xt7hdr2p8k5b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hdr2p8k5b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 07, 1986 1986 1986-11-07 2020 true xt7hdr2p8k5b section xt7hdr2p8k5b | .
‘ 5 i 3 '
>V I Vol. XCl. No. 53 Established 1094 Universny of Kentucky. Loxmgton. Kentucky independent since 1971 Friday. NOVOMbOf 7. 1936 i I .
W .
7 5 New Operation Read program Immigrat'onl '
I he] ' U ' 't ’ 'll't t A”! 5” 5 ° d b R '
ping anBI'Sl y S l l era e Signe y eagan . a ., .
By LESLIEANNINUNS The new Operation Read at UK training session and must commit 1 3‘ Sisnxxfj“gunman Wth (‘ongress after \ ,,1. of )lt l '5' I »
Staff Writer program offers an alternative to just themselves toone year of serwce . ‘5 7 . Assumed press wrangling ” 'td 5 pt I ica ' 1 . 1 , . . .1
_ coping. Students and tutors meet twice a Q t Hut . ”my". ll tht . . .1 h‘ , , ‘2' . .' -_' :
BC“ KelltykkN. ”98“”ch TaT 13” This month-old program 59""98 week for an hour and a half Some~ WASHINGTON » President ltea .1 .1; f if ~ ) ht ineaslile 55.58, ‘ ' 5‘ A . - ‘
Sl ()l’Ek ”('lIUBBhU Ha nepeNCn employees of the University who times they go to the library or to a at ‘ "(3 gan signing ”in, law ihp mm, rpm»? (1‘3”, ! e £10an (5“, Id“ '. ' i . ;'
.Vll’1 .lditKK St‘l‘Jm K090“! qlan want to improve their reading skills. museum. depending on the level of _ .. bi. sweeping immigruniin reform ii; :11‘;;1”1.1:ngu 5" “ mmmr‘m‘e ’ ‘1 , - .’-’ .' 3? '4’ '
“Md program manager Gaye Holman the student , ' more than 30 years. expressed htltx‘ 1111119121“ 111110111 signing ”111 mea- ' '1 " . ' f .1," ‘
l)()t'.\ this make sense“? is it con~ said. Another teaching tool is the news- ( yesterday that the measure “in pre sure noted 111111 1119 al imm r't . ’ " ' ,
fusing. perhaps frustrating? And they‘ve had an overwhelming stand in the Human Resource Devel- gem “one of the most 53mm p“. I 1111111“ 1101 be .egn , _ . ”4 :lwn " -, '-1' -' .
To be functionally illiterate means response, opment Office It offers a variety of _ ' 5955“,“ of our piiiiph. Ampnhdh between the L7111:1116 $1251; ”:1; 91: .1 ' , 5; 1' -~ ‘
1 to live with this kind of confusion Twenty‘four students of the pro- reading materials for the students, K, / citizenship‘ "ei'thbors ' 5 5 ‘ d :2‘ .1'-
. and frustration every day. It also gram are being tutored oneonone including News For you. a simpli- Millions of illegal aliens may he H J1me 11 orients 111 th- me .1 . ‘1 _,
'7 means developing coping skills that by volunteers of the‘ UK faculty. fled newspaper that contains hard ’ come eligible to remain m the in; M11 ”we? the ‘11111 “111:111 (Sir? ;‘ ‘- ‘ ~_,af . '_.
f compensate for this handicap in staff and student body. Tutors have news and featurestories GAYE HOLMA‘V ed States legally under the act 11;, ‘ p p ’1‘ 'I 71“}
i order toactively extstin society. to be certified by attending a tutor set-Itil’HiRATE. PageB proved in the waning days of the si~t-I\1\1It.RAllti\ inigcit _ a: . . 5.1'5‘
i ________.__________.__ _ .'
t ’ jT' ’ ,h’ f: 1) e“- ~ 1‘ '1‘. is. 0 O :1 . '- -
. . -‘f’ . , i l i. - .. community gets involved
.' ‘ i 4 in; ’ - ":
7 -'\' f 1' . l I i ,f“ 5 114 3' i " "iii
, 1'41 ‘ fix”, “\ I ‘1 ‘ 1 . 4 1. " O O O O 0 i H~ ".5553”
_ . .4 ,. a vain < in state activ1st or amzation . ~'
' ’ g 5 5% : W} ‘15 ._ ‘1 "-_'; ,5 ;
’ ~ f i' ' w ‘- " ‘,/ Bvsmyxsnrnsox .h. .- . .. .- . 7 4‘2"
. ~ v . . ~ 4- . - - . ~ ' c a [U as .i .tnolt is Ltittrdit} it: systems suffei from lack of re\e~ ~. . 1 2 ~ -" -
= 1» \ ' ’, 3 ‘ "5“? '5. - h ‘r; Car - Special Projects Editor iei-eliiedin tax issues nue. said Joe Szakos. staff coordina- i ; 3‘5: 1’ "t'
ii"... ‘, 135..., \,&1 ‘5' " A -r 1 1 . tine ol' the projects faculty hate ioroi‘Kf‘Tc 1. . i f g. 1‘
' i 21... 5' I f :m‘r 'r ‘ I -¢ 9 Since the inception ”f the hen been m‘MH’d 1” l5 1‘ 1%" SiUd.‘ [1' The goal of KF’Tt' is passarlc of a : ‘1 .L ’5 " '
. ., . Li. infigéxh“ 1* 1 . 3L tucky Fair Tax Coalition. members tled _.11.a11_ 1111111111111 111 1h111.11n1n111n_ 111“ remedying that “11111311111 11.1 11111, .1 _~1~ ‘1 : 1;
1. i s. .c- “ti: {.5} . — 0f the UK community have been 1” wealth A l’i‘oilresszw 'l‘ax Ailt‘ndii mil corporations on the xaluc of the ‘, '. I. i"; a"
- 1 7 ‘ “_;1W¢1§5‘§.~:51‘ . - -Eqn ll ' 1 l-- volved with thatgroupswork. pm. Kentucky landtheyown .1 .1 , 1 '1: '._ ‘
1, : 1%.,1: . , . «1,... 11$ :11 . 11111 WW; "7.”? That involvement» is increasing He said hm. hm} 1"} “11.1,,- Low line 01 the arguments 1151111 11111111151 1 .1 _. 1 1_ , . 1.
