xt7hx34mpp01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7hx34mpp01/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-02-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1989 1989 1989-02-09 2020 true xt7hx34mpp01 section xt7hx34mpp01  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCII. N0. 106

Established 1894


University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Thursday, February 9, 1989



Jet crashes in Azores; all 144 are feared de

Ii) 1‘th Y SMI'I'II
.-\ssoeiated Press

lilSllt).\'. Portugal A l3 S ('liarter _|('l
carrying Italian \‘aeationers to the (‘arib
bean erashed into a mountain in the
i-\/.ores w bile trying to land in log on yes
terday All H4 people on board were

The Boeing 707. with a M‘Vt‘ll'lllt‘lllllt'l‘
Anieriean erew‘, was approaehing Santa
Maria airport on the Atlantie island ehain

UK officials
OK budget
for lights

\I.I,I-I\ ll. (llll‘Il‘Ilt
(‘onti‘ibutingI Writer

The loeations where new lighting will be
installed an" the business and eeononiies
liuilding bridge; the parking lot behind the
pliai'iii;ie_\ building near the iiiedieal een
ter the sidewalk between the elieniistr)
pli_\sies building and Maxwell Plaee. and
Ill two loealions on (‘Iilton Avenue

The tour, and a seeond lollow up tour
eondiieted last Wednesday. revealed seve
r:il burned out lights aeross eanipus. as
well as a lew areas that need more light
ing. ltos'esaid

The November tour resulted in a list ol
lt'» loeations around eainpiis where burned
out lights needed i'eplaeing. and lt\i‘
loeations where new lighting was
suggested. aeeording to l'K Poliee t'hiet
V'l'll Met'omas All ol the burned out
lights have been replaeed. and the Pliysi
eal Plant Department is' getting estimates
on the installation of new lights. Mi-(‘onias

The loeations where new lighting \\'lll be
installed are the business and eeonoinies
building bridge the parking lot behind the
[illtit‘ttltlt‘t building near the medieal een
ter the sidewalk between the ehennstrx
tilt} sies liuilding and Maxwell l’laee and
in two loeations on t‘lilton t‘irele
Met'onias said that the new parking lot or.
Virginia Avenue also was added to the list
tor lighting It etirrentl_\ has none

Hill t'ollins~ manager ol maintenanee lor
the PPI), said he was working on getting
estimates lor installation ol the lighting
and hoped to eomplete the proeess bx l“t‘l)
.tt He said that onee the estimates were Ill
and the nione_\ made available to the PP!)
installationeoiild begin

(‘anipus lighting has been an issue toi
some time. Met oinas said. and added that
he thought the new lighting would make
till a saler eanipus "We've had some
ineideiils where we believe eori‘eetive
lighting would haw helped Students tell
its the} \e been tollowed where it was not
open .iiid lit.” Met‘oinas said

Hose said that he thinks eaiiipus lighting
was improving but that [K needs the help
ol everyone "Uverall‘ eanipus lighting
seems to be pretty good,” ltose said "We
Just need to spruee it up in a l'ew places
but we need more input ll there's a light
out or something like that. eontaet PPl)
'l‘he_\ eaii usuall} tix it that evening "

UK orientation leader positions now

It) lti\.l \ “ll/I“
Stall Writer

The warm weleonie (K has tried to giie
iiieoniing lreslinien and tratisler students
in the past will he eontinued this tall

l’all orientation is the conclusion ot a
two step proeess beginning lll the summer
The lirst step student advising eonter
enees deals with registration. advising.

The tall program. August 199.11. is more
eatnpus lile oriented Aetivities begin with
an opening (‘tlll\'t>(‘.lllt)ll h) ("K President
[laud ltoselle lollowed b} orientation

when it hit 1.794 l'oot Pieo Alto and burst
into flames. said Alonso Pimentel, a re
porter in the :\/ores‘ tor Portugal‘s LISA
news agent-5'.

