xt7h18342z4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18342z4g/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1952 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 28, No. 2, Autumn 1952 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. 28, No. 2, Autumn 1952 1952 2014 true xt7h18342z4g section xt7h18342z4g I
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(For the Story, see page 3)
Our cover picture is copyright, A. R. Mowbray & Company Ltd.,
London and Oxford, by permission. ’
Published Quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Logington, Ky.
Subscription Price $1.00 Per Year ‘
____j_;__  I
"Enter•—d as second class mnttcr June 30. 1926, at thc Post Office at Lexington, Ky.,
under Act of March 3, 1879."
Copyright, 1952, Frontier Nursing Scrvice, Inc.

E A Letter ·from the Chief of the
I · V Louisville Courier-Journal’s
Frankfort Bureau Allan Trout 5
it   American Association of
N 1 ' Nurse-Midwives Helen E. Browne 38
‘ * An·Outpost Center Christmas Elizabeth Hillman V 3
Beyond the Mountains . 47
Black Thursday Justine Pruyn
Illustrated by Kitty Biddle 7
Field Notes 51
Many Reunions Mary Breokinridge 17
Old Courier News 11
Old Staff News 39
Sizerock Clinic on Upper Bullskin Ivallean Caudill 45
Tea at Midwives Quarters (Illustrated) Jane Furnas 48
The Churn and the Spindle Carl R. Bogardus, M.D. 15
The Nativity (A Poem) The Oxford Book of Carols 2
World Calendar The Cincinnati Enquirer 37
A Bit About Associate Editors 64
Announcements 4
At Wendover Nearly Everybody Reads
E (Cartoon) Sophie Lewis 10
'* Distracted Woman Contributed 47
  Just J okes-Children 6
L Many Opinions Professor A. Leslie Banks 9
Not in Agreement Contributed 47
The Big Sneeze (Cartoon) Kitty Biddle 14
To Lassie 46
Trees and Matches Green Glory 44
j True Tales ._ Contributed 9
n . 4 White Elephant 50
pi Why Do People Decline Sir Oliver Lodge 49
Woman’s Auxiliary at St. Mark’s,
Hazard Forth 16

All poor men and humble.  
All lame men who slumble. il l
T Come hasle ye. nor leel ye alraid;  
For Jesus. our lreasure.  
Wilh love pasl all measure.  
ln lowly poor manger was laid.  
Though wise men who lound him  
Laid rich gills around him.  {
Yel oxen lhey gave him lheir hay:  
And Jesus in beauly  
Accepled lheir duly;  l
Conlenled in manger he lay.  
Then hasle we lo show him  
The praises we owe him; { 
Our service he ne'er can despise:  
Whose love slill is able  
To show us lhal slable  
Where sollly in manger he lies. A V  
We1sb, translated by K. E. Roberts
The Oxford Book of Carols, England  J
. s

  1¤·noN·r1En mmsmc smwrcm s
Y by
{ Nurse-Midwife at the Margaret Durbin Harper Memorial
.»'§s·. _ Nursing Center at Bowlingtown
  K (For Illustration, see inside front cover)
  Preparations for Christmas start before Thanksgiving when
  we all make lists of the ages and sexes of the children in our
 l districts and of the number of old men and women. These lists
  we give in to the Christmas Secretary, who is in charge of the
 sl toys and clothing sent in from all over the country. Usually she
  disposes of one center’s needs at a time and when she has com-
  pleted this Herculean task she sends us word. We then ask one
1 of the members of the community who has a truck to go into
 ` Hyden and fetch the numerous boxes and barrels of toys and
  clothing. These we stack in the attic and then as soon as we
 jj can get down to it, we sort them out and fill the family bags,
 i putting in a toy and bag of candy for each child; a blanket or
, some warm garment for the babies; and a shirt, gloves, scarf or
Q1 such like for the old people. I find it quite fun to figure out
  which child will most enjoy a doll, which a book and so on. (I
  hope my figuring is satisfactory to the children.)
  A week before Christmas I had my barn boy fetch me a
  Christmas tree. He brought me a very fine one which, when
  fixed in a tub in the living room, just tipped the ceiling. Then
j came the enjoyable task of decorating it. Several people brought
 é me evergreens. When the day of the Christmas party dawned,
  the house was gay with greenbay, crepe paper and balloons.
#5 I’m afraid I can’t report a seasonable fall of snow on this
i particular party day but the day certainly was seasonably cold
i and the trees in the morning were looking lovely under a cover-
ing of frost. The first children arrived bright and early, most of
them in trucks but quite a few on foot or on horseback. A .
 J momentary crisis occurred just before the party was about to
. begin when the Bowlingtown school teacher arrived to say that
A he couldn’t produce his promised Santa Claus. However, Matt
Barger, who has long been associated with the center, was home

