xt7hdr2p8n5f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hdr2p8n5f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 2005 2005 2005-03-02 2020 true xt7hdr2p8n5f section xt7hdr2p8n5f Wednesday

March 2, 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

Ky. Senate
OKs budget

UK loses some funding
for priority projects

By Troy Lyle
mt ktnrutkv KERNEI.

FRANKFURT. Ky. fr Several of
UK‘s building projects suffered fund-
ing cuts in a budget passed late Mon-
day night by the Kentucky Senate.
Meanwhile. the Senate approved
bonding for a previously unheard-0f
UK basketball practice facility

The numbers, made available
yesterday show that the Senate‘s
budget cut more than $170 million in
UK funding from the House of Rep-
resentatives budget passed Feb. 18.

The Senate erased all funding for
three projects. including a proposed
student health facility that the
House had funded at $24 million. K-
Lair renovations and an air condi-
tioning installation for Keeneland
Hall also lost all the funded allotted
from the House.

Funding for a proposed bio-phar-
maceutical complex which UK
President Lee Todd called his “top
priority" dropped from $40 mil-
lion to $32 million. and the bonding
for an expansion of the Chandler
Medical Center was cut by over half
from $250 million to $100 million.

Amid these cuts. the Senate allo-
cated $15 million for a new basket-
ball practice facility. which Todd
said wasn‘t on the university‘s list of

“It‘s something we‘ve talked
about because we‘ve got a premier
basketball program and need space
for volleyball and gymnastics." Todd
said. “It's unclear how we'd fund
that on bonding right now."

Worse. if UK can‘t come up with
the needed $8 million for the $40 mil‘
lion bio-pharmaceutical complex. it
may have to stall that and other
building progress. Todd said.

"There appears to be the general
assumption from legislators and the
business world that we‘re inefficient-
ly run. or that we probably have the
money we need anyway.“ Todd said.
“We need to dispel that myth.

"We need to have a common vo-
cabulary to convince them that we
don't have an $8 million wad of mon-
ey lying around here because we re-
ally don‘t.”

The Senate is proposing to cut
more than $300 million in funding

See Senate on page A2


(in millions)

nimal diagnostic center $8.5 $8.5
Basketball practice facility $0 $15
Bio-pharmaceutical complex $40 S32
Blazer Hall renovations $2.25 $2.25
Chandler Medical Center $250 $100
K-Lair renovations $5.1 $0
Keeneland Hall renovations 55.1 $0
Student Center Food Court $1.6
Student Health Facility $24 $0




Expert: Foreigners targeted by Homeland



Columnist: Porn 0K;

self-control the problem

Page A6


Celebrating 33 years of independence

”“253 Po r 11

Former sex addict reflects on journey to recovery



Michael Leahy talked last night to a full crowd in Memorial Hall about his
recovery from a sex addiction. He discussed the dangers of pornography.

By Doug Scott
m: kckrucxv xcxkci

Recovering sex addict Michael beahy’s
addiction to pornography was once so con-
suming. it nearly caused him to end his

own life. he said.

The speaker recounted the details of
his sordid past to a crowded Memorial
Hall last night, warning students against
the dangers of sexual addiction and its

prevalence in society.

“The porn industry just as an example.

is about a $12 to $14 billion indus-
try To put that in perspective.
that’s in excess of the combined
revenues of professional football,
baseball and basketball franchis—
es in this country. That’s more
money than CBS, NBC and ABC
generate." Leahy said.

Leahy‘s presentation. “Porn

Nation: The Naked Truth." incor-
porated video interviews and
Leahy’s onstage testimony on the
effects of pornography on people

and how it can lead to sexual addiction.
The focus of Leahy’s presentation was on
what he calls “sex syndrome.” or having

an increased obsession with sex.

The video included interviews with a
former Playboy Playmate and other recov-
ering sex addicts whose lives were turned
upside down by their addictions to porn

and decadent sexual lifestyles.

