xt7gth8bk98h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gth8bk98h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1997 1997 1997-12-03 2020 true xt7gth8bk98h section xt7gth8bk98h   









IAIN“ ISHH,‘ 132‘”

“K gears
III! IOI‘ tax

Uncertainty surrounds
Hope Scholarship credit

By Joe Dohner
Staff Writer

Despite the proposed
tuition hike, students may
be getting sotne financial
help from their uncle:
Uncle Sam.

Title II of the Taxpayer
Relief Act of 1997 provides
a tax credit for college stu-
dents, under the Hope
Scholarship Credit and
Lifetime Learning Credit.

Some fuzziness still sur-
rounds the bill, however.

“The IRS hasn't cotne
up with guidelines yet,”
said Student Billing Direc—
tor Linda Bradford.

The language of the bill
is specific, but not specific
enough, Bradford said.

“It asks for things that
most universities don’t
keep track of," Bradford

The Hope Scholarship
Credit provides a tax credit
of up to SL500 for degree-
seeking students in their
first two years of college to
cover tuition and mandato—
ry fees. Specifically. it
reimburses a taxpayer for
all tuition and expenses up
to $1,000, and half of
tuition and expenses over
$1,000, not to exceed a
total of$l,500 for the year.

In English, a taxpayer
paying $2,000 of tuition
and fees in 1998 can claim
the full $1,500.

Civil engineering fresh-
man Steven Maggard said
he liked the idea.

“People who may not be
able to get an education
through grants or scholar—



mm Rain likely today.

high near 50. Clearing and cool
tonight, law near 3 5. Snow pos—
‘ sihle tomono‘w, high near 45.
m I“ The men‘s and women ‘s ha:-
leethall teams prepare for games tomorrow

night. See Sports, page 2.



ships can still get an educa-
tion pretty tnuch for free,”
Mag ard said.

T e credit applies to the
tax bill of whoever pays the
tuition. In the case of
dependent students, par-
ents claim the credit.

There are some impor-,
tant exceptions to the cred—
it. Students must be
enrolled as at least part
time students for a portion
of the year. The credit
won’t apply to rootn and
board, health fees, athletic
fees or books. The credit
also cannot be claimed by
students convicted of a
felony drug offense during
the fiscal year.

The IRS may determine
that other fortns of finan-
cial aid cannot be claimed
under the credit.

“Students with Pell
Grants and other scholar-
ships may not be able to
claim the credit," Bradford

The IRS and the Uni-
versity will be examining
the guidelines tnore closely
next year, but the first year
is sontethin of a grace
period, Brad ord said.

Other outstanding ques—
tions that tnust be resolved
are who qualifies as a first—
and second-year student,
how to determine who gets
to claim the credit and
what constitutes a “manda-
tory” fee.

“I think they’re going to
make stricter guidelines for
next year,” Bradford said.

The credit applies only
to tuition paid starting in





"A" BARTON Kt'i‘nrl Jail

Congleton and Hacker Construction workers Stew Ritchey (left) and Lloyd Felty worked with Pete Parr (hot—
tom) to put up a safety wall on North Campus.



Students part at national award hook

By Jane Ashley Pace
Staff W'riter

national expert on teen behavior and
attitudes. Each year Krouse, in addi-
tion to producing Who's Who, con—



Vi’ith daily demonstrations against
the Vietnam War in 1967, high school
and college students were viewed by
many as an embarrassment in our soci—
ety. Teen-agers’ images weren't exact-
ly positive.

Ann and Paul Krouse saw a need to
somehow recognize high-achieving,
goal-oriented students throu bout the
country and tell them “goo work by
good students gets noticed too."

The medium for this message was a
directory called I/Vho’s Who Among
American High Students.

Paul Krouse, president and publish—
er of the directory, has become a

ducts a survey that explores the opin—
ions, attitudes, feelings and concerns
of outstanding academic achievers.
Nearly 7,500 students were demo-
graphically selected to participate in
the 1997 survey of students. National—
ly, 3,210 students completed and
returned the questionnaire. All stu—
dents in the survey have “A" or “B"
averages, and 98 percent plan to attend
college after high school graduation.
Krouse’s survey is the largest inde-
pendent sample of outstanding high
school students in the nation. T e sur-
vey provides a penetrating look into
the minds of those students who are

traditionally expected to be among
America's future leaders.