~1 . ‘j‘i‘ff" - t 1 ‘ g. v . 1 , ' 1’. with the formation of the University er}. a {OI-”WY whxian. priiiewn. 1,: 1111s 1: that 11 11> 1111111W111111 .11 11)“ a .- 1. ., . 1 1 1 ~1'_ \’1 1.;
Y 5 ‘5 ‘. ~‘. ‘ "5“ .. ' Caucus 0f the Fayette (”my chap- political WWW” “lb “N'Ulitlfi’d l“ tax on unmined lLJ‘it‘l‘dié because ~ 35 "i
5 V - a.“ ."' g) . - ter 0f KF'I‘C. The Caucus l5 "Perl to 5m.eral pap?“ and organizations their actual {lldrkt‘l \alue .s un< . " 1‘ ., , i _ i. [1.. l
, ‘ . ' .‘. l ‘5 ”11“ . LK Students 831d {EJCUIt} lnterebted across the state tilltl read l):\ some in km)“ n }{(l'_\(_".o‘1' \lay .s'dltl that L'Uf‘e \. - ‘.1 .' '1 1 '
w» 1. . a 1 i1 1 in the issues hF’H addresses. said government The study 1, probably samples 1111) 111111111 111 1111111 11011111” 11 .. .- _ ,1 _1
» . ' BeYerl-V. Ma)" Cha‘rpers‘m 0‘ m“ "Wt Vigorous in its concern for em l5 bough' and the Value l.\ therefore 3 '~ . ‘ ' ' i '
' 5* "5 ' . “ L'niversny Caucus gressiye tax reform for most poli- knowizandtaxable . k ‘- . ‘ >
~ 3'1 '7'” 7"Its an attempt to “5." and E1911 ticninsflteid said Szakos said that through the work ‘ . _‘ _ u j 7‘ .. V
1,1;‘\ hFTC members active on campus. Despite that. the report does "pt‘tt of Ki'l‘t‘. legislation has been pro» . 7 1 , ‘v_ '1 1 .' l
11 ~ .e 4"" n" she said. \'l(lt‘ a new point of View in the state piN-n to the last two General As— . . :1'. ~: f
. ',1, W ‘(5 ‘ . W ,1 .‘X' 5 Many people assomated with [K deliatelon the matter ”1 111 1 11 si-iii'rilies1'l‘htiugh the law hassome '. ' :11 ' '_ V
37' - .’. . * ~ have been active for several \ears h “d5 the 155m “ 5” I.d:‘.".mn support 1‘ he” not 5“ “W” passed ~ ' .
1 . 1 - - _ f.‘ aim-.3”, W11 11 1 . . . . ~1 1 that led to the formation of hi it :n It remains the prioritj. issue on - ' ' ., . ., . .
I -. . '- i we? t . ’ d5 p‘m ”l {he ”5“": (”um-l cm" 1981 Tax payers m easterrt Km KFT(“s iiiiiiiii pliilltit‘ni. which ’ i . ' ‘ " » , T4
g. ‘ . .. hi”: 1 “sag-2i; .4 “1*" , ' ter, Some faculty have provided re— .. , - ., , h- 1 1, , .. 1 ._ , . ‘ . ;. ‘ .
Us I ~ ”’11: a.” 1 .11: 111, 1.- .. f , . 1 'h and other work for the _1)111_ tutky found that 83 perttn ill t t reads 1i. part my support tht taxa» 11 1. 1 .1 1
,_ b8; “1.. '1f‘k'ppb‘ . ' . j,” i: “ _‘ _ 1" N 19‘.» 5.9““ . ( d land and mineral rights belonged to (“in of unnilnpd minerals at the 11 i 1 _
5 ' f. "23* ’ '¢J 7‘5“ "w ‘5. tion. 581d Herbert Reld' professor ”f corporations. many of which were same rate that is applied to surface . ' ’ 3 " . 5.
R ' - ,1. .1 ah," -_ I , ,3 political sc1ence. "t‘niversitv mem~ 1 , . , ' » ’ , - . .,
I . , w:"-: \,.~;:A>fi W .5, bers are tmainlvi interested in the abseiitectmnets “5‘9”” .1 , , 1 . I 5 7 “_ ' '
' 35} “ _ 331 *W , 21* - connection between education and These corporations pay practically 1 l‘houth 1th‘1'hfll’l‘1‘l1ljllv'li‘1 ”1 ":dZ‘T} f .
