xt7h9w08ww7m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w08ww7m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) McDaniel, J. M. 1898 v. : ill. ; 38 cm.  Monthly during the collegiate year, September-May. journals  English Lexington, Ky. : State College Cadet, 189u- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College cadet University of Kentucky. Kentucky University. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College cadet, vol. 9 no. 1, October 1898 text The State College cadet, vol. 9 no. 1, October 1898 1898 2012 true xt7h9w08ww7m section xt7h9w08ww7m *1;.  -
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, V = ·* ·   A    
POER & BEAN      Q
I .  
Dealers in Paints, Oils,Varnishes, Window gi.
» » and Art Glass. Fresco work,   J
EstlmatesFum1shed, Best House in the city. · A    
N-E. Cor. Limestone & Short. Phone 535. · { A  
· 44 zv. L1MESTONEe ·  
§urniture cme all kinbs lqousebolb gooos, stoves  
  P. D. FOSTER. _A
Dealer ln all klnds ul
· South Down Lamb and Mutton a Spcialty. Market House.
CO TO - - -
J. T- HONAKER, ` g A
For choice Groceries, Fruits. Oysters & Fish ’
8 & 10 W. Short St. Lexington, Ky.
  .   ll/Hifi  »l»C/EM ll $4ttC/LCLIA/l(l. ·l;
My Vehicles are all new, stylish and up-to date, and you  
can get any style desired.  AT
Picnic wagon to carry fifty-five persons. ·
My prices are very low; I sell all styles of Columbus and Our- r  A  
tis & Reed Vehicles and will save you 25 per cent; call &see, .
U }>• . . `§2SIIL$ON,¤<  
3:> N. Mill St. Phono 59. Stable open day and night. ly

     ‘ A »V'’ V W W .- C    . ` ‘ W W ` ‘
  1;:`.¢   it c ~ z - i
°   A-.   ll. W · ·  
 ‘  i W  
 _. Our Shoesnnite durability and ’    r
- » style; our prices combine luxury *_ _     _
_   _ and_ economy; our clerks display     _ ‘ 
  polrteness and experience and our  ¢ — .
_ ·  object is to satrsfy our customers. ok ‘
I , I - V . ” We _wz1nt to sell you at least  ·   (
  § j one pair of _ shoes this year and '  _ F    __ 
_ l rf you are disappomted tell us the ’% _,, .t i; t;.;;t;  ..  
g » trouble--we must satisfy you,     ‘
Z   wk? " N'.  ·
2 4 West Main St, ’     ‘
  Great Sample Shoe House, S
l ;__`_—__"“_"_—`_" ,"` _ “ Q"' ‘—"__
  Wltlll S VILEY  l°“1$ “““ G“S S“"‘“$’  
L. A . ’ The only high grade
      to  Tailoring.  
G d‘U t D. ,
[*j;0;Di";1t;;iat€_ Establishment in Lexington. We bundle
nothing but ilnest imported goods.
‘ W 77 E` Mmm L'€Xi“gmn' |@*Specl al discount to students.
’ Frank W. unnn, Sec. & Treas. C. C. (Jalnoun, Attorney.
The Central Collection Agency. .
c All Collections given prompt attention. Bud ones a specialty.
  Oillce——22 North Upper St.
ip Reierences—Fayette National Bank; National Exchange Bank; Second National Bank;
  E Security Trust and Safety Vnnlt Co; Phoenix National Bunk.
i “  D PLBLER is S`®N ‘
  I ° For anything in the line oi & ’
  ${@iom0nel5, \/\/oxlclqeg, Jewelry, E’Cc.__lé.`··
 j 17 S. Upper St. {Money loaned on all articles of value.
  Tp 1   ......     1  GOLD AND W
é ge   »l.i*   y 5 ILVER i
  ~"   xll in V   A   in ;   ‘ .
