xt7hmg7ftv48 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hmg7ftv48/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198908 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1989 text GLSO News, August 1989 1989 2019 true xt7hmg7ftv48 section xt7hmg7ftv48 Free at Selected Business Locatiqls
Home Delivery at $5 per year
by Craig Clere

Beginning in July, GLSO‘s Gayline old, so the revision was a welcome
expanded to Sunday evenings. Expanding the improvement. The Gayline operations center
phoneline to a fourth night had been a major was also moved to a new location in July.
priority of GLSO for the upcoming year. GLSO anticipates the new location will provide
Current levels of staffing by volunteers can quicker access when the inevitable computer
now operate the Gayline effectively for four problems develop. GLSO would like to extend
nights each week. Sunday evening was a big thanks to the Schultzes, who housed the
chosen by the Gayline Committee as the new Gayline operations center during the past
night for expansion. several years.

Two other behind the scenes changes Within the next the year GLSO plans to
have occurred with the phoneline. Melanie conduct a fundraising drive to purchase a new
Otis, GLSO at-large board member, has computer system to solve our recurring
updated the referral guidebook used by computer snafus. Watch for future Gayline
Gayline staffers to refer and advise callers. developments in GLSO News.

The previous revision was more than two years

AVOL, the AIDS Volunteers of Mr. Ron Jerrell, Secretary of the
Lexington, has scheduled its second annual National Association of People With AIDS
summer benefit. The event will occur on (NAPWA), was guest speaker at AVOL's July
Sunday, August 6, from 8 pm to 11 pm at meeting. NAPWA is based in Washington, DC
ArtsPlace. NightLite, the popular Cincinnati and represents all people affected by HIV
band, will entertain in the Performance Hall disease. It represents over 12,000 people in
for your listening and dancing pleasure. the U.S., organized into 102 chapters in 112
Food and beverage will be served in the states. Additional chapters have been formed
adjoining Gallery courtesy of local restaurants, world-wide. NAPWA's activities include AIDS
businesses, and individual contributors. education, referrals, support groups and
There is no charge for admission, but lobbying. Mr. Jerrell resides in the
contributions are welcomed. All net proceeds Owensboro area.
will support the AIDS education and service
activities of AVOL.


Kelli Colbert was crowned Miss Gay Kristina Bree was chosen first runner
Kentucky '90 at the annual pageant, this year up and received $100 cash and flowers. She
hosted on July 1 at the Club Rumors in was also awarded plaques for Best Sportswear
Paducah, Kentucky. First prize in the and Best Eveningwear.
pageant included $200 cash, flowers, and a Congratulations to both girls, and we
paid entry to the Miss Gay America Pageant. look forward to seeing Kelli represent
In addition to the crown, Kelli won the Best Kentucky in the national pageant!

Interview and Best Talent awards.

