xt7hqb9v481z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v481z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1994 1994 1994-03-08 2020 true xt7hqb9v481z section xt7hqb9v481z  



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Kentucky Kernel

Council members say plan
is not an educational issue


By Nichole Heumpheus
Staff Writer

The Council on Higher Education
decided yesterday it would take no
position on a proposed engineering
school in the Paducah area, claim-
ing the school is not an educational

Council members agreed that
western Kentucky should stay on
top of engineering advancements,
but they also said the proposed
school, which would be part of
UK‘s Community College System,
is more of an economic develop-
ment issue.

“This program is not designed to
meet the engineering needs of the
Commonwealth, but instead it is an


economic program designed to
meet the engineering needs of the
Paducah area." council chairman
James M. Miller said.

Joe Bill Campbell, an at-
large council member,
agreed with Miller, but add-
ed: “We should make UK
an engineering program of -
national repute."

The idea for the program
began locally and then by-
passed the council, going
straight to Gov. Brereton
Jones, who endorsed the
program to his Higher Edu-
cation Review Commission.

Jones said the school should be
located at Paducah Community
College and be operated in conjunc-


tion with UK.

That approach, however, touched
a raw nerve with Murray State Uni-
versity, a long-standing higher edu-
cation competitor in the region. Of-
ficials from both schools were on
hand yesterday to state their cases
before the council.

Until yesterday, the Paducah en-
gineering program had nev-
er been brought before the
council. Jones‘ endorsement
came only a few months af-
ter he called on higher edu-
cation officials to cut dupli-
cations programs within the

Both UK and the Univer-
sity of Louisville have engi-
neering colleges.

However, Jones said an
engineering program in
western Kentucky would not be a
duplication because an engineering
school does not exist in that part of


the state and because there is need
for one.

The proposed engineering school
came before the council only after
Sen. Mike Moloney (D-Lexington),
chairman of the Senate Appropria-
tions and Revenue Committee, real-
ized the council had not yet re-
viewed the issue.

Ihe Senate committee sought a
response by March 10, but the
council's action yesterday effective-
ly drops the decision on the school
back in the lap of the General As-

Paducah interests called the ac-
tion victory for the program.

“I think this is a step forward for
the project," Paducah Community
College President Len

Information for this article also

was gathered by The Associated

MAR 8 1994

CHE declines stand on engineering


New funding
formula OK’d


By Mark Chellgren
Associated Press


The Council on Higher Educa-
tion yesterday decided on a new
formula for distributing state
money to universities beginning
in 1995, and it will depend on
how they perform, not how many
students they have.

James Miller, an Owensboro
attorney who is chairman of the
council, said the system to be
used does not automatically


mean universities will get more

“This is real," Miller said. “It
could have been a facade, but
it‘s not."

Also yesterday, the council
ducked a simmering dispute be-
tween Paducah and Murray over
a proposed engineering program
for the Jackson Purchase area
and endorsed a new teacher
preparation strategy.

The university performance
See FUNDING, Back Page




By Perry Brothers
Staff Writer


Walking cautiously along a
muddy path, a procession of six
Tibetan monks canied an ornate
urn full of sand and scattered the
grains into McConnell Springs.

Yesterday‘s heavy rain made
the journey difficult, but the
monks, accompanied by about
30 onlookers, reached the small
reservoir that begins off Old
Frankfort Pike and runs under-
neath downtown Lexington.

In a ceremony yesterday after-
noon at the Headley-Whitney
Museum, members of Drepung
Loseling Monastery chanted
blessings as they ritualistically
swept the multi-colored grains of
a delicate sand painting into

The monks offered those gath-
ered to observe the ritual a
spoonful of the sand and then
funnelled the remaining portion
into the urn.

Monks spread
‘healing sand’

Using 16 colors of sand, the mo-
nastic members altemated shifts to
create the fragile painting over the
course of four days. Glenn Mullins,
coordinator of the Tibetan monastic
order's world tour, explained the
symbolic purpose of the disman-

“Traditionally, when the sand
painting is made, it symbolizes
life,” Mullins said. “The disman-
tling symbolizes how all healing is
part of a transformative process."

By dispersing the sand into the
local waterway, “the healing begins
in Lexington and then, by the pow-
er of moving waters, it is carried
throughout the world in the same
way medicines travel the blood
streams of the body."

