xt7h18344k3v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18344k3v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. College of Arts and Sciences. Department of Chemistry 1976 newsletters  English University of Kentucky. Department of Chemistry Newsletters Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Department of Chemistry newsletters Alumni Newsletter, Summer 1976 text Alumni Newsletter, Summer 1976 1976 2019 true xt7h18344k3v section xt7h18344k3v o
. department of chemlstry . THE UNIVERSITY or KENTUCKY
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The Chemistry Resource Room. First opened in 1974, it was expanded recently to occomodate
an increasing number of students. Alumni contributions have helped to provide
furnishings and equipment for this room.
A NOTE FROM THE CHAIRMAN The Naif Symposium featuring Nobel Laureate H. C. Khorana
and Professor Dieter Still was an outstanding success again this year.
I am pleased to report that the Alumni Newsletter distributed last This yearly symposium funded by the Anna S. Naif Endowment
summer was very well received and more than 110 information sheets attracted over 250 participants. The members 0f the department
were returned. Reflecting this alumni interest we have prepared were saddened this year by the deaths 0t two former eeiieaguesi
another newsletter this year. This year’s issue is being sent by first Emeritus Professor Lyle Dawson and former Laboratory Manager,
class mail in an attempt to reach alumni who have moved since last Robert Boyer. Additional information may be found elsewhere in
corresponding with the department or the alumni association. this newsletter.
We encourage you to take a few minutes to fill in this year’s Approximately 20 new graduate Sttidents joined the department
7‘ information sheet and bring us up to date on your accomplishments in 1975-76, the largest incoming class in many years. We hope this
DWcurrent address: A resumé of many of the comments retumed to signals a rekindling of interest among students in graduate education
us last year is presented elsewhere in this newsletter. in chemistry after a drought of several years duration. The academic
I am also pleased to report that alumni-giving funds designated quality 0t last year’s incoming 01355 is also higher than for the
~ for the use of the Department of Chemistry increased from $188 in previous few years. The new A-B- program in chemistry, designed
1974 to $850 in 1975. This year these funds supported the publica- largely for students who WiSh a strong science background to qualify
tion and mailing of this newsletter, furnishings and reference books them for professional 50110015: has proven to be popular With students.
for the chemistry resource room, seminar refreshments and two $100 Currently over 100 freshmen have registered as 3-5. 0T A-B- chemistry
awards to outstanding graduate student teaching assistants in the majors for the fall Of 1976- This may be one Of the largest under-
Department of Chemistry. These funds are greatly appreciated by graduate major classes in the history of the department.
the faculty and students in this department. They provide us With Finally I would like to note that I will be finishing my four year
the ability to fund certain projects which could not be funded with term Of Chairman on June 30, 1976. I have enjoyed meeting many
State appropriations. Donations to the Chemistry Development Fund of you as you stepped to visit in Lexington, or to participate in our
may be sent to: ' seminars or symposia. It has been a busy and enjoyable four years in
which the Chairman actually hired one-third of the present faculty and
Director of Development nearly one—half of the present staff. As June 30 approaches, however, I
204 Administration Bldg. must admit that I look forward with enthusiasm to returning to a
University of Kentucky deeper involvement in my first loves—teaching and research. If you
Lexington, Kentucky 40506 are in this area, we hope you will find the time to visit us and renew
old acquaintances. On behalf of our faculty, our students and myself
If you wish the funds to be used by the Department of Chemistry, Iagain thank you for your continuing interest in the department.
please specify the donation is for the Chemistry Development Fund William D. Ehmann
for unrestricted use by the Department of Chemistry, or the Robert Chairman
M. Boyer Fund. May, 1976

 FACULTY-STAFF NEWS Toronto before joining our Department in 1973. His research in-
volves theoretical calculations of gas-phase rate processes, the aim of
New Chairman Appointed which is to develop an increased understanding of the factors which
. . . . govern the outcomes of collision events. Among the studies he has
, Effectlve July 1’ our new Department Chairman will 13"? Dr. W’l' underway are the development of simple models of bimolecular ex-
liam F' Wagner, who should be familiar to many alumm' B111 Wagner change reactions and classical trajectory studies of inelastic and reac-
first came to UK in 1949 as an Instructor 1n the Department; he was tive scattering.
promoted through the ranks to full Professor in 1958. He has already
served a term.as Chairman of the Department and as Director of Grants and Contracts
General Chemlstry.

