xt7h445hdv9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hdv9m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-04-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 25, 1972 1972 1972-04-25 2020 true xt7h445hdv9m section xt7h445hdv9m y W
The Kentucky F atrlv mcc '
Now don‘t get as wrong. We‘re all for some '
warm weather but that little recording at the '
weather bureau tells its that it should be fair
c and cool Tuesday through Wednesday. The '
high temperature should he in the upper 30‘s ‘ _
Tuesday with the high Wednesday in the titl‘s.
4 4 4 ' ‘ . v ‘ ' . _ The chance of precipitation is zero percent
\ “I" '“\”l 50' ”ti l,l€Xl.\(-'l‘()i\. "I‘A l‘l ( I“ l‘uesday'. Apl‘ll. 35‘ ”“3 lioth Tuesday and 'I‘uesday night.
If out-of-state tuition goes i it ‘
tate co e es ace oss t
4-: 444‘, i s. i ' -
. . .nh-a: t
0 near ‘7 milll :2;
liy LYNN .ynit'ris' . . ~ - . - - . ~ 4 4 ’34
Km." -I fit if \V "t .- institutions of higher learning hentucky colleges and .' $5,. ‘5 L7 1.
. . i ‘ d H H “”05“ the nation face the 1055 01 universities charge substantiall ' ' . ’* ~"\
hentucky colleges and — . i . 7 i ' . y 5“— 1‘.‘ 7 . :3
. ' . ‘ ‘ liighertuition tees torout—ol~state ~ ' 4.4.9,,“
uniyetsities stand to lose more . t (k “S lillll {01 residents If " A .. ~ ‘ V
. . -~ . - , su ‘l .‘ ' ' E. .. s14, », ~ ’1
than $6.8.million d ‘H ar if out—ol- Anal/V'SIS outotlst 'ite itiition fees are lost or 5' 7 ‘..§ 4““ 'v
statetttitionlees areabolished or . d' ; . .. f 1‘ "l r t‘ “3* Mg; .
modified — mo ititt . tht loss o rtyenuc wi l 4]., . .. .:\
. . . . - - . . . . . have to be made U) by increased " s?" ' "‘ I; ~
As. students gain the right to hundreds of millions of dollars in tuiti ) ‘ )4 m I ' y ‘ «h .4
vote in their college towns. public tuition monev. ( n ( I t ' . , . , ' a
* Already the legality of out-ol- ""553“: “knit ._
state tuition is being challenged ; 4 *9 "V ‘ ‘\ 2‘
O . . . . as, " . '3 .
in Arizona. Michigan and if; ’1‘- "wf «as *3? .
A n it 'war p r0 tes t8 Maryland. 'l‘hese suns were bled MW Q 2": fig
by students originallv from other ‘ ‘ 7" w: ‘3. fi ft; ‘
‘ '33» 1:4
' states. 1“ - 4
continue across US. . ~ 4 i i; .
It could be only a matter of ,» \; -~.-$,4“ 4 ix, _,f .4 J _
lly 'l‘llli .\SS()(‘I.\'l‘l‘Il) PRESS that “-4. are irresponsible and time until some enterprising ,4- _\ :' fifijfi’
-. . . . . , . .. - l' l mu t'h'tllt‘n e Ken- * 'QW- .: :' wit-tit?" -
Scattered protests against re- Hldtional. stut (ll c .8 ‘ --". 'm . ‘ " -s_-.8. 3i; tab") . » 'sc, 9
llt'Wt‘ti i)()llli)lllg in North \'i(‘t_ 'l‘ho School ”Hyvod in Alunha‘ luck)‘ 5 ”U! Hi -Sltll(‘ llllllon in [he {*,¢T%§’§“ ' I'm-~35 ' V 1;. 4‘ . , i _ . . > 4* H35. (Um
nam continued on Monday with tan Supreme (‘ourt for the at" "““NN _ = g " ~_ . f” . j .
demonstrations at (‘olumbia “.5! of two men and other un» Across the nation. states are . , 9t {,;§;_ '. _ '4, 4 a“
l'niversity. Westover Air Force identified pl‘otestors who defied reforming “it” residency laws " . a” ! ’4. E Q“; 7 Iii '-
Base in Massachusetts and the an April 19 court order banning “’ "”“lm‘m “"lh “‘09"! Supreme g» "at '“;- 7 M‘ ' ‘ ma. 4 4 .