., _ 3-" w ,1. m ‘P " A {was 5 ,. taxptilicyfhesaid. nothinll in taxes on these valuable (oncerniti “l“ ‘m "A “5““ 1‘ dbo : , . . ‘ 5 i . ., : -
“ , r- l ~ .1153? , - (".11 5 ' uiimiiied minerals while local serv 1 '1 5' ' - ' . C ‘ - '1
- f5 ‘5: L. 3.5... - ' i 5 .54 i ’ He added that the Fayette ('ounty ices , such as water and sewage “"(PP"‘\'/‘”“\- “‘9‘“ ,. ,. V i. 5‘ ' ' .‘
W 1, 1 - « d ~, 2. .. Hindu celebration to be observed , ..
11W? .. , ,‘i x ‘ Min-z 1. . .3. . ' “ . ; " l, ,
is?! " ' ‘ v“ - '1 =- t ht tM ° 1H 1] ' '
.i... . ,. at... . ~ fl... . . , 1, .- omorrow mg a emoria a , .1. ._ - .
- . w t art»... a»- !-. w» ! . 1.
. :6- ; new -.(- ' .. ..
'5 v"; " "‘15.:‘9 «1,4 ‘ I! ‘22-‘1 ' If '5 5 5‘ 4. is: ByKElTHASHLEY -,'~ \m 1. ll “ill be celebrated I” Put. secretiry for the India .-\ssocia- .. 1 1' j i,.1' '. J:
~21: “'5 ~.‘~ ‘~ '.e57)f 1; ,. k ‘ ‘1 f f5 f ”L ’ - 4' ..‘. 1, 1 , StaffViriter morrowstartingato Stopm tion L ' 'Q 3.17'
‘5’... 1.52.]. V '. 1:5)" gig v‘rf'pl-‘~ 3“ " 5‘ ‘ ' ' — ‘» "I”! " sponsored by the India Abstx‘l'd- The festival “1;; include tradition- 1 ,. ., .11'.’ 11 1f".
J’: a. ’Jhfig' 1 v e “ $0 (is I". . 3g . (i. 2111.1. 1 . 3;; 1 . and so King Rama. incarnate tioi‘. ‘he festital is a gathering time 111 Sling and dance, with perfor- 1 1 ,» 111 . 1 1
‘. 71"?" '1? ‘- . "LN‘EM; . . I l’. , I .- 1.4 . 5 mg. a 01'th Rod Lord Vishnu- (iv-“m” M" loi- ‘llt' l,t'_\1t‘.21tlll Hindu commuml} inances b} the children ”3 Th“ Indian -‘ {if > .5;,"
:1 ‘ . '3‘, *33 téf‘rmy'. 4" "' ‘ 5h“? ' ,.. 7.5-. ‘75le ‘~‘- 1."; 11*: " dé’mon'hlns’ an‘qna and "”1”” aiitlo‘herinterested people community "' ',.i .»i':' a f
‘111 \ ‘ . y '5: 5"; 5""Vééafl r .14 1" 1.1.; ‘3. 121,1 ‘ », . s ,7 .1 '{W'ag‘ , . ftOm ”Yeats Ole-“1?. - tine oi the most popular Hindu rer Pal said that iii many ways the '1" . . f1 ,‘11'".’
1.. . \ --_~- -. : 5' .3 “Vie? ’1 ‘98 :1 a ‘ :1 . "1 :% 1 Wr‘lfhfii,‘ Light has triumphed 0“? dark- ligioiis ii-stiials in India. the l’K cel~ celebration of Diwali is similar to ,1 1. . 1. :
a 1 ' ' 5: i ' “I ‘31 in“; 5!- '- ' *x .5 i h“\“' 1;.13' 1: " .l “95$ again. hence tomorrows Hindu ebratioi. will be scaled down consid~ (‘hristmas in the l'niteti States 43‘ ' .1 — t .1
r.g,_‘_~", .V" 5,; .:',.1 2/5 ~ '3 ‘ ‘- _, " .1 " ‘Vii a ‘?\.1ifi‘*\‘» 1e; ”‘5‘ festival in Memorial Hall mainly iron. the gift exchanging, 'The kids get a big tat-anon from »,‘-_, -= .‘
" ‘ " 4’" ‘ 1‘“ ‘4’“ , 5 5 4‘ k A 4 5 " ~ ' ‘ ""5 ' 5"““~ ' '5‘ ”Uh, fireworks and feasting that usuall} school. and there is gift e\changtng. . ‘ = ' i 1
. vuuxwimn “m'ls'w Diwali. Of course. The festival 0‘ .iccoiiip.i:;y this holiday in its name and Visiting. and ink of eating.“ '. ..' ' '1 )1," ,"a‘ifjg ‘1
Raking it in lights, the heralding of winter and 11”“ 51.1111 p111 . . 323i.) i, 5:-
the newdzeal“ It 5 Wenlgglng 0“ {0; h f th He e\plained that different com- " , -'1 1' 'j 7;. ’1 i _‘f
t ousan ‘ 0 cars in ii iii ~A~ an " t is lilti>ll\ ust a c ance or e . 4 ‘ ‘~ '~ : . 'i. -' i .
