xt7h18344r21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18344r21/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1997 1997 1997-02-26 2020 true xt7h18344r21 section xt7h18344r21  











fSlABlISHfl] 1894



Gothic road. See Diversions, page 6.


PI‘OIBSSOI'S keep long hours

‘Puhlish or
perish ’ way
of survival

By Brian Dunn
Stuff ll titer

Bob lloutz, a professor in the
horticulture and landscape archi-
tecture department, estimates he
spends about 50 hours a week on
his job.

But he doesn't really consider it
a job. It's too fun to be that.

“A job is when you go home to

wax the car,” he said.

The 1996 Kentucky Higher
l'iducation Accountability Report
shows most professors may have
the same idea.

Professors spend about 55
hours on the job, the report said.
That's 15 hours tnore than the 40-
hour work week observed by
many jobs in America.

lloutz wasn‘t surprised.

He said professors love their
job, which includes the interaction
with students and research.

The extra hours don’t matter
so much.

For example, llout7. spends
about 85 percent of his job in

“A lot of (work) takes place on

the nights and weekends. If (it)
necessitates you to come in on .i
night or on the weekend, then
that's the way it it." he said.

'lesse \Veil, a physics professor
w ho works about ()5 hours a week.
said he loves working with people.
researching and teaching, but he
doesn't like some things, such as
the constant ringing ofthe phone.

:\ typical day at work for \\'eil
begins at 9 or II) in the morning
because he is not a morning per-

That day, however, usually
doesn't end until l0 pm.

He spends the day in class.
preparing for class. mailing and c—
inailing, going to seminars .ind
checking on experiments.


Faculty Total Formal
Rank ' Faculty (n) Class
Prolessor 334 37


Prolessor 349 46
Assistant 256 47

Instructor 1 2 48


““‘.‘£.i‘.‘.~;‘.l.;”f‘-»'.‘.t“‘ ”at“
4 35
4 29
3 37
3 20

Full-time workload distribution 1994/95—University System
(excluding Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine and Agriculture)

.mmg. ‘.‘.::L‘..““'*
4 35 56
5 29 55
5 37 56
1 5 20 52



lint, he warns, he is not the
typical professor because he is also
director of graduate studies for
physics and president of the local
chapter of the American Associa-
tion of L'niversity Professors.

Ufien, \Veil has to bring a
brown bag lunch to Work and get
carry out for supper.

Sometimes he has meetings at
lunch or cats at seminars.

\\'cil .said the statistics from the
report are definitely real.

l-‘ach year each college asks
professors and instructors to fill
out a form —— the distribution of
effort agreement — detailing how
they allocate their time.

llout7 said he considered 50
hours a week to be a reasonable
estimate tor him, but he doesn't
count work at home, such as read—
ing journals and grading papers.
Ile said some professors may
count that work in their work

According to an accountability
report, the distribution of agree-
ment is used in the assignment of
activities for the academic year as
well as for payroll distribution for
the faculty member.

The WW: accountability report
showed professors on average
spent about 3." percent oftheir 56
hours per week in class and 4 per—
cent in student meetings, about i5

Cloudy tomorrow, 60 percent
chanre ofshowers, high 55.
lllllE UN The 7.0;! I'lighu'dy'soundtrat‘k,

featuring Nine Inch Nails, travel: down a

.-..-n-.,wm-...‘. .





l'lnltssui I
\ssiu I‘iotrssoi

\ssisi l’i i tli'ssi bl


Iiisli...:ioii Risi'iitli


percent in icseartb. vl pt'i‘t‘t‘iit Ill
service, and about I.) peicr in in
professional dtvelopiiicni and
educational leadership.

Associate professors. assistant
professors and instructors spent
more time in the classroom and
less in research -\ll spent more
than 50 hours a week at work

u'l'hat's what teichcrs do Most
like their work.“ \Vt'll said.