 Please send me a free introductory
E] issue of GLSO News and information .
on GLSO.
I'd like to become a voting Member
D of GLSO, including home delivery
of the GLSO News and discounts
at GLSO functions. My Membership _
fee of $10/year is enclosed. Mammmtouchwrthmm
I don't wish to become a Member but ADAM... in touch with man
I] please send me the GLSO News each by Kenneth Sanders
month. I enclose the $5 annual fee.
Webster defines:
Name: gay\'ga\adj. 1: happily excited: merry.
man\'man\n. 1a: a human being; esp.:
an adult male human being. b: the human
Address: race: mankind.
Put the two together - a gay man... "a
happily excited adult male human being." And
City, St, Zip: that's what we all should be. Not queer,
homo, fag, fairy, etc. These are derogatory
Mail to: Newsletter, P.0. Box 111m adjectives tacked on by society that should be
Lexington, KY 140575 ignored. We all know who we are and what we
are... we should have the right to choose
how we handle that. When we find ourselves,
we should strive to overlook the ignorance,
move forward and don't look back.
GLSO News is published monthly by the The first man's name was Adam. In
Lexington Gay Services Organization, Inc. Hebrew it means "man." We were human
Id.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services beings before we became gay men. We have
Organization), Box 111171, Lexington, KY 110575 changed in many ways and through our actions
we must let others know that the change is for
Steve Savage, Editor the good. (I am what I am!) Being yourself
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar will show others that you are really no
Esmerelda Ink, Asst Editors for Esmerelda different than they are. So, to help the Adam
Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist in us all - some of us are starting a men's
group. It will rely on the support of those
Additional Contributors: The Advocate, Dave, who want to make it happen, and it will do
Debbie, AVOL, Steve, Kenneth, Alan, Angela, what the group wishes to do. If you are
Craig, Steve, ADAM, GMHC, NGLTF; Typists: interested - try to attend our organizing
Dave, Craig, Steve; Equipment: Dave; Layout: meeting Tuesday, August 8, 8 pm, at Great
Bobbi; Mailing: Bill; Courier: Kenneth,- Moments (156 W. Main). If you can't be there
Folding 8 Stuffing: Jim, Steve, John, Mark, - please send us your suggestions and helpful
Paula, Carroll, Josh, Steve, Dave. hints. Mail them to ADAM care of the GLSO.
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are ADAM... in touch with man.
those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent those of the Board of Directors. PRIDE WEEK CONTRIBUTION ANNOUNCED
Submissions are welcome. All submissions by Craig Clere
become the property of GLSO and must include
the full name and address of the author. "Crossings," a bar at 117 N. Lime, has
Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The contributed $100 to the Pride Week fund. The
editorial staff reserves the right to alter any establishment's staff solicited contributions
submissions (including advertising) to meet during the June celebration. The owners then
publishing requirements. added their own contribution to round off the
The placement of advertising in GLSO News check. GLSO thanks the patrons and owners
does not denote a person's sexual orientation of Crossings for its support of Lexington's
nor a business's customer preference. annual Pride Week activities.
2 GLSO Aug 1

 MEDIA DISCOVERS initiates conversation, or even takes obvious
LEXINGTON'S GAY COWUNITY pains to steer the discussion to the topic of
> sex. Entrapment seems to be somehow
In preparation for a feature article about permissible in Lexington, even though it is
civil rights in the South, the Southeastern illegal everywhere else in the country.
Bureau of the Associated Press recently Numerous reports have been received by
contacted Alan Ellis, a representative of GLSO in the past month that the Lexington
Lexington's new lesbian and gay political police have expanded their operation from
organization, the Bluegrass Human Rights Woodland Park to Jacobson Park. So be
Advocates (BHRA). During the 1&5 minute warned! Solicitation to commit sodomy
telephone interview, Central and Eastern apparently can refer to almost anything the
Kentucky's gay and lesbian community was police say it does. Even if those of us who
discussed, along with BHRA's plans for reform commit sodomy as often as possible don't
of legislation within our city. A completion agree. And remember, in situations such as
date for the article has not been determined, these, it's always your word against that of
but can be expected sometime in August or the police. Guess who wins!
September. Hopefully the Lexington
Herald-Leader, the Courier-Journal, or one of PRIDE WEEK A BIG SUCCESS!
the nearby community newspapers will run the by Craig Clere

Late in July, John Cutright and Steve Lexington's annual observance of Gay
Savage, members of GLSO, and Amy Steele and Lesbian Pride can be considered a
and Charlie Williams, BHRA representatives, success, both financially and by the numbers
were interviewed for a show which will appear of participants. Highlights of the week were
on Lexington's Cable Channel 6. The topic of the AVOL Safe Sex Presentation, the Movie
the interview was "The State of the Gay and and Pizza Night, the Picnic, and Arts Night.
Lesbian Movement in Lexington." The exact Crowds ranged from twenty to one hundred
date and time the interview will be aired has gay men and lesbians for the various events.
not yet been determined, but it is known that The Pride Week Committee was especially
it will take place before August 15. If the pleased with the Movie Night and Arts Nights.
date is set early enough, the show may be Financially, Pride Week broke even. For
included in the TV listing in the previous some that would not be a success, but during
Sunday's Lexington Herald-Leader. The show each of the past three years Pride Week has
will also be listed in the daily schedule which spent several hundred dollars more than it has
is broadcast over Channel 6 each day. taken in. For that reason the committee

