xt7j0z70wf1z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j0z70wf1z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1980 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 50, 1980 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 50, 1980 1980 2012 true xt7j0z70wf1z section xt7j0z70wf1z Fm   M mf A  é W   v` M
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 University ot Kentuc.·ky_Alu,mni Association   (
  l- ;*’·c·1‘gr,iQ.\;Y     X S
l Si
{ u
A 1
Two weeks in exotic Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong L  
Departing Louisville on August i4 3
0lOl¢l0lOl¢l0l0l¢l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l¢lOl0 i
Come with us for a relaxing, ao-as—you- tailor-maae clothes at bargain prices. :
please holiaay in the 0rient. See snow- Pina tempting buys in jaae, pearls, silk, i
cappea l\/It. Fuji ana the glitter of Tokyo’s electronics ana cameras. Itall awaits you. {
Ginza. Riae the Far East Aclventure Q
l3O l\/IPI-l Bullet inclucles: Rouna ¤
Train to Kyoto, trip flights via ’
Japan’s ancient Japan Airlines anal . {
capital. Explore Singapore Airlines  
"Instant Asia" in wiae—boaiecl jets, r
Singapore's exotic cleluxe hotels,  
sights ancl sounas. American breakfasts, I
See spectacular l—long ana ainners at a l
Kong l-larbor ana selection ofthe finest r
colorful Kowloon. restaurants. A great trip. f
Shop for A great value. $2,689 ;
0l0l0l0lgl0l0l0l0 .
$€¤CliO1 UK Travelers _ li
UK Alumni Association f
King Alumni House l li
Lexington, KY 40506 I
Enclosea is my check for $____[S2OO per person) E  
as aeposit. t c
Home Aaaress _* Z
City State Zip __ ;
Al\lon—l?egimenlea llI'l"I=Il\\l® Deluxe Aaventure `

 cover: UnlverZIty\?*irchivés   V
Margaret l. King Library · North
Scientists at the Wenner-Gren Re- UM , I K I II .
search Laboratories investigate www O en uc Y  
"whole body oscillation" as a way of L°¥ll$l°¤r K*”*u€l‘Y 40506
preventing muscle atrophy in outer °
space. Research with the UK herd  
R has made sheep raising a profitable
5 industry in Kentucky. Appuiaema the k¢¤t¤<=kv ¤¤¤m¤¤¤ Summer 1980 v¤¤- 50 ¤¤- 3
l provides social researchers with a
I window on the world. Photo by Russell  
Q Lee from the UK Archives Collection
I ;—;_"""`— features:
  1°8° °F"CERS 6 at the leading edge
l §:5`$éDr$]Tlsu,53 uk has greatly enhanced its position as a leading re-
` LOUISVIIIQ Kezmcky search institution in the u.s. through a concerted effort.
PRESIDENLELECT 8 for humanity’s sake
RIcha,dM_W0mack·53 whenever university research involves human subjects, .
Birmingham, Alabama a professor’s methodology is scrutinized to protect the
TREASURER volunteers. new funding sources encourage research
Mrs. Joe F. Morris ’38 into ethics and values.
L°’°"gt°"‘ K°“*“°l“’ 10 on the medical frontiers of health
§;‘g:uE;$dY48 medical research at uk ranges from the basic to the ap-
I_exIngI°¤,K€mucky plied, from the mechanisms of disease to the methods
ASSOCIATION STAFF of teaching health professionals.
DIRECTOR 12 down on the farm
. Jay Bmmmzld,48 as a land—grant university, the college of agriculture
ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR plays a principle role in the development of the com-
BObC_WhIIaker monwealth. one example is the research done on
EDITOR uk farms.
Liz Howard Demoran ’68   the bevwulf mystery
MEMBERSHIP OOOROINA-IOR a uk professor, in his research on the original beowulf
Ada D. Reibard'39 manuscript, has set the world of literature on edge with
Brenda Bam Ruby Gupm a new theory and some~new evidence.
Linda Brumfield EnnisJ0hnson ll WBS Ol'lC€ considered pI°OVll'lCl&l to study the I‘lCl'i€S
Kgflghguggtno T°"" Wise ,73 close to home, but now appalachia is a respectable topic
for academic observation and exploration.
  16 the faces of appalachia
fatalism is a documented trait of the people of the
R pu;:§h';;"(:?I;’;:e$“g;";‘;‘; (gif  region. a poem by james still ’7Sh and photographs
j tucky Alumni Association, 400 Rose Street, complled bv appalshop reveal a blt Of the Soul Of aPPa‘
` Lexington, Kentucky 40506, for its dues·pay- l&Cl`tl?:\.