“Most students think we ham: a
fairly Ia\ iolt." said 'lan Schacli.
chair of the LVITHL‘lsltt' Senate
(iouncil and Iandstapc .lt't’lIIII‘L
ture professor.

She said students don‘t know or
ask how tough .i professor‘s iol» is.

“You don't survive .it this llistl‘


I Pl‘fllESt QBIS
little notice
tram officials

By Jenniter Smith
Staff Writer

There has been little
response to the student protest
in the form of chalk drawings
outside the Margaret I. King
library Monday night and early
yesterday mornin .

Michael Tomilyn, Student
Government Association Sena-
tor for the Graduate School,
said he knew about the draw-
ings before they happened and
he knows who is responsible.

The chalk drawin display
bears a strange resembfance to a
student protest on campus that
was reported in the Dec. 11,
1991 issue of Lexington Her-

istrators alike seem to be down-

playing the protest.

Many ople in UK adminis-
tration ew little of the

“The only thing that I saw at
all was the article about chalk
drawings. That's about the
extent of the information I
know,” said Carole Bland in the
Graduate School dean’s office.

“The maintenance people
got rid of it. We have no idea
who it was,” Derickson said.

Paul Willis, director of the
King Library, placed little
importance on the protest .

“We feel like we’re responsi-
ble for the inside of the library.
We don’t pay much attention to

the outside of the


The 1991 protest
centered around the
self-appointment to
the UK Board of
Trustees by former
Gov. \Vallace Wilkin-
son. Students made
chalk drawings, simi-
lar to those in front of
the library and outside
of Patterson Office


The mainte—
nance pe 1e
0t rid dz}.
e have no
idea who it

building and chalk
on the sidewalk,”
Willis said.

Only a few stu—
dents saw the
drawings, which
were cleaned up
around 8 a.m.

Jennifer Walls,
English graduate
» student and teach-




, . . . was. . . .

lower, depicting fall- mg aSSIstant, said

en faculty and stu- V she didn’t even

dents. Ralph Deflekson know about the
Tomblyn said UK spokesman display.

those responsible for Tomblyn said

the drawings knew he is concerned

about the past rotest.

“It sounds like these people
have a very strong sense of his—
to ,” Totnblyn said.

l:l’ust as the protest had little
impact in 1991, yesterday’s
chalk drawings are provoking
little thought among those
involved in the budget cuts.

“People can say what they
think. It’s free speech on this
campus, but the bud et process
is continuing,” said alph Der-
ickson, director of public affairs
and alumni relations for the
Lexington cam us.

The chalk rawin s — dis-
played in front of the iibrary, to
the left front entrance of Patter-
son Office Tower and on the
fountain in central campus —
were white outlines similar to
those of homicide victims. They
contained statements voicing
opposition to budget cum under

Faculty, students and admin-

about where UK’s priorities lie.

“They are considering dig-
gin up the square in front of
PO to plant rass, but they
aren’t concemetf with the quali-
ty of education,” Tombl said.

Derickson said not ing is
really beipg done about the
drawin . o charges are being
presse and no search is in the
works to find out who is respon-
sible for the drawin .

Tomblyn said tE: intention
of the drawers was to “open the
minds of undergraduates
because they are the primary
pergle affected by this.”

radcs, times and availabili-

ty of classes will all be affected if
UK under oes budget cuts,
which dire y affect undergrad-
uate students, Tomblyn said.

“I wish I had known about it.
It sounds cool. I would’ve prob-
ably done it myself,” said Jo
Stokes, an anthropology teach-


ing assistant.



— Average weekly workload of full-time faculty” 71



WEATllfll Rain today, high

5 5. Shower tonight, low 47.


February 26, I 997
o l.'.iuitii..‘\ 5 filming" 3


4 Spit/1‘ 2

( Luz. r:

Hurrwm 6 limp/tun! 4



M no so iml ..

