xt7h18344t97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h18344t97/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1943-10-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 11, 1943 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 11, 1943 1943 1943-10-11 2020 true xt7h18344t97 section xt7h18344t97  





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The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall
on Monday. October 11, at 4 p.m. President H. L. Donovan presided.
The following members of the Faculty were absent: B. E. Brewer, James
H. Graham, W. Brooks Hamilton, and M. E. Ligon.

The Secretary called the roll of the Faculty, reading from the
following report of the Committee on Election, of which Dean Edward
Wiest was Chairman:

President Herman L. Donovan
University of Kentucky

My dear President Donovan:

Below is a list of the elected members of the reorganized
Faculty of the University. The ballots were counted after 3:00
p.m., Friday, October 1, 1943, at a meeting of the Committee
with all members present except one. The absent member was out
of town on official business.

Very few faculty members failed to vote. Six ballots were
sent to the Chairman after the counting of the votes was completed.
The close of the voting period had been specified on the ballot
which was 3:00 p.m., Friday. The six ballots have not been opened
and, of course, were not included among the votes counted.

Tied votes resulted in two groups, and in accordance with the
Eggort g: the_§9mmittee 9£_§:§:§§2,10t5 were drawn to determine
election. In accordance also with the ReEort lots were drawn to
determine the length of term each member is to serve. The list
of members and terms of service by groups is as follows:

Elected for three years: Elected for three years:
E. F. Farquhar Charles E. Snow
John Kuiper
Elected for two years: Elected for two years:
A. E. Bigge R. G. Lunde

W. F. Gallaway
D. V. Hegeman

Elected for one year: Elected for one year:
L. Niel Plummer H. N. Sherwood
Alberta Wilson Server





























































Elected for three years:
0. T. Koppius

Elected for two years:
H. H. Downing
Lo Lo QUill

Elected for one year:
Charles Barkenbus


Elected for three years:
W. Brooks Hamilton

Elected for two years:
M. M. White

Elected for one year:
R. S. Allen
H. P. Riley


Elected for three years:
Bernie Shively

Elected for three years:
Col. B. E. Brewer


Elected for three years:
L. J. Horlacher
H. B. Price

Elected for two years:
E. N. Fergus
D. G. Steele

Elected for BEE year:
L. A. Bradford
D. G. Card
W. P. Garrigus

Minutes of the University Faculty ~ October ll, 1943


Elected for three years:
Statie Erikson


Elected for three years:
C. S. Grouse“

Elected for two years:

D. V. Terrell
Perry West

Elected for one year:
E. A. Bureau

J. S. Horine


Elected for three years:
Frank H. Randall


Elected for three years:
M. E. Ligon

Elected for two years:
Carsie Hammonds

Elected for one year:
Maurice F. Seay


Elected for three years:
Rodman Sullivan

Elected for two years:
L. E. Carter

Elected for one year:
W. E. Beals

Very sincerely yours,

The Election Committee

Jesse E. Adams

Wesle P. Garrigus
Rober G. Lunde

Roy Moreland
Daniel V. Terrell

Edward Wiest, Chairman



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Minutes of the University Faculty - October ll, 1943

The list of ex~officio members, as provided for by action of the
Board of Trustees, included the following names: President H. L.
DonOVan. Leo M. Chamberlain, W. D. Funkhouser, Paul P. Boyd, Thomas P.
Cooper, J. H. Graham, Alvin E. Evans, William S. Taylor, Edward Wiest,
T. T. Jones, Sarah B. Holmes, Frank D. Peterson, Miss Margaret King,
Louis Clifton, and Vincent Spagnuolo.

President Donovan reviewed the developments of the past year which
have culminated in the organization of the new University Faculty, and
congratulated the members of this body on their opportunity to serve
the University. On motion of Dean Cooper, the Faculty requested the
President to put his introductory remarks in writing, in order that they
might be made a part of the minutes, and in order that they might be
mimeographed and a cony supplied for each member. Subsequent to the
meeting this was done. The prepared statement follows:

It is an honor to have the privilege of calling to order the
first meeting of the newly organized University Faculty. This is
an historic event. I believe that future historians of the
University will regard this as a great occasion in the life of
the University. No group of men and women that has ever assembled
on our campus has greater responsibility toward the future devel~
opment of the University.