Lance Brunner, UK musicology
professor, considered the ceremony
“an extremely powerful reminder of
the irnpermanence of all living

The distribution of the sand into
the waters marked the completion

See MONKS, Page 6


A Tibetan monk puts finishing touches on a sand painting that symbolizes the complexity of human existence. It took about
five days to complete the piece. The monks dispersed the sand into a stream near the Hadley-Whitney Museum yesterday.









By Chris Tipton
Staff Writer


In a hotly contested vote yes-
terday, the University Senate
passed a resolution allowing stu-
dents to have access to course
and teacher evaluations written
by former students.

The bill passed by a vote of 28
to 26, with three abstentions.

Many of the faculty present at
the meeting vehemently opposed
the bill because they said it


Evaluations to be public

would be an invasion of their priva~
cy. Others said many students are
lazy about filling out the evalua-
tions correctly, giving misleading

Some English professors said
they were upset about what they
thought was the plan's unfaimess to
their department.

English department evaluations
seek written responses from stu-
dents, while other UK departments
use standardized forms that ask for
evaluations based on a numerical

Proponents of the plan said
similar systems at the University
of North Carolina, University of
Michigan, Indiana University
and University of Virginia have
worked well.

'Ihey also said the measure
would reduce the number of stu-
dents who drop classes because
of the instructor or course mate-

The new system, which could
be up and running in the fall, will

See SENATE. Back Page




Philpot to discuss
Kernel at meeting


By Stephen D. Trlmble
Assistant News Editor

State Sen. Tim Philpot will be on
campus tonight to challenge the
“rampant liberalism" of the Ken-
tucky Kernel, said Scott T. Gillies,
co-executive director of UK Col-
lege Republicans.

Posters placed across campus hill
the speech as “an evening of Kernel
popping." but Gillies said the Re-
publican senator also will talk about
the liberal focus of the University in

“Many of the events here are
geared toward liberals,"hesaid yes~


Gillies invited Philpot to speak to
the College Republicans to defend
conservative views. Stories and col-
umns published in the Kernel, Gil-
lies said, are liberally biased.

“Here at lmt is a conservative re-
sponse to the leftist propaganda ——
a true reality check," he said. “Sen-
ator Philpot is well known in this
area for his fundamentally conser-
vative views of ethical behavior
and rmrality."

Gillies said Philpot, who will
speak in 245 Student Center at 8 to-
night, decided the Kentucky Kernel

See PHILPOT, Back Page





oCIoudy today
percent chance 0
around 40.


mixed with or changing t
snow tonight; low in the lo

0An 80 percent chance of
snow, mixed at times with
rain, tomorrow; high in the

Sports .....................
Viewpoint .........





‘Neither a borrower nor a lender be ’

Repaying loans leaves
grads with few options


By Mike Feinsilber
Associated Press


WASHINGTON — Hillary Wi-
cai has her dream job as a television
reporter, but she can't afford the
clothes that make her look profes-
sional on the air.

She‘s trying to pay off “an enor-
mous debt, probably $20,000 or
$21,000" for the year at Northwest-
ern University's Medill School of
Joumalism that helped her land the
job. And that‘s on a novice news-
person’s salary of816,000 a year.

“All my clothes are gifts," says
Wicai. who works for WLFI in
West Lafayette, Ind. “Every single
thing I have for work was given to
me. My mother, my grandmother
— they shop for me for bargains."

Millions of today’s students must
smirk when, studying Shakespeare,
they come across Polonius’ advice
to his son Laertes, “Neither a bor-
rower nor a lender be.”

If they weren't borrowers. they
wouldn't in college be.

And after they get out. their debt
can influence the course of their
lives. A study finds that many grad-
uates in debt postpone marriage, dc-
lay having a family, hold down two
jobs, even put off medical care.

Much attention has been paid to


college borrowers who default, but
relatively little to the impact of in-
debtedness on the 12.5 million who
ploddingly, month after month, pay
off their loans.

Collectively'they owe $41.9 bil-
lion. Many are still in hock 10 years
after graduation.

No time for these young people
to backpack across Europe; no year
off to “find themselves" — they‘ve
got debts to pay!

“There are students who would
like to take a couple of years of
their life and go to work in the non-
profit sector, and return something
to their country before they mush
on with their careers," said Victor
Lindquist, director of placement at

‘But they feel they are unable to
do that and still meet their financial
obligations. The clock begins tick-
ing once you graduate."

