xt7gxd0qv97p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qv97p/data/mets.xml North Carolina Historical Records Survey of North Carolina 1939 Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration Division of Professional and Service Projects, North Carolina Historical Commission, North Carolina State Board of Alcoholic Control; 12 pages, 28 cm; Typescript (photocopy); Included bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FFW 4.14:N 81c/ser.4/no.4 books English Raleigh, North Carolina: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. North Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Regulatory Agencies, Series IV, Number 4 State Board of Alcoholic Control text Inventory of the State Archives of North Carolina, Regulatory Agencies, Series IV, Number 4 State Board of Alcoholic Control 1939 1939 2015 true xt7gxd0qv97p section xt7gxd0qv97p   _‘.‘   ·   jg V I
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§ WPA Historical Records Survey Program  
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=j The gpX§ntOry‘g£_Ehi State Archives of North Carolina is one of a
.; number of bibliographies of historical materials prepared throughout the
Q United States by workers on the Historical Records Survey of the Work
T; Projects Administration. Each state department, institution, or other
ly agency will be represented by a separate section of the inventory; the
ti sections for functionally related agencies will be grouped in series. The
i, publication herewith presented, an inventory of the archives of the State
l Board of Alcoholic Beverages Control is number Q in Series IV, Regulatory
F Q Agencies.
Q The Historical Records Survey Program was undertaken in the winter
Q of 1955-36 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy un-
l employed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers.
W In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to compile .
g inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished govern-
gl ment documents and records which are basic in the administration of local .
t government, and which provide invaluable data for students of political, i
p= economic, and social history. The archival guide herewith presented is
lj intended to meet the requirements of day—to—day administration by the
jp officials of the state, and also the needs of lawyers, business mon and
§ other citizens who require facts from the public records for the proper
f conduct of their affairs. The volume is so designed that it can be used
Q by the historian in his research in unprintcd sources in the same way he
*f uses the library card catalog for printed sources.
QQ The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey Program
fi attempt to do more than merely give a list of records-—they attenmt to
rl sketch in thc historical background and to describe precisely and in
fg detail the organization and functions of the agencies whose records they
l" list. The inventories for the entire country will, when completed,
li constitute an encyclopedia of state and local government as well as a
ii bibliography of state and local archives. .
li The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records
yl Survey Program, even in a single agency, would not be possible without the
Q: Support of public officials, historical end legal specialists, and many
jg other groups in the community. Their co-operation is gratefully acknowl-
ii '
{Q The Survey Program was organized and has been directed by Luther H,
. Tg Evans, and operates as e nation—wide series of locally sponsored projects
YQ in the Division of Professional and Service Projects, of which Mrs.
fg Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner, is in charge.
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ia The Historical Records Survey was created in the winter of 1935-56 `
tx os e notion-wide Works Progress Administration project for tho "discovcry, C
ij preservation and listing of basic materials for research in the history
u of the United Stutes."l Under the direction of Dr. Luther H. Evans, the
Q Survey undertook an extensive program for the inventory of stctc and locol .
sg crchives, curly American imprints, church srchives, and collections of g
{ manuscripts. Pursuant to the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act T
Q pcssed June 50, 1959, the existence of the Survey es c single nation-wide 2
d project sponsored by WYT.itse1f wss terminated August Sl, 1939; `»r`. nd the J
3 work of the Survey was continued in the individual states by locally .