planned a low expense week. Thanks to the

LEXINGTON'S ANNUAL ROUNDUP donation of the Unitarian Universalist Church

by Interweave for Movie Night, a $100

And no, its not a rodeo. Its a lot more donation from Crossings, and the generous
serious than that. Its a roundup of gay men, contributions from the lesbian and gay
charged with crimes ranging from harassment community, the Week broke even. This is
to sodomy. especially important since of all the events for

Incidents of violent crime in Lexington the week, only Movie and Pizza Night charged
must decrease each summer, because that's the an admission price ($3).
time of year when the police force sends A special thanks to: GLSO, AVOL,
undercover agents into the public parks, GLSO's Esmerelda, Interweave, the Unitarian
looking for gay men cruising the grounds. Universalist Church, Crossings, The Bar,

Apparently, very little evidence is Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates, GLSO
required to arrest a person for charges such News staff, and all the members of the Pride
as disorderly conduct. Men have been Week Committee.
arrested recently for simply hooking a thumb This year's Pride Week Committee
in a front pocket of their jeans, with fingers strongly recommends a permanent, year-round
consequently resting above the pocket near Pride Week Association be started this year as
the crotch. Officers seem take that gesture a viable organization. Toward that end, GLSO
as an invitation to commit sodomy. Asking an will be assisting interested persons in making
officer “What do you like to do?“ (notice this new organization happen. John Cutright,
nothing sexual was included; the question GLSO at-Iarge board member, will be working
could have referred reading, running, singing on this project. Please call John at 233-3733
or cooking) can also lead to arrest. if you are able to help make the Association a

. And it doesn't matter if the officer permanent institution in Lexington.
3 Aug GLSO

 Dear Aunt Mary: My lover has five dogs and Dear Sergeant Steve: It's the end of the
thirteen cats. In the winter, I have no need evening. I've met the most gorgeous guy.
for an extra blanket due to the excess of fur The chemistry's great.... How do I let him
in the apartment. During the summer, I have know what my safe-sex standards are?
been forced to pursue the vocation of nudist. Stuck
What do you suggest? "Hairied"
Dear Stuck: Congratulations! You are
Dear "Harried:" What can Aunt Mary suggest? farther along in the safer sex process than
It seems that you have found seasonal many of your buddies. You have safer sex
solutions to your lover's dedication to the values, and you recognize that talking about
animal world. It also seems your lover has "do's" and "don'ts" can be awkward.
found a good way to have the man of his Before the "Big A,II we used to use the
dreams naked all the time! line "What are you into," or, "What do you like
However, your question implies some starters today, but they are a bit abrupt.
discomfort on your part. Apart from vast AIDS has forced us to talk with the guys we
quantities of fur, how do you feel about sleep with. No longer just to find out what
having 18 other animals in the apartment? they CAN and WILL do in bed, but to see how
(Are you sure you don't live on a farm?) safe they play.
Also, at what point did your lover decide to A line that works well as an ice-breaker
become the Doris Day of Lexington? You must is, I'How do you feel about safe sex?" If he
have had an inkling of you lover's fondness answers "no way,II you "can" the bum after
for animals at the time you two got together. steering him past the AVOL table. I predict,
More importantly, have you discussed however, that he'll say safe sex is a "must,"
this with your lover? Of course, the question in which case you can ask if he uses a
remains - what is it exactly that you want to rubber, etc. This should get the ball rolling.
discuss? If excess fur is your only concern, Some people are just better talkers than
then, perhaps, a visit from your Kirby others, so you may end up needing to get
vacuum salesperson in is order. really specific.
Aunt "The-Hairier-the-Better“ Mary Remember, ASK THE QUESTIONS! FIND
If you would like to write Aunt Mary, send IT! Don't let alcohol or drugs interfere with
your letter to: Aunt Mary, P.O. Box 111m, your judgment. Keep your rubbers with you
Lexington, KY u0575. If you would like a at all times - this means taking them to bed
personal reply, please include a stamped, self with you!
addressed envelope. All names are strictly SAFE SEX = GOOD SEX
confidential. GOOD SEX = SAFE SEX
Sergeant Steve
BOB DAMRON, 1928 - 1989
Bob Damron, creator of the original gay
travel guide bearing his name, passed away
June 20, 1989. Although famous for creation GMHC SEEKS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
of Bob Damron's Address Book, his primary
occupation was owner of popular west coast The Gay Men's Health Crisis, NYC, is
bars in the sixties and seventies. He started conducting a nationwide search for a new
with the Red Raven in the late fifties in Los Executive Director. Richard Dunn, who has
Angeles before relocating to San Francisco held that position since 1985, is leaving in
where he opened The Hideaway. He later September. GMHC was the first, and is the
founded Febe's, The Rendezvous, Alley Cat, largest, AIDS service group in the country.
P.S., The Church Street Station, Casa de Candidates should be skilled in human
Cristal, Jackson's and Alfies. The last bar resources, communication, advocacy and
Damron opened was The San Francisco Eagle, financial management. A master's degree and
now an institution in that city. After selling relevant experience are desired. Interested
his gay guide business in 1987 he retired to persons should write GLSO for information and
Los Angeles to live with his brother. Damron referral to the management recruiting firm.
died of complications from AIDS.
u GLSO Aug

