xt7gqn5z913w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gqn5z913w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-05-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 02, 1980 1980 1980-05-02 2020 true xt7gqn5z913w section xt7gqn5z913w C
l ' .
Law surprises B&E dean ' calls 9 Iosm re venue
m STEVE lll'NT holds the seminars, students whotakethe course)."Yourik 549.000. which (still) ltad to be sent to iiing education programs around the are required to be more or less self sufs
stint whit-i Because of the lack of funds. Younk said. Frankfort (with the contractt."Younk country.“ \ounk said " I hey now ficient." said Steve l angston. assistant
said the (‘cnter had to “lay off one As ofMarch 3|.the(‘citter had gcn~ said. charge us so much per student “ vice president for ('ontinutng l'duca-
R A cottttnutng education program iii seminar adviser when you have less erated income amounting to “We will get about 545.000 (of the After Penton approved tlte new con- tion, "(‘onttnuing education is the
the UK (‘ollege of Business arid lico- work. you have to cut back on staff.“ “20.54.54 and spent 977.0004} excess) back before this fiscal year is tract. tounk sent it along with the only academic program that lkrtow of
nomics has lost about 80 percent of its Younk said the ('enter was unable a deficit of $48.85lb9 according to over." Younk said, “Some of the money to tlte state legislature to tltat has to pay its ow rt expenses. lhey
' revenue for this fiscal year due to a to hold any new seminars until a new Dale Austin of UK (‘ontrollers ()lfice. money($49.000)had to betakcnout of January. don't pay rertt or utilities. but they do
state regulation it didn‘t know it was contract under the regulation gurde- “But.“ Younk said. “about 345.000 the account to pay for supplies.“ lhe professional development pro- have to pay thei.r ow it direct costs such
required to comply with. according to lines was approved by the state legisla- of that is coming back to us.“ He . However. the University will be gram is supposed to be sell supporting as salaries.“
William W. licton. dean of the B&l-' ture. which it did in Februaty. explained that when the ('enter sent picking upthetabforsomcofthe bills. and had been since it‘s beginning in Some of the other problems the
(‘ollegc "It (the contract) didn‘t do us much the (new) contract to the state legisla- “We will lose some money which will September. I975. “l"rom i977 through (‘enter has experienced deals with the
BecaUse state law requires personal good. We need about four months lead ture. it included money it thought the have to come frorn the l'niicrsity‘s I979. they had a net income of general state of the economy. accord-
service contracts for work done by time to get things together." Younk (‘enter would use to pay Penton. But general fund.“ Younk said. Sltl4.3| I." said .ludy Marshall. assist- ing to Younk.
outside companies, the B&l" (ollege said. “We have to get brochures ntade because of the legislature's delay in Delay in getting the contract ant to the vice president of Business “One of the first things companies
had to cut back on programs offered out. printed and mailed. (so) our pro- approving the contract. Younk said approved-was due to several reasons. Affairs. cut back on istraining becauwit‘s easy
’ by the l’entott learning System. lhis grams won‘t really start until next the ('enter wasn‘t able to use the Younk‘ said. "(Initially ). it took tisscv- “ l ltat csccss tttoney was ptit intothe toldo. Also. the price of gas has some
contpany has providedthe collegewith ()ctober.“ money and didn‘t make plans for pro~ eral months to get a contract put general fund and was not kept by the thing to do with it peoplearen‘t wil-
. the majority of its speakers for profes~ Younk said the (‘cnter “took a beat- grants this semester. together. program because it is a 10l account ling to travel as far."
sional development seminars offered ing front the revenue point of view" “Actually. we will be cutting it “First. the request for the approval like tuition it goesto pay f'orthings Another problem. according to
b\ B&l{ over the course of the year. because of the delay by the state pretty close." he said. (ofa new contractt had to be approv ed like chairs and desks.“ said Marshall. H&l‘ officials. is that l'K doesn‘t have
Although the program has been iit legislature. "When I made out of thecontract in by the legislature." he said. “l'heii we "Most of the net profits go to the a continuing education bttllding. "ln
existence since I975. the B&l‘ (‘ollegc “Before we found out about this reg~ ()ctober I979. l projected that we got a contract together which had to be general (university) fund but we doget ttty opinion. findinga place to ltave the
didn't find out about the regulation ulation. we would split profits with would have S|26.000 in revenue for acceptable to Penton. to keep some ofthe money to pay for seminar is a major problem." said l..
until last October. according to Wil- Penton both felt it was the best way this fiscal year, When wetinitially)got “Pcnton had to set tipa fee schedtile thittgs that haven‘t come due." said D. McCullers. who headed the pro»
ham li Younk. director of the (‘enter to do it. Now we ha\e to pay them a the contract back (from Penton) in because they had always done it on a Pcton. grant in its initial stages.
for Professional Development which straight fee (based on the number of January. I revised this figure down to profit sharing basis withall the contin« "Allcontiiiuing education programs (ontinued on page 8
f viii. in”. \o. l57 Ker ‘ el l'niwrsili of Kentucki
Friday. May Z. ”80 an independent student newspaper l,e\ington. kentueky ‘
z m" " I. .
