xt7hqb9v4c01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v4c01/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1954-10-11  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 11, 1954 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 11, 1954 1954 1954-10-11 2020 true xt7hqb9v4c01 section xt7hqb9v4c01  







Minutes 2; the University Facultx, Auggst ll, 1354


Law 177, Statutory InterPretation, 2 semester hours
Law 196, Agency and Partnership, 3 semester hours
Law 188, Corporation Finance Law, 2 semester hours


Law 187, Corporations, change from 3 semester hours
to 4 semester hours

Dean Spivey made a brief report on his and Dr. Nesius' trip to Jugoslavif
as members of the Foreign Operations Administration Committee to discuss with
the Jugoslev Government possibilities of a contract between that country and
the University.

The Faculty adjourned.

/M«6«/ . /’“/“‘/é«”

Robert L. Mills

Minutes oi the University Faculty, October ll, 1254

The UniVersity Faculty met in the assembly room of Laffert; Hell, Monday,
October ll, 1954, at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided. Members absent were
Staley F. Adams, Merl Baker, Martha G. Carr, Vernon F. Cowling, C. Howard Fckwl,
Lyman V. Ginger, H. W. Hargreaves, W. W. Haynes‘, J. C. Humphries, Laura K. Martin,
John T. Masten, J. H. Melzer’, V..A. Musselman‘, Frank D. Peterson, H. A. Ryl:nd*
iorris Scherogo‘, Don Cash Seeton, Roy Sigafus, H. F. Spivey, Dewey G. Ste le‘,

E. G. Trimble, Gilbert T. Webster', and Frank J. Welch.

The minutes of August ll, 1954 were read and rnproved.

Professor Matthews,Chairman of the Facult by Com ittce on Flec ions, presented
the report of that Committee covering newly elacted members of the University

Filcul tye

Upon cenvessing the ballots, 'he Elections Committee is
trepared to officially certify the following new members:

Literature, Philosophy and Arts
Blyton, Gifford
Adams, Clinton
Jansen, W. H.
Hernandez, J. E.
Plummer, Niel
Ryland, Hobart
Martin, Laura K.

‘ Absence eXplained

































Social Studies
Gladden, Jam 5 W.
Kirwan, A. D.
Reeves, John E.

Irwin T.

Biological Sciences
Boyarsky, L. L.
Carpenter, John M.
Scherago, Morris

Physical Sciences
Eaves, James C.
Fisher, Irving
McFarlnn, A. C.
Yost, F. L.
Wagner, William F.



All of the people on the above lis

three-year term
Sciences in the College of Arts
out the
Martin, in thc Division of Literatur
elected to


May I
University Faculty which you furnish d

call your attention also to


DiViSion of Biological Sciences, t


Uron inquiry to the office

Xcept William F, Wagner
tWO—year unexnired term of T. M. Hahn,

e 9
fill outthe one-year unexnir

GR 3 CU If? U 11‘ A I: HON"
Brown, Aubrey .
Seeth, Dwight t.
Steele, Dewe; C.
Webster, Gilbert




Home Economics
Taylor, Roberta


T -1 l1

Coolsen, F. G.
Haynes, W. W,

t are elected for a regular

Pivision of Ptvsical

1i i: 1L3 :d
1pto fill
and Laura K.

osophy and Arts, who was



9; term of D. L. Weismann,

the feet tinny
made four vacancies in



the roster of
Clerles E. Snow under


of the Dean of the College of Arts

and Sciences I was informed that Professor Snow should have been listed

under the Pivision of Social Studies.

the ballots were sent out and therefore
the Division of Social Studies and only

Biological Sciences.
I will be prepared at the meeting

October 11, to file 3
information which I have furnished you.


This correction was made before
four vacancies filled in
three in the Division of


of the Faculty on Monday,

report of the Committee according to this

W. L. Matthews, Jr.
Chairman, Committee on
Faculty Elections





—4 A —-—‘. ',_.—__._\_ '—







The report was approved by
welcomed the new member: an

he University Faculty and President Donovan

explained something of their duties and responsi—
o welcomed Mr. Charles Palmer, President of the Student
Government Association, as an ex officio member of the Faculty.

5:4 cl

bilities. The Clairman al

Dean White presented f r the College of Arts and Sciences a recormendation that
the University Band be authorized to be absent from the campus on November 19th
and ?”th in order that it might present a concert at Corbin on November 19th
and that it might play at the football game in Knoxville on November 20th. The
reconmendation was epproved by the Faculty.

