xt7h9w08ww61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w08ww61/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19240926  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1924 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1924 1924 2012 true xt7h9w08ww61 section xt7h9w08ww61 W'W1-

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The Kentucky Kernel
university: of Kentucky

LEXINGTON," KY., SEPT. 26, 1924




Six Sections Completed

of Finest Plant in
the South




'New Quarters Will Cost
$150,000 When



Those Men Who Will Lea






When the autumn turns the forest
to gold and the tang of frost
lyfjfUls the nostrils, it is football time,
and foptball timejftt the University
j.of Kentucky thisjyear is more than
slight, incident.
1 A new stadium, made possible
through' the. efforts of the Alumni
'.of the University of Kentucky, greet- ied,all old students when they re


turned last


A few years ago, a number of en
thusiastic workers among the Alum- jjr rii saw upon the horizon a vision of
i a wonderful stadium, similar in miniature to the great Coliseum of
Home, and now this vision is about
to "be born and soon a giant
in Kentucky and nossiblv
Ithe finest in the South, will stand
b e on. Stoll Field, with all its tradi
tions, as the lair of the Wildcats.
After the iwwey was raised by
i subscription, toWig $ 126,000, the
&. contract was let to the Louis des
XCognets Company, of Lexington, last
spring at the close of the school year
and work was started immediately.
During the summer, barring rainy
weather, work has been going on incessantly, and with the coming of
the contracting- - company
hbpljs to have the, stadium finished.
' Scores of men, nearly a dozen teams,
.a luige steam shovel, scrapers, have
during thesttmmer mov
ing dirt, pouring concrete, building
concrete forms, laying'pipe lines and
doing other things that contributed
to the engineering feat. The. main
coi) tractor
the carpentry work o the Jackson Lumber
Company, of Lexington, and to observers the frame work for the
seemed to rjse over night,
ijfhe stadium proper is to be in the
,fofm of a huge horseshoe, opening at
thl west end, with the bow at the
.afet end. Six sections will comprise
,it, with bleachers at the east end
to accommodate 'crowds of fans during this and following falls. At
present, five sections of concrete are
poured and the south aide of the
stadium is completed, with the exception of a few fixtures to be added
to the dressing rooms. The dressing
rooms will be located on the west
end-o- f
each side of the stadium, one
of which will be used by the visiting
team and one by the home team.
The press stand on the south side
ranks with the most
stands in the south. It will be equipped with telephone and telegraph
at all times and there
is ample room for two small tables.



con-crl- te

Cats to Victory
Fred J. Murphy, coach of varsity
football. The man who never played
in n losing game. Played half and
quarter on Yale's wonderful teams.
C. O. Applegran, coach of varsity
football. He owes his success mostly
to stcntorianism of voice.
end and guard at the University of
Ray Ecklund, former
Conference end. Played at the University of Minnesota. He is leading
the Frosh through their football antics.
Frank Mann, athletic trainer, is the
healer of ills. He attended Purdue,
Iowa and Chicago.
Played fullback
on a professional Illinois team .


on Page Seven)





Nucleus for Printing
Plant Installed
by Staff

Names Are Announced
By Senate Committee

The Kentucky Kernel for this current session will,, .for, the first time
in its history, be published partly
in its own planf
In fact, the type fo'r this issue of
the paper will be set up on a
Linotype , machine purchased last summer frow the
Linotype Company of New
The university has fitted up
two additional rooms for the new
Kernel plant in the basement of the
Science building, one of which is to
be used as the office of the Kernel
staff, and the other for the operation
of the Linotype machine by Dwight
L. Bicknell,
of the
paper. The press work of the pubwill be done by a commerlication
cial firm in the city.
The Kernel makes another outstanding departure this year in that
the size is changed from an
paper to ono of 8 pages, G
columns, and the columns are materir
ally lengthened. Through frugality
and. industry, the Kernel organization has been able during the last
two years to lay aside sufficitfAi
to make the first paymeatl'"'tibi
handsome new Model 14 machine, iki
on certain other equipment Heeeeeary,
for the publication of the paper. 1
The staff starts this year the largest line of advertising ever run at
the beginning of the school session.
It has encouraging assurances of a
continually increasing business thru-othe session. The staff plans, as
soon as possible, the installation of
a press and other material necessary
in the production of tho fully equipped plant.
Tho Linotype is electrically driven,
and it is the hope of the Kernel that
it will be able to electrify the entire
plant when installed.




