xt7h707wq39t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h707wq39t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-04-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 14, 1981 1981 1981-04-14 2020 true xt7h707wq39t section xt7h707wq39t ' t
Ker e] ‘ -
Vol. LXXXIII No.140 . . . _ _
Tuesday. April 14‘ 1981 an independent student newspaper :::::r::::‘ “Ki: Kentucky ., ‘ ‘
. a i . enlucln .
' Alleged assault still ' "
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i ~ 5! DALE“ “OWN“ code to be madeinthe neartuture 5' " ~ :: "
. .. . Senior Staff Writer The judicial board receives tip '2 ' a ;
‘ M . ~ . paals by accusm siaaams. and has -. 3 ~.
g- ’ ‘ ' ‘ " " — “M Campus POhC‘i‘ the UK dean 0‘ the authority to reverse any deCision '3 .
. . —"'"_ ' ‘ students and the (ommonwealth A" of guilt, according to the student code I. 3 "
it " . [OI-"(1311;322:336 Sllgdlriv’eiiStkgisgg handbook, The board does not have , ‘ .
.wf . ana ‘ ' ass’ I l "n , , ‘. ... .' .. .
m g Q Tswana Friday. :fipgggggggggfr do PM“ .1 -
‘ ' ‘3. , . I. “939’?“ reported yesterday m a Tom Padgett. l'K director for ‘ ..
. . $ 31- if" copyright story that several students public safety. 5a1d no charges were .‘ f -_ .
~ "is: I’ I' i 23% befitqugtl?neq in)???“ adllegts filed yesterday because “determina 'I
a I: f g" . Theaaszgaultoall: :dlqdotccurrebduinetrhe “0-“ - 0f the appropriateness . 9f .' '
' 5%; ‘5' g y criminal charges in the case isnt
.. 5;; s .- 15th floor dorm room of Bob Fogle, a readily apparent." ,‘ , “s
y ( Q: ‘- golficéootball player. according ‘0 Mike Malone. an asSIstant t'onr -
ir- . s .‘1 , The story also reported that an of - $222313]! lh‘A‘figrnffiwlTaisu‘ggsjfi . -' _-.
‘ ' g I." ficial close to the case estimated that day that “the on]? statement we“ . _
3 "'2’ t as many as ten students were ques- .- t ) m' k9 h her A “\P‘ll at ,. ,
. .2 ‘ ”A t " ’ tioned by police about the alleged $315”; .. d ‘ ‘ ‘ b g ing . ‘-_' .
N ‘ no '- assault. Padgett said it is common for the
a... 6 ‘ ' i '. T. Lynn Williamson. acting dean of Commonwealth Attorney's office ‘0 .. . .
- "- *‘s i gs. - students, said he is still checking to bt‘ComethOh'Qd ”1 SUCh C3598 .
a‘&.' f. ii ! . ' see if thehe were any violations of the 31319119 531d the“? are three “335 .'
M, ‘.‘ g “'5‘ Student (ode of Rights and Respon. In which a case can be brought to ; g
k3} a 3,. . I a. m...- .’ w. SIbiluies as a result of the reported trial Theyare _ , *‘
a" . .... ', incident /.A direct arrest by police officers ' -' .~
~ .~ W’ "P . "l 1 V. ‘ .zA district court warrant. ; "
. f: s 1.: ‘ pan tf’ meet with‘the students as “A grand jury indictment
‘ . .Ya :3 —, _. _. ..-.. _ m » .‘ . . 5,00" as I Cd“ make " ““31 dete'rmina- In many cases of reported assault. .. .
~4- - s i ., p ' tion 0' th'.‘ can be done, “”1131" police investigate all allegations and . i .
. j '_ w‘ W -. an." 5 . - &’ VJ- 5°“ said. ‘Thls deflsmh' could be turn eVIdence over to the (‘0m- J i .
