xt7hdr2p8k0d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hdr2p8k0d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1983 1983 1983-04-07 2020 true xt7hdr2p8k0d section xt7hdr2p8k0d g ' . . ,
‘ ‘ t i. ‘ . . _ . y _ - . . , . . . . . . .. -I~ -
‘ The Inglllh loot
4 er” 2 The English rock bond The Boat will pot"
3 form Friday in the Student Center as
i % BEA T port of their American tour So for the
.- bonds bass player David Steele says
the tour has been monotonous and hec
tic. For more seepage 3 ~--"~~-—->
Vol. LXXXV, No. l46 Thursday, April 7, 1983 An Independent student newspaper Universny of Kentucky. Lexington Kentucky
- , «- the“:
Three candidates \ .3
agree to appear , ‘
in planned debate “
_ v i »- ' . . fl .
FRANKFORT (AP) — Represen. additional debates would not enlight- _ . “ i "ll . ”‘~ ’7 .2 \ . ' 1b" ”mm“ mm
tatives of the three major candi- en thevoters. y l 9 *' - , i5 . W 1
dates seeking the Democratic guber- “We came here in good faith," a. ‘ (S " i ”33'?
, natorial nomination agreed said Sen. Ed Ford. D-Cynthiana, , ‘Q - f _ u w -
' yesterday on a tentative plan for a speaking for Collins. “If you accept . ‘ ’ 2’ ' - ”M -
May 2 debate. our proposal. that’s it." ‘ ‘r. y . ._ ‘
’ But there was no certainty that Alan Clobridge 0f Stumbos head- 3K ' ”as: 5 _
the Louisville League of Women Vot- quarters said that Stumbo originally * . ‘; y” "
. roposed 15 debates around Ken- ~~ . .i u.» .. .
ers, tabbed by the camps as a possr p . - .3 -- y - M. .
ble Sponsor would accept the invita‘ tucky. shaved that to 5.9"?“ _ one m ' " a . ' ' 3‘1“” ‘ ‘
tion to handle the mechanics of the each congressmnal district ‘_ and ' -- ‘ _
still believes there should be several . ‘ . . c. a-.. N ‘ » ‘
forum. d b t .. _ . .
e a cs. , . i. '
As outlined in a meeting at state “Our interest is in making all the ‘
Democratic headquarters, the event candidates accessible to as many
would be handled by the league peopleas possible.”Clobridge said. ' *
under a format adopted for the only He said the event also should be '
other gubernatorial debate sched- open to an audience. . y _ ,
uled — a May 12 affair to be spon» “I don‘t believe another closed de- - . _ 2 :r' a ‘ k ..
sored by the Kentucky Educational bate isuch as the KET version) is 3m . - ‘ i 2
Television network. would be a service to the people of {323.1% . . ‘3 ' uk- ‘ Shh” . » a
. Kentuckv “he said. ” ~ - ' ’ ' ..; "r . F”... _. ‘ . .
The candidates. Lt. Gov. Martha " . '5 . ..,. . r . e * 1’5“". _ t. i ”>3: . 3 "
. . .' . But Ford said the forum 3 y. "3" v u .1 "Q, ‘; M '. ' a”, f ‘c -v «is . . -" c V3.7 . «m . ‘ arty ’i‘ JV
' “Layne gpllins. amasfll? StMal)? “shouldn't be a circus" punctuated “4", T » ,3 ‘5. ”we“; {w ,7 .3 1%M‘.“lffi%* i’tfig'w‘cg‘ _' g “kg
arvey oane an ' ra y gum . by cheers and catcalls from each ‘1‘ F «a a ~ ,, .w}y...,i, s 3“." .. »3 ~: _, _.. m- i, . ,.... ”MY“ as,“ "'33- as
were represented by two aides each. candidate‘s followers ”x" .3 a“; . a x .&~ 5’". \*& . ~ ~ ‘ a: “a ,,
The group met for almost an hour .1 d ‘t th'nk ‘ th d ”by: . . , . 5““ 3... ') ”1‘33 "W - ~ g.
l and discussed a written promsal by ,9" 1.. more an one 9 ” ‘ M“ g . y
the Collins' cam - bate will help. Ford added. He said “in , g ~ x... . ._ s. , y y “ ‘ I I}.
p. Collins is under severe constraints
l Althou - hedule until the Mav 24 pri 1' n" "°’""”°°“'"'"" 5”"
gh the atmosphere was on her so _ - I f f
l courteous. the Stumbo side insisted mary. ‘ u e 0 U"
2 that there should be more than one J99 Terry of Sloanes headquar- Six-yeor-old Brooke Johnson (left) and her friend Chris Brock, day when they ventured through Woodland Park Chris of l
) debate held throughout the state. ters said the KET format is exactly 9 f0 nd th th h for hort I? t B b W' , , t | t’ ‘th h‘ '
l The Sloane camp was receptive to what Sloane had intended to pro- . U 9 wea er worm enoug s s .eves yes er- are 00, IS. is wsu ing re a ives w: is paren s. I
I the idea. but Collins‘ aides claimed pose.
' W W' O f d' ' f t' t ' t l b k d
omen l‘ltBl‘S on erence presents lVBI‘SIty 0 ar IS 8 S y 88, ac groun S
o e o e o l . I
Playwright praised for quality of contemporary works Appalachian writer known for plays, NPR People Pieces
By KATHIE MILLION ' . that she is heroic because of the way By DAVEI-IN.»\ SEXTUN ; . "When I got back i began to hear
Special ProjectsAssistant ~ / she writa with so much comag’c. Siaff'i‘iriter ‘ . “ the poetry in peoples language.‘
- , K . She is a positive role model because . ' L ', she said "There is a way of speak
-,_ __._,,.. .. . . , _. . -_ .fl 0 ' shekeepswriting." , ._,___,__.._... . _ ”a“ " " ing here that is not heard or found
7 ’J - ‘ Shange‘s reading will be in the Re- i anyplace else The color. the images