For a variety of reasons — col-
lege tuitions have soared, more peo-
ple of all incomes are enrolling and
there are more loan programs avail-
able -— more students are leaving
school in debt

In many schools, 70 percent of
the student body must borrow. One
survey said that the average under-
graduate borrower carried away a
$7,900 debt. Those who also bor-

rowed for an advanced degree owed

And the burden is compounded
when one student debtor marries

“When I was in school in the
1950s, I had three jobs and worked
summers," recalled Lindquist. “If
you hustled you could make your
way through.“

Joanne Pecvey, director of career
and counseling services at the Uni-
versity of Houston at Clear Lake.
said some graduates with loans leap
at the first job offer that comes
along "rather than taking the time to
find the job that fits their skills and
interest So they pay a price."

Debt, of course. isn‘t a burden for
every borrower. Jerry Heet, a
Northwestern computer engineering
graduate with AT&T Bell Laborato-
ries in Naperville, "1., the first
member of his family to go to col-
lege, finds his loans an inconven-
ience. but not much more.

He pays back $110.59 a month;
he knows the figure by heart. He
said he had to postpone buying a
new stereo system rmd drove his
1981 Nissan 2208)( ”baically into

“But looking at what it gave me

See DEBT, Back Page

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2- Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. March 0,1004

Loved ones mourn gay pioneer who died of AIDS


By Karen Mills
Associated Press


Rohl's life as a gay man spanned
two eras —— giddy and tragic. liberat-
ing and lethal.

In 1979. when gay pride was as-
cendant and the sexual possibilities
scarred endless, Rohl turned a rite
of teen-age passage into a moment
of political theater: He took another
boy to the prom in Sioux Falls. SD.

The national media were there to
record the moment; the camera
lights glared as Rohl and his date
danced; gay activists crowed that it
was the first time a same-sex couple
had ever been allowed to attend an
American prom.

Then, Randy Rohl faded into ob-
scurity. Until this year.

In January. it was reported that
Randy Rohl had died in a Minneap-
olis hospital in the last moments of
1993. The cause was AIDS.

A separate peace
When Isolde Rohl's 17-year-old
son told her about his prom plans,
she was astounded.
“I knew Randy was different, but

I didn’t know why he was different.
I had no idea at that time that he
was gay,"she says.

Even now, in her memory and
those of his friends, Randy's sexual
orientation pales next to his other
attributes — his sense of fun; his
love of computers and photography.
skiing and swimming; the motorcy-
cle and red Jeep he drove; his fluent
German. Spanish, French.

And there is reason to believe
that Randy himself felt his gayness
was overemphasized. As far as his
family and friends know. after the
Lincoln High School prom, he nev-
er again participated in any gay-
rights exercise.

“If you think about it. the sexual
pan of everyone's life is such a
small part, it‘s unfair to judge any-
one by their sex life. It‘s such a triv-
ial matter," he told reporters in

The commotion came mostly
from the news media when Randy
and his date. 20-year-old Grady
Quinn, arrived at the Downtown
Holiday Inn's Embassy Room.

The couple wore matching pow-
der blue tuxedos. red rose bouton-
nieres and silver pierced earrings.
“The only special treatment they




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got was a lot of room on the ‘dance
floor," the Washington Post repen-

There were some police on hand
— Randy said he had received
threats to “tar and chicken feather"
him — but they were not needed.
Ms. Rohl was in the spectator sec-
tion; when Randy looked around
and saw his mother. he broke into a
big grin, she recalled.

The dance went on as planned.

Randy told reporters that Quinn
was merely a friend, not a romantic
interest (in fact. Quinn was the
partner of a local gay rights acti-

“I think it's rather sad that my
date and I have to get more publici-
ty or more acknowledgement from
the press titan any other couple," he

“I don‘t think we‘re any more
worthy of special attention. Yes.
maybe it’s a milestone in gay
rights, but it‘s being made into
more of a freak show.“

Truth be told, Randy seemed like
your average, bookish kid, with red
hair and braces.

And after the prom and gradua-
tion. his life went on.

At first, he moved to Minneapo-
lis to attend the University of Min-
nesota. He hoped to become a doc-
tor. He never accomplished that

He kept in touch with his family,
and gave his mother a doll with a
photo impression of his face so
she’d have him close by.

“He said, ‘lf you miss me, just
look at me. Here I am. You can
punch me out,‘ " Rohl said. “He
could be such a clown."

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Nancy Henog worked with
Randy at University of Minnesota

“We hit it off right away. I liked
him and he liked me. He told me he
was gay right away. It was no big
deal," said Herzog, of Brooklyn

When the two meLHerzog was
single and said she and Randy en-
joyed going to bars together and
picking out men for each other.
“He was wild. He made me laugh.
We had a lot of fun." she said.

