xt7hmg7fs81m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hmg7fs81m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19780414 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 14, 1978, no. 221 text The Green Bean, April 14, 1978, no. 221 1978 2014 true xt7hmg7fs81m section xt7hmg7fs81m I   iiii I I ¤?<>»*¢Z.
g M/IM/78 NO. 22l
` _ l4 April — The Gallery Series — Horn music by Rex Connor, tuba,
- and Betty Garrett, piano — Noon in the Gallery, King
Library North.
_ 2l April — Kentucky Council on Archives Meeting, King Library
North (see note — Archival Theft).
24 April - The Gallery Series ~ The Lexington Singers present The
I Vocal Ensemble Philippines — Noon in the Gallery,
King Library North.
28 April — The Gallery Series — Jazz with Tom Senff — Noon in the`
-· Gallery, King Library North. A
Current Exhibits: Foyer — King Library North — Robert Lowell l
exhibit through May. Gallery — Department of Special Collections —
"...with Photographs from Nature." — display of photographically ·
illustrated books from Photographic Archives, University of
Louisville and Photographic Archives, Special Collections, University
of Kentucky — April l7—2l (see note). · ’
Contributors to this number: Pat Eoyle, Wanda Dole, David Farrell,
Faith Harders, Claire McCann (Editor), Bill Marshall, Gerry Munoff,
Judy Sackett, Cathy Stevenson, and Bob Turner. · _

   — 2 — O
Q — Archival Theft . ·
I The Kentucky Council on Archives will meet April 21, King
I Library North, University of Kentucky. The featured speaker
I will be Philip Mason, Director, Archives of Labor and Urban
I · ~ ‘ yAffairs, Wayne State University, Detroit. For more specific
I A information contact Bill Marshall, Special Collections,
I 258-86ll.
g ...with Photographs from_Nature- ,, ‘
I An exhibition of photographically illustrated books from the
I collections of the Photographic Archives, the University of
f y Louisville and the Photographic Archives, Special Collections,
{ University of Kentucky Libraries will be on display in the
I Special Collections Gallery from April 17-21 for a preview by
I _ the Kentucky Council on Archives which meets here on April 2l.
I The exhibition will then be shown at the Museum of Naturalg
‘ History in Louisville during May before returning to the .
I Gallery from June 19 to July 28. For additional information
I call Gerry Munoff at 8-8634. _
_ Processing Conversion Project Coordinator
I Gail Kennedy has been asked to assume, temporarily, the position I
 j of Processing Conversion Project coordinator. Her responsibility I
I will be to initiate and coordinate the planning and implementation Q
of the classification change and to look into related activities,
such as a COM catalog, for the Library. She will report to the
Associate Director, but will work closely with the Assistant
Directors for Public and Technical Services. Although Gail will
i continue as Head of Acquisitions, it will be necessary to provide
additional professional coverage for the unit; so it has been A
recommended by the Administrative Committee to hire a temporary I
Assistant Head effective May 1978. Because of the time element
and the temporary nature of the position, the applicant pool will
consist of current staff members and local outside people. The
Director's Office is now reviewing the outside resumes currently I
on file.` Anyone now on the staff who is interested in the ·
position should talk to either Paul Willis or Faith Harders by
Wednesday, April 19. I
Notes from ACTS -
John Cleveland resigned from the UK Library System to accept
A another job in Toledo, Ohio. His position on the ACTS Executive A
Committee has been filled by the election of Vicky Walker, a I
staff member in Special Collections. _ ’