"The plane was very low. everything
seemed perleelly normal, then it turned
and flew straight into the mountain." said
witness Manuel Vairos Figueredo. the
mayor ol the lishing village ol Santa Bar
bara near the airport

"There was a tremendous explosion The
plane burst into flames and trees around it

eaught tire Nobody eoiild possiblg. hau-
surnved." \‘airos l’igueredo said iii a tele
phone mteruew with 'llie l\.s\tit'|.'lll'tl

lil'SA reported more than at) lit)(llt‘\ hail
been reeovei'ed b) nighlall lleavx log and
dit’l‘ii'ult aeeess to the ei'asli site hampered
reseue workers

The _]('t belonged to
liidepeiident Air (‘orp. liased iii Siiuriia.
Tenn. wliieh said it was hound iroiii
Bergamo, Ital); to the lioiiiinieaii ltepiiblie

the t‘s‘ airline

and then to laiiiaiia It had been «liar
tered b) lllt' lioiiiuiuaii llllli l)oiiiuiali to
ttt'tlllstil‘tlllltirtl l'\ Italianti‘.i=.el.igeiiries
Portuguese 'l\ aiil an aiioiniiious i'allei
to the newsroom l’lalllit'd responsibility tor
the t"‘lt.‘ill wt an organi/atioii
i‘alled the l'-l'l;".itl.i 'l’eii'oi'i-ta International
International 'l eri‘oi ist lti'iitadi-
lxlti".‘. ‘Il lltl

*tl’~lit‘t ted

i'rasli oi-

l’olii'e said 'heu group L:
that name and

\l'itnes’ses all’l

the tlillllt ~.\a

tetluiei'? wrerkar’e -'ill


lht \lIlI'Illl\la \ltl\7.l\t;tl
s'tatt “riter

the truest tor knowledge does not be
Learning ts a
proeess iiiiidaniental to lile and though
iiiost people proeeed with their edlii'a

long soii-lji to students

tion outside the elassi‘ooiii. soiiie
i'llt‘l’\ tiiid the opportiiiiih to t‘tllltlllllt‘
within it
l'Isi-inpliljung this ts .lolin t awelti
l K l‘illullsll protessoi‘. who said. li
tailed to keep disemeringI new things
It is important that teai'tiiiig .s
proeess ot disemer). ‘hesaid
llis students pereeue his
eontinue learning

tlesil’t‘ 'o

‘lle is a prolessor who does not lia\e
a eliip on his shoulder beeause he 2s l


group meetings. orientation sessions. and

The program is designed to deereasi-
anxiet) and enthusiasm iii the
unnersitv ' said lit'tk) Jordan. assistant
dean ol students "This will gixe them a
person orientation leadet'i who will be
supportne as well as a stippoi'tne group ol

New students are gneii iiiloriiiatioii
during the program about elassrooiii
(‘X[)('('litlltill_\. elassrooni lite. l’lilss s_\lla
liusesi time management‘ student respon
sibilities and rights. the ombudsman and


U of L approves its smo

\l’ and Stall reports

l,tll'lS\'ll.lil‘i. K} The l'nivet‘sit) ol
l.ouis\i|le has adopted a set ot smoking
regulations alter rewriting them to satist)
some legislators who had threatened the
sehool with budgetar) reprisals

Details of the regulations were released

“I believe they are lair and equitable to

our lilt'lllt}. stall and students." said Pres
ident lionald Swain “We want to ereate an
impression ol e\enhaiidedness. tairness
.‘iiidbalanee ”

'l'he polie} beeoines elteetne Mari-h t in
a state where tohaeeo is a $2 billion indus

However. the PK does not have plans to
lollow the l'niversity ol Louisville by im





Today: Sunny
Tomonow: Sunny and warmer




UK English professor John Cawelti exemplifies the need tOCCmttnth, learninn .iC‘tDtrttttr; ir-ii

Teacher exemplifies intense desire

in l'ittJlisl;


\(tltl ltettiw “.oe
lllllliil‘ alto ttittk liilHt‘l't
\lilltaiii Faulkner

l iii-\er teall) «'oiisidereil

prolesst It

last t'tto‘stit' ili
ttiit li'.‘|ill|llt.‘. tlslllt‘ :ioiii . lath un-

tiient alien as optioinoii tttttll

iliiiol_ l ‘ll't'ltlt'tl ‘i, “w
singer t‘aweltisitrt

tttte of 'tie
‘ awelt1~ »l\lt' ht ‘eai lilllL'
o open minded aiii \latt
Hlllt't l'lllL‘lI\ll :‘lllttll “'l ’lit~
,iei‘etiltlig ot idea. s one