“If he wouldn‘t have been gay. I
might have married the guy."

William Lowell, who met Randy
when both studied genetics and cell
biology at the University of Minne-
sota in 1988, said his friend was

“He was always attempting to get
a reaction out of people," Lowell
said. “You‘d be walking down the
hall with him and he‘d let out a
bark, then would look at you and
say, ‘Knock it off!’ [always appre-
ciated his sense of humor. I liked
him because he did the things that I
never would do."

Randy didn‘t tell Lowell about
one feat of daring — the prom —
until he‘d known him a year and a
half: “He said it wasn‘t meant to be

Halfway home

Nancy Herzog married and
moved to Nevada. but she kept in
touch with Randy. Then, in the
mid-19805. he called her to tell her
that he was infected with HIV, the
virus that causes AIDS.

He believed he contracted the vi-
rus from a marrhe had lived with

for about three years, and who died
of AIDS about a year ago. Herzog

“I couldn't believe how accept-
ing he was." she said.

Randy had been a traveler all his
life — indeed. his parents met in
Germany, where his father was
posted in the service (the couple
broke up in 1968) — and after his
diagnosis, his wanderings resumed.

Growing up, Randy and his
younger sister, Tori, had often visit-
ed their maternal grandparents in
Germany. Randy studied there dur-
ing his high school years. and had
used his grandparents' home as a
base for trips to Russia, Africa,
Greece, Ireland, England, France
and Holland.

Now. he went back to Germany,
and worked as a translator and as a
photographer, shooting weddings
and doing 3D photo posters,
Randy's mother said.

“He took pictures of everything
— a beautiful butterfly outside, a
dandelion — and enlarged it," she
said. ‘Anything interesting that was
a challenge and needed concentra-
tion, Randy was into it."

He returned to Minnesota from
time to time, and took classes. He
moved to California but was too
easily fatigued, too weak to do
much of anything. Finally, last fall,
he moved back to Minnesota to be
closer to his family.

As his health deteriorated, Randy
talked about death, often couching
it in the language of the computer

“He almost felt like he was a
computer program that had gone
awry and needed to be deleted and





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By Allen G. Breed
Associated Press


DANA, Ky. — Boston College
junior Marlene Buckley spent her
spring break in New York last
year. Miami the year before.

Yesterday she found herself
swinging a pick-axe on a muddy
hillside in eastern Kentucky. She
was building a frame room onto
Holly and Tony Meade’s trailer.
and loving every minute of it.

“I think it’ll probably be the
most rewarding (spring break) —
and probably the one I remember
most," said the 20-year-old Eng-
lish major from Westwood,

To Meade, Buckley‘s labor
means her two daughters -—- Brit-
tany, 14 months, and Samantha, 7
— will have a new bedroom
where they can sleep without

worrying about their trailer’s
rain-buckled ceiling crashing

“Oh gosh. I thinks it's a god-
send," she said with a broad

Buckley was one of about 360


Students helping needy
during spring vacations

college students from 33 schools
across the country taking part in
Christian Appalachian l’rojects'
Workfest 1994.

CAP, a non-denominational
group founded in 1964 by the
Rev. Ralph W. Beiting, has been
bringing college students to the
region on two-week spring repair
missions for three years.

Buckley was on one of several
crews working in Floyd County.
about 120 miles east of Lexing~
ton. Another group was working
in McCreary County along south-
eastern Kentucky's border with
Tennessee, where the per capita
income of $5,153 a year was the
sixth-lowest in the nation, accord-
ing to the US. Census.

Some of the students said they
signed up for Workfest because
their colleges promoted it, or be-
cause a friend suggested it. But
others felt simply that Appalachia
was the one place in this country
where they were'needed most.

Floyd County is in Kentucky‘s
eastern coal fields, where in-
creased mechanization in the
mines has pushed real unemploy-
ment in come counties to above

50 percent.

“Four years I've been in class-
rooms," said Janet LeBlanc, 22,
of Waterville, Maine, a senior
philosophy-English major at St.
Joseph‘s College in Windham,
Maine. “'Ihis makes what we’re
studying kind of come alive."

Meade said her husband, a car-
penter, was laid off from a min-
ing job two years ago and hasn’t
been able to find steady work
since. Tony Meade wasn‘t at the
site Monday because he was
looking for railroad ties to shore
up a rock slide near the home.

“There‘s just no jobs to be
found," said the woman, who
supports her family on $493 a
month in government benefits
and food stamps.