Ntozake Shange, acclaimed Afro- ~' * cital Hall of the Center for the Arts. Jo Carson learned at an early age 3 n .. ‘ ’ — they're the stuff of poetry: '
American playwright and fiction » She will also conduct a workshop at that “if I want to get my two cents fin One story that Carson grew up
writer. will read at 8 tonight as part 8“ ' 10 am. tomorrow in 230 Student in.Ibetter learn to doit.“ ( . ’ .‘ . , hearing. "so prevalent thai 2: -as a
of the fifth annual Women Writers * z CenterAddition. At age 35. she has spent the last 10 p" ' myth.‘ was that her hometown of
Conference. Pannill said the Women Writers years doing just that ~- writing . l 2 _ It“: '. Johnson City. Tenn. was a hideout
Linda Pannill. the conference di- ; 'l Conference. the only conference of plays. scripts for televiSion. video If; {P ; .. . for Al Capone during Prohibition
' rector. said Shange was chosen be- It ' . 7 its kind, features women writers. and film. short stories and other ‘ y r . f3 1 and that alcohol was "ran out' of
cause ”we think she is one of the I‘ s ‘ poets and dramatists from a variety prose, . 5" ' ‘ Johnson City to the Appalachian
very best young contemporary writ- - ‘ . of ethnic and racial backgrounds Carson. the featured Appalachian Lg : ,v' , ; ghetto in Chicago. then controlled by
" ers and also she is famous for her ’ I \‘ and is important to not only women writer for this year‘s Women Writ- . 4'9 . 4 'r Capone's gang
play. ‘for colored girls.‘ ” Pannill ' ‘. writers but to all women because it ers Conference. will read at 2 pm. - 3‘ x‘ 335’ While (‘arson said she "warped
said. "701‘“. SHAW! helps to assert their role in contem- today in 230 Student Center Addi- ‘ ‘- ‘ n if"??? the tar out of those stories. they
. “But one of the things that is in porarysociety. tion. JO CARSON form the basis for her play "Little
teresting about her is that she writes “Boogie WoogieLandscapts.” “I think it‘s important to women Known for her plays "Horesepown Chicago” —— "a muSical murder
in several different genres. She She is also the author of a novel. because sometimes it is hard for er: An Electric Fable" and "Little After graduation. she spent the mystery inwhich n0b0d} dies '
writes plays, she writes poetry and Sassafras. Cypress & Indigo and a women to speak about the things Chicago" and a series of works next few years as an actress. work- “Horsepower An Electric Fablef
she writes fiction."she said. book of poetry. Nappy Edges. that are important to us. The reason called “The People Pieces" that air ing with summer stock. outdoor Which has toured the eastern l'mled
“She really stretches the limits of Pannill said that although Shange for that is because we realize that on National Public Radio. (‘arson drama and dimer theater. which States for two years to considerable
conventionalforms in literature " can be viewed as a positive role sometimes we are not listerned to." said she comes from a family of sto» she calls "the Old West Circuit" acclaim. came out of (arson s work
She said Shange's “for colored model for women. she is often a tar- she said. rytellers and she is “not the best to after the 01d West Dinner Theater with The Road Company. a Johnson
girls who have considered suici- get for critics because of the topics “But what writers do is make peo- sitaround their dinner table “ near Kingsport. Tenn . where she City-based theater company
de/when the rainbow is enuf" works she writes about. ple listen. I think it is very self-af- She began to write in her native once played, With support from the Tennessee
on the stage as a play but is made “Sometimes she is criticized for firming for women to hear or read east Tennessee. where she "wrote She worked in Ohio. Kentucky. Committee for the Humanities. Car-
upofaseriesofpoems, emphasizing the pain in women‘s womenwriters.“ bad poetry instead of math home» North Carolina and other parts of son researched energy questions and
Besides. “for colored girls." lives.“ Pannill said. “but I don‘t She saidtheconference is also im~ work." the South. and for a year in New then "translated issue to theatrical
Shange also has written other plays. think that iwritingi has to tell us the portant to men who are interested in “As a high school student. what I York City material" and developed the play
including “a choreopoem" and a way things should be or ought to be, writing. wanted to do was leave this part of It was not mm] she returned to with the company.
‘ . volume of plays called Three Pieces. I think it should be about how things “These writers are all skillful and the country more than anything east Tennessee in 1973 that she real~ Most recently. Carson has worked
which contains "Spell d7.“ “A Pho are. interesting and they can tell us a lot else." she said. ized the wealth of material all with the Grassroots Poetry PTOJGCI.