I ing members. Individual dues are $15 an-   coming home
l nually with $2.00 of that amount used in pub· , , ,
I muon ofthe mcgmm Second class postage gurney norman 59 tried to make a go of it on the west
` paid at Lexington, Kentucky, and additional coast but found that l¤·*m¤m¤=
~ g:e;;;;°;l;’Qh`;rAt::nr':l`;:";`n'3S;°;°;22:t`;°ckf; 2 around campus briefly 25 class notes
1 and CASE, Council for the Advancement and
I Support of Education. 5 sP°rt8 gleanlngs

   l and th
l Univer
C profes
H III Ll S ‘ Ms
p Hallelujah l and S.
•   Librar
Bf IS Chorus   E
l Branc
  Graduating ll'OlT1 COll€Q€ is SOlT1€ll'lll'lQ   it-iqnei
to cheer about. lt’s the culmination of sion O
years of hard work and good times; the , A AA
attainment ofa long—sought goal. did AAA
At the University of Kentucky’s 113th A COAAAAA
commencement May 10, some 5,600 CAOSQIA
students received degrees and a num- AhQm·
/A ’ A A · _ ber of coveted awards were bestowed when
.   V ~ A '___ __ on students, faculty members and TNA
| ·   4 | A .  friends ofthe University. the U]
‘   ‘)     »•·   Qf . `   A.     A Al » Sullivan Awards mime
` Fe   " if   ,   .  i f 3; ‘  The Sullivan Medallions are among E- BU
,••y\ `q AK` \ vi _ { W   \ A A   _ . .
\   J, * .     At; ,_L= I r,  A AA A_ the highest honors presented each year actwlt
  — °   _ {resi ` ; ~      at the UK commencement. The awards Sm
` . l   ll _ A   .. were established in 1925 by the New Culmfl
lf  S" is A   · ”i’ at li “ York Southern Society to honor the MEM
F ‘ M   — memmv Of Algernon Sydney Sullivan, Sell Ol
A` l 1 a distinguished lawyer and philan- l16S d·
` A thropist in New York City. Fifteen lead- mfinit
ing colleges and universities in the Th<
South, including UK, were selected to 1979
' " present the medallions annually. Panic
A ° Recipients this year are Fannie H. Camp
Miller. Lexington, and students Martha A event
Stout Butler, Woodford County, and * betee
Kyle Macy. Peru, lnd. _ elem)
A native of Winchester, Mrs. Miller Nemo
A received bachelor’s and master’s de- . allen
A l   grees from UK. She was a supervising
, teacher of English. speech and drama JO]
Fannie Miller Kyle Macy Martha Stout Butler Klligl
  -. A l C€lV€
_ , V Edwe
.1 l torne
A A l receii
r g , __  . ‘ KD
  fl A  A , fe r  U   ` A A _A H   begar
    ‘ · A A _ ll      Ar._ A   ’ A   .=* »;_¢   l   r 1920
1     1 ‘ .2;  l ._; V   V .   ~    "‘  J  l Jour:
    ‘     » Q _ _·  __      Ohio
    i ’ "‘·A_’     i   Z Knigl
  `l·‘ A ` —_   · , lf _r1" Ati
‘ A   ‘ A der r
  A chair
 »   A ' news
·   ` mlllic

l and then a substitute teacher at the old Knight twice has been president of ment and to demonstrate UK’s commit-
University High School from 1936 to the American Society of Newspaper ment to research.
g 1959. ln 1962 she became coordinator Editors and has won almost every major Dr. Barclay, a professor in the UK
  of student teaching in the UK College of journalism award, including the 1968 College of Education, is the author of
l Education and, in 1966, an assistant Pulitzer Prize for distinguished editoral several books
  professor. writing and the 1976 Fourth Estate He has worked for a number of years
l Mrs. Miller has been vice chairman award of the National Press Club. on the development of an assessment
l and secretary of the Lexington Public Knight lives in Akron. system for elementary and junior high
Library board and was instrumental in Prichard a native of Bourbon County, school children. This system has been
the establishment of the Southland served as a law clerk to U.S. Supreme used around the U.S. and provides di-
. Branch and the Josephine Emrath Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. He later rect prescriptive suggestions to teachers,
Branch of the library. She also has been held key posts in the administration of counselors and parents for improving
a member of the Governor’s Commis- Franklin D. Roosevelt. He also was gen- individual learning styles.
sion on Women. eral counsel to the Democratic national Dr. Butterfield, who came to UK in
A native of Ithaca, N.Y., Mrs. Butler committee. 1975, has won international recognition
did her student teaching at Woodford Prichard has practiced.law in Frank- for his investigations into Muscular
County High School. She worked fort for many years. Until recently he Dystrophy and Huntington’s Disease
closely with several students and visited was vice-chairman of the Kentucky suggesting that both are diseases of cell
them at their homes, on farms and Council on Higher Education, apost he membranes.