Dean Stahr presented for Dean Spivey a report on Foreign Operations
Administration and the Jugoslnvian universities. He stated that the proposed
contract which Dean Spivey and FrofeSSor Nesius had drafted with Jugoslavia
this past summer covered a threeovear program designed to strengthen the
universities in Jugoslavia mainly in the fields of agriculture, engineering
and the supporting sciences. He indicated that not more than five members
of the faculty would be selected to represent the University of Kentucky
for a maximum period of one year each and he also explained the salary
arrangement and SOme of the remunerations in connection with this program.

A discussion followed this presentation after which Dean Stahr recommended
that the University Faculty go on record as approving this program as outlined
generally if it actually becomes available to the University, and subject to
final form of contract to the University. The Faculty approved this recom—

President Donovan commended Dean Spivey and members of the Committee for
the very fine job which had been done in the FOA program negotiations. '

Dr. Martin requested that the University Faculty review the probationary
status of Sigma.Phi Epsilon fraternity. He presented the record of the Chapter
from September 1953 when it was placed on social probation through the second
semester of 1954 when it had attained a 1.27 standing.

It is respectfully requested that the Faculty at this time review
the probationary status of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. In
September, 1953, this Fraternity was placed on social probation for
failure to earn the required 1.3 standing. The officers, members of
this Chapter, and the nntionel offiCers of the Fraternity met with
Dean Kirwan in order to make plans to meet this situation. The
following action was carried out by the Fraternity.

1. In September, 1953, eleven ective members of the
Chapter were expelled for failure to carry their
share of the academic load.

2. A rigid supervised study program wes inaugurated
for fall pledges.

3. At the end of the first semester eleven of sixteen
pledges were expelled from the house for failure to
earn a 1.0 average. his means that the house dras-
tically cut off its rolls twenty-two men who were
chiefly responsible for the low academic standing of
the Fraternity. Finally, this placed a tremendous
burden on the remaining members.

4. During the second semester a rigid supervised study

prOgram was inaugurated for all members who had failed
to earn a 1.? during the firevious semester.




























The result of the attitude and activity of the Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fraternity is shown in that during the first term the Fraternity earned
a 1.1 average and in the second term raised this to a 1.45. It is be-
lieved that this Fraternity has more than met the spirit of the Faculty
ruling governing academic standards and has taken every possible recourse
to improve its status under the ruling. It is the recommendation of Dean
Kirwan, in which I concur wholeheartedly, that although the overeall average
of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity for the past year was 1.27, the Faculty
restore this house to good standing and grant them social privileges for
the present school year.

The motion was made by Dr. Martin and seconded by Dr. Kirwan that since the

fraternity had more than met the Spirit of the faculty ruling governing aca.‘
demic standards, it be restored to good standing and be granted social privileges
for the present academic year. The Faculty approved the motion.

The Faculty adjourned.

.2 ‘, ,,- up

Robert L. Mills

Minutes 9: the University Faculty, NOVember §J lfifig

The University Faculty met in the Assembly Roam of Lafferty Hall, Monday,
November 8, 1954. at 4:00 p.m. President Donovan presided. Members absent
were Merl Baker: Martha G. Carr: Frank G. Coolsen. Jesse DeBoer, Merton England,
Lyman Ginger, W. A. Heinz, J. C. Humphriesa ‘ W. L. Matthews, Jr.,
Robert L. Mills‘, H. B. Price, William S. Rehberg. H. H. Rogers‘. H. A. Romanowitz,
Morris Schersgo, Dwight M. Seath, W. A. Seay, E. J. Stahr, Jr.fi D. V. Terrell,
Gilbert T. Webster* and Frank J. Welsh.

The minutes of October 11, 1954 were read and approved.

Dr. Steele read to the Faculty Resolutions on the death of Dr. W. S.
Anderson as follows:


1867 — 1954

Walter Sewell Anderson, Fmeritus Professor of Genetics, died on
October 8, 1954 at the age of 87 years. He was born in Academy, WGSt Virginia
on September 18, 1867.

He attended Randolph Macon College and was awarded the A. B. and A. M.
degrees in 1896. In his senior year. he won three of the four medals
then aVailable for meritorious work at that institution. Years later, he
studied at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor, New York.

‘ Absence eXplained





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