xt7h9w090c6s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7h9w090c6s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 02, 1995 1995 1995-02-02 2020 true xt7h9w090c6s section xt7h9w090c6s  



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JOSEPH REY AU [L'n'iii'l n1"
:.' I"; 1/1111 .111.1 IL'II/t'tl .-l11t1111111 .\‘11/A

PH“. NOGEL, II11' /.1'.t'111g'r1111[Io/111' sergeant

[123111. leilz't't‘ the Fayette County (.‘111117I'111111' Lexie/din.

By Stephen Trimble

I‘LL‘i'L‘lIII: 't' [III/III!)-

l.e.\tiigton l’olicc Sgt, l’hil \'ogcl
appeared Ior more than Iout' hours in the
Iayette ( ounty (ourthouse \ester.dt\ to
testify beIore a gratid iury that will tlLL'idt
whether he will IiLL' L".hitLrLs in thL ”Li I;
shooting oI -\ntonio Sullivan

llis testimonL L'oiiiplL'tLd thr"LL da' s oi
Ltrand iury hearings on thL' SulltL an shoot

\Vogel entered thL' courthouse
yesterday, gu' ItdL'd by
police oIIiL‘ers. lnsidL' thL' L'out'tliousc. a
large police presence was oliLious is sL'LL't' il
L'ti titls stood lust inlelL tliL lobby and oth
ers were stationed around the bitil ling

\s be enteted,\ oL1‘L'l ignored questions
by reporters atid w'alked s'w' iItly inside

Ihe shooting death of Sulliy an, an IN
\e.-ir old black man, sparked tiotinL1 ind
thiee days oI ttiirest in l.e\ington. \ ogel



.:W p.tii. sL'"\Ltil

.‘: y‘2Lir \L"tLraii oI thL' l.L'\ttiL1toii police

tone, and Iout otth oIIiLeis we"tL tty‘ingto
arrest hitii at his gtt‘lIrieiiLl's apartment on
Lh.trgcs oI assault and wanton endanger
ItiL'ltt In connection it till .t stt‘L'L‘l shooting.
I‘llL‘ grand iury will lt.i\e 1— days, iIiL'lttLl
itig today, to reach a decision. but could
."iiinoutiLL ts eatly as this iiiot'titng. lilIL iury
1 III L' 'itltLl «llsltilss [In L .isL against \IIL'L'I tit
indict hiiii on LlittL-L's oI iiit‘"ttst, Iiist or

second degtLL' tit.itisl.iughtei, or reckless

In addition to \11L'L'.l \tititttt(l.l\.511lll
\tns Ioitiiet L'irl.Iticnd iii.'idL .I second

.tppe '.'ii on e tti two daysl ieloie i 11rind iury
yestei'.di\ \Itetw .'IItI, liL't .ittoInL'y. Brent
\ttstin told t'-"'LpoitLts liL Lotiltl itot L'om-
”tent on the L ."IsL. Iitlt ItltlLtl tliL'l‘c .itL' no
plans Ioi ( l'l\ totL'stin tgun

.\Lvet'al bl.'iLk \ouths maintained their
pt2‘ILLI11I 'litLL' tl'ay \‘lgll Ittttsltlt' [liL' L‘Iitltt
house. 'I hey waved signs with Sullivan‘s
picture on them 'at \eliicles passing by.

Atchley has spent lite heating the odds


By Beth McKensie

(funny/111111114 II '1'111'1'

Never say never to liddte \tL'h-

Since he came to L‘K almost
Iout' years ago. he seems to have
Lloiie it all. He is a political science
senior, .icti\e iii student gtnt‘l‘lti
titetit and a member oI :\lpha l'hi
:\lph'.t social Iraternity a group
dedicated to cominttnity service

I le speaks proudly oI his Irater»
titty and thL' role it plays in the

“People can say they do com-
munity service bttt do they know
em.- l)otheL know how thLL think
and how they Icel' \\ e re UIII\I\‘
tent with it, " he s'..ii1l “livery week
we go baLk to thL' same spot. thy
kittiw tts by Ian: and name. "

I hat s' why he Is involved.

”It's important not becattse oI
any award." :\tchley said, “but to
bring someone else tip. ’Iiliat's how
I look at it.“

llc said he decided to get
involved with thL' Student (ioyernv
mL'nt Association as a senator
becatise he wanted to make some

l'il'IL'J .\IL'l)onalLl. a graduate
student. close Iriend and Iormer
campaign ntanager Ior :\tchley.
said his S(i.-\ involvement shows
his dedication to coititiitttiity

“I Ie‘s‘ iust a real go—getter,"
.\IcI)onald said. “and I think we
both believe tIyou don't stand Ior
something you’ll Iall Ior anything."

Edward l,. .'\tchle_v is one oIthree children

Hew was born and raised in I ouisville where be, his
twin brother and younger sister were raised primarily
by their tiiother and grandmother.