Freshmen registered in the Collcga
of Engineering exceed the number
registered last year by thirty-eigstudents. In addition, registration in
tho college is increased by students
formerly of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, University of Illinois,

College, David Lipscomb College, Lehigh, University of Detroit,
University, Purdue, and

Western Kentucky Normal.
aro enrollFour hundred forty-on- e
ed in the College of Engineering this
year, as compared with 411 last year.
Enrollment is distributed as follows:
102 freshmen, 125 sophomores, ,75
juniors, 43 seniors, 4 specials and 2
"Thursday, Oct. 2, at the fifth hour, graduates.
The offices of the business departtho first of a series of three lectures
to help students to prepare more ef- ment of the college have been refurfectively for classes, will bo given in nished and more space has been protho new gymnasium by Prof. Miner. vided .
Students who attend tho lectures may
then arrange for personal interviews
Everyono has heard of a man beabout their special difficulties. Tho ing handed his hat, but we wonder
special service to tho how many have heard of the Patter-Bo- n
plan for this
students has been worked out by tho
Hall girl who was handed her hat
department of psychology in re- and furs tho other night.
sponse to tho requests from 75 students on their personal history
Hygiene Notes To tho Thin: "Do
blanks for apecial training in "how
not eat fast." To tho Fat: Do not
to study."
eat. Fast."
Freshmen in tho college of Arts
and Sciences will all attend the first
lecture which forms a part of their
There will bo an important meeting
regular matriculation lectures. The
two following Thursdays tho lectures of the Kernel stuff Monday, fifth hour
will bo in tho Little Theatre. Arts in the Kernel Office.
The stuff is very incomplete and
and' Scicnco students who wish to at
tend will be excused from their ma- the editor are very anxious to meet
all of the former workers.
triculation lectures.

to Students



Football, Basketball,
Baseball, Track Teams
Curtis Sanders, captain of football.
The big boy from Nicholasville.
is his fourth year on tho team and
he makes his presence felt in a game.
James McFarland, "Jimmie," the
leader of the 1925 basketball squad.
Jimmie is the man who was named
high school forward on
the 1921 Lexington "Blue Devil"
George "Red" Wolfe, captain of
track. He can make tho javelin nail
and when it comes to climbing a polo
in an effort to get over a bar, he's
sight there with the goods.
Paul Rouse, tho man whol will lead
the 1925 baseball team. He is a first
class first baseman in every way.
Who knows that he won't be Cincinnati's second "Roush"?