as sacrasfia - ~ ' _ a ., .. .. "New the: seek or two to. three momma Attorney's attics. which .. -
. .. t. f” ' ”I“ W“ .._.« W > M . .. ‘ V’»Wr‘%m a ties. ‘11}. 1,, w, “m. weeks‘if 3 lUdIClai board hearing ‘15 then presents the case to the grand ‘ ‘
“'hoiagf’gga $3.0m» gas-flfirgigafi 3??“TWI*G$. “i; far-w g _ / ‘. .. . . . necessaryr I doubt lHWlll come to a jury The grand jury determines if . .‘ - '1
W . a, .-._. ,. wag.’ ” ‘3“; gen: * ’.- 1*$K:{:.5§; W‘fmmiagfiégc COhCIU$19hIIOm0Tr0W there is enough evidence to bring a '
| ”sf :‘Eaki . ,7} 71...; - .V 3 . ". f :‘r§§a"‘~§.%;§é’nfilé‘ .f {1) ‘§@VJ§%:@§;§ pegtmsoml‘htahgigg dlddsaythul tdOdt‘K t'oirmal indictment against the accuss ’ , '
‘ . . . .. . . . ' i a? 153’" V . . "i , ' - , ' ,7; «awe . ‘ ' Sun er , es u em 8(
So esi n By DAVID (‘OYLE/Kernel Staff 0 C an es a irwan . ‘
‘ ign d g ‘ N h g I ~.. .. ‘
A sign-painter by neccessity and a mechanic by trade, Chip Lowery of Lexington titles his Church Street garage. . o O .' ‘ _
‘ . . , after madent on Friday
_ Dallmess the enemy, ,,
. . . ‘- Staff Writer The. alleged inCident raised fears a"
A . A " 5? . among Complex residents ; '
I I lcmr tells alldlence f Busmess at Kirwan Tower ”CO” ”I‘ve heard a lot of stuff about ' .
. ; tinues as usual," following the what ireportedl} , happened. 1 think . .
" .~ =5 .‘ reported assaultona LVK woman SIU' it's terrible I really don't feel too .V
w dent there Friday night. secure here," said special education 3 '
By JAMES EDWIN HARRIS and its eminence has recently come ‘ "Sign_m and signout procedures freshman Elizabeth Ethridge. who ‘,
Staff Writer under attack from many fronts. The are the same in the tower,“ said area “was m Blandlng Tower _. 1 . .
Carol Burnett libel decision tended to ‘W coordinator Glenn McKenzie. “We‘re Another resjdent m Blanding ‘. ;. f
Although Congress, the courts and be of service to newspapers, he said, ‘ watching things as (closely as possi- Tower. physical therapy sophomore .
the public challenge journalism dai~ but he expressed concern about - ble. At best the resident advisers on Linda Heckelhoit‘ said. "It's a pretty .. ‘ :
ly, Tom Wicker, associate editor and awarding high punitive damages to duty .. tl‘rldflyl were domg their scary thing that it treportedly) haps ,1 ;
syndicated columnist for The New public figures. He termed the situa- I JObS- . ~ ‘ ’ pened m the dorm. but I dont know
York Times, said he feels perhaps tion “chilling and intimidating“ to (13]; agogorgétxifiifgggi ySZiii-rt 2311::if;:xprditrgita‘llROZtnyltbodry] 32h
. aeffibfiidiitfiihétfit Challenge Shellld 50:1 ifipui‘der consideration in Con~ ' ' reports that the incident allegedly (’0 go m; bl" here. guys have to sign in H ’1’ J ',
“We are under the danger of gress making it a criminal act to cur red 0" the 15th “00“ . . . . hirwanlresidentadviser .Marg‘.C W 7
. . . 1 st disclose the identity of a CIA leICKE‘l'lZle said after the investiga- Malone said; 1 certainlyuwouldnt L ' .1: .
dailiness, 0f tahng the mth 0f ea . ' , “ ilOI'l resident JdVlSerS pOSSlbly \M“ {991 safe m hjrvran Tower Malone. .. a , a_ .
resistance, Wicker said. at the operative also concerns Wicker._ It get together and discuss security a business junior. said she heard , ‘3. is
Center for the Arts last night. The is sophistryto say that this bill is a measures. He would not comment on about the alleged mm dent Saturday {3 a i ,
traditional concept of news is to print weapon against writers of such infor- the investigation itself. morning after talking With two male 4' “I; .
“what happened yesterday," he said. mation, not against newspapers," he , w Rape Crisis Director Diane students 2’ .
“Our challenge should be to print said. “We should fight this bill with '7 Lawless said that the agency was A Kirwan Tower HA said RAs can 4.
what didn't happen yesterday. We every weapon when it is a shotgun ' \ contacted about the reported inci» not be responsible tor indmdual 30- = i, .5
should print what happened behind aimed at us all, not just at ‘ . dent. "She (the woman involved) did tions .' ‘a ‘9 .
closeddoors. reporters." ' .. talk to one Of our counselors, and did “Personally, it‘s more than an un ‘- . .