The survey covers various thought—
provoking topics, including education,
careers, sex, violence, dru and social
issues. The questions are tfzveloped by
using the input of students. distin—
guished educators and counselors frotn
across the nation.

()f the students surveyed, I3 per—
cent often suffer from depression and
27 percent have considered commit-
ting suicide. Twenty percent have
engaged in sexual intercourse and 50

ercent sometimes drink alcoholic
lievera es.

Ash ey Tucker, a freshman elemen-
tary education major who was listed i
the I997 M’ho‘s Who Among American

High Schools, said she was surprised by
the results.

“I anticipated the statistics to be
tnuch higher,” Tucker said, “There is
so much pressure for academic stu—
dents to live up to society‘s expecta-

Another student listed in the direc—
tory, vocal performance junior Charis
Hutn hress said she wasn't as sur-
prise .

“Academic scholars do have a
tremcndotts amount of pressure,"
Humphress said. “They have to make

l'Vho’s IVho Among American I ligh
Schools proves to be an excellent




December 3, I 997

0 Campus 10 DIE't’I'HiI/Ii 4

Z 7.7.4.\;vitin1f§ Spirits—TATE
(.‘I‘m’i‘tgiil‘tl 9



l 'Icw/nnnt 8




lllllflllflllllellt OOIIIIBII again

\VASIIING’IIYV —— \ttorney (icncral Janet
Reno declined yesterday to seek .in independent
counsel investigation of telephone fund raising by
President Clinton and Vice President _-\I ( lore, con—
cluding they did not violate election laws. I ler longr
expected decision drew peers front Republicans.

L'nder strong pressure for months from all
sides, Reno told a news conference, ”The decision
was mine and it was based on the facts and the law.
not pressure, politics or any other factor."

She stressed that the investigation \\':ll con
tinue and her decision yesterday should not be
viewed as an exoncration.

Pointing otit that FBI Director Louis]. l-‘rcch
dissented from her ruling. Republicans criticized
Reno's decision as too narrow and suggested she
may have been affected by loyalty to the \‘Ttitc
House. Democrats called her correct and coura»

i NAMEdropping


LONDON —— Harrison Ford a lousy kisser?

Actress llelen .\lirren, who co—starrcd with Ford
in “The Mosquito Coast" in NW», said on a BBC
radio show 'I‘ucsday she considered him “the nicest.
sweetest guy you could want to meet. But he can't
kiss — he finds it impossible to kiss on screen."

Then, she added: “I le's probably not very good
off screen either. It's not inst me other actresses
agree. “'henever we get chatting off screen and
we get around to talking, we come to the same
conclusion: ‘lle couldn't do it with me citherl’ He
does try, bttt it is just not there.” -

Mirren, 5], who has appeared in numerous
films, was nominated for an Funny this year for
her role as a detective in the PBS series "l’ritnc


(jinnpilt'tljront wire reports.


Student torum
tor lllt leaders
begins tonight


The Student Unity Forum will hold its second
meeting today at 7 pm. in the Student (Ientcr.
The meeting is open to the public and any organi-
zation chairs or presidents.

The rooin number has not been announced. but
will be available at the Student Government Asso~
ciation office prior to the meeting.

SGA Student Body Advocate Aaron Sander—
ford, who is serving as chair ofthe forum, said it is
a chance to allow the people w ho are most
involved on campus to see that the campus is run
the way they think it should be.

It puts everyone on equal footing, he said,
from the akido club to the chess club to campus

“Basically what we‘re trying to do is equalize
every student organization. equalize every stu—
dent," be said. “On campus, often whocvcr speaks
loudest gets heard, btit sometimes the quietest per—
son might have the best idea."

The forum‘s purpose is divided into 10 steps,
Sanderford wrote in a memorandum to all forum
delegates. Tonight's meeting will address the first
step, which is to identify the major issues on catn—

The next order of business will be for dele-
gates to explain why they think certain issues are

“Many members of our group might never have
perceived a problem where (other members) know
one exists," Sandcrford wrote to the delegates.



Doctoral III'Oith searches l0l‘ IIIIIBI‘BIIBBS III area siblings

we...“ ‘_'1‘.2‘\€L+“‘“"'r‘ =~ *' ' ,


Volunteers being sought in
study on hyperactive children

ly Brandy Bony
Sufi" Writer

One doctoral student is asking
for Lexington families‘ help on

Saturday mornings, so maybe they,

can be helped in the future.
Katherine Stone, who is

enrolled in the School of Psychol-

ogy doctoral program and is

r l



employed in the UK Outpatient
Psychiatric Services, is doing
research for her dissertation on
sibling relationshi s in families
where one child as Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD) and the other does not.
She is asking for volunteers for
her research.