tograph: Lovers in Motion" and “I think the point about Shange is abouthowwriting happens.“ And leave she did. around her See NPR. 000190
The missile, designated by intelligence officials
THURSDAY as .0 a o. Trustees allow 3 faculty members
w rmAmwwwm 3:333: 33:23:".332333'333.2333:3332:
, _ to concentrate on research for year
Candldates I’OCOIVO endorsements Intelligence analysts, speaking only on condition
that they remain anonymous. said the Sowets ———-———_——Bv Cl'RT ANDERSON titled The Self and the World A Dlym‘wm Bi
LOUISVILLE — Democratic gubernatorial candidate might be able to move Such missiles around relo‘ Senior Staff Writer ography of John Milton. Robert Hemenway.
Grady Stumbo has been endorsed by another lobor tively rapidly over long distances — and that they chair ofthe English department.said
union. while rival Harvey Sloane and Republican could bring most key targets in Western Europe . . . , , _ . . ,. . “One of the;1 worild's gore-mots: Milton scihglar:
- - . ~ . - - ~ . .iawcross as area v wri en severa m s
:10“; 3:3; 2:" 8:."an have received the backing Ewnhm their Songs I? lthey. we:e applcsayed :3 Zea/er: The Board of Trustees named three faculty on the English author and has published essays
in p e go no ion. uropean no ions 9 onging o e owe e a members as L‘niverSity Research Professors in a number of journals on thhccmury lllt‘ra'
Stumbo, a former secretary of Human Resources saw Pact. for 1983-84 duringamecting Tuesday ture
in "‘9 Brown administration, was endorsed "105' US reconnaissance 50'9”"95 recently detected The rec1pients Will be relieved from teaching "hr Shawcross is as distinguished in his
recently by the Greater Louisville Central Labor what analysts believe is a possible mobile launcher duties for the entire year so they may concen- field as one can get," Hemenway said “We
. Council, which rejected a recommendation of its for the SSCX-4 at a test center in the Seviet Union. frate “fl ful‘l~time research Th“ ”“9" are Dr are fortunate to havehim her: 1)
executive c0uncil to remain neutral in the Demo- It was described as a wheeled tractor-trailer vehi» 2:21;? .( ngzni.:;:?lagsogg;f:s$ (:13; IAIllfrsBdggeifowhl‘ciirg: £112.13; 32:32”?
“a": primary. “'9 b'9 ""3ng"‘ '° launch four missiles. ematics. and John T Shawcross. professor of ic. and administrative accomplishments in
Sloane, though. picked up the support Tuesday of There was no prediction as to when the new 50- [.jnghsh higher education." to two prominent educators.
Kentucky Pro-Lite Political Action Committee in the viot land attack ground-launched cruise missile Coleman is noted for her work with an en Alexander Heard and Forrest Pogue
DGMOCTO'lC race, while Bunning was endorsed by might become operational. zy'me-tcrminal deoxynucleotidyl transferasc Heard. a political sCience professor at \‘an
the group in the Republican race. Bunning's chief ‘ that is important in the diagnOSis and treat derbilt is a trustee of the l-ordl-oundation and
. . merit of some types of leukemia. hr 1) hay a director of Time Inc He has been appointed
opponent is Pulaski C0unty lawyer Lester H. Burns Clawson.dean ofthe medicalschool said by three [reSIdents to serve on committees to
J" \ Her work has “changed our understanding of dealing with political problems. and has writ
The pro-lite group is the political arm of the Ken~ this enzyme and prompted new research studr ten numerous books on the American political
tucky Right-to-Lile Association, the state's largest mu“ ies."C|awsonsaid scene _
anti-abortion organization. ' Coleman is attempting to develop ways the l‘oguc is a hentucky native who received his
enzyme could be used to form antibtx‘lies in pa- master‘s in history at l k in 1939 He was
tients suffering from leukemia awarded a Distinguished Alumni Centennial
sovlot. dOVQIOp "OW "1‘38". Ferry will work in bastc mathematical re Award from l'K in 1965
mm m» m - 1° W... m- .. 3:33 5:3:33‘33‘3333:33:33:33.3: 33.3333": '" "3:333:33 :33:
. ~ . c ' ' . ( t‘ cu 7'? f‘ .
WASHINGTON _ The Sowet Union he? dFVdOPQ," and . M... M "I. h" to mld 600. mathematical systems. according to a [K stemming from his experience as an Army his
a new. long-range land attack (““39 m'”"° "‘0' " C'W‘Y tonic." wlth C ’0 ”T‘fl" shone. 0' press release forum in World War ll He is also known for
may deploy on mobile launchers as 0 fresh threat "In and. low In "to muco- to nut 30. The release said Ferry will spend part of his his biography of Gen George C Marshall
to Western Europe, U.S. intelligence sources said Cloudy Om wlth I slight chance of rain ivear trag'ellflg to discuss mthematical prob- Pogrpe istg'urrenttrlly a direlctor of histanca‘l re»
emswtt co eaguesacrnss country searc at eSmi soman nstitutc in 'as ing
yesterday. late and. hlgh In the upper 50-. Shawcrm is planning m wme a biography "m

