xt7h445hdx2m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h445hdx2m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 27, 1983 1983 1983-10-27 2020 true xt7h445hdx2m section xt7h445hdx2m km. “W“ . , .. ,...j.’+;}+.~~i , -» — Md“ Winston. “OM“! MOM Since "7| thuredoy. October 77, 19.3
D c I COIlgI‘BSS VOiCCS opin'on on Grenad . O
By {\LEXCRODCH trict, said in a statement that he is Gene Snyder. 4th District R-Ky. only so long as their presence is re- lairs Western Ht‘llllspht'rt' \Utl'tini II: M» \uu :n.‘ t \ m ..: H
SeniorStafanterand “not at all convinced that we should has not really taken a position. a quired ” mittN. told a tclcyisim tntcryii-yu-r l mini .. I.“ u hut...u‘. ‘l :m..rx.r i.-
APreports be in Grenada. But as long as the spokesman said. But Republicans But House Speaker Thomas P there would be mngn-ssimiul he.” tutr «n- .. l‘r’stiitilltnt. luruirttzz‘ini‘ :iw
‘ troops are there I intend to support Harold Rogers. 5th District, and O'Neill Jr . who declined to support ings on the imusim lll [hr nut lt‘\\ Zl'.\a\lil‘. .inil hill.“ f n :2».:t..‘l;..t.-
Congress split sharply Tuesday them. We must remove them as Larry Hopkins. 6th District. both or criticizethemove. said Secretary days "There are .. lot ht u-t'y w \Qlth‘thtuA'iufl’ilrt'lgnturirs
over the US. invasion of Grenada soonaspossible." support Reagan, of State George Shultz promised to rims questions about its lt-fldllh
with some members hailing Presi- ”I thinkhe (Rea )did the _ t invoke the war powers Act. which hesald ‘lrllA! N‘t \ltutnguu :~ ”LIV
dent Reagan's move as necessary [0 Carroll Hubbard, lst District D- [hi Thank Ban hangh requires a troop Withdrawal In til [0 l lilki .|l‘nl \lt'lli‘tt contort“: "ie‘
protect American citizens. While Ky, broke party ranks tosupportthe “BS 8 3' in we ve a a) days unless Congress declare-s Meanwhile houwlohottu- light I ‘ ”NW“? "1 lrrt'natiu f\\.' .. n'
critics said it smacked 0‘ gunboat president. In a statement he said: ”5"dem who “:15 instead of @C war or votes to allow American m8 flickered on listvi‘ttiy trtun-ii ”m” l-""' "ll""l*'-“‘ 8""""~-" "'1"
diplomacy. “This decisive action is necesary mtm Hopkins sat m an interytev» forces toremain Grenadian defenders and r\lllt'rlt’.|l: "“"r‘m “‘mmm‘ “V ”1-H” 0‘11
The press secretary of Walter . _ . to protect innocent lives. includ. Wt WKYT-TV news C0 resstonal Democrats rom. 1W tn the strut-Ls til ht (it'urflt‘ s. “”‘N‘ “"“k‘l “-“""‘-'”““ ' “"
Huddleston, D-Ky, reported that mg the up to 1,000 Americans whose Yesterday President Reagan offi- is“??? 8559“ their authonty [g pull capital or the eastern t‘urlhtn-nn n “"""-
Sen. Huddleston “has not endorsed personal safety is of paramount con- cially notified Congress about the ".00 ~ ' ,. land- Barbados “id!“ NM ”1“ l '1” . - . .
. . . . _ . . . ps out of (irenada after 60 days . ll. titlldlll lntlm-r inlutim. 'mui-t
the mechamsm the prosndent has de- cern (and) toassist In restoration of landing Tuesday of American fight» “they”... no! mmdrawn sooner 9d Males WW frmh lnr-nrmirr~ l , .,. , p . . , , . . 1’. .
. cided to use. He also has not unen- conditions of law and order to the is- ins men on Grenada, but he did not ' and helicopter gunshipn into the ;;".t"‘1'x;l'(“'mt'ism“. :rdfl'x‘; " _
dorsedit.” land of Grenada. I reserve further invoke provisions of the War Powers Senate Minority Leader Robert (‘ fight. and the stronghold ul .i Stilt! “mm” {1 ‘H,‘( Hui: h: .p...‘ J.