I-* . it     A  I FT’GllGT"l’l.1lv GNCJ
  W   y ’ ·` '
  .    ’ ,_`i @°la$$ 1/©m'$‘l€*

    re    I  
i its   I   Ns   ii ig  
I   lces, Candies, Fruits. Oyster Parlor.  
  is _ eemterer.-s<·  
y   43 E. Main sr. ;
You must see the lavish display of News a11d`B0ysfashio1mhle `U
‘ ea I‘.e working, Hats, Furnishings  
I » gathered here for your choosing. A blending of high V
¤ "“"""     S` ri ? ‘‘‘i—‘   »»‘·‘ r    ~=  I;
» . s   ggrz gg  *-35
I I l...O€V@ It it &t"‘I §  
I “ . . I ’ it   22
  Sole D1st1*1but0r‘s for  E? J
l Y  ·€ .*’*w1],;,,J,¤ y ::,;,.1.?s»m·»¥~·¤·.r;¤·•i>··¤·r.r¤·*-W-*·‘ ""i‘  
    itlidéti @ih"`°  MEM  
r_ Comer Vine and Upper Streets, when you want anything in wg
I i the bakery line. Fresh Bread, Rolls, Cakes and Pies daily.  
  I —W. @· BRADLIE ,—  
; ——-· Dozmler i11·—- Y-
Fish, Oysters and Game. Cor. \\’im>:low and Limestone. L
  _1_____ Q;
  gl'? 'lr ( - —r i _ , ,- : [ I: ' ’ *—  
;’; ;i i*:.:-·E/E€`l?i Q i" ·
  Eesm ,
Q . 21, 22, 23 South Mill Screet. A

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gj i
  T   E ERQ ET t
- Vol. S. OCTOBER, 1898.   A  
ir "A little library Q{I`OY\’l`il{Z,` larger every year is an honorable part of every  
  young man’s history."—Beecher.  
* Fan surpassing all other stud- to view the same in a clearer  
it » ‘, ies in interest, mind-training light, and reason comes, formu- [
  and practical results is the study lates principles, develops plans, g
of English Literature. English stimulates latent power and an U
Literature! What a beauteous invention startlcs the world.
jg and comprehensive term! An So behind most all great works
fi expression which at once makes the initial thought is given by
_! us to see in imaginations lovely reading. Little things control
  light the great life and struggle the world and the reading of .
  of the Anglo—Saxon race as it one sentence starts with the I
gg fought and wrote its way to its brain one thought, which when
  present sublime station. "Lit- practically developed is either a i
  erature is born of life." Life blessing or a curse to mankind.
  comprehends everything; so in It comprehends logic——it makes l
  literature we get what is the ns broad and liberal. Logic, as
  quintescence of the world. In now studied with a literary .
  English Literature we have the course, probably distorts the
if acme of all lettres, and ’tis not natural way of thinking and .
  that we love the other less, but seeks to make nature, broad as _
yi this the more. the universe, run in the pre-
  Nature has provided, science scribed channels, surveyed by a _
  has discovered. Science is born narrow-minded bigot who '
  of the imagination, and formu- thought that he, the son, was the O`
j, lated by reason. These faculties, center of the solar system and ,
I imagination and reason, the all things should conform to his *
‘ study of literature most develops. distorted ideas. "Logic cannot A
P It quickens and brightens our be learned. It is the child of a
  im mgination and we see some- clear head and good heart."
j thing in the dim soirizwiiimisg We love lite1·ature pure and l
O, it broadens our views, makes us simple as it flows from the im-

   4 THE CADET.  
F perial brain and inspired souls most precious thoughts. Books  
2 of the masters. This latter days are the voices of the distant and ‘
. r way of teaching (?) literature is the dead. Books ARE THE TRUE .
