xt7j0z70zz5m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j0z70zz5m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2006-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 2006 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 2006 2006 2006-03-10 2020 true xt7j0z70zz5m section xt7j0z70zz5m SPORTS More SEC Tournament coverage inside PAGE 3


Friday, March IO, 2006

By Megan Boehnke
THE «mum kma

McDonald Vick knows that
he won’t have all the police offi-
cers he wants when he begins
his first day as UK’s new police
chief Monday.

But then, Vick has a record
of being patient and persistent.

In his 10 years at North Car-
olina Central University in
Durham, NC, Vick helped his
police force grow from 19 sworn
officers to 31.

“As far as the manpower

A department

in transition

4: Go to www.kykernel.com
to read the whole series

shortage, hopefully we can ad-
dress that in different ways,”
Vick said yesterday. “We may
not be able to bring in everyone
that we would want to bring in
right now. But, over the next few
years, hopefully we can get those

Celebrating 35 years of independence

New chief presents plans

numbers up."

If UK were
to also grow its
force by the
same 63 percent,
it would add 28
officers to its
current roster of
46, well exceed—
ing acting UK

Police Chief Kevin Franklin’s
60officer ideal.

“Some of the challenges that
face the department right now
are the manpower shortage —

we’ re going to have to increase
those numbers " Vick said.

Vick also said he’s ready to
help the station renovate after
UK Parking and Transportation
Services moves out this summer.

“It’s going to be very impor-
tant that we redesign the facili-
ty,” he said. “I want to make it
more accessible to the students."

Even with the understaffing
and facility challenges, Vick said
the department will still be able

See Vick on page 2


UK 71, OLE MISS 57


Cats trail at halftime but rally to advance in SEC Tourney

By Josh Sullivan

NASHVILLE, Tenn ~ There was
nothing musical about most of the
UK men’s basketball team’s South-
eastern Conference Tournament de-
but yesterday.

With an NCAA Tournament bid
potentially hanging in the balance, it
took the Cats 34 minutes to get tuned-
up against an Ole Miss team it
trounced 80-40 last month in Rupp

Midway through the first half
they had had racked up nearly as
many turnovers (seven) as points
(eight). But with 6:30 to go in the
game and the score tied at 46, the
cylinders revved up, and the Cats
fired off a 25-11 run to end the game,
knocking off the Rebels 71-57 and set.
ting up a rematch with Alabama in
today’s quarterfinal match-up.

“We just really focused in on de-
fense,” sophomore guard Joe Craw-
ford said of the late-game spurt. “We
got some big stops and some re-
bounds and just turned it around.”

The Cats held Ole Miss to four
field goals in the final six and a half
minutes. They got a shot in the arm
from sophomore guard Ramel
Bradley, who returned to the court
for the first time since breaking a
bone in his hand during practice Feb.
21, the day before UK’s first game
against the Rebels. Bradley came off
the bench to score 11 points on three
3-pointers, two of which found the
net early in the decisive run.

“We love having (Bradley) back,”
senior guard Ravi Moss said. “He
brings so much intensity. Those shots
were huge.”

Bradley’s bombs sandwiched an-
other key 3-pointer from Rajon Ron-
do, who pulled up from NBA-range
and pulled the trigger as the shot
clock expired, drawing a collective
roar of shocked joy from the highly-






mm 3mm 1 sun

599 “0095 on page 3 Sophomore guard Rajon Rondo picks senior qaurd Patrick Sparks up after Sparks was called for a foul during UK's 71-57 win
over Ole Miss yesterday in the first round of the Southeastern Conference Tournament in Nashville, Tenn.


Healthy Bradley remedies CatS' ills

NASHVILLE Tenn. —— In sports
especially success is the antidote to a
lot of ills.

All this season. UK has had ills.

A rebounding

Crippled in the
low post.


Offensive sets
more painful to
watch than “The

But all was well
when someone
would catch fire and
start the contagious
streak of making 3-

Chris '



Ramel Bradley was suffering a
different, physical ailment — he
broke a bone in his hand late last
month. But, in his return yesterday,
:nnaking three 3-pointers changed it

And after UK’s 71-57 win over
Mississippi, he was healed.

Well. almost.