“We should explore and not react Wicker sees no challenge to jour- ' ' goto the emergency room.“ Lawless fortunate i alleged) mommy W.“ L. . ',
. when something happens,“ he told a nalism from the Reagan administra- By FR ANK S Al VINO/Kernel Staff said. “Other than that, i really don t junior Carl Marshall "1 think It 5 a“; ,
crowd of 400 gathered to hear the tion in contrast to the mistrust of the . k l' . . ‘, ‘ ~ , know anythingaboutthecase. . . (the alleged incident» fairly skid
_ . . An amused Tom Wic er. istens to his introduction before speaking at the According to Lawless. L5K officials disgusting. but 1 don’t know what can ‘a
fourth annual Joe Creason lecture at press by the Carter administration Joe (‘reason Lecture sene§_ h t bee . t t "th h g .. ,,
the center.The event annually brings and the hostility toward the press of ave "0 n ‘” C0” ac “' t e hf‘dme about it '. _'-‘ ‘1! .
to UK an outstanding journalist to former President Nixon. . . . . - .f-_,.
.meet and talk with students, and to Reagan's popularity could be erod- C ct it" - k, ‘-
speaktothegeneral public. ed by criticism of upcoming pro- orre Ion thter causes dlspute at Haggln Hall "I i a
The lecture was established as a grams. Wicker said. “A popular LA .3
memorial to Creason, a UK alumnus president tends to silence the preSS,” Vice President for Academic Af— - - . ,
. who was one of the most popular and he said, “because the public will not fairs Lewis Cochran‘s name was 8}. NELL FIELDS Tim Hagan. business freshman. :f.
respected newspaperman to work in tolerate critiCism of a popular preSl~ misspelled in Friday 5 paper Staff Writer agreed “Cutting 0“. the [mm paper % p . .
Kentucky. . dent. There is a potential for skillful because of reporting and editing er- ‘ ,I ‘ . ‘ ., '. ~ . ‘ ‘ .
Journalism occupies an eminent manipulation in this." rors. The Kernel regrets the When trash covers the floor of Hag- iuhplij L‘ a Dre") “dKUlOm thing, " 3, .. p z . : ,..
place in today’s society, Wicker said, Continued on pagefi mistake. gin Hall B—3, and m one is willing to “Shiv-ea coordinator Bob Hm said *4: g g .. J ,3 . " ,
9le it up, the “00'“ residents must the toilet paper supply wasn't cut off ’ § ii , ‘i . 7‘
SA U L l d l bb ‘aazhzaiisii‘z‘im 22”“ i " " "
. ‘ ‘ toi et paper to ave itt rovma ut." ‘ w .\ ‘ .. , .7 g. .
’ 0f p an Stu ent 0 y group 1011‘“ paper. _ he said. "We're not supplying toilet s - W as: j 3 3
Earlygamrd‘g:‘I‘l’m‘hggffiTeohf paper for decorative use. Janitors 3f; ‘ V" . as? , '
sa a e e »: oor wi ras. - - - , = , c . ‘,.
By PEGGY BOECK SA Vice President Britt Brockman said he thinks student Some [if the ceiling panels were put tistsue m m 32,8 mornihg “Ed by 1,0 g i‘ ‘ ' “ ' ‘ ‘ - . ' -.
Senior Staff Writer Brockman said it has been suggested lobbying efforts through the Student knocked out. shredded and strewn 2:; 101522: thenclfr‘cflnltl': [13:31; i , a, - . '» g. ~ .
that the UK group 3150 provide $2000 Government Association Of Kentucky around the floor. Yesterday after- we're den in them bathroom :fi . I § - . ”I.
The UK Student Association and for the lobbying costs. However. were responsible for the governor's noon the place was stillamess. ~ ‘I ”y g t E ‘V " ‘ '
the University of Louisville student Brockman said this figure is ten- appointment 0‘ UK law student Evan And so the showdown beganllead "32,9833 he's cowinced th I ‘ {i ' ~ r
government have decided to join tative. “We can‘t do it with our pre- Perkins tOCHE- resident Jim Smith told janitors to y lth n [m d th a so. i ‘ i I '
forces and work together to establish sent budget.“ he said. Although Perkins is a student, he “leave the “0m alone.“ The TI??? ont the (Sort the} em :.m:ss' : . ‘~ _ .
a student lobbying group in The lobbying group will address serves as a CHE citizen member. residents said mm, worm-t going to 31:" {SW ”I, ing a S a” ; «ma- .W, , _
Frankfort for next year. issues such as financial aid, opposi- Brockman and Sturgeon said they clean up. ' peg] if‘reso;gt2tve Dwa C ' " 7 ‘ ’ ‘,
“It‘s going to be a big project and tiontotuition increases and efforts to would like [0 599 a student member "The damage and trash on the "girl-m p Fa ettel Count yn; a}: ,' 4 .