where they work. had held from the inception of the Butterfield’s research in MD was the —
This year she served as chairman of council. He is well known for his suc- first to demonstrate that this disorder is
the UK Student Health Advisory Com- cessful efforts to provide quality educa- associated with a generalized cell mem-
mittee, and with her husband, Gregory tion in Kentucky. brane defect. More recent work has
E. Butler, plans and conducts all youth Sturglll Award localized the defect to the exterior sur-
activities at Pisgah Presbyterian Church. Another top award wom to Dr- l_li face. of the cell membrane and future
She also is secretaryoof the UK Agri- Woman Dorough, director Ol the UK studies will seek to defineimore closely
culture Education Society. Graduate Camel for Toxicology, who the molecular nature. of this cellisurface
Macy not Only has distinguished him- Won the $2,000 William Bo gturgill defect. ln these studies, Butterfield lhas
sell en the beékeibsll me but be else Award ral outstanding aaaiiiaaliaaa to °°"¤b¤t¤‘2d will Dt Wllllam
nas tlevoted himself to the needs of liu- oiaoliiaio oouoaiioo ai UK Siiiioill, ll;’lyacll;§tt;l<;y).gly.lK professor of neurology
mani y. . .
The iwg-time All-American and (;gl;l;T;§£l;:;rE;l}jia?;:ir§rallf Tmsteesl ·Dr.i Roland, a nationally prominent
197980 SEC elever el the Veal bes Dorough is one ofthe founders ofthe hlstcman Of the SOuth’ Cam? to UK ln
participated in many siaie, local and UK Como loi Toxicology Wliioli now 1970 to occupy the Alumni Chir of
campus activities. The most notable are has 42 oiaoliiaio Siiiooiiia and 22 laoiilly History. The University Press of Ken-
events sponsored bythe Kentuoky Dia- momooio liom 13 olooaomaoio io loiii tucky published his book, The improb-
- betes Association, Cystic Fibrosis Asso- oolloooo able. Etal the South Sl¤C€·WOTl¤ e
John Shively Knight, founder of the Otherlocationsl Pl?B-llilllilallapil) Chlalffrlfllefemucky GOV.
Knight-Ridder newspaper group, re- Research Awards Dr. Zechman, professor and chair-
ceived the Doctor of Letters degree and man in the UK department of physi-
Edward F. Prichard Jr., Frankfort at- The UKRF award recipients are Dr. Olggy and bicphysicsy has had longlolln
lOI`l'l€y Bild former VlC€·Cl`l6lI'l'TiEil'l of the JBTTIQS   Barclay, €dUCHllOl"lBl ]DSyClTO· support ln his Studies in agycspace phys.
l Kentucky Council on Higher Education, logy; Dr. Allan Butterfield, chemistry; iglogy and the regulation of losollollon
l received the Doctor of Laws degree. Dr. Charles P. Roland, history, and Dr. from NlH and lng U_g_ All Force.
l Knight, a native of Bluefield, W.Va., Fred W. Zechman Jr., physiology and At the Aerospace Medical Laboratory
began full-time work in journalism in biophysics. in Ohidi he Conducted losoolon lntolhg ·
1920. His inheritance of the Beacon- The UK research professorships were effects on pilots and astronauts of sus-
' Journal of Akron along with another established in 1977. They permit recip- tained forward acceleration and at UK’s
Ohio newspaper became the base of the ients to devote full time to research for Wenner Gren Laboratory he studies the
A Knightnewspaper group. one year. Supported by the University effects of whole body vertical vibration
After the 1974 merger with the Rid- of Kentucky Research Foundation on respiratory mechanisms and ventila-
der newspaper group, Knight became (UKRF), the professorships are de- tion.
chairman of a company that includes 35 signed to enhance and encourage UK President Otis Singletary also rec-
newspapers with a circulation of 3.6 scholarly research productivity, to rec- ognized recipients of the UK Alumni As-
million. ognize outstanding research achieve- sociation Great Teacherawards. L]
h 3

 American press goes too far, but l wish gram will be able to earn their degree in l
we would reach a happy medium." an average of two to 2 1/2 years. In ad- i
Before taking up residence in Britain dition to the clinical adult nursing pro- l
  nearly 20 years ago, Day was news di- gram, parent-child nursing studies will
  ` V rector and then vice president for CBS be offered at Morehead. _
  ag- News from 1955-1962. While vice
tr · L president, Day won two Emmy awards,   l
- one for coverage of the Cuban revolu-
,_ tion; the other for production of "Years Seven menr l
 L of Crisis". He also won the George 5 Q V 9 n y Q a I S i
` Foster Peabody broadcasting award for i
the radio series "The World rdriigiiie. Avlnaeh Salhave has hecerne lhe l
i - Dau is also the authoi. ot ·~·l—he Bloody seventh mathematics department Sloan  
V _ , Ground" which deals with Eastern Ken- lellow ln Seven V€nl$· il
··   tucky. Sathaye will receive a two-year sti-  
_ . V —i` pend for study at the Sloan Foundation l T
  " ‘‘’' V in New York City.  