4R. Simcox holds a container while Billy Seir- the corner of Rose St. and Rose Lone yester- foratleast 10ayt UK. peolple to keeinn touch with their munitie m Ind“ hold different -' " ‘, . ' ' 3'." {a
ing rakes in leaves while clearing them from day afternoon. Although Diwali itself was actual- cul'ul’i' and tradition," said Prasad \wm‘m pm.— 1- ' W55 ' ' 3
1 —_—_—__________—__———__—__________~__—__| ' “-’ 5 J i.‘_' , 15‘,5I,A
‘ o o o o , ' 1.. 1. '.
, Registration, orientation procedure .. . .
‘I'o .';..»';.¢:i',
. Cheerleader regains arm movement to begin today for some students -'.; ; .
.. . 1. 1.
it) BUBHIWUHK‘II game at Freedom Hall in Louis~ \‘ISlon of the hospital‘s neurosur- ' . l
1 5m“ “1”“ ”“9 ge1o1n tmT‘Liii.(t1litii‘ii1i:""l Stillld 11 1 B)’ B0BBIWOL0C" pect from the l'nix'ersuy and what room at 11 a m _ students will speak "1 ‘ l ‘» ‘1 (.1; f
n esax. osiia oicias " 1- ,, .. i , ,.. ., ‘i .. t"
Dale Baldwin. ill“ “Sled in St“ Baldwin is able to move his told reporters a Iprognosis on StaffWriter 22:11} -n|;‘:\rt:.l1i‘:.1:(:pe£[5 0f the stu Elgggeqagififimgnd register for A .' 'v . » '. , i” T.
now but stable condition. is able upper extremities. said a report Baldwin's “”“llllw "WM be TOdaV is registration f‘" new. Fister S'fltlL1lUanl“ will be me Advisers will begin conferences at ' i 5 '
tonii11oye1hi: right and left aims. from Linda McGinity. director of mildt’ln48 hours transfer. non-degree and re-ad- fin-"hid about f'inaiiCial ald, parking. 12.115 pni in the Student Center. . » _ '- "
' -~ . r - . :
Hospital inl.outsyilleyesterday. talized ' “1h, ‘1 1 1 ‘ 1‘ 1 ‘ 1 , l lh919815P‘5mg semester. 11 registration and other areas of inter however. some advisers will hold _ . _ ' . 1
‘ ‘ , ‘r‘ “ “d“ ‘l‘mm‘d “1“‘(10‘3 Orientation for new Md "3“th est conferences at the locations of their » , 1 , - -1
. . . . . . mght students begins at 9 am m orientation for nondegree and re- colleges : .‘ ' .
Billd\\lll. a 1 ix cheerleader. in- \thether Baldwin will suffer Baldwin‘s case is a "wait-and- Worsham Theater. said Ann Fister. admitted undergraduate students 15 Advanced registration {111 current~ . . . .1 ,- -1 1
itired his spinal cord Tuesday any permanent paralySis is not see“ situation. said Debbie Fo asSistant for registration and advis- at "mm m the Worsham Theater. 1‘. enrolled t'K students for the 1987 ' ‘ . . 11-.
mill“ d‘lrlllL’ «'1 warniup FOUIIM‘ yet known. but the 22~yearold shag. assistant director of come ing l-‘istersiiid spring q-niqur 1,0ng next 1 . 1.
tot‘ lht‘ “WP-Whit“ scrimmage squad captain 5' under the 5UP?!“ munit) l‘f‘la‘l‘m’ The orientation provides “an over- ~Following lunch, which will be tk‘ednesday and continues through 1 I 5 ‘
View of what the students might ex- serxed in the Student (‘enter Ball Friday , . 1. 1 . 1.
D5 a m [It ll Olllld (1 ll 5“ m 5
15 gree e S “5 S 1' g teStl g -
hd't‘" “' "0"? Th“ ‘5 the “(and ”'1“ violation 0f the student'athlete’s Whether this is fair to the athlete ____._______.____ the [0515 on and if there is an) \\a_\ this M'S WWF wrestling , “
two part series about drug testing in civilrighls'.’ is debatable 1 to disttngutsh these "false keys” cord 0' RUPP Arena w“ an ' '
”l" U‘ 3PM“ Program‘- There is widespread disagreement “Sure, I would like to we every “I thlnk that when from illegaldrugsma positivetest 1 1, . 1 i
0" these questions at every institu- doctor or airline pilot tested,” said a - However. there is much debate .n'flmln "9. not a promo- 1 _ 1
If“ “HZDJOSES “0" that tests for drugs. and UK'S UK head basketball coach Eddie you re talking abOUt a Ot‘erll’lls issue ‘w' W' F“ m' '
Senior stafthriter athletics department is no excep- Sutton “But people have to realize drug test for someone Some t'K athletic offiCials do not 090. MPAMJ’QOS. » ~
and JIM-WHITE tion. that the student-athlete is not a nor- - - - believe that one can blame a PM" ‘ - -
SlalfVH‘Iler “We expect our athletes to be pure mal student Their Visibility is much It 18 a pretty SCHOUS five test on poppy seeds or any other "I. M” M" b. 9"? i ‘
_ 1 because so many peoplesee them as greater than a lot of professmns thin ” types of foods lng onmwln Vondflblh IMO
At first glance the drug testing something to associate with," said They are always under the micro- g' , 'Although some foods can show up Saturday. Forum 0..