. . xi r \\' '=.: 3%....
we“ . y _ $13? N y; tart Room and board rates u m In ercent
.:._tisf?=f?_.s“‘§m exit“ . “is ‘y ”a? ~ I
' . “as my
' s M -- .... -. 1' . . . u -
were“ cams“ .._... " . . ..
.. at... , . ._.. i .. , s in face of inflati o n en erg Y-SflVl n 9 devrces
'5‘ -.-‘ .1511? m .: y , .r ..\>\\\ ‘« 5""; s . Mdiiiirlki' I
i "THW waayx‘ ‘ g. 3:\ By DEBBIE M(‘I)ANIEI. However. officials predict fewer stu— meat and dairy products. although the saving windows and other features in
“““W* "0‘1”" ‘figfit‘. .. . "= 1 tuitoi-inthict dents will subscribe to this plan with average increase of fro/en food. fresh the residence halls this year. Blanton
, " ‘ W“'“""W° ”is. " “*5 g the option ofthe one-meal a day. the produce. staples and bakery products said. lhe l'niversity received a
9. N . : Room and board rates are jumping days a week plan offered next year at was 5.45 percent Meat will cost the 8285.500 federal grant to install the
g . g y 3 . an average of Sllo.50 this fall. but 5204 per semester. liniversity 357.500 more next year. features.
l“ « there is sonte good news for students “We expect the two-meal. five~day raising the projected meat budget to He alsocited l'K‘s high debt service
w s “1:. iii... s . {sips already in ShOCk overthe extensivetuii plan will suffer some." Blanton said. 3746.000; the l.l.l percent increase in on its buildings as a reason why the '
fig ‘\_;_ r .. t g gm; tion hike approved by the Board of He estimates that between 600and 800 dairy product prices means a S2l.900 l'niversity's housing rates are higher
1‘ “15:3’ fhgo w: lriistees. . students who live off-campus and are jump in the dairy budget to 3049.500. than those at other Kentucky .
. ! ”Egg “s * y . While the cost of everything con- now on the two-day plan may switch Operating expenses in the dining uniy'ersities. . y .
‘s§§§*§ A? : z :19: tinues to rise. each meal will-only cost to the onefmeal per day option. budget which include debt service lhere are 4.640 spaces in residence .
5“ ‘<==:~'*_"_'. .. s .y. a about twenty cents more this fall. art lhe option is only open to students on the cafeteria buildings. laundry. halls for students who pay the thtl
.. - y 8.6 percent increase over the $3.35 not renting a l niversity' room or paper supplies and equipment will yearly rate. which is a Soil increase .
. “i 3"?" i' “N iyfjg average COSt per meal this year. . apartment: Rieman said the reason for cost 5643.600. a 82%. W0 increase over over this year A similar increase raises
. . S353": = - .lack Blanton. vice premdent for this is becausethecafeterias‘operating this year. the ratef'oi'smglc undergraduateitoUs—
‘ )i \s . “it ' a 1 business affairs. outlined the l980-Xl expenses must be ntct and that it is According to Blattton. the l'nivcrsi— itig in the Stadiunt View apartntcntsto
i 1 .1 V hm room and board rates yesterday in a “not economical." Students using this ty‘s housing and dining system is self- 5900 next year. Married students in
i ' V _ _ . \ meeting attended by Directoroflrood option can eat theii'one mealany time supporting and operates on a break the apartments lace a ‘35 incrciisc in
. ‘ y‘ t | \ Services Allen Rieman and Directorof of the day. he said. even policy ()f the SIM) million paid rates to $370.
i in. W - Housing .lcan l indley. Although. the lhe l.l35 students now on the two- into the system. all but 868.000 was lhere are between 5.300 and 5.400
X g y “ ._~ 7 c. rates must be approved by the board. meal. seven-days a week plan. will pay spent during the year. he said. s single undergraduates living inthc rcs-
QE§§ . m _ which meets (l'UCSdii). the PFOPOSRI i5 356 more or a total of 5X80 rie\t year. l‘nivcrsity housing will probably be idence halls and Stadium View apart~
. .' .. unlikely to meet opposition; Blanton 'l hose 445 studentsonthethree-nteala tight again this fall there are 7.070 ments. Although the rooms and
~. .; .. _ . said the board‘s finance chairman. day. seven-days a week plan will pay applicants for 52-04 spaces next year. apartmentsare filled in thefall. at a‘hs
. _ _ . ’ . - . Albert (‘lay'. saw the rates and gave $66 more next year ifthey opt for the the largest number of applicants ever. percent occupancy rate. there are usu~ ‘
- .' ._ -. , .- ‘ him permission t0 releasetheinforma- 5986 plan. A seven percent increase itt according to Blaitton. ally vacancies iii the spring. I indley .
- . , » ‘ i ' tion prior to the meeting. the three—meal. livevdays a week plan 'I here are 049 applications for the said.