The list of those freshment who
stood in the best ten per cent of the

freshmen taking the Terman mental
test on the first day of college this
year is announced by the Senate
Committee of the university, which
has charge of the personnel studies
o the sftudents here. The test was
given to the freshmen in all colleges
and also to new students who are
.Evelyn Kelley, of Louisville
not freshmen and to seniors who had
not been tested previously.
Chosen "Princess Kentucky"
All students who wish to know
A former University of Kentucky the annual beauty contest, . heuire theta recordin the test may obtain it
girl has won a signal honor. Miss elected one of the Ave Vn1st beautiful tjy'leaYing-.'envelope
Evelyn Kelley, 2205 Alta Ave., Loui3- - girls in the university, JVtiss- Kelley a'fc 'trie "office of .the Registrar.
ville, was awarded the title of "Prin- - is a member of .Kap.pa .DeJta.Sp-ces- s
Arthur; 3&c!fmeyer, Fort Thomas;
Kentucky," offered by The Louis- - rority and took .active pWtjinj'uji-vill- e OlRedr flt.Bdfncs, Lexington; Robert
orgaiiiaatiorrs'-vvhll- e
Times to the most beautiful girl
Bell, Newp'ort; William T. Bingham,
nf th. xninnnc
in t.hn srnt.n n rMirnsnntntiun
Charles Blaine, Dry
Kentucky at the International Pe- b. e will leave September : 23: fo
Kif ge; tmartna conng, jjanviue; nnr-d'i- n
troleum Exposition at Tulsa, 01:1a., Tulsa, chaperoned by Miss' 'Marian
Borders, Somerset; John R. Bul
October 2 to 11. Mis3 Kelley, who Green, society editor of 'The Timss. lock, Covington; Robert Carter, LexGeorgewas selected over 100 others in a While in Tulsa she will enter the ington; Harry Caseldine,
state-wid- e
campaign, is a daughter competition for the crown of "Queen town; Lillie Mae Corn, Louisville;
of M. P. Kelley, president of the Petrolia," who will reign over the
Geraldine Cosby, Lexington; John
Bedding Company.
A SI. 000 eown.to be worn .CrosbyT" Spring Station;
Tenn.; Alex Dam- at the at the coronation ceremonies,
'of Kentucky, for two ing made expressly f or ' the "Prin- - ron,. serea; ucorge unice, &aeien,
ears, ana wnue nere .won honors m cess."
Lebanon; Richard Elliott, Lexington;
Campbell Finley, Madisonville;
James A. Franccway, Jr., Madison
ville; Chas. WGill, Ohio County,
Dwight Hammersley, Norwood, Ohio;
SITE FOR STATION SERIES OF PLAYS Margaret Ireland, Lexington, Julian
Kesheimer, Fayette County; J. C.
Devotes Time to Developing Halmer Lamb, Franklin; Christine
N. J. Lowry Named SuperintenLovern, Lexington; Ed Lovern LexIdeal Backfield
dent of Farm
ington; James Miller, Wickliffe;
Miles, Lexington; Gayle
iEvery football coach has his inLexington; Edward Moore,
The board of Trustees of the Unisystem
versity of Kentucky, formally ac- dividualpositions of trainingteam for Junction City; William Morton,
on the
and Bardstown; Fred New, Somerset;
cepted the Western Kentucky
Coach Fred
Murphy is no excep- Carlyle Noel, Danville; Robert Odear,
Station at Princeton, at tion. ComingJ. to
University early
its quarterly meeting held in the of- this year, Coachthe Murphy inaugu- Lexington; Ira Parks, Paris; Henry
Payne, Hardinsburg; Ni.el Plummer,
fice of President Frank L. McVey,
president, and discussed plans for its rated spring training and in this Lexington; Cyrus Poole, Lexington;
manner got somewhat of a line on Alfred P. Robertson, Mayfield; Ralph
the possible football material for
The station was established last this fall. Veterans of last year have Robinson, Murray; Ruth G. Robert
winter by tho state legislature and found the new conch's methods of son, Louisville; Robert K. Salyers,
is located on 400 acres of land ono training different from that of Coach Carrollton; Ruth Shelton, Ashland;
and a half miles from the city of Winn and naturally these methods Stanley Stagg, Frankfort;
Princeton. Tho plant is practically have slowed up the play of these Steilberg, Louisville; Roy Stipp, Lex
ington; Amanda W. Sypert, Madison
ready for operation.
yeterans somewhat.
Welch, Lexington; Chas
the recommendation of new plays i3 somewhat difficult on ville; ErnestMitchell; Edmond White,
Thomas P. Cooper, dean of the col- the part of any team and it would Wert, Ft. Harry Willock, Lexing
lege of agriculture, N. J. Lowry was not be surprising to see n slow game
ton; Max Wise, Hopkinsville; McNeil
named as superintendent of tho sta- on tho third of October.
Mayfield; Russell Woodburn,
tion. Mr. Lowry is a graduate of tho Murphy will, in all probability, try Willett, City; David Young, Lexmg
out a .number of new men in tho Central
Dr. McVey was authorized to pro- opening gnmo and this fact alone
ceed with a retiring system for will tend to slow up the. play.
Coach Murphy, since the opening
superannuated teachers which will
Two judging teams, coached by
include an equitable compensation. of tho season, has been devoting his
graduates of tho University of Ken
(Continued on Pago Seven)
tucky, tied in n contest for first place
(Continued on Pago Seven)
in the beef and dairy cattle judging
contest at tho State Fair. These
teams wero from Williamsburg AgNOTABLE STAFF POSITION IN FOOTBALL SCRIMMAGE ricultural High School and the Per- ryville High School; the former was
Mayo Anderson, of Nicholasville, coached by William B. Howell, who
Wickliffe Moore, who was graduin 1922, and tho latter by
ated with tho class of 1924, has taken who is said to bo ono of tho most graduatedInsko,
a graduate of last
a position on tho artists staff of tho brilliant backfield prospects among Marion
Conch Murphy's lair of Wildcats, was June.
Louisville Post.
While in the university, Howell
During Moore's stay hero ho serv- injured when he was tackled by Capt. was a member of the stock judging
ed on the artists' section of virtual- Curtis Sanders in scrimmage on tho team and several teams coached by
Sept. 11). Tho two Varly all tho annual publications und was afternoon of
sity teams wcro scrimmaging against him have won prizes.
ono of tho outstanding students in ench other and Anderson was carry
the art department. Mooro, better ing tho bull when tackled. Ho was
All sophomores who wish to try out
thrown to the ground and in the fall
as "Wick," was popular
for varsity football manager report
among all groups on the campus. the back of his head struck the to "Daddy" Boles.
ground. Tho blow rendered him un
Since entering tho Post staff, his conscious and it was thought for a
work has stood out prominently in while that a fracture had been sus
mis lust been re
tho field of newspnper cartoonists. tained. Ho was taken to the Good
Wick was on tho campus for a few Samaritan Hospital, where ho was ceived that th e!92l Kentuckians
given tho best surgical attention pos be out within the next three weeks.
during registration and was sible. Ho has practically recovered Those who have not paid their ac
welcomed by all his friends with and will report for practice within countt in full may make remittance
a few days.
to Win. Skinner, Box 182, U. of Ky.
hearty handshakes.