procedure may seem cut-anddried. UK swim coach Wynn Paul. “But I scope “ ' Wyn“ Paul. posttive. the quantity needed to trig~ m '99.‘ '
Randomly checking student-ath- think we have to be realistic about But the microscope that searches UK swim coach ger a test sometimes makes it an ' 1 5 1
letes for drug use is a way to keep it. for traces of restricted drugs is unrealistic excuse Vgfiwigmijw’
the problem under control in one as- "Why not test the airline pilots. sometimesa bitout of focus — “That is one of the greatest lines 234% .‘ i 5. “5‘5
pectofsomety —sp0rts. . police. doctors. dentists, nurses and A number ”f different “ms and eeds can lead to false r Its n ever given ‘I had a bun with is: fiflfiAW'i‘mmflh
But is it fair that athletes are sm- senators also?“ he said. “I would chemicals that students can con- :ven the most sophisticated tilt]. I poppy seeds said l’K head trainer 5
gled out while other seemingly more feel better if I knew my doctor had sume in any cafeteria on campus .. th' k th t he . tailk Al Green “According to the Drug CM ”*7 “It I to We
important professions gountested'.’ been tested rather than the guy will set off a positive signal m a l m a W1. it you re 111mg Enforcement Agency. if they were an m d M d .
Are the results of these tests accu- playing basketball for UK." drug test about a “’98 test or someone ' 15 a opiate poppy seeds they would have ‘.
rate enough to be the basis for an Athletes are placed on a pedestal pretty 5°00“ thing. Paul said. had to have eaten a'pproximatelv “'5 M Q. M ”5*
athlete's dismissal from his or her by their fans. And the fact that they A parent 0f 3 member Of the SW'm t‘I'or me. n better be .‘00 percent. or . a,” “W ‘“ ."
particularsport'.’ are in the limelight is the main pea. team informed Paul of a news re- 1‘15t throw thewhole thingout. ‘ m M d t“
son the are a mu si led out to port on this subject The re irt said Therefore. Paul is in the recess ' M '
And are these unannounced tests a belated. 8 p ng that certain foods. name]? poppy of finding out what exactly gen set SccTanN(;.Page6 « '5‘.“ “5 v , , _., i.-

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KENTUCKY KENNEL, hid-y, Hard“ 7, 19“ ~ 3 '
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MO —— , , A Wild & Lrazy Six-match wrestling card entertained a sparse Rupp Arena crowd .. 3.3
a???“ (E; / , ' . .
3 _ V. - '0 ll) it ESLEY MILLER llt‘ttm ruinvd chums. boot.» and lists I. ' ‘ . .J3.‘
5.35;?" .-\.\.\l:sl£tnl Arts Editor mtuthe llilllllll} stare . '. ,‘ " ,".
3‘5 . ' . 0 ‘ Thu turning, ptlltll at the match 0(3- , 3' 3" f .' ".'3 3.: 3
Mb 3 - O Iuvsda)’ night's \Mirttl “rustling t'urrctt when ttrtun threu thc Hillbil- - '3" '3 3 1""; '3". ‘3
t l. .. reiteration card at {will} Art-nu tut 1} ”Ul ”l lllt‘ “Hi-l and ”W“ attempted 3" “ 5' ’ " 3 ' ' ' '
turod twi sut‘resstul llllt’ iii-tr-nws ltlf‘itlltJlllt ll]lfllll(‘lll(‘lal ring post 55 '5 3 k 3 .' 3' ”3'" . 7 '.
unda pdll‘t)lnllnt)!'up>t'l> llllllllll} Jim turned the tables on ‘ l 7.. ‘ 3'; ”'31, .3 .‘lfl.’ . '
M.“ a" Soloon ’ 235° Woodhtll WW Contor. Tonight and mmop 1 Ihviltiritish Bulldogs suct'i-sstulh (lrltllt and Hung him heudttrst into . / , .7 1.,»
row, Main Stroot (country rock) will play from 9 am. to l o.m. $2 per person m" m 5: thlmrf \‘lutld Tal‘" Fermi " the ring p'N then scrambled unto ’ 5 Va, 3. " ' 5 ..' 3"3 ',."'
“weouvloboth W”. . ) gim'i'mtr'linihl' };L1;:;:;;gei)t'tiixt ':.i"' the rtnut’alltpait1 till thte 55555555; ten 5 . . . _v,, ‘3 ;.-,'~ i.
_ ‘ .I.. 3 c - x mm. .11} ('oun r lln ( it no 1.19 )d(‘ in o . . , . .' '37. .3.) “3.3%,.
Wu?" ”I "“0," 95"":"7 5253“ AV“ “Md" W l°'"°"°w3 Mystery T'°"‘ anllh prime-rt 'l'ht‘ Hart Futmdatiun ~ the rim: ltl tune, and .lim Was rte: ' x .3" , ' 7 "3,2. .‘ ",."3'..‘,' .
“”50: ll p. 156!on Shot St 1 . ' w ' R bol W'th ' Brett Hart about 13 minutes min the clam-(lthrmnnvr 1“ I3 ‘ _,‘,".5:"$
Causotoriglltttlgck) will aloyf:om9'p 3'31... ””373. $;ocou;:'leou 0 ”mm Altvr m.- matrh. the llilllitll} . t ,' " ‘1'..'-f3'3.'3‘.:‘.}3,'..3'{.