‘ at mu”: y u HOOK/Kernel 5..“ In ”79%”. almost 66 percent or means the I40 students now iising the Stadium View apartments and only A $5 iitctcasc across the board is in
, ' about two of every three students option will pay SKIP. next year. (v08 spaces Although s:\ of the 35 store for graduate students living tit ,,
‘ ' ' On the roof using dining services were on the two- . According to tltc proposed l9h0-fs’l buildings are for married students. t'K‘s Cooperstown. Shawneetown. I
. "Wil- f"‘C‘d3.V‘ a “Wk Plan. according dining budget. food costs are rising 7.4 those 48 spaces will be filled by single (‘ommonwealth Village. linden Walk
' With SChOOl drawing to 3 close. many students and ““1"." members 3"“ 10 Blanton. If lhs‘ 3.280 students HOW percent next year. bringing a Sl26.500 undergraduates if not enough married and Rose lane apartments. ln (‘oo
finding time to do chores around the house. ('aron Tandy, ii Freshman on this plan sign up for it this fall. they increase over the 0979-80 budget in students apply. pcrstow'n and Shaw ttectow n. the pet
English Composition teacher, applies paint around the windows ofher 60- will pay a 350 increase. or $7lo. next food costs, One cause of the increased housing month rate for one ofthe 237 efficien—
. year-old house on Columbia Ave while Trippy'. her cat, naps. year. The largest food cost increases are in rates was the installation of energy- (’ontinued on page 8
. l l l l .
. K/Iwan 7 ower resrdent appeals decrsron to transfer him
By RON HALL sion of housing officials that he be the Residence Halls Rules of(‘onduct. President ()tis Singletary. 1 hey are lnterital Auditing Department. other residents on his floor at Kirwan
si.iii wuict transferred to another dorm. for repeated infractions such as open selected froin faculty members who 1 he board‘s meeting lasted approxi- lower. "I don‘t feel I was thrown out
V Brad Horer. accountingjunior. had display of an alcoholic beverage. are independent front the Housing mately six hours. Williamson said. for anything I did. I felt I was thrown
' for the first time in seven years. a received notice that he would betrans~ excessively loud behaviorand anopen Office. The board hears each party‘s After hearing testimony from both out for the reputation 0f the floor." g
. student has used the procedure des- ferred front Kirwan lowertothe(ireg window. A student in violation of a case separately before making a deci- sides. the board recommended that Floor members agreed with Florer ‘
' embed in the residence halls rules of Page Apartments after Rosemary Category A offense can bctransferred sion. he said, “'l’he boardthen makesa Florer‘stransfer be upheld. Florer said that they had acquired 11 bad reputa-
conduct to appeal a decision made by Pond. associate dean of residence balls to another residence hall. or be recommendation to the vice president he was given personal notice by Willi- tion among Head R esident
housing authorities, programming. had reviewed allega- removed from the university housing of business affairs. and he makes a amson that he had to movetothe new Bobrowski. and the resident advisers
lheResidence Halls Administrative tions made against Horer by Kirwan system. final decision.“ apartments the next day. l'lorer of the tower .lim Schaub. business
Board. which has final jurisdiction in lower Head Resident (iart h T. Lynn Williamson. associate dean 'l he three board members were: abided bythe notice and is nowstaying administrationjunior. said a lot ofthe
the grievance procedure. met last l-ri- Bobrowski. of students. explained how the board .lames Iawson of the School of Agri- at the new apartments. problems on the floor could betraced
' day toliearthecaseolaKirwan lower Pond determined that l-lorer had operates. He said the three board culture. Barbara Drake of the law Horer said he thought his transfer to a bad relationship between floor
‘_ resident. who was appealing the deci— committed a (‘ategory A violation of members are appointed yearly by School and Fugene Williams of the was meant to serve as an example to (‘ontinued on page 4
’R /'fak ID 17" / ' tt 1" —tOdaY‘\——
ea e 98 [”9 aw S 3 en [on walk-on defensive back from Madisomillc were charged
. . . . .. . . . . . . , with criminal attempt of theft by unlawful taking for
By JOHN HARDIN company pronmcd delivery mm,” '3 mg such legal action could be C0mph. m3"Tit-H.331listifililghkfi :nldl‘alllz 31:34:: allegedly [liyingto steal a motorcycle from a li K parking lot
Stall who: hours of receiving the information. catcd by the company's (‘alilornia the | esingion (‘ountry (tub on Paris Pike 0n(lh::lgcs “we dismissed against Rumph. and the charge
‘ “lhcrc's not a thing wrong with location. which would involvecxtradi~ It‘dWl“s‘.\14|Pt‘hl's‘d'W“”“"”‘“”"”‘-“-"V'rw‘kn'"l against ”one and Stanley was amended to unauthorilcd
l st‘ of false identification cards in (making the IDst." said l‘K Police tion and other legal entanglements ”Ohm“ ”it” ”C “"‘i' "‘r’m“ “""k'm‘" “““d‘l “"d hi"! use or a motor vehicle. i
lcsington l's nothing new. but an ('hiel Paul Harrison “lhcy'rc print~ “lhis is an opinion. but the state been """tl ”1 Kentl‘sl“ “”h""21“”ldl‘*”‘3”“'””lc'lp-‘rl‘
' apparently legal scheme to make IDs. ing you an ID with the information might havea better chancein prohibit- m“ ”‘ldcncc _ . State
no questionsaskcd. is art unusual loop you provide them " ing the advertising of(such Iii‘ensesl." Hm“ ("m") Deputy ("mm HI“ Md arncy ‘in THE ATTORNEY GENERAL has advised the “at?