\\ hen I.ddie and his brother were ",
left them.

“It was one oI the roughest times in my liIL.
I‘ddie said, adding however that the L'.\pL'rienL"L lllll'
inatelv lirottght theI IamilL closer together.

\Vhile his mother worked two ltilis \tthL'v
attended St. Ignatious \Iarty r, 'a predominately w bite

(.atholic school In I ouisville.

Ilis eight years at the sLhool instilled discipline.
bttt \.tchlev
Louisville s .\ewburg Boys and (iirls (.'lub,
Unscld. Ior keeping him on the right track.

“\Ir. L nseld was really my father Iiguie wheii l
was younger. II I Ineeded anything, he was always
there to help me, Eddie said

Lnseld s support helped shape the boy into the
man -_ not that the road was always 'an easy one.

Atchley said there were several times in school
when he was told he‘d never make it.

“Some oI itiy old teachers tised to tell me that
(because of) my ntath skills and all. So I told my mom

their Iaihcr


also credits the Ioinier diteLtbr oI


I wanted a tutor, and she got iue that tutor. Then all
tlirottgh high school I tiiade As and Bs iii math."

He also was told that he would never play Io1 itball.
but he lettered two ottt oI three


JAMES CRISP kmw . 1.111

EEIIING INVDIVED Political ,1'1'11'111'1' 1‘1'111111' [tilt/11' .'lrt‘It/L'y .\‘.1_i'.\‘g1:‘111c{ th‘I' 111 I'I\ 1‘11111/11111111L' 11 1111/1111711111 111 I'1111. [.1111 Lt'.11'. I':' \'/1ti'1'1:\'/i1//\

1‘11111P11IL’111'11Ii11‘11 1/"1! 11.1' 1'1'11111111' III Itll‘ge 111 1/11' 5111111711 ([111'1'1'111111'111 . l1‘ .\11/1171',

In Iact. when he and his Iriends were Ireslimeii,
they ' made a pact in writing to reunite in l() to 13
years, and hL h is every LonlidenLt' that they will
“People say thL' Irictids yott make


One oI Iiddie‘s best memories is

his sophomore year when he was a

Iinalist In thL' hoiiiecotiiing L'.ourt


iii c'olnge are Loni best Iriends. «
and these are my be st Iriends.

In the Iiieantimc. .\tchley
applied to law school.


.. : I .. . -
‘ [hat was a big accotiiplishment AGE 2 It s not about being a lawyer and
Ior itie. I remember when they droLe . . havinLr iiione he said.
HOMETOWN: Louusvflle ~ I

tis around in the

“Everybody was waving at me.
People I didn't even know, arid I
thought, ‘IIere we gol’

He lives his liIe to the Ittllest in
every regard, one oI his closest
Ii'iL'nds', Senator at Large Shelli
Freeland, said.

“I Ie‘s such a genuine person, out—
going and very sincere. He always
wants to help others," she said.

cars during hall-


EDUCATION: Louisville Male.
UK political science senior


dent Government Association
Senator. community activist

FUTURE GOALS: Law school

“It's about goiitg home and takiii'
L'arL' oI business. You gotta go back
to wliete Lott statted Irom and hritig
somebody else up thL' same way.
I Ital s “It. It \Ir Insthl Llltl hit me
Ile brought tiie up. .-\nd now it s
time Ior me to take his spot '

IIL' s always smiling and L't .iL king
iokcs. \ILl)1inald said, Iitit he his a
serious side.

nIlL"s yeri IoL used \I .iybL' the
world isti t ready Ior people as teal



And Atchley credits his friends It it
their inspiration.

“’I‘hey spiritually aitd mentally challenge me,“ he

“They really mean a lot to me."

as lddie is, she said.
“Some people aren't prepared Ior people who
don‘t play games,“ .\lcl)onal1l said.
“And with l",1ldie, there's no hidden agenda. “hat
you see is what you get."


University continues push tor National Merit Scholars

By John Kelly

(11171111111 I‘it/Itnl‘

I‘ighty—one National Merit sLholars enrolled as
freshmen at UK last semester ranking the L niversity
eighth atnon the nation‘ .s public institutions and
18th among ail colleges and universities.

“ I hese students c hallengc each other I heL L hal
lenge Iellow students, and they challenge theI Iaculty
to teach at the highest level oI intensity, said Robert
Hemenway, chancellor Ior the l eaington (,amptis

“They kind of set an academic tone Ior the entire
The 8] new scholars bring the total number oI

undergraduate National .\Ierit Scholars to more th an
200. That accomplishment is a product oI an .lggrt‘s‘
sive, six year eIIort to bring those students to L K,

I Iemenwav said.