we might not do it all in one year,“ get a student representative on the actively serving on the COUHCH» floor is ridiculous." Smith said. "We 3:. tin e t ybom th y't ea '
said SA President Brad Sturgeon. "I Council on Higher Education. lobbying for UK is now done usuallv trv to get people to clean it ”Tatar en am '3 infighnt ‘ '-
do think it's going to be effective and Brockman said the group may even through the University Relations ()f- up. The people on the floor cannot ex- k wgmtzn Uzi-e sai 'sth' :h . . - ‘. .
beneficial tothestudents.“ taketolegislatorsa proposal to begin lice. Sturgeon said it is possible that pea the janitor to clean" up... 'uT‘wd‘wt'e e; t t “1;: wi ti: err . _ ‘ .
Sturgeon said UL has agreed to put selling beer in the Student Center. the student lobbying group will work Apparently. it was resident adviser Jdit‘ljngcio‘l/ZE‘ u t 1'9 ltlh SfyHe .Cmii ’ ‘
up moo to cover lobbying expenses “1 think lobbying Frankfort really closely Wit-h Ray Hornback, vice Todd Monroe‘s idea to cut off the helsa'd e no ea y 0 l e m' ”'3'; *‘V ‘
such as travel fees. phone bills and works,"said Brockman. “It‘s real ef- president of University relations, on toilet paper supply. Smith said. I ‘ ‘ e ‘ ‘ p \
document costs. fective." some. iSSU5~ Monroe couldn't be reached for com— The stalemate continued through ~
M ment. most of the afternoon — each Side not
Ins“: Q “slag But the consensus on the floor was wanting to clean up the mess. But _ .
' that residents were not going to pick alas, the head resident, after a ,
. - - u the trash."lt's not our 'obtoclean len th meetin with the B-3 ‘ .
UK officials say the decline in the writing skills . “3&3,zefitsgbgag'gggerwsaotbe‘“ralffogyaflgttg itpup,” said arts & sciencer freshman resEdeiits. won ouf .
ofstudents stems from ““th preparation by your money across the board. There 13 a 50 per- Joe York. "They have janitors to "Some of the guys went ahead and B _ Bl'R'I‘
gwwwmltrzml {mmmmlfé cent chance 0f rain today, with highs intheupper pick itup.” cleaned it up,“ said Carr. “We get “ I‘ADD/K°m°'&.ff ~
03:]. fasctors are at fiaiullt. Llnl Kat‘hba $23316 mzmgégfinfll "Id 00:11: htaillight. {mostly And the toilet paper crisis? “I think our toilet paper back, and the 11., 5-3 floor of “8881“ "a“ w“ a
theproblemintwostorieampage 5. m tomonow 8’3 n low that s kind .of stupid. he said. bathrooms cleaned, and our trashed mess yesterday afternoon.
L .. . ‘ H'sides _. its a necetmty. emptied.
x b V o

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I I ,
e d ltorl 0 IS & Sine Mane) Scott Roth NI] mm JmCIQy Corym ‘ Toulou- ’
Editor IHVC’HCI Editorial Editor “mill-II" Spam Edllo' Entertainment Editor Picture Editor
. _, “‘0'“ unite. in
comments * W W”
2 VlckiPo-k ‘
i Jacklfludd Auiltani Day Editor m3...“ gum? Usqullue 4 I m I
, ‘ Dav Editor John uni: “amt Sports Editor Auutant Entertainment Editor MAM
| llckuiludiAlrnrlneh'oIM‘ulltriieruiiuumnmns lettenundommunsmdklyw,mph-A | ' MOO." I
ward and Indfldc mime, Iriflkflu’ Ind w-tm‘l idei-iitiuimn inducing l l ID for students and l I cw“. III!
e-ploym. [alien should he limiIi-a In :00 north um opinions no comments Io I00 words. J SoniorStqflerun
‘C l b' ’- ° tl ‘Wr-
, o um 1a . a gian eap 5.2;: W50
" " l; / r I“
° ’ /‘ .4, 7"1 GeSUNDllel'l’... 5'
- for Mankind s wallet '5', «e
y t ' é‘l‘gifi, , ‘ '
' , . . . /‘s\‘.ll .1 \\ " 4,
~ At 1:30 pm. EST, 10:30 am. California time, the U.S.S. Col- ,fii—b-v [xi 9 3 , \‘e
umbia will touch down at Edwards Air Force Base. It is an ' :fl \‘ ”i i h: : lg,
“ historic event, and it is more significant than any before it. "’5 r,‘ .l “Jig; W s,
. ‘ . Looking back over the first 23 years of the Space Age, since .." l... . I
. . . the United States launched Explorer One in 1958, the program K" l .‘3,1.. 'I
has undergone the full spectrum of public opinion. There are If — ‘ ‘ 'fl;
incredible ironies in this history: When John Glenn orbited the ‘ ’I l 7?»: .
