xt7h445hdx11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hdx11/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-11-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 10, 1982 1982 1982-11-10 2020 true xt7h445hdx11 section xt7h445hdx11 I
KEN I UCKY I Bombs away?
7’ ,3. Is the push for a nuclear freeze the rav-
,. a ing of unwashed lunatics, or the talk of
‘ r a .-. 22";3,‘ sane thinkers? ls nuclear deterrence on
‘ g effective means of preventing war?
" " 5: Should the nuclear buildup continue?
'-I _~,?, :r'ai. Drs. Davis and Yanarella debate the
‘- ,._ . ‘-_ question —— indirectly — in today's CIN-
.,, “2213' .15.?“ m_ p09. 3.
Vol. LXXXV, No. 66 Wednesday, November 10, 1982 An Independent "0‘0!" HOMPOPOF University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentuckv
. - I - . :4 ‘ '- .15?” 'g ’
Universfl donations ma top '- ' ‘ = ‘ -
y ‘ P ' 1 ~. " ’ .'_'
— r ‘r r .' . - ,
$7 'II' S' I ta ‘ 4‘ ' 5
mi ion in e r sa 3 , . . -,
i 9 Y Y . ,; ,
“— “major announcement" concerning anceofthebuilding. " . , ' 7 ‘ ‘ , ‘ ,
By BILL S'I'EIDEN contributions at the UK Fellows din- Further details about the Ronald 7 h . ,_ . ' r ‘ ‘
Editor-in-Chief ner, 7 pm. Friday in the Hyatt Re- McDonald Home will be released at ' n. i .. i» 'i. . - .
gency Hotel. anewsconference today. a “ "l , r r, '
—————_h_ The Trustees also agreed yester- The Wtees. in response to com (I, . n . . . , - .
day to spend some of the money cems that the opening of a county- " .. ’“ . l ' ’
Outside contributions to UKareon raised, approving the issuance of wide senior citizens center under 2
their way to exceeding last year’s $7.8 million in bonds for building construction on Nicholasville Road
record levels, President Otis Sin— projects at four community colleges. will snarl traffic, approved-the 0108- I , ' A
gletary told the executive committee It was one of the first opportuni- ing of Shawneetown Drive south of ' a, ' z
of the Boadigi of Trustees at its meet- ties for the University to exercise on Stadium Road 8. .
ing yester y. a large scale the wers granted it , '
Contributions and bequests for the under House Bill 62;, passed by the The WW” “(1" be Weed -
third quarter ending Sept. so totaled 1902 General Assembly. The bill per- by 8 "WNW W 0' Shim
approximately $1.6 million, com- mits UK administrators to handle Road l3 connecting Nioholasville
pared to about $1.4 million for the bidding processes formerly con- Road “ht-h Alumni Drive. The urban-
same period last year. The total for trolled by state government offi- /county. SQVWR W W
the year to date — 8.917 donations -— cials. responsibility {0" maintenance °‘ the
is $5.5 million, and in an interview The money raised by the bonds road and installation 0‘ traffic 918'
following the meeting, Singletary will go for an office and classroom 9315 at the Nicholasvdle ‘h‘m'
said it may top 37 million by year’s building at Maysville Community h°h- _ .
end. College, an auditorium at Jefferson Shawneetown Drive Win be '9‘
The total for 1981 was just over :6 Community College, a Learning Re- 0peaed on football same dates and
million. sources Center at Elizabethtown during other events that might hm“
"The original donor program we Community College, and a technical access to the Shawneetown apart-
put in place 10 years ago is reaching facilities and learning resource cen- merits.
a certain maturity." Singletary said. ter at Southeast Community College University Architect Warren
“It has been a tremendous help in at Cumberland. Denny, contacted last night, said the
this time-of budget cutting and infla- Two other projects, a classroom change of routes probably will not
tion.“ building at Somerset Community take place until the saiior citizens
Ray Homback, vice president for College and a student center at Pa- center is completed.
university relations, said after the ducah Comunity College, have also The Trustees also approved the