T   Q wrong—makingastudent get so LEVELERS. They give to all
‘   many pages and a half. It’s who will faithfully use them I
unnatural. "Little proiit is de- the society and the presence
Q rived where no pleasure is of the best and the great-  
  taken." est of our race. No mat-
T Not long since a boy said : ·‘I ter how poor I am ; no matter ~
expect to put some of my hard- though the prosperous of my
est work on this study"——speak- own time will not enter my ob-
ing of his literature. If his scure dwelling. if learned men
R _ ideas on that subject are not and poets will enter and take up V
R _. Changed l1G Will WO1`li without their abode under my roof—if
{ J 3·Vs·ii· Hs siisiiid isvs ii and Milton will cross my threshhold
,   sPPi`0s·‘~iii iii i`siiisi` i`sVsi`sniiY to sing to me of Paradise, and `V
o n § and laying aside his narrow self Shahoonoaio onon to mo tho _
in ins niiins Oi iiiiiiii 00m' world of imagination and the i
- mune as it were with those glori- Woihinga of Elle human heart _
— . . . > ,
T Ons minds], nsssnding wiiii iiiisin and Franklin enrich me with his {_
r ? into the heaven of their inven- nnaoiioai Windom_i Shah not Y
i T non and iisiisiiing On ins divins pine for want of intellectual  
= bread of their high imaginings," oomnanionshin and I may ha  
‘ 1 wd as the #»b<>v¤ g1¤<>¤<>d authvr com a Cuiamea ma, though  
adds: ·‘Sq¤1¤ siiiiiiss siinnni isii excluded from what is called the  
Z to bring iiini iiiin n`is‘niiiY C0ii‘ best society of the place wherel  
  tact with those mighty minds hVo~  
.{; `  
r   whose Vsiiiinss Piiiiiinnniii COn‘ Commit this fine quotation to f
iii stitute the literature of our lan- moniony, and iomomhoi. what  
· i giiiigs-ii I Ruskin exclaims : "To be with- L
’ N<>¤h1¤e_1Sh_¤lf so Sweet {ind out books of your own is the .
so ssiiksiiiisiying as sins com abyss of penury; don’t endure
miinisii Wiiiii gisiii iiiiiiiOi`s_iiiis it " and also that "literature is i
sr¤at¤S¤1¤¤¤ ¤1i¤¢€v€1·1iV€d· nin the key that unlocks the aspira- ‘·
  the best books great men talk to tions of )vOut]l1·7’ _
_ us, with us, and give us their ~ 3
acid; i · *

 r J; A { A
  THE- canrrr. 6 V
A EVERY boy should be proud of public occasions and ever be a  
  being a student of "The living example of what the State Q _
“_ Kentucky State College." Here of Kentucky is doing for her ?_
  he has opportunities at no other sons. But all this is not the  
A ‘ place offered and should feel test of a student’s patriotism.  
sg that he is indeed "heir of all "By their fruits ye shall know  
1 the ages" of the best and truest them." He should help in i
it that "The Grand Old Common- every laudable undertaking. No  
y wealth can o{fer." boy ever lost anything by being. T,
—‘ This isabeautiful place. The liberal. He helps the Athletic `  
I State College is the prettiest Association BY ervmo MONEY 0
_ place in Kentucky. The writer when needed; he should aid the
  knows whereof he speaks. Every Y. M. C. A. in the same and
,.1 pilgrim on his journey to this other ways. He should be a
  land of struggle and beauteous broad-minded, liberal fellow, a . i
  · romance should always visit this true college man. ,
  place where the brawn and Henry Grady, that grand
  brain of Old Kentucky are be· prophet of The New Soutl1,while {
  ing trained for their life work. at his own State school and ‘
  Everyone should feel that his while at the University of Vir- i
  are privileges rare, and know- ginia, always was very popular
  ing, profit by them. His bosom and invariably raised the aver- p _
  should swell With pride when his age of a subscription list,
  college is mentioned. He should Be a generous, whole-souled
  yell lustily for her when she is student and you will be admired
  battling on the gridiron or dia- ...-it’s plgagniqt, iris pi·O5m_b]e and ‘
if mond with great competitors. at last St. Peter will pass you in
  He should wear his colors on with the blessed,  
2 ` I!
¤ l
;. . in
i- l

  l {· ‘,»    _  
. {-:1 _] .; . E. wr
‘  ‘   #  
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ti *  
., 6 THE§CADET.  