~ - (‘ ‘t ' i” ,~ Al 'dv th ~~ M 34" ’3 . .- n-«mfifi» , . .-
.\lcl)onnell Douglas corporation demonstrations on the campus. “l” I” ”is" red 3‘ e . ; » . .
at St, Louis. Mo, The defendants were ordered Supremt‘ ("Wt has struck down ' .» * 4 i 5‘ '
(‘olumbia president William to show cause Tuesday Why Indiana and 'l‘ennessees voter ‘ 5
.1. McGill announced he would they should not be arrested for l't‘S'de'." laws h." saying that "30 D st ' _ l 4 h "4 . _ '
use "all appropriate means" to criminal or civil contempt for days appears to be an ample out" ‘" :::i‘:'l‘”‘.°“””‘.|1r 3%."! “0'“ 0‘ "I: 1:-
. . - - - .. - . . s ‘a E --
RPCP University lacililies Open dptylng the order. p0rl0d 0i llmC tor States to s‘,1() l‘l . I fin.“ I lu'( "‘l“ "‘4 "H I".(".“ 0 ‘ ‘ P
after demonstrators closed Meanwhile. at a McDonnell- register new arrivals. ‘ nii lion w ai dead in Southeast .\sia. See story
- . ,i . ~ . . ) ‘ . ..
eight buildings at the New York Douglas stockholders meeting Continued on Page 2, Col. 1 comes "" W". ”"H' {I hm" I“ ”"hm hm“) '
(‘ity school Monday morning. at St. Louis. Mo. a 24-yearold '
refusing entry to faculty or stu- student Who holds one Share in '
dents the aerospace corporation. sub- S ° 1 I 0 .
“All of us at Columbia are mitted a list Of demands in- 0010 ogy rOPS 1n SCy as I .A. '
sensitive to the divided state of cluding payment of $500 million
American society and to the to Vietnam for damage done to . . _ ‘
strong emotion generated bv that country by McDonnell- '4‘ RH l’l|l()\(‘ “Willi-w he 'ht‘nkeli had Judged that it
i .- . " 7 - ~ .. - i , ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ' Lindsey. whiwa.‘tr'e.'t . .' ' ' ' E ' .
the peace movement. McGill Douglas war planes. . .\ssistaiit Managing Editor ,: “(4 ' \ l I. \ (d shortly after h .
said in a statement. Richard Bangert. a Univer- ‘. _. 4 . . 4 . 1H1]. lhuisday. continued to teach there
4 4 _ 4 4 4 Facing a hostile group of students ., . 4 .. 4 .4] '4 4 .. . . . 4
”But an old ev11 m southeast sity of Missouri student who vesterdav Dr. William F Kenkel was a pottntia iaim to all ll‘t\0i\(‘d.
Asia will never be corrected by said he was a Vietnam veteran. i'h' . . ' 4 i. ‘ ' ‘ \\ hen questioned by class members as to
t airman of the sociology department. 'l' .. . .. l . .. 4 -. . ~
. a new evil at Columbia. Mili- also demanded that the com- 'innounced that William lind- w tat pas llltciilll )y potential harm.
. . ‘ . 4 4 4 , , , _ ‘ 4 ‘ Kenke decline to ex lain his reasonin
tant blockades 0‘ the doorways ltd") ccasc all military produc sey'.a sociology graduate student. charged t . '-l 4. .~ 1' (1.4 . pK . - . g
[0 some Columbia buildings as lion and rehire 18.000 workers 4. h 4“ ) 4 . .. ‘ 4 4 oi it casing .in scy. tnkel would only
. .. 4. “H " cgedly glumg 10““ shut m the s'iy that in his o inion “it would cause
it gesture toward ReaFe are an I‘m} 0“ 5m?" 1967- . titlice ’l‘ower will no longer be allowed to “.7.l --‘ t l - l: , .p. t _ - , . h" ‘ 4
incredible contradiction. Such . (.orporation PreSident San- “.1th his sociology 152 class. all: n i illl(.\t_\ “(it o (Ollllnllt in is
“Cl"m suggests to the P909]? lord K' McDonnell answered Kciikel said the action had been taken g l- . . .1 .d it .‘ t .. . ”1,.