Bill’s research interests show how one’s background can always The Department has been especially fortunate in obtaining external
be valuable in later years. Just prior to receiving his doctorate from funding this past year. In all, some seven grants totaling OVBI’ $250,000
the University of Illinois, he spent the war years (1940-45) working from external sources and six grants totaling over $30,000 from in—
as a research chemist at the Illinois State Geological Survey, doing ternal University sources were awarded to faculty in the Department
research on the chemical and physical properties of coal. In fact, during the Past academic year.
his first two publications dealt with coal. Recently, with the increased D- Allan Butterfield, an Assistant Professor in his fiISt year at UK,
interest in the large coal and oil—shale deposits in Kentucky as one received a Frederick Gardner Cottrell Research Grant from the
possible energy source to help meet the national goal of energy self- Research Corporation and a grant from the Muscular Dystrophy
sufficiency by the mid—1980’s, he has once again embarked on a Association of America to assist in his studies on the nature and
research project on the properties of an energy source—the application detection of myotonic and duchenne muscular dystrOphy. Dr. Butter-
of modern thermal methods of analysis to oil-shale in order to provide field uses the technique of electron spin resonance spectroscopy and
a simpler, more reliable, and more informative method for estimating spin-labeling to study protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions
the nature and yield of the gaseous and liquid petroleum products in the membranes Of red blOOd C6115 Of both n0rmal and ai'l'licted
from the industrial processing of oil-shale. Bill is an analytical people. Already, the method he has pioneered has assisted in diag-
chemist, and some of his other research interests include solvent nosing the presence of myotonic muscular dystrophy in several
extraction and the properties of rare-earth chelates. children prior to the onset of the usual clinical symptoms of this

Bill Wagner has been very active in the local AAUP chapter. disease. , ~'

He has just spent a very active year as chairman of the University Steven W. Yates, another first—year faculty member, also received
committee on privilege and tenure. As chairman of the Credit Com- a grant from the Research Corporation to assist in his studies on
mittee of the UK Credit Union, it can be safely said that a number the nuclear properties of deformed and transitional nuclei. His work
of the Chemistry faculty are “indebted” to Bill in a special way. We involves physical and radiochemical studies on the structure of
should have a very smoothly running Department for the next four nuclei using 'r—ray spectroscopy. Dr. Yates obtained his doctoral
years, as Bill could probably succeed in getting a majority faculty degree at Purdue (’78) and did postdoctoral work at the Argonne
vote on almost any resolution by threatening to call in loans. National Laboratories before joining our Department.

Seriously, we wish Bill the best of luck in this demanding position. William D. Ehmann has received a renewal of his NASA Lunar

William D. Ehmarm, our present chairman, will be returning in Sample Research Grant. This year’s research work will concentrate
July to full—time teaching and research. In his four-year tenure as on the Chemistry of the lunar-core samples which are just now being
Chairman, Bill has presided over a great number of changes in the opened by NASA. Bill Ehmann has an international reputation for
Department. We have nine new or replacement faculty in the De- his work in the chemical analysis of lunar and geological samples
partment, the Chemistry Resource Room for undergraduates has been using the technique of neutron activation analysis. This non-
a major success and is now open over 40 hours a week, and the Naif destructive, sensitive method has proven nearly ideal for the analysis
Symposium has proven to be one of the most popular and prestegious of lunar materials. ‘
lecture series in the University—to name but a few significant changes. Dr. Kurt Niedenzu received a grant from the Tobacco and Health
We thank Bill for his efforts on behalf of the Department and the Research Institute to study the syntheses and reactions of functional
sacrifices he has had to make in his personal life; he certainly has (pyridylamino)b0ranes. Kurt, an internationally known inorganic
earned a rest from administrative duties. chemist, is interested in the synthesis, structure, and' reactions of

various boron compounds—with particular emphasis on organoboron-
Faculty Addition nitrogen heterocyclic compounds of potential medicinal use. He was