and everyone thought that he would make a good Father Christ- °
mas. By the time we had him dressed up (in our homemade suit E
of dyed feed sacks trimmed with cotton wool), well padded with ,V
pillows, and seated in state beside the Christmas tree, there  
was a large crowd of children and quite a few parents waiting  
to come in. I had borrowed some records of Christmas carols ' il
to provide background music, and had detailed one of the older “;
girls to manage the changing of the records and the winding  
of the phonograph. Matt certainly made a good Santa, produc-  
ing a lot of laughs and a certain amount of awe from the tod-  {
dlers. His own grandchild looked very puzzled to hear the well-  `E
known voice coming from behind all those whiskers.  ,,!
Lassie, my dog, is always a great hit at any party as she  
loves attention. She was in her element, wandering among the  
children with a large red ribbon around her neck. Bobbin, my  
horse, also came in for his share of the Christmas spirit. I deco-  i
rated one of the stalls with holly and red paper, and made him  1
a paper hat and streamers. He soon realized that to be so  3
attired meant that shortly groups of people would be coming  ii
along to the barn to exclaim over him, and to feed him apples  3
and candy, so he did not object too strenuously.  Z
When Santa had greeted all the children and given them  
' their presents, they collected in the clinic waiting room for hot  ';
cocoa and cookies. Finally all went home, happily clutching  
their new toys.  
The New York Committee of the Frontier Nursing Service,  1
under the chairmanship of Mrs. Seymour Wadsworth, will hold " 
its annual meeting of members and friends in the ballroom of ` 
the Cosmopolitan Club on Thursday afternoon, January 15, 1953 . 
at 4 :00 p.m. l
The annual meeting of the Philadelphia Committee, under
the chairmanship of Mrs. Walter B. McIlvain, will be held later  I
in January. The date has not yet been set.  

   Faoiwrima Nimsme smnvicm 5
 Q Frankfort, Kentucky -
  October, 1952
  Dear Mrs. Breckinridge,
  I have been laying off to write you ever since I read Wide
 gi Neighborhoods, to tell you what a superb job I think you did
  with it. Struggle is the theme that made Wide Neighborhoods
  S0 attractive to me, and struggle is the theme that makes me a
 i cover-to-cover reader of your quarterly. I have found the
 . essence of life to be a reaching that sometimes gives us a tenu-
 j ous fingertip grasp, but never an old—fashioned hand hold.
 Vi Mrs. Trout has reviewed Wide Neighborhoods, not only at
 Q the Veterans Hospital in Lexington, but before several other
 Z groups and clubs in Central Kentucky. She is a Red Cross gray
  lady at the hospital.
 `% The two little mountain girls in Wide Neighborhoods who,
  when seeing the tall buildings at Cincinnati the first time,
 Q remarked they would hold a sight of hay, reminds me of an
  experience I shall never forget.
 i I went to Jackson back in 1926, fresh from college, to
  become editor and publisher of The Jackson Times until joining
 ig the staff of The Courier-Journal on February 15, 1929. In those
  days, Kentucky Road 15 had not come any farther east than
 1 Campton. Jackson was virtually isolated from outside travel
‘?  except by the L. & N. Railroad and the horseback trails you
 5 know so well.
g  Ollie James Landrum, a Breathitt County boy, had come to
Jackson to get himself an education at Lees Collegiate Institute,
5, as it then was called. I gave Ollie James a spare-time job as
“ printer’s devil. He since has become not only one of the best
y printers in East Kentucky, but the friendship that sprang up
if between us has lasted until this good day.
? Ollie James, never having been outside Breathitt County,