 . .' U“ . ., '
Ké‘Ffiel '
Illl Mold.” Andrew MM John Orlflln Mkitv ”HUM llnl I. KO“.- JD. Vim Dan (".9004
Editor in (loot Newiidiioi Ainhliior Spam Editor SOOUCIPIO|ItV$ (diioi Phoioédiio. Gmph-nldnim
PERSI 'As I ON Jumoldwlnmm. IIer-hkokuu NIII.WldonotJv. mun.“ loohlofllllkn “av-afloat (hrilAsh
Muitag-ngfditur k"'*”‘“'kdt"" Ai5|$'m‘lA"\‘dt'0' A“'“°"'590"‘5d"0' SporialonpusAu-siont (hictPhoiogiophoi i win hl' .- f
WW. I I .
Say no, UK ath etlcs board, imam We
to a dictated Dream Game' “mama we - -
5am, Pawnee I h" ' '
. . . ~i> THE * ». .
.iust think . it you were born before 1959. and the Trustees were correct in asking the ALLATTIVE-o a y .
_..rr.i have lived to witness two momentous Athletics Association for its input. The Board ‘ . q . . ..
e.entsin Kentucky‘s history. has no more right to set athletic schedules _ . f \ '~ ‘3 ‘45, I i V :

Because of your youth. you didn‘t under- than the General Assembly came perilously ,«j ”y \ .1. g.
~'.'tlld the first event. But with the passage of close to doing in 1982. » and ._.. . . . ,. ‘ __\‘§ .