Q sponsored projects operating within the national UPA Historical Records I
% SUTVGY Program WhiGh coitinued under the direction of Dr, Evgis, 1
S ` I
[ The North Carolina oroiect of the national Historical Records Survey
j, was established Februury 1, 1936, with Dr, C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of —
, the North Carolina Iistcricml Commission, as director. Until November
Q 1936 the Surv0Y 0Pvrated ·..· ps on uutonomeur unit of the Federal Uritors' i `
1; Project, directed in North Carolina by Edwin Bjorkncn, Dr. Crittenden V
y resigned us Ststc Director June EO, 1937, and wss succeeded by Dun Lucy, L
i who had previously served as Assistant State Eircetcr. The work of the ·
§` North Carolina unit of the historical Pogcrds Survey has been continued ,
A N , . ,. , . u r . . .
gi by the Berth Ccrolinc diseoricnl Ycccros Survey Prcgect established s
Q September 1, 1959, and sponsored by the North Carolina Eistcricul 1
5 Commission. E
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g The present inventory oi the records ol tnc State doaro ol Alcoholic [
»— Control is the first published section of the lnventcry of thu State s
5, Archives of North Carolina being prcnared by the berth Carolina Historicul
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gr Records Survey, The Field Terk for this inventory was done by mr,
if Nathaniel R. Buss and Kr, T. Nelson Worley. The inventory was prepnrcd Q
’ -‘,i‘  i under thc supervision of lr. Branson harley, project supervisor in charge y
` ;“ of public archives ond was rrod end criticized by the Trshinqton office €_
{C of the Federal Historical Records Survey prior to its termination and by V
Xa Dr. C. C. Crittenden, Secretary of the Sb to Hi tcrical Commission, The
r ‘ • · -· v ~ rr ·• l.r , .: .‘, ~.. .. . , ‘
JQ Survey is indeoted to hr. Cutler nocrc, Cnelrnnn of tue State Beard of ;
Vc Alcoholic Control xnd xenbers of his stuFf ?.r thair generous co-operation Q
~¥ in the work,
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ii IniY IJAJY, Ldllhl SLlTHUJltCE; . Q
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jg December 21st, 1959 `
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g 1. Works Progress Administration, Operzting Procedure Io. U-2, Revised
sj July 2, 1937. `
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Ai _ 1.. $tructurol.OrgqmizatLon ono xvolution V
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Q _The North Caroling State Board of Alcoholic Control was created by L
—j tho General Assembly of North Carolina in 1937 "to establish a system of i
`q control of the solo of certain alcoholic bovoragog in North Carolina, and X
‘% to provide the administrative features of tho samo, in.ordor to insure, i
Q  so far as possible, the propor_admiuiutration of tho sale of oortain ,
{2 alcoholic bovoraqos undo? a uniforn systom throughout tho Shubo."l ¢
W After ihé ?@p©&l of thc Biqhfoonth Amondmcnt»to tho Constitution of 3
}§ yho Unitod States by the Twonty—first Amomdmont in 1933 prohibition of {
Q; .tho manufuoturotor sale of alcoholic bovorugos in North Carolina was com- L
Eu tinuod.undor tho provisions of-the Turlington Act, which had boom passed §
pg by tho General Assembly in l923\to.bring tho_prohibition policy of tho Q _
§£ State into line with tho Eightoonth Amondmont,2 Ropoal of prohibition on E
Q, u national scalo gave risc to_n movomoht in North Carolina, particularly »
H; in tho oastoyn counties,-to modify tho lo;ol—stotus of prohibition in tho i
Q Stoto in ordor to pormit county-oontrollod male of,olooholic hovorugos Q
2* in thoso counties in which thc majority wishod it. Ls u rosult of this 2
éj movomomt,tho'Gonoral Assoumly passed in 1955 an act known as tho i
jv "Pasquotank Liquor Control Act,"3‘“whioh oot_onablod Fosquotonk and sovon- Q
Eg toon oihor counties to hold spocial oloctions to dotormino whothor a %
Q? majority of tho rcgistorod voters of those individual counties desired {
Y; tho logalizcd sale of liquor in County—opovatcd storos,"4— Sovontoon of i
if tho oountioé voted for control, and undo? thc provisions of tho mot, x
i£ alcoholic bovoragos control boards and control stores wore sotrup in oooh, 3
5 Thooc county boords`woro also provided for in tho uct of 1937.0 Tho A
fi sovontoon counties thus voting for and ostablishing control wore Dooufort, ?