. being employed by acompany in Berk- He did say. however. that a com- Willimson said. “lhe concern should “mm (“Cd in thc went 0' the "(C'dcm Board of Elections that John B. Anderson cannot legany
ls‘}. (iithf patty reproducitigdtivcrs'licettscs may be from the people Who order. It is in - Id withdraw asa Republican candidatein Kentucky‘spresiden-
An N) Bureau (it advertisement in be guilty offorgery "I never haveseen poor taste for 4. paper to advertise "‘8' e “3' primary.
tht‘ \fitrk‘h-‘kptll t‘dltltm 0f -fm/ti'r- an ad llkt‘ lhlS.“ llt‘ \(lld. lhlS,u A 5| RPRISIVUI.‘ LARGE. NI'MBER ”y [‘K students ll said Andcn‘m- “Vb“énnouncc‘jakwuf‘y‘ Hg“) hC“OUId
until. a periodic supplement to college Assistant Dean of Students l lynn Fvcn without the help of the II) have yet to make up the” mind on which presidentialcandi- run a: an independent. med m” I“ W rcmmdl "0m lhe
newspapers including the Iscrm-l. Williamson.a|soa lawyer. agreed. "(In Bureau. though. fake IDs are quite at am. {hm we,” m the results ma Kunchunc} on P8307 May .7 primary ballot.
offered to make patrons an ID from order to bring actionteaeh state would problem at l'K. “I‘d be afraid to esti- - local weather
the state of the person's choice. using claim a common-law copyright to its mate how many there are on campus.“ '
"the same method ntost states use for individual drivers‘ licenses said Harrison. “ I here are quitea few.“ A ll l-‘OOTBAH PLAYER and another man were SI VSIIINE \Vl) MILD TlMPl'R-tTl'RES :in-
their driver‘s licenses " t l be ad did not “I would say that they ate violating "We catch quite a few." he added. 'Ins‘d “Wits“ smd PM“, "” “We.“ Pltthitttt‘" “MUM-0 ”1 t‘speclcd lot the start of the Derby weekend lodav will be
.tppzt' itt yesterday‘s edition of the law." he continued. "as tar as "but this doesn‘t make a substantial l‘ayettc District ('ourt. sunny and mild withthe high inthe uppcroth. tonight will
'tNi/‘t’rvl’It/l reproducing dri\ers' licenses is dent in the overall use 0' them." David I yons. a defensive end from Pikeville. Rell Darwin be mostly clear with the low inthc upper40s Derby Davaill
(Vvst of the le were 3H. and SH) concerned." Despite problems in forcing the \ Sianlcy.a non—student from Richmondand (‘lay Rumph.a be sunny and mild wtth the high in the lower 70s
for each additional ID ordered lhe But. according to Harrison. bring- (0,,"an on p.” 9

\ .
KhNTUCKY Debbie \Iclhniel \IurIt (.rren
lt/r/o: m I Mr In “use" him \uIm-t Ihomaxt hint Jobn ( In) ("’I “Mk"
. ltwt 1th lt/t/trrt Boh(ochrlm' INH'I/tlllllllt’)” [Ill/III \[Itrrlt It/ or /)I"‘I"I "I II/II‘I‘W'MI'III
(an \\tlhx l'ttul \Iunn
‘It/II’III'I/l‘.‘ lt/rsmt H" l"'"“"" (Inth “(Lee \. I, Robinson “mm Rkheld “Hid \htna'd
I‘I”"”"I I'I’I’” ’ Jacki Rudd IHHIIIII/ tort/am \lwrx It/IIIII ”W’” IIII’IIW" ‘
. . \lese \hsxe) Ieslie \Iiehelson I ran Ir/trttn III/«Iltlllltt‘t Ir/ lrlr/III
edltorlals & comments “WI/WI "mm ‘I\l\/IIII/ [tit/.Irrul It/uu/
| __.___-*,~_-.____..____‘__________.____ _..______.e _7_______
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. ’ ‘) , ' w" I ‘ more? “I
h“ I I I IV ‘ I in! W)
\ud :t earrtt lt‘ paxx \rrd Iltexe \sere knottu lallen arnont.I tetttle rutrtdx I'I‘ 1.‘\‘A’ , I \‘tl WIT” HIM ,
Hm III the morrttrty tottatd the \x ‘.\t\t' bttrnetx ot the nudntght ()therx had lallett among the )‘fc \’ \- ’ -I . , "ft i
laxl dat trI lIlL' \t'ttlt'\1t't oil Itllltms \' Ii / (I”\ \ \ ‘ ”I IN TIE r
lhere aroxe a ere-at Irru‘rttrtdt \rrtt Io others the» \tere lxtttmtt ax \Hnle others had tallett tlat I“ $ é ,/ ‘ \ I‘ \ I l. W '
sthltth' the hook» IIIHI “IIIIIIIF' "t‘HHI' MN'I‘ .. '\lttl xorrte tlrete \sere \\ho \trote ‘ ' 54 -' 'i-i / ‘ I‘! . , In;
\rrd t'rtett um ttttalr \utt‘ttte llltI \rrd tlre ruttltttttde arose lot otte hour. ' ~¢It ’ ’1, \ Ik ‘\ v I GAPWN“, I E j I
grraxrwre II' tee'lt \ud are a heattt hreaklaxt ()therx lot too . I" L“; (/7 "- / ” f “ "‘Q t" 7
hit the Ilax I‘l rudetuerrt \tax at \rrd thet tatrre to the appotnted Hut xonre turned aha) xortostltrl. 3‘ wt \ I E U .h t\ ’ ’
' hautl plate and man} ol these ml§i w [II/[,4 >‘ ' r/WI/ZtQ; ii i i ‘x I \ ,
‘ \rht rlret ttetr a'rattl 'ttr l'tt. ltat ‘.IttI tltt‘tt Ilt'attx \M'tt‘ lte.t\\. ()Iler'etl a little hull t“ _. :19”: II‘ W ’zfl §\;- / I ' .