‘ . earth in Friendship 7 almost 20 years ago, thousands of com- lfifiga
' f muters in New York City missed their trains to watch the lli>7y y
. event on the TVs that had been set up. Yet just a decade later, ’ .h' r E: * ~-
4 when the Apollo 17 crew touched down on the lunar service, l /‘ 'l'/ ‘ 3 ‘ i ’ /
,- the network switchboards were jammed with calls of com- : 1"." y -;4\\' .123?” ’ ‘ '. _ \
. . ' plaint that the routinelLove Lucy re-runs were pre-empted. i. \. ' W ,1 5:? . ,l . _ ~
y. First it was an achievement. Then it was an adventure. I l 2‘. 5‘ if :t, , j w
5 ’ , ' Then it was routine. Then it was an annoyance. Then it was a ' 2/ \\ y . \ll , ' -,& - t
- 4 waste of money. 44.41/15 ”Lx‘ .m ‘ ‘ _ . , ~ ‘ . _
‘ -. - As a new era opens up on the frontiers of our world's edge, it r .‘r fig . ‘ I I ~ :
. - _ , . .7 Y ‘ . . . , .7 '1 ’, , ', l
. is important to realize what is to be gained by the United ‘7 ‘N’Mt, , (M l
' States“ multi-billion dollar investment in the Columbia and her . a teat-'4] ‘ - ,
' - , - 1 four sister ships. ‘fi‘ ' 7} '1’ x \ - d—‘—.T W _ -- I
As a reusable ship which will land like an airplane, thus en- lfi‘ w/A‘ , f l l r l | ' _ ‘
. , ding the traditional depositing of “space garbage,“ the one- ~‘ 10“? \h , h
‘ use-only portions of spacecraft in the past 20 years that float “’ 7/ I“ .’( ll ’ 7 ‘ ‘4 \ l l
5 around the earth forever. the shuttle will cut the costs of ex- ‘ J“ ‘- - ‘ a: 12>“. .. _ ._._ “—3.... {A
, traterrestrial exploration and research toa fraction of what it \\ ' 7//‘ . l,‘ //[“ f": i i . ,
- . y. . . . . ‘_‘ ‘;E filul‘ E4 . , 7 /
has been in the past. Even allowing for our incredible inflation a‘ efwl; ‘3 . _ . . , i
" ' ' rate, the program may become cost-effective. -' t‘ V '7‘ “’ —. ‘ y , 2!; [1’
. '. The consumer has difficulty realizing how often his life is fl‘l‘.\m‘ ‘ /{l‘}\‘1 ‘3’! — \ , , \ ”'4 I‘M/4 , ,
. ' touched by the “wasted dollars" of space research and 'l .- ,1 [A ‘C - ‘ l‘.‘ " K » ' ‘ \ ~~ ““ L‘W‘V- \- -‘ .
‘ previous missions in years past. Meteorological data, which "fl-FM“ I'll" - ,
' - . - set the course for all of America's crops, has been radically r —— —‘- l ‘
' _ ' . streamlined and made infinitely more dependable by satellite ‘
. ' ‘ technology. Even the most uninformed citizen must have
, -' some idea of the impact on communications that orbital
. ' technology has afforded us. His Home Box Office owes its ex- 0 - - W -
.' - , " istence to the satellites that pass above him every day. pinion
; The shuttle will slash forever the cost of satellite launch and
. ‘ maintenance. It can fly up whenever needed, to launch a ’ o o o ;
' . ‘ ’ series of satellites from its bay or to repair already-orbiting Rev Moon S ChurCh. sub eCt 0f re udlce.)
. satellites to eliminate the cost of replacement. As a vehicle 0 O O
, . .. ' ‘ that can be used over 100 times, its life expectancy makes it a
V, chlghfiilaltwdrmov‘efif Cgafitlgégatdggisa?g 2111!: nglt‘l'fedt (£1111: “But we desire to hear of thee what the new kid on the block — the ed to make room for a contemporary for his downfall?