had no firm idea of what the bluegrass country looked like. _A
I determined, therefore, to take him to Lexington. ,Q
I had access to an old stripped-down Model-T Ford that ·
could navigate the rough road between Jackson and Campton. P Q
So Ollie James and I mounted it early one Sunday morning and i
headed toward Lexington. l
The gently-rolling country of the outer bluegrass, which  gg
we hit at Slade, impressed Ollie James mightily. The fabulous 1
farms and country seats of the inner bluegrass, which we struck {
westward from Mt. Sterling, impressed him even more.  
At Winchester, we struck the concrete pavement leading  
on to Lexington. Here, however, I noticed that Ollie James was  
paying more attention to the broad smooth concrete of the  
highway than to the park-like countryside. At last he revealed  
his interest in a question:  
" ’Pon my honor, old feller," he said, "I wonder where they  
found so many flat rocks the same size."  
(Signed) ALLAN M. TROUT I  
l K
When Henry, aged nine, discovered that he would have to   'Z
share one shaggy, exceedingly friendly pup with his little sister 6  
Peggy, he staked out his claim thus: "I’1l take the head end- >L`;“
that holds the brains."   5;
"That’s all right with me," little sister agreed. "I’ll take the  . E
tail end-—’cause that’s the end that shows he’s happy !" `  
....  A J, @
A little boy was rubbing his face with his mother’s powder  Q
puff, when his small sister snatched it from him.  ‘ ——
"You’re not supposed to do that," she informed him. "Only '  
ladies use powder. Gentlemen wash."  —_;'
. VI ' R

1 FnoN·mER mmsme smavxcm 7
F by
I _ JU STINE PRUYN (DUSTY), New York Courier
, - Illustrated by
_ ` KITTY BIDDLE, Long Island, New York Courier
 42 On looking back at that memorable day, so appropriately
I named "Black Thursday," I can laugh but, at the time, that
i day was anything but funny.
  It all began at 6:30 a.m. when Kay, Shouse, and I got up as
  usual to give Erin his two-ounce dose of greasy, evil-smelling
  cough medicine. This accomplished, we decided to add to his
  misery that morning by making him take some mineral oil, and
  Erin, to put it mildly, was not cooperative. The result of our
 i effort was nine-tenths of a pint of mineral oil on our shirts, arms
  and hands, and approximately one-tenth of a pint down his
  throat. Still feeling like a greased pig by breakfast time, I was
  not in a good mood.
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Shouse and I went to the hospital soon after breakfast to °
do some more painting in the annex. Before I got started on F
that, I went down to the barn to put the horses out to pasture ¥
since they were not going to be used that day. Then I climbed .'
the million steps to the annex and joined Shouse.  
Troubles really began then! First of all I tipped over my ’
paint can on the step ladder, splashing yellow paint all over a `
door and the iloor. Shouse sprang to my rescue, but in helping g
me mop up, tipped that unlucky can over again. Fortunately it `
hadn’t been very full to start with. About this time it began to t·
rain and I remembered the horses, but decided that it would ·_ 
surely stop before too long, so I let them stay. Then in one of  
my attempts to reach a particularly high spot with my brush,  pi
my old painty blue jeans ripped all the way from the knee up,  
so I repaired the embarrassing damage as best as I could with a I  
paper clip, which I happened to have, until I managed to procure  
two safety pins. A little later Shouse took trusty "Bounce," the * 
military jeep, downtown to do some errands but, before she had ·_ 
gotten all the way down the hill, the clutch "slipped," and she  ig
had no gears. Leaving Bounce stranded by the side of the road,  
she called up the hospital and somehow got to town and back.  
' By this time it was almost lunch time, and it was still pour- ‘.   
ing with no immediate sign of clearing, so I went forth in a J
borrowed rain cape to get the horses, armed with four bridles  i
and plenty of determination. Laura was a cinch to catch, Doc L
and Camp not diflicult. Commando, however, was impossible  
and took great delight in my predicament. He would almost let  ‘
me get him, then would wheel around and run up the hill. I gave  .
up after several attempts and went to lunch, very annoyed, and I 
soaking wet as the raincoat was the absorbent kind.
After lunch I tried again unsuccessfully for Commando,
then went up to do some more painting with Shouse. Mary Brill  
came up soon after to ask me to hammer in some nails for cur- V
tain rods in each window of the annex. This would have been Q
an easy job for anyone but me but I have always been a poor ~.
carpenter, and that day I think I was worse than ever. I strug- »
gled in silence for a long while, hitting my fingers too often for E 
comfort, and either getting the nail in crooked or in the wrong .
place. However, somehow I had managed to do all the windows `