tqt t:rtt:I-I.t \ud thet had route to pass. ttt hopes ot paertttng tire I if KI-Cy r R? >2 /’9/ ’ - - '
lhaxe th‘ttex \tIrItI‘ Il ~ ought to Ho: xorrrt ot theru tnxtruetor ' t ‘57; 3%; ”eyl/ I , ,l’ t .35“:
"MH' It Illt' ltepertred ot tltert ttotoux lt\llIlJ -\nd tltexe \tere tlte ones \\ho had \\ kg N. :7 Er‘zi’fonVI , . it," :I
\' t‘ "tete “as no It: I‘ 1 II ' and bertroaned tltett late not a ptater ‘ zl’l‘ 1‘1 -_‘ ;-/ I [I i "I /,
\rat tltLt.‘ xtttt marry ttI'rolt‘._L‘ .II Hut tlre\ had not a ptater \ttd txhen the\ Inuxhed. \ ‘Rl. [II t "
‘th drown \ILII .tt Illt‘ last IIIIIII lltt'te tatttt' llte\ gtttltetetl up IIICII boltingrnpx ‘ ‘\‘ \I ’7‘ I M
rt IW “.5, 1" rt ml, . Illtl' anuamr tlrcnr \rrd tsent then \\a_\ noted}. I. \‘ .‘. .-
’ hot Ix h. It ;? IIHL’ lrtottrt ax the trtxtrut'tor. and eaeh tn hrx (HUI dtreettort. / kl“ .‘|-——-.-- “-5.
ltt.' “ an t I "a tr. ‘_tIIt_‘I'I‘ tlret tgared euetdrnelt \ud eaeh \tmrntt unto htutxell ttt '5 §\ .‘\ I ;- a pm
‘ Hut xozrr, I‘ a .t‘ It I» ”e ttax ol dtabolrtal xrntle. thts manner \: Igmgwl flab {' ‘7‘? b (a, I“ '_‘
;‘t'.1t1'u '. \raf he paxxed papetx aruorte "I xhall rtot paxx thrx \HH again i‘ g‘ I I {k‘lxlf 673‘ g/ / 4 \‘N 2‘“ 5 lRM I
lot 1‘ 'ad prtwrt-‘l II It ,tle IIIt'lIl and “em lttx \\a\ J/ I I \fi’ I‘l‘ f‘ nigh/III»
\WI ”MI” MIMI this poem is reprinted by permission I; II A \ , I r I N III] I t, J I P'—
\I'HI ”WI ‘ ' ‘ ‘3'" 3“” ‘ ' “ II'I' “NW“ L'I‘t‘“ ofthe I)aib'llliniin whiehitoriginalh I L" If. \ ‘ ‘7‘ 3‘ ".1 it [I ‘
snorted; lor xotra ot htx teaehtuex had appeared. H \ [3'4] \ l * , (r ‘II/ % ;_,
, .
Sffmmb d/ 'hd ' lkfd' '
. ta 6 er ea 8 WIIL epreSSIon, ac 0 ”PCT/0n
B} |’\l I \t \\\ J, ,t} mt a If“; (Ln xhould “c, tte\er gone to eolleye betote I don‘t gouty xmee rn\ paretttx had Itttlsetl thouxandx ot unrbrellax \\ltlL‘lI Irate I‘L‘L‘dlm‘lI‘L‘ztlt/edluaxn‘ttheonl) orte
mr'rt I‘IIII“ “III” IIIK‘ IIWI I‘ L“I‘VL‘ICII ”I ”IV met the eaxh to xupport rn) eollege rrtet theu death b\ the I’attet'xonttt'ltee 210'"! IIIIIIIIIIII III” PCII‘WI “I
' ‘. I" III” “I”! H“ I' ' ”MRI [‘1‘ “I III“. “III" ”I |lo\\e\er. I do into“ one tlurtu lot “‘Iu‘i‘II'I'” lo\\etl irrdeetstort.