meeting that the increase cannot he been approved by the state hegis- appointment of Linda C. Brasfield
attributed to any one group of do- lature. Bonds for their corstruction as director of the University's Coun-
nors — alumni, other individual do- willbesoldinSummer 1983. cil on Aging and associate director '
nors or corporations. In other business, the board ap- of education services at the Multi-
“(The increase) has been across proved the lease of approximately disciplinary Center for Gerontology.
the board," Hornback said. “We 1.5 acres of campus land as a site She will work with the Donovan
have a lot more people working at it for the Ronald McDonald House, a Scholars program.
than in the past." residential facility for children and Brasfield, who has nine years of
Although donations to some indi- the families of children suffering experience working with senior citi-
vidual programs were down drasti- from leukemia and other illnesses zens, previomly worked with both
cally last quarter — Allied Health, while undergoing outpatient treat- the Multidisciplinary Center and the
for instance, dropped from $15,482 to merit attheUKMedical Center. College of Medicine’s division of ed-
32 — Singletary attributed the dis- The site, between the K Men’s ucational development. 0
crepancy toone-time-only grants. Home and the KET facility near She is president of the Fayette e e e l' '"m’x'm'sw"
One of the primary reasons given Commonwealth Stadium, will be County Commission on Aging and a Br' "9 I “9 In the '9“ V95
for the reorganization of the Univer- leased to Children’s Onconology member of the long-range planning
sity’s top administration was to give Services of the Bluegrass Inc. for $1 committee of the Lexington-Fayette Yesterday as the sun began to set on a pleasant November do , Mrs. Deon Hulett of 3093 Ash
Singletary more time to drum up do- a year. The University will retain County Commission on Community Grove Road in southern Fayette County decided to rake some of, the leaves that the trees in her
nations. He said he will make a control of the design and appear- Services forOlder Persons. front yard have shed recently.
Bl k dt f'ht I' t' 'I f
ac s nee 0 lg a Iona Ion, we once, pro essor says
_______ “In the black ghettos there is vile 8th Ave. in New York. Picture all At the end of the third step, how- of refinement of the consciousness.
By SCOTT WILHOIT cursing. heavy drinking, lack of mo- these men all standing just waiting ever, Pasteur said the violence ends he said. “Who am I? Where do I
Reporter tivation and lack of inspiration,“ for their pusher. because at this point the individual wish to go? Will I have to be self-
Pasteur said. With these conditions “They have drugs as their only realizes the anger does no good. oriented to incorporate in society?”
m minorities lose a sense of consciors- consciorsness,"hesaid. “For blacks, once we arise to arequestions the individual asks.
.4,» Before blacks in America can ness. This loss, in turn, transcends In the next two levels, one begins stage three . . . we stop the killing. When a person reaches the final
“of achieve overall equality they must into violence wtihinthegroup. to see a transformation of the con- We stop this because we realize that stage, Pasteur described this indi-
3““ first achieve that goal within their Pasteur, author of The Roots of sciousness.Pasteursaid. it won‘tchange things one bit.” vidual as a “universal man.” “The
- own race, according to Alfred Pas- Soul. was on campis discussing the “Suddenly, you begin to notice lots Stage four is a ”was where the universal man is a person able to re-
, teur in speaking before a small role of minorities in creating a bet- of other people just like you." he individual begins to explore his late with all types of people at all
’ ’%’ ii grouponinterracial relations. ter climate for inter-group relatiom. said. The individual at this point he inner self Pasteur said. At this levelsofconsciomness."

