xt7ht727dm6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ht727dm6m/data/mets.xml White, Clarence Cameron, 1880-1960 1918 scores (documents for music) M218 .W6 op.12 1918 no.1 English C. Fischer Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Violin and piano music -- Scores and parts Spirituals (Songs) -- Instrumental settings Chant: Nobody Knows De Trouble I've Seen, 1918 text 1 score (5 pages) + 1 part (1 pages), 31 cm. Call Number: M218 .W6 op.12 1918 no.1 UK Libraries has committed to retain one copy for the HathiTrust Shared Print Program Chant: Nobody Knows De Trouble I've Seen, 1918 1918 1918 2023 true xt7ht727dm6m section xt7ht727dm6m \ CLARENCE -CAMBRON WHITE LIBRARY COMPOSITIONS °FORMOLIN ANDPIANO MUSIC LlBRARY Op.12 BAN DAN NA SKETCHES (FourNegroSpirituals) 1319.1 CHANT (NOD06. knows de trouble I've Seen 51171 No.2 LAMENT “‘ (firm troubled in mind) (13511723 x ) NO 3 SLAVE ,SONG ( Many thousand gone )(151173) NO4— NEGRO DANCE (Sometimes lf‘eel like a Motlgerless Chlld.) (151174) x Op] No.1 TWILIGHT (8179‘)~ x No.2 CAPRICE (B1792)~ 4v No.3 SERENADE (B1795)~ x No.4- VALSE COQUETTE. 151794147 0918 FROM THE COTTON FIELDS No.1 CABIN SONG (31199) k 4~ No.2 ON THE BAYOU (51200) 4” N05 SPIRITUAL (B1201) ye Op.26 SCOTCH IDYL (151891) J: r «2‘ ‘Prices in U. S. A. CARL FISCHER, Inc., NEW YORK. COOPER SQUARE BOSTON CHICAGO . 380—382 Boylston Street 430.4'32 SO. Wabash Av‘e: PRINTED IN U. S. A. B. 1171 21176-1 21177-1 21178-1 21179-1 /"iu$‘ic 3;!8 .v/g GPA? ma” mi BANDANNA SKETCHES (FOUR NEGRO SPIRITUALS) N9 1. Chant (Nobody Knows de Trouble I‘ve Seen.) N92. Lament (I’mTroubled in Mind.) N9 3. Slave Song (Many Thousand Gone.) N9 4. Negro Dance (Sometimes IFeelLike a Motherless Child.) Introductory Note Negro Spirituals directly based upon original Afro-American Folk-Songs are to be classed among the most remarkable musical achievements of the col- ored race. Their originality and emotional power are truly expressive of the negro‘s inner life, and their nature and make-up illustrate his spiritual ideals with compelling and convincing force. The Spiritual has nothing in common with rag-time or the so-calledmin- strel song, but is always a fervent declaration of what the colored race looks forward to in the hereafter, the yearning for deliverance from oppression and V' misery, and the child-like beliefs in the truths and promises of their relig- ious faith. In arranging these Bandanna Sketches for the violin,it has beenthe pur- pose of the author to do so without unnecessary e1aboration,and to preserve in every way possible, the characteristics of the original Spirituals, particular- ly as the violin more than any other instrument is capable of expressing their pathos and simple beauty, quite as irresistibly as the human voice itself. G. S. ox " ' MUSIC ' Sheet Music Edition (‘48 Played 5.7 In“ Krewler) 3.1171 1. CHANT 3 D" (Nobody knows de trouble I’ve seen) “BOA CLARENCE CAMERON WHITE 013.12, N9 1 Slowly, and with religious fervor n VIOLIN PIANO mf< 17>? . Wm < > ‘ ‘ i can Peri. l l s “MI 06' Col/grzp'fit,M€MXVIII, by Carl Fix-cl: er, IVew Kirk 2117““ 4 International Copymkg'lrt Secured 21176-4 (I I‘M/1,00 > # tranquillo ”5ft <7» <3 *_..~ w-‘;.;;<_..‘.-«—-l 4“ 21176-4 i3 fim 9% BOOKS OF INTEREST Prices in l‘. S, .\ TO VIOLINISTS How to Produce a Beautiful Tone on the Violin By IIELHN 'l‘muumx Price $1.75 A Daily Guide for Violinists of all Degrees of Proficiency, in accordance with the Artistic and I’edagogic Prin— ciples of ('esar Thomson, teacher of Adolfo lietti, Edwin (irasse, l’aul Koch- anski, Francis MacMillen and Alfred Pochon. First Steps in Violin Playing THE CHILD VIOLINIST By E. L. WIXN Price 32.50 An unusually interesting, profusely illustrated volume, with invaluable hints and suggestions for teachers. How to Prepare for Kreutzer By I}. L. “'va Price$1.50 The most practical and valuable book for violinistseverconceived. Indispens— able for teachers in Private Schools and Academies as well as for the Profession in general, giving a thorough analysis of suitable material for the first four grades, including an explanation of the most important principles of bowing, technie and tone product ion. How to Study Fiorillo By 1‘). L. WINN Price$1.00 A detailed descriptive analysis of how to practice these studies based upon the best teachings of representative modern violin playing. How to Study Gaviniés By 1*}. L. WIN): Price$1.00 A book for advanced violin students who wish to perfect their bowing technie and higher positions. How to Study Kreutzer By E. L. lVINN Price$1.00 A detailed descriptive analysis of how to practice these studies based upon the best teachings of representative modern violin playing. How to Study Rode By Ii. L. WINN Price$1.00 An analysis of the twenty-four famous