\\l\|l(‘ (‘iliii



tutc by teaching alone." she said.

Also. Schach, who spt tit 80
percent of her time teaching and
IS percent in research, contrasted
with lIout'I, who spent only l5
percent teaching and 85 percent
in research,

Scliach added that when teach-
ers .ire hired. they agree with the
university to reach certain
demands to receive tenure. That's
w hy the distribution of effort form
is used, to agree on what exactly
the teacher is going to do over the
ll('\l '\i('.ll .'\l\II. l)l’ill~c\\()r\ ill—C
encouraged to publish research in
ItillrlT.Il\HI Iiiiiiks.

“l’nblish or perish," Schach




By Becky Woods

Contributing Writer

Apple strudel, cherry brandy
tortes, eclairs and black forest
cake. These are the featured
desserts at the European Pastry
Cafe, held in conjunction with the
Cultural Diversity Week.

Sponsored by the Cosmopoli-
tan Club and the International
Hospitality Program, this week~
long event offers more thanJ'ust
European delicacies, provi ing
the opportunity for an exchange
of cultural values. It can be a
meeting lace for students, faculty
and staf who want to learn more
about the different cultures in the

. communi .

“The European Pastry Cafe is
a way to bring understanding to
the student body from Europe as
well as other international coun—
tries,” said Hayden Milligan, a
nutrition and dietetics senior.

French and other language
classes use the cafe as a classroom.
Bet Gabehardt, the president of
the ntcrmtional Hospitality Pro-


no ~ "

Pastry ca 8 places
diversity on menu

gram, said it is a good opportunity
to practice their speech in an envi-
ronment that is similar to the
country they are studying.

International students wait
tables, so language students have
the opportunity to use the skills
they learned in class to order food
in a foreign langua e.

Gabehardt saitf the Cultural
Diversi Week and the European
Pastry tCyafe stimulates Americans
to learn more about countries
where the international students

“It makes us more aware of the
diversity represented on campus,”
she said.

The European Pastry Cafe
runs through Friday, from 10
a.m.-4 pm. in 245 Student Cen-
ter. German, Hungarian, Austrian
and French desserts cost $2.25 to
$2.75, including chocolate cakes
and fruit pastries. For those not
wantin a dessert, the cafe also
offers t ree types of quiche, which
are $3.50 per serving. Beverages
ma also be purchase .

Proceeds from the event will go






Claims AN ATMOSPHERE (Tap) Mun? (duration and performance
sophomore Farigu Drayron and music perfonnunre junior Cynthia Racine
provided muricyerterday in the Euro ran Filmy Cafe. (Above) A trayfeu-

raring delirarie: is identified with u
with unfamiliar parm'es.
to the Cosmopolitan Club and the
International Hospitality Pro-
gram. The Cosmopolitan Club is
an organization that learns about
and ap reciatcs other cultures.
The club also participates in activ-
ities such as white water rafting,
spelunking and hiking. Meetings
are Wednesday nights at 8 pm. in
the basement of Bradley Hall.
The International Hospitality
Program matches families wit

g to patrons run familiarize themxelve:

students all over the world in a
“friendship program.”

The roceeds from the cafe
thus make it possible for these
individuals in the friendship pro-
gram to participate in special
events like 2 Valentine's Day pa
or Visits to Kcencland race trarc‘k
and other events. This also allows
international students to feel more
comfortable in their new sur-

.‘ x,‘ .2‘
,.r.ir\ .

.i 1‘“. L .







' 5'



2 Wednesday. February 26, 1997, Kennedy Knmr



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ly Brett Dawson
.‘om'or Staff Writer

KNOXVILLE — On the way
0 this season’s big est rumble,
JK nearly stumble last night at

In a game that recalled UK-
Tennessee games of old, the Cats
aced out to earl leads in each
talf, then held 0 furious Volun-
eer rallies to win 74-64 and set
1 a Southeastern Conference
:iiampionship tilt with South
Carolina on Sunday.