{j Cartorot, Cravon, Edgoconmo, Franklin, Grouno, Halifax, Lonoir, Martin, ;
?§ Nash, Row Hanovcr, Onslow, Pasquotank, Pitt, Vance, Worrcm, ;n& Wilson. j.
 *-V Q Rockingham County voted ugu1nst`oontrol.— ’ §
·x , ~,- ,4. . ~ ; ‘
`§ ,In July l956'Govornor`Ehringhaus nppointod m conmiscion to study tho ?
QE problem of control of alcoholic bovormqns in North Carolina. As_o result ‘
QH of tho report and tho rooommondotiono o? this commission an cot gonorally X
Q! known as tho Amomdod Alcoholic Bovoragos Control Acts was passed by the ,
M General Assembly in 1957, providing for n stakq board to administer thc Q
»f act and to maintain o uniform control systom in the oountios coming undor f
j§ tho authority of tho act, and providing that an olootion for or ag inst é
J? the control systom bo·cullod in any county upon petition of fiftoon
! ; »
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45 »  
_§ I. Egglég Lows 2§_§o£EE_QE£og3§&, 4. First ég§B2}_§pocrh Egllggjgg ' 2
M; lgg7’ C_ 4Qa St ll hgyggqtgy .V»_ Igifggggi State gourd og yloooolic ‘
»Q cited as Publ%E_&§H§.- _ Control, Rul0igh,_N._U.a lUbL._ A
S - 2. Ima., 192:;, C. 1;   ~ _ 5. L-G_b1ic   1957, »c·_ <>F¤, A y
ag 3. Ibid., 1955; o. 493. V S. G. {
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@ (First entry, p. 5) (Powers and Duties) Q
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Q percent of the registered voters or-at the request of the board of county Q
§ com issioners of the county.6 In April 1957 a board was appointed by the §`
§ Governor to put the act into operation. Under the provisions of the 1957 Q`
f act eight counties, Chowan, Cumberland, Dare, Durham, Johnston, Tyrrell, il
Q Wake, and Washington, have voted for control and fifteen counties have g'
ép held elections but rejected control. ATwo·counties, Bertie and Moore, were Q
gl given special permission by the General Assembly to set up liquor stores Ej
gz in certain municipalities. The sixteen*eounties,that_have.rejected con— ‘Q ‘
t~ trol-and the fifty—nine counties that have not hold election are still {Q
§Q operating under the.Turlington=Act of 1925. ` ` ` _. _ ~- ··l v Tl
gi The State Board of Alcoholic Control consists of_a chairman and two ld
QQ associate members, who are appointed by the Governor.7i They must be- tg
§¤ persons of character and ability. ~Persons owning interests in breweries, Qj
§f distilleries, or other alcoholic beverage supply concerns, or having rela- lf
§f tives or business associates owning interests in_such concerns, are “ » Vi
tf specifically disqualified_for appointment,8 _Initial appointments were ·7 tj
QQ made, the chairman.for.three.years, one associate member for two years, e ii
t§ and the other associate member for one year. 'All subsequent appointments 3}
gf are for three-year terms or for the unexpired termFif the appointment is‘· .§
vg made to fill a vacancy.9 The Governor is authorized to remove_any mem— ` Qs
if ber of the Board for.just cause and to appoint a successor to fill his · .3
QQ (or her) unexpircd.term.1Q ;The chairman's salary is fixed_atj$6,000 per ` {
ga year and he is to devote,full time to his official duties. Associate .i"‘ ji
Qi members originally received $25 per day while actually engaged in official f§
QT duties and were allowed either five cents-per mile for_use of private [§
Q, automobile or actual travel expenses.ll ‘The compensation for associate il
?i members was changcd`in l959.to.$7 per day and necessary travel expenses.l2 [Q
Q} ~ In addition as the members of the Board, the administrative staff _j
F2 consists of as executive secretary to the·Board, a chemist, and such c lé
at auditors, stenographers,;investigators,'and inspectors as‘are considered IY
Qi essential to‘the effective operation of the Board;` The first State Board fi
Er of Alcoholic Control, appointed in-April—lQ57, consisted of Cutlar Moore, if
  Chairman, and F, Webb Williams and Thos. J. llurphy, members. The present  Y
Ti` incumbents are Cutlar Moore, Chairman, and F. Webb Williams and W. C. ,‘·, ln
VQ Feinstcr, members._: . · ‘ ‘· ."_ it _; I·· ti
pg iv, l _ . 2.l Powers and Duties ,'*", 1 V iQ;
ifi The authority of the State Board of-Alcoholic Control extends over ‘ "· yQ
ip all counties that have established the legal sale of liquor by elections l?