“It was so non-condescending and
made you want to watch it." said Rose
Glasser. a mechanical engineering fresh-
man. “It was even better than what 1 ex—


Also featured were interviews with
psychologists and authors. with one liken-
ing the power of sex syndrome to the ring
in The Lord of the Rings. where the ring
has an increasing drawing power over its



“There’s something about our biologi-
cal makeup as sexual beings that allows us
to thankfully procreate our species on this
planet. but at the same time it's also being

“It's been a
very humbling

Greek Sing fans to fill Coliseum

Page A8

misused or abused by others to get us to do
or believe or to act on certain things.”
Leahy said.

He received a standing ovation at the

“I was very happy that someone was
willing to reveal the truth about how
pornography affects our society,” said
Aaron Treesh. a finance junior who is in-
volved with Campus Crusade for Christ,
one of the event‘s sponsors. The Student
Activities Board, FeIIOWShip of Christian
Athletes and The Rock also sponsored
Leahy’s visit.

Leahy’s story with porn
dated back to age 11. He said
that his relationship with
porn took away from his rela-
tionships with women. mak-
ing him view them as objects
of conquest.

His sexual addiction even-
tually led to an affair with a
woman who embodied the
ideals he had found in pornog-
raphy and the termination of
his 13-year marriage to his wife, with
whom he had two sons.

“It was good that he shared his own
personal story" said Will Branham, an un-
declared freshman. “It made it easier to re
late to.“

Leahy along with many of those inter~
viewed in the video. attributed his recov-
ery from sexual addiction to his spiritual

Leahy gave the student audience the
option of leaving the hall before he began
his last segment on spirituality. after
which he invited students to join him in a
prayer that he said when he was searching
for help in his recovery

Leahy said religion has turned his life
around since he first said that prayer after
his divorce.

“it‘s been a very humbling experi-
ence." Leahy said.

Michael Leahy
former sex addict.
speaking about

his journey to recovery



Provost could learn UK fate today

By Adam Sichko
THE Milieu iron

UK Provost Mike Nietzel
secondin-command to
President Lee Todd could
learn today if he has been
chosen as the next president
of Southwest Missouri State

Board of
meets today
to discuss. at
the very
least. the
three finale
ists to be-
come the
next presi-
dent. said board member
Mary Sheid. Nietzel is corti-
peting against John Sellars. a
vice. president at Syracuse
University. and David Belcher.


provost at the University of
Arkansas-Little Rock.

John Keiser. SMS‘ current
president. will retire in June.

Sheid declined to say
whether the group would vote
on the next president in to
day‘s meeting.

"I know that we'll definite
ly be discussing.“ Sheid said.
“i know we want to make an
announcement very quickly.
by the end of this week.

“We'd like to do something
fairly quickly." she said.

Sheid said she would “feel
comfortable" saying that the
group has a favored candidate
in mind. but she declined to
comment further.

“l'm not at the liberty to
disclose that or comment on
that." Sheid said. “i can say
that Nietzel is extremely im-

The presidential search
committee announced the

three finalists in mid-January
and Nietzel completed his offi-
cial visit to the SMS campus
Feb. 16.

Todd praised Nietzel‘s
“tremendous respect" for UK.

“There comes a time in
life where you‘re asked to
look at that potential“ of be-
coming a president. he said.

if Nietzel gets the job and
leaves UK. Todd said filling
the position would be a priori-

"It‘s an extremely critical
position for the institution."
Todd said. “He (Nietzel) is the
academic leader.

“If we have to face that de
cision (a provost search). we'll
look wide and long." Todd
said. “But it's not speed that
matters. but finding the right

asichkou kylrernelcom



ByJeff Fichner

America has unjustly de-
tained more than .5000 foreign na-
tionalists since December 2001.
without charging any of them
with a terroristic crime. said
David Cole. :1 law professor at
Georgetown University.