“\Ve just want to et the hell
in the bus," UK Coac Rick Piti-
10 said. “I'm tired of 9:30 games,
’m tired of people in pinstripes,



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3m just flat-out tired; just 0 have
a beer, get the hell on the us and
get out of this state."

Pitino's frustration might have
stemmed from the 27 personal
fouls called on his \Vildcats —
just more than half of the 52 total
fouls called in a sloppy affair.

“We had a lot of problems in
this ame because we had no line-
up t at we could play as far as
being cohesive," I’itino said of the
win, which saw three Wildcats
foul out. “We had to lose a lot of
our aggressiveness because of



very serious foul trouble, but we
weathered a tremendous storm, a
tremendous road trip.

Padgett, eats hold oil charging Vols


talk about in our system is to keep
attacking — you don’t want the
clock to run out. because that’s


“We had to make due with what how you get caught."
we had and Tennessee
come up with some tried furiously
big shhotshdowr:i the to catch No. 3
stretc ,” esai . UK 27-3, 13-2

The bulk of W 74- ten-um ‘4 in th(e SEC) all
those big shots V night. The Vols
came from a I an. in): Padgett 9-16. 24 24; Mercer ( l 1-14. 4-1 1)
sophomore for- 9-23, 1-3 19; Epps 2-5. 6-10 12; Magloire 3-4. down 53-34
ward, but not Ten- éggsmflgs22; 1'2 5:7”!!315'33352 three minutes
nessee native Ron . ' ‘ 3M“. “mm“ . ’ ' into the second
Mercer, who is guzzoepfi-ggzuassllo 00' M 0’ Totals half, stormed
expected to ' ' into the game

announce today his

II (11-14. #11): Black 5-6, 12-13 22;

with a 24-8 run

intentions to jump ghanofgga‘éfi‘ii‘ Dal/$245356 12. 2 that halted
to the \lBA after "’9" " i a away '3-1' 53L“ ' ‘
(h. ‘ 2,0o4; Jackson 14,04) 2; Harris do. 0-0 0. When tw" CJ‘
[5 season. Totals 18-33, 26-34 64. Black free
Instead, Scott throws trimmed
Padgett made the H m UK ‘3 ["31 am (15 UK29(M the Cats’ lead to
' . a rate: , . n ' ercer .
b‘g , buckets, 6). UT 31 (Hathaway 8). Three-pant FG UK on (’1 ‘58- U F
including a ttmel (raggetuaepps 2,-3.5th 0-1.Pnckell01, could get no

three- ointer wit


Mercer 0-2, Turner 02) UT 2-8 (Davrs 1-3, Green

closer, though,



door on UT’s comeback hopes.

“I think that was the play of the

game for us,” Pitino said. “All we

4:16 eft in the zgmfingogwfisztfiagfggggf thanks in large
game that took Fouls: UK 27UT25 Fouled out'Mohammed. part to Padgett,
UK’s slim four- Edwards- “390's. Technicals UK bench who scored
point lead to seven, A202“ eight of his
67-60, and effec- ' career-high 24
tively closed the points in the

final 4:16.
“The whole game Scott played
big,” Anthony lipps said. “livery


time we needed a basket, Scott was
doin' it — etting a three, or a
jumper in e paint or getting
lfouled and going to the free-throw

Mercer, in contrast, started hot
in each half, then cooled off dra-
matically late in the game, before
finishin with 19 points and 6
reboun s.Volunteer fans booed
and taunted Mercer all night, never
more than with 16:33 remaining in
the first half, when Tennessee’s
Black hit him hard with a le al
screen near midcourt. Mercer Exit
the floor and lay there for more
than a minute.

“I was just running to get into
the press and I ran into him," Mer-
cer said. “I was just kind of dizzy.”