 `I:  _,......i._.... · , ., >»—; -"' I ti 
§w 6. Public Laws, c. 49, t N _p , ‘ M e,·»_v2 fh* In . _ i g
jj V~·· 7. Public Laws, 1957, c._@Q, ss._2,l5. lO.4Ibid.,_s. 5. ··M ti
  8· Ibid., s. §. . `, I · .,   _ ,. ll. `I`b'iId`,, s;Q`2,._I   -· V ‘_ Q tc  I
p_ 9. Ibid., s.`5._ Y ` .‘jf,` ,‘.‘ ` 12. Ibid., l959,.c. 185, sa 5. ° pg
all I . .  
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  lg 1
wl (Powtrs and Duties) y (First gyfyy, P, §)p
l ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ j . ’ `
, t§ as designated by low. ·
»= .» 1. . - . . . '
E ly   ` , - l
7 $§ The primary function of thc Ststc Bosri of‘;lcoholio Control is to t
lg rogulste und suporvise_the activities of thc various county control bourds
gg and the operation of the liquor control stores in the State. The powers y
.8 Ld und duties of the Bourd to exercise this function oro derived Ironlthe j
p i . __ 5 V :*-1. · __ _ . , ·. 
tj erecting oct. The speci1ic_powors cnc duties of the Board nrc us follows: {
i  ·cc 1 V . ' ” . l “ ’2
~w ~ ; . , , . _ · .
A l. To scc that all lows reluting to tho solo ono control oi aloe- g
.j{ holic beverages ure observed and performed, _ l
.K§ 2. To eudit ond to examine the accounts, records, books; and popcrs l
,— .» . .l.. ’· · ~ w
yi relating to_the operation of county liquor stores. ‘ w
¤ ·2 ’ . ° . ’ Y
· U - · » · . i . · . ..‘ .- .; ‘ . *
L_ ..; M 3. To approve or disnpprovo prices and to muintuin uniform prices. g
  · _ 4 · _ l *1%
4 gl 4. To romovo_suéh members of county boards us in their opinion are l ~
ry unfit for duty. . _ ‘. Q
a  } A . { · » ,.  
3 ` f ` V A ‘ ` I I . ~ _ · . 4,
A gy ,5. To test all alcoholic bevercjos and to install such apparatus,) t
l 4* laboratories ond other equipment and to employ such help as may be°necos—i E
J? 1 ,‘ 1 ` - V. · ` ' .. l ,  
_ li; sary for that purpose. p g
» lg 6. To supervise purchasing by the county boards. ° i
~ l.     i`
’“ r  .· . . ,, ·*
· »l 7. To noorovc or diso>orove ooeratiens oi countv stercs.· :
.  l L -— _- 4 1 I. · · , 1) l  
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L2 `1 8. To reouirc such allocation of iunds not to oc less than 5 or- {
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- iN cont or more than lO percent of the net profits, for enforcement of the l
»¥ . · ‘. J . _ - _ , .__ ._ . .,. . .·..
iQ; "hmonded nlcoholic Beverages Control Acts.? ~
»Q 9.` To remove any county officer serving under the Amendod`Alcoholic 5
j tg; Bovorsgcs Control nots who should violate the oct. pg`
K   1 . . ¢;
J l '   t ' ' ` ' . · . ,Q ‘ V. . Fr
E .$€ lO.p To approve or disupprovc the opening oi county stores, with the 7
». pig proviso that one store_be assured for oach”county voting for control; to K
`Il sive due consideration of_communit* vote in_cstohli bins the location of S
 _! Q , . . , I L U A .