. A. g .I‘ t t .t w’t \\ may. \ mm motte \Ianhattan W“. “L. been gotnu m \thttttl M llte toot ol the problem txthat baxt- But a trtend ol rntne'x lather told rrte lltat 1‘ “I,“ l lelt the need to, no“. ‘
" ' I' an _ If .' '- I K 7‘ g ‘\ glt \a' tlt'\\l‘t and tried to alrrtoxt l‘ \m“ mmidnd I‘m I“, up ealh ltlo:t‘t lrateart) Idea \that I want xontetlrtugthat xlappett me tight trttlte m" eolurttrt-xo that wmwm. “m, X
’ a: . an; :r x r; It ‘\ .rlltl \ III; .;I “ah reaxonx \\II\ he should mm It to do tt l e\er get ottt ot here. lhere— taee lle txalrnoxt itlsear'xold artd ltax thIht be flour: ”1qu the “mp
_ - " MIMI‘ t' ‘v‘ " ~' ' -“' ton; 'rIa 'vlt'u It shtxtttrultllewut'e lortz I don‘t xee an) reason uh) I worked lot the same eompartt lot pertod H! tineeritatrtt'. eould mwt‘. ‘
" Imrw‘tta'tI IIIIIIIIL ‘I ~ II‘III'I‘ at I k l} \Lll IItI; tItt~tIe bur ldon't lltltIIx I III” “I‘II‘I'LL' IIIIL‘L‘ “II“- ¥“'II.‘—' I” xhould he gomg to xeltool altnoxr 25 j.earx and xttlldoexn‘t bill)“ “I‘d “Hm purpoxe m \that t)he\ A“.
l,_ H WM. \ M a“ ., ‘1“ PM” ‘ ttllllt' t.tt turn any tonerete reaxonx xehool and tune to mt MRI P“ I" III" l'trt nutrortne ttr rottrnahxm and l tor sut'e \tltat he \hlnts to do \Htll htx dotnu I I
. 1 AM! why 1“,,“ n my ”1:, HM “mm —--—_———— bathroom eattt dl\\d_\\ be In ttrto m_\ ICIIII,‘ I'IIII‘} the xttbteet and \torldng lrle. ‘~
. M “WW: Hm P l‘~ “I “WWI H :.. xelredulc I.” the kernel lIut ldo mum,“ to II“ He beeante angrs wth me m” the ., \ttu that lihmeuome otrt otthtxxo~ , _
, ’ I ' xetxe as a neat tan-ue“ and prw‘t: Sta” COIUmn It “as hard tor the to understand a lobttttha paper alter I gradtrateand depressed state I “as trt lot betrtt: “III“‘I “III III“ CII‘I‘ I IIIIW t‘ealr/ed
'rr; rattle-I lIhtl "wararw: I‘.t\\‘..?\ tLll uh) I should put so rnueh trtto llslltt: Irate to go doun to tlte courthouse unsure ot \\hat I \sartted to do alter I III‘” I ha” ‘I lot I" h“ IIIIIIII‘IIII It” I Q
, ‘ "Itx Itzstr'ut I arm \ “ma uatf'. 'o ——-——_ to yet an edtreatron tttxr to be told I'm e\ert dat and report “ho \tax born graduate lle tltetr adnxed me that ““9 PIII'CII“ “”0 IUH‘ me, I Il;l\t.'t\\o v
I‘M- on; kt“ ere; It“ dam-e Ill-I» I'I‘*"‘I“' I I"“I‘"‘I IMLI‘ ”II ”II “I" tloxet to the planet l’luto than 1 ant 1.. 'x\ ho dted. \\ ho go! tnatrted or \slto tx these \sere tlte bext _\ears ot ltt_\ Me and ‘II‘I'IE’ ICE-‘III‘IIt-‘L'I ”INIIICIC I‘IIIH‘IIIIII
' Hm A no: ”M H? ' \ My M ~III‘I II‘I'II I" IW‘III ‘I'II ‘IW‘IIIII‘IWII; eraduatrug Itltrtg tor dt\otee lor rtte to enlot them IIII‘I‘I IIII‘VIII“ I’I‘P‘IIIIIIIII\ I“ III’L‘IIII
, . v. “I“ wimpy A W. M ”W , H “WK "IN" I ”III, IKIIII'II‘II ”I IIIL‘ l‘II‘I ~- \H Mm a “Wk “1 chmplmnt \ou xhould be around the tour'rtaL It these are the bext _\earx ot m} ltle an III5EIUIIOII “I IIIE’IICI “IIMIII‘I-
_ llut l d“ m m ”A, "W 1““: :l .x "‘4‘“ I "‘IIIIIIII “‘IIII' “P ‘I‘IIII IIII" “'le l'trr L‘ttllIL‘ \trth IN My ILMH‘U txrrt butldtttg: tlte laxt lett \H‘L’lxs ot air) then I hate a lot to loolx Iotuard to “I’m“! tng man}. I‘V‘IIIIE‘IICIIMI ”3’
, w mm mm ,. 1‘ "a :‘r‘ “w mm “In; ~attxtt rut ttrtextteatton back in “.‘M‘i*mm [m “mum "I ‘1 xetnextet ltetsone tx preparrng ltIte tlslng prteex. tntlatton. Interest ”‘II‘ enough “I “II“ICIIWI .