Jeff Van Leer, a native of Indi-
ana. Pa., in western Pennsylva-
nia’s bituminous coal-mining re-
gion, can sympathize.

“It’s just a chance to help out,"
said Van Leer, 22, a senior politi-
cal science major at Indiana Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania. “It‘s just
little things, but it adds up to a
lot. And I can relate to this area."




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started over," Lowell said.

“The only thing he regretted was
that he didn‘t get to go to medical
school.“ Lowell said. And, of
course. he regretted that his life was
so short.

“He would say to me, ‘Hey.
Mom. we all have to die sooner or
later. Just not so soon,’ " his mother

In the end, he could no longer
walk or stand up by himself and
was blind in one eye.

Lowell said he believed Randy
always held out hope that a cure
would be found for AIDS.

“At the end, he said he was really
disappointed, that he didn‘t feel
they were any closer to treating the
disease. In November, he said if
things didn't get better he wanted to
be gone by the first of the year."

Randy died at 10:52 pm. on Dec.
31. I993.

Randy’s ashes will be buried in
the family plot in Pirmasens, Ger-

He told his mother he would like
to have a square in his memory add-
ed to the AIDS memorial quilt.
Isolde Rohl, an accomplished seam-
stress, is sewing the patch — a
black bordered block featuring a
picture of Randy sitting behind his
microscope, a caption reading
“Searching for a Cure," and a poem
she saw on a hospital wall:

“With tearful eyes we watched
him linger

And saw him slowly fade away.

Although we loved him dearly

We could not make him stay."

Clinton to seek
$13 billion plan
for unemployed

By Robert Naylor Jr.
Associated Press



WASHINGTON —— President
Clinton will propose a $13 billion
plan to remake the nation's unem-
ployment system tomorrow. includ-
ing long-tenn jobless benefits for
workers in training.

Clinton's Workforce Security
Act, which he will outline during a
White House briefing, will allow
community colleges and other local
groups to compete with govem-
ment-run programs for federal dol-
lars to retrain dislocated workers.
said Doug Ross, assistant secretary
of labor for employment and train-

“We want to take what is a fairly
passive employment system and
turn it into a very active re-
employment system." Ross said.

The legislation would be the
third piece from the administration
designed to make American work-
ers more competitive worldwide.

Both houses of Congress have
passed Clinton‘s legislation to es-
tablish voluntary national standards
for elementary and secondary
schools and his plan for a school-
to-work training and apprenticeship

But bills are in congressional
conference committees.

One object of the latest proposal
will be early identification of those
unlikely to get their old jobs back.

They could get referrals to coun-
seling and retraining programs, in-
formation on where new jobs can
be found and job-search assistance.

Labor Secretary Robert Reich
has said repeatedly that unemploy-
ment compensation is not enough
for displaced workers, who are less
likely than ever to return to their
old job.

He has advocated a massive re-
training effort.

The Clinton program would cost
$13 billion over five years. It
would replace a system where
workers often are required to look
for a new job to maintain unem-
ployment and other benefits, but
rarely given job search assistance
or training that might make them
more marketable.

Labor Department figures show
that as many as a fourth of dislocat-
ed workers have no skills that qual-
ify them for another job.

The president will unveil his plan
just days before ministers from the
world's most economically power-
ful nations meet in Detroit next
week for a conference on world-
wide unemployment. Clinton called
the meeting.

Clinton will recommend combin-
ing all existing state and federal un-
employment programs into one-
stop career centers where the unem-
ployed could apply for benefits, re-
ceive counseling and sign up for
training, Ross said.

Assistance would be available re-
left without a job.




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Hardened Hindersman
hopes to lead Wildcats

Senior planning on College World Series


By Jamie Moore
Contributing Writer

Those concerned with the UK
baseball tearn‘s success this season
should hope that senior Brad Hin-
dersman picks
his 1994 season
right where he
left off last

Last season,
Hindersman, a
catcher and des-
' ignated hitter
from Cincinna-
ti, earned third
team All-
American and first team All-
Southeastem Conference honors
while leading his club in hitting
with a .366 average and in hits with

Hindersman also proved to be
one of the top offensive players last
year, which is regarded by many to
be the best baseball conference in

UF’s Spurrier
moves around
football staff

Associated Press






than a week after hiring Tulane as-
sistant Bob Pruett as defensive co-
ordinator for the Florida Gators,
head coach Steve Spurrier shook up
assignments on his coaching staff

Ron look, who spent the past
three seasons as defensive coordi-
nator and secondary coach, will be-
come linebackers coach. Pruett, a
former Tulane assistant, will coach
the secondary.