,. gg stores; end to withdraw the approval of stores for inefficiency, when l
jg such stores are inimicsl to the norsls or welfare of the comnunity,.or f
lj for any other sufficient cause. ' _ _` . ° ` V Q
· - ll ll. To reouirc uniform cccounting`systcms and to providc for the Q
J  1* ' . A . . _ _ __ .
$3 keeping of adequate records for auditing the accounts of county storos. 9
. o l a
. `   L 1 . ,_ . ,_ _. . ‘_ P`
Q: l2. To grant, to control, or to revogc permits uO disclllcrs to sell .
, by Qleoholic beverages to county storcs._ `° “' " l
L l . .. - l.
ir 13. To ostublish and supervise warehouses Lor the`storajc of olco- { J
*9 holic bevcrcccs "“"` =
· Aj *4 ·* " n “'_ ‘ 4
‘ P $1  
t if » A E
1.   e ·- -, s ‘ V 4 `7
jr A

c i _ _ -7 ll -  ij
Q (First_entry, p. 5) (Housing, Csrc,·end ti
E Accessibility of Records) gi
L I4. To have ell powers which msy be ressonebly implied from the·_ , pe
F granting of the express powers given obovc.l5 Ii
r Individual bonds in the sumc of g5,000_ero requircd_cf4nmmbers of, ti
Q the county alcoholic beverages control boards, which bonds gre required _ ti
Q tc be deposited with the State Bonrd of Alcoholic Control.l% -Bonds are J ti
uc not required of mezibcrs of the State Bc;;;rd,_Thr_>1·e ;=_re.no other specific ,  
% record-keeping requirements in the lows relating to the Stuto Boerd. - tg
2e In eddition to bonds of mombcrs.of county olcoholic bcveroges con—i¤ tg
g; trol boards, such records ure kept by the Stote Posrd`of hlcoholic QQ
‘, Control ss ure.necessory to perform its,sdministrstive·dutios. Minutes *$
Il of meetings of the Stote Board and s record of operating costs are kept pi
I by the executive secretory. Warehouses nuke monthly stock reports to the Q
gi State Board. These reports end copies of reports showing daily und peek- EQ
is ly soles in stores cre kept in the auditing department. The auditing ‘ ct
.€ department also keeps copies of qunrtorly_nudits of each county store Y,
{X system, price lists, invoices, and price quotations from.distillers.‘ In ip
-.7_ f the stenogrupher's office are kept correspondence, copies of inter—office in
p memoranda, reports of soles from other stntcs,:distillcrs¥ permits, bulle- pj
UQ tins, pamphlets, and miscclleneous.records.,,Records.ero·generolly-filed lj
E by subject with d further breukdown by counties when justified by type of  Q
,; records. Wl
p: _, .5. Housing, Cure, end Accessibility of Records- _ id?