“Our government says. ‘We
will sacrifice foreign nationals'
rights. Arabs and Muslims most
notably for Americans” security'"
said Cole of the US. Preventive
Detention Campaign.

Cole spoke about homeland
security and issues surmunding

the human rights of foreign na-
tionalists in America after the
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in the
Student Center's Center Theatre
last night.

Students can make a differ
ence for civil liberties by joining
organiYations and standing up for
human rights and the law. Cole
said to about 50 people in atten»

This nation's government has
sought the course of least resis-
tance to protecting personal liber-
ties and America. (‘ole said. “We
have greatly fallen down on our
commitment to annuity." he said.

Cole believes our nation is ex»

periencing the largest example of
ethnic profiling after the Sept. 11
attacks since World War ll. when
the US. government interned

Cole said to an extent. he un-
derstands that the US. govern-
ment had to initially take exten»
sive. security actions to prevent
further attacks on American soil.

“Punishing someone for past
actions is ()K. but it puts extreme
stress on the law when punishing
people who you suspect may
harm others in the future." Cole

“On Sept. 13. 2001. we had the
World's sympathy but we have

now squandered that sympathy."

Cole's speech is part of the
College of Arts and Sciences”
year-long series of events on
homeland security said Joan
Callahan. director of UK‘s
women‘s studies program.

"The program's objective is to
generate conversation across the
disciplines about homeland secu-
rity." she said. “Our goal is to
bring scholars together to talk
about the emerged phenomenon
of homeland security that exists
in our culture since Sept. 11.



Chuck Hayes

Page A5
flit-Tennessee, 8 tonight, Rupp Arena

Josh Carrier
Page A4


Water hike lowered;
refunds on the way

By Elizabeth Troutman

Central Kentucky residents will receive a
reimbursement this month for averages
charged to their water bills from the past
three months.

Monday. the Kentucky Public Service
Commission ordered an 8.8 percent increase
in water rates ,, less than half of the 17 per-
cent increase already implemented by Ken-
tucky-American Water Co. at the start of De
cember. Customers will receive refimds in the
form of a credit to their accounts. the compa-
ny said in a press release.

”The order is long and detailed. and we
will promptly begin reviewing it to ensure
that our customers“ bills are properly adjust-
ed." said Nick Rowe. president of Kentucky-
American. in the press release.

The average “central division" customer
will pay $1.64 more per month under the 8.8
percent increase. The central division in-
cludes Fayette County and five of its six
neighboring counties.

Susan Lancho. communications manager
for Kentucky-American. said the rate pro
vides necessary funding for the water compa-
ny to maintain its reputation of providing
highouality water to Kentuckians.

“As we make additional investments in
the system and as we improve infrastructure.
there is a cost for all of those,“ she said.

“We are certainly prudent." she said.

The Public Service Commission told Ken.
tucky-American it would make a decision on
the rate increase by December m. The wa-
ter company implemented the 17 percent in-
crease without the commission's approval.

The rate increase approved by the com-
mission was lower than what Kentucky-
American had anticipated. [ancho said.

Lancho expects the rate of water to con-
tinue to increase.

“That rate will remain until Kentucky-
American will file for another rate increase,
whenever we feel it is appropriate to."

Email etmumianwikykemelawn




PAGE A2 I Wednesday. March 2. 2005



for Kentucky's universities.
But inadded $200 million for
renovations of up to 17 Kett-
tucky courthouses and $54
million for renovating the
capital office building nei-
ther of which were included
in the House or governor's
budget proposals.

Sen. Charlie Borders. R-
Russell. chairman of the
Senate Appropriations and

"it isn‘t good for UK. un-
less you want to trade a bas-
ketball practice facility for a
student health services
building." he said.

Scorsone said the Senate
budget is a “baud-aid" at

"The bills will be paid.
but there's $400 million in
debt that we have no means
of generating revenues for,“
he said. "Unless something
happens. we're going to be
short $400 million next year.