Huddleston said U S forces comment.” Act that might require him to Wlm- Byrd 0'“. Va - aSked yaterda.‘ born "“5th 0‘ (“ham \HLS ”Wm“ ti.l\t" limit" llitlr’t‘ to dust 'It‘l'“ ii";
“ . ' ‘ drawthetroops within90days. whether he planned to ask Congress t-d Overrun , , "
should not mm therefor more De t‘ tor W d1] F d t _ ' R th W' P . l‘ tabl \ttiirit.it..iitiuil
than 30 days," his press secretary mocra'tc seria en e or. In a letter to House and Senate oimo e 9 ar we” mi? ‘9 M 1 't - (. p. - . . . i
said also cautiously backs the prest- 1 de ' . .. _ said, [fully expect todo so As (0 . ea: . 30 units um killnl i \tllu‘ltl 1mm dirt‘tnt ~.‘ . h a
- dent. #3 YS‘ Reagan said. 1} ‘5 "Gt [305' when. he said. i-n could be at any yesterdays coniluil Barbados rttltlt’ I'dllt'fMIIl \. hi!” or [lipltifliw . x...»
. Sible atthistime to predict thedura- time“ reports said Tht‘ l 5 death toll lot tn- trill-UN 'lir illyasvvt' .i . .w
Huddleston's Democratic col- Seventh District representative. tion of the temporary presence of ' the Noday aniISlUn stood .tl m "My,” “WW 1.. q... l... . . i
league in ~the House of Representa- Democrat Carl Perkins has not is- United States armed forces in Gre- Rep Michael Barnes. D-Md. Wetnherger said .ihout an cumin m... nut in”! nit-u tin-3i! ‘
tives, Will‘am Natcher, Ky-an DIS- suedastatement. nada. Our forces will remain chairman of the Home Foreign A! had been lakenlnl()t‘usttli\ may tl.|\t‘l:‘.-- {and members of the pro nahtfimfio pI’vrii‘uiin anomlnioilbM
, " . __ ' -. . . . n orces . _' ‘ e I is you pu .'i t
”d." ‘4’ W! . M _ \ f ’ I Ea oi sophistiratui weapons .iimititl
,. w Z 'i é” f; - . . "It's a rabid anticommunist the world say the Sow-t l tum.
; '4’»--- l ”“8 l g 4,1341% ' vet] for Reagan to do anything he (”Jill t-xplutii- the world it limo-a
_ r5" - a; %% 1 N '0' if? 2‘ 4‘ / w, I wants." Greene said about the at and tho I 5 run do ll Ni tutu-s Ia
. f I :1 I at e tack "We're saying. "They're left the-re ii point" lrl \ talk lugiml
HW‘ " " '3' . ,, ' u. . ist and we don't like it ' But It
. y / owl/4f,“ Wag/”WW “my? / :;~5"“" urns?“ , ,W \l we imk the Other way I! “1. pu' up .
. "to :7: “a M ’Q“ ' . ‘ the government It's a double Th0“. an- W‘W‘Ml‘ "" WW"
1; ' \ f ' m . for 3 standard" ganda purposes knowing that I
. Q} g '-~ +3.4 ‘ the Sovwl l'nlon won t .u i an l'
i: t, . ‘ i "There was a threat {0 imp, firm-nt- said about lu-.ig.in a pin l
——-—“-———"—'——‘————'—— ___,_,, American 19 because then- isals lot a tlutlmr ”N'H‘ m i
. ( \\\k\l)R\lHIMA\ hrvnrwralt are mop]? mencan (‘llllenfi at 5". l'hPtOrH' (Kl tlflh M603 tulldl'llk 1
Great Pumpkin? the n Georgt- Mental 5cm. w n... n mm- m .. ~--
_ down there and they're also build “3"" ‘
Paul Weckman, 3, helps his mother, Karen, pick an “ideal” however. seems to have his holidays mixed up because he will mg a runway." Brian Williams, a &
Halloween party favor for an upcoming pumpkin hunt. Paul, dress as Santa Claus when he goestrick-or-trcating. secondsemester prP-medlt‘al slu “a: “f“; ‘3‘“ (thank "‘"“ '1 i
mem -r o . ii-ia is ‘tirty .iiu
dent.sald that Greene‘s remarks M-rr
. . “tine runwlay is: way to hug for slanted towards tht-soriiilisl \lt"A
cm tan use. arxsai l
SGA board Questions freshman elections .... .. .. .. .. l
an excuse because Reagan wanted (‘oncerned Students and r mem
better leverage In muymg Nita her of the lh-mucrnlir \u lint-i ul
BySCO'l'I‘WILHOIT A problem was suspected last was printed “clearly" on their regis- While waiting for the board to ragua."Gr9€n9 said ""5 "0' “*9 Amm”
AssociateEditor Thursday when Greenwell and tration form. “119, Skeens said She W85 surprised Iran ” ”'5 a different “mam” 'l'm my . ,n n ., . cm.”