' Wm my“. . ‘ \I ‘III‘IIII III“ ””1" I'm" I 'CL'L'IWII ‘I ”memm xandmeh | (mm H“) I; rexutrtex and gL‘IIIlIg readt tor therr rates. ehaox betueen \Htt'ld poster'x Sotthen I graduate. txhetlter tt betn '
_ I) N (I; \m "I,” .W “I M -(~II'\I I‘II’III II“ III-I“ “I IIIL ( IIIIKL'UI‘I (LN artd l drdn't “ant [H w 10m“ tnrerttettx Ior tobx artd summer and tlte ltxt goex on tour or II) tears. lte deerded I ant .
. ’ ‘ ‘ "II-I‘IIIIIIMIII“I' ‘I-II'I‘IJ I “4‘ “I III’III‘ 7 _ . ‘ rntetuxhtpx IIU\\L‘\CI'_ alter tallstug to a number going to more to \e“ \orlt ( rt} and
V > I “ 'II~\"'IVII‘I“"‘I” atta\ trom eradttarrtru In no esltnm» “I \I‘Im‘u MIA I‘Nm ”hum ”HIT \Ie | rttxt xtt ‘tttltltttl 'tttd re'td tlte ol l‘l\' xtudentx I lotntd otrt th'tt I beeome 'r e'tb dr'ter \ttd Ito eIuIlt
' I‘ ”I“ i ' I “II“ It to'r I \kasirt‘ to l‘ tl'l\ l‘ ltotr \ \seeltx , . i. I I ‘ ' . . I - I . . t I. I I It I. P r
, ‘ , H ' . ll‘ \ m. L I lattxt ulttttttt ol \u/mnu/ [UNI/NH!!! \saxnt alone rtt III\ lruxttatron \ satt up enough mom) to hL aba to
~ ‘ I“ I? riff, I \iwmiliih ' a\\.t\ tIoIrr a dzplotrra |\ert tltotI.L'It I \MNII attending attd uortder ‘.\h\ I bother to brrng an rttatorm ol the students I talked to attendthe l‘)?\4()lttttp|g(id|]tcx1n lox
I ~ ,. I I- ~ »~ I I - I \rrtr utetttrre that letter rt beeattte elaxxex l xtrll drd all ol the required umbrella to xehool \xlten tt tatnx xtnee “ere also unsure about \that the} \ngeles
. II‘IJIH: "a! .t - l I' shied "1.1' I xi!” «It‘l‘IIIKIII III‘II xorueone setetted It'tztI'IIF ”N I” WW III} LIIII‘UK'IM' I the \ttndxoneatupuxtend todetnoltxh tsartted todottrtlt thetr lt\exatterthe_\ I
' ' I , fht‘wx‘ I-II3: tart-t IIKM-l III \t'ww‘ atat ‘It‘ “In It IIH tttlttxor" lhedeau ot ttt\ ttnallt deetded that alter three weeks thern tl beltete the I nt\erxtt\ xhould got out ol xehool. Paul \Iann isa Journalism junior and
~ '. "wt dea m. -' ~\"III' I MI 7' t7 ‘~‘~‘ _- 1 w‘II~'.‘~"\" \I‘ II “I“ III‘ IIIIIII IIL"- I-‘L‘ ”I ”“I FI‘IIIF I” III“ I II-III I’L‘IIL'I ‘IIIII eonxtruet the He“ lountatn \Htlt the lhts tttade rue teel much better tlte next editorialeditor ofthe Kernel.
  Wh 't’ ll " h I b
, en I s a over, It s t e peop e we remem er w
“ B) It)“ (I \Rh door traterntt} or xotortt\ tlhar‘x not a ttttot tmNtL‘t IIN htNttC“ ”I II unprotesstortalx. the urmtlltng. Some buxtnexx ot tournaltsm. but the r
. I ”I WIIII‘ ”“WII IIK‘IlltI’x‘tI. INC slam. m) dear (treelxx. tuxr a protexxtonal manner. tneludtnt: the “ere bttter dtxappotntments departure lrom the Iserne/ Ix
_ lhtx rx _r ~tta': we; /\I It'tt \\.r~- than onl\ aerttttt on eonrmertt ) |t tx a tratrtrng ground tor eolleettntI and “Hung ol neus. espeetall)‘ the lirxt eategor) Vthteh something.I I do “Itlt little happtnesx
' ‘ , \llz‘t Iou' nearx mt- Loot: | rm tampux \x a rexult. the) banded xtudentxot tournalrsmutplaeetolearn Studentxol tltetradetmmedtatel) lIttd would break the heart oI antonevrho l'or all the turtle trustrattonx and
« ' v ‘_ MRI It wttt‘l‘ I‘m-t: xxotx \IrlllllL’ It'ettltt‘t to «II-\thu'H and Ittettds (It the ropes tstthout loxtng a rob met a themxehex ur'tttng xtortex ot lot m routnaltsm. problems. It “as a hell ol a ntee ttat to
, . ‘ . up. “a“ :xaha 4' that mat-a a It t. a?! the “tltttuex” that l lta\e seen or begrnner‘x mistake tmpotranee xtortex \slueh must Iovtc mueh to the [\erm'litnd I “III get an CdllCitlltIIIt .