 . To the Editor: situation appears to be justifiable. While it is

‘ Barney Miller‘s, Inc. has a long not supportable that the problem is created

I tradition of dependable service to the solely by patrons of "The Bar" (nothing in
Lexington area. We try to help our community ”Barney Miller's" handling indicates such an
whenever possible. assumption on its part), the conclusion that

‘ However, in the last few years we have “The Bar's" patrons may contribute to the
seen a rising problem in the area behind our situation, however, is logical.

{ store. Almost every morning our parking lot "Barney Miller's" steps to notify "The
has trash all over it. This includes broken Bar“ of the impending towing, as well as the
bottles, needles, cigarette butts, etc. Also business's response to our article, reflect
we have experienced an increase in vandalism, respect for its gay and lesbian customers as
such as our vehicles broken into and damaged, valued patrons. Such a response from a

. lights behind our store broken, vulgar signs “non-gay" Lexington business is

' painted in various places, and the strong smell unprecedented. “Barney Miller's" requirement
of urine coming from our dumpster area. that anyone using its lot - be they gay,

Kentucky Utilities experienced some of lesbian, bisexual, asexual, straight or
the same problems as we do and closed their whatever - act responsibly while doing so is
lot some years ago. We are aware of the neither discriminatory nor unreasonable.
problem with the parking situation downtown
and have kept our lot open. But our lot
doesn't seem to be appreciated, only abused. To the Editor:

Operating a retail store is a difficult i know I am rather dilatory in my
task these days and we must keep our lot response, but I have one additional suggestion
clean and available for our valued customers. to "Caaaaafeine Harry" regarding how to meet

We contacted “The Bar“ and expressed like-minded followers of Oscar Wilde: take out
our concern over the situation on numerous a "personal" ad in GLSO News.
occasions and they assured us that their No, I am not a volunteer on the
customers were not parking on our lot or newsletter staff. A personal ad is somewhat
responsible for the trashing of our lot. less risky than posting a notice on the

We hold no discrimination for an laundry bulletin board. And there is certainly
individual's race, creed, color, national origin no requirement that a personal ad be prurient
or sexual preference. We greatly value our in order to be placed. In fact, I met my
customers, and hope to continue enjoying the present (and only, for that matter) husband
same good relationship we have had for the through just such an ad (in GLSO News)
past 67 years with all the Lexington which was completely devoid of the slightest
community. mention of any of those intimate details which

Sincerely, I prefer to learn slowly, after many evenings
Barney A. Miller, President of sipping coffee and listening to Randy