 - 3 -
The Education Committee has begun its schedule of tours for the
staff with two tours of the Medical Center Library. A question-
naire is being circulated to determine interest in other tours
of branches and departments in King.
The next general assembly meeting is tentatively set for May 15.
Warm Up Those Overhead Projectors, Folks...
Copy Service, located in the Newspaper/Microtext Department, now
has the capability to produce transparencies on its IBM Copier II.
The cost per transparency is one thin dime; hours are 8 am - 5 pm,
Monday-Friday. For further information contact Bill Bull or Judy
Sackett at 257-2666.
I LSO Bake Sale
In order to build its treasury for programs and social activities,
the Library Staff Organization will hold a bake sale from
ll:3O am to l:3O pm, Friday, April 2l, in the staff lounge on the
V third floor of MIK North. Baked goods, lemonade, and Kool-aid
will be on sale. Bring your lunch and join the LSO for dessert.
Please help your staff organization by supporting this sale and,
if asked to contribute, by donating baked goods. Bring your
donations to the Collection Development meeting room by ll:OO am,
Friday, April 2l.
LSO Staff Room Committee
Committee members and a chairperson are desperately needed for
the Staff Room Committee. The committee looks after the well-
being of the MIK North and South staff lounges. Duties include
monitoring the condition of the lounges, occasionally laundering
towels and dishcloths and (hopefully) little cleanup. If we can
form a large committee, duties can be performed on a rotating
basis. Please call Wanda Dole in the Architecture Library
(8-5700) for information.
Vacation and Sick Leave Note
University Personnel has called it to our attention that if a
person has a zero balance of vacation or sick leave and takes
time off before the 2lst of the month, it must be turned in as
leave without pay.
Chandler Collection Inventory
The Guide/Inventory to the Albert B. Chandler Collection, l98pp.,
is now available for sale for $5.50 (including postage and
handling). Please direct orders to Ms. Victoria Walker, Dept.

 - q -
of Special Collections and Archives, King Library-North,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. Checks should
be made payable to the University of Kentucky Libraries.
1 The spring meeting of the Kentucky-Tennessee chapter of ARLIS C
C (Art Libraries Society of North America) will be held April 29
at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green. Tours of the
Art Collection and Automated Circulation system at the Cravens
Library are planned as well as a look at the Art Department
Studios and Facilities in Wilson Hall. The afternoon session
includes tours of the pioneer cemetery, St. Joseph's church
and Hobson House. For additional information contact Wanda Dole,
Architecture Library, 258—5700.
{ Midwest Academic Librarians' conference will be held May 11-13
at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. The meeting will
stress academic libraries, library instruction, and faculty
development. Pre—registration deadline, April 21.
Advances in Document Storage and Retrieval Systems will be
discussed at the conference sponsored by the Institute for Graphic
Communication, IGC Conference Center, Andover Inn, Andover, Mass-
achusetts, April 25-27.
Philip Dare has accepted a one—year, temporary position in
Reference for 1978/79. He has a Ph.D. in history and an MLS from
UK and has worked in the Reference Department. His specific
assignment will be to cover instructional services.
LT III -- Business Library. If interested, please see Faith l
Harders by Wednesday, April 19. .
Circulation Librarian, Auburn University, Alabama. Available:
September 1, 1978. Salary: $18,000. Application Deadline:
July 1, 1978.
Graduate Research Assistantships (5) for Advanced Study in
Telecommunications Technologies for the Delivery of Library and
Information Services, University of Denver (Colorado Seminary).
Librarians (4) in Cataloging, Gifts & Exchange, and Documents,
University of Florida, Gainesville. Salary range: $9,000 —
$14,000. Application Deadline: May 15, 1978.

 - 5 -
y Instructor and Serials Cataloger (2 positions), Iowa State
f University Library, Ames. Available: July 1, 1978. Salary:
v $11,000 minimum. Application Deadline: May 19, 1978.
Head, Acquisitions Department, Notre Dame University. Available:
July 1, 1978. Salary range: $16,000 — $18,000.
Circulation Librarian, Princeton University Library. Available:
May 15, 1978. Sa1ary" $13,000 — $15,000+. Application Deadline:
May 8, 1978.
Head, Interlibrary Services Department, University of Tennessee
Library, Knoxville. Salary: $11,000 — $13,000. Application
Deadline: April 30, 1978.
Collection Development Officer, University of Washington