The fall came much to the
delight of the UT crowd, the
majority of which showered Mer-
cer with cheers as he lay motion-
less. Anthony Epps, who came to
check on Mercer after the incident,
motioned for the Tennessee stu—
dents to keep it up.

“The way the student section
kept cheering. I thought that was
disrespectful,” Epps said. “\Ve
came in with a physical mentality.
We wanted to play as physical as

"It's Boyd

filling void

with spirited ettort

By Dave Gonnan

UK’S bench was nearly empty on
Saturday during its home game
against South Carolina due to the
permanent loss of two players and
the temporary absence of Vonda
jackson, sitting out because of a root

Earlier in the season, Shaunda
Roberts and Shawn Manning left
the team.

That left UK with only seven
players this past weekend. A prob—
lem? No way.

Freshmen Patrice Boyd led the
pack. stepping up her game to score
a career—high 18 points and rip down
five rebounds.

The Brownsville, Tenn” native


dowwrnrrwnrt 1997

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1997 University of Kentucky
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Apfi‘lication Deadline
arch 22, 1997



Cultural Diversity Week


has been developing into one of
UK’s top players. Coach Bernadette
Mattox appreciates the fact that she
plays with a lot of intensity and is not
giving up, despite the hard times the
Cats have ne through.

“She pitted outstanding,” Mat-
tox said. “Patrice really came in and
gave us a lift when was needed.

Boyd is putting up some impres-
sive numbers for UK. In her first
year she is leading the team in three—
point and free throw percentages.

Because of her aggressive play she
is the team’s third leading rebound-
er. She is doing all that she can to
keep this team going given the Cats’
depleted squad.

“Ifl don‘t give it all I got, then I
would be letting my team down,”
Boyd said. “And that’s what I did
tonight, I gave it all I got.”

She averaged 16 points and 9.4
rebounds per game as a senior at
Haywood High, the same school
which produced UK alumnus and
\thdcat three-point specialist Tony

In addition she was named All-
State as a senior and to the All-Ten-
nessean team and the All-Region
tournament team as a junior and

On a team that has four freshmen
this season and eve dy returning
next year, it is vital at they make as
many improvements as possible.

Boyd turned heads this past
weekend and Mattox can onl hope
she continues to step up her p ay.

“1 think the way they played
showed a lot of maturity and growth
on our part,” Mattox said of the
young improving team.

Boyd’s next opportunity to shine
will be Friday afternoon when UK
battles Arkansas in the first round of
the Southeastern Conference Tour-
nament in Chattanooga, Tenn.


when UK


.-. ,- -- ...



mitts cnisr mar staff

[YES 0" "I! PRIZE UK freshman Patrice Boyd rear: for another board
against South Carolina. Boyd bar filled in nicely for the depleted Catt.

Associated Press

Bill's Calhoun leaving head position

get things going the way he


Agree or Disagree

on religion.

:00 .m. Worsham Theater
day, March 4

A proud participant of the UK Cultural Diversity Festival.

Brought to co 1: the
Contzmpoicry Affairs Committee.

Speak out and be heard!

RICHMOND —— Mike Cal-
houn, head coach at Eastern
Kentucky the last five years,
resigned after a meeting with
Athletics Director Robert
Baugh, both Calhoun and Baugh
said yesterday.

“He just hasn‘t been able to





speaks out



Student Activities Board's


would like to or the way I would
like to see him do,” Baugh said.

Eastern finished 8-18 overall
and 6-12 in the Ohio Valley
Conference this season, tied for
ninth place with Morehead State.

Eastern was denied a spot in
the OVC Tournament because
Morehead State had wins over
Austin Peay and Murray State,
who shared the conference’s reg-
ular-season title. Eastern only
had a win over Austin Peay.

Calhoun compiled an overall
record of 58-77 while in Rich-



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By Rodman P. Botklns
KrG Editor

You go to college, on pull all-nightcis.

No questions asked, no reasons given.