mP'-ou- s










New Students Tax All
Classes to Ca-





Formal Opening is in
New Gymnasium
The formal opening exercises of
year of tho Univerthe
sity of Kentucky were held in the
new gymnasium building Wednesday
morning, September 17, President
Frank L. McVey presiding. The two
preceding days, Monday and Tuesday, were devoted to the registration
and classification of the largest student body ever matriculated at the
University of Kentucky. Already,
2,008 students nave been enrolled, an
increase of 170 over the total registration of last year.
The two day3 of registration, usually looked upon as the two most
trying days of the year, were marked
by the wonderful
existed between the faculty, the of
fice force, and the matriculates.
the line led through the old
inchapel, which has been
to a reading room, on the second'.
floor of the Administration Building,,
thus releiving the congestion in the
lower hall. Classification was held,
in the spacious new gymnasium.
On Wednesday at 10:30 o'clock, the
faculty and students marched in a:
body to"the gymnasium for the opening exercises. The University Band
led the parade, followed by the faculty and members of the varioua
classes in order.
Invocation was led by Dr. Benja
min J. .Bush, followed by singing by
the audience. Greetings were extended, by C. T. Hughes, President of
the Men's Student Council; Elizabeth
Galloway, President of tho Women s.
Student Council; George T. Kava- -.
naugh, President to'f 'the Y. M. C. A;
and Francc3 Field Coleman, Presi
aent oi tne x. w. u. a.
President McVey delivered the ad
dress of the morning, greeting the
new students and welcoming the old,
and setting before them the ideals of
Following the ad
the university.
dress, President McVey introduced as
guests, Judge R. C. Stoll,
man of the Executive Committee
Honorable Hogan Yancy, Mayor of
Lexington; Honorable Charles Nicholas, an old member of the Board;




W. C. Wilson, Commissioner of Pub
lic Works and Secretary of the Alumni; Major Hobbs, Head of the Mili
tary Department of the university.
The exercises closed with the sing
ing of "My Old Kentucky Home,"
and tho benediction was pronounced
by Dr. George Ragland.

"To The Ladies" to Be

First Production
of Season

Tho first tryout
tho Ladies," to be
many Theatre was
ment of tho new
ing Monday night.

for tho play, "To
given in the Roheld in tho basebasketball buildMore than forty
applicants tnended, somo showing
marked talent, pointing to an abundance of material and an evident successful year for tho organization.
Tho Romany Theatre is the only
organization of its kind i" central
Kentucky. Any one who is interested in tho movement and wishes to
participate in any capacity is requested to leave his name, address,
and telephone number at the office;
of tho Art Department, Room 305,
White Hall.
The applicants will be notified as.
to the time of tho try outs which may
bo by individual or by group, as the
student desires. Those who aro rejected the first time will have an
opportunity to try again. After a
trial hearing, those who become eligible will be divided into A, B and G
(Continued on Pago Seven)