I'he atiiiosphrii'
t'tllltll. \ttt‘ \rll'l ll
'lltillL’ll he s a

llt' «ill liiip on

till t,:

‘lllt‘l'i‘sllllt,’ ’tiiiigs .‘lttllll
ftail he i
Ellison ill
i'tliltllil 't
l.t\l «illii'stt'l ll" i‘l‘,


.tlll ti,” is,

‘iiil 'I'
tt’lli\ til‘i\\,-_
llltlt'lll_ 'lttiinili ilt’ hlltt\\\

i".iil- \Hl‘ it'4l

the tall orientation tepeiidss
largely upon the -tudeiit tillt‘ltliilittl‘i lead
Student liaiieis are a ,‘ioup
ot la to _'o new ~llltlt'lll.\ and help ,{tiidi-
them tliiougii the oi ieiitatioii piograni
Leaders are responsible toi itteiidiiig the
.iiadeiiiie lllll 'illt'ttldltttll aetnities
with then Lillttlp. t'lII ouiaiaiig gioup ltllt'l
attioii .itltt iaiii

pus lite

\l“ ( t‘_\s Hl

"l,\ t\\lelll1‘tl

silt I.“

go ing nioi iiiation aliont

ttrieiitatioii group Ieadeis liaxi- engined
uitrodiieing 'lie new the ll\

"ll was .I 4\peiieiite \I) :tioiip
showed up to: piett} llltltll all the .lt ll‘.

ing policy;

plenieiiting a smoking littllt'). awording to
Dean ol Students Dong Wilson

James Kiider. \iee ('liaiii'elloi toi sill
dent al'lairs said he had not lieaid ol am
plans loi‘a smoking ptillt') at l'K eithei

*tliilt'tlts to


When asked what he thought ol sueli a
program, Kiider said that botli smokers
and nonsmokers had rights

“The problem I think that is alwa_\s



sunmi Witi mason «in .»
'1 ~’ ?‘ Monti:

to continue learning, students say


ittlii‘sii i'

.iitiilfll l
ii 11'.
Main .iik ' a

link, i

burned on l'ao \l'o "‘xl‘ tioui

ll \ ‘i

.I.a- Ltiu-ii to a tesideiit ot \uz'a l’i.

aid the bi” ilii‘n. w:

l'lii- pilot iadioed Sarita \lai‘a

on'i'ol tow-i ttiio-e iziaaite My».

:adi llll' did itot iepoi' dll:.'littt,
.t \\ quoted at

Hllii 1.:i .i- ‘.t‘. ill,”


flute“ ".,v

NJ ti

lta. agent".

UK doctor
renowned for
heart research

ltlll\ \l\ltl\
.,,, ”tw'i'i. \t, .1

t-t“ it'~‘ Vi» ,
pro!” or t.ll'l.'tl‘lL".
.i‘ \tw‘a we \ hetpu‘t‘
. v t main

o \[H'ltsl'

ii ,,

I ‘ ,, Home

.w " -!i~- ra-ueinW-‘t‘
-ti4l' ‘ ‘ itL‘ll' 'I‘isv'

i!'l-[lltll\‘li‘}slt '_t_ll i lit R.
ill will“: l‘i, it'll .‘l g

.xtii-t f;st‘lll Lil‘ll'l'r
.v’ :twt‘ -‘ ii

i-.. t‘ e
.. ’t‘ltilll‘ ?
\‘ ’

;,' 'itttp‘t! [_ Ills-l)l\

t't‘ 4..