    A CHARACTER Srcaron. i  
F _ Som}; men we love. One of Thlsyel little gil·1,dOu’tCI·y;  
A these 15 James Wlutwmb They have tr-Oren your (1011, t l-»
t_ Riley . It is as natural for peo- I know,  
_ ple to love this sweet SlI1g`€1' £lS And the glad wild ways of your  
’tis for the flowers to love the Childhood days  
Summa,. Slwwm-S_ Great poets, Are the things ofthe long ago. if
l I d   , L E ft I `._` .1· I I  
_ as 0 3 Sim Vin ""> ° mg There, little g1rl,d0n’tGFy; af
.;j close to nature. 1`hey look at , R. li;
· ii . . _ ’lhey have broken your slate, -; -‘.·
y ll the towering mountains and I know  
l   mighty sea and sing to us a song _’. — 3 __-’}
ti; ' . . And the winsome way of your li
  of sublimitvg they dream on _ ~ ln.;
.. . . “ . _ school-girl days li;.
· beds oi violets beside the crys· Am the Eh. {th 1  
_ , tal stream and sing to us a mgs O B Ong ago'  
song of modesty and purity; Tl‘€I`€» 1M¤1egi.r·1, d0¤,U 01`Y; `  
°   they behold the heavens in all They hkwe bl`Ok€¤ YOU? h€9~¥`b»  
A their glory and sing to us of Eter- I knew,  
` nlty_ Agmn they 100k upon But heaven holds all for which  
‘ life as it is and feel within their You Sigh.  
. sensitive breast the joys and Th€]`€»1ll?Ul€ gil`}, d0¤,¥5 01‘)’.  
_ _ sorrows, the hopes and fears, the As was said of Herodotus, so  
l   l}1‘il11'I]Pl1S2tI1(ll'2lllLl1‘(5SOi.1Tl3.Ul{ll1Cl. it is with Riley; He can be  
fg; and then their pen, a passive wise as a sage yet simple as a  
  thing, records the impressions child.  
  that have been stamped upon The world actually needs  
A the soul. Riley is as simple and more writers of this kind. In  
easy and comforting as an old their delicate indirect way they  
shoe. He mingles with the coax people into being better  
common folks of his own and They cause them to think sweet-  
_ other States, and then catches ly and sincerely. We are gov-  
  the true inspiration and delights erned by our thoughts, as great  
0- his readers with a story—-—si1nple; writers explain it ; "It matters  
yes, but beautiful in the extreme. not how much we 1·ead and how  
How simple, yet how touching is we read, but what we think and  
I. this—the story of many a life: how we think it."  
· l‘-.  
.   AA,..s A    
lsljizig · `   3:  
A  ,\_ *  ii.-iii L  .. -. _ T .s A A .   _

I . J
ei qi 
{ li
ly . THE GADET. 7 .j
nj Some one has Said in Sub. aroused within them that simple, Q 
  Stance that e greet man is Ong, pathetic feeling that makes the I `.
  who, in the midst of a crowd, whole W01‘ld bi‘0th€1‘S. ·l
  keeps the perfect sweetness of Blessed be the man that  
  solitude. If this is true, and it causes us to feel tenderly to-   _
  certainly is, Riley is a great ward the poor and he kind and  
{ji man ; for in all places he is gentle and helpful to them. ;i
iii; ’ ' ' 7 ' . .  
  Just plain "J1m° RUBY, T?l1€ ‘·Speak kindly, gently to the  4
nr Hoosier Poet. 1 poor, -  
  NG long Bmw RUBY gavg 3 Let no harsh word be heard.  
  r<=>=»d1¤s before ar lmgg St- LOUIS They have enough they must l
  audience. Before them he read nndnrn n  
an the same selections that were so Without an nnkind W0,.d_»» L,
Lg dear to the common folks of his W . . _ E
  · ,;.#·’Lo11g may this inspired bard
e u own home. Yet they were moved     ~ "     V, ~ 1 B- v»-—    
  . . bless the world with his song.
  . by these simple productions. He
  —— l
  Donirs. y
  1 II ·
  DoN’·1*, brother, be heartless and DON"? W01‘l‘y Mid fret and be
  _ erue] ; _ mulish,  
  Thin]; wel] befeye Spggkjug, Because you have something _;
  dg; to do. n'
  Harsh words may result in a To adopt such a Course is quite A
  due]_ foolish ;  
  Or be otherwise fatal to you, "l`were better to work than to  
  Only a word that was spoken, "stew."  
