xt7h18342z29 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18342z29/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19750321 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 21, 1975 text The Green Bean, March 21, 1975 1975 2014 true xt7h18342z29 section xt7h18342z29 kl Qgw  2
PAPEREAQK c0I_|,5gT;0A — ggggm; I E·? E
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. G R E E N
Sylvia Plath, Aird
r A I I B E A N
Don't Fall Off the Mountain, _
_ I NEWSLETTER 3/21/75
Foxfire Book I ~·—··········**·*"*‘·‘***‘—""""”“
Foxfire Book II
Henry Kissinger, Blumfield
Bring Me A Unicorn, Lindbergh _
I know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Angelon *
Out of the Whale, Raskin
My Autobiography, Charlie Chaplin
Bogie, Hyams
If you have any special interests which you would like to see repre-
sented, please let me know.
Karin Sandvik
The l975 Spring Conference of the Special Librarians Section of KLA
will be held on the campus of Western Kentucky University, Bowling
Green, on April 23 - 25. The theme of_the conference is "Computerjzed
Library Services." If interested in further details contact Norma
Jean Gibson, Art Library.
On Wednesday afternoon, April 9th, Naomi Burton will speak in the
King Library (North) Rare Book Gallery, at 3:30 p.m., at an informal
seminar sponsored by the Library Staff Organization. She will discuss
some of the many problems of the writer, especially the beginning
l. Physical presentation of the manuscript.
2. Does a writer need an agent?
3. Author and editor (including agent); their common goals;
re—writing; speculation and commissions; publishing as
an industry--movies, magazines and foreign markets.
4. Why do writers write? Illustrations from the experiences
of successful writers; art and commercialism; taboos
--realism and pornography; idealism and bill—collectors.
Interested persons are invited to attend this meeting.

 L ·2+
Naomi Burton (Mrs. Melville E. Stone) was born in England, and edu-
cated there. In 1939 she was transferred by the London literary W
agency for which she worked to their New York office and in 1959 she
joined Doubleday and Company as a Senior Editor where her special
interests were in poetry,·ficti0n, and children's literature. In the
early l970's she retired from Doubleday and Co. and now lives in
York, Maine; she continues to write and lecture, and to participate
in literary workshops. She is the author of two books, MORE THAN
SENTINELS ( an autobiography) and a book of verse, TO BE A PILGRIM.
M,R.A,P, . ·t . » » »
We have not had our little articles in the Green Bean recently but the
activity goes on. Phase IV is drawing to a close with some reports
to be made available within the next two weeks. Task Force reports
presently in preparation are: Planning, Budget, Management Informa-
tion, and Policy. These reports constitute efforts from four dif-
ferent groups and will eventually become a part of the total study.
Phase V will begin early in April and will cover Organization, Staff
Development, and Leadership and Supervision.
The Study Team wants to thank the many Task Force members who are
working so hard.and those who have cooperated with interviews and
their time. The attitude of the staff has been one of cooperation
and encouragement. :_
The Biological Sciences Library's new telephone number is 8-5889.
PERSONNEI NQTES up A _, W ’ _ h` ‘ I ‘ y
Opening: LT II, Law Library, open April 3. `
Apply to Dotty Green. ‘V·
Map Reference Librarian, University of Arizona, Tucson. ‘
, . y _ _ Salary}~ $9,300 minimum A