~ 3 3 ~ ~ ‘ All tour 3.A restlvrs xwri- in tho ring grabbed the mirrophnne trum ‘ 5 l5! '5”, 5 ""5" "5' 5 " ‘55
loan loan ~. 2909 ' m . ‘ . 33'.J/-'..3' I. .9 ‘ "
"0940,60?“ mum) 9pma‘2“ am I°°d- “"593“ 0"" ’°m°"°w- Obsess'm‘ \thr-n the Dynamitv hid prQ:\t‘tl the Jimmy Hurt txhu, in addition to ma- , 3 .. Ci , x 5 _ 3.:5'; . 3* ".,.'-' ,
- , . . . . 2 l- ‘3 1 ‘1 . . . ‘ '_ . . _ r 5". I, {‘3}. '1', 3L, ‘._
Iroodlugo A“ 509 W. Main St. Tonight. Cltttord Curry and the 12th Avenue ”it pound Smith high it tht .HI and nagging thr Hart foundation and ‘ E f. u'.’- 3'5;
South Rhythm and Horns Show and Dance ( is Music) will la "om 9 m .te-n hut led him at Jun 'lllt‘ ,3\n\”ll tlrton. 3.x 11> the guest announcer. and .3 3 _' (It . 1.2". ;j .3 '._
to l a m 54 cover Tomonow The Bunch (IT-ac” rock) will 9 ‘Y from 9 p'm' \cidlmrt \t‘ltlharl wraimtilwl out ()l issued a t'hitllt‘iltir' to the obviously I ' «4.. ' )9 '3; -’;-‘._.~~ .'
' tolai'n '$3cover ' ' op pay p. ”19 “0}. but himth ri‘ashr-ii tlllll .31 tnghtvnvdllart , ‘3 I > v “ytgaé 5... '.'"'
' ‘ ' dazed i’zrt-tt H; rt. hi t . 3 " ' ’3 3 '5 ' . ‘ 4" ' ' '7 '3 “fill-"a '51:! "'-‘ {3"
Crystal: —— In the Hyatt. DJ Donny Morrymon wins Top 40 dance music on a l 'h . tl . . . ' " ' " "' """U' 555'} "U" ' 3:5” 5‘" mtti thc ring. 5" 0‘ ”353.3- 31’s.“; 55".":
sound system in addition to your lavorito videos on a lar -screen TV Red- or ' ' " '5 ' """' "a" "w -rtltptitmd "'m chal— - - 4' f.--?r',",.3-‘_3;"~"‘,"3-' ."
lightdrink sperials tonight andt row Nocover 9° ' "Hm. I m the utttr‘t..t mat: :n th(- longed "I not twat _\uut‘ buy ()rtnn. 32"" . . . ‘ "_. .‘f ‘: -.~,f,'p'_".'l‘-
mm” ' ‘ ring. ' \mdhtirt \('l't‘5tll‘.t'(l .it tho rel \\l]ll m-ars a skirt ttkv Jill ut' wiur - ' i 3 .5" "'33.: --"i"" 5’13-1'4F.
' —— ‘t t . N .. 4 . . ~ . . « ,.r 343* .3; .‘
21'...“ ‘" Rick ‘ Placo Th. 800 “*4?” plays your law" 9 “fies ° t‘l‘t‘t‘ \ ()u um t mut.’ It.) partner buys 51) \\ h_\ don t )tlu got into the 1.. 5"»; 3' '..' ’3- "5,' 1":
' Hut " ring antit’acmrw“ A3 . 55 ' .f3.'3.".-_'. 2
Bro-t ' “P0 *3 - °°d - h ~‘ Hr. . 1' 3334:135”.
onanamllgmss Je‘etersbffillsplfls; tromwn‘y?95:52:51TnggnzziC'Zrmlinlof ”l” hl”WWW“ti'lt«»t:rlr-..t tar. Hurt who tit» thv malt-.5 around “4,31 . 3' ,i‘fr.’ 33.3.53-
3 3 3 3 ' ' "h- z‘t 3. . .. .1 .. 3 .. . ,3' u” 3 31'. "N .'=..‘~.' '~'
row. Dementia Precock and Joan's Littlo Brothel, 9p.m. to I am. $2 cover. . I 5 H " 5,"""' " "' D” "" '3' w" "" 11m " -.3‘ 3' %, . 5 f. <,'",.'.'.-".. "i' .‘T.’ .
King's Arm Pub (Formerly Jefferson Davis Inn) l02 W High St Tonight "TM“ "' ("HWMH' l“ mli‘ “Alkml 1” the ”1'3“” “W”:- l'”'mt‘r tag ' '5" ' pan...” .7... » . . , 3'. 1131';;’~3‘r‘.;3 -;
_ ‘ ' r I l . ~ . ti. .- y . . 1» . '.. . , '5' I '1 ' 5 5'5 5' " ""3 3' '3 it. ' .1“). 5'. '
and mmorrow‘ “mum” (comm), tollr) will play "om 9 pm. '0 I am. $2 into the ring. lu. in tin 1r illdliddt i. ltdttl‘ thdll’lpllltts lriutuf Beettalu ‘t. 4". ".3".3."3‘.-."-'l.'3.’3'.:
cover Jimm} The Mouth tit thv muth and (trot: "fhr Hutnmi-r \alentmr- The Dy-ioir..tp K.d tett and Dave; 80. smart SuCCGSSlu'w/ date: a ,-‘3."'"""'t“3.'3"‘..’ "5:"
' Hurt It tmk Matilda thr Bulldogs minus ltl'lll”lgt‘l‘ ‘ l L‘\t"0U\"' Johnm ed mg . to t » 3 5 5 ”'-';"3'3’ ""1
, fl . _ . . ‘ - 3 3‘ A 3- ~ ~ . -3 2} ea". tttes Tuesday m ht at R; Arena .3 ,3..‘. ,-..~.3.',‘3.