  ()I· (me perhaps left; [msgid, (jnly a service you’ve rendered, 1
  Has C[),l1S€d $01116 pOO1‘ llGZ1,1`l} to Olll‘y` it lil1l(lI1€%SSyOl1,VG SllO\\’11,  
gn be broken, Czuly a helping hand tendered, j
  Or at least to be wounded or Has caused some one `o un- t,
  _ J Y
  bled _ known. . 
  , 3
if »
sé °¤

 QF .  
  8 THE CADET. 2  
`Y, A III Only some gay silly prattle ; . A
·· DON»T heat yourself up in 3 p&S_ Some gab and the mischief is  
.   sion, done? _ _ ,  
A - i _Q   Tm y0u’l¤€ hot as the Doom The result is the loss of life s  
lg A T day Sun ; battle, ·  
To at Atytiiisg in this astute, Which Otherwise might have  
  ‘ Is a thing that you surely been Wen-  
J should shun. v Z.,
. Only a still calm reflection, DOIN; angrily swam at the  
At least for a moment or two, Wl_i,0GI_’  
Can we You f1‘<>mf¤¤¤f€‘dsJ€C· And eurse him for writing  
- mom these rules (?)  
A   And Settle your trouble for Please make you his penalty  
yy you ' lighter ;  
  IV Just call him the "greatest of  
”   Oh DON,T be a tattler, a prater ; fools.”  
e’ Of course you Mnsir talk, but Only a waste of some paper;  
A BE sLow; Only a waste of some time;  
‘ l i If you don’t, you will sooner or A pencil, a glide and a caper,  
QQ later, A Results in this meaningless  
1 e Tell something you shouldn’t, rhyme.  
you know. O. F. Smrrn, JR.  
A _ A sUNNY mos.  
JT; _ Wear it. It is your privilege. sorrows banished and hope made  
  It has the quality of mercy; it to reign triumphant where fear,  
  is twice blessed. It blesses the doubt and despondency held  
 E possessor and all who come un- high carnival  
A 'P der its benign influence. It is A little child on the street of  
V a daily boon to him who wears a great city, wishing to cross at  
it, and a constant, ever flowing a point where the surging throng ,
benediction to all its friends. and the passing vehicles made  
Men and women, youth and the feat dangerous to the strong,  
1; ' children, seek the friendship of and especially the weak, paused  
gs the sunny-faced. All doors are and hesitated and then asked a ls
Q] open to those who smile. All SO- Bunny faced gentleman to carry  
; cial circles welcome cheeriness. her across. It was the sunny  
“' , A sunny face is an open sesame to face that won the child’s confi-  
el heart and home. By it burdens dence. Childhood makes no  
are 1ighte11ed,cares are dispelled, mistakes.—Exchange,  
~ it C 
  . it 
._ ` $2 ·  

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  THE cAnET. 9 il 
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  What a delight it would be to Central University is building ,
  have one l Really it is a neces- one. Yet the Kentucky State Col- ·
 is sity. How long! oh, how long lege, representing the brawn and  
 ,_j will some colleges train the brain of the State. has none. Let }
  physical GIANTS and let their us make a iight for one. Let °  
  men who are not so blest with every boy see his representative,  
  such "G0cl—like strength," just preach the truth to him, and if ¤‘
  waste away and die. There are he is stubborn on the subject, , j
  boys to-day among us who are tell him he’l1 fall lower than `ga
  sick merely for the want of Lucifer if he doesn’t vote for the ll
  proper exercise and training. measure. With that in our  
  . This is not right. Kentucky campus Kentucky will lead the rj
  University has a gym, as has world in the production of mag- V3,
  "Centre" and Georgetown, while nilicent specimens of manhood l
  ~ ai
 Q; ll':
ir ¤   /’

  "Y    —._   p  T
  » 10 J THE CADET.  
