xt7hmg7fv46c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hmg7fv46c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1946-01-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 14, 1946 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 14, 1946 1946 1946-01-14 2020 true xt7hmg7fv46c section xt7hmg7fv46c $89


Minutes of the University Faculty December 10, 1945 - cont.

On recommendation of the College of Agriculture and Home Economics, the
following changes were approved:

Change oi Credit

Horticulture 110, The Principles of Vegetable Gardening, from 3
to 4 credits (Lectures 3 hours; laboratory 2 hours).

Horticulture 103, Pomology; Pome Fruits, from 3 credits to 4 credits

(Lectures 3 hours; laboratory 2 hours)

Horticulture 120, LandscaPe Gardening, from 3 credits to 4 credits
(Lectures 3 hours; laboratory 2 hous).

The College of Commerce roguested the following new courses, which were
approved by the University Faculty:

Commerce lfifi. Governmental Accounting (4). The reguirements of adequate

accounting systems for various governmental units, including the recording
of usual transactions and the form and content of reports. Prerequisites:
Cam. 7b or graduate standing.

Cammerce 3g. Princigles 2£_Adgertising (4). An introductory study of the
function of advertising in its relation to the broad field of marketing.
Emphasis is placed upon the scope and organization of advertising and its
economic implications. Advertising media are briefly surveyed and various
testing devices used in advertising are examined. Prerequisite: Com. 10.

Also on recommendation of the College of Commerce, the Faculty voted to droE
Economics 114, War Economics (4). '

President Donovan made a confidential report to the Faculty on the reasons
for the recent reorganization of athletics at the University. He also discussed
breifly the plans for building up and maintaining an effective athletic program.

YXNOJhyJL VVJrovxn a:

Acting Secretary


The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, Monday,
January 14, at 4:00 p. m. President Donovan presided. Members absent were
R. S. Allen, P. P. Boyd, Thomas P. CooPer, L. L. Dantzler, E. F. FarQuhar,
James H. Graham, W. B. Hamilton, W. A. Heinz, G. C. Knight, A. C. McFarlan,
L. E. Nollau, F. D. Peterson, H. B. Price, Clay Salyer, R. E. Shaver, B. A.
Shively, D. V. Terrell, Amry Vandenbosch, and S. B. Walton.

The minutes of December 10 were read and approved.

A. J. Lawrence, Chairman of the Rules Committee, presented the following
report for that committee:











Minutes of the University Faculty January 14, 1945 e cont.

"The Rules Conitteetof the University Faculty met in
Dean Chamberlain's office on January ll to consider a request
frOm Dean Evans for a change of residence reguirements in the 9
College of Law. The present rule reads as follows: T

Regardless of the length of time the student has
attended the University, a minimum of forty-five of

the last fiftymfour quarter hours presentedeor the
degree must be completed in residence at the University.
The last eighteen Quarter hours of residence work must
be completed while registered in the college through
which the degree is granted.

The Committee recommends that this statement be modified
to read as follows:

Regardless of the length of time the student has

attended the University, a minimum of fortymfive of

the last fiftwaour Quarter hours presented for? the m
degree must be completed in residence at the University. "
The last eighteen quarter hours of residence work must

be completed while registered in the college through

which the degree is granted. This requirement applies

to all colleges except the College of Law, in which

college the student will be required to complete the

last thirtyascx hours of credit in residence at the


The University Faculty apuroved the Rules Committee‘s reporte Dean Evans
then raised a question in regard to the regulation that the last eighteen hours
of residence must be done in residence in the college in which the degree isto
be granted. He made the point that residence in the University should be
sufficient and that the rule, if enforced, would work a hardship on some stu-
dents. The Chairman announced that he would refer the Question to the Rules
Requests for approval of two new student organizations were presented to m
the Faculty and were approved. These were a student affiliate of the American
Chemical Society and the Canterbury Club.

Dean Chamberlain presented a list of ASTP courses for which credit values
and University equivalents had not been extablished and requested approval Of
the departmental recommendations concerning these courses. These courses, wiw
the credits and University eQuivulents as approved by the Faculty are as follow:



Department Number of
and Quarter Hours University Equivalent
Course of Credit 7 a
Math. A. s. r. 61 - 6 Math. 8: Astron. Saab or
17 and 3 !"§
Math. A. s. T. 62 6 Math. & Astron. 19

Physics A. S. T. 61 5 Physics la






Minutes of the University Faculty January 14, 1946 — cont.



Department Number of
and _ Quarter Hours , University EQuivalent
Course > of Credit
Physics A. S. T. 62 5 Physics_1b
Geography 72 4 Geography la
English 61 ' No credit
English 62 3 Engli sh la
History 72 5 History 5a
History 73 3 Hsitory 5b


Dean Chamberlain reported that the enrollment for the current Quarter was
3524, including 1358 veterans. He stated that it was difficult to make an
accurate prediction of the possible enrollment for the spring quarter, but
that the correspondence seemed to indicate that we would have between 3900
and 4000 students, He stated that the summer school enrollment would probably reach
2200 for the first term and 1500 for the second term. Estimates were based
upon the premise that veterans would in most instances wish to attend the
summer Quarter in order to complete their work in the shortest possible time.
President Donovan supplemented these remarks with a stw3ement that we should
have approximately 5000 students by the opening of the Fall Quarter and that
we might find it necessary to limit the enrollment to that number until such
a time as adequate housing could be provided. He announced that the Universi-
ty was negotiating for the use of the barracks at Avon and that these would be
moved to the University campus for the use of men students., President Donovan
emphasized that desirability of doing everything possible to integrate the
veterans into the student body and to make them feel that they are a part of
the University. He stated that he would appont a committee to be known as the
Cemmittee on Veterans' Affairs. He mentioned further that many rumors Vere being
started on the campus and urged the members of the Faculty to help in preventing
these rumors from gaining headway.

0n rec0mmendation of the College of Cemmerce, the following changes in
the Marketing and Advertising Curriculum were approved:

1. Add Commerce 20. Principles of Advertiting, to the
reQuired list of courses.

2. Drop Psvchology 5, Psychology of Advertising and
Selling, from the reguired list of courses.

3. Add to the list of suggested electives, Psychology 2,
Applied Psychology course; Journalism 114, Newse
paper Advertising and Promotion; and Markets and

Rural Finance 101, Cooperative Marketing or other
agricultural marketing courses

President Donovan announced that after eight or ten weeks of searching for
a football coach, the Athletic Association had finally secured the services of
one of the outstanding younger men in this field an that ' was to be
announced in a Press Conference at 7:00 p. m; '


Secreteryéof the Faculty