‘ - . p , p g g thou thinhest: for as concerning this Moonies! Yes, lam one of them and interpretation. Where would we be If there is any argument to be
'. ' understanding “pl.“ world. . sect. we ‘snow that everywhere it is have recently 00m? to Lexington today if not for Copernicus‘ con- made against the existanceofGodas
- ‘ , ' But Senator WIlham .P roxmir e recently told the press that Spoken against " Withtwo of my friends and after hav- templation, Pasteur’s searching, proclaimed by Christians, it is their
.' NASA could hOt X'e‘JUStlfy ”-5 Cqsh'effehtlvehess When th? pro- ing made several excursions to the Socrates‘questioning and the first at- own track record. It saddens Him to
5 ' ‘ lea ran over bUdgel- The promismg “'le5 the shuttle W111 dO‘ UK campus must report that tempts to leave the cave and build a see how Catholics and Protestants
. ' , he said. would not be possible for at least five years. Satellite religious persecution is alive and fire? I am not so sure there are no have fought: 15,00 French Pro—
* ' repair procedures and research cannot be implemented in the well among the Wildcat Christians. more circuses or lions’ dens; in fact, testants killed in one night (the St. -
' ' , immediate future, and to justify its cost, the shuttle may find ,1, , [h g d , , m And although we will soon 99. gone now we have the gun. and Should BartholomeW‘S Day Massacre) for
._ . _ . itself being used by the corporate sector, in the form of com— . “fl . (“53" year" ago‘ 959 the problem we have preCIpitated these trends of intolerance continue. instance. It‘s sad to think of
- _ ' - ~ - “0“” taken from "“5 18'” Of a was here before we arrived and Will we are likel to see the mart dom of Pr b t ‘ d L th b -
, merICial satellite launching and defense contracts. mk that has come to be known as . y , yr , . 95 Y walls a“ ‘1 erans “m
_. ~ . » V . ‘ ‘ . - . be here for at least some time after Rev. Moon. Who Will be responSIble mg each other at the stake and of how
, . , These observations cannot be overlooked. The price tag 15 he Bible accurately represented the b . 00d . . ,, .
3 y H . attractive in the long run. but a scrutinizing eye must be kept i sta ‘ fthat heretical sect we depart, of now is as g. a time should it happen. Everyone who has they later united together to drown
» . . . . . . . C r cum nces 0, . , as any to begin workingon it. stated unsubstantiated rumor as Baptists.And as evangelistSpurgeon
, ‘ - on how this new “’01 15 um‘ZEd‘ , ‘ , the CH" 0‘ the hazarenes or “Chris— It is a problem that we all have to “fact," everyone who has tried to said, “the only reason we Baptists
=’ . - " , i We hope and pray that JOhn & ouhg and RQbe” Crippen, COZ' tians as they were derogatorially deal with: that of forgetting our make his name an object of fear and have never persecuted anybody is
, - . :' “Mbla 3 crew, tOUCh down tOday WlthOUt thldehl» labeled~ Bl" “’he has marched 0" roots. It looks as if my fellow men are everyone who has first assassinated because we were never bigger than
' . H -‘ ShUttle Columbia and her Slswr ships may be the light at the and now we. find that that once- going to repeat the same old his character never having met him! anybody." Well, now you are! And I
‘ . end of the tunnel: the product of 20 years of great expense, meumdmmoniy has emfencmd historical blunder; that of creatinga The blood will be on the hands of only hope that there is enough of
: . many proud moments for our country, and several tragic ac- ”591““the'“Smmlonomechumh- boogeyman. a scapegoat, that of those people. i want to ask the UK Christ’s love to welcome a new one
‘ ‘ . ' . :_ cidents. The investment is now bearing interest. Re-investing The question however remains as arousing fears, playing on suspicions Christians if they can cast the first into the fold, for we love Him, too!
‘ 3 j. ' ‘1 in the frontiers of knowledge has already proven to be fruitful, to whether those who now wield the and crying 0th _blasi)hemy and stone, if they are sure there is _no And~ please don't be afraid, the
. , _ and we Should give it our support _ the cost is no longer an ex— aegis of religious authority will heresy: When Wlll it stop? We have mote in their eye. For me, Christ died stories of “mind-control" are just the .