“I was interested because I had


done clinical work on ADHD,”
Stone said. “Families were at a
loss at how to deal with sibling

For the next three or four
months, de endin on the num-
ber of families wil ing to partici-
pate, Stone and research assistants
will spend Saturdays with one par-
ent-of the family and his or her
two children —— one with ADHD
and one without the disorder.

Throu h interviews with the
parent an the child not diagnosed
with ADHD, Stone will attempt to
describe the relationship the sib—


lings have with each other.

“In the future. I Would like to
be able to talk to the child that has
ADHD," Stone said. “But to sim-
plify my research I can’t do it at
this oint.”

he research is bein done
with Richard Welsh, wEo is a
licensed clinical social worker at
Chandler Medical Center. Each
Saturday, the research takes
place in the Kentucky Clinic

“I have not have as much inter-
est as I had hoped, but I'm really
happy with the families l'vc


worked with so far," Stone said.
“They‘ve been very helpful.

“I’m recruiting more families,
though. I have put out informa-
tion on the news and newspapers
for volunteers," Stone said.

The child interviewed will
receive SIO and the parent earns
$5 for their one-hour visit on Sat-

In addition, Stone and her
research assistants will make fol-
low-u phone calls to the child
Mon ay through Thursday
ni hrs, 30 minutes before the
child’s bedtime. Stone said she

could not divul e details regard-
ityg her researc because of the
e ect it may have on her disserta-

For families qualified to partic—
ipate, the child with ADHD tnust
be between seven and I 1 years old
and the other sibling must be
between nine and I4. The sex of
the children or the parent is irrel-
evant, as is whether or not the
children are from single-parent

“Families interested can call me
(323-602I, extension SSI), and I
will schedule them," Stone said.

. a






2 Wednmldy. December 3, I997, Kmrutlfy Kernel



Homepa :






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The Independent Newspaper It The University of Kentucky

. 026 Grehan Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506—0042

Erma copies are $1. 00 each.

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amt-As. .

Cats look to derail Purdu

Rood-weary l/Vz'ldcots
soyfiztz'gue not a problem

By Jill Erwin

Senior Smjf lVrr'rer

Nazr Mohammed used his
upper-class savvy to secure his
allotment of tickets for family and
friends traveling to the Great
Eight to see UK (4— 1) take on No.
6 Purdue (5~1) tonight at 9:30.

Mohammed, from Chicago,
and freshman Ryan Hogan, from
nearby Deerfield, 111., were both
looking to capture seats for family.
Mohammed went from teammate
to teammate, gathering what tick-
ets he needed and leaving the rest
for I logan.

“I asked them directly, and I
got to them before he did,”
Mohammed said. “As soon as
practice ended, and luckily he
wasn’t there at the time.”

“That was just a very freshman,
rookie mistake,” llogan said. “I
think I’ve been making quite a few
of them lately."

Those lucky enough to get
tickets will see a battle.

Purdue is led by senior Brad
Miller, a 6-11 center. Miller is
averaging 19.2 points and 8.3
rebounds per game.

However, he also has nearly
four turnovers a game (23 in six
games). UK figures to use its
twin towers of Mohammed and
Jamaal Magloire to contain him
and keep him out of the offensive

“Ale and Jamaal are pretty hi I
guys ourselves," Mohammed said:
“\Ve’ve got a lot more fouls to
give between me and him than just
one guy."

“It's definitely an advantage,"
Magloire said. “Our style of
play is really intense and it takes
a lot of energy out of an individ—

Purdue head coach Gene
Keady brings his team in offa dis-
appointing four—point loss to
North Carolina in the Great Alas—
ka Shootout.

He looks to build from the

“\1'e did ()K," Keady said. “\\'e
competed with the No. 4 team in
the nation. 1 think the trip should
be a confidence builder if we use it

L'K coach Tubby Smith knows
exactly what to look for with Pur-

“They are a very good defen-
sive team," Smith said. “They
always play together. They're
going to play hard. They're going
to scrap."