[uremia]. ltl‘l
'l‘tl'i‘~' lotilos‘ yl“l!l'l("'
l'in-y'iv _ “'4‘“ to?
is' "ii-si~ ii\'

”at“ trie‘t‘yva i"


ll’t 1'ltl s ri-;i'iiii

[llwtx Atljlli 'l‘
'ot .l'it: in \itll't ! illit‘ H,
tau-innit l“l titan! sail

t t


I‘t""‘ :
Itt t,i iii-s. s or]:

..~ i .1 ts"

ii‘diotoz.‘\ ’vt
"t~'ttt‘-ttn'.itt t”

'o‘ii‘tit ’mti'
v-tl dim-twat tel o
,‘ltt"l.ilti‘ fin»
‘.itiii t-ft ":i'
tilt ‘l'tllltl‘. is
't‘lllv thiaiiu'

~it;.i- it'ltlllJil'ili

ittitlill.‘i ll‘L‘l""»t

"l Ida‘s
a: tetrt-ikdasi
" lt‘tllt ll i' :»ltl t~

iltii‘ "ll‘ ‘ti\tl s

‘tttllltt ti'ti

open for application

oriia \it/ki-ii.
.lu‘d tilt



‘Illl‘ liegilti‘iiim~ in lfie

‘ili'tlli ti'iirti't l\.i‘li\
alt. i.‘ lllo'llitlitliaii
'tt. "i'.ill\ . tad

ii hi ’1 viii--


'lla‘ l

iltnitit ili


(i [It‘iliit‘

;i~ iijili

li .liil'l

illl ltt‘tiii it .‘ Hittite t‘f'iit ti iv

:a ting .iptiiitdtila 1"] the lt'iltit‘l‘lt l'i
iiti tlllllilrlli‘tll ii'uili‘l's tuil’u tiaii
lantari turns \pplieatioiis ain- .l\.il’i.iltlt
:ooiti ii.) Patterson Milne 'l‘owe:

dui \laiili 1o. llllt‘thv‘As \Hli lic‘t ,.
tinted tor applii'ants in ll'lilii.:t'. .m;


has no such plans

tau-d is t‘lll it ’v.ilil'-t saizl l\udet ot a

inokingpoia -.

\llieii the liiixi‘isit} at l.ouis\ille te
leased the lii'st diatt ot tlii polo) last tall,
" ,\.is tttailu-vl lrx m‘ati lloiiald tie
tlllllL1.tll.i,lllliiti oi ’hi- Hone ial \:ss('llllil_\
s’l‘iiliaii‘o'laslx l‘Ult'“


toiiiiiieiiting on the re\ised

(it'tlllll said ltttllltl l|\t

with that ‘,\llllttllt

an} problem If it's fair to s'nioke:
w hat we want to look at"

Hut llouse Agrieulture (‘oninnttet i iia l
man (‘lay t‘rupper said he wasi, =
that. the unnersit) had adopted till
i ions Tuesday.

"I didn‘t think the} tteedeu aux pola .
the) eould do it without an) ieginatioiis

t'rupper said he was atraid that ttilltl

\u \l \L l'iiet J

l'll‘.l ~i -l








Ska band
performing at
The Wrocklage



UK pulls in large
football recruiting class

See Page 2






2 — Kentucky Kornot. Thursday. February 9, 1989



Ih l‘1|\l.\'l'\lltl\t.




\ \Sll\'|l,l.l€, l‘eiiii \aiiderhilt
llll\t‘l'\ll\ basketball coach t',\l
\ewtoii “I“ begin the rebuilding ol
the t h basketball program when
he Mikes UHIH‘ as the l'l\ \llilclic
ltll'i «, loi' lll .\pi'rl

.\ilei' a lt‘l'l‘llllt' performance in


his basketball learn last night.
Eddie Sutton may want that to
\l.il' that .i lllllt‘suttttt‘t‘

'l‘lir- \aiidei'bilt (‘otiiniodoi'es
iisiiil; a tenacious lone deteiise and
”it'll patleiided threepmnt shoot


lllL' game whipped the Wildcats Ht
:1 Ill \li-nioi‘ial (i_\lll beloi'c a sell
will A tlt‘ytlllti l itHb


\r;i!on lt'l'llit‘ti the game 'pam
what \\.i.\ the worst lit'ttlltlLi


ltli ill


t l\‘:lnlf"l' l‘ 'caiii has met eon-ii
l b.
iitioiiqri‘ .ki here .i little out Ht
sink. .\ii"oir \iitil Mi ne\ei' es


latrlistied .iii i‘llt'll.\2\t' \‘t'




iii '.~ ' t ~' i"ll\lli'il


Feb. 9712 — 7:30
Sun at 700


_ Feb. 911 v 10:00

Admission $1.95
for more info
call 257-1287





lt.\( 7(1 ALA L'REA'I‘E
( B DC P t

In \a\ y 's lth 'l‘ pro\ lll\‘\
llhttllkldl incciitiye for college
studi his to uiriiplcte baccalaureate
oi‘crce requirements and obtain
Nay} tlllltcf Lt)nltlll\\lllil_\, All

it”: His corisiticrcil

lull \Iilitar} Benefits

l ill! more than $1,1ti‘ia month
itillli grailiialzori lNo uniforms.