, _. Yell, boys I ~ detailed account of the game has  p
_;   S. C., Ky., Ky., Ky., been given through the city  
L _ S. C., Ky., Ky., Ky., papers, but we pleasantly re-  
" v Hip yi, hip yi, member several of the players.  
` l yell. l yell. S- G-- Ky- onpt. scvcc-S is about as cool  
{ s Hippety huss, hippety huss, a little captain as the gridiron  
What in the ——— is the matter breeds; they can’t rattle him  
with us. and he holds his team together  
Nothing at all, nothing at all- perfectly. "  
Wada the b<>yS that play l<><>¤· John Willim pinyca n star  
- 1 ball- game. This was old J ohn’s first,  
. pj McVane’s yell-- but he promises to be another  
_; K. U., K. U. ain’t worth a -——- Arch Cook,who in the reporter’s  
il _ dC3·H’i1 play bill} without Ufwla opinion was the best end the  
.   { Sam. ` South ever produced.  
l That gama Was great. Ernest Lyle was a great and  
. d S. C.10,K. U.0-Clover Leaf. agreeable surprise to all. His  
K. U. should have gotten the gains 'dhmllgh the Ulla WGH  
  soldiers to help her count. gland-  
p Our boys, of course, were vic- Smith dld alla W0l‘k as fall  
— ° torious and now we have the llaCk» bla goal klcka were beau"  
iinest chance to win the cham- mas-  
pionship. Fred Clarke can’t be beaten  
  18 to 0 is the record of the K. for °Bmim‘ _  
  uu s., while eccc-ccncnn can Mduuu uuddd uuudd luduuuful   -.=.
  her {lying colors of black and mmsj 1 _  
= ul old gold went down before our YV11{S`"fth°Y dduldu bholgl hm]  
onslaught at the score of 28 to O. " hu d Just Pack them mr SOL lr
_ _ diers four at a time and make  
, Kentucky Un1vers1ty(?)should his gain H .
not have played those soldiers. H . ,· .  
We do ncc ccnntcncncc ncngcc-c, _ Kd Mdddduu uu u Pluuky .»
gl . little end and made some fine  
a _ We expect to play and play with t kl  
  bona {ide college men or none ac GS` if
‘ at an Mad Anthony Whayne would 4
·* ' 1; 1 11 1 tn 11 T -·‘-
, However the result of the Ez; Smog Wagon O GS mug  
‘ - · #1
c gjuud Plalglly dddwdd dud uuu cncncy Straus, nnnnccncnnc 4;.
.n c ys are a e to successfully cope ,-;
  -_ H _ ” good plays made the game en- not
    with ringers or what not. A joyablg  
  ;·, » U  
2. pai

  rrr cAn1~rr. 11  
  Keyllee is e game little player, ing Sergeant Jett was elected It
 A and Humphrey, Sem Hogg, Manager and Charlie Blessing  
  O Dicke \Vilson and Scholtz are C'*Pmi¤- The gentlemen are  
Y . .
J destined to be kings of the grid- both Well fitted fe? then 1mP0I`t' Y
l lm-m_ ant offices. Their line up is as  
  The boys felt the loss of Mil- follows Z _1b   `
  ward Elliott in the first game, Center ·‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 ‘‘‘‘ M1'] urn  
  but he made up in the second Rlght Guard ''‘`‘‘`'‘°` GEDGS  
V   for lost, time. We are proud Of-   Gl13.l‘(l` ..... . .... . UT]. SFD  
  Om, mam and every Om Should Right Tackle ........... Ray or   t
  PON? the boys when help is Rlgllt Elld .............. . 1(39 E
        .... . . . . . . . . . . .   VI
  Quarter ................ .Reese  
  OOE EEOONE TEAM- Right Half Back ...... Blessing w
  - The second team of any college Left Half Back ....... Johnson _
  should receive many nice atten- Full Back ......... .Loevenhart
  tions for they have the hardest There is some fine material in it
  time of all. They play against the the team. They should be well  
  ’Varsity eleven and a great dis- equipped and have some games. Q!
  advantage both as to weight and 1 A third team has been organ- V
  training, but still they toil on. ized with the knightly Burgess lr
  All honor to the little demons of ee captain and ()e1_ Vane as  
  the second. At a recent meet- manager ll
Q5}. '
le f
li'; I
it r
  l § le it
  T yy;
  ‘ l·
i gi
e -_   teieo o , ’

 I  ·‘v’   *»‘`A  gf   »_
#$1     I ` 
Q   `:`q ij  i
  l2 THE CADET.  ,
_j · {be Qgdet, State. These buildings, sub- ‘ t.