"This by no means is a
long-term solution to Keit-
tucky‘s problems."

fly/w kykernelcom

Revenue Committee. said the
Senate's budget plan pro-


vides for the state's core
needs and would help to cre-
ate jobs.

“This budget is economic
development-driven," he
said. referring to more than
$300 million the Senate bud-
geted for new construction
and renovations for all of the
state’s universities.

Sen. Ernesto Scorsone. l)-
Lexington. said the basket-
ball facility shows that the
Senate doesn't have its prior
ities straight.

“No one knows where H ,
this basketball project came “m total.
from We no one's taking re- Tuition tax credit
sponsibility for adding it to “105mm“,- \. budget
the bgdget'" Scorsone said. includes a 3000 t 1x credit

, "I m. not saying It would- for all undergraduate sin»
n t be nice to have a .119“ has- dents from Kentucky who
ketball practice faculty. but attend a university "in the
not at the expense of a stu- state. The House of Rep-
3:!" health “”1““ bmld' resentatives previously

House Majority (‘aucus approvr (1 this inrasul t.
Chairman Robert Dalnron “mm aid
said the spending on state l'nder my, 3mm“
courthouses is misplaced. budget. student financial

“It 100k5 to me that th“ aid WUllld reach its high»
money cut from universities psi [pt-e1 ever. The slim“.
is being spent on new oral-es allotted see million rill
for Kentucky‘s Judges." said this fiscal year and s", mil»
Damron. D'Nlcmllit-‘th‘ lion lnore for the zoos-(t6
said. “They (senators) are fiscal “.1”:
forgetting that higher educa- ’
tion is the economic engine N9“ Step
for this state. The House will now

“If you aren't funding review the Senate's hud-
higher education then this get and tax reform pro-
state isn‘t going to grow.” he posals. If the House does-
said. n't accept the Senate‘s

The decision to decrease plan. the two groups will
funding for [TK‘s priority list negotiate in a joint coin»
of projects while adding a mittee.
basketball practice facility

Other News

Tax modernization

Prior to passing its
version of the 2005 fiscal
year budget. the Senate
unanimously approved a
tax modernization plan.
included in that tax plan
are tax increases. The
plan adds 26 cents in tax
per pack to cigarettes.
and increases the alcohol
tax by 2 percent. to 11 per-




makes no sense. l)alnron

livarlisl'l‘v or chN'l'i'ckv

Selected crimes reported to UK Police
Feb. 22 to Feb. 28

Feb. 22: Criminal mischief at 408 Administration Drive reported
at 8:17 am.

Feb. 23: Assault at 121 Keeneland Drive reported at 4:17 am.
Feb. 23: Criminal mischief at 101 Avenue of Champions reported
at 5:09 pm.

Feb. 23: Harassing communications made to resident at 1398
Nicholasville Road reported at 9:38 am.

Feb. 23: Theft at W. Young Library reported at 11:41 am.

Feb. 23: Terroristic threatening at Lexington Community College
reported at 1:30 pm.

Feb. 24: Burglary and theft at 597 5. Upper St. reported at 10:30

Feb. 24: Theft at Kirwan Tower reported at 11:24 am.

Feb. 24: Criminal mischief and theft from a vehicle on Virginia
Avenue reported at 5:35 pm.

Feb. 24: Theft of cash from desk at 3414 Iron Works Pike report—
ed at 6:45 pm.

Feb. 24: Coat taken from Fine Arts Library reported at 10:41 pm.
Feb. 24: Terroristic threatening and assault at UK Chandler
Medical Center reported at 10:45 pm.

Feb. 24: Theft at 465 Rose St. reported at 10:50 pm.

Feb. 25: Use of improper container for a controlled substance
and arrest made at 600 Old Frankfort Circle at 4:45 am.

Feb. 25: Burglary at UK Chandler Medical Center reported at 7:11

ed at 8:55 am.

Feb. 25: Item stolen from office at College of Law reported at
10:51 am.