I Fnomwmn Nunsmo smzvicm 9
but two when Shouse, Brownie, Peggy Elmore, and Kay came up
_, to tell me we could go home whenever I was finished. I was so
i frustrated by this time that I poured out all the wrath I had
accumulated during the day by tearing my hair, shaking the
  hammer at them all, and exclaiming loudly how awful every-
D thing had been. I hate to think what the iirst impression was
  that Peggy, who had just returned that day to the FNS after a
, trip to Europe, got of me. Kay did her good deed for the day by
 S finishing the hammering, and so we soon were ready to leave.
* Safely back at Wendover, Thursday lost most of its black-
A ness for me, but I was glad when the end of the day and bed time
 `, came, as I was sure that Friday couldn’t be as bad.
 E A few months ago I stood in a mud house in a primitive Nile
  village and watched an Egyptian nurse-midwife give an intra-
  venous injection to a woman who was very ill indeed. That nurse
  was a Coptic Christian, because, as you know, Moslem women
  do not yet take kindly to nursing. She had been trained at the
  Kitchener Memorial Hospital in Khartoum. That was my first
-l introduction to the iniiuence of British nursing abroad, and I
  believe that our nurses in countries in the Middle East are mak-
 _ ing the greatest single contribution to the health and welfare of
 _§ these peoples that we have to offer.
 ‘· —Professor A. Leslie Banks at the Annual
i Meeting of The Queen’s Institute of Dis-
 ~ trict Nursing in October, 1951, in London
 _ A mother near Brutus commented on the fact that some of
  the boys who had gone off to school had graduated before com-
. ing home. To this a neighbor replied that this was just what
we all should do-be graduated so as not to catch the smallpox.
  —-Contributed by Jim Davidson
 " I

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 A   raommiz Nunsmc smnvxcm 11
X il
_ l Compiled, in the absence of Agnes Lewis, by
-€ *1
37 7
‘§   From Lila Caner, Boston, Massachusetts—October 14, 1952
(D   I’m now back at college which really isn’t too bad an exist-
IK   ence since I haven't done a scrap of work. Most of my time
,3  -, seems to be spent talking to friends and chasing down to the
§ »l country for some tennis.
G"  ii I got a letter from Sally [Foreman] which told of an hilari-
j U ous trip driving across the country to college. Apparently she
-»- ·   took a ride down the Grand Canyon on Tenacity’s cousin and
g   they didn’t get along too well!
E  _.I It was wonderful fun to read the Bulletin and find the FNS
Tl   had recovered from any maltreatment suffered at the hands of
E  f the first half of the summer’s wayward couriers! Thanks for
`? making the name of "snake chaser" immortal in it.
g'   ....
LU   From Nancy Dammann, Madras, India—October 18, 1952
-24   I’ve just finished reading your book and loved every minute
of it. I never see American book reviews so it is impossible
Z K for me to tell how well it is selling. I hope it is going very well.
SI  qi Our Information Service library has just received several copies.
‘§  [ We don’t get many books a year and those are only the best.
5   Yesterday our Consular General gave a graduation talk at
3 § one of the local nursing schools. He used as his theme your
  book and the history of the FNS. I don’t know where he had
g  . seen the book. I don’t think he knows anything about me, much
 { less that I once did some volunteer work for the FNS. We cer-
 § tainly have never talked about it so you can’t blame his choice
 } of subject on me. Anyhow the talk went over very well.
_  Dr. Devasagayam came in ·to see me the day after he
  returned from America. He stayed about a half an hour and
l talked about nothing but the FNS. He was particularly im-
_ pressed with the selflessness and high morale of the staff. He
 T also talked at great length about his conversations with you,
 j which he appears to have enjoyed immensely.
 l i
‘ I