Joining our staff next fall will be Dr. Laren M. Talbert, presently on sabbatical leave last year at the Gmelin Institute for Inorganic
at Harvard University. He obtained his education at Tulane (B.A., Chemistry in Frankftirt,.Gerrnany, and has returned to full—time
:70) and the University of Wisconsin (Ph.D., :74) where he worked teaching and research duties in the Department thls past year.
under the direction of H. E. Zimmerman. Presently he is a post— John M ' Patterson and W‘ T' Smith, I") have been awarded a
doctoral associate of R. B. Woodward, doing research in new syn- contract by the USDA. to study the with?” and pyrolysrs 0f labeled
thetic methods. His research interests are in the areas of organic {11.31“} hydrazide. Thls grant W1“ ”5}“ 1n the continuation 9f the“
photoelectrochemistry, thermal and photochemical rearrangements of jornt research program on the PYIOIXSIS reactlons and mechanisms 0f
carbanions, new synthetic methods, and spectroscopy. Dr. Tolbert says organic compounds, whrch—besrdes._1ts basrc srgnrficanee—hwor- 7/
his professional goal is “to do interesting chemistry with interested tant meth'a'l applications to Cigarettes and other tobacco products.
students.” In addition to 1115 regular research grant from the Natlonal

Science Foundation, Dr. Robert D. Guthrie has received a “Small
Promotions College Faculty Research Participation Grant” for the summer of
. . . 1976. This grant will enable Professor Gerald L. Seebach of Transyl—

We are pleased to announce two promotions w1th1n the De- vania University to join Bob’s research group and investigate some
partment. Dr. Audrey L. Companion, who joined our Department electron-transfer reactions of carbanions with transition metal com- I
last September from the staff at Illinois Institute of Technology, has plexes.
been promoted to full Professor. Dr. Companion was born in Penn-
sylvania, and obtained all her degrees at Carnegie Institute of 0th
Technology (Ph.D., ’58). She is the author of over thirty publica— er
tions, and her popular book Chemical Bonding passed the 100,000- As noted in the Chairman’s letter, the Anna S. Naff Symposium on
copy sales mark in 1975. Audrey is very active in the field of Chemistry and Molecular Biology was again a huge success as
chemical education, serving on the advisory board of the ACS judged by the number and enthusiasm of those attending. Professors
magazine Chemistry, and as a consultant to the ACS/ NSF sponsored H. Cobind Khorana of M.I.T. and Dieter sell of Yale University
College Chemistry Consultant. Service (C35). Her research is con- spoke on “Structures, Synthesis and Biological Functions of Nucleic
cerned primarily with computer simulation of gas phase and gas-solid Acids" on March 26, 1976. The third symposium in this annual series
reactions using molecular orbital theory. Some of the practical ap- is now being planned for the spring of 1977. Suggestions for speakers
plications of this theoretical work include a better understanding of and topics are especially welcome from Chemistry Department
the degredation of metals and of certain types of catalysis. alumni. Please send your suggestions to Dr. W. T. Smith at the De-

Dr. Merle D. Pattengill has been promoted to Associate Professor partment of Chemistry at UK.
in our Department. Dr. Pattengill obtained a BS. in chemistry from Early last summer Dr. Joseph W. Wilson was among those given
the University of Kansas (’64), a Ph.D. from California-Irvine (’69), the Great Teacher Award. Five of these $500 prizes are presented an-
and did postdoctoral work at Wisconsin and the University of nually by the UK Alumni Association. Joe received BS. and Ph.D.