Some UK students, though, perform this rite of
passage regularly by working the graveyard shift.

Students give different reasons for working late at

Late shift jobs often pay more than daytime coun—
terparts. Scheduling conflicts between work and class
can be avoided.

A few late night jobs provide study time. Some
students are night people and prefer to work at night.

With benefits come disadvantages. Sleeping
through morning classes or being too tired to learn
are potential problems.

Becomin a virtual vampire can negatively affect
one’s social ife

Jonathan Gent, an English junior concentrating in
film, works as a communication service assistant —
also known as a telephone operator — on nights and

Usually Gent works from ll p.m. to 7 a.m. After
working third shift on the weekends “my sleep sched-
ule is almost completely scre ," he said. It takes him
two days to get back to norrna .

“I’m pre much naturally a night person,” Gent
said, who fin s time to study during slow periods.

Using a headset and a computer, Gent ju gles two
calls at once: one from a student asking for irections
on campus and another from a University hospital
patient wishing to speak to his doctor.

The switchboard room is small and gray, and
computers and other electronic equipment surround
the operators.

One might mistake the room for mission control
at NASA.

The switchboard is the nerve center for campus.
Calls to all University offices, including the hospital,
come through the switchboard.

“I really do prefer it (working third shift) because
there aren’t many calls. And some of the calls you get
are a lot more humorous than calls you get during the
day,” Gent said.

Humorous calls come from intoxicated students.
One phone call received b another operator came
from a student whose frien had a broken ankle. The
student, who referred to himself as a pirate because of
his costume, told the operator he was too drunk to

Two candidates hill
l0l‘ BXBCIIthB spots



take his friend to the emer-
gk‘ilt‘) room.

“We get a lot of drunk
students," (ient said.

Kevin Mench also gets some
strange calls.

“No, I really don't want to play
Poison or \Varrant,” he says to a caller.

Mencl, a psychology senior, is the
music director for WRFL (88.1 FM). The VVRFL
studio is lccated in the student center.

Like Gent, Mench is surrounded by electronic
equipment during his shift Thursdays from midnight
to 3 a.m. in the studio.

As music director, Mench chooses what gets
played at the station.

He describes his own show as “three hours of the
most obnoxious, loud, dis sting music I can think
of. Usually classic punk anfihatever the kids want to
listen to,” Mench said.

“I like working this time slot because we have less
stringent station policies,” Mench said.

He plays a cart that tells listeners that between the
hours of midnight and 6 a.m. some material may be

He has been doing this shift sincejanuary, but has
done just about every other time slot for WRFL.

After work he goes home to sleep for a couple of
hours and then goes to his second job at the agrono—
my greenhouses in biological sciences were he grows
grasses and clover.

In the Margaret I. Kin libra computer lab,
Chris Conlee, Kimwee Cfian anld’John Freeman
work as consultants. Their shifts vary, but fall
between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. mostly.

“The hardest thing is peo le ask you the same
question 50 times,” Conlee, a usiness management
sophomore, said. “At this time of night, you either
get people who know exactly what they are doing, or
nothing at all.”

These late shift lab consultants are default com-
puter user sociolo ‘sts. Each can recount several sto-
ries ofodd things Eilppening during their shifts.

Chan, a computer science and business manage-
ment sophomore, recounts reoccurring themes
among sleep-deprived students.

“Students can’t find the stapler sitting right on the
desk because they are too sleepy,” Chan said.

Freeman, a communications freshman, finds the
new printing procedures difficult for some students.

“One of the major
problems is the new
printing system,"
Freeman said.

“I’ve had a girl start
to flip out because it
wouldn’t print,” Conlee added.
They also notice that the users

who repeatedly sit in the corners are
usually lookin at pornographic \Veb sites.

“Capt. Nigfit Desk,” as he refers to himself, is liric
VVolsing, mechanical engineering freshman at
Holmes Hall.Wolsing sits at the desk on ’l‘uesdays
and Thursda s from 1 to 4 a.m.