  · . .  
"   Published monthly by the Students of The 11m6’ Only TGH€Ct' In Z" dehcata  
1 {3 K"““‘°kY °"“”° C°“€g°· way the great love which "Tl1e  ·
Ii   S A . _ . , n  *
, » é.MRtcD...n ..... 7;...¥—i§..Edit0xHn-Chief ;>`¤¤¤<>mm<>¤¤~eel¤l¤  
l. ¥ uy C8............ ..... .. .......   USIHCSB llllflgél`. J V. ' , l I  
p_ , c0nREsp0NbENTS· Jears hei children. bhe taught  A
  Union Literary Society ...........   -——— Dl1€lI1 ELL ETSU lll l1€I‘ lllll5l8 SCl100l  
` Patterson Literary Society ........ L. H. Rogan Fg
1, _ Normal Literary Society ....... ,.C. G. Corneal hguggg nggtlgd bgugath ghns and rg;
— I Philisophiun Lit. Society- M1ssl\laymeNen.1 '$
_ ¥¤·§1¤g¤31gg1Li¤¢*¤*v SOCMY --···- -—·-— oaks, on mountain or in dale,  
‘   .... ..'Z`IZ`ffZffffZ`f.`ZZ'.'ffZZZffffffff" .1 tt -  
_ I1P?%i1l.Sc.*r. U ......... ni...AmS$’ti’t‘;2¤§t. wd MW with ¤· love that knows  
§‘{,§;§,‘j§ E"°““ ····· jj···jjjj·_jjjjjjj·j·_·gj·j____.”`”‘ no bounds she has established a  
EnteredatthePostO1liceofLex1¤gt0H,KY·» University. The University of H2
as second—clnss matter. *  
if WE wish to acknowled e the drink at the fountain of knowl·  
( ` · .  
yy kind assistance and words of edge until the bright dream of  
sf.   l . . . .  
F ifi Q; encouragement shown to US 1D tender years is realized in a  
{     { our initial efforts to bring out a grand and useful career.  
` Y . oolle e a er. In this latter Then wh not when this is  
g P P Y v  
· day no college can do without a the head of the great educational  
  ` representative journal. A good sysiein of the State, representing ii
. . - · at
4 » college Journal should, in the m faculty, f1`16¤dS and Students,  
; V " most attractive manner, portray har Yay best m1°mb`“WhY mw  
t t H life Hem We haw publish a Journal that will be  
V 1`u'?°° egg ‘ _ _ the educational mouthpiece of _  
y a little world which is all our the Swami  
· 1 own. Here we live and wom; This could be, by intelligent  
,_ and have our being. Our life effort, one of the very finest  
.¤, ,; Broun be so non one-one that ¥>¤r¤elSrg1bliSl1%d by egy msn- ·  
  . 1 . Y ut o · , ii
  ` ; will encourage the youth of ken- 1 H m IB ‘m zlpu ) lwmon if
pai ; d _ _ 1_ 1_ of more than local interest, em- egg
  · i tuck}? se Sm` W1t_¤¤ lim Strong bodying matter attractive to the  
`· § omotrons, and which will result general reader, for in this the  
— in nobler effort and finally cul- BEST literary effort will by  
, rninate in a higher intellectual brought fO¥"9h· SU¤d€i1US will  
ht-B then know that only VERY worthy  
`. . . articles will be published-and  
_, With the kmdly aSS1Se¤<=_s$>f then ssa rr I-not-out m.¤m-  
pi. both faculty and students this is mm by 3, Competent Critic,  
‘ p what we propose to do with this This will be one of the finest  
. Om. Papem This is (L gl-and, A things both in a business and  
··· . . . . , ‘ . . . .  
glorious institution. Upon this ;1‘°‘:{]1;i"r}'  ay t%·‘·§1€"€l h&PP€”€d  
t . . . )   - · - L;
> lovely hill is centered more of ,( 16 gw . O egg (O1 mmm  
K k tl _ H Phe University of Kentucky,  
pp Q FTUGI {UWC Y mf] m El. other which institution we ARE and  
    institutions combmed in our which name we should bear).  