 degrees from M.I.T. and Indiana University, respectively, and spent interests in Chemistry and sports. He holds a varsity track letter and
two postdoctoral years at the University of Wisconsin before joining will be running off to graduate studies in bioorganic chemistry at
the Department in 1963. He has taught many of the organic courses Pennsylvania State University in September. The Meredith Award
in the department at one time or another. His research interests are in to the outstanding junior chemistry major went to Jeffrey Franks who
the areas of organic reaction mechanisms and photochemistry. His is currently actively involved in the isolation of RNA polymerase I
wife of three years, the former Marléne Miracle of Lexington, was once from Ependemoblastoma A on a joint project with neurosurgery and
one of his students. Their son, Joshua, was born last August. Dr. W. T. Smith of this department. Jeff is a past winner of the
Merck Award and plans to attend medical school after graduation.
Stuff The Merck Index award to the outstanding sophomore was presented
The Don Cash Seaton Safety Award was recently presented to to Kathleen Henke and the Freshman Chemistry Award went to John
Homer L. Grimes, chief storekeepcr in the Department. The Seaton M. Patterson, Jr. Marshall Prunty was awarded a subscription to
Award is the highest safety award on campus and was given in Analytical Chemistry.
recognition of Homer’s contributions in laboratory safety and chemical
waste disposal. Ellen P. Baxter, head librarian the Chemistry-Physics Graduate Student Activities
Library, has been promoted to the rank of Librarian I, the equivalent . . _
in her discipline of the rank of Professor. She presided over the Chet Leach has been-a productive preSIdent 0f the Chemistry
recent rearrangement of the Chemistry-Physics Library, which now Graduate. Student Assoc1at10n for this past year. Through cooperative
has significantly more shelf space than it did. Wilbur C. Mateyka, in efforts w‘th the faculty, the GSA has organized a .SUCCBSSfUI new
charge of the Department’s glass shop, has just finished a year as organic resource room VOIUHFarlly staffed by organic teaching as-
chairman of the Southeastern Chapter, the largest chapter, of the srstants. Another result of this.cooperat1ve effort was the establish-
Scientific Glassblowers Association. Wib recently presented a paper ment of the Outstanding Teaching Assrstant award, which consists of
with Marshall Gordon at the SGA Convention. It was titled “A a certificate and a check for $100. Two teaching assistants, John
Modified Jet Separator for a Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer Bauer and Kenneth Campbell tied for first place this year and SO bOth
Interface” and has attracted the attention of a number of glass had the honor of-being the first rec1p1ents 0f the new award. Chet’s .
companies. successor as presrdent of the GSA is William Stroube. This years
Kentucky Academy of Sciences meeting was dominated by U.K.
, . . . , graduate students. JohnLayton, Sharon Cronch, Bill Stroube, Preston
DEATHS Miles and John Bauer all presented papers. Bill Stroube also co-
Dr. Lyle R. Dawson, 71, distinguished Professor Emeritus and $153323: a paper presented at the 7th Lunar Scrence Meeting in
former head of the Chemistry Department, died on April 16, 1976, I
after a long illness. He came to the University in 1945 as head of the
Department of Chemistry, and served twenty years in that capacity. DEPARTMENTAL SEMINARS BY GRADUATES
In addition to Kentucky, he served in academic positions in Illinois,
Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Louisiana, and as a research chemist and Periodically the Chemistry Department is particularly honored by
supervisor of analytical laboratories for United States Steel Corp. at the return of one of our graduates to present a seminar. We were
Gary, Indiana. During World War II he was a research chemist and especially fortunate this year to have six of our alumni present
group leader on the Manhattan Project at the University of Chicago. seminars to us—one a month from October through March. Begin-
Dr. Dawson published more than fifty research papers during his ning the parade was Dr. Edward J. Griflith (Ph.D., ’51) who is
career, and was the holder of several patents. He was elected dis- presently a Senior Science Fellow in the Inorganic Division at
tinguished professor of the year by the faculty of the college of Arts Monsanto in St. Louis. Dr. Griffith did his graduate work under the