The Cats are coming off a
tough road trip, thanks to the
scheduling prowess of the athletics

The team left Maui, where they
played then-No. 1 Arizona and
went straight to the Premier Clas-
sic in Phoenix, Ariz., to face then-
No. 12 Clemson. Now they head


It ESPN u: 590-AM WVLK

Kentucky Wildcats 1 '

mm mm

I WoyruTumor 10.0 2.8
6 Jeff Sheppard 9.8 3.2
F Album 12.2 23
E Scott Padgett 9.0 5.8
6 WW! M 8.8

.~ Purdue Boilermakers ~ '
mats-m m Ill'll

I AlanEW 8.2 3.7
G Jaraan Cornell 8.5 5.0
F ChadAustln 16.6 as
F Brian Cardinal 16.2 3.8
C BradMifler 19.2 8.3

for the Windy City and the Boil-

“We're a little bit tired, but it’s
the same as it always is at this
point of the season," Cameron
Mills said. “We can’t worry about
how tired we are, or how we’re
doing, we just need to get ready
for Purdue."

“VVe’ve had a couple days to
recuperate,” guard Jeff Sheppard
said. “\Ve’ve played the best
teams before. That’s what we
plan on doing, and we're ready
to do it so it’s not a problem at

Purdue gets strong play from
its three starting guards: Chad
Austin, Alan Eldridge and Jaraan

Keady sees that as one of his
team’s strengths.

“VVe’ve got kind ofan ‘inter-
changeable parts’ type team — 3
or 4 kids can play it,” Keady

“I’d like to see our assists
from our point guard be 5 to 6
to 7 to 8 a game to be with the
national leaders in that depart-
ment and so far, we haven’t done

Austin is a preseason candidate
for the John R. Wooden Award,
which is awarded to collegiate bas-
ketball's top player.

He is averaging 16.6 points
and 4.2 assists per game.
Eldridge gets 8.2 points and 3.1
assrsts per game.

“The last three or four weeks in

ractice have been solid and he‘s
lieen performing the same way in
ames," Keady said. “It’s really
fieen pleasant to see his progress
come around and he's starting



.g . , .,

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m. .7..;«' '

srtriinut CORDLE "W's! Mr

SIAM TAU. UK forward Srorr Padgett and the Conflict? another Top
2 5 squad tonight or they take on Purdue in Chicago. Lartyem‘. UK deflated

the Boilermakers I 01 — 8 7.

to be productive."

The Cats have some stron
guard play of their own wit
Wayne Turner averaging 10
points and 3.2 assists. Allen
Edwards is averaging 12 points
and 2 apg, and Sheppard has 10
points and 3.6 apg.

UK’s recent shooting slump
does not seem to bother Shep—

“Hopefully it will come
around," Sheppard said. “We're
getting good shots in our offense,
and sometimes, they’re just not

The problem is one easil
solved for the Cats, and Coach

Smith has ensured that the t_eam
has heard about it. He say: *
players need to make one more
pass. 4 :3

“I think we've got to makdufhe
extra pass,” Smith said. “Thoy
need to fake and penetrate Edd
make that extra pass to the try
who was even more open t an
they were.”

“It's not to where we're taking
bad shots,” Scott Padgett said.
“but if we pass to the next my,
he’s got a better one. It wiliigxo
nothing but help your shootinng
you give guys wide-open shots
instead of somewhat challenged



Cards need ‘0' to step on Tar Heels

. .1 mum/ed I ’I ‘(‘.\‘.\‘

LOUISVILLE — Louisville
coach Denny Crum knows where
his Cardinals need to improve as
they prepare for No. 3 North Car-
olina in the Great Eight Classic on
W'ednesday night.

Louisville (2-1) turned in some
uneven performances in the Puer-
to Rico Shootout last week, where
it lost 73-69 to Georgia Tech in
the cham )ionship. The Cardinals
beat llo stra 75—66 and Illinois

“Obviously, there were some
things we didn’t do too well, and
there were some things we did
fairly well," said Crum, whose
team faces North Carolina in
Chicago’s United Center.

The Cardinals had more
turnovers that assists in each
game, turning the ball over 49
times while handing out just 32

Sophomore forward Nate
Johnson led the way with 10
turnovers, followed by Alex
Sanders with nine.

Only freshman guard Marques
Maybin, who scored 22 points in
the opener against Ilofstra, is
avera ing in double figures (15.3).
The fi’ontline of Sanders, Johnson
and Damion Dantzler is averaging
a combined 23.7 points.

And Sanders, the tallest starter
at 6-foot-7, is averaging just 4.3


rebounds a game. Ile had only two
in a 58—57 win over Illinois.