We had a little rain this summer and the monsoon which l
was supposed to begin last week looks fairly good so the food —`
and famine situation isn’t quite as bad as it was last year, but  
it’s still not good. Parts of two Southern states have been  
declared famine areas.  
• • • · .  
From Mary (Timmy) Balch, Ambler, Pennsylvania  Q
—-October 22, 1952  i
I am here at the School of Horticulture. I just love it and Q
it seems to be just what I need. It is such fun working with  
all the animals and all that goes with it. I am learning a lot   {
and hope I will get back to Wendover sometime and know some-  A
thing about the animals. =;
We finally got out West this summer. It was a wonderful  
trip. We just took our time and stopped where we wanted. We  
got home the first week in August and I was in Chocorua until  ,;
September.  tl
I don’t think I have written since Mrs. Breckinridge’s book  9;
was published. I read it and loved it. I think it is very well T 
done and I love her style of writing.  
From Katharine Biddle (Kitty), Vassar College,  {
, Poughkeepsie, New York-October 28, 1952  l
Life is very busy as usual. I’m set designer for the iirst  L
dramatic production of the season. The sets are being con-  l
structed now and chaos prevails in the students’ basement where  
we build. There are bits of muslin, bent nails by the barrel full  
(which we painfully straighten and re-use), great slabs of cor-  _;
rugated cardboard, plywood, green lumber and dust everywhere.  
I’m in a perpetual state of terror that the sets will look lousy  E
and am even starting to have bad dreams!  L
I am taking an architectural design course which is most  {
interesting. We design and draw up full plans and elevations 5
of various elementary types of buildings. I am also taking con- ·
temporary poetrypand contemporary philosophy. Field hockey i
and art work for the year book take up the last remnants of 4
my time. Anyway, life is great and college has improved a few  I
hundred per cent over last year!  
, 1
, a
\  _.

  FRoN·r1ER NURSING smwicn is
i From Justine Pruyn (Dusty), Smith College,
  Northampton, Massachusetts—October 1952
  I have so much work to do that I don’t know where to
  begin. I have about 400 pages of hard reading each week-—two
  history courses, philsophy, economics, and art. I’m also doing
 I newspaper work (writing one article a week and writing up
5 students for their hometown papers) and I am on the Christian
 2 Association cabinet. Right now we are having mid-semester
T examinations.
  How are things at Wendover—-horses, jeeps, and people? I
 ! miss you all and would love to come back.
>; From Kay Amsden, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar,
  Virginia—November 1952
 I I have really been having a grand time. In October our
 .; class advisor took us for a picnic up on the Blue Ridge. We
 `! rode up in a bus, ate, and sat and sang class songs and admired
  the view. Next week we’re taking a trip to the University of
  Virginia to observe stars-it’s our astronomy class and it should
 ii be very interesting.
 i Last weekend the varsity hockey team went to Harrison-
 V burg to the Virginia Field Hockey tournament. We played Wil-
  liam and Mary and beat them and on Saturday we played Madi-
 1 son and beat them. At the banquet that noon the all-state team
 ; was announced and also the reserve team. Sweet Briar placed
  nine players—more than any other college!
 » Give my best to everyone. Also give all the horses a pat
  for me-—watch Tenacity’s heels!
 ( Miss Lillian Starkweather Whiteley of Buck Hill Falls,
  Pennsylvania, and Mr. Ian Francis Morch, on September 13,
§ 1952, in Buck Hill Falls. They are now living in Belleville, On-
»_ tario, Canada.
Miss Edith Graham Rankin of Lexington, Kentucky, and
i Mr. Robert Phillips Redden of Springfield, Massachusetts, on
 , November 12, 1952, in New York City. They will make their
j home in Jackson Heights, Long Island.
 ·. I
‘ 1