"illt‘ comes wisdom. and if you know the What the assoc1ation should report back to . ’ ? :'_ _- .' l
aunts to "My Old Kentucky Home“ you un- the Board 18 that it has no interest or desire >' U” {D , -

ferstood all too well the significance of to tell Joe 8. Hall what teams his charges " " " " ' " ' T" " ' " ' ‘,

\Lirch 20. 1083. and what happened that day. can and cannot face. Hall‘s integrity and au- » , y . r], 31- .. . -_

'ymv trom the hustings and both major thority should not be impugned; he should '2' J - . l
si.:tt‘ newspapers comes a call to make the continue to be recogmzed as lord and master . r, W \ .. oo- 1
- tittlt‘llltluS event occur annually. UK‘s Ath- of one of the finestsports teams in America. 5 y" ’ ._ -.—-—— ' ‘1‘ l

b . . . . . _ 1,. _ - .. . . . .. . »

.-: cs .r\SStX'l;IIIOII has been asked its opinion Furthermore. the association should turn a " 1'; : . . . - .1 g y i j

v that sentiment by the Board of Trustees. deaf ear to lofty proposals of the riches 1‘. - G A ME g l

. .l before long it ought to reject the idea — available to the University should such a | \ ’ , 1 y ,. ‘ _ . . | 1

*- ~- topic oi heated debate year after year — contest become reality. Certainly the nation , “3/: 52' -‘ “ ' '. ' , g i . g
. 'ixtllsh. destructive and undesirable. and the state awaits a rematch of Ken- “fl ‘ S . ' . m t
’ K s basketball team doesn't need and tucky‘s powerhouses. but to expect the game (”A/5;") %

,- ‘Illt‘lll'l accept an annual match with that to gross $3 million annually for Lexington. _ . _ ;

.»; the L‘niversity of Louisville. regardless of Louisville and the institutions. as was inti- t .. . . , . . . ’

:‘ dreamy predictions that might result mated in the 1982 General Assembly. is ri- . j . . .r-h . I

-ivi preliminary negotiations with tele- diculous. Should the teams‘ fortunes sour. ' .- g l

. «on networks and athletics directors. An only the most diehard fan will spend Satur- ,' 1, , - . 4 . . ' ii:

t"ilLl;ll game would tarnish the luster of day afternoon watching sub—par perfor- i . : I: j

.at President titis Singletary called "a mances from sub—par teams. . .. . i - . r t
c ~at. mysterious event" and would even- Finally. the assocxation should leave it to .,._ ' ' _ . 1

any lay waste to the legend founded by the the NCAA to set the stage for future encoun- ,. ‘7‘: 5,53 .. .. j' ‘ ' : 2’“ ””1 y , tit W \ WK ' 1
most Kentuckians believe sits two seats ters — in the national tournament. where the 5* ,;/”/1 - ‘fr/lef/f :x ’f/W "tail 1 ffi‘t'ar‘tg'r' it‘ll? iiiiirétl \51\\tx.' \ “*5 v': .

' he Lord‘s right --— Adolph Rupp, stakes and interest will be far greater than (”Li ”‘0‘

Without question. the game was infectious- during the regular season.

. attractive to basketball fans nationwide. Say no. Athletics Association~say no. _
.____—_—____———____—_—__—. _
EI Sal ador becomes pa n 'n a ld-cl h

- re .. ii‘er: se' .ost :n the most basic form of human-rights govemments all promising land re- dent Jose Duarte. was elected in their repressive attacks on civilians virtuallyinvitedtheSovietsin g

're _,. Litres t-ecoiiiing one abuse Many of the Salvadoran peo— form. and to an extent they have March of 1980 by a popular election aimed at crushing the resistance The same policymakers see El 3
‘ r“ I t-v-ri' “Mfr d-"ro k‘ht’t‘htxlht'> PIP are demed an 9V9" more bale failed as well. And in the midst of mi ch publicized here in the States and encourages the resmtance to Salvador and its people as basically .