and Sciences in 1954, and in 1956 the Board of Trustees appointed direction of Professor Lyle Dawson. His talk, entitled “Phosphorus—A
him to the rank of Distinguished Professor in the field of physical Bridge to the Primitive Earth,” detailed some of his research on the
chemistry. Perhaps the most lasting monument to his career is the evolution of the earth. In November, Dr. Andrew C. Plasz (Ph.D.,
present Chemistry-Physics Building, which he helped design. The ’70), Research Chemist at Abbot Laboratories in Chicago, shared
movement of chemistry from the antiquated facilities in Kastle Hall with us some of his thoughts on the education he received in this
to our present, modern facilities was certainly a milestone in our Department and some of his experiences as an industrial chemist in
Department’s history. All of us at the University mourn his passing. a seminar entitled “Three Years Later: A UK Graduate’s Impressions
The University community was saddened to hear of the death on on the Job.” Dr. Plasz, who did graduate work in organic chemistry
November 23, 1975, of Mr. Robert M. Boyer of cancer after a short under the direction of Professor Ellis Brown, now is doing a con-
illness. Mr. Boyer was Laboratory Manager in the chemistry depart— siderable amount of analytical chemistry involving various drugs and
ment for some 15 years, and may be a familiar face to many grad- medicinal formulations. Dr. Richard L. McConnell (B.S., ’48; Ph.D.,
uates. Recently, Mr. Boyer has been Special Assistant to the dean Virginia, ’52) spoke to the Department on “Relationships of Catalyst
of the College of Arts and Sciences. Composition to Catalytic Activity for the Polymerization of a—Olefins”
Mrs. Robert Boyer has established the Robert M. Boyer Memorial in December. Dr. McConnell is presently a Senior Research Chemist
Fund at the University in his honor. The fund is to be used for the at Tennessee Eastman in Kingsport. Leading off the bicentennial
‘ ' benefit of the Chemistry Department. Anyone wishing to contribute year was Dr. Mary F. Richardson (B.S., ’62; Ph.D., ’67), Associate ,, ’
to the fund is requested to do so through the UK Development Office, Professor of Chemistry at Brock University in Ontario, Canada. Dr.
specifying the Robert M. Boyer Fund. Richardson, a former student of Professor William Wagner, spoke on
Frederick Garman (B.S., ’10) died in December, 1974. Effie D. “Structural Studies of Thiamine Derivatives,” a part of her research
Martin (B.S., ’30; MS. ’32) died on November 13, 1974. Francis in the area of X-ray crystallography. In February, Dr. C. Kenneth
Roberts Lamb (MS, 1928) died' in May, 1976. Biork (Ph.D., ’53), presently a Group Leader in the Patent Depart-
ment at Dow Chemical in Midland, Michigan, addressed the Depart-
ment on the subject of “Patents, or What I Always Wanted to Know
STUDENT NEWS about this Special Type of Literature.” This interesting talk was fol-
Undergraduate Awards lowed by a special slide program “Patents and Progress in the Useful
. , , , Arts—A Bicentennial Perspective” which he narrated. In March, Dr.
”077“” Barbara, already the reelpient Of an impresswe number 0f James R. Vogt (Ph.D., ’66), Associate Director of the Environmental
awards "1'31“de the Freshman Chem1stry Award 1.“ 1973 and the Trace Substance Research Center at the University of Missouri at
Meredith Award m 1975’ recently won the. American 'Instltute Of Columbia, spoke on “Trace Element Studies using Neutron Activation
Chemists Award for the outstandlng graduating senior in chemistry Analysis.” Dr. Vogt, a former student of Professor William Ehmann,
Zhsdifat:rff)rpclfiftiesl‘basgr‘dllvfdfihgl‘pehrysfclhrlusgdilzndgs aNll-‘Kfiaréfiig discussed some of the many applications of neutron activation analysis
research involved the study of “Mass Conservation and Kinetic at the Center, particularly in the area 0f law enforcement.
Mechanisms”. The project was conducted under the guidance of
Dr. Paul Corio, in whose footsteps Tom will be following in Septem- ALUMNI NEWS I
bar when he attends Columbia University on a graduate fellowship.
Mr. Barbara was the president of the American Chemical Society It was a special pleasure to hear from so many alumni after the
Student Affiliate for the past year. James Swan, who has been working last newsletter. Most of these responses are included below. We
with Dr. W. T. Smith, was recently awarded a Kentucky Superior encourage all of you to keep us up to date on your activities by
Scholar Athlete Award. Jim has been able to combine successfully his returning the enclosed information sheet to Dr. Wagner.