We send these young couples a thousand good wishes for  
every happiness.
- _ BABIES ii]
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mikesell, Jr. (Marian Lee), a {
son, Henry Joy, on September 23, 1952. They now have two girls _  
and two boys. i
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry, Jr. (Mardi Bemis), a T
son, Stephen Bemis, on November 2, 1952——weight 8 pounds and
13 ounces.
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Drawn by Kitty Biddle  

 . momrmn Nonsmc snnvrcm 15
- b
J] CARL R. BOGARDUS?,M.D., Austin, Indiana
[ Aunt Peggy Lewis lived on a farm on the west bank of
 I Rockhouse Creek where the town of Hyden, county seat of
 P Leslie County, Kentucky, is located today. Her maiden name
had been Margaret Combs, and she was a daughter of Nicholas
_ Combs, of Perry County. Her husband was Abijah (Bige)
g Lewis, a son of John Lewis (1815-1889) and Jenny MacIntosh
V (1832-1851). John Lewis was a son of James Lewis, Jr. (1777-
1 1860), a veteran of the War of 1812, who came from North
pl Carolina in 1810 and settled on Cutshin Creek. Jenny Mac-
gi Intosh was a daughter of that venerable Scotsman, Roderick
 M MacIntosh (1775-1879), son of a British oflicer during the
 ‘ Revolution, who came from North Carolina and lived on Cutshin
 .` I Creek at the mouth of MacIntosh Branch. Bige and Peggy
=g Lewis were the parents of the late Lorenzo Dow (Judge Lew)
  Lewis, a prominent and influential citizen of Hyden.
 Y1 The following "true witch tale" was often, in later years,
  related as "gospel truth" by Aunt Peggy Lewis, who should
 ,, have known whereof she spoke. She told it to Mrs. Sophia
j Hyden Eversole, of Hyden, and she in turn told it to me. I pre-
ii sent it here for what it is worth:
i There was a time, following the Civil War, when Aimt
 , Peggy Lewis could not make butter, no matter how long nor
j how hard she churned the cream. This puzzling situation caused
1 her no end of consternation and exasperated her mightily. Try
( as she would, she could not possibly imagine what the trouble
 l was. Finally, one day an old, old woman from up on the head
  of Rockhouse called on her and, hearing about the ‘quare’ state
 1, of affairs in the Lewis household, immediately told Aunt Peggy
 l that her cream was being bewitched. She explained to her that,
in order to break the witch’s spell, she should take the spindle
from her spinning wheel and heat it red-hot and drop it exactly -
I in the center of the churnful of cream. After she had done this
{ she would no longer experience any difficulty in making butter
 4 and, in addition, would undoubtedly iind out who had cast the
 E witch’s spell on the cream.
 1 {

The following day Aunt Peggy started churning, but with  
the same lack of results as before. She worked the dasher up fi
and down in the old brass-bound wooden churn until she was Yi
well nigh exhausted. Finally she gave it up as a bad job. Then ‘
she removed the spindle from herspinning wheel and heated it ,
red-hot in the glowing embers of the open fireplace. But as she 9
attempted to drop it in the churn it burned her fingers, causing  
it to fall slightly off center. She removed the spindle and started Y
churning again and the cream immediately made butter.
About a quarter of an hour later one of the neighbors came _
running into the house saying that Old Jane MacIntosh had  `
fallen dead, and Aunt Peggy exclaimed, "I knowed hit was her i
all the time!"  ·
At the same time that Aunt Peggy had been heating the  A
spindle, Old Jane, an aged colored woman, who was locally sus- ·
pected of being a witch, and her husband, Old Henry MacIntosh, ;l
a former slave of Roderick MacIntosh, were coming over the  
mountain between the head of Ellis Branch, where they lived, l 
and Owl’s Nest Branch, on their way to Hyden. Just as they  
passed through the gap Jane screamed and fell to the ground _;
as though struck by lightning. She lay on the ground, seemingly ll
, dead. Henry picked her up and carried her back to the house,  
where she eventually revived. However, those who knew about  
such things said that had Aunt Peggy’s spindle fallen in the  
exact center of the churn the breaking of the spell would cer- _$
tainly have killed Old Jane!  :1
Five members of the Woman’s Auxiliary at St.· Mark’s,  
Hazard, made a pilgrimage to Wendover, the headquarters of at 
the Frontier Nursing Service, to take a dozen beautiful pink .;
crib blankets as a gift for the nursing service’s layettes. Those F 
making the trip were Margaret Stewart, Carolyn Watts, Frances  `
Weiss, Sally Muncy, and Virginia Hines. They had a grand
time, since it was a first trip to Wendover, being met by the `
jeep, fording the river, going over the swinging bridge, and so  
forth. They all said, "Wendover really is lovely !"  ,
—F0rth, Lexington Edition, September, 1952  