  The first mathematics faculty member  
Oh   Day Nurslng to receive the prestigious honor was T. i Tl
A cooperative graduate degree pro- A. Chapman in 1973. He was followed   €¤5l€Yl
John l:_ ··Sunny·· Day ·35 made the gram in nursing has been formed by the in 1974 by Kenneth Kubota.   1980-
most ot his annual tnn to Lexington this University with Western, Northern and A winner of the 1976 award, Daniel   €nclmF
yeah Dau, editot and publisher ot the Morehead State universities. Kubert, transferred to the University de- i Fegll C
Exmouth (England) Journal, was in- The program is designed for working partment of mathematics after being   lnil 9
ducted into the UK Alumni ASSoei_ nurses who wish to further their educa- named a Sloan Fellow at another in- ‘ l 6 nl
ation·S Hall ot Distinguished Alumni; tion on a parttime basis. Studies in clini- stitution. The winner in 1978 was Steve { lolllna
initiated into Phi Beta Kanna and tea_ cial adult nursing   be available cnn all Fellry. h C ;;;gl;
· t e campuses. e courses wi e ast year t ere were two, raig
ggsigsln the 1980 Joe Creason Lecture taught by UK faculty, and clinical learn- Evans and Frederick Cohen. it ln ll
Day compared the quality of media in lng experiences will be provided by The Sloan Fellowship is for basic re- ii Tgnlei
the United States and iii Great Biiieiri. lecal health care agencies Search Q i iSTh“"
iii nearly every case he gave the higher Degrees will he awarded hv UK and ¤ E l Q
rating to British journalism, ii is estimated that students in the pro- i Ogg}?
Nl l°°lll‘* “l"”°S*€"°’Vlllln9 cn A‘“c'l‘ V   iV·~i-  ·lllQ after research dollars r
Agriculture, plus other outside support, merefacultv memherste applvfermere lll all algalllafd alla llliall$‘l"a ‘*’aV· i
emeum re Seme $42 million, mektoo research dollars. Royster says. Theres a larger number
the University of Kentucky a major "There`s all kinds of money out t3ii&Cldlfy l’i'l€l'lilb€l’S nowadays interested
research institution there," says Dr. Phillip Roeder, UK as- lll Qelllllg 0¤l$ld€ llllldlllg-
-I-his is all money that Comes from sociate professor of political science and in lhla €llOl'l» UK lmd0‘~lbli€iiV Els :19
outside UK most ot it from one or also associate director of UK’s James bi€$$lllQ$ ef the stare C0¤ll€l Oll _ lQ_€l l
’ w. Martin Graduate Center ter Public Educeheh (CHE) arid the Leslslallve t
all<>lll€l a9€ll€V ef lila   9°"‘alll‘ Ad . .r r Research Commission (LRC) which in ‘
l“alll·lila$lal‘a °iKalll‘l°i‘l’- llldusilll °l mmisiaim 1979 utilished a stud on ··l=ederal l
private toondations Roeder should know. He has just re- R ph d D I vm Fu dm in   r
lt is money that has added inestima- iullled le Paiilicai Science ilom all €iQlll‘ Keiiaerekyeg rileiitiemethe nree§’m_    
sly to the quality ofthe faculty arid edu- mehlh esslehmehl eg OPSA/UKRFS mendertoe there Should be an to l r
cation at UK andthe reputation and val- flrsl"l¤¢¤l}v aatsociaia N crease to toe number, or federal oraor i
ue °i everv UK dipiemei Roeders ali kinds Of money proposals written, and there should be
Sponsored research has acquired tor amounts to billions of dollars, says ee mereeee in rreetrve Seeeeer. er
the UlliV€l$iW lhollsallds ef doiials OSPA/UKRF directon James MC- research and development from federal l
werlh cf $0Phl$ll€al€d iabolaloly €€luiP‘ Donald and state legislators and state and i  
ment, salaries for thousands of graduate uiaasaalch is c¤sllvf’ he 99% Oli- vii university administrators i
students and post-doctoral fellows, trav- ieqiiilas spacer equipmellir graduate CHE and LRC aiso recommended
el for countless professors and their re- $ilid€lli$· technicians and PO$i‘Ci°C$·” that universities deveioo a iifocal oointll
search aides who attend scholarly meet- Says Wesley Leach, OSPA/UKRF _an area ot interestlin research and .
ings. associate director, “Sponsored research der,etooment_ The aeenctes also su