:6 users "gr' ow." 'nt‘n‘r do "he might r {00d this has risen a group of angry Cltl- At first. many touted the new presi- buy more weapons themselves. insignificant. an attitude that also
‘ .iir .zrit: another pulls a leg — zens demanding not only land re- dent as a man capable of wresting ()ur reasoning behind this is sim- encourages violations of their 72
i' ~i‘izti'r'tttsttitit-xr iikc‘hts I. | form but a complete change in their power from the coalition of wealthy plv that we see El Salvador as a human rights. These policymakers if;

, . osoy .. , ., .r -, - . ._ a

t..i Il.\ .-..ieie ten people get country 5 way of dmding between landowners and military opportumt- strategic power play between hast are alter the big game which is total .

ind gr» ‘c work car. he lost in a ABUKHATER the haves and have nots. ists But. in the final analysxs. the and West. between Soviets and influence over Central America and 1

V1 .1: TIYHY‘Y‘MTNW lhd’ “Mt.“ ___.__._______ What is. then. the situation in I‘ll military runs the president and is Americans. We are essentially play- her oil reserves. El Salvador is seen 3

‘ -!‘.«' .-.~.-t 'Iitr globe 3- 1h“ B} some estimates over 75 percent Salvador" These citizens who favor only making noises about land re- ing chess with the Russians. using merely as another buffer zone You 3

0t Salvadoran children suffer from fundamental change in the Salvado~ form to pacify a growing interna- the Salvadorans as pawns. see. El Salvador is on the border of

'za' s spot .12 and unique about malnutrition. and even if you reduce ran economy ranging from an in- tional community concerned that El We support those in power be" Guatemala. which is on the border .

, gi-Is ’iNSt‘ti the wind in a that estimate to one-third. that creased measure of land equality to Salvadorwillexplode. cause they support our capitalistic of Mexico's rich Oilfields.
rage rr: at-t-iisaiirins ahtut gov means a lot of hungry children. And total communism have become what A staged plan for such reform was economy. buying our goods and Guatemala itself recently discov» .

._ "vr'tk risrirgerits :iiilitaries and where there are hungry children. 15 knownas the left begun by the last government but sending theirs at cheap prices A ered Oll and mineral deposits of her ;

“vii "is?“ tht‘.‘ the even be there are hungry and angry adults Many are Civilians w professors. has since fizzled out. Salvadoran government truly run by own. The IS. govemment wants .. 1

w .1 1.11:»dr-itnlti :iir bigger bul- This most bas‘ic of human rights. the students. and church leaders and The guerrillas. aware of the mili— the people where land is more equi» those oil fields and it especially '2; t

x 'i i gr: .n These tiny nations fight to eat. is denied many Salvador others are fighters known as guerril— tary's stranglehold on the govern- tably shared and food is used to feed wantsthe Soviets to stay out i l

..; riifiilllr’l'it‘ losers rans not because of the war between las. who believe that change in El ment and their false promises. are the population. not the L'.S.. seems ()ne 1' S. embassy official near to ;

~ sasaiiuir s sin-r. a place A the govemment and guerrillas. The Salvador can only be achieved by fighting even harder. In response. too communistic to the CS. govern— the scene said: “Vthat is on: stake . 3‘

~ t “xi-"17‘ '1 "left Thrt‘t' million. denial of this right is itself the cause militaristic means. the military is running rampant ment and too susceptible to Soviet in El Salvador‘.’ El Salvador as a key 3

.‘ i‘!‘i."-t"\1ii‘il ;:r one oi the largest of the war By the very nature of their revolu- through the countryside in an un- influence. to the Caribbean basin. the ('anbbe- i

trit‘rafr“! “it?!“ it! 'rhj» decade The people have no land to farm. tionary aims. the left are alienated precedented wave of terror. And in And in supporting the military an basin is the key to our energy en 1

‘c‘a'nttb ‘7 "‘r‘» and that t" therefore they have no money from from those who favor land. wealth this escalation of military might. junta and paying only lip service to sis. Our ability to keep the Soviets 1

3.1: rtgr‘s '.‘trI.i'.Itll.\ .illll human the sale at crops and no crops even and power remaining in the hands of those voices who cried for land re- land reform. we are creating an out of Central America IS going to

"In" “-irfnr-"r' ,m- “Ned like to eat The land Sits in the hands of a few These. mostly wealthy famt- form through peaceful means are even angrier and more despairing determine how many cars the Amer