‘ Skeens said they hada friend rum in “We saw the date, but we thought by all the attention the elections Why did they ‘L' S t use "Hillary mm 33“?" '65,, , "“.;,“,' .
The Student 60vemment Associa- their expense vouchers, and they as- we 00““ turn it (in) late." Skeens were generating. "We were called ”new “mu. hm ’17.,“ mm [in MA:
tion Election Board yesterday quds- sumed it was turned in before dead- said. by Joy on My and told to be As me ‘ be. . m, "mg. ”ml. ’
tioned the validity of last week’s line. Herald said last Thursday that She t01d the board that she did not here and. well. here W9 8’9." Skeens argumen “Rn Qt", gs ‘
. freshman elections. she could not tell at that time if the understand the problem. “I just said.
candidates had turned in their ex~ wanted to reemphasize that it was Greenwell said she hopes the
The board met to hear allegations pense vouchersontime. an innocent mistake.“ she said. ‘1 board members will consider the ‘ F ."
of improprieties in the expense don’t think it would affect the out- “decisiveness” of their election he L F -
vouchers of the two winning fresh- Yesterday Herald asked Green- come of the election in the least fore making a decision. “We won by M T l ‘
man SGA candidates — Karen well and Skeers, “Why were the amount." a 2-1 margin." she said. “I think E}
Skeens and Donna Greenwell — said vouchers turnedinlatie?" After hearing Skeen and Green- thatsays something." fir“ i. f 'y’ x t ‘
gain-33:5, SGA Election Board Greenwell said it was an honest itil/‘13::smesxepllanation. ttohe boalrd am After reaching a decision. Herald _ , \‘Elg‘ C‘ , .‘ .f
. mistake. ”I guess we Just didn't un- sion is to Wm lastllev‘itek: elecl said the board will post an an I, i- L}... .'
The executive committee of the derstand, shesaid. tions wouldbeniled valid. “mcementatzmm's “"9“”0" l 0 /“ “t 7
Election Board met yesterday toin- Herald then asked if they knew The board closed its doors to “If they decided against us. we & 't in . H ‘
terview Skeens and Greenwell. that the date of the voucher's return media coverage. will appeal." Skeens said. \ x.- ” f1 9 l, \ .
, .
