house and was just crush-amp- ly
Music room of the Union, for dis- at
Union Board.
the University Extension departMain and Jefferson in Sparta, haDnen to drop your pencil, and the window on a rope and it was ried in them days, everyone cut
to find that I tiadn t even known ment bureau of club and community Student the presentation. Lon?
cussion and adoption of a consti- August 17,
filled with goodies by the classes for a week, now the bride
437 B.C. aont go to stop to pick it up, tnereu De a
the kids had been going together.
service, was recently elected presi- played a special number for the
pieces and lean through the nearest senwh nf hrakes, a cloud of dust boys below. At Lvdia Brown some- - appears at class the day after.
oys, remember the days wnen
Trurty line tna, mat is).
Key . . . will meet at 5 p.m. Mon- window, because it might possibly and four campus cops armed with one stole the hide of Casey Goman's
dent of the Kentucky State Fed- Kappas, winners of the advanced
ticket sale contest.
eration of Women's Clibs.
day in room 205, Union building.
be a catch question; ana besides
to investigate.

Musicians Choose
Lexington Girl



By Army

Veterans Notice



Vinson To Address
Graduating Seniors



Annual War Dept.
Inspection June





i" iiniwilij-ir.-iiii'i-




Keys Sponsor
Phi Eta Sigma






Five To Get Honorary Degrees
At University Commencement

Tn;f;ntcc alx






Bells To Ring
For Commencement,

Y Planning Retreat
Held At Camp Boone








'itiu ikiijcs

Membership Standing




Deans Of Women
Entertain Seniors

Gregory Elected
ODK President










Denman's Last Effort

It's Simple, Really





con-exa- m


Phi Upsilon Omicron



Student Paintings



Exhibited In Union


pen-befo- re











Joan Rllbv dlOCIl



Gilford Heads

State Woman's Clubs

* I



MAY 31, 1948.

The Uarsifri SKotu

PuMiihed VU Dining llie Shool Year Except Holidays or Examination Pei ion's
Fniered at the Pom OHne at lxiiiRion, Ky., as second class matter under the act of Manh 3,

Pat Binvrrr
Casv Goma

Tom Di ncan

....Managing Editor


.Wuj Editor
Business Marweer



How About It?
body owe it to the students who elected them
to be acquainted with all these things. But the
students owe it to themselves, to fellow students,
and to future students to become acquainted
with these things themselves. Then criticism of
SGA could lie constructive rather than the old

Candidates (or one parly in the recent Student
Government Association election raniexT as their
t.logan "Revitalise SGA." That party didn't win.
But the party which did win that election took
notice of the other party's slogans. And SGA is
in the process of being revitalized.
The president, in searching through the files
variety. Then the representatives
for information on a certain bill, found bill upon
wouldn't be a bunch of
who would
bill tlaat had been passed, filed, and forgotten.
Mot of these bills are good bilk they were mumble in their beards, if they had them. Your
representatives would be wide awake and ready
passed because they would benefit the campus.
They still will benefit the campus. Therefore, to woik for the betterment of the campus.
they should be enforced. And the Student GovThe Student Government Association is enernment Association has decided to see to it dowed by its constitution with the light to act
as the responsible authority in relations among
that they are enforced.
Those which have no usefulness clutter the students and among student organizations, to
files of the Assembly. They should be repealed. act jointly with the University stalf in matters
Present plans include their repeal.
affecting common interests, and to advise, to
For at least two years since the squabble request, and to recommend action with resect
about bringing the eternal big name band to to matters reserved to the University staff.
it has the makings of a powerful organithe campus during wartime SGA has been in
the proverbial state of animated suspension. It zation and a powerful influent e iixn campus
has been a legitimate organization, but its memlife. Obviously it is neither one of these. WHY?
bers have done nothing to further ihe purpose
The Assembly will place suggestion loes in
of that organization.
campus buildings next week. THESE BOXES
How many members of the Student GovernARE PUT THERE FOR THE PURPOSE OF
ment Association ever have read the constitu- RECEIVING YOUR SUGGESTIONS, OPINItion of the association from beginning to end? ON'S, AND COMPLAINTS. A planning comHow many
How many have read the
mittee from the Assembly will carry on SGA
have even, so much as read Robert's Rules of work
throughout the summer quarter. This
Order, which according to the constitution gov- committee will take up. all suggestions from the
erns proceedings at all meetings of the assembly? boxes and will place them on the agenda of the
How can representatives expect to do anything
assembly for early action in the fall quarter.
constructive when they don't even know what
SGA has the leadership necessary for a good
is within their power?
What it needs is your support,
How many students know that any new organwhich you can give only with full knowledge
ization wishing to come on campus must have the
of the facts. Then if anything goes wrong, the
f the assembl)? How many organpermission
izations know about this procedure? Copies of blame will rightfully go to the Assembly. The
all bills passed by the Assembly, all bills vetoed Assembly iwill have the responsibility for reviby the president of the University and all other talizing SGA.
How about it, SGA Assembly? How about
SGA business proceedings are on hie in the SGA
it, members of the Student Government
room. Any student may see them.
Certainly the representatives of the student
"what's-the-matter-wii- h

sleepy-lagoon- s

Ob-vious- ly


UK Night Spot
Advocated By Y's
A resolution endorsing a night
epot for University students only
was passed at a Joint YMCA-YWCThe
cabinet retreat last week-enresolution states a plan whereby the
University grill and the Student
Union cafeteria would remain open
at night. The cafeteria would be
arranged cabaret style, with soft
lights and booths. A "juke box"
would provide music for dancing.
Both the grill and t