"It hurts a little,” Bradley said.
“It hurts when I try to put the ball on
the floor with my lefi hand. But it
never hurts when you shoot the ball

and it goes down.’

It must have hurt plenty before
the game.

In the team warm-up shoot-
around about 20 minutes before.
Bradley went through drills and took
his shots. At one point. seven consec—
utive shots fell short. hitting the
front rim or the side he was shooting

Then he chucked up two on his
first offensive possession of the

One fell. a percentage microcosm
of the rest of his night.

It’s safe to say his confidence was-
n’t shaken by his injury or the trend
that developed during the shoot-

“I feel like anytime I come off the
bench, my job is to provide a spark."
Bradley said. “It’s been tough on the
bench these last two weeks — not get-
ting off the bench and (still) going
through the ups and downs with my

His teammates felt the spark.

"We love having him back," Bob-
by Perry said. “It‘s a lot more fun
when he's out there."

“He brings so much intensity,"
Ravi Moss said. “Those shots were

See Johnson on page 3

Sophomore qaurd
Ramel Bradley
passes over Ole
Miss freshman
forward Trey
Hampton during
UK's win over the
Rebels yesterday.
The game was
Bradley’s first
since breaking his
left hand in prac-
tice last month.

mean I






Doctors remove blood clot,
say governor should be fine

By Dariush Shafa

Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher under-
went an emergency surgical procedure in
Lexington’s St. Joseph'Hospital at 3 pm.
yesterday, just hours after he noticed a
blood clot in his arm.

Fletcher, a doctor by trade, first noticed
some swelling and that some veins in his
left arm and hand were more pronounced.
A CT scan later confirmed the presence of
a clot, which stretched from his upper left
arm, into his chest and
partially up into the jugu-
lar vein into his neck.

“This is a relatively
acute event that occurred
over the last 16 to 24
hours," said Dr. Charles
Kennedy, who first advised
Fletcher to get immediate
treatment. Kennedy saw
Fletcher yesterday as part
of the follow-up work from
Fletcher’s gallbladder removal and subse-
quent blood infection last month.

First Lady Glenna Fletcher, a nurse by
trade. said her husband at first felt good
during the early morning, but later noticed
the beginnings of the problem.

“I told him to not say he was feeling
great ever again.” she said she told him af-
ter the procedure.

Though doctors said Fletcher was not at
risk for a heart attack or a stroke. treating
him quickly was still a concern because a
slight risk of thrombosis. where a piece of
the clot can become lodged in the lungs.
though that most often happens with clots
from the legs and not the arms.

“The earlier you get to that lesion.“
Kennedy said. “the better"

Dr. Dale Absher. a specialist in interven-
tional radiology: explained that a small tube
was inserted into Fletcher‘s upper arm to
attack the clot and remove it. through a
combination of clot—thinning drugs. water
to loosen the clot and suction to remove
parts that came free.

“It wasn‘t a very difficult procedure."

See Fletcher on page 2


school pushes
for revamp

To help recruiting, Gatton
College seeks new building

By Oariush Shafa

THE kmucxv ktnuti

UK‘s Gatton College of Business and
Economics is just one of the business
schools around the world suffering from a
shortage of qualified faculty. but adminis-
trators are focusing on ways to bring fac-
ulty members to UK and keep them,

“The demand for qualified business
faculty is growing faster than faculty are
coming out of PhD programs," said I).
Sudharshan. dean of the (latton College
of Business and Economics. “It‘s taking
longer to recruit and it's taking a lot more
money to recruit , and the facilities are
also not on par with the schools (UK) is
competing with."

Sufficient facilities and ample space
are the greatest worries. Sudharshan said.