we are seeking to reach. onlv Continued on Page 3. Col. 4 "mm” mm” ‘ 4 1" 4””mg ano U
' teacher to assume Lindsey s duties would
be completely useless. since that teacher
. . would have no conception of what was
MllSkle needs “71" tOday being taught in the course. Some asked it
I . there were any way to get Lindsey back for
4 'thc remaining two weeks. Kenkel's reply
Is) MIKE YORK that he will do so he may emerge as the “”4. “mp” "That ‘5 “m pnssihkr“
KN...“ Staff “m...- dctinitc trontruuner. will receive salary
The only eventuality which could prevent l‘:\t'll though released trom his teaching
Sen. Edmund Muskie is the man to watch in Mctiovern‘s emergence as the l’rontrunner is duties. Lindsey has not been tired He still
today‘s Democratic primaries. lie is on the a Muskie victory in Pennsylvania. And no maintains his rights and privileges as a
ballot on both the Massachusetts and the major political observer is predicting a student. but has been assigned to other
Pennsylvania primaries. and he is picked to Muskie come back. duties
lose them both. Sen. llubert lliimphrcy has said he will win .\ccor(ling to Kcnkel. Lindsey s new
The Boston (ilobe released a poll last week the Pennsylvania primary. and state party duties time yet to be determined kcnkel - '
showing Sen. George McGovern out— leaders say he is the oddson favorite there to said the change in duties arc in no way a
distancing Muskie by a three-to-one margin. beat the Maine senator punishment to Lindsey and that Lindsey
tinly two other Democratic hopefuls Reps. ll Muskie does lose both primaries by will continue to receive his salary for the
\Vilbtir Mills and Shirley Chisholm-are in the substantial margins. as it now appears he rcst ot the semester
Massachusetts race. and neither is regarded may. his candidacy may be over Although he Kt'tikt'l c\plaincd that his action was - ~
as a serious contender for the 102 pledged probably could continue to capture sizcablc cleared with the “proper authorities.
(telesales ”till “l” “0 St'lt‘t‘lt‘d. portions ot the vote in upcoming primaries. it including Lewis (‘oehrair \ ice-presidmit _
lt' McGovern can capture all of the would be doubtttil he could win many more tor .\t'.‘|(it'llllt' Allan‘s. \Viinocrly Roy‘ster.
Massachusetts delegates -and it now appears Continued on Page 2. Col. 1 the dean ot .\rts and Sciences. and
‘ l‘i‘csitlcnt this .\ Singlctary

L’W'I'Ill“. KHX'I'l'l'KY KENNEL. Tuesday \prl 23. I972
° ' (l h ‘ E
. e y ur s ,.
L088 0 GUI-0 -stat tlflth" m, ,
‘ v . c,
V . s 1‘»
l . ,. . V . l~-» luducallon has imposed a 2o 5
(‘onlinued from Page 1 l I\ ollieiiils iilmori'ieil‘f “lhe l ni\‘ei'sit_\ has to take the Hi. I t percetil “tiling on nonresident ,4. 1 v.
. , . , . . . vv . .. . 0' . . ... .. . -.' 'nl liloiis se ‘
“Wm.“ 5 (low \\endell 1.0m llli‘tlll'lltdll) lllt) should not position that it .i DUN)" lami \mI'H‘M‘ \ II illHl l’l'ess‘ enrollments at public higher
‘ . I . _ . » I. , , . ' . . . . . . . i m .‘lll .v SSt (‘i ‘ -- _ . . ‘ . ,
. has called it special session ot the l" tlli” tit (l \‘ ”ll “l” “l 5N“ ‘” 'gllli'll.‘ «'5 ll“ ‘llll1’l‘5l‘ll‘ ”Wt“ ». \u ‘I “H. l'K institutions 'I he quota will he cut 1
, ~ ‘ . legislature to consider changing tuition it this occurs However. student.then he will still heone," Nll’l'i“ “1- ”l" ‘mh ‘I‘ l t l “Wk to 1; percent mi“ w“. £35":
‘ . , .. .. . .' . -- - t' )l(‘(‘ 01‘ ‘ ' ‘ -‘- ' .
. the state s law to colitoi‘ni \Hlll \\lien lltiestioiied about the etlut lli addtd. \le still see no l’llhl‘l‘l‘l- -‘ ”d l [\I‘I . ‘Ilj rites .-\ccording to an Associated ~ if?