" ‘9' ' cuse. perpetrate the same sufferings upon heard It all‘before; the Egyptians for our $1115 of intolerance, for same old “Witch hysteria’ in the t
~ .» once put their whips to backs of the freedom of religion, to allow people garb of our age. Let it die dOWn and I
- . . ~ Jews, the Jews once despised and ex- to live in a system where there is the let us reason together, for you may
‘ ‘ ' iled the Samaritans and conspired to possibility to come and hear should even discover that you have some
. :» s , , murder the first Christian — Christ God decide to continue his dialog new brothers and sisters.
.‘ ‘ g . i Man and woman. the Story never Changes himself; the Romans fed the Chris— with man. In conclusion I would like to say
y. ' tians to the lions, the Christians later I want to remind the Christians of that if the religious freedom of Rev.
. ,‘t - i . enslaved the black man but not UK that just because there are more Moon and the Moonies is protected
. 1 ~ ByllL‘(;llJ.FlNlll..»\Y gave her his message of the them and outsiders, bridging before they had first burned and of you than of us doesn‘t necessarily today, then yours will betomorrow.
'. -. » . Contributing Columnist Stonehouse and offered Woman to womanhood, and welcoming slaughtered other Christians. The mean your theology is right. It Remember, it was jealous Jews who
. , -, share in brotherhood. Upon hearing newcomers. But Woman still held her tragedy of Intolerance, of not letting doesn't give you a green light to conspired with Roman authorities to
I ._ . Everybody. at 0““ “me UI‘ antllht‘r of the legend and ‘ strength of enchanting qualities that mesmeriz- a new thought into an old world, can make life difficult for others. In fact. do away with Jesus only to later find
" 'T ‘ has expen'enced a love gone sour. a Stonehouse she longed to be among ed the brothers. And all but one shook tinues. Even Columbus had to deal beware, for a Church History pro- Jerusalem itself done away with and
, -. ,' .v . tragedy 0f the heart Some “hi-“”9 it its walls. And Man was so stricken by the spell from their souls — that soul with the outdated “majority" view of fessor once told me that “today‘s it was jealous Christians who in 1949
'3 f ' *- 8W8.V Some WalCh ll 2.0 astray And her beauty that he decided to keep was Man's strongest brother, Friend. a flat World and where would we be heresy is tomorrow‘s orthodoxy,“ conspired with (anti-religious) com—
'- _' V some. like me. write about It when Woman for himself. Friend gazed on Woman like no today if he hadn't gone forward ir- And furthermore, my Bible tells me munist authorities to stage a trial
' ‘ there's nothinglef‘ttodo But when Man returned to other, falling deep into her trance, regardless? tMatt.7:21-24>: thatsent Rev. Moon towork inahard
v, .f ' -. Some here It Is. 1hP quwlmn to all brotherhood they acclaimed him so and lusting in his heart for her to be Today I am witness to the irony of uNor everyone that saith unto me, labor death camp. Later in 1978, the
.' .f. . your answers. the only way to t‘tilh' for such a wholesome find in Woman his own. He held silent his wanting seeing those who broke away from Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom North Korean govemment was proud
1 7 ~ . i The Legend of Man and Marriage. that Man bowed his head and saw his until, finally. one day Man went out the Roman Pope now laboring to of Heaven; but he that doeth the will to announce that “today there are no
’ . '. _ .' ’1' may it help you-to hope wrong. “My brothers.‘ he declared. to huntrin the fields. While Man was establish the reign of a “Paper of my Father which is in Heaven. churches in North Korea."
I. "l have wronged. When i saw away, Friend took Woman out of Pope," claiming monopoly upon Bi- Many will say to me in that day, Thank you for sticking it through
, ‘ ' " During the summer ol Man's life he Woman 1 thought I felt love and so Stonehouse and crossed with her the ole interpretation Would it hurt to Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied this difficult-to—listen-to sermon. 1
» _, . 1 ' , perfected brotherhood Each one to decided to keep Woman for myself. River of Opportunity. And there they entertain the option that the ”fruit“ in they name? and in they name have can only promise that when we are
"I“ 1' it" 1" another. all “”9 “Will and 200“ Forgive me, and l shall offer her remained. of the Garden Of Eden and SO many cast out devils? . . . and then I will established we will do our best to
1’ . ‘ 'y ' They despised not their fellows and among us all, to hold fast our coaliv Man returned to find Woman gone other expressions might indeed not profess unto them, I never knew you: keep alive the tradition of Christ's ‘
.j' . .1" . abounded in adventure throughout tion " The brothers were equally and Stonehouse destroyed, for a link be literal but symbolic? What if it depart from me, ye that work iniqui- mercy and forgiveness for all, Letus
,"y: f i ,, f', ._ Their home they called Stonehouse disappointed in Man‘s ill desires, but had been broken. The brotherhood allowed us to be better equipped to ty.“ waitand see.