e N
m Flies make homeowners bug-eyed \ i" _ »
, -- - . ‘ . mm sun.“ ”W species involved. "but the most winter dormancy.Chnstensen said ,- \ v
'- common is the face fly. which is a “When they tthe homeowners; get u 7
Mlfl‘Mflmm That humming wund you‘ve been cattle pest. The other one is a fly concerned about them is in the
m “a “9'1”“‘ m hearing lately probably doesn't called the cluster fly, which is a par- spring. when it warms up a little bit ‘. , ,
$3»; ‘ ;F§§!w mean there's anything necessarily asite of earthworms and develops in and they sluggishly start coming out ‘ 1 Q
. at». g. . "x” r- wrongwithyom-een, earthworénauzsalarva." ha ful slow": :3": an: din}: “31d the win- a
r , . . . . . He sai ice are not rm a up wa people ' » ‘*
“NH“ “I y” W $23“? ‘wm external but are nuisances to homeowners. say.‘What's goingonhere’?‘” " /,_ ,
”WWMW 0er :‘culun-eomsum it is age As "The only reason thue flies are try- Christensen and now is the time :g F . 1‘ ” ”
.~ . 3. first: mu" t," Y' u I I antenna ing to get in home- is that they tacontrol themes became they will '5‘ 3 ju'i‘iii
__ , .. ». . *Ws‘e“* you "oh. y II. ependthewinterthereuadulte.“ mm in large nunbere at the ' Lg} i i “"7" i
21...“; _ , * 4 “An extension uitomdqiet help! ”They‘re seeking shelter and they sideedhoma ’ ‘ ‘ " ‘ M
ttiegetlel'al publicdeelwith Ind liketheeeoldframehmneewiththe Heuldcontrolmeuueeinclude '/ '
controllneectprobletm."uid0rie- openvoideandtheycanleltmin ll'ylmmflnupumya'ecband “I ‘ ”mi-HM
“men. who find the faculty If“! the ceilings and the well with. the crevices as possible when painting é..-” y ‘_..,
suidyinuimieuiuverdty. voich maid windows and many thehot-e, ; . .. ‘-
h "So-m people. especially tho-e timatpinatticepecee." “The other thin; in that when you ,1 gm. ‘_ , g1;- _ M .. a. .fi -
i.“ ‘ " “olive“ in "teem-m "Ida-pe- He said the spider is a neutral see the flia beaming to build up on ” “ ' '
with r»: it; “‘9‘ gamer”? cially than who live in older frame enemy ot the men. “but the wider the nitride at you time. you can '“"”"‘ " "'
5__ ' fi ”‘3 f ft: if} 3:1” in?” hams ““3 (Ii. ht M t° m “'1"th "‘1 he 3 no W WY 3 '3‘“ W my Randall Lamltin. a member of the UK ('hnsttan Evangelism.
““ ém’t‘w'fi’f“"€g“tfi*v~emmrzeer~r¢ in with than ft! the m." I! afmmflnflmmm.“ and it will control I It! 41 time ex h' - v ' .
.r u Wm ~. .. W , ,, presses is support for President Reagan s actions in Gretta
‘ =3 3i" ‘5’": 3 fig? ‘ said. M m. are M m We arent "'7 m M' Orieteneaieeid. do at a tall esterda in the free speech aka 0! the Student
t graffitsg a m I m and "elm m the tile- comm in the m- In die ionic. he added. “you can C V V V ~
tutuwgfistgea thee"heeeld. inc- and don't ace the thee until get you vacuum cleaner out and “me"
O . '
(NAN ' ..

Nil. an..." October
Imagine r I 0r|( Pro . I 5172;:‘522::::‘:i:.:,.:.,:-.I'I'i.i.
gamma 1;}: In: $my performing me 1 J entert ’ ” " 451":::':':_.,;':::;:'::;':-~ ”2:53"
chmb“. ”Iain a 8m." smldflIy, Imflgined mew- tour is ”I alns . v ;_._,.,;;II.IIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIIIIIII W.
That's sort lemming“ ' wnh lots mor m bIlnd' W '8 a be u "~-345132';'-"r'::‘; A‘mtomAm
“hwy n53“ 9' szn'rmnu’emsisancmm Ye: ans] “EMS?“ ‘° see which ence . H Ed"or
. . . . a ., ;:~,:-,.:.,.," , ‘ .
mar athmwcmmdnmfimmW mfiwmmwum'm W gamma m. s“, Wlth FM
“In, , iwe’an I ("filer ~ ? If M mt“: m 1 I PM T orkysm . n Avi . I O .
and “:8 fightge’s “3:11; Monkee-I; As in 2:?!ng ‘t lens); 383%: W 1:23; Iitndi M Iii? high“ entertahngimnmfifls. “hues 3188b"! guitar a d r so !