Feb. 25: Damage to flower bushes and property in Flag Plaza on
Avenue of Champions caused by Woodford County school buses
reported at 1:20 pm.

Feb. 26: Theft at 750 Rose St. reported at 9 am.

Feb. 27: Injured man requesting assistance from residents at
Wildcat Lodge transported to UK Chandler Medical Center at
2:55 am.

Feb. 27: Criminal mischief at UK Chandler Medical Center report-
ed at 4:35 pm.

Feb. 27: Theft from a vehicle in Hot reported at 6:38 pm.

Feb. 28: Theft of mail at Kirwan Tower reported at 10:56 am. A
second mail theft at Kirwan Tower reported at 12:07 pm.

Feb. 28: Suspicious person passing out pornographic materials
between Patterson Office Tower and White Hall Classroom
Butlding reported at 11:16 am.

Feb. 28: Theft of a wallet at 351 Scott St. reported at 2:32 pm.
Feb. 28: Theft at Commons Complex Mall area reported at 3:55

Feb. 28: Theft at UK Chandler Medical Center reported at 4:48

Feb. 28: Terroristic threatening at UK Chandler Medical Center
reported at 10:46 pm.


E-mail dshafa@kykernel.com


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Crystal Little
Features Editor

Phone: 257-1915
Email: clittleeikykernelxom

FRAMEXFRAME I In theaters and on shelves

Be Cool
The sequel to i995's Cet

Shorty, this film is also based on
a novel by crime-writing master
Elmore Leonard. Iohn Travolta,
terribly in need of a comeback a
la Pulp Fiction, returns as Holly-
wood wannabe/matioso Chili
Palmer Tired of mOVies and up to
his slicked-back hair in trouble,
he enters an industry even more
manufactured than the mOVies
pop musrc Getting started, how—
ever. proves to be more difficult
than he thinks, and he runs afoul
of a bevy of co-stars. including
Uma Thurman. Vince Vaughn,
Danny DeVito and the Rock (who
has now made enough in Holly-
wood to go by hrs real name.
Dwayne Iohnson) At Regal and

The Jacket

This drug trip of a psycholog-
ical thriller features the plight of
a military veteran who gets ac-
costed on the way home. Adrien
Brody stars as the veteran who.
during a bout of recurrent amne-
Sia, is accused of murder and
placed deep in the bowels of a
strange mental institution run by
Kris Kristofferson, which is creepy
enough on its own. Thrown into
the dark. confined on a smorgas-
bord of drugs, he's able to launch
himself in the future, only to find
himself incongruously dead The
why and how are lost to him. and
only the adult verSion of a girl
(Keira Knightley) he met years
ago can help him solve the mys—
tery as he drifts in and out of
conscious states. At Lexington
Green, Regal and Woodhill.

The Pacifier

Vin Diesel. in mov1e purgato>
ry for domg The Chronicles of
Riddick (which would have won
an Oscar if it had been a Silent
film). stars in this hideous exam-
ple of Hollywood self-loathing
Diesel is entirely miscast as a fish
out of water who suddenly has to
take care of children as penance
— or who knows what In a film
that looks this bad. logic and
general expectations are too low
or non-existent to really offer


Chely Wright

8 pm. Madison Theatre,
Covinqton. Tickets cost $12.50.


Watty Peytona W/Bllnd Corn
Liquor Pickers and Royal Blue
9 pm. The Dame. Tickets cost

Blue Collar w/Kintolk
9 pm. Short Street Lounge.
Tickets cost $3.

Plan A iii/Addison
10 pm. High on Rose. Tickets
cost $3.


Mike Seeger

9 pm. The Dame. Tickets cost

The October w/Chris Campbell
Band and Van Gogh Sky
9 pm. The Dame. Tickets cost


By Ryan Ebelbar
Karin-ionic CRITIC

Do we have a new Hanson
for the 21st century?