' “The greatest killer of blacks He told the group of mostly mi- giro to develop a sense of powerles- stage pride and equality begin to Few people ever achieve this
males between the ages of 16 and 26 nority students that to achieve a ik- sness. play [101% in the consciousness. level, he said. Because the goal of
are other blacks," said Pasteur. an sired level of consciousness whereby The stage of powerlessness begins For years society would not allow universality is so difficult to
author and professor at Hunter Col- equality may occur, one must go to create a sense of conscioisness blacks anv S'ense of national and cul- achieve. Pasteur rationalizes the
legeinNewYorkCity. through a process of six levels of and anger, Pasteur said. “Seeing turalidentiiv Pasteursaid. existanceof inequality.

Alienation and loss of conscious- awareness. others in the same shape as yourself " However. he said. “The potential

ness within minority groups is the Pasteur said the lowest level are mually generates hate.“ "The 19605 saw a dive into the to be a universal person is “‘59"!

, major threat to achieving any de- the hopeless, the apathetic, and the Hate, because the others are only past, searching for cultural identity in every human being." The Pm!"
gree of equality in an oppressed so- truly oppressed. a reflection of yourself, he said. This through black and other minority lem of reaching the universal state

ALFRED PASTEUR ciety, Pasteur said. With this aliena- “Picture hundreds of young men reflection in turn creates frustration study groups." are roadblocks established by socie-

tion. minorities turn on themselves. just standing around on 116th and ofbeing powerless. The final two stages are a period ty.
. _ e I e
WEDNESDAY TmmkawmsUMW mos-dencv Probe of whom massacre
Fmfimgdmrepons WASHINGTON — Rich Trumka, an 33-year-old miner low- I ' e e e
yer, ousted incumbent presrdent Sam Church of the United hurtlng leaders cradlblllty
LOUiSViue ma Ol’ h it I. ed Mine Workers Union last night in a hotly contested election
V 03p a I! for the presrdency of the union. With more than half the TEL AVIV, lsrael lAPl __ Testi- JunestoroutPalestinian 'llas.
locals reporting, he had 49,l76 votes to Church 5 l9,287 in monv given to the commission prob- Not all testimony has been heard
'LO‘ljllSVlal: —b Mfyor Survey1 S'loane wasd :OSpl’lOliled ye's- the unotiacmi count_ 0 5-2 margin. ing the Beirut massacre suggests Is and some witnesses have testified in
9' 0V W' 0 0C PTO 9'" 0 Prevenle If“ ’0'“ Slmp e - . raeli leaders should have known that secret because of national securit
movements such as Sitting down, his office said. Sloane IS 0 Up to 2'7“ said dOId m Afghan d'mter by sending Christian militiamen into Wallm- y
potential gubernatorialcandldate next year, Palestinian refugee camm they 3‘“ from “‘99“th testlmml

The hospitalization forced Sloane to cancel a scheduled lSLAMAIAD, '._H"°n.— As many as 2000 Afghan C'V'l‘ werenskingaslaughter. otherguestions anse‘ , ,

lecture at UK ‘05. mgh'. H‘s doctor said he may be hospital ions-and 700 Soviet soldiers perished in on Afghanistan tun- utheglréacginceded under questtiorfi’meg
nel rammed wrth buses and trucks when a fuel truck ex- ANALYSIS . a _net mlmster, Depuy ‘
”ed l'Ve do” I , , , _—______ mier Davrd bevy, expressed "very

The back problem was first treated m 1977, and his 9°de °",d "“91 "‘° ”“99"" '"'° ° '°9'"9 ”‘le'm' After two weeks of hearings at grave concern" about a massacre.
phySiCion said Sloane aggravated the injury by walking Western diplomatic sources said yesterday. Which Prime Milli-her MehaChP—m duringaCabinet meeting Thursday,
door-to-door five day: a week during October campaigning The diplomatic sources. and Afghan rebels said v'd'ms Begin, Defense 'Mimster And Sha- Sept ‘16, when Levy learned the
for the merger of Louiswlle and Jefferson Count vern burned to death or asphyxmted after the "Mk collided with ron and top generals have faced mmtm JtBl had been allowed

V 9° - ~ . tough questions from the three com- intothecamps.

menu in the November demon, The proposal toiled. another vehicle last week in the 1.7-mile-long Salang pass . . be Wh did Le . f _
l in the Hindu Kush mountain ran e 70 miles north f misswn mem rs. a paradox y _vys ears go un
lhgnceopital Kab i The d' l t ”d s9 * t t d) emerges heeded? Why‘ m me words of mm-
_ . , u . ip omo s so: ovie roops out5i e Begin testified Monday that the 15- mission member Aharon Barak, did
Ch'na Lake conspirator sentenced the tunnel blocked both ends with tanks because they raeli army went into Moslem West they not “turn 0“ any red lights“

thought the explosion signaled a rebel attack, and thereby 3‘3"“! Sept. 15 after the '0“th 0‘ ammouierministers?
FRESNO, gall: — Larry Brygnl. 0 retired AirfFZl’CEIMOSlel’ sealed off all means of escape to the victims. Eggédenltsfi-Lfit figcaGegleayel tie uméngosmmgdmgyméhfl l:
59'990'": 05 99” sentence '0 “"0 years in e 9'0 PV'SO" There was no official confirmation from Ka l r . - maye s - ‘ v
for receiving sensitive military equipment stolen from o Kremlin bu o the Christian followers would. go on a pressed the m and demanded a

naval wea ons center He also was laced b t' f . vengeance rampage against the" vote.