May I congratulate you upon your election to this body. You
have not been appointed by an administrative official to the
University Faculty, but you have been selected by your colleagues
to represent the University as a policy making group. You are
not here to represent your department or your college, but you
are here to represent the University. I hope that the problems
that will come before you from time to time will be discussed
by you as a member of the University Faculty, and not from the
standpoint of how they may possibly affect any department or
college. You are to plan the over~all program for the University.
Therefore, you must have that breadth of vision that will enable
you to see what is best for the total University. I look upon
you as educational statesmen, and, if you take this broader
point of view when considering the policies of the University,
you will be statesmen.. If you should divide into blocs or
little groups, our program will come to a bad end and the
University will not make the progress that it shOuld make.

May I review very briefly some of the history of the effort
that has brought this meeting to pass. Before my appointment
as President of the University, the Board of Trustees abolished
the University Senate. At the same time it created a new Faculty
mademup”entirely of administrative officials. This Faculty was
composed of an able group of men, but it represented primarily
the administration. I regarded this as a weakness because it has
always been my belief that a faculty should be composed of both
administrators and teachers. Early in my first year as President


























Minutes of the University Faculty " October 11. 1943

of the University, I began to discuss this question with the
Board of Trustees. At the beginning of my second year, I
requested the Board of Trustees to authorize me to appoint

a Committee of Fifteen to make a study of the University's
administrative organizatior. This request was granted and I
appointed a committee, representing each of the colleges and
every point of View I could diSCOVer reflected on the staff

of the University. This committee took its assignment seriously.
First, it made a study of the organization of other universities,
and with this background it developed a plan for the administra—
tive organization of the University of Kentucky. After many
months of Careful study, a very excellent report was made to

the Trustees and President of the University. It was my pleasure
to recommend that the report be adopted by the Trustees. This
report was approved with only two minor amendments. A Faculty
composed of 56 persons was authorized, 40 to be elected by the
teaching staff and 16 to serve by reason of their positions.

This Faculty has been elected and today we meet for the purpose
of organization.

When I presented the report of the Committee of Fifteen to
the Board of Trustees and requested them to approve of it, I
quoted from the autobiography of the late Andrew D. White, the
first president of Cornell University: ”I felt that the univere
sity, to be successful. should not depend on the life and con~
duct of any one man; that every one of those called to govern
and to manage it, whether president or professor, should feel
that he had powers and responsibilities in its daily administra*
tion. ev~~ I insisted that the faculty should not be merely
a committee to register the decrees of the President, but that
it should have full legislative powers to discuss and decide
university affairs. Nor did I allow it to become a body merely
advisory. I not only insisted that it should have full legislae
tive powers, but that it should be steadily trained in the use
of them”.

President White has expressed far better than I am able to
state a philosophy which I have long held as essential to the
success of an educational institution. I believe that every man
and woman who serves on the faculty of a college or university
has a responsibility for its program. Also, I believe there is
wisdom in the multitude. No man is wise enough to plan the
total program of a university. If he is wise at all, he will
call for all the aid and assistance he can secure from whatever
source it is obtainable. This Faculty is a representative democracy
for the UniVersity. It will probably be more efficient than if
we should assemble the total teaching staff to consider the
problems of the University. It will be able to transact its
business more promptly than a larger group could act.

You are a policy making group. It is your responsibility to
determine the educational policies for the University. This is
a great responsibility, but I believe you will measure up to the





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Minutes of the University Faculty - October ll, 1943

trust that has been placed in you. When I say you are to be

the educational policy making body of the University, I mean
just that. Your function is not that of an advisory group.

You must take the responsibility for planning the educational
program of the University. If the educational program of the
University reflects wisdom; if it is an active dynamic program
designed to help a university to meet the needs of a changing
world; if it is a progressive, realistic, upnto—date program,
you will receive the credit due educational statesmen. If the
program which you plan should be reactionary or a letmtheeuniver-
sityndrift program, you will also get the credit.I know you have
the vision and the courage to plan a constructive educational

We shall not see all problems eye to eye. This would not be
desirable if we could have it. That would be regimentation. We
want to discuss our problems frankly and honestly. But after a
full discussion a vote will be taken and when the decision is
announced, it should be the decision of the University Faculty.
Those in favor of, as well as those opposed to, the question
should back up the action of the FaCulty.

I trust that this Faculty will deal with the larger issues
of the University and will not consume its time with petty matters.
There will be details to be taken care of but they should not be
time consuming. There are momentous educational problems which
must be solved to plan constructively for the post—war era. When
this war is over we shall have many hundreds of students rushing
back to the campus and there will be a lot of new problems involved.
Many of these students will be former soldiers that we must plan
to serve. We should get ready now to receive them before it is
time for their arrival.