 A. S. Behrman (B.S., ’14) is a Chemical Consultant in Chicago. to his retirement. He visited the department last August and teaches
He writes that he is very glad that the Alumni Newsletter has been navigation and seamanship and makes replicas of old navigation
resurrected and that he has fond remembrances of UK and the instruments.

Department. Charles D. Randal (B.S., ’36) is Professor and Chairman of the

A. J. Whitehouse (B.A., ’24) has been a physician for about Dept. of Microbiology, since ’57, at the Univ. of Mississippi Medical
forty years in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Lexington. He was the Center, Jackson. He received an MD. from the Univ. of Mis- ,
second President of the Kentucky Obstetrics and Gynecology Society sissippi.
and is an Honorary Attending Staff at Good Samaritan Hospital. James W. Higgins (B.S., ’37) is a Sales Manager in the Specialty

Manly M. Windsor (M.S., ’25) is retired and is a Staff Consultant, Chemicals Div. of the Unitech Chemical Co., Chicago.

Lorain County Metropolitan Park District, Elyria, Ohio. He received James B. Irvine (B.S., ’37) is a Process Engineer for the Quaker
his Ph.D. from M.I.T. Chemical Corp., Conshohocken, Pa.

Raymond K. Feldge (B.S., ’25; M.S., ’27) writes that he is enjoy- David I. Randall (B.S., ’37) is a Consultant halftime and Retired
ing his retirement. He is Professor Emeritus in the Department of halftime. He received his MS. and Ph.D. from Penn State Univ. !
Textile Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. He Donald W. Riester (B.S., ’37) is presently a Deputy Associate 1
received an M.S. in Chemical Engineering from M.I.T. Director for Technology, Bureau of Foods, US. Food and Drug.

Elwood V. Schulte (B.S., ’27) is a Consultant to Koppers Co., Admin., Washington. He joined the FDA (for a 5-year period) after
Inc., Pittsburgh. He retired from Koppers in ’70; he has 14 US. retiring in ’72 after 37 years with American Can Go. as Director of
patents and ca. 35 foreign patents in coal chemical recovery, explo- R & D. He recommends this to others as the Government needs
sive shattering of ores, and retorting of oil shale. experienced people.

Alex Black (B.S., ’29) is Professor Emeritus in Animal Nutrition 10h“ H- Holmes (B-Su ’38) is a Project Engineer at Bechtel Power
at Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pennsylvania. He Corpu Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is currently working on the design
says he is enjoying retirement and spends his winters in Fort Meyers Of an 800 MW Oil fired power plant for the DetrOit Edison C0. He
Beach, Florida. He received an M.S. from Penn State in ’38 and the received an M.S. in Chem. Engineering from the Univ. of Michigan. ,
Ph.D. from University of Rochester in ’38. Thomson R. Bryant, Jr. (B.S., ’40) is a Surgeon in Lexington. He :

Robert H. Baker (B.S., ’29; M.S., ’31; D.S.D. (Hon.), ’68) is cur- ceived his MD. from Harvard Medical School. ‘
rently on a year’s terminal leave from Northwestern University, Walter V. Cropper, Jr. (M.S., ’40) is presently Director of De— 1

”TEthstony where he is a Professor of’Chemistry and Dean of the velopmental Operations at the American Society for Testing and -
Graduate School. He will have been in graduate administration 25 Materials, Philadelphia, PA.
years and is the Senior Graduate Dean in the Association of American Charles B. Williams (B.S., ’41) is in disability retirement and
Universities. He received the Ph.D. from Wisconsin in ’40. spends his time mainly writing and studying.

Emerson G. Cobb (M.S., ’31) is presently a Professor of Chemistry Earle C. Fowler (135., ’42) iS Head Of the Physics Department
and Chairman of the Department at the University of the Pacific, at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Ind. Currently, he is the
Stockton, CA. He has previously been at the Louisiana Institute of secretary-treasurer of the Division of Particles and Fields, American .‘
Technology and at Dakota Wesleyan. He was a Fulbright Lecturer, Physical Society. His research with Fermi National Lab is “Test of 1
Univ. of Peshawan, Pakistan; a Lecturer, Univ. Poona, India; Lecturer Identity 0f Neutrinos from Decay of 71' and k Mesons.” He received '1
and consultant, Universidad de Baja California division de Ciencas an AM. (’47) and Ph.D. (’49) in Physics from Harvard University. '
Marinas, ’74-’75; and a member of the Council Committee on Raymond L. Patterson (B.S., ’42) is the President of the House of '
Chemical Education ACS. He received a Ph.D. from Univ. of North Lowell, Inc., Greenville, Ohio, a manufacturer of skin and hair care i
Carolina in ’41 and an L.H.D. from Union College in ’61. toiletries. Previously he had been at Proctor and Gamble for a period

Malcolm H. Filson (B.S., ’29; M.S., ’31) is presently the Editor of 17 years where he was in product development, detergents, and 1
of FLACS, the official publication of the Florida Section of the ACS. fats for animal and poultry feeds. ,
He is Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at Central Michigan University, Thomas H. Shelley, Jr. (B.S., ’41, M.S., ’42) is Director, Central 1
Mt. Pleasant, and has been honored by the CMU by having the Research Laboratory, Johnson and Johnson Domestic Operating Co., l
department’s research and instructional labs named after him. He New Brunswick, NJ. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University. 2
was cited by the State Legislature for his 371/2 years service at CMU, Russell A. Hunt, Jr. (B.S., ’42; M.S., ’43) has recently been ap- I
16 of which were as Chairman of the Chemistry Department. He pointed Manager of Technical Services for Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) l
received his Ph.D. from the Univ. of Michigan and had Post-doc at the Amoco Research Center, Naperville, Ill. He has been with '
fellowships at Univ. of Wisconsin, Florida, Purdue, Cornell, Michigan Standard Oil since ’43; in ’69 he was named manager of facilities and
State, and Ohio Weslyan. services at the Whiting, Ind. laboratories; and in ’73 was appointed