*2 All records.ore housed_in the odninistretivc_officcspof the.Stste t?
rQ Board of nlcoholic Control,_rocms,5d2,_545, 54%, and 546 of the New State ll
li Office Building. The building, constructed in 1958-59 of steel, stone, r pf
i E end concrete, is considered to be IOC percent fireproof. nll offices ti
,:1 have-terrezzo floors and steel cusencnt windows.r_. ., A .» . _ _ lt
ci c _ . Z X I,. . hcl . up 4, c ccc C . .-,4 M`
§Tf Conditions of storage and facilities for use of records nre unusu~ tr
tf olly good. The offices ure lurge, livht, and well ventilated., Records Qi
lf are kept in steel file drmwers, with little evidence of crowding, and ore_ tl
pls ell in excellent.cendition. There is mnple.spuce for_sdditionel filing ·  }
IQ equipment. _Stornge of records is divided approximately.ss~follows: »80. ti
Ԥ percent in nuditing department, roon 542, 18 percent in stenogrupher's I- HQ
A _? office, room 546, 2 percent in executive secrctory's-office, room 543. td
TQ ”,‘t No official records are kept in the chsirm;n's office, room 544. Y?
  A [Q 
.» ----—-- I . . o· V . i.`: 4. . ii
T? 15. Public Lows, l957, c. d9, s. 4. ` ` ` VQ
.; ld. Ibid., s. O. This requirement , ri, 4_ , X ti
g wes later modified to permit the x — to
Ati exemption of members who did not TQ
jd handle any money; ibid., 1939, c. 202. tg
V ’"... {  

 * 1
tj .A» A - 5 - A
!l  A
t  . A . `  ‘
ti I ` (1) s
qi I
l  =
 " »-"`.·f' ‘ ` ·f‘* ' ·¤·~· 1 —. = ww  ’
E l *
H · A A ~ A _ A
E   '.g·`lphI' l ' I i I I I O I I I I .0 I `| • Q Q QI | • |     ‘,
.5 &pPT0X• • · · . . . i.. . . . . . . . . .l.·. r" approximate (ly) Y
    BJ`? • ' ` Q O • •> va • • • • •‘ • rk • 4 • • iq • HI`TPJlgG , 9.I`I"$lH.g€`IY}.€].}lt ,I
>   C-.; ; I ·\ IA I il I   I I I I   I I I `I I I ,.' II I I In |     L
[  i ChI`OI]-_• · A ' A • • • `• • • • • • •' • • •` • • • • • - Cll`I°Ol'lvO:tOg—l.C.€`»].    
·     f' d' ` » x ‘*‘ •’ • Q • • • 0.; • • `U • •` • • v • c in A • •  16 r.dI`C.lr"J'€].°    
{Q hdw. , ,. . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . , . ,.. g`. . handwritten {
i· % lb1d• • • • ..•* • •. • • • •. ·• • • • • • • aq • · H tll€ 59.1118 I°€f‘€I°€l'}C€  
  DO • _, YIOS • , • • • • • • •. .• '• • U • '• •._ '• • • • • '• • • • Vnlullher (S)  `
  p•, pp• ‘ • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • •- Q • n • • • In • g • p&g€‘ (S)  
5 3 pr. fm. . . . .;. . .l. . ... . . ..." . . , . . printed forms {
,, A n
{4  Tme U • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • TOOTH  I
;Z Q _ . . · I. _.