Travis lovesongs.
Editor's note: We thank Barney Miller for his Before l met him, however, there were
response to our previous article publicizing certainly many times during my sojourn in
the towing of cars from his lot. Jackson, Kentucky when l longed for the

After receiving word that cars were opportunity to talk about Boy George and
being towed, newsletter staff asked questions Leonard Bernstein with other Oscar Wildes who
of several patrons of "The Bar." All people I knew must be around me, but who I was at
answered affirmatively that cars were indeed a loss to identify.
being taken, and that signs indicating the Richmond is certainly a more promising
possibility of towing were very difficult to area in which to search than Jackson, Hazard
see, particularly at night. or Whitesburg. You are limited only by your

After receiving "Barney Miller's“ imagination. I am looking forward to reading
response to the article, newsletter staff again more interesting personals this fall. Good
questioned patrons from "The Bar." These luck.
people confirmed “Barney Miller's" description Dennis Stutsman
of trash strewn about the lot, obscene Paris, KY
graffiti, evidence of vandalism, etc.

“Barney Miller's“ reaction to the

5 Aug GLSO

 ' going to tell you about a book which has
P- greatly impressed me and even changed my
- life.
fl I 1d ’ P b "N‘c; Telfiphane To Heaven" glashwjriftten
, 4 y 3 WM er w o as prevnousy pu IS e our
.“ / smere a 5 81-10% 1" books and who already gained a great deal of
1‘. critical acclaim. Despite this, I had never
Ql'?‘ heard of her until attending this year's UK's
__.- . Women Writers Conference. Mischelle Cliff was
. u‘“/ one of the featured writers at the conference ‘
and in their brochure was noted as having
. written on the subject of homophobia. At
THE STATE OF 'LESBIAN LITERATURE" least that was what UlU noted, so l made it a
by Angela Martin point to attend her readings.
She read from her new book “No
A close friend of mine said recently, Telephone To Heaven" which I had as yet not
"You know, there are plenty of lesbian novels even seen. I was captured and drawn in by
around, but no lesbians who write really good her prose - her writing was excellent, and
literature." I understand what she means. meaningful, and even funny. Yet there was
There is quite a large availability of what I no mention of lesbianism so I was a little
would call 'lesbian romance novels', but there disappointed, but still impressed. After
is no one out there who has published a wards, I decided to be brave and approach
lesbian epic akin to a classic such as her to ask her what it was she had to say
"Wuthering Heights". I am not including some about homophobia.
excellent writers like Alice Walker in the "When I read in the brochure that you
lesbian writer category because I am referring addressed homophobia in your work I assumed,
to books which are clearly about lesbians, as many women probably did, that you were a
written by lesbians, published by lesbians for lesbian writer." There, I had said it.
lesbians. Too often books published within "I am a lesbian, but I am not a lesbian
this all-lesbian category work off of the same writer. Some of my novels are about lesbian
old tired theme - straight woman meets characters, but it's not meets and
straight woman/lesbian meets straight woman, they run off together and live happily ever
they get the hots for each other, battle and after." .
fall in love. Come on! lam beyond that, not She was trying to tell me that there
only in what l want to read but within my own were more pressing issues in her character's
life. lives than their sexuality; just as there is in
I want to read a well-written piece about mine or most lesbian's lives.
a lesbian whose sexuality is not ignored, but I was so impressed and excited by what
whose sexuality if not the basis of the novel. she had to say and the reading she had given
I want the book to say something meaningful that l walked right across the hall to the
to me. I want the book to change my life. Joseph-Beth bookstand and bought "No
So many times l have picked up a book Telephone To Heaven" and started reading it
published by a lesbian press for 9 or 10 that same day.
bucks, read it in two sittings, yawned, and This is a novel of Jamaica. It addresses
never thought of it again. I want to read a issues of race, politics, colonialism, religion.
book in the all-lesbian category I spoke of homosexuality, poverty. lt centers around a
that makes me question my values, the way I young woman named Clare Savage, a mulatto
think, the way I live. In other words, I want born to Jamaican landowners, the upperclass
to read a book which encourages me to grow. of Jamaica. Because of her white skin Clare
If you have any comments or suggestions has the privilege of respect, and later,
in this area, please write GLSO's Esmerelda's education. This novel is essentially about a
Parlour, P.0. Box 111671, Lexington, KY, journey. A journey to America and into the
l:0575. white world, to London and intellectualism,
and finally back to Jamaica to past heritage
A BOOK REVIEW: and acceptance.
NO TELEPHONE TO HEAVEN Throughout the novel, Jamaica is
by Angela Martin brought into sharp focus, brutal reality. The
Le_§_l_ Jamaica, not the island one would be
Now that I've complained about the sad treated to in a travel agent's office. We are
state of literature written by lesbians, I'm shown a Jamaica that is beautiful, violent,
a GLSO Aug