“ Y‘ ~r wry-.141. Mitt filter of U5 a few wealthy families who not only 1K5 and the military. are known as being drowned out and recruited by populace who in desperation turn to ican public can afford to drtve in the

T1: .m- M‘ " *‘thot‘r ht" 'thl.‘ eat enough. but grow fat while 0th the right The people themselves. the guerrillas who believe ever more the Soviets for aid in getting their next20years.“

‘ “‘ '»\i:a‘ ‘ 'h“ ”‘31 “’5 starve ”105“." peasants. favor neither l8“ fervently that a military victory is land back. In other words. by our So. we sit in this Catch 2.). us and

.i .r-r: r Ems“: irir As of 1982. El Salvador had the nor right but are only hungry and do theironlyanswer support of the oppressors. we are the Soviets. unwelcome guests we

.,"e.~:.;n .i' seeing that worst land problem in Latin Ameri- hope for land reform. Where. then. is the United States encouraging the oppressed to fight virtually invited in. fighting over oil

.. .wr s "More .:‘iormation blitz- ca A third of its population was In the fighting between the left in all of this? We are supporting this back and we are caught in the posi~ in a country without oil but a very

. 3 3 ‘r‘rl'r l’hr‘ --" Ntntt' Coherent families who worked on land not and right forces. thousands of mno- primarily military government and tion of fighting the very thing our poor population. This poor popula-
T .1' take sense Hi what we their own and who had no right to cent civilians are killed and muti- shipping billions of dollars worth of actions and policies helped to cre~ tion is merely fighting tostayalive, ,
. at .1’ : 11:. ' stunt about this both the crops and the s0iltheytilled, lated. military hardware to them every ate. And the game goes on. Isn't it ironic. then. that El Salvav q

‘ m: at"? r"v!“1.r‘i-it‘itilconflict This is not a new situation in El ()ver 30.000 Salvadoran citizens month. In essence. we are escalat- All of this is seen by the present dor translates into "the Savior" and

" J7" Hit-HI nrin‘ianrights Vi Salvador Over the past century. have been killed. most by right-Wing ing the conflict and encouraging the US. policymakers as a fight to keep democratic America and communist

~ . i-L. \i.a..r:tir and whether land has been continually stolen death squads and some by "los mu~ loss of life by sending in more weap— Soviet influence out of (‘entral Russia are guilty of nailing her to

‘ isr- ' S g'i'mrrittiettt statistics from the tradmrmal small {arms In chaChOS." the guerrillas. As Of last ons, America. the tree-
' “71"? T KIT-«H‘- T‘s-“r" organizations 1932 there was a popular rebellion year. there were between 4.000 and Regardless of the bumper sticker My contention is that by not se- 1
. .- .- . c the .iritirttlit .1: deaths and aimed at getting that land back It 6.000 guerrillas and some 12.000 se~ "Guns don‘t kill. People do." the riously going after land reform and Lesley Abuhhater. an English
. .."‘e'\ ~- Itt'rt‘tllliit‘ \et the kill tailed curityforces. supply of guns we are sending the answering the immediate problems graduate student. is a member of
’1‘ t' if Ruf'trtittttrtgs are not the There has been a steady stream of The government. headed by Presi- Salvadoran military encourages of the Salvadoran people. we have Amnesty International.
Ch'ldh d ' l' I ft f' h f d d ’ 3
I 00 memories Inger any a er II'BS 3V6 a e ’

' r: :v ...-Lr . . Wt «mind picturesque images I remember most enjoyed the long trip through old tree after old tree cut indus- Spite the tact that the gas made kin- and hiking boots and you guys a

_. u .> r: . mm even less about Dad. but somehow I the woods A only my sister would triously into short logs. There were dlmg wood unnecessary. ’ Spend all day g0thg 10 that damned .