“I work t e shift the RAs don’t want,” \Volsmg

Wolsing makes productive use of his time at the





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By Brandy Carter
Stafl Writer

Speaking to a packed audience
at the Delta Gamma house Kyle
Thom son announced he would
run or SGA President with
Kristin Triplett a his running

With the announcement,
Thompson and Triplett become
the first people to kick off cam-
paigning for the presidential and
vice-presidential seats.

In her brief speech Triplett
spoke about plans to increase
awareness about SGA services
such as: tax services, legal services,
escort services and tutoring assis-

She also proposed increasing
awareness about how SGA spends
their money through a monthly
SGA newsletter.

Thompson proposed having a
cam us—wide music festival or car-
niv modelin other universities.

If elected, hompson ho es to
print senators names, office ours
and telephone numbers in the


Kentucky Kernel to promote bet—
ter relations between students and
SGA. Thompson would like to see
SGA provide tutors for upper level
courses, as well as, increasing
awareness about tutoring services.

“We want to reach out to stu-
dents who aren’t involved in cam-
pus activities by going to the
dorms and talking about what
SGA can do for them and address-
ing any concerns they may have,”
Triplett said.

Though they have not filed
officially to run in the election yet
Thompson plans to file by Thurs-
day morning.

Other ideas Thompson and
Triplett include followin
through with plans for a memoria
room at William T. Young library
and continuing the SGA Memori-
al Walk. Academically, Thompson
and Triplett hope to initiate annu-
al advising programs in each col—
lege that would give students more
information about classes they
need to take to graduate on time.

Another goal is to offer more
merit-based scholarships to eligi-

x': (iRll.l.-_


rurs. — U.K. vs rmiutssrr . 9:50 p.m. . uni!

- air; if:

/ .. Frill?”

Jimmy Roberts and the _
Triple Crown Blues Band ,.

max. mo s3. @EIG‘EDIIIIDE] o mama] <


254 nooo? I.i«:x , KVY

Kmmh Kernel, H'rdmsday. February 26, 19y: 8

desk doing calculus homework or studying chemistry.
The late shift at Holmes Hall is not eventful entirely.

“Other than burning their popcorn occasionally
and having to empty the building for the fire alarm,
that's about it," \Volsin v said.

\Volsing's job mainly consists of signing’ people
into the dorm.

“I also have the grand opportunity to wake up the
RAs ifsomebody forgets their keys," \Volsing said.

VVolsmg does not describe himself as a night per-
son, but took the job for some extra cash.

He also occasionally deals with intoxicated stu—
dents as well.

“The first night l worked here, four or five drunk
people came stumbling in.”

lior the workers in third-shift land, it’s all just part
ofa seemingly endless all-nighter.


INSMIAG Englisbjuniorfonatban Gent performs Iris main duty as an operator — answering phone calls,


t l. i Q



"HE "E 30 K I: 7710»: son and Kristin Tri lett announred their candida
y P P 9'
for Student Government Association president and via president last night.

ble students by promoting local
and national or nizations.

Following e speech Thomp-
son and Triplett received favor-
able reactions.

“Kyle and Kristin have a lot of
good ideas and I think they will
represent UK and the Greek com-
munity ve well,” said Jeremy
Hyatt, a bio ogy senior.

Other students offered positive
opinions of the candidates.

“I think Kyle has a good shot at
winning. He is leadership materi-


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al,” said Mike Malain, a pre-physi-
cal therapy sophomore.

Thomas Pratt, a former SGA
senator introduced the candidates.

“Students are read for SGA to
take a step forward this year. We
feel the student body is demand-
ing that that SGA step forward
with new leaders and new initia-

“Thom son and Tri lett want
to make SGA stand for a 1 students
and they want to brin SGA
awareness to a new level,” e said.

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T: Brenna norm. editorrn thief
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