“\‘I e are \ery aggressiLe about recruiting .\'ation. tl
\Ierit scholars," Henienway said. “\\ hen you add it
all tip the people realize that L K is as good a place as
theyL can go to get a first rate education.

“\\ hen we started iii 198‘) there were only I.‘
.\ational \Ierit scholars in otir incoming Ireshman
class," Ileiiienway said “\\ e set as our goal that we
were going to have tnore \ation al .\‘lerit schol trs in
the incoming Ireshman class than all oI the other
Kentuka institutions cotiibincd. .\ow, we are trying
to have as' many as the top live iii the countr\

Harvard and RadcliIIe colleges were Iirst 1w erall
stiLLes‘sIttllv reL ruiting WI new National \lertt
\L'holars this vcar I he [ niversity oI Icy \as was sec
ond over rall and first among public schools with ‘ \I

I he other Iive public institutions that lured more

National Merit scholars than ['K were ’I‘cyas .-\L\'.\l
L'nivcrstty (189) L niyersity oI ()klalionia (1V1),
[nivcrsity‘ oIIlorida (1H), (ieorgia lech I niLersity
(108) and Ihe Ohio State I niicrsit\‘( (‘III

I he closest state univ'ersity to I K was the [' tiive r
sity oI l ouisyille. which c'niolled l‘ \ational \IL'rit
SLIiol. irs l I iiisyly mm L nivt' rsity had six and ( .eiitre
( .ollL‘gc Ii ad two

:\sl>ur\ ( .ollege( ieorgetown ( .ollege and \Iutray
State enrolled one each.

last year, I K recruited (1.— .\'.iti1iiial.\lerit SL‘lltil'
.irs. and ranked eighth among public schools. It
ranked Lnd overall List \car

“\\ e are very pleased that highly gtIteLl students
who tend to be very sL le '1 tiLe In the 'ir Lolch'L Llioicse
are e tirolling at L K. l""thid1Iit ( .harlcs \\ ctlimgton




Congress OKs
untunded mandates hill

\VASI ll\( {II I\ l I: iusc Republicans took a
big step forward on their (.ontt'act \\'tth .'\lIlL‘l‘l‘L'.I
agenda yesterday. pushing through a bill t‘estiiLtitt g
the I‘L‘IICI‘JI government‘s ability to impose unIund
L'Ll ltt'and'ates on lltL' states.

Negotiations to settle mitioi
between the lloust- .iiid \L'uate
measure aiid Iin. il Lott-s in both ch mil). t's wL It the
loiie rctu. uning obst. iLlL's to 1 '. tting thL' l tilt Ii IL' 1]
.\I. indatt's lLLIoriii hi to l’IL sidt tit ( lititon s llt s1.

versions oI ll‘L'

Clinton ID name new surgeon general
\L'Ls‘ttt.\'1.'i‘o_\' Dr Henry two i... .

medical school lL'adL't known Ior Iiglitmg teen age
pregnancL iii ‘IiL‘IIIICSNL'L', is President (.ltnton‘s
choice Ior surgeon general, liliIIL‘ldl‘s said yesterday

l5ostL't', fil. IortiiL'r .iLtiIig president ol .ipi'c I1 1m
Iii. intlL bl ick medic il sLhool will i‘L'pl t11 l)i
l'oyteILti l lde‘ts an outspoken \tkinsi pc ll. ttt'i
L't'ati who was Iiied tti l)cLL"tiier aIttt saying s itool
children should be taught about inastttrbation

\Vhitc Ilousc .iides. speaking on condition oi
.tnoiiy itiity. said the .ttiti1iunceiuL-ut is scheduled tot
today. 'I hL'y said l"11stL'i‘ would lead a H.|Il(1ll.tl 1 Jill
patgn to .oiiibat lL'L'Ii .IL’L' p"egti.iiiLL.

Friend: 0.J. dreamed ol killing cit-wile

IUS \\'(il';l.l'\ ()l.
alter hisc\ wit 1' s slaying 'liai In It. id hid dre .imsot
killing her. a lite iid testiIiL'd LLsteiday but lllt wit
ness said he dtt In I tell poltLL Ior IL at it would hui't
thL Iootball star

“I lo\L'd this man tin-:11 yL'ltL
Ioriiict‘ poltLL oIIiL er who te"ttt1d Itom the Iortc

Simpson Lotittdcd

l\11n: tld \liipp a

live Leais .ltlti. toll iurots

".'\II III a sudden iity thought pi‘oLcssL's. likc I
say, I wanted nothing to do with it."
"I thought it was LL'ry. it was hat‘iiitul.” hL' said


Kerl‘igan Skates “"0 more enum‘sements
IIIH .\.\‘(ilil I \ \anty Keirtgaii 1-. teaming
up with \rctic ( iat ind IiIL’L‘INII'dI'iL.
I hL ( )lympiL tigitre sk.'ttLt Iiotti
\totielL '.im \l.iss..1'onIitt'nLd yes-
IL tLlay that ‘IIIL‘ has signed a deal to
endorse :\t‘L'tiL' (iat snowmobiles
and 'l‘igershark watercraIt made by
\linnesotadnised \rctco Inc.
iliL't‘ltis oItliL' deal were not dis~
KL'rt'ig.iti won a silver medal at



last year‘s \Vititei‘ ( )lyiiipics iii l.lllL'll.lHIIIlL'l'.\11!‘

('11111p1/111I111111 I.' 11.1 119171.