imowrimn NURSING smavxcm ‘ 17
 g I
·~ For me it has been an autumn of many reunions with
A groups of people,—in Kentucky and elsewhere,—to whom I am
almost as dear as they are to me.
- On Sunday afternoon, September the seventh, I went to
the Fifth Annual Lewis Reunion in the lovely apple orchard of
 ’ Mrs. Lucretia Lewis. I was privileged to be among the speakers,
, introduced by Mrs. Minnie Lewis Hawk whose father and
 _ mother, Judge and Mrs. Theophilus Lewis, had been my warm
. friends in earlier years. Mr. Nick Lewis, Jr., presided over the
.1 meeting with humor and friendliness. Miss Ruth Huston had
1 charge of the devotions and Miss Leota Sullenger of the music
 4 which concluded with Auld Lang Syne. The talk by the well-
  known Genealogist, Mrs. W. E. Bach of Lexington, included not
`¤ only the reading of early letters by members of the pioneer Lewis
  family, but others covering the famous Roderick MacIntosh
{ and his descendants. All of us—men, women and chi1dren——had
 Q dinner on the ground or on the dozens of tables under the apple
3 trees, and what a dinner!
  My next meetings were in Louisvil1e—an Executive Com-
 l mittee meeting at the Pendennis Club, and a delightful meeting
 .} with women newly interested in the Frontier Nursing Service,
 Z through the reading of Wide Neighborhoods, at the house of Mr.
 { and Mrs. Ralph Grooms. I had the happiness of a stay of sev-
 g eral days with our National Chairman, Mrs. Morris B. Belknap.
  I also made a courtesy call at the State Department of Health
 E where I had pleasant conversations with our Health Commis-
 ` sioner, Dr. Bruce Underwood, with Dr. Cathryn R. Handelman
, ——the former Director of Maternal and Child Health—with the `
· newly appointed Director, Dr. Lad R. Mezera, and with others.
= It was a pleasure also to drop in at the headquarters of the
`,  Kentucky State Association of Registered Nurses and see Mrs. `
  Cynthia Neel Warren. One of my visits was at Stewart’s Book-

shop where Mr. Bensinger told us that Wide Neighborhoods I
had been a best seller in Louisville, and throughout Kentucky,  Y
ever since its publication. i i
On Wednesday, the iirst day of October, I went with my i
sister-in-law, Mrs. James C. Breckinridge, and our courier, f
Freddy Holdship, to Harlan—some forty miles from Hyden-—to ,
speak to the Harlan Women’s Club at the Lewallen Hotel. A ‘»
large gathering of a {ine group. _
The next night we entertained at Wendover not only our  ·
own District Committee of the Kentucky State Association of ·i
Registered Nurses, District No. 13, but District No. 12 from in
and around the area of Hazard. Our guest, Mrs. Cynthia Neel ‘
Warren, gave such a good report on both national and state V
doings in the nursing world that it was followed by a most
stimulating discussion.  I
The next day, Friday the third, I mounted Babbette and I
with Lucile Hodges on Boots rode the two miles up Camp Creek
for one of the happiest reunions of them all-a dinner with my
old friends, Belle and J ahugh Morgan. The trail is too rough for
. me to travel in a jeep but Betty Lester and my sister-in-law, I
Dorothy Breckinridge, did go by jeep so that we all four spent
the day on the right-hand fork of Camp. The dinner was one
A of the most bountiful that any of us had ever had. After we
had eaten, and that took time, we went out among Belle’s
flowers. In spite of the dry weather she still had the loveliest
in all the countryside.
A During the mon