* aww

Alumn Nntra

Alumni Secretary


''mm mm

Ract i.nni

Have Overwraps Cleaned Now

Be j))'c)(iired right when cold wcaher arrives)



Your investment in an overwrap is
is the intent of the authors of
rarely made for one season's service.
this page to give to its readers such
news ns they think will be of greatThings that were worn last winter
est interest. An effort will be made
should be gotten out now and examined.
to publish communications sent to
Until you are ready to discard a garment
this office from nlumnn whenever the
These sections hnvc a seating capacity of 5100, exclusive of boxes, and
same is possible. Matters concerning are ready for use. All games will be played in the stadium this year. Three
(Second Saturentirely, its good appearance and usefulIlulTalo, Oct.
the welfare of the state, university sections on tho north side will bo completed for tho Centre game, November
day Regular) luncheon, 1:15
ness can be maintained by dry cleaning
and nlumni Association will be dis- 1st. About 2000 reservations have already been mndo for all games to be
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
played in Lexington this season. Just a gentle hint; if you want to get n
and repairing.
Therefore now is the
cussed from the editors' point of scat in
corner Main and Seneca streets.
this beautiful new sturcturc, notify the Athletic Director, Mr. S.
proper time to send us every heavy
Lexington, Oct. 11. (Second SatA. Boles, University of Kentucky, nt once.
It is not expected that all renders
garment that you want to make further
urday Regular) luncheon
12:00, Lafayette Hotel.
will agree with our ideas and because
use of.
houn's second term. The AssociaChicago, Oct. 20. (Third Monday
of this we want them to feel free to
The marriage of Miss Sally M. tion has made much progress under
Regular) luncheon at Field's use this page to express any conGrainger, '24, and William Robert his leadership.
By phoning us to call now, you'll be
trary views they may have.
Hutchcrson, was solemnized on AuMore than the usual crowd attengust 29, nt Paducah, Ky. Mr. and ded the bnnquct nt which enthusiastic
sure of avoiding inconvenience later.
Mrs. Hutchcrson will reside at Bcrea, addresses were given by President
where Mr. Hutchcrson is an instruc- McVey, Captain Calhoun, and C. M.
tor nt Bcrea College.
C. Porter, '24.
People nctively engaged in educational work have frequently heard the
Superintendent L. L. Rudolph, of
in cducationnl developstatement that Kentucky ranks about forty-thir- d
the Benton High School, hns been
Buffalo Club Meets
ments; those (in the life insurance business know that our rank is about elected a member of the honorary
forty-seconsay about the same, and so it education fraternity of the Univerthose who know road-buildi"A spccinl meeting of the Buffalo
everything. During the past few years many of the best sity of Kentucky. While a student
goes for nlmost
minds in the state have been trying to devise some plan whereby this con- at the university, Mr. Rudolph was a Club was held Saturday, July 12, at
dition could be changed. On December 3rd, 1923, a group of citizent gath- member of the honorary agriculture the Chamber of Commerce, for tho
purpose of meeting and getting acered in Louisville in an attempt to solve this problem. This assembly was fraternity.
quainted with tho new members who
made up of some of the best thinkers and business men and women in the
are now in Buffalo. A record-brea- k
state. They hnd no personal motives in the matter other than that they
turnout of eighteen
wanted to see something started that would, in a measure, relieve the presmarriage of Miss Virginia were on hand for the cats and infor
ent situation. As a result of this conference it was decided to ask the Reeves and J. H. Johnson was solLegislature to grant the voters of Kentucky the privilege of saying whether emnized on August 26 at Owensboro, mal introduction afterwards.
"Those of the Class of '24 present
they thought this could be done by a $75,000,000.00 Bond Issue. The Legis- Ky. They are now living nt Enter
lature passed such a measure and now it is up to the citizens of this com- prise, Ala. In a recent letter from were: Dell M. Ramsey, J. R. Rus1
monwealth to put their stamp of approval, or disapproval, on this plan. Mrs. Johnson, she says: "Mr. John- sell, John Gudgcl, Daniel Wile and
This issue is being discussed throughout the length and breadth of the son is athletic coach here and I am John Taggart.
"The other new members present