.- .' ' ,' ,' for it was made of rock as their union because he saw his fault, they was so dissolved that each stood imderstand the cause of suffering. I want to ask you, what is the dif— ,
I. . was, never to fall. and each piece welcomed him again to share in their alone, incapable of unity. SoMan saw the responsibility of man et cetera so ference between those who spat in Lloyd Howell. .
.‘w ‘ linked toits neighbor for support truth and harmony. down and cried . , . for he could not as to be able to deal with the pro- the face of Jesus and asked Him Master of Religious Ed. .
a , . 3 In his summer hldn fOutld during 'l‘hereupon, Woman stayed in live with Woman, and could not live blems of this age? Just try Rev. where were His miracles and who Unification Theological Seminary :
" I . 7 travel and excursion, Woman. She Stonehouse. She offered much good without her. Moon's revelation on for size and see jeered at Him on the cross and those Member of CARP
', ' ‘ was a gem 0‘ the “a“ Who Shin“! *0 among ”1“ brothers Wllh her attrac~ if it fits. of you who make joke of the efforts of Collegiate Association for the _
.‘ . . ‘ , bright as to mesmerize Man: So he h". ways. She filled a gap between . . . might as well forget 'em. [wonder if there must be bloodsh- Rev. Moon, who mock him and pray Researchot‘Prlnclples
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 ,._. ‘ ,. _”_W_ fl , . 7*! #W , , 7' THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, April 14, 1981-3
compiled from ‘: R d l
* [news roundup up dispatchesi eagan says no ea
____——.——————————-——-————————77r *7 Wdrihr—wfi—v————.—~A—————-i-~ 7— AN. 4‘ . , c. . . .. . ,.,. ., .
happy with the amount of time it is taking to pro The noise from the air conditioner in Marquetta on program com pr omlSe .
oca cess loans through the Small Business Administra- Phillips' new car wasn‘t a loose bolt but a 5-foot . .
tion. baby python found nestled behind the car's , . , . ,, _ . ' ‘

F ed I lit dh Anita M dde Five businesses and two homeowners have ap- dashboard. By DAVID hSPO . . they were fleXible. He declined, H .

amedstiic a can orzewom'ant. ] am. it pliedfor assistance. although more than50 loan ap- Phillips, of Memphis. Tenn, called a wrecker Assomated PresSWriter again. to name them. adding '

r ”£358 "f a coma an d: {all} ma con “2; plications were handed out by the SBA after the operator Saturday after she heard the noise, and What’s "“59 people were not on an
yezdiciney a 3:11:11] 8:0 n overdoserted b t Feb. 13explosions. after dismantling part of the dashboard, he WASHINGTON — Despite the offICial mISSlon. ,
$3.15 \ t plh spo esperson repo t , u The SBA had not approved any of the loan re- discovered the reptile’s hiding place. claim 'of a key Democrat. a con- Vice President George Bush told a g - .

Maddeg nwai 0'5 2351311.? 0 imprrtivernen ' ft quests as of last Friday. The first applicatons went PhilllpS. a snake fancier, turned down offers valoscmg President Reagan relay ed group of trade executives at the i. , .,
bein a dmitteg atc Sense-supporflsysleanlisa er to the agency over a month ago. although the from co—workers atafastfood reitaurant.friends. word yesterday he 15 no mood for White House yesterday afternoon '

Sat 8| evenin 0 i oseph S 05'” ear y businesses said they were told they would receive a ZOOlOSiSt at the Memphis Zoo, and the wrecker compromise. on “’5 ngla'“ ofntax that the preSident ”is not about to t, , . '

D y . g. . tits replies within two weeks. operator to take the snake 0“ her hands. and spending cuts Since the feel that we need to compromise. . . ’ '

r. Franklin Moosmck and her band, Th . - - _ “Unt’l it (1’ t'lld thd - - American people do not want it , -' r

Preston later issued a statement ttribut' he estates SBA administrator, R.B. Blanken _ i 1%. I ea . ouspart,IWill not give ,, "I don‘t know who‘s putting out , . ,

condition to an accidental ovetdose 2f meditltli‘n‘e to: Ship' said he believed some 0f the loans may be ap mm Up for nothing," She said' u" was'my car. I will??? dawn- k L that there‘s a compromise in the I '
. - - - . - - n l e ouse s