. , , ' ”h. Supreme t‘ourt ruling \uch .i new law would have. l'K change in things we consider ili llll‘l‘mllmh’ 1““ I‘m” ‘mIIK'l‘I ’ l’i'ess' gm”. the council h.“ l
.' , . .. . .. ... . . . ‘ - ...” . . ') er tuiion or “ ‘ -‘ t- W"
, , . I i I ll “mm.“ (“.5 adopt ”Hi .ill otlii i.ils ni ithii lillkl d noi (stillilishing l(.\l(l(ll(_\. iontinul (l ht}. lI i ll iid it established guidelines tor I; . ,
.I - . (1m who Icmdvmg “I“, are here seemed too \\iilll((l about I l\ s l l\ ottllials mil) not l)( '“””““l””‘ “:1?” l .II ’l( llelinining residency in” nm’ 13
’ .. ' . -.. " l"(‘( otooasl ' ‘ .~
. tor one month hmmmi residents lllllllt \Hllllltl and lll(l( is ti good l l\“"‘ ll lII‘ I IhI 'tl II hive liasicallV any student \t‘ho .
‘ v - Imd are slllilt‘k‘l to all ”N. con .\s Ilohei't l.;ii'son..'i memher ot reason uh) l‘K tuition has been lllllll’” "ll“ ll “”1” H “I ‘ qualities in!“ resident st'itus in
‘ ‘ ' _ . - - .‘ i .. ' ' .. ' .... , . . - . , .- . . - t (1 lot ot programs or ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - . -
.. . gmmmml “till“ (,1 “gulpmg tlil l l\ lies (omniittu. pill it. lll(l(.l.\((ll)I\ bllntoi lesidcnts h) l" ‘1‘ _ , x, K. W _. l _ . _ I . .
. eliminate dummy and Sm“, illl()lll(l .tipi Italpiiét )Ii liiioIllid . m
. I_ . .. is a resiten s u i - -
I ‘ , positions. tl . (n It] 1“” ”A,
- ‘ . o o H . .- i '. l. ,1 .. ll('l\'\', ‘. wt"
, _ w s . ¢ s. lhe (olinlil on l Ul)ll( l igiii . w .
.. , _ . t . Muskie faces collapse of campaign me!
‘ . V . 7 I. t t I ‘- « '
. I o o 1-5 ..
, . . . ihhhmhii hm hm- i no. mm, W“ [Veil ( 0-0rr ma ()rs I) an
. . . ~ ‘ ‘ - if r
_ The Hill) possible rationale \llllll' ”HM analuts (“DWI 4‘ in Massachusetts. the .
. ' himh mhhi hm m- c ihmhhm m-m-z mdai' (nights him-hid m to un pro re F ree U
' _ . i in the race illli‘l' two major l)<‘llll.\')l\iltllil. no one is certain congressional districts and are
. . . deleillrs \\lllll(l lie [mi expectation \ilili'll candidate Will Win the “lee cilmtiilllfll m llll‘ \\‘lnll(‘l‘ of that "We intend to make the Fl‘i‘O with lht‘ traditional educational
' . ' oi .‘l deadlocked convention “W ”l“ (lt'll‘ili‘lt‘5» district on the convention's first l'iin'ersitV more responsive to “lull ll provides “‘99 instruction
. '. I . . . selecting a compromise can~ Delegate selection llallot. And the at~large delegates the l'niversitv .. said the new on a variety of subjects [0 those .
. I . I I . I .‘ . _ I . ' _ . . ) | . . .. '. I . I. ‘ . ‘ ‘ .
. . -, . did.ite .\llI(lI it toda) s pi imai its \ (I’ll l > ”I1 l cnns}l\dnid are pledged to the statewide coordinators ol' the Free who want ”I l
. ' ' ‘ I cause Muskie to abandon his hope register their prelerence tor “ inner. l'ni\'ersit\' lohii F7ell and l‘Izell. a l'reshman majoring in
' ' I' II ol being the convention's lirstv Hilllllllillt'illlllldill1‘5~l’lll“'lllVlWl So today‘s contests cannot lleverl'v (‘iillhage Social Work. and (‘ubbage. a
I, . , llillltll \\ inner. it would he nidi\ ltllldl delegates to the ”5.5““. any ot the Democratic 'l‘he . Free l”. beginning its li‘eshman anthropology major.