Crum also wasn’t pleased with
the defense.

“It takes maximum effort,” he
said. “We've got a lot of room for

()n the positive side, sopho—
more Tony V’Villiams avera ed
more than 23 minutes and ad
career highs of 13 points and five
rebounds against Georgia Tech
while Eric Johnson made 69 per—
cent (9 of 13) of his shots.

“I found out about some dif-
ferent individuals, too,” Crum
said. “It’s a different role for
some of the guys than it was a
Vear ago because when a team
lined u against us last year they
had to E ure out a way to handle
DeJuan (SA/heat) and handle Alvin
(Sims) and guys like Nate and
Damion didn‘t get as much atten-
tion. This year they're going to
get the brunt of attention and
that changes their ability to do

thin .”

bliirth Carolina (6-0) is coming
off a 73-69 victory over No. 6
Purdue in the championship of the
Great Alaska Shootout last week—

Forward Antawn Jamison leads
the Tar Heels with 22.8 points,
followed by forward Vince Carter
with 14.7 and guard Shammond
Williams at 14.3.

North Carolina ended








Louisville's season last year, beat-
ing the Cardinals 97-74 in the
NCAA East Regional final.

Ilnlon oncottln loulsvlllo

A group of civil rights leaders
on Tuesday urged blacks to boy-
cott the University of Louisville to
protest the treatment of fired
coach Ron Cooper and small
numbers of minorities hired to
build the school’s new football sta—

Ten civil rights activists spoke
during a news conference outside
the stadium Tuesday morning.

They asked blacks to stop
enrollin at the University of
Louisvil e and attending sports
events until the universi hires
more minorities, both at t e uni-
versity and on stadium construc-
tion crews.

“The boycott against the Uni-
versity’s revenue-producing s orts
will continue unti U of L ma es a
commitment to fulfill its urban
mission and deals with the
African-American community in
an honest and forthright way,”
said the Rev. Louis Coleman, who
hel ed organize the action.

Pie said the University of
Louisville labels itself an urban
university but doesn't conduct
itself accordingly or enroll enough
urban students.

Coleman and the other leaders
cited several recent events as their


. 5
reasons for calling the boycott.
Among them was the universit is
decision to fire Cooper, the quick
hiring ofJohn L. Smith to replace
Cooper at a higher salary, and the
few number of women and
minorities hired to build the stadi—
um. _’I'~

“I will make it my mission, after
the first of the rear, to o arou‘éd
to various high schoo s and let
them know what to expect if tlIEy
decide to come to the University
of Louisville,” civil ri hts suppqrr-
er Mattie Jones sai duringtghe
news conference. ---

Jones said black students at'lh‘é
university did not have endli'gh
black instructors and faced various
forms of racism on cam us.

Coleman also calle for b1

to stop buying pizza from It”.


Johns. a n v
The Louisville-based conipa:
ny donated $5 million towcd
the building of the new stadium
and the stadium will bear_\'tԤ
name. ; g-I
In addition to the boycottfll'le
civil rights leaders presenteda
complaint petition with 500 s —
natures that would be sent to
Federal Communications CW-
mission askin for an invesdga‘
tion into AS-TV 5pm
broadcaster Gary Gupton’s cotter}|
age of Cooper during the wee
leading up to the coach‘s dis-
missal. -' i







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Witt" \liaff



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A «ATQ 0







WNW The Wildcats" Natalie .llurtim’z (above) and Katie l’ii'tli (right) (MINI/pf m broil: 11 Big Tmfim‘ Iz‘l’t’ll l ‘K
i take: on Ohio State ran/glit. L'K‘x lam win 0114' a Big Ten ream am in 1990.


49ers' executive
laces possible
fraud indictment

Edward DeBartolojr., who led
the San Francisco 49ers to five
Super Bowls, stepped down as
owner 'l‘uesday after two newspa-


pers reported he would be indict-
ed for gambling fraud.

“These charges simply are not
true." DeBartolo said in a state-
ment. “I look forward to the time
when I can address these issues
and tell my side of the story."

l’ormer Murray State and
current Boise State football

coach Houston Nutt, with deep
ties to the state, appears to be
the leading candidate for the
recently vacated head coaching

iob at the University of

Tulane head coach Tommy
Bowden and Florida defensive

coordinator Bob Stoops are among
those still in the picture.
(foul/tiled from :rire reporri.




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