“Everyone knows the one prob-
lem we‘ve had here has been pass
defense," Spun'ier said. “It‘s not
been good the past couple of years.
I'm not trying to blame anyone, but
as head coach, I’ve been looking at
this situation for about two

Charlie Strong, the Gators‘ de-
fensive ends coach since 1991, was
promoted to assistant head coach
and will coach defensive tackles.

Fortner outside linebackers coach
Bob Sanders will become defensive
line coordinator and will coach the
defensive ends. The inside line-
backers will now be coached by
Carl Franks, last season's tight ends

Under Pruett, the Gators will
switch from a 4-4-3 alignment to a
4-3-4 set.

On offense. Jim Collins, last
year's inside linebackers coach,
will handle the tight ends and will
also become Florida‘s recruiting
coordinator. Jerry Anderson, the
senior member of last year‘s coach-
ing staff, will move from his posi-
tion as defensive tackles coach to
an administrative position.

“The biggest thing I thought
about was helping our defense,"
Spurrier said.

In recent years, the Gators have
ranked near the bottom of the
Southeastem Conference in pass
defense. Still, Florida managed to
win the conference title two of the
last three seasons.


Look for the
SEC Tournament
preview in Thursday’s

Kentucky Kernel





Open Mon-Set 4 pin-1 em

81.50 Bud Draft


5* i


the nation, by finishing sixth in the
league in average and hits and
eighth in RBI.

He has already sparked the Cats‘
offense this season. In UK’s second
game Hindersrnan smashed an op-
posite field, 10th inning homer to
give the Cats the lead over The Cit-
adel. UK later went on to claim the

But for Hindersman, who has
102 weer RBI, 60 shy of UK's all-
time record, it was just another day
on the job.

“It was good that we could get
the lead at that point.“ Hindersman

“It wasn‘t like the big 10th in-
ning homer; he threw a bad pitch,
and I hit it pretty good. I was just
glad we could get a win."

Hindersman also inherits the
starting catcher‘s job from Billy
Thompson, whom the Detroit Ti-
gers drafted last season.

Hindersman said he feels no add-
ed stress taking over as the team‘s




4o!» 25
1. Arkansas 153(3)
2. Earnesticut 143
3. Wssotu-i 137
3. N. Carolina 137
5. lltlte 124
3. Pll'dlle 117
7. Arizona 113
3. Michigan 112
3. Kentucky 35
13. "Mass 34
11. liaisas 33
12. lotisvitle 35
13. female 73
14. Syracuse 71
15. ucur 73
13. California 53
17. Minnesota 53
13. Horitla 47
13. Ittliana 33
23. Marquette 32
21. 3A3 27
22. 3t. louis 23
22. liltldtoma 8t. 23
24. Pennsylvaria 15
25. fexas 3

014% W acted:
Boston Still!“ 5,
”Hanna" 4, Western

Kentucky 3, New
Mexico 2, Tennessee

No. l catcher.
“I don't think there's any pres-
sure. I caught a lot last year and

my life."

And as for the
pitching staff Hin-
dersman handles on
the field, he said he
feels confident in
their abilities.

“We have a lot of
IIIIASEIAll good arms. If they
keep working hard and stay ahead
in the count, they‘ll do alright."

Hindersman said he can detect
only one problem in the Cats' attack
in this young season — defense.

“I think we need to come together
defensively, stay balanced defen-

If the defense tightens up as the
season progresses, Hindersman said
that UK may enjoy much of the
same success as a year ago when
the Cats finished 3823—] overall
and made it to the NCAA T ouma-

have caught all of




Kentuc Kernel, T






Associated Press

UK assistant Billy Donovan was
named Marshall’s new basket-
ball coach yesterday, making
him the youngest coach in
NCAA Division 1.

Donovan, 28, replaces Dwight
Freeman, who said last month he
was resigning at the end of the
season. Donovan has served un-
der UK coach Rick Pitino since
the 1990-91 season.

“This year I had a chance to
sit down and talk to coach Pitino
about my future. He said, ‘Do
not leave unless it‘s special.‘
And I think Marshall University
is special," Donovan said at a
news conference.

Marshall Athletic Director Lee
Moon said Donovan would be



Donovan gets his own Herd

paid $60,638 and guaranteed a con-
tract for four years. Under state law,
however, Moon could only offer
Donovan a one-year contract.

Donovan's move to Marshall
ends a nine-year relationship with