state. No voter should cast his ballot blindly on it. The press may be teaching in the high school. We are
discussing it in a somewhat prejudiced manner, but the Bond Bill can be too far away to see the Wildcats beat were: Mr. Cortland Harris, ex-...who is now located in Buffalo with
secured from The Greater Kentucky Assacintion, 61 Board of Trade Build- Centre on Home-Comin- g
Day, but we
ing, Louisville, Ky., and a thorough study of it should acquaint one with are always rooting for the Blue and the Buffalo Oil Burner Company,
1678 Main Street and Mr. T. A. Stew
the real truth. All alumni of the university owe it to themselves and tho White."
art, who was initiated as an associ
institution to make this study.
Lucille A. Yungblut was married ate member at this time. Although
In order that our readers may know something of how some of the July 16 at Dayton, Ky., to the Rev.
Mr. Stewart did not attend the Unialumni consider this issue the following is quoted:
John Williamson. They are living versity of Kentucky, he is a real,
"I do not think there is a county in the state that will vote more solid- in Manila, Cuba.
loyal Kcntuckian, and one whom we
ly for the bond issue than Floyd county, and it is our purpose and desiro
arc proud to have associated with
to give the biggest vote for the bond issue that was ever given any one
us. He is with the National Aui-lin- c
measure than has ever been presented to the people of our county. As a
Henry Enfield Richmond, Jr., was
and Chemical Company."
graduate of the university and being intensely interested in the education married to Miss Ruth Hinkson on
L. Clifford Davidson, '23, Sec.
of the youth of this state, I am gratified to know that a portion of this June 5 at Lexington, Ky. They are
fund will be set aside to the enlargement and better prepare our university now resiging at "Lyndhurst,
to take care of our boys and girls."
WHAT SHALL 1924-2- 5 BE?
bond issue. I addressed the school teachers of
"Yes, I am for the
Julian Sneed Yager was married
county two weeks ago. We have no opposition to it in this July 17 to Miss Helen Arthur, ex-'2- 6.
Those who have guided the destiny
They are living at Lagrange, Ky., of this association in the past have
"Perry county is strong for it."
been tireless in their efforts to make
where Mr. Yager is an attorney.
"About everybody in Lee county is for it."
Caryl Givens Martin was married it a success. They have given hours
"Sentiment in Laurel is for it."
to Miss Essie M. Reams, ex-'2- 6,
June of their time and some of their means
"I believe that Harlan county will be as strong for the bond issue as 6. Mr. and Mrs. Martin are living at in carrying on and our sincere thanks
jinv in the state."
Mhl-ftm- .
Kv.. where, he is nrincinal are due them. The association under HSZSH5HSZ5HS
The University of North Carolina has compiled statistics wlijvh jshpvi Porhe: irigh:cjK)l.:
their guidance has grown from a
per capita bonded debt of each state in the United States, lnclnding- " Th'e'ma'rriage'of Miss Wallis Rain- - mere handful of members to 1120 in
state, county and municipal indebtedness. Kentucky ranks fcTrtyjorghth. hy' hKfl'ftobcrt
and last year it was 978.
Sanders was sol- - 1922-2with a per capita debt of $20.00, while Oregon is first with &' ppr. capta
At present we have 43 life members
ing at "'fhe Rutherford, Kalmia Ave., and 510 annual members making a
published an editorial AvJiidU
On January 14, 1922, the Courier-Journof 553 which is the largest ever
Ijfll'to .LcxhicP1! KyI Mr. Sanders is with total
began as follows: "The question opened by the introduction of the
.'tli. .Cnk 'Cn'- K44 W. Main Ktront. enrolled on this date.
submit to the voters of Kentucky the proposal of a bond issue is: Shall
"Next week, I believe, marks the
All who have attended the univeror stand still, deliberately, beginning of activities on the campus
Kentucky move forward by
in touch with the
while other states advance?" And further states that, "If there is no bond for the 1925 school year. It certain- sity want to keep campus
and among
issue there will be no statewide roads system within a generation. Ken- ly is my wish that it will bo one of activities on the
actucky cannot procure roads by the puttering and patching that can be greater growth and achievement than the alumni. The best way to
complish this is to be on the active
750 Frelinghuysen Avenue, .
done from existing resources. There is no hope for the people of the road of any previousJjyear.:-l,aalready list of, the association.. On this, nacre