Student shot
near campus

Stuff 11/1111!

L'K senior lew'ell \l'ac \Ielhtscr was shot a bout
fill last night aItLt getting ottt ot a i".1d two door

lIonda iti ipii'kitig lot bLhind I l//.l Ilut it ‘4\'\ f
Limestone St. leLiiiL'ton [Hillyt said

\Iclltisct. _I) toll poltLL' that she w is going to
visit a Ir'i1nd who li\cd aboye thL' rLstattrant wheti
she was approached by .I black male. She trted'to
run. bttt thL' man shot her, police said

IVK llospital oIlicials said .\lclhtscr was iii Iait‘
condition aItL't‘ beitig admitted to the hospital Iot
Lrtlt‘lslirit wounds.

I’olicc said they lt.l\L' no s1ispL'L ts. but a witness
near the scene saw two black Iii iles :‘ltlllllnL' Irom
thesL'enL' lextiigton l .iye'tt1 I t‘ban( ounty l’olit‘c
(Illicer Keyui Kelly s iid

According to I K and l.L'\tnL'ton poltt e reports,
this iiicidetit is the Iourth assault to ottitr between
thL' ‘IIII and Mill blocks oI South l,|itit'st1int'\lnt‘k'
Dec. 1‘.

.'\ll Iour intidetits hayL' involved two black male
suspects, and two haLL' involved guns

.\Iost recently. on Ian. 24 .it (kill p.m.. .\Iike
lie/1il1l.aci\il engineering senior, was robbed oI
his wallet at gunpoint while walking near the
Stiperxhticrica .it H195. Limestone St. He said thL'
assailants were two black males.

lie/oh l s .ltit .tthm Iii. iii about (i lcet 4 int hes tall
bi' aiidished a small .--*L
gun aIter a second man hit him over the head.

lie/old said he also was involved in thL' l)eL‘. I;
incident when he was walking past thL' saute Super-
.\merica and heard a woman scream.

lie/old said the woman tiled a report with Lex-r
mgton police. stating that the suspet ts. two black
males. attetnptetl to rob her. tailed and then hit her
In the eye and lied

(In l)('k.' 2‘. two Kentutky (. liniL employees
were ..issiulted w hilL' walking to their vehicles in
thL' l’ress .\yenue parking lot. loLated across thL'
street Irom the Super-\merica.

[be women were leaving work at about .‘:il)
p.m. when each was attacked by a diI-Ierent black
male. according to police reports.

l.cxington police would not cotnmcnt oti
whether they belieL e the 'assattlts' to be related.

.iltbet‘, tit in~rev1 ily cr type

 2 H'm slay li/rt‘nan .‘ I‘W‘, [Mullah [\eniel


Sherman 's Alley by gibbs W’ ‘Voigt

Step Right up


That was "miomative.’



You bet:
A symposium traCirig tne
Vic/“10'“ oi Vite Brady's hair.








( Hey, what's that?)




magazme from l972 w;th
the Brady Kids on the cover.
Just $500.


it's a copy of “Dynamite?


Dang! I used all my caen to _
buy thlS tie Christopher “Peter
Knight wore in CPISOdC 67.



Holy cow! lo that
a tie or a towel?







lt'll go well With my halfeaten
bologna sandwich of
Maureen “Marcia" McCormick's.

You can start your
own Brady shrine.



f Nice collectable. though. l







'I 'be Kentucky Kernel trier bard, but we‘re not a/u'oyx per—
fect. If we make u Ill/xtflkt’, are want to correct it.
I ‘you 've found a rigid/icon! error; (all 115' at 257719] 5
a ter 10 a.m. i’liondayi throng/J I laundry; and (afternoon
on Sundays.

'An article in yesterday’s Kentucky Kernel failed to
mention one of the Republican candidates for governor. Tommy
Klein, of Louisville, is running with his son, 'I‘omniylr.

'The date for UK's Speak 0th session was incorrect in
yesterday’s Kernel. The session will be Feb. 28.




[EXTI‘aII financial W088 B

By John Kelly

\‘. 7‘.!‘.\lll:: decreasing .iiid
pi l.s'l _ .sis increasing. l.e\
l' : i this .Ilt‘ prepared. if
u. * I-rflldlvt .l