, or liairt ii?



Age At least lx. but not yet Jo at
tune of entering the program
l-iducation ltc enrolled or
accepted for transfer to a regionally
at \ rc-lileil -1 year college or
..rii.cr\ity 'Mtli at least full semester
hours or ‘Itl quarter llr nursing \liulenh

0 they enjoy itic support of
pbysn ians pr.“ lit irigworld
l lass nicdit me in I "If of the
”II at rupct ted hospitals in
tlic llJllt DI]




jeu '1.in Hospital [988 When o/ [tic )mr
.miu'li’bmlc. li’ \ .jumm hml. If \

0 Hit \ gt t iii tit |‘lll|l.lllllllj;.tl|«l

O Ilici ll.l\( llt \iblclioins to
”II ( t then IN I ll\ .l\ \u It .i\

O ”in ciijin l’riiiian \iirsuij;
.|\.t|1.llll or let (it ll\l n

0 ”K \ enjoy .I In \\ iiiii llll\l
program “Ill! top p.i\ loi
\ucktlai .llltl \u cki Iltll \tl.t

O llii \ gt t H iiiituirst it tr It l( \l
tu s leading [tilllt It i i min .I
[II Ill to spec iali/ul .trt‘.|\ « bl

0 l'hu li.i\ca( ritii .ilt .tfl
Intt rn l'rograln tt r In lp in u
gradiiatcsili \i lt||\1’|l( 1 [HI
skillsasqiiu kli .is possibli

It \tlll iI Iiki ti r l“ llll killil 1 rt
ININ' who would w rrk .ii
levyisli |I(l\|\lt.ll plcasi I all
ltcwrb Dunbar R \

I iiiployiiii iii \Ianagt r \Ilr\(
R( l riiiti r .it t io.’ HN‘ ms“!



)t‘ LN: llt‘NtliIll \tnrt liiiimilli kciitiiiki «I301




Gym Kats
see action

Staff Writer

When UK gymnastics coach Leah
Little and her assistants were
making out this year‘s slate of
meets, they threw in a couple that
were supixised to be cupcakes. This

at Antes, la , .
labeled as such with the condition
that the

that is

around the
the team prepares

ent pool


of llie

run for our

'i record \th til in the Southeast

do ”


7:30 pm. tri-meet with
Iowa State University and Missouri
was one of the meets
gymnasts would stay
But health has not been a word
heard much these days
Seaton Center where
The injury bug
has crept in on l'K leaving the lat-
bare and making the
upcoming meet at Iowa St, danger-

“At the beginning of the season,
\\e thought that this would be one
few meets where we could
really blow the other teams out,
but with our injuries, our
opponents should really give us a
money," assistant

lll‘ltll'lttfi which have sidelined 7 of
lo gymnasts have forced UK to a ‘J
‘l‘ll (‘oiitei'eiice and has made gym ””d “m
ii.isl toaecept new roles

"We‘ve had to ask some of our

girls to perform on bars. even

though it may be their worst .

event." Thompson said “It‘s really "”5” ‘ l"“'”“"i
amazing how well we're “We're now here
performing with all these injuries tial." Thompson
The girls that are competing in are. though.

injured, are doing ofcontidence”

expected them to

place of the
than we

to this tiieet. l'K will try to keep
sittt‘ik lllt‘ signs of a pulse
“4- re going out l’i‘idav and just "ll the

The UK gymnastics team will head to Ames,
match on Friday UK's opponents will be l0wa State and Missouri

try to sitt‘vive.”
“We also need to have fun.
we do that. then we'll perform well

Thompson said

That is _,ust what the Kats did in
their last meet as the} liaiel\ es
eapedtieorgiat‘ollege 1110-) 172 ii