, . I MINI,» W. him to 5m}- m the national comention. in man} ol liopetuls the nomination. but it' lourth year of existence was were chosen as head coordinators
. , race in hopes ot a compromise lltl‘MI (‘iN‘I5I WW” “I‘ll select 1‘ they go l)il(ll_\' enough for Muskie. established to serve people who ol the Free [v last week. (00,-.
' - . I - V I -' ‘ i ‘ ' ‘ I i . h I 1.. ‘ . i ‘ i ' i | ' .- . - )I v 4 ' ' ‘ l h . . .. ' t i c' '
, .. . silution l)l(IiIlll.\( no lonuntion PIUPU IllI H (gllIl Ling“ I‘H“ till) can conccneahl} den) it to “.0“, in some way dissatished dinalors are responsible tor Durin
. e I . , I , y - ~ S x y i i \i )1 l ) ' 4 t . . . .
. . . g , >12illd hi \\ll mg to compionIiLi tiougi M IlIllIilI i p i g(( to a him. I initiating proposals. A larger admInIl
u .I ’I , . . I coordinating body under them lbout 2
. I' , I. - - ’ . . . puts these proposals into action. \mcriC'
, I I . . ‘ . I, s (
. _ . ( uhhage said she feels P ree l
,, , , . protest
- ~ . . . V > is now an established program on \q s(
. I c
: ' ‘ ' c'lm )us. Bu sh * s'i s i would . .
. g . = Q . f l .t , (II d d h‘ . limshed
. . - like to make it a more Viable them c
. I on car a over again.
. . curriculum so it will reach more _ , .
" ,- ' .. , . d . I I li strators
. . . f __ . . .inII moic pi op (I. . Sal'et)
. .. . . _ I , . ._ M... WI lhe new coordinators said they
'I . I"~‘-‘:='-:.';;::-»::::iiiféffif-z'if3{TE-{III want to concentrate on offering 1
. .' , - ' ' ‘ ' the services of the Free L' to the
- , -. . ' . {l , 5 ' ' community as well as the
A . ‘ .- a s . —- “i "’ I. \I' I c .T' students. As part of this.
‘ - , ‘. .. . , .i. 2‘31iti'fflfiiifflfirji‘ ”i3. . .
i i I I I § ‘ . “ .5; L“, volunteer coordinators Wlll work 0
'..-.-..§.‘§?§?§I§’£?§.'§iii-"3333135:'1'???if'f".‘"ii.':':'?’:"f‘i'f’i‘f’i' ”WWW - .-.-..,-.-...."i'i3-:::v.-hh--:-;-§-f37.Zi.f-?T?.zsm -» .' . - ' '
_ t .I .. -.:;:;:;~_v:-;.;.;._._,-. '51:: c ., .-W21::':;':”‘".‘f‘.“.7":'_’“""§f{“.".“_",’"C:‘:.‘.~‘M“f‘::f'.’"“ ‘-:-.-':‘~.:::’r_,~‘é_¢t::::l.. v '
j ' ' 7' {‘35 ' ' " ‘ ”glassy,” 5. Lexington and Fayette (ounty ‘ ‘ .
‘ . » - ' . : _.:.;;::s;s;. -33335333;Eiffésfsfzfsfiiiiiiisfsfsfsfsfiiisté-‘i251;. . "'=;r-':'. tv< v 2,: i . - ’ - ‘ ' , t x
' ‘ , V ‘ ifs-5i5*;.;;;::3:s§3;’3§s§5§:'§355:?’§’4MA¢*X” .. <( ALP t. attem tin to do their l ”“““
. . , ‘ g ' _-:;:;::.: =-;.-::;:;:;_:‘5:5:5>2§#;:‘<:s’§5¥:$.3¢,$:§=-':,#42:???' {if r- W'-._ hag/s... , ,
‘ f 'N x 3. "f six/{,fihfiioingfiiw 7”” \ riéz‘ part to help the community. monc -‘
. ~ , ~4 3"“ -- . ~ ‘ . ' ‘
.‘ ' 9/ ’ ’9" . 2%. ( uhbage said. .\n_\on(
. - ‘ ' I v .. .- 6N3». \ WM” m»- V‘ 4 Plans are also being made to pf???“
. ‘ _, . . '- ‘1 Aims-7% - cm.” WWW W H set up free classes in the area ”:1 H
, I , I: :,,,..... -, . .. . firita'a, I . ‘ _ s
. . \g j,» " .. KIM) v high schools. (ubbage said. ‘ (m
. . _ =3»? _‘ on all
I I . mo Model A Deluxe Coupe. _ » Further information can be ilpplia‘
' ’ , j . oIhtained at the F ree U office. 30:) suranCl
p , . I , , .s mm-MI Prince Hall. or by contacting Bey advice.