It's possible. but there are
some key differences between
new band Eisley and their pop

First thing is first: The
strangely attractive females in
this band actually one females
and not odd attractions for
Glen Quagmire to become dis
traught over years later.

Second, this brother sister
(and a friend from down the
street) actually possess the
ability to write songs that dis-
play such crazy notions as

Trust me. there is no
“MMMBop 2005" on this al

Room Nost is the debut
album from Texas—based Eis»
Iey. and it does not fail to live
up to the hype. Given an open


mro main or um mm mm
Adrien Brody (The Pianist) stars in drug-addled thriller The Jacketalong-
side Keira Knightley (Love Actually). The film opens Friday.

analysis At Regal and Woodhill.


Exorcist: The Beginning

This prequel to the horror
claSSic stars Peter Sarsgaard in a
gee-whiz attempt to explain a
backstory Instead of worrying
about the unexplainable and the
ineffable — and making Father
Merrin out to be a titan of faith —
Sarsgaard is cast as a shattered
onlooker to World War II. who un-
leashes the same horror he faced
in the original film In other
words, a bunch of hacks want to
take a well-crafted ClaSSIC and
turn it into the same terrible
trite. banal, moronic slop that
passes as a good horror film in
the current genre glut Its scary
because you feel it not because
you show it End rant

Flight of the Phoenix

The only flying this film did
was out of theaters and onto
shelves Watch at «our twri risk
The plot. or whatever you would
call it. involves a bunch of soCiaE
outcasts stranded in the desert
after their cheap charter plane
crashes So it": a bunch cf C-lis-
ters who crashed 111 Oakland?
Hmm doesn t sound iike much
of a plot But this isn‘t much of a
movre Can these misfits IOlll to-
gether with the engineer mysteri-
ouslv in their midst to lCUIld an-

other plane and save them all
from certain doom?

The SpongeBob
SquarePants Movie

Follow the harrowmg adven-
tures of SpongeBob and Patrick as
they journey to Shell City to take
back King Neptune's stolen crown
and do battle with the nefarious
Plankton It's surprisingly enter-
taining - espeCially when "Bay-
watch" curmudgeon DaVid Has-
selhoff and his incredible pectoral
antics make an appearance.

Wonder Woman: Season 2

Lynda Carter. in her pre-con-
tact promotion days. dons the
spandex leotard for more adven-
tures as the mighty Amazon
Princess In the second season.
she moves from World War II es-
:aoades to fighting in the modern
era — which at that time was the
:9835 Instead of fighting NaZis
et al . she now finds herself fac-
.rig off against the oh~so~ unusu~
a1 modern horrors of nuclear
rower and computer technology
ggrie awry But there's still no in-
v’lSll)lP ;et. and the best fight
scene is her daring showdown
with Astigmatism


For the week of MARCH 2 - MARCH 8

10 pm. High on Rose. Tickets
cost $7.

9 pm. The Dame. Tickets cost


9 pm. Club Crush, Cincinnati.
Tickets cost $5.


Sugarcult, Plain White T's.
Hopestall, AnBerIin and
Hawthorne Hights

7 pm. Bogarts, Cincinnati.
Tickets cost $16.

Family Groove Company
8 pm. Southgate House,
Newport. Tickets cost 56.

Josh Groban w/Chris Botti
8 pm. Freedom Hall, Louisville.
Tickets cost $6.

ing slot on (‘oldplay's I'S, tour.
buzz around Eisley has been
building for two years

Spots on .\IT\"\ "You Hear
It First." Entertainment ka
ly's “Bands on the Brink" and
Blenders “The Next Big
Thing" promised that a loyal
following \yould pop up.