Even With the win. the squad still

said “The
starting to gain a lot

To perform at a respectable level
against the t'yclones 984
Missouri Tigers i‘
need to perform well on the bars
lizit's t'itttie

St. the Kats will



for a lTHHBPi


we'll do

very well
and if

record they liaxe will e
Tigers of
losing record.
29th lilltlttnziil}

but tlii-i. .i"e

Heading up the i‘iL’t‘l .lli.l' 'r'
ltoii‘ who i"iti\
the squad with it” til around .itei'

near our poteii

sophomore .liilie

agent it? 2

and the The l'K
fourth out ot
Mill'1its (it‘ih
then Feb 13

ltugln (iii!
2! 'e iii;-
l3 ttl‘t‘.iltii'ti‘ Mil!





Let me teach you a few tricks;

Enroll now in on-can'pus bridge lee
son. Want to have fun? We'll give
you a hand! Bridge is both challeng-
ing and entertaining at every level.
Have a good time while you improve
judgment, concentration and memo-

Materials for the American Contract
Bridge League‘s eight lessons are
soemally prepared to have you play-
ing the game after the first class.

WHEN. Thursday Feb 9


At the end of the tow an 20' :
three highest-scorin'i mwr . ‘
Campus Lesson Series "inn" im'w‘
will win scholarships 'o'.:'iv"1 \"W *
And everyone who ohw .. .. i~
nament Will become a ' -
be! 0‘ our campus port'ie t,

Now‘s the
bridge It‘s an nrtm‘ 1' r" " i

time 'r; o 3'

For more information cait



'l‘lii iiiipsoii

Despite Missouri's tiiiit loan st \
that can cause trouble for l'lx' “
Missouri itiag. il.t‘.t'

Rugby 'l‘eani finishes fourth
:ii the l.‘l








WHERE: Student Center Game Room FEE: FREE 2

Lessons are for students Faculty, staff and spouses will be included it spar i: ,w" ' E

Sponsored by the American Contract Bridge League 2?.

A l) V E R 'l‘ S l". M ti \

Breaker’s Guide launches national college
tour and beach blast that brings spring
break to campuses January-February

ORLANDO — Brcakcr's Guide '89,
“The Ultimate Spring Break Maga-
zine.“ asks the question —— Why wait till
spring for a break, when we bring the
Break to you? The nation’s Spring
Break magazine has once again set out
to fire up college students across the
land for their annual rite of passage
and freedom — Spring Break.

Millions of college students flock to
Spring Break destinations around the
world each spring season and Bred/tens
(Juide's annual publication and collc~
giatc tour festivities provide them with
all of the necessities a student could ask

The Breuker'x staff will be visiting 25
university campuses on its annual
month«long excursion throughout the
midst of the educational world. The
tour lasts from January l3-l’ebruary
l7 and is sponsored by such notables as
Coppcrtone, .lccp, Disney World,
Ocean Pacific, and SAMS (Students
Against Multiple Sclerosis).

The Breaker’s staff can be found in
the student centers of respective catn—
puscs throughout the day distributing
free Breaker's Guide '89 magazines.
along with prizes and promotional
items from the various sponsors of the
tour. The nighttime festivities will
crank up at one of the popular local
nightclubs and feature a number of ex-
citing and outrageous activities.

The evening gets underway with stu-
dents competing in the national SAMS
“Rock-A-Like" contests, which launch


students on to fame and fortune its
they compete in lip synch contests llll
itating their favorite rock star,"
celebrity on stage. Regional finalists
will be flown to Daytona in March to
appear on MTV for the. national it
nals‘, and will have raised money for

Next up on the agenda is preliiiii
nary competitions for the Miss Spring;
Break 198‘) title, sponsored b_\ (tccaii
Pacific Swimwear. 'l‘lic nationw idi:
search begins here as college women
go hCiiddtrllCttd and bodyto body on
stage at the nightclub‘s Beach Blast.
Regional winners will be selected and
flown into Daytona Beach for the fi
nals at the lntcrnational Inn on \lgiitli