L" Ollvor ‘ Hol'd‘w '"n at l 75 °"d Nowtown P'l‘e‘ DJ 59'“ TOP ‘0 ““9 llitht‘tll, to thaw 'hv \lt..‘t'~ at! 'lii-tr Valium '.\t‘l't‘ llll\t-l it: Thu Island 9 pp {5.5"- ' 3. '1'3...’*-'.-5
tunesonasoundSystemtrornSpm tolam Nocover ' l"-~""" '-3'lt"4-'
W 388W odlandA ' ' ' ' ' tau-5 and .ltlltlll} Ha." an? ill thv t‘t'.\. .1 tum: cuiittimwi at Thu Timur 3[3 1.. . ,. .,_.. .. . P H. 3 , .. t""’l' .H' \\ "1"“ 3.3 . -. ' ': 3-3;»..‘25'1 “.51; '3...
-. 0 ve _ ’ M a...” .t .._.. . “A. ‘. . . t‘.:.3. .. . 1.. .ici . t’ ’ - .4,.3_..:. -3,‘. ‘,'
‘ rmu hztiziiid hit-3.: lt t1 3.. .. . . . . . . . . . , ,.. .. . . .. ._3“. "5.3", 333$ 3"
Molt! Sttoot hr and Grill — Downtown on Main Street. Tonight and lemon 'I'l‘e 3h‘ _, , ' _ . ., f 5,. ‘ than - .: _ ._ an in} Lllil.t” A _.~ mat _. .t. t. .. i. [13.1 - .. ' :33._f.;.~f ‘ -. ‘ ,- '3
‘ . a senu at tap .i:.. lJt‘J .\t 1hr- l.\ldlt(lt‘t~ .xtin prefer ’n tw l" .. 3. . , . . . ., .. . . .3 . 33 m. . - 33., : 3".3 . .i' n 3.‘ 3 '
row,JumpstreetlToplOrock)wrllplaylrom9p.m.tol o.m. h .m, (11d not «31-333 . Wm“ 'hr ilwl l)\ lllt“" .I, W ,1, m“ U. " tum .2... .~ .. t... .u re .tn .;:\. !!.Ut !; nuanr. .\l.i-t. . ., ..e .~...( "$031 -”. .
~_ _ . u \ i..‘ ll . t. ._ ' id ‘ ll . u‘ .11 ‘. l l ‘ liIllt‘ l.t . 1: ’.t‘.1.'"3 ‘hfl tY".l'_1.:l' 'Y...".. Et'fl v“ flfil‘,‘ r__ . . . 3' .1:'V_q'€g5,\:."(ft:.", ‘
:pplrfil‘tlt )Rodis'sfn Hotel Plaza. Between The Two (Top 40 rock) will play from (-hampmnx who uni-mag M“. d \wl. .ppcuuqy Tom... “”1 iiaku. Wm ,h‘, t‘tt‘kr‘3i333i- : iii 1 “”1. nit'itch V" ‘ .-.3 _ . . I"; 3., _; ...-.,.‘~.~€;‘...:._‘. -.
. .0 am. ocover. . . . . ' .5 . 3 “-33 333 H -3 ~3 3 ‘ i t’3 . ‘.‘.;..~‘--‘.
. t 3d m. ‘h n- .3 illrxl.‘ ..,\ ‘3 A... w. z 3‘. x 3 gm. 53‘ t 3 1" 3 .- r...) . . a' = "sf-"3-
!” K." 333 S. Limestone St. Tonight Bluebirds (blues) Wm play from 9 '.' 1ch it 1 t \ . \ t It .i r in mi \ht n l t x mung run ,m 1h. . ..‘.t. ..L than M undethiixn ,5, g, .‘j
m to l a m 52 cover lor man no cover tor women "5 '5 Bulldogs "5 "'H """':"‘*'H ‘ "'l) ml)" """3 B‘"'l"*"k" 3‘3'53‘l lit-M3 Ar.» w ‘ ... :” .3.~- at law r.+-i331»3ii 4' "53:5" '.'\' ' 3' if" '3»:
P- - - 3 3 3 >hurt lltitt‘ ago Hi tau: .1: thmi‘ hut? slammed mtw \...v33.3'irit3 holdingv li:\ .. “an, 3 , .3 3:... 33 I;.1(y\' .3‘. “up \lflh \ K“ ' " " " " ‘7 ' K "-"3"."""3"
ll‘lL’ iiinstot ~hiiulili3r~~ tn 'ht- ::..i' tor the pmtall 5.: 3...”, 3, -'. . . \ul'” Pt?” "' *" ' ' 133 it‘.‘ .‘3'3‘73'3‘
Muttltck. K} 5 llJil/ltl'» .l,.3:. T'tlt' lslamimw M’N‘At‘tl houndtv» It: m» ,._ ML, 3.1.... m... ‘-'t"-.. P1193" 3-. ~, :~ .. : i" 1"..." 3.3 15'3“ 33"“ 9. -"{ '.
7' ' ‘ ‘ 3:.13 . 3 3 3i- 3. 3w «xvu "it w. .3 . 33. 3 .- . 3 ., , , .. . at \i.‘i33 ~ 3 3.; ’r. rim-3. 2 ~\.