- ; .r ; 1 tots-M remember the fires take the dirt road- to get there many more than we could use. Any Dad reinforced the FOCK Clt‘Cle that ht“? candy store. ,

Meanwhile. Dad would unpack the woodcutters over the next few weeks surrounded the fire. then washed his He was half-joking. but I sensed a g

i:...: will! It‘aiti!‘tz‘ieft't‘irit'h chain saw and tromp off into the for- wouldhave aneasytimeofit. hands after moving the gas bucket real frustration behind the muck 1

ii i t‘ estto prepare for the fire. I thought it was wasteful. but Dad to another} clearing. “"3”." he ht anger. _ _ t

t. "him"- .te were the next best We occasionally went swimming. didn't ask us to carry it all back to the large Plle and the flames roared "3011 should have waited untll .\.‘V" l
.,.ri;g ti~ mung rwh ‘vte tits-re upper J and my younger brother and 1 spent the cabins. so neither me nor my high into the cool summer night. were old enough to apprecmte it. I .‘
. ’Ilf,t' ..l~~ i'trlbfiiftk' 'he edges of ,. ames a fair amount of time wrestling in brothers minded. And the fires were glorious replied.equally theatrical . l

tr-v 1111” 14.1“ 11,111 was a doctor STOLL the sand. Once m a while we would And the fires were gjonous Then we roasted hot dogs and He didnt say anything for a mo 1
.. ,2 “r :z..irf.r .1 awry i-omioriahle go for a short ride on the lake 'in our By the time we had carted several marshmallows. taking a moment out ment. I saw the recognition in his ‘l

2'12 :i 'm» msaniit-ariy 70s small motorboat. but spent more loads it was nearly dark. Then we now and then to read a comic book 9Y6 and realized at thi‘ ham“ hm“ 4‘

l'l..i' '.\.is oetoro- liati . bat-it gave time reading comic books in the younger types would rush to the or COmPlalh that there was "Othlhg hedldthatlwas right ‘
from .i hereditary detect and we cabins or mwjng abom_ com. cabin and swirl around Mom as she t0d0. . The (‘OWSIlls were right We l
‘ “”1 llt't‘ i'lt‘tdlh Mm“ the The fires were glorious, plaining that there was nothing to prepared hot dogs to roast and Dad left the fire to us. He would should have known better We had it .1
-. .. l\'~ nemme :itir-riy middle L'sually all Six of us went - my do. marshmallows for after. We helped walk off Into the forest. or perhaps and now it‘s gone, j
'.‘"t‘i"ilt' r. tss Hri' heir-rt- at: that in two brothers. one sister. and my Dad would return around dusk. set out the fixings on a picnic table Just walk along the moonlit shore of (And now the only memories are
w tax- it our ".K'tttiftli'IS a! lnrlian parents Mom would take to the the echoes of the chain saw still whileDadbuiltthefire. IndianLake picturesque images of a baitrand T
wKt' A" Mr" d> vim“ '0 m'h as l cabin. only allowing herself sun and ringing through the trees. He would First he would fill a bucket a third candy store. a stretch of beach. and i
met plar'trge‘agarn relaxation after it was thoroughly round us up and off we'd march full with gasoline. then placealogin . a Single. square-shouldered stl

\ittl ’htisv aw little cabins on the Cleaned and prepared for our stay through the woods to collect fire- the bucket and left the gas soak in. houetle standing alone In tht‘ moon :
tmat'li oi that ii-ienrliy lake were We kids immediately began to wood. After a few moments he upended the It was years later when I asked lighton the lakeshore. qUIetly WlShr
iiiiong the vlrlslll'rdll! trappings l roam. usually to one of the local bait It was mostly long dead trees that log to make sure both ends were my Dad a question and he replied in ”‘8 his children “'9'? With him .
1.1.1; for granted and candy stores on the lake We he cut. usually already on the thoroughly wet. As the logs soaked his fun-loving.theatricalmanner “hithehres were glorious

I don i remember exactly how old rarely had trouble wheedling money ground. Their remains were every- he would stack kindling for a half an “What do you mean. why'd I sell .

l was I remember very little about out of Mom for the various goodies where. I can remember going on hour. making sure it was well cross- the place? For cryin'out loud. we go James A- 5'0” '3 0 ”Wm" 1mm"
those days. except for a handful of these stores sold. though we usually walks with my brothers and seeing stacked for proper ventilation. de- there with a motorboat. tents. rafts and KP'"€ICOP.\‘Pd"0'
3111”! COUNTY by Berke Breathed
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—-—‘—‘———.—. they are performing ”The Hill ' new album "I think What \At‘ {ill will \dltl "Here m the 500