 impoverished, bitter, rotting, ready to APOLOGIES TO OUT-OF-STATE SUBSCRIBERS
explode. We are treated to a thorough from GLSO
immersion into the world of people of color - a
strong and shocking slap in the face. You Today's world couldn't run without
will learn something from this book, especially computers, a fact GLSO can confirm from its
if you are white. experience with both our automated phoneline
One of the most wonderful things about switching and newsletter preparation. When
this book is that the magic occurs not only in we ran the address labels to mail our June
. what she says, it occurs in how she says it as issue, the out-of-state database decided it was
well. Cliff puts words together in a way that time to print gibberish. For those familiar
conjures powerful images - her words weave a with life in the computerized world, the
web around you. problem was apparently caused by a bad
Although Michelle Cliff was born in sector on the disk containing the data. Yes,
Jamaica, is mulatto, and studied for a time at we had a backup copy, but the backup simply
the University of London, she insists that "No confirmed the old adage "garbage in, garbage
Telephone To Heaven" is not autobiographical, out." As a result, our non-Kentucky friends
but simply draw upon her own experience. didn't receive the June or July issues. We're
Regardless, you will live this book and think sorry.
about it for a long time afterwards. We've reconstructed the out-of-state list
Sadly, Mischelle Cliff told me that she as best as possible - a frustrating and time
has not returned to her homeland for seven consuming task. Since we don't keep a
years. Why? Because of her lesbianism, she membership list there's a moral to this story
could not live there and be reasonably safe. for a_ll our readers: if you're a member or
"It is the case which is so often true, subscriber and the GLSO News suddenly
where the oppressed oppress their own stops, drop us a note! You may be lost by
minorities with an even greater bitterness." the wonders of modern technology.
"No Telephone To Heaven" was published
in hardcover in 1987 by E.P. Button and in INTERNATIONAL NEWS
softcover in March, 1989 by Vintage Books.
It is 211 pages and sells for $8.95 in softcover The Danish parliament approved
at Joseph-Beth Booksellers. legislation allowing gays to have
state-sanctioned civil marriages and giving gay
couples most of the rights granted to
AT FIRST TOUCH heterosexual couples. The new law, which will
by Debbie take effect October 1, grants equal rights in
inheritance, taxation, pensions, and property
The tremor ownership. In order to dissolve their
lingers marriage, a gay couple would need to obtain a
At first touch legal divorce. The new law does not,
however, overturn the country's ban on
The memory adoption of children by gay people, and does
remains not allow gay couples to demand a religious
Just out of reach wedding in the state Lutheran church.
Sweden also has legislation allowing civil
But always there marriages for gay couples, though that law
does not grant as many rights as does the
I knew you Danish law. The Netherlands does not permit
wanted you gay civil weddings, by does give unmarried
At first touch couples, both gay and heterosexual, tax
benefits similar to those it gives to
You crept inside heterosexual married couples.
of me _
And though soon Starting August 19 the Lesbian/Gay
we pulled apart . Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) meeting
A part of each remained will move to 5 pm. The location remains Room
120, St. Joseph Office Park. Beginning that
At first touch evening, the meeting will be open only to
We became as one lesbians and gay men.
7 Aug GLSO


The city's Domestic Partnership bill, Discussion of the a human rights
(signed into law in June, the law grants to department ruling that requires the city to
gay, lesbian and unmarried straight couples provide health benefits to live-in partners of
legal status equal to that of married city workers was delayed until next year by
heterosexual couples) did not become effective the Seattle city council. The ruling declared
July 1 as city officials planned. On that date, refusal of benefits to live-in partners
an association of religious fundamentalists constitutes illegal discrimination under Seattle's
submitted a petition to send the bill to a fair-employment practices.
referendum vote this Fall. Consequently, the
law is inactive until the result of the vote PORTLAND, ME
determines its future.