The songs on this album
are a great combination of pop
and rock. but never straying
into the World of Top-ti) radio.
They take advantage of a bril
liant prixluction team and the
use of lush harmonies and
keyboards to give the album a
very full sound

Their l\’l‘It'.\ :u‘cn'l typical
pop songs either

They actually liaye much
more in common with William
Blake than Britney Spl‘fll‘x

The lyrics are llllllt' coni

plex and l‘IT‘nl ive for a group of

college-age students living iii a
world of Toby Keiths and
Ryan (‘vabn'ras



Sunday Valley w/Rev. Peyton's
Big Damn Band and The

9 pm. The Dame. Tickets cost


Large Number Ann Shenton ot
Add N to X w/Fashion Flesh

9 pm. Southgate House,
Newport. Tickets cost $8.


Ryan Cabrera
8 pm. Bogarts, Cincinnati.
Tickets cost $22.50.

Heartthrob Jesus w/ American

Minor and RC Pro AM
9 pm. The Dame. Tickets cost


Compiled by On Tap Editor
Ryan Ebelhar

Eisley equalizes pop, talenf

I certainly recommend
picking up this album at CD

It‘s well worth the $14 and
a healthy alternative to the
mindless crap on the radio
right now.

Eisley “'1“ be performing
:it Julian‘s in Louisville on
March 17. but I don't recom-
mend going unless you can
stomach sitting through
garbage like New Found Glory

rvhelhar a A'ykernelmm






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March 2, 2005


Jeff Patterson
Assistant Sports Editor
Phone; 257-1915 | Email- sponseflkytwrnelrom






- nothapjfison Carrier can
m the W 913m in one
in humilla; ' ._.. g





I knew I dould


Eben leader ...I

‘ Just Want to be
there for them
gn§ set a good

‘ - Josh Carrier

istalre t l ’ - lJK senior guard
, arrier pg *-
_ g» ff theco ‘

. him as a 11W now not just a
game action. teammate. e re always going to

coach Tubby stay in touch.”
nior C In their respective four
years. Carrier and Hayes have
helped UK win 103 of 125 games
(82 percent), two Southeastern
Conference regular season and
; tournament titles.
'-< As remarkable as that run
’t bringing has been, its something else
‘ _, the extra that Carrier says he‘s most
_ when it proud of — earning a college de-
f teammate than gree. He‘ll graduate in May with
a business marketing degree.
“College basketball is very
time consuming.” Carrier said.
“You don't feel like studying
every night. You don‘t feel like
. going to class after a 6 am. prac~
tics. but our academic adViSers


nint on the



in four years is big for me."


._ " It We w
our years
: .‘s org



1 I'th Date January so. 1983
m Bowling Green, Kentucky
W School Bowling Green HS
Ida Business Marketing
Mame Abe
Fawn“ Cutout NBA Player Tayshaun Prince
Caner llldi ill Pohts 8 vs. Tennessee State (2002)
Career "iii h Rebounds 4, three times
Pb Fact Was named Kentucky's Mr. Basketball In 2001



and Coach Smith do a good job:
of staying after us. Graduating



mites per game for
his career and has sacrificed in-
dividudc soak for something
bigm‘i‘m mamas.
“At a plaids use Kentucky,
you has compete for your job
everyday,” Carrier said. “It’s
hard. but you‘re a part of some


thing special here. and so you‘

really can’t complain.
"I'm a big believer that

» everything happens for a rea-

son. God put me here and kept
me here. I‘ve had a great life and
a great career here. so I can’t
ask for much more."

Carrier intends to pursue a
master’s in business administra-
tion from UK. He also didn‘t
close the door on becoming a
coach himself, hoping to begin
as a graduate assistant if the op-
portunity presented itself.

Smith said that although
tonight will be a special one for
both Carrier and Hayes. he re-
minded everyone this season is
far from over.

“Josh and Chuck are two
young men we wish we had back
year after year." he said.
"They’re the type of young men
that really represent what you
want in a student-athlete. We‘re
really proud, and I know I'm
proud to have been {1530(‘lzllt‘d
and had a chance to coach these
young men.

“Hopefully we'll be seeing it
lot more of them. We‘ve still got
a lot of basketball to play."
E-mail cfishertgikykemelt-om







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