' tltttrottta Ito": 't‘rt | llt't‘x‘lslh or “— Ihtx putx L‘\L'r}htt(lt ttt the same rrtlortn and pro\tde a sernee to the neter lor‘get the chance tt gme the to MGM-31g I‘telds. one olrnt lormer ,
' bt‘ttl‘tith Hw‘ xstterr I stop to tlttrrlx boat all xtallers are xtudentx and. xtudent bod) learn. I hate become trtendx utth colleagues xo aptl) put it rrt the
‘ ' . about I Is «I lafe' I. ‘rtl‘ \[s‘trits a' Staff calumn ltenee. are xttlt leattuug Some mat be lot the IUUIHC. ax l “C” I'an‘ttthk'f. generous people. and thexelrtendsbtpx “I'ranltltn and \1e"tare\tell eolumn. \
I ' ttltlltltt'tHIs ttl ~.aer a .‘lth\ Irt e'tttll. older, others tuat hate more It tx a hatrotstng e\per'tertee lhe tt\\L‘ lorged lateat rttglttoterettm tablex Hip, Int. writ“; [m cone.
2 g ' . III“ III ”II" I-INWII‘I IIIIIltlItte “out —“—___ e\pertenee. btrt all reeognt/ethat the} telt dut‘tng tlte ltrxt day ttt tlte lsenre/ and beers I hope to earr} through
‘ ‘ ' tome to rratrd ‘! \\lll be the IIIIML' or rat-en a part ol, rhtx “gts Iltextrotrgeq It do not lxuou e\er‘_\thrnt_I about the olltee tx tto lexxthatt the tme ol theltrst Itte Thomas ('Iark is 3 Journalism
,. .' . , I’IL' kt rm. xttt\|\etl lIIth' deadltue “we pr’olexston -\II to all. It tx a pleasant da\ at a trraror metropoltran 1-0.» tottr ,‘CIII‘ these people hate senior who has been Entertainment
- | II.I\t \IIIIIHI tor the Atrrrt/ tor perxonalttt eontltt'tx attd perrt itttttmpltete trt Much to learn. treuxpaper \lthouglr the audtenee tx beett 11H tamth lhe Iseme/ and ttx Editor. Summer Editor. Associate
, . , -. mm- amt-erL ,\ r tum” mt ma .1.” on :t'.rlttllxtt‘\ than .trttoue ean trnagtne lhe learntnt: takes on a xpeetal smaller and the element ol eduuttttttt xrall Vtere m_\ Iratettut). m_\ xport. tut Editor. Editorial Editor. ('op) Editor.
» ‘ tamer» and I \‘l\[‘t'tl that H \llll be and xrtll tetuatued tntaet to publtxh stgrtttteauee because ot uhar the added. the stakes are much the same elttsses‘ ms Imed ones. and to a large a reporter anda member ofthelt’emel ,
‘ ‘ V . , It'tt‘ o't rm .th txttrrrertruex tl lt‘t'ls tttt and path tlttottplttittl the xetnextetx [\erne/ tx As the ptllttill) ear't‘ter ot llre obreet tx to trttorm e\tent. rm ltle I look toruard to Board of Direetors in his four tears
' . ' " I_\t' 'tt'tt' ‘tI' tut-tr lt‘t m: 'ttrte llL‘It I'erhapx the teaxon tor thtx new on the earupux land. sttt\e\s lIut no“ I ha\e passed throughthe leanttg l'k and getting on with the with the paper. ‘ '
i i ,.' V. - ' It; xeerr three :dtrorx and lllt'l.Ill\ dtttabrlm l\ tlte Arnie/K poxttton ax \ltour the IIH/l xoureeol new tor the \Htct‘tt I'H' taken the Clémes.
, .1 1 ‘ hundreds II: at ILl\ rraxx tirtottelr Int \ttlIIt'llIlIItJ more than a xoeml tnatorttt ol l K xtudentsl. tlte paper -\\ttttett tlte xtottex. edtted the papers \ _
V attd help “m” ”k. “Hum What Ihtststhelast Is'emelolthesemesterand eon'xequentl}thelastedttortal
,' ‘ . 1 m WWW It my WWW“ ,hc long page. this ts also the last paper tor me pertod. I‘m graduattng. Next ‘
, ; . ”It-'III‘- the dtxappottttmentx. ml. semester this wrll'all be Paul Mann‘s responstbtltty. Before I go though.
. . . I i \uwmw‘ and expeetalh th” the there are a It“ thtngs I'd lrke to say. a ktnd ot letter from the edttor, lora '
I 6 er 0 e Ior .
/ _. ' , , I; vs hen the “Mm” “£th I l,“ “m", Il-ranltls. tt s amazed me and m some cases appalled me that some oftbe
”I. , _ 1; _ , “W (m [clmwm H “1",”th “mum“ thtngs “hteh hate appeared on this page In the past year hatent eltcrted
M .‘ 1. Thanks, volunteers t‘atlott‘att'd rrtxutlr ptorettxaxhoxttne xonte eapaertt torttex through tlttx the bttten ett_\ edttoL the drt\rnt_I .tn)‘ re