'l‘oppiiig off the evening will be the
evcr‘popular and entertaining Spring
Break Mascot seen on MTV «—
Smittcc is well~known for the wild
and crazy antics that he performs on
MTV cach Spring Break, in addition
to Put’n On The Hits and clubs across
the country.

l‘rcc prizcs, products and magazines
will be given away at all of the ctents
to the crowd and participants. Winter
wcary college students can now look
forward to a taste of Spring and all
that goes with it when tlic Brett/tent
College Tour and Beach Blast rolls
into town — soon to be at a campus
near you! For further information
contact Andrew ()wcns at (407) 07‘)




Staff Writer

In early February, football is' not
on the minds of most people But to
Jerry Claiborne, February means
the annual signing period of prep
football stars is upon him.

After last year's .S-ti record,
(‘laiboriie and his staff went on the
recruiting trail looking for speed
and tight ends (‘laiborne lit'llt‘HJs
he has landed inst what he was
looking for

”We are very pleased \Mill the
signees we have so far." (‘laiboriie
said “We went ottt with the
intention of getting more teaiii
speed ttur lack of team speed has,
really hurt us lll the past '

With the .\(';\i\ limiting the iiuiii
ber of scholarships for each school
from to to 37. and three walkons
given scliolorsliips this spring. the
[K staff used up it of its 22 avail
able scholarships

lit the El players signed to ti Na
lioiial Letter of intent by l‘K. nine
\‘H't't' track upl‘lll‘i'l‘s in high school

'\\'i- really needed more team
~peeil. especially in the Wide re
t‘t'l‘.t‘l‘ corps.~ maid t'laiboriie who
is. inttiiiig his eighth season as the
ll\ toil it ‘We iitid to get .i deep
lK signed tour wide lt't't'l\t"'
itzrt tour light “this for lit"\l \t‘it o:

‘o ».‘iori itti the Wildcat reee'unn
I'K Jim" ‘.\.is litl'tt'tl 'o fool.‘

tumor t'ttlii L'e l‘.‘illk\ ltil' iiitti‘ ,; t
'it't'.tll~~t‘ of the l
tight ends troiii last «easoiiT ti ..':1
tie signed two tight ends treat 1
iiioi‘ tiilletjes liotibi. ”W'J‘J‘l
.«tZ't titititti-x .l:it-k<4in

Her-arise ol tlit
f’i-iiiiingtoii .u- Mild to ii't‘t "t""

.V II“ flit- 'iiii "A:

t‘t'.i'i‘i'ii!'ii‘ '

iiirriiiutiiia izvt ‘il'i"t--

t'lziilu i

ii ll‘t"it(ti" ‘ielii


Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, February 9, 1989

Claiborne inks much needed
speed for upcoming season









.liiii (‘iillii1s


Et‘A‘quW-tv ‘ .. .. .



Noni +0 r- ight Dragi m:

Iain titres.


lllitli nllEIEIST‘; Bugs Senna

Witttli in ii: ,ifr


Saturday tiK Student

Feb. 1 1

8:30 a.m.—10p.m Ballroom



4 - Kontuckv Kornol, Thursday. February 9. 1989

Wilkinson has plan for schools

|-'.\ \l “(K ll. (‘lll‘lllliRl-N

\.\\r‘i idlt‘tl I’l't‘ss

l-‘I{,\\'I\'I“(IIIT. Ky (lm Wal
'ite \Iilkinsoii said yesterday he
. Jo's to extend his restructuring

' n boots to include pocketbook is
‘ It'\

\l‘ierison said the state may
l‘.i\e lieen approaching its whole
. tlllltllltlll oi schools "emclly
’ .i.‘*\".\1il‘tl.\ H

We state should consider impos
”u: ‘texrer mandates in the class
i we ,inti more mandates in the It
' It"\“.ll room." Wilkinson said

1'.“ e 'ssues to he \ltldlt‘tl III school
. :. :I‘l c include the minimum toun

.l' It? program by which the state
wt :. :s tints! or the money :t apprn

priates for education. the power
equalization program to help the
poorest school districts and local
effort for education

But Wilkinson said the study will
not touch on where the money for
schools is raised. such as the his
toric use of property taxes and the
confusing list of permissive taxes
that local districts may impose

Wilkinson called the news confer
ence to announce the creation of a