””1“! their . road Wm, ybener as mo, cation -’ pseudo-s audjen " ten: - u I. -
DO . . agent, John Be new band, 0m hand ”no?” most, t cml'ent FM rack“ ences to msPficey Commuceafimeen “mm . cover)?! that, they even
~ Mm... M “sum mm m m - vwdewmeemmmmwm gr: mmmmfizwmm-m
. . set an m -up V . Train to . emofia n music so real enm. ' 81mm m mic Hm. a m'
fa. emu. . and “Ga 1 - ngs - .. mm , Gore . songs . , Ille"’ "'8
The a m m" 0‘ dancea0f "gefl’ 33:23: should have no t, “be" 1,3113%“? 8‘1"“qu smug“ 83‘3” ”33.2w,” °“ the band
, W ' Drum}; 0“ '9 blen ' up “d m ' ‘3’ his Pi“! Tor ' “c and ’5
M] I Orld er De ding with 0V- Brou . ex'Monkeen . I‘s dew . copyright
, . x \ . k Standard Ps Sta Image non
/v . \ l-' meredout "3 wrdand . see cashew. rthey mm. a
1/ 545‘ \‘I “mm” 31:821.: setégéym that, if figgtaiem W ham wig? T°rk and fms,t°'mmts inn-{E mph of the a:
I i role Go “Sample - y music“ - , ‘ But ho 1' those 9 came to B
‘W two K BES Music as u re, the ba , a"Play. Justlce Go W do peop ”“85, the”
. \ I II I\4 In _TY a mwer nd 5 mm a re. “th 1e react to {*1 0‘
. \ ~ ‘ ‘ ' "‘ .,~' \-;~ ‘ EYS TAVE f0I' all “:11: Nfimcgptiongggrgdem ogegéagyfirf‘riba this 2:“ as meeyyudmo‘gaf'aflowds Iii/1e? mmawfialv Sa IVyI
/ RN typesetun gm mirfirissstm 3, mm Memo; :0; pom a nice. remiss” mew ‘sm ”3,2; mail? 0.
LIEHI needs “ mflimemamsyYéfifiiemmemem "3mm m, ”memfim :1
2574 Mollkees' orefinthusiasmp'tempo Style, aPPlng Stone,” metinl atIall. “W .t his new mus' . , p-
525 studl tha nd us e re . 1c xsn on
__I “Daydream geeks. " was ever evidfi?°med to 42$“ it's me 3?; EM! to cater: really heavy g1
' . ' n o - '
Toni :‘Wusmfl "the as m gummytomssovndnmmowm
g f 0 date ‘ Ingly eff . udes a . Deemed act I" 0w, you ha
Hard t6 Kgmt damagi ectwe in bringiseanng snitar rlp‘°ff°fJimiHe art-198‘” meta] ”me “3’. but W e‘
' "Th OCT 2 I J ‘- ¢— _ 1"834-“er 2% that 01315102.: “mes sentfifle ”“8 up "1535's Sh°w isnmolx'" 15 mm” "‘“Ch if” g:
e Be“ Hallow. 7th " *—$ 1‘3“?“ “53123859.?“ $3333; “‘8‘ Iiinéagfinsmfiz-vflaidc?" the ill-fitting ‘hea a m
"f ee QI— lt' And Can’t c “SIC," he ' “1 do a I vy ct
rq - n P l V 4— "0! 00n- . °me out 381d. “bu Whole
(“6“ "k n Stein 8 Or‘l’y In T OW ,, ‘— - _ WSW like to “find, Play folk tunéat.” same ”flow 0‘
veoke _ FOCIGI" n ".Just Sets b0. . S llke a pain . either, as m e You R
\00 $4.00 ACCordi "Mattel-a . {Pamting - “ch as 1 c<
lull the B d U AI'Id as hard $3? Tork, 11132:, mm 3" reds — "1
‘ u " ”9M '9 Music Und “Md 0f mu 8 “New ev ”a.“ is worki bf