The state senate rejected a gay rights
WASHINGTON, D.C. bill by a 21-114 vote, days after the measure
had been approved by the state house of

In a stunning reversal of a discharge representatives. The legislation would have
recommendation, 3 Marine Corps Board of barred discrimination against gay men and
Review on July 6 reinstated a female Marine lesbians in housing, employment, credit, and
Corps Captain who had been court-martialed public accommodations.
for her friendship with a civilian lesbian.

Captain Judy Meade had been Charles Martin, aged 23, received a
court-martialed in February on charges that 60-year prison term for the murder of 52 year
she had engaged in conduct unbecoming an old Vincent lrish. Martin admitted he killed
officer. The prosecution's case was unable to Irish simply because Irish was gay.
present evidence of homosexual conduct, so it
relied on accusations that Meade had a PENNSYLVANIA
"longterm personal relationship with a known
lesbian," that she had once slept “in the same Stephen Roy Carr was sentenced to life
bed with a known lesbian,“ and that she was in prison for murdering Rebecca Wight while
on one occasion "in the presence" of persons she and her lover were on a hiking trip along
suspected to be lesbians. the Appalachian trail in May, 1988.

Meade was one of scores of women
investigated in connection with alleged lesbian SPRINGFIELD, lL
activities at the Parris Island, SC, Marine
Base. After her reinstatement, she will be In a 77-26 vote, the state house of
stationed at a base in Quantico, VA. The representatives defeated a gay rights bill.
Quantico base is also the site where three
female Marines from Parris Island served jail ATLANTA, GA
sentences following their conviction for
performing certain prohibited sexual acts. Atlanta public safety commissioner

George Napper urged victims of antigay
DURHAM, NC violence to file police reports, noting that no
gay-bashing incidents had been reported in

The first national planning meeting for the seven months since Napper directed local
the National Lesbian Agenda Conference police to begin documenting hate crimes.
(NLAC) took place March 3-6. 300 lesbians After meeting with gay activists, Napper
from across the u.S. attended. Atlanta, issued a statement denouncing hate-motivated
Georgia, was chosen as the location for the violence and urging victims of antigay hate
NLAC which will be held in late March or early crimes to come forward. City officials and
April of 1991. HOOD-5000 lesbians are expected gays both called the situation a catch-22:
to attend. The second national planning police efforts are hampered when gays fail to
meeting was set to be held in Portland, report hate crimes, but gays are afraid to
Oregon in July. CLSO has not yet received report the crimes because police do not appear
reports on the results of that meeting. to take them seriously.

8 GLSO Aug




— ,

Events listed are representative of the many .GLSO Gayline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231-0335

gay and lesbian-oriented cultural, political and (150 Board. ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ca” Eraigh " ' ' ' ' 22232:;

social activities taking place around the ngOI SO gsgkers'Bu'r-egz 2:"? 322;? $594,691.

t . ’

c°“" '"Y CLso Coffeehouse a Dance

July 2-8, 1989. National Association of Black ‘ ' ' ‘ call Esmerelda, ' ' ' ' ' ' 255-3851
and White Men Together. Ninth Annual GLSO Sunlner Volleyball 266-5069
Convention. Tallahassee, FL. ' ‘ I call Ken-neth, ' ' ' ' ' '

July ii, 1989. Northwest Gay/Lesbian Sports GLSO Rain or 2:31;? League 266-851”
Festival. Seattle, WA. . ’

August 5. 193