Caprices by P. Rode intended for ad- vanced players and based upon the teach- ings of the Berlin School. Provided with numerous illustrations drawn from prac- tical experience and observation of the most eclectic modern methods. Violin Talks By E. L. WINN Price$1.50 A book for teachers and students, con- taining suggestions for teachers of chil- dren. Analysis of important teaching works and practical information on tech- nic, bowing, etc. Mastery of the Bow and Bowing Subtleties By PAUL STOEVING Price $1.75 A text book for teachers and students of the violin. A masterly treatise on bow technie by a world renowned pedagogue. How to Teach Violin in Classes By PAUL STOEvING Price 60¢ A modern guide for teachers and super- visors of music for organizing violin classes in private or at public and high schools. Nicolo Paganini A Biography of His Life and Work By J. PROD ’HOMME Price $1.25 This latest book on the great Italian violin player contains such an enormous number of detailed and hitherto un- known events in his life as to entitle it to an immediate welcome and lasting recog- nition from all true lovers of music and violin playing. The book is provided with numerous rare and interesting illus- trations and is distinctive in appearance. Representative Violin Solos and How to Play Them By E. L. “'INN Price$1.00 Thirty-two representative violin solos analyzed and provided with practical suggestions as to their technical demand and artistic interpretation. Violinists will be delighted with this work, its interesting and valuable hints as to the correct method of playing these solos. Illustrated by numerous examples in notes and careful indications as to the proper interpretation by solo players. The Violin and How to Master It Paper. Price 60¢ A treatise, guide and manual on the violin and violin playing written in the plainest and simplest language. A book that is valuable to all violinists, profes— sionals as well as amateurs and especially so to the beginner unable to obtain or afford the services of a first class teacher. A glance at the contents will suffice to show its true. merit. The Violin—How to Make It Paper. Price 60c A complete treatise on the construc- tion of violins, bows, strings, varnishes, etc. Illustrated with woodcuts and dia- grams of the various parts of the instru- ment and the tools required in making them; with interesting accounts of the old makers, their methods, models, woods, etc. A careful reading of this little work will enable one to make a vio- lin, and to judge the merits of any instru- ment, old or new. ViolinTeachingandViolinStudy By EUGENE GRUENBERG With 3 Preface by Fritz Kreisler“ Price $1.50 For young teachers and advanced stu- dents. The author having been super- intendent of the Violin Normal Depart- ment of the New England Conservatory of Music (Boston) for a period extending over twenty years, offers the teaching experiences of his entire career in the pages of this book. This volume as a whole, is fundamentally based upon his lectures on the art of teaching the violin, delivered at the Conservatory. Right Hand Culture By PAUL SHIRLEY 'Price 50c Absolutely essential for violin, viola and cello players. Another important addition to the world’s violin literature. \Vith sixteen explanatory drawings by Florence L. Spaulding. Heifetz writes: “I may indeed congratulate you on the book ‘Right Hand Culture’ which shows the painstaking effort you have taken in analyzingthetechnicof holdingthe bow.” The Study of Paganini’s Twenty-four Caprices By EMIL KROSS Price 50c A new descriptive treatise based upon Paganini’s Secret hIethods, explaining how these famous studies can be master- ed by all violin players. Especially de- signed for players with small hands. Illustrated with numerous photographic poses of the author, and especially trans- lated from the original German edition by G. Saenger. The Technic of the Violin By RICHARD SCHOLz Price $1.00 The Technique of the Violin in its en- tirety, presented according to the latest system and illustrated with numerous explanatory examples. Translated and enlarged by Gustav Saenger, together with the Art of I\Iusical Interpretation. 430-432 South Wabash Avenue CHICAGO CARL F ISC HER. Inc. COOPER SQUARE, NEW YORK 380-382 Boylston Street BOSTON MUSIC (As played by Fritz Krez‘sler) 3n : Down bow Sheet Music Edition 1 CHANT V = Up bow 3.1171 LIBRARY $1 = E string Music (Nobody knows de trouble I’ve seen) II: A string M (111m string 348 VIOLIN IV:G string ,WE CLARENCE CAMERON WHITE cell Op.12, N91 HWY, “0‘ . . . Slowly,andv111h rsllglous fcrvor 1 1 ”-’/Eiax1tfl I? :93. 772], 3V4 ssia > trawl) W > ’ 77.1. 1 < A Ifi'? r27. _ _ _ 00 Copym'g/z f, AI (1'le VIII, 141/ Carl F {Kc/167', A?) w I’m-Iv 21176 -’£ International Copyright Secured