(v L‘°“°"nk m... rain 1 lhis ' °'9raduat 13mm mimm’sshfiadfi' mm $1339? :2
00 99 H r" O Y e I a eheigm ' ter an ’ ey m be a
, . 0 1 the y W ‘
p 3‘" s'em) THE cuou ..f l IS OUR s. t 35" m m a 53‘: rpexvlwionfifi’w were°¥§i2§e§ b‘
In: a "G E e h -gum Sounds y made youth ‘ a t"'“ely attem f‘
w“ I 0* Chm nag (frank) I Only 7 DAYS Ookll I the 2mm ”fiscrgegt-mesm they cant. x‘
"(a 3 Mo ' lb“ to I ' “‘8 the ”Ward “We”, is a I“
. '° "Mink 1h 1 FREEI 1984 KEN-r be" Your - I “55““ $13er for wgtpmmme- but :3.“ Wing “‘
“fa,” far PC 959 merCh UCKIAN my], “k Unlike the MOPS? Venture SO they ho” will beer [5 lfly- w‘
' TOmm . R°".urunf rfldpuflng- Own 1 DO IT NOW yum IT on I upgmchmb. 905’ this ban??? in the near fame- o:
o C y Ar‘har's ° she ' R00"! 30 - 9 amt-5 . IS k 5;“ What is it r . mba'king on a muye. ,
h'Vy Stor "“‘r Desi . ° ‘ T“Imam . "’ -> —. _ 7 0“ Stud p.m., g?" A“Wing Ewan“)? to Work - “’°’ 21
. Gafo' a 9n Cu} cofn —> ... Ont cents I Woeat' fie’s a real hi - me? De wuh a f”men" M re
”Minus chm ° The St °' R°¢°rds -’ — _, " * rim" ”“6 "°m the 53,2 “M “Peat":
d°95 o A “'3': -— —. —. .. I markefgnTa ”’9a‘hippie" f‘ '"e5 “’m'fic to
{it"s- .-=\:-':- --........... “d man aWare . ark ls articu] Ind s'uccess in
\\ .. r ..\ I III I _. Mare! Will tasz b\éilhat hard W0??? pOhticany atmay’s mUSic
3 =1 “:2- ' ' GIVE other . .redimb cm and Good - ’and full
, _ ~- 2: . ; PLASMA graphsmus‘c'ans womd tladder to smfibl‘c relations 1y: B
gs . W ‘ 1 "—___I.'.ARK. is Pretty Illl’lllcmhe Tork enw‘frZEOWdas we’ll-1:522,“ auto.
. . - . {w --;: . ‘ '—__..__ ' a - - e is ' '
. H. ‘ - - .7 E“RN UP To "" g3mmfhzfizfifisco§cfimg AMM’E'ciggEFW tour w
IIIIII . I‘\\ . :< th . of . . Nomi ork
WW»):- *4... ~ ~ I * $IOO haidmfiéngf M “222555 Tkhfiday 33gb??? gm 3:? 11;
I .. ' . . > ' ‘UCk.’The ey have somg. ey Play I15“, 5 “d has; fé
' . N” E e 1" Hel ° em
.. 55.535-1?”'I IIIIIII 5 bonus Save lives RY wI P W
Y0” Merle w @plasma d°”°'5 warm-13mm ‘ "no“ and ° [ERCE 51
W how ‘-°”““" mm A allia .5 ad.‘ ] mm 9
I_____ to hnghligm ‘ Mona] hum” ‘ . _ ‘ 20430 "Ce eads n I,
I \'..I.d ‘,,,l\—'-\'_____‘Uur hcsl Iculurc‘) “mm” Will [Bach ______d Circle 254 0 BS to V. n
- -—___ - A“ 5
Z III;:Ihx\) ( ha“:lhn‘llul1(]‘mM“1 \LW —__‘:-— 7 BONUS Offp In the N. lctory T]
g - )t'huhm 3‘}. ——_l «rDIres. NOV 1 1983 lelsen rat. u:
0 ‘WW 1"" _m“ ’ A ~ ' L05 AN In S n:
U A" ' ., . z' . c a ’ in the T GELES — Fi 9‘
u .:.:.-::-,-.-~"' " in °P 10 as 9: ve ’etumi
l__ (A re $3 0 ff g ‘ trgilffiggg Viewgrsnecmgik wagging??? finished it
—--__9u.wrso.sovo.ueforwn M 8 Seceswerms "Amman @3183“:- E