‘ /—"‘—| t r ir’gtd \ltturm... I my... run} .1... e. ...r...i.m a. thy In...“ .3“... w , . 4.“... ”my. and t 1 A: - ~. 13.3..
; // \_, . lint» Hrtnn \Ahvn tlr'w" n .1> ‘llMillu: tit‘H‘t‘ allmwii Hwtrakv and Valet: 1... 1,”; K twp-dim: (’ltZtllt‘tiLft‘l\ 33" ”3'“: " it?“ "' ' ' ' ' ' '.\‘
/ 5' l "'M I'll ”“1th “U' 3‘ 'll" 713711 ltd“ ll’l“"’l1‘”l”'3l""‘3“' rhythm l'.ttl3llt‘t' l":t"f3..o3 uni l’t-tttt} \Ittt'hvi' """"' 1'": "' 1'5 ' " 5 5 "" 5"; 5‘35} .' "I ‘3".
/t lllt‘Jll‘lllt‘dlllYl('lllTL'.' lama um 3.3<:i>'..ntl_\ Jumping up ttt>' “in...“ “Him. rm. Ji>3n..r1u'r .. . . _ _ g ; 3':.-33..'3..;.'-3""_1-.“ '
I; l 0' ’ lltlltnll} .ltm outwit: {ltr' m3..." it. amt tlll\\lt tit. ft» ring edge as his tummy” “\l‘3l"”‘l , 55"":5 v " h- '1 3,5 " 5:55" “z 5:3. l};
I ri-snundmg Cht‘t’t\ ‘H trim" tlt"3tt. .i‘nittlt‘tl ll» lti!" lit be tagged Eli!“ 'l'l‘ii i3iiy;‘rii\oi\idl pmtdfl iii-(3.117133? .5. 5.: .3', ., 5- .' fl" : ', ,5," : 35%“: A,"-"‘ ‘3 '.
‘5' ‘ “h” “'33" wearing ' linux43. H‘Vl'l‘ 'll'””'3‘¥‘l('h tv3f'ti'.i.:rt: .m illegal tliiulil<33tt3azr. «3f 5.} hm i "\ .3'., A. H 5 ,‘I‘ 1', '3' ‘5‘
MP"r ‘ kl“ 33‘ it “”33”” "3 ll” 311 Al one PW” 3' t‘mgmde 11m ju’llwl. tux" hf. thr- vhatrtlnum (1.33. i'»-3:z3.3. ... .', .‘;-,..'.",'.. 5' '. ." . '5 Q: 5'
10qu dOminance wwr lli\ turmm tin not t‘tl: Frurtcake.” reterrtntl \ittrhcll. l)ll' ’hv t‘t’lt‘t‘t‘t' \ lliit'H 5.25 5...”). ' ."..'... '5. .. : . ,. .5; ' '.' .” 3;» ‘
umpluwr ti; itwtmkv Eklt‘lSt‘ ring msfunw in ".t'ttt‘tl ' ‘ ' ”‘ ‘” ” ' “ ‘ “‘ ' " ' " '15" , a":
3. _ , , . . y,J , . "3.,”7'," ‘53)";
Ila. Volvot —~ David Lynch. tamous for his cult film "Eraserhead." is back I”) l ”dd" 911"} “‘“Pdldi‘fl'l‘t't “Rh“ [.33. .1 !!:»Ittiv‘ :ttiwt Inr m-tira i’mrr, ,. Y",\'.t"'\ 71.133 ”ft 3".o-3 f, :r' {57,51,925} 3' l..- '.
“'"l‘ '3 5U"°°“5”C "‘Urdef mystery “'3’“ "W"? twists 0‘ Pl°l3 °"e °l them "'h ”t" "'m "M "'5 ""5 ""' "W" 'm" " "5"“ "n" "'5 enmrt-img hl‘ INK \iatvr 31t3ti3gitt3d Sika tttr- 5.1mm .<.' 3. art-3.4.15 'if'lt‘\ “raring '.".3¢3 31.x; r. ,‘5
being 5 e. M. Starring Isabella Rossolini and Kyle MocLachlon. Rated R (Lex- ”‘ l " *‘gmn'ng "l ”l" ”133““ 33‘3 "3”“ ‘3‘” ..:. AW? NM '9‘le ‘1'?“ 3"“?3‘1 '3‘ 337-? K3333"- 17“= ' ‘3 3' 1 3 "l3" (’3'-33'?
ington Mall i,3:l$. 5:25 7345. t0,tonightandtomorrow at midnight.) ”'31" 3,).1'33‘; ’ti ‘létlt't‘ “h“ “m t'tttlu'u. Hunt: tlt‘. ‘hz‘w \t‘fmz'a'. 3: .3 ,.~.3i3.~ r535. ’.'*..:.-.3 .521" r_‘3
Childron of o Lonor God w A love story about a teacher and his mute wt! lllt'\t‘t'lllltlltit'lillllt'lx'lt‘ mg? math.» illlixti sappy. 'iw rum; ,3"'5.n" 9': 55’
student. starring William Hurt. Rated R. (Lexington Mall: HAS. 3, 5315, 7 35, 3'18" \i‘..1 1114“"- "‘ 'nr 3"33'53L' 3",\ t.» “W3" 3'>""3.‘3":‘~".3 5'
9:50, tonight and tomorrow at 11:55.) ,~ . m3»- ,. . ‘1‘. ‘1}: ’52: 'j’ff