V  St (IS) O ' · • • • :• • ·•· "1 • .• .'•A • • ·• ,• • -• • *•; • • • • • S€Cl»]].·Ol'l    _
' yi  "" V • • • • • • • • • i • • • 4. • • • • • . . . • • y CU.I`Y`€Ill`»  
ti x ‘ . . . . . . . . . . , . .`.`. . .i. . by (in dimensions)‘ ’ A
L.  ? A 1 . .· . · V  {
l{§ · ·4 Exact titles on volumes or containers src.writtcn in dll cu itnls q
 t · P i
. @¢ without brackets. {
t f A A - · l
ti` k` ‘· ·~ · J-lr T [ · --·- · ` 1 N : 4. A · 1. 4  
gi; Descriptive ti,lcs, written in all c:plcals.:nd enclosed in brscnccs, =
WY have boon assigned to records having no exact titles on volumes or con- E
· ` . _ A A r » ‘
A- tciners. A · _ A ’ A . A A · _=
t i » ` » i
M  J ·· ' ` · ’ .\ A A  ,
ml Ex lsndtorr titles ·vmltten with_initidl`ccoitcls.snd enclosed in *
`, _ I 1 J A I »·
ij§ brdckcts,_hsvc_bccn added to exact titles which nrc misleading or src t
tj not sufficiently descriptive of record content. Q
V  ‘! A— A i 3 AY _ ’€
_e tl _If units of_& record have distinguishing numbers, letters, or other Q
tg labeling, such labeling is indicated in brackets following the statement {
tj of quantity in the title line. V ’l `» A A Q
·  ; ‘ · AA A ‘ A e; A
`»·    V 1 A ·   A . , ·• _ _. _ A · _ . , . 1   · w ; ,1 . ’ ,. J- · ·  
ti _lhird_psrsgrcphlcross rcicrencos nrc ULOQ so inclcdtc rclncionship K
rj between records in other entries or to rcfer·to records of similar nature g
Ul contained in other cntrics. . J ~ . - ‘ *
· ii    · I I l * 4‘ It 4  
tq Dimensions of volumes or record centmincrs Frc given in inches, M
*, V A at
Q Number of pdpcrs contained, cs shown in title linws, is opproximntc r
 l w , _ . `· , I rl
Qi total number—ccvcrec by.tho entry. ,;. .l·... . ·~- ~ = ~, • {
A lgg ` . . {
A —Wj he Unless otherwise indicated the condition of a record is assumed to r
y> , ` _ A H I I ` `, ` "
~E be good or excellent. A A . - ,
Ji i-I " > »_ ‘
;i · A { 5
i A 2 A Innutc s f
' w·   . - ~` F 
   r ‘ ` _' ` . . ·. - 4 — V ` 1-‘ ` ` *
2 } _ _ i, {1 gnrssss or ,}..*122 stints ¤®l,RD ON »-¤Cw2I©LIG GOLTROL] , spril 26, 1; 
Ti - 1957--. 6 stcnographic notcbowks. · * Q
si StGHOgF&phCr': shorthand,rccord of proceedings at meetings of tho Stntg A
it Beard of Llccholic Control. Arr. chron. by date of mocting. No index. Q
·_  1 F '
;{t Hdw. 80 pp. 4 X 8 x by In rm. edi. A
?  ?  

‘   ai
it ié
E (2-6) (Bonds; Corres- Fg
g pondoncc; Reports) g
i · o‘ ‘ ‘ sands sl
*< . . -· =  E
§; =y* i2. VBONDS [of lmhbers of County Qlcoholip Eeyerogcs Control Eocrds], i
g  ‘ ‘ July 1, ]_9_$7>·-E, 'SZQ Fychdvs inf li, ffldz, L ‘ L Q _ _ _) p ,— -  
{ Original surety bonds ptyhble tt Stdte of north Cyrplinp,_for rnithful _ Z;
? performance of dutios"by chbirmLn`undTmn;%crs of pcpnty alcoholic bpvsr·. pi
gf ages control bosrds. lklco includes*lB0`copies pfgretpil price lists _-, Q
?’ issued by Stete Bourd`oT Alcoholic Control, July l,_lQ5Y-T. Lrr. by , J y
§ subject, bonds clph; thereunder by date issned.? §o_indpx, Hdw. on pr. 2 { ’
%r fm. and typed on pr. fm} `l5 X llhxY24.4 ln7rm._5@2, _ _ _ __— n _. , W
;{ n For wholesale price lists,“see'entry`lZ.` _ _ _ L v ,— _.· Y