I I I; . I I /,; ( uhbage at 258-2331 or John Ezell
y . . / .. . x at 258-8264. The
J‘ .- I . ' (' \‘( ..w A Sha [‘0
.I _.--' . :5 \\. \ - ,I_ if
_ f . (,3: I \I _ $3.20.
' . .‘ ....,-:..4..;:2I;4::;i::~.-*"‘ ‘ 5 E ' ' .4235. i, . .
. [Ia/#5”, - _-::3‘> j > . ‘ ‘ ..." fl”) g g ~ - ' 3" “.009. ‘ Cl‘Odll
I I I ‘ s” ' . J ' ’ . -~ " “ :~:i'1:35:3:i:§:{:£:§:§:i:53:52:51515533552333‘Efiifiéfigfl:-i :' 'E, 5 Cl Udll
' l l i _ .;._.;.I:».-.1:3:353fi,-.-:-:3'i.;5:.-2§E:;.;.;.j;:: .-.~.v;vs-:32i;-,-;I;.;:_t;.;.;‘.;.;..,; . . ' U‘ . . . ., , ,. . », .\. 'IW-'~‘--", ' (tlfkfl
. , :- ..;.;:;;.:s:;.,;,,_.;s;z:52W"i‘“i""'""" "f“‘t‘i"‘5'*i;:H:i'f"'5:"‘*'-=“""‘ ‘-'.-.__=-::4:-:-:.: secret
. . I .~‘i---~ _ “...—....” M I Gmduam Remmmg to Louisvme l
. . I I . I I , A i I . call Laurence E. Hulbert, Associate.
I . . I . ,. , -~c\ . I . ‘ . /r”""~\ p Albert E. Hulberl, Jri Realtor your
I . . {In-",4; z . ,. .. _, V _ , . -, ' ;. ‘r', . Lexington Student Representative.
I '. I . I . I , I . 5, , , I.“ You don’t have to wait to get back to
. I . I I ,I\I . IIIII (I - . Louisville to discuss buying a home
, . , . ' \‘L/ i . :, ,1, , ., I, ,, WWI ,W, _ now! Call 266-3536. Or in Louisville
': ' , ' (l'llllccrjlt‘qtri‘ipv call 585-3561.
. - - Whenpeopleshoptorasmollcar,theylool
‘ £ .. .*' 1. ’ r -. .. . ‘ .51” -I 113-": J '5 I}; cheered. a ) )lauded and tlashed -. . 7
. .. ,‘ a 97‘" - 1. ”a. on Some ol the demonstrators the peace sign ' 1- .‘ ' . '-
ti 'l ~ 3 1.; t 7 _IIIII3 3 carried signs saying: "Lay ott 1 . I
(I515 77%. 7H g: the war not the workers." 'l'he protesters claim the ship ' . -
uc ion ' "- . . . _ . . ' 4 ’. . . -
. . "'1 ie we ‘ wi . 9 2 is headed ior \ietn'im with air; ~ . > - -- .
those hard Johnson urges hIS horse over a hurdle . l n H. (“d m 1 ' or . ‘ H . . . ,
' [I 1 .- vi Ill 'k . d "dl .. , h .. this country will become un~ cralt carrier ttllllllunltltin, lhe " . 1 - , .,
and Over ”mug 01 an B” e 7 annual orse in'in'i e‘ible " s'iid Rennie \‘ivy his not disclosed the 7 " -“'\' ' '
ing in p show last Sunday. lKernel photo by Bruce ‘ ,‘ g 1‘ ‘ " ' ‘. ' ' ' . . ‘ = ~, ~ i
's‘ingletoni [)avis. .it. a detendant 1n the ships destination but said it is ‘ .‘ .