'— — _ _ On ri a i a
___Y_$?.50!) I TH Octes, but reclaings battle to ABC d . ms L
___ R -23,acc° . theta unngth
——.l . DAY A-C. Niel ”fins to figure; 39“ for the e World a1
nORm ® sum NIGHT ~13 3,30 mm mm swine w
. CBS In - . ck -
on d m \ ' CMQ Q ;' L ' 5 up A . before and Wm the giftsréh‘tdwplace' lnto SecOnd 338:? IT
Chevy Chase / 8 mare no“: A '9' S Take a 390m! “Simo: l3‘53ancm,mmonghl‘fi’eelm of the fall ’ p]
¥ 52 . 5 Who . 'mOn,” 9- season S(
:********t** Bag ”'8“ Street / ph a I YOU can rdea-k! film? 30:21??? ed 1:39an about m b the ’ e.-
**t One 2 1-" ' . m Wer , 9'5, was ’0 rs U
z 695556 Draft 5 r'nk Asc‘vihimiwsecoiffiicenanas"an‘é‘mrawd a
t * I 4—. “.0 4.00 fig:a,;gnme-ugés§euw “153,135,, my 5‘
" 0 " m” ‘ ’3 . "lnkss L Cst uc°mP1eted thep Opera, was f0 as the most 5
* I, Oc 0n , so - To 5, “rth. NB ’ u
,. u ,. ‘ * 9 Island rank Minutesn p C S Th a
1 #93? - ' .4 It Tool 3 Its mg the news was in Sixth e
' .7, _ ‘ - w fi ‘0” NBC (30m . magaZine ha PlaCe the .
1. . , , 53 . petltor u . 5 had ’ lush '1
._ ,, h I» - me tum . Flrst 3° far thi at
‘ ,3 ‘ _ PlaCed e on Sunda camera n whi S seasOn *
i - . w ' . _. I 4. I M i ‘ shoWs 3:120 botmmygmeedtup laugh“? airs at an; , 4.
* ‘7‘ . ' I , - I Th ' Rum .. . rai '- was _
1 WA, 7. a ' ’ I ' " b . e NBC movieef‘s and ‘Forbng: by two Other Nge *
w . ‘ 1’ y a femal . POllce eand no u C .
“t ~ - .4.- 1;: v “p - c' .. 0 posed , lns '
: .‘_ . v I? I I :Ilgf‘a .95} 1". * gem Cfestnwass . m Fa“ Gu ,, for a centerflglui Y *
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fi ‘ VI ' 4 " iii ~ ‘ It To . Soer - e Price . "“186 H
It V , WA“ m. 1' , 33' , fko recmves 3 0f 8 ticket 3'1- In 4
In: “7,: fl . I” . . : Y 101° 750ml $5.50 gospel rock groucopy of the latest '8 1:": comm- +
‘ I ALTA; ‘3;ka : W . .. . ‘3‘" "3" : 5m ' ’ ShserVan! Amf, Servant. um by the > 4
my“ . . 1 ”*“A m .' ric '
E "‘11:“ g I , , ,. 1 BEER 6.99 Margin appear :IISII Biggest Gospel Rock - 4
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1. “gr; - , f ,3, * I] l . serVam w - . °Yd Thog . Key aIOn *
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: r I ‘ TII . in}; ,. . :IIIIII. III : w.“k.. ‘ old M 6Pk ’2.39 [he ‘¢Rainbgwre:lete with pyrgi‘ccludues diversi- 2 I
‘ _, fl , I {1‘} : MO I d [I Lighf wall quadrapho 3.5:! List" Shawfhmc cffccts, §
3 “Cl 5, l W '- 3; t I ”P“ ‘3 75 b3“ has bee "'° sound. This and Wall-to- [
. 388m.“ of the M udzo 27 i o and recflmy I; fefa‘ured on Shéwjyard'winning I
‘ o 99 ‘ n . Cr or lmc t . .