Qt I ‘ ‘ ‘ ` ` l ` ‘ C rcsrssspssgsscs j E _ L r p Q
{R 5. GENERAL conEEsroEnEEcE; nay 2s} Iosvl-Q Y2,4oo"p§pers in 1 r.d.. .L
if General correspondence between Stété Eocrd ofiAlcoholic;Control and l
Eg county, state, End-federal offiéidls, severing dll phdscs of administration Q
V‘ of liquor control in North Caroline. Arr. ulph, by addressee, chron. Q
if thereunder by date written. No index.‘ Typed. 415 x ll 3 24. In rm. 5465 il `
  · pnpcrs in l f'.d.° “_ T __ .   __ , _ _ _. ·  
Q, Letters from county alcoholic beverages control boards to State Board of §
`S Alcoholic Control, carbon copies of replies, nnd memoranda issued by lv
Q; Stste Board to dll county nlcoholic beverages control beords. Corres- éy ‘“
Qi by date of`issue. No index. VTypod.` ll x 13 X 24,-_In rm, $46; » ,§ `
Q} 5. DlSTlLLERS‘ COREESPOHDEECE, 1957--, 3,4OQ PCPGTS in_l-p_d• gi ‘
f3 Letters from upprovedydistillcrs to Stete Board of Alcpholic Control,. Q Z
ii with copies of replies, concerning prices and qudlity of products, and ‘ . QQ
gd soliciting orders; letters fron distillers not on approved list, with tj li,
{Q copies of_roplics, concerning prices end quality of products, and re- {QQ * `
ff questing information relative to being placed on approved list. Arr. yl
fw clph. by`nsmc of distiller, chron. thereunder by date written. No index. gy
gf Typed. l5 x ll x 24. In rn. $@0. nd
TQ} For other correspondence with distillers, sec entries ld and l5. gi
  - ? A
§f L R€p¤vtS » o ·“ lg
- *.*3 ‘ ‘ » V 3 o i
§j 6. [WEEKLY REPORTS OF SALES], Sept: l, 1957--. 2,050 reports in 2  # W
_1 .»;· f.d. _ V » T ‘ lj
le Carbon copies of weekly reports Form S-102 from county ;lcoholic-bever- ld
lj ages control boards to State Board of Alcoholic Control, showing for each §]
} · store by brand the number of bottles_sold, cash amount of soles, and li
ui `·’‘ number of bottles on hand nt end of week. Compiled chiefly from Forms in
· S-105. Originals retained by county boerds. Arr. alph. by county,_chron. pj _
p thereunder by date of report. No index. Hdw. on pr. fm._,l5 x ll x 24. it
rj For weekly reports, Form 85105, seo entry 8., _ ·_ · _ NQ
; , . · ‘ ~ ··· · 4 .
A . r . ’ · . — F A
`.]‘ `— i

 W   ,
 [ L
¥ - 7 - Q
Q »· - Q
i ¥
[ {[Einanclu1 Recordg) _,_C (7-11) {
132 I [ l A l  
Hy  gf
[gQ v_ _ _7.1_W-101 [County Whrcnouso lonthly Shook lcports], Sept. 1, 1957--. *i
1,f (NY , '_ 19,000 Qopcro ln 1 bundle and G f.d. (ested). · Q
 § I Monthly reports,.Form.W-101,.fron ccunty‘worchouces, showin; number of {
i easee of alcoholic bcvoruges on°h&ne on flrnt unl last &oys of month, Q
[ number of cases rccolvon auxin; ncntr, number oi cuswe zhlpnrd to county F
[V stores. Arr. nlph. by nine of county, chron. thoroundor. No index. {
Q Hdw. on nr. in. Bundle 7 x ll`} 15; fsd. 1Q 1 11 x 24. In rm. 542. i
[ ' `C `VB; S-103 [Weekly Reports of Da1ly·Sllec],`Scpt, 1, 1957--. ,
Q` Q `Q2,000 reports in 2 bundles and 10 f,&. [noted). ‘[ ¤
Q Carbon copies of wcbkly reports Form S-100 lron `’‘. store nanuinrs to county Q
11 alcoholic boveragc control bonr&s,H;hctlng for each duy by·brc