I shall try to be a fair presiding officer and to give each
man and woman a chance to express himself. I ask your pennission
to be allowed to take part in many of the discussions. However,

I do not desire to have you too greatly influenced by what I shall
say by reason of my position.

The University rules, which were adopted by the University
Senate and later modified by the Faculty of the University, are
now in force and will continue to be in force subject to such rem
vision as you may find necessary from time to time. You start
with no committees. You will probably want some standing committees
and special committees to make studies and surveys from time to time.
There is one committee that I would like to suggest early in the
work of the University Faculty. This is a committee on postmwar
planning. I have withheld the appointment of such a committee,
believing that you would want to authorize its appointment when
this body was organized. In the future the University will have























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Minutes of the University Faculty - October ll, 1943


two types of committees, one known as administrative committees, and ‘H
div the other, faculty committees. The charter which the Committee of
l;t. Fifteen prepared, and which was adopted by the Board of Trustees,
clearly differentiates administrative functions from policy making
functions. These committees, therefore, will deal with policy making
and not with administration.






Again may I congratulate you on the opportunity to serve on the
University Faculty established by action of the Board of Trustees
in September, 1943. May yOur service be of such a character, and the
service of those who shall serve after you, that the University will
continue to formulate its educational policies through a bery such
as this for the next half century.”



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On the President's call for the introduction of faculty business,

Dean Boyd moved that the Faculty approve the appointment of a. committee $2“
whose task it would be to recommend to the Faculty the committees that “l “
should be organized. The motion was seconded and approved. Members of
‘ this committee, as appointed later by President Donovan are: Wm. S.
, L Taylor, Chairman, 0. T. Koppius, D. G. Card, E. A. Bureau, W. E. Beale, 1
fpl Frank H. Randall.
' ‘ :


d; 3 On motion by Dean Jones, the Faculty approved the appointment of

ill } a committee on Post~War Planning for the University. President Donovan
‘ ‘ later made the following appointments to this committee: Leo M.

M Chamberlain, Chairman, Paul P. Boyd, Statie Erikson, John Kuiper, H. B.
1 Price, Jesse E. Adams, D. V. Terrell, Alvin E. Evans, Jamev W. Martin,

v o



Louis Clifton, Margaret I. King, L. L. Dantzler, W. S. Webb, Logan Wilson,
and Morris Scherago.



The Faculty voted that its meeting place would continue to be the

Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, and that the time of the meetings would
be four p.m.




Copies of the report of the committee appointed about a year ago i
to study the lower division program of the University were distributed 7
to members of the Faculty. It was suggested that each member study the
report carefully and that the report be the first order of business at
the November meeting.





Dean Taylor announced to the Faculty the approach of the joint
meeting of the Twentieth Educational Conference and the Kentucky Associae
tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools. He announced briefly the prom

Hyj gram being planned and urged the members of the Faculty to attend the
various sessions.





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President Donovan announced that the recently completed motion
picture of the University of Kentucky would be shown in Memorial Hall,
Wednesday, October 19 at 7:15 and again at 8:15 p.m.













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Minutes of the University Faculty ~ October ll, 1943

The Secretary announced the next University Convocation for Thurs-
day, October 21, at 11 a.m., with John Temple Graves II as the speaker.

President Donovan introduced to other members of the Facvlty, Mr.
Vincent Spagnuolo, President of the Student Government Association.

On motion by Dr. E. N. Fergus, duly seconded, the Faculty voted
its appreciation of President Donovan's leadership in bringing about
the reorganization of the Faculty.




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The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall
on Monday, November 8. at 4 p.m. President H. L. Donovan presided.
The following members were absent: Deans Paul P. Boyd and James H.‘
Graham, Col. B. E. Brewer, Professor Perry West, and Mr. Vincent

The minutes of October ll were read and approved.

Dean Taylor read the following report for the committee appointed
at the previous meeting to recommend the standing committees that
should be organized by the FaCulty:

A Careful reading of the report of the Committee of Fifteen
would seem to indicate that there would be in the future two types
of University Committees e administrative and faculty. The re"
vised regulations of the University of Kentucky as recommended
by the Committee of Fifteen under Section III authorizes a
Committee on Elections. It would seem, therefore, that a Committee
on Elections would became the first standing committee of the
University Faculty.

It is the opinion of the members of the committee appointed
to study standing committees that it would be good policy for the
University Faculty to start its work with a minimum number of
standing committees. As the need for new standing committees
arises, the University Faculty can authorize such committees.
After thoughtful consideration of the functions and work of the