less sections of the state, and tho sections served by bad or indifferent Jiarfl; aware ..of tKfMtTtlSlifshall ,miss
ibo found
Newark, N. J.
being there '.Very f'much.'!
being made accessible, of the state's wealth being increased as it should be '"For my records: I'am -- employed usea in mailing uuea unu
increased, by proceeding with the struggle for roads which has been time by the Western Electric Co. at Haw- are not active should attend tothis
Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia
tested and found fruitless." And still further contends that "Business in thorne and have found several old now;
every city and town in the state would be improved by a statewide system Kentucky men in the ranks of its
This year we expect to have 2,500
of hard roads.
who have been quite suc- members all working for the best inat present is advocating a $10,600,000.00 workers, You will find enclosed my terests of the university and state.
This same Courier-Journcessful.
If Louis- check for alumni dues and the KerBond Issue for needed improvements in the City of Louisville.
ville can make advancement under a bond plan, then why not the whole nel, which I shall be very glad to
Mrs. Nell H. Turner
state of Kentucky?
see. Also, I am enclosing check in
Under the Bond Plan much needed improvements can be made at the payment of my Stadium Fund pledge.
Many of the alumni will regret to
university, normal schools, charitable and penal institutions and some other I am looking forward to the day learn that Mrs. Turner who was conwith the help of the following Kentuckians:
inttitutions without any increase in taxation. Without this plan it has when Centre gets the small end of nected with this office for a long time
inbet l shown that they will continue to barely exist unless taxes are
the score in this new football home. as assistant to the secretary, resignJ. I. Lyle, 96
J. E. Boling, ' 5
"Thanking you for attention to tho ed in June to take a position with
is the biggest problem that has confronted the present generation matters just mentioned, particularThis
the Scottish American in New York
E. T. Lyle, '00
H. Worsham, ' 1 6
and should therefore receive the most careful and thorough consideration ly the Kernel subscr ipin.ot vwEAR City. Her health would not permit
of ur citizens.
staying in that city and she is now
L. L. Lewis, '07
R. Waterfill, '20
ly the Kernel subscription, I am
residing in Lexington. She edited
M. S. Smith, '08
year in a most
"Betwixt Us" last
J. H. Bailey, '20
G. R. Page, '24,
the Dairy Division at Clemson
pleasing manner. This will be done
213 S. Ashland Ave.,
R. L. Jones,
W. B. Thornton, 21
by her successor, Miss Helen J. OsLaGrange, 111.
borne, '25, in the future.
N. O. Belt, 22
J. R. Duncan, '12
Escb Firman Ellzey was married
Added to the list of active mem3
R. R. Taliaferro,
A. P. Shanklin, 23
Many nlumni were back at "Old
Kappa Delta Tea
bers is the name of Thomas R. Har- in Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 10 to Miss State" for commencement
The members of the Kappa Delta
din, Leesville, La., from whom we Ituth Ihde. They are living at 126 held at the university May 31, June
sorority entertained Tuesday afterhave not heard for several years. Mr. zey James Place, Buffalo. Mr. Dye 1 and 2.
is chemist in the Mechanical
Hardin received his M. S. in '76.
The annual business meeting of the noon with a lovely tea at the chapter
Department of the Auline & Chemi
Alumni Association was called to or- house on East Maxwell street, in
cal Company of that city.
Some pay their dues when due,
der in tho Little Theater, 10:30 a. m. honor of a number of new girls attending tho university. The house
founby President C. C. Calhoun.
William T. Sistrunk, ex-'8- 8,
Miss Sarah Smock, '23, of La
Some when over-du- e
Tho chairman introduced President was beautifully decorated with white
der and for many years president of Grange,
the firm of W. T. Sistrunk & Com- mond, now Curtis F. Park, of Rich Frank L. McVey, who spoke of tho roses and ferns. An orchestra furOthers never do.
of LaGrange, were mar- relation of the Alumni Association to nished music throughout tho afterpany, Lexington, Ky., died at his
home, 334 South Broadway, on the ried Wednesday morning, August 27, the university and tho work that has noon. Ices in the form of roses and
How due you due, ALUMNUS,
morning of August 14. Although not at tho home of the bride. Mr. Park been accomplished by tho alumni in cakes were served. Assisitng in the