g7: d 7 Chicago T conspiracy trial assigned to the Atlantic Fleet ‘7 I, .I‘iI' '
”J07 Fl . . e l l and is designed to transfer am- . ‘7 t
a rotest ralses new lSSll awed 1 ~ . - .» - ~
~ , inunition to ships underway , 1 1
(oor- g p “WNW" A” “WC" Base ”1 About a thousand antiwar .' 3 . ' '
e' . ('i‘)“ \‘q; . " ‘. . . \" ' .
drtor During a noon rally on the Burch then told the group the said no. IhII:t ptIt- I lass..I “(:1de .d Tht (lenionstiatois gathered on the , j ,_ i
' . . . (e ons ra w - . - ,. , . . .. . ' " 5‘ '.
Ihgcr administration lawn Mondav campus police were responSIble lhe tlag can not be lowered leat'ltts IIIQisI ltlIZI IaiIiIIcw out l mvusity ot \lisconsin campus . . . ; .
t' “n ibout 20 students lowered the 3'0" care 0' flags and any request “”tthth-H Hall said. "because u " L dmhmg l 7 ')'ll (l7t Monday. continuing a (1775' 7' ' it 5' 7
- - . . . li’Till‘ln‘ .. , . ... . 1 , 1. .-. .
I'I‘mI-I American flag to half mast in [0 lower thetlag would have to go that precludes using it as a Vietnam 5:119: 1km”? ‘ It” ioom stiiiu against the war (5' < ,' 1 1 .
I'“ protest 01. the Vietnam war through proper channels. memorial to anyone else." tl III‘ I It.“ 10 II m1 It past "33mm” . t - .. '
m on . . ' Later Monday evening some 01' int “Ht“- 5‘” (mm m a Scores ot lielmeted police and .7 ' . 1'
As soon as the grou had - ‘ ~ . . v ' ~ ' - - ‘ '
would - 7' - ~ - p . - - the students were circul' tin ‘ (”le and ”“5““ “"33“" going sheritt's deputies stood by as ' " ' , -
'iable tthtSht‘d Slhg'hg the national an- “he” asked by one (’3 the group . d g d in into the Strategic Air (‘om- 1 u 7 l 1' 'k' t l '- . ' ' . ' " ' '
esem thom1 campus police raised the it the flag could be lowered until pctltIlIOD IO haze th: :88 lowerd mand Base 11211371131112!) (1131117 711:; 27 at; 7 ‘ ' .3 '
‘ . - . . .. . . ., 1, - t'ort eremain ero t esemester . ' ' . . ’ ~" "‘-‘ it ”t *t t" 3' ' " “
more llag t0 lull mast ah the demon- th‘ 3nd "3 the semester m it n tn I 1. th) .. dt'd Police gave them two min- “I111“ ' ' ' '1 . . 1
strators retreated. memory ot the \ietnam war 1 l“ ory 3’ ‘ war (d - ' . , _ .
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"7:23 C 1. Buy a bunch o‘ Fhir pens. You need 3. - 3. Coriov'atulations‘. \ou have Cltxltt‘ti .. . II I. . .. I
' ' " BLAZER brown,red,blue.oranoe.purple'md y‘f'l- " '-Iv (twining foil :0le pg: 1 Io‘t :,ompope I 1 II I
'51."; t9] I tow. (You need them it" me for school) mm “or. amt l0.‘;'*. 1.: tI it"‘gIt or we . , 1 . . I
-. . r‘ 3 i .2 . P 21," it ‘c l' i - 3 ' ‘1 ' '
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LCJJ AND COMPLEX these Lolorgt‘tde I“ ntersdh). Bro. “‘-‘ 3 1t 1 C ,; 1m. Ll 1,,- El,» ~ Collectionl , - ' ’
[[3 Red 131 Blue (6). Onlf‘flf‘ 19). Plll'l‘li til. 1 "' ”1701" m i i ' " 71 1h . 7 i ' ‘ - '
155 7] Yellow. Please do not color ll"l‘tl",il?""t;(l (Dent oroel to a» it out lCtIl ‘3 running . . .
m" El CAFETER'AS El areas. "“3th “3‘3 H 3” Hm I'm”) ~ ' 3 ‘ '
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