:`¤" il  
  t1‘r—   le E  
  ‘ ‘ t    se 

  J ii
I ri!
 i. ‘ ig 
‘;  , ' THE CADET. 13  
. F!
J. W. HUGHES, our College Gmns are very much interest-  
gf Musician, has bggn gnggggd in gl ed U] H.lZili€hiCS. ls iii Tight fllilh  
  noble work. It is well known W9 Should mmm them Out to i` 
  A that our boys have not as good g3““l€S_ and have mgm Smlld  
Q;  _ . during the entire contest? It is r.
  foot hall paraphernalia as they noo Toon lops have A NEW   .
 1 should have. Mr. Hughes has GRAND STAND, a good one.  
 [ been very successfully trying to The young ladies will help in _  
 · mioo mono, b Subscri ooo to their many womanlv ways to ”
Ii  5 y P build one We have a fi "
 { get the boys what they need. H t. H id 1 DG ii
  Every one should help in this   I G lc G ’ HOW Gt us not mst ii
 gt. _ _ til we have a place from which gg
 p work. If you are interested in pgopla may Comfortably Viow o_ -
  athletics and have the good of game. QI
V!  . `
 g our team at heart, drop 111 a dol- it * it ;»
 I ` . . . - `  
    and It WI11 be   appre RINGEBS !-;WQ have D0 p13.CG V
 7 (Hated- for them in this college. Down ·
 T * * * with the disreputable practice. l
  LAST Y€~°U`»,¤$ €V€I`Y Om? k“0WS» Our foot~ball men are bona fide pl
  ·‘THE OADET’ "We¤t <>ut" when students, and we expect to play W3.
  struck by February’s chill winds. OMV with Such li;
;:}J  . ¤ ' . ‘
  The January number only six- .l
 5 I
 . teen pages from cover to cover, * * ak o
  was the last issued. Modestly OUR professors and students Q
 4 we point to the change and wish Clearly realize that a good col- yl
,   only to say that it hath not yet lege paper reflects honor and  
  appeared what it shall be. credit upon the whole institu- "
T  at at 4: tion and every member thereof.
  . . " . . i . r . , ' .
gt  Our military regulations this ’1h€‘9;PI" “€&Va¤t the h‘>‘?I`tY 00*
-2  _ _to_. 6. T}. (fo opera 1on'an support o. every
 L ygar ambvglg   lim I _b Ugg my one who is connected with the ,
  a may G _°1 t le me _‘ OW` State College and has her inter- v
  EVGI`, WG believe lll i€ZX~d1l"lg, and GSTS at heart. Our papar goes .|K
  that the best interests of young to the exchange table of every `
 ’ men are furthured by kindly C`0H€»9IG in Kamiucky 3-Hd the  
  means rather than by harsh. bqubh and also if great pormm I.
    tt U. not be .0., hasty 0* the NOM may We Wm vm
  _ _ ’ _ _ `_ to be WELL (everything as apro- »
  in forming our opinions. Major foosor Boys is oitho]. won or ~oa_d_ o
  Jones was a fine student when ly represented) represented, ‘ It I 
 lit at college and has held positions tukee money to do this. It takes ly
  of honor and m.oS,_,_ Io our a wonderful amount of rnvsi- 1
 J next issue he has promised an C.AL ABH“ITY’ a' gram a‘mQuDt of il
  _ 1 ‘_T1 Ad _ F literary effort, and all kinds of lg
  ari}? 9 OD _ lg V‘mt*l’g°°*’ O tact to do this. We need your {ll
`Q  look forward with great interest. thing done in our behalf. Q
ié;  Qi

  d   ,`'    ‘  Q r
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