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The Chemistry Resource Room. First opened in 1974, it was expanded recently to occomodate
an increasing number of students. Alumni contributions have helped to provide
furnishings and equipment for this room.
A NOTE FROM THE CHAIRMAN The Naif Symposium featuring Nobel Laureate H. C. Khorana
and Professor Dieter Still was an outstanding success again this year.
I am pleased to report that the Alumni Newsletter distributed last This yearly symposium funded by the Anna S. Naif Endowment
summer was very well received and more than 110 information sheets attracted over 250 participants. The members 0f the department
were returned. Reflecting this alumni interest we have prepared were saddened this year by the deaths 0t two former eeiieaguesi
another newsletter this year. This year’s issue is being sent by first Emeritus Professor Lyle Dawson and former Laboratory Manager,
class mail in an attempt to reach alumni who have moved since last Robert Boyer. Additional information may be found elsewhere in
corresponding with the department or the alumni association. this newsletter.
We encourage you to take a few minutes to fill in this year’s Approximately 20 new graduate Sttidents joined the department
7‘ information sheet and bring us up to date on your accomplishments in 1975-76, the largest incoming class in many years. We hope this
DWcurrent address: A resumé of many of the comments retumed to signals a rekindling of interest among students in graduate education
us last year is presented elsewhere in this newsletter. in chemistry after a drought of several years duration. The academic
I am also pleased to report that alumni-giving funds designated quality 0t last year’s incoming 01355 is also higher than for the
~ for the use of the Department of Chemistry increased from $188 in previous few years. The new A-B- program in chemistry, designed
1974 to $850 in 1975. This year these funds supported the publica- largely for students who WiSh a strong science background to qualify
tion and mailing of this newsletter, furnishings and reference books them for professional 50110015: has proven to be popular With students.
for the chemistry resource room, seminar refreshments and two $100 Currently over 100 freshmen have registered as 3-5. 0T A-B- chemistry
awards to outstanding graduate student teaching assistants in the majors for the fall Of 1976- This may be one Of the largest under-
Department of Chemistry. These funds are greatly appreciated by graduate major classes in the history of the department.
the faculty and students in this department. They provide us With Finally I would like to note that I will be finishing my four year
the ability to fund certain projects which could not be funded with term Of Chairman on June 30, 1976. I have enjoyed meeting many
State appropriations. Donations to the Chemistry Development Fund of you as you stepped to visit in Lexington, or to participate in our
may be sent to: ' seminars or symposia. It has been a busy and enjoyable four years in
which the Chairman actually hired one-third of the present faculty and
Director of Development nearly one—half of the present staff. As June 30 approaches, however, I
204 Administration Bldg. must admit that I look forward with enthusiasm to returning to a
University of Kentucky deeper involvement in my first loves—teaching and research. If you
Lexington, Kentucky 40506 are in this area, we hope you will find the time to visit us and renew
old acquaintances. On behalf of our faculty, our students and myself
If you wish the funds to be used by the Department of Chemistry, Iagain thank you for your continuing interest in the department.
please specify the donation is for the Chemistry Development Fund William D. Ehmann
for unrestricted use by the Department of Chemistry, or the Robert Chairman
M. Boyer Fund. May, 1976