, p . ‘ , p on pm ° '°" or Moslemenemies. Potentially more damaging are
five years byaU.S. District CourtJudge. / But Begin and Sharon also have the worth of Lt. Gen. Raphael

Alter a court trial last spring, the judge found Bryant \ insisted "it never occurred to is" Eytan, thechief of staff, at thesame
guilty of possessrng six infrared night-vision scopes but 0c. that the Christians would slaughter Cabinetmeeting. '
. lw WW6. 100 MleT THE’i RE MADE WITH ONH PARAMEWCEH. ternship chewing it up. I‘m looking The show itself is isually pedan- “Uh huh Linda assures him. _ -
5 .. 1 GET schl THE FlMEfiT leKEOlENTs, forward to the demands of one job, tic. The news of the nation and the “No! he sfiy-‘l- ”lilo they an-
. '\ I O A. 1% I " NW, 1 @ y. one boss. , world, and the faces that go along nounsgthatgsttserday. ..
(7-. \ b ‘ J . FURTHERW... , if. [f Fourweeksandcountmg. withit,areon“0vemlght." g: .ftocr' if. ed ‘th 2 '-
.y_ l f f -> go) § 7.; . . . . The flying pucks, leaping stuffs few“ gfif'eofielw‘ Shes-“me
“m “to . f . 6’ 4 * i , i Donna Hanulton is a journalism and long home runs are here 4 . _ on . . 08» y _ Ylnl ’
l \_—/_J '%> I ,~ Kw § seniorandaKernelstaffwriter, “Overnight." 3“"th thethastem Pm "all WW} ‘
' 4 l ‘ l / “ op or game. a as, e s
m l l l ’ «9 a bit . a '33 Letters Policy The “we" the “”1"" "l" relief for your troubled soul. Take .
i 7, - ‘Il'l l 9 <3 ‘4’) " ' ‘39 Q of the standard news fare you can bee ddl 'th ood
/‘ J ‘ '- _ - #3 '0 5‘6 0 4 Readers of the Kentucky Kernel are get ll. _ .on "Overnight." two my C“ 'e up W] a 8
‘._. ©l9°2UM00FOIlUISWUM ‘9' ¢ / welcome to express their Views on ' ' ‘ . blanket and sw1tch on your set-
, . Butlsaid this show is also enter Th 1 . 'de ti"
. . ' the editorial page talnment. And ll. is. It is a dose of ere are two Mp8 .lnSl , ' 0mg ~
ARE W ”‘1’ m MN LET '05 CWTED‘ RUINEO W Re To 5. considered for publication acerbic Wlt a"d tongue-in-cheek 381’" their best to informuswnhasmlle.
3045 FEELING NORMAN TALK Mg mfg . . VACATION. MOM,“ LUCK‘i I'M letters or opinions submitted should casm stirred with the day’s events Andsoitgoes.
65%:(1 EATING ANOTHER GALTW THE CAR HOT ORlVle, rags“; frbéjjpmfidwjnd add to create a light-heartedness, a hi» ‘33 people? They must be
- Mammy, a WANG OIMbN'T NORMAN. .e ’°"° '°' larity that news, and news shows, sm. ' . .
—-— l we {SORR‘I I'LL JUST BE —‘ “35373.1":‘533 '25:, U: ‘3?“ 00:2 often need. It is a steamshovel buck- s“ and a half "Idle" last time I
:31: , \\ uve! lawman. moot! aw! Ma... .... non”. 2.3.1.; '21; euuom “"3““ . . o"
/ / '1' ”pa ‘1‘ if? \ I ihoir majors, CIZSSllicoilon or OHIlIO The bizarre 3‘0”” from ma Youthlnktheyrehungry
:TT‘: ' ‘4 6‘CKITw' p Lita“ t,» ' tion with UK. Identification wlll he the court"), and the world are herc' Jim "an“ journalism seam, and ‘
. : T—‘= ‘ .- 0!. T.“ verified bolero publication "m on the Rather/BMW/Reymlds man“ in etiitor of the Kernel
- " fifi" T‘fl "‘ .- T‘ V; TT l T The Kernel reserves the right It) rcports. The “N01 Ready for Prime "l. ”8,18! nln 0350“ 39m :
/ \ - m m ‘.,' fit. on: P i-;;=-i-’- {I edit for grammar, style, clarity Time News" gives a m from m8 ,0 ' run 8 ' ‘ e.
l , flax [I w (5 d V f‘ r a k “I Fig, i'IIIIIIIII-I length and to delete libelous maten NBC, one of its affiliates or the Brit- ‘9" “WW"
/-----I J ' I --T\ l I m La ‘mWTWWW n W iSh BroadcaStins Corp. W Chime to c lm'JI-mrfi'

 THE "menu-nun. -WMV, Norm 10. 1112 - 3
W 7 -
N U 7 7 I A R l M S -
. ’ " ’ é“, notcoverthePentagon’s shopping list.
. By DONNA HAMILTON . . ’ in, recent anal is in US. News and W