Don B. Forman (B.S., ’31) has been retired since ’71 from manager of new facilities coordination at the Amoco Research Center.
duPont, Wilmington; he now spends his time in various ways: con- Thomas E. Earle (B.S., ’45) is currently a Senior Foreign Patent
sulting in elastomer technology, safety, and technical personnel; and Correspondent for Standard Oil Co., Chicago, Ill.

TV talk show on Delaware History. He received an M.S. from the Robert L. Anderson (B.S., ’48) is a Group Leader in Chemicals
Univ. of Illinois. and Plastics, R and D Dept, Union Carbide Corp., South Charleston,

Forrest F. Cleveland (M.S., ’32) is Professor Emeritus of Physics W. Va. ,
at’tliéjllinois—Instf of Technology and is an Adjunct Professor in Carolyn C. McMeekin McConnell (Mrs. Richard L.) (B.S., ’48) is
the Electrical Engineering Department at UK. He received a Ph.D. a homemaker in Kingsport, Term.
in Physics from UK in ’34. Richard L. McConnell (B.S., ’48) is a Research Associate in the

J. Phillip Clements (B.S., ’32; M.S., ’33) is the President of Research Laboratories of Tennessee Eastman Co., Kingsport. He is l
Fulltone Foto Co., Inc., Colortone, Inc.; Chrome Service, Inc., and Currently coordinator of the Olefin Polymers and Adhesives Applica-

Clements Realty Co., Inc., Louisville, Ky. He writes that he has tions Research Lab. March ’76 marked his 25th year at Eastman. ’
been in the photo-finishing industry since 1939. Fulltone Foto C0. He received an M.S. and Ph.D. in Organic Chem. from the Univ. of
was the parent company, developing and printing arnatuer B—W. Virginia.

Thomas W. Moore (B.S., ’32; M.S., ’33) recently retired as Vice- Clifford J. Webster (M.S., ’48) is a Laboratory Supervisor,
President of Exxon Corp., New York, after over 38 years of service. Monsanto Textiles Co., Research and Development, Decatur, AL. ‘
He received an M.S. in Chemical Engineering from the Univ. of Robert E. Klie (M.S., ’49) is a Senior Instrument Engineer at
Michigan in ’34. Shell Oil Co., Wood River, 111., where he is concerned with on line

John J. Owen (Ph.D., ’34) calls our attention to an error in the process measurements. He is an AICHE lecturer in continuing
last newsletter. He says that “My ’sheepskin’ carries the date of education.

June 1, 1934 and is duly authenticated by Gov. Lafoon, Dr. McVey William E. Sweeney (B.S., ’49) is Director, Plastics Laboratory, 3
and others. I still bear some of the ‘scars’ of that final exam.” He Texas Eastman Co., Longview, TX. 1
then joined Exxon Research and Development Labs where he ad- Charlotte B. Reed Ward (B.S., ’49) is an Associate Professor of
vanced through the ranks to Administrative Assistant to the Director. Physics at Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL. She was recently the first I
He was retired from Exxon in 1959. Dr. Golban (Ph.D., ’49) and woman to be either nominated or elected to the position of Chairman— ‘
Dr. Kelly (Ph.D., ’49) were the first to receive the Ph.D. in Chemistry Elect of the University Senate; she assumed the position of Chairman l
here after the establishment of the modern Ph.D. program under in May. She received her M.S. (’51) and her Ph.D. (’56) from

Dr. Dawson. Purdue Univ. .

Charles W. Hammond (B.S., ’35) was an Area Supervisor Ana- Theodore A. White (B.S., ’44; M.S., ’49) is a Senior Advisor, '
lytical Research, Dacron Research Lab, duPont, Kingston, NC, prior Public Affairs Dept, Exxon Chemical Co., New York, NY. .

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I l
i Harrison R. Cooper (B.S., ’50) is the President of Harrison R. Renal Branch, US. Army Institute of Surgical Rese