: nth - (.arOI thhin : WINE 69" ‘3.95 E325: Disneylandmiaat SUCh Prestigeirzflon g
8‘0“ ‘, S Cree ‘ . Olt’s Be Ve- I
it A ()c ' ‘ "0' m“ . sel'Vam .- nbeItFWIVal, fry Farm, and 3
1*. ”her in t C'Hbu In h M" ‘0‘" loo - ‘
*itg..* . g. .."l “A '0... 8 t e tOur Whi h . C'ties m“- . i
*fiifi**** ‘, Ag'ow‘. ”My of I984 Th C WI" comm IOnwlde dur- 1
""Muu" 2 Pupm ' m ‘ '04 It'll La ’3'” p’°*ima{teny:s ..r. r
at least buthllhaveanadded thst. assosciateofpromoterBobArum. “Number one, I don't think Mar— I fell gomg back. I‘m going to carry fighting tlu- {up ttuiiinititnu. :.. :nn- Lint .i “not: .:;:.v.I.--.: .4. kn.
ook and .lncluded Wlth the Hagler-Duran “This is my first time in Ken- vin Hagler can knock out Roberto .‘v'OUBHOVPF RUDD H 1‘3!“ ” '«M rm 'va l'w . .tftn-It.
)rking a fight Will be a four-round fight fea- tucky," Elbaum said. “Bob Arum Duran. If Hagler wins it will be a 15 "1 hop? .VOU d“? ”0”)” Mild "it Althwlltl “outwith amt tttt- ~~t.t't ‘I .-I. I N' " 3""; .. i. t
formed turtng Kentucky native and Eastern asked me to come down here and 1 round fight for his life. I talked to will save me it lot of walking l'ni its .i whole lum- inn-t; illldllli‘ltt '-.. .I:

.empt to Kentucky University graduate Greg agreed. I‘m interested for one rea- Duran‘s people and Roberto is up to gomg ‘0 beat "19 PW” “UL Ut him. H e '
for bub- Fryman fighting against a yet un- son, there’s some nice young fight» 157 pounds and he's in fantastic con- gmng to be a fantastic shim ' o . ‘ u ‘ ‘ .
,3, could named opponent tn the l40-pound ersinthisarea." dition. He‘s in Miami training now Another added attraction tor the Zlegler IS lll‘bl h()()p Slgnt‘t‘

weight class. F‘ryman has won his Elbaum fits the stereotype of box- and he doesn‘t have that crazy en- card is the DOSMlllt‘ appenrenct- of
touring only pfOtESSlOMl fight. ing promoter, a fast-talking, stocky, tour-age dawn there with hjm‘ he‘s actor Sylvester Stallone 5mm. the Todd Ziegler .i t: ,‘ in: tnuuul tut hounds .. gntzu- ?: ".t..‘ a t-It.tIt ' a!
ris lay- The highlights of the local card ball of never ending movement. with got it down to about five people success of his "Rocky“ trilogy Still “8rd {mm Jittt’rit'ttltmtt Hm?) Pm WWI tinti- in.» fit-«t (nut-It MI-
, a suc- Will be two Kentucky State a nose that would make any jour- around him. He‘s getting serious for lone has been looking into boxing tt) st‘hml has wrtullx ttlllltl‘..llr~l ..~ .. on out 'l'.l.’l \.i \t..'. ;.. it ....-
future. Championship bouts. One match will neyman fighter proud. He has fallen this fight.“ find young fighters to back in this u‘nd l'K next tall LN Maw-t: Avg \r-tt m .. hit-wt M‘s .. tithtwt
amajor feature UK graduate Jeff F‘ryman inlovewiththeBluegrassstate, The Joe Silver-Kenny Heflin fight caseitwillbethel-‘rtnianbrothers 1" aH'raltzt'tt 2H lllltii‘ .im ;.. it: 7)!“ 'Iutr' \-l \t,.~. l” k -t.-' "
er Mon- . . .

M... a y a s rea y 0 ounce ac a er tsappom mg ourney

rrific to

5 music By (‘ONCEPCION LEDEZMA tough not to think about it. We know that night to come from a one-set t'K "

nd fully SeniorStaff Writer that we‘re a better team: we just deficit to win her No. 2 doubles ”g:

itiom it didn’t prove it last week. match with partner Kristin Buchan~ '

at many Yesterday was the first day this “We know that they're not better an. ’ g _ 4 7 g ~ _ _~H__“_,_._,L w.» -- .

l8 30‘0- week that the sun came out for the and they know they're not better. The absence of regular top—seed l" V ' "r." * 'W'I _