“We need a new building very badly."
he said. “We don't have the facilities to
serve students adequately"

New facilities will not entirely solve
the problem however. and a little extra f0
cus and work will be needed. Sudharshan

“it means very simply that we are go
ing to have to work very. very hard to have
the faculty strength to serve (students), he







m: 2 | Friday. March 10, 2006

Holocaust survivor
describes research,
work In Rwanda

UMass prof relates his Holocaust
experiences to Africa's genocide

By Blair lhomas



When Ervin Staub, a pro-
fessor of psychology at the
University of Massachu-
setts. spoke to UK students
last night about genocide. he
was talking about a subject
that he is more closely ac-
quainted with than most

Staub. a child
survivor of the

Holocaust, began
his work in SCBTTEd

Rwanda ‘m 2001 for the rest of

and has dedicat- ,
ed much of his my life.
research to help-

ing victims cope my experience

in the aftermath

of 1994 genocide for What it was

“I will not be a

that helps me to help the
people of Rwanda," Staub

Students attending the
lecture talked about the rele-
vance of Staub‘s work and

"I think what he had to
say was important." said
psychology junior Alexis
Woodford. “It wasn‘t so
much about his
experiences there,
but what he
learned from
helping those peo-
ple. things that all
of us can use to
help keep such
hatred from hap-
pening here."

Staub empha~
sized that this



that took place — an experience genocide effects

in a tribal war

between the that hel

Hutu and Tutsi

everyone. not only
in their responst-

ps me
bility of helping

tribes. new the people the victims recov-

Last night.

Staub talked to 0f Rwanda. "

students about
the difference in
passive and ac-
tive bystanders
and their impact
on steering a
country away
from violence.

“Good lead-
ers move a soci-
ety in a direction away from
what they are used to.
Change, even positive
change. is discontenting.
But in difficult times, people
need a hopeful vision."
Staub said.

While in Rwanda, Staub
found that in many situa-
tions of widespread vio-
lence. it is difficult to pre-
vent the re-occurrence of
malcontent because the vic-
tims never fully recover
from their experiences.

“Groups suffer together
because of victimization
and that treatment becomes
a trauma, an open wound
that if not healed will lead
the victimized to violence."
Staub said.

It is Staub‘s childhood
experiences that motivate
his work in Rwanda.

“1 will not be a scarred
person for the rest of my
life. I take my experience for
what it was an experience

on his research and the
aftermath of genocide in Rwanda

er, but also to take
preventive mea-
sures against vio-
lence throughout
the world.

“We are all
scared of our own
endangerment if
we stand up and
speak out to pro-
tect others.“
Staub said. “But
everyone is effected by ha-
tred, even the perpetrators
have been significantly ef-
fected and we have to stop
violence and heal the
wounded so they do not be-
come perpetrators them-

Students also said the
work Staub has done helps
people realize the causes of

“I think the most impor-
tant thing anyone can take
out of Dr. Staub‘s experiences
is a better understanding of
what causes things like this to
start." said political science
sophomore Adam Gentry. “We
all blame everyone else for
our problems and are unwill-
ing to take responsibility for
anything. Dr. Staub repre-
sents those few individuals
who are willing to reach out
and help even those who may
not deserve it.“

Ervin Staub

Holocaust survivor,

newsta kykernelcom


Fletcher %_

Continued from page i


Absher said. About 75 percent
of the clot was removed.

"He had some flow around
it." Absher said. "but there
was some swelling and the
flow was (slower).“

The clot itself was not sig-
nificant in its size. Absher
said. and was not a threat as a
cause of heart attack or

“I would say it was a medi»
um-sized clot.“ he said.

Absher also said Fletcher
should also be free of any ma-
jor complications through his
recovery. He is expected to re-
main in Cardio-Thoracic ln-
tensive Care into tomorrow
and stay at St. Joseph‘s for
about another two days.

Kennedy said.

“I don‘t foresee any (com-
plications)," Absher said.
"You never say never. but I
think the risk is extremely

Though the clot has been
mostly dealt with, doctors are
going to continue treating
Fletcher with blood-thinning
drugs for the next three to six

“I anticipate the vast ma-
jority of the clot will be gone
by morning." said Dr. Gary
Grigsby. a cardiologist who
administered the clot—busting
medications to Fletcher.
“He‘ll be fine."

Until Fletcher is ready to
resume his duties. Lt. Gov.
Steve Pence has taken over
gubernatorial power.



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New UK Police Chief McDonald Vick,_ center, talks with Carol Jordan, director of Center for Research on Violence Against Women
and acting Police Chief Kevin Franklin last month after Vick officially accepted the position at a news conference.



Continued from page I

to accomplish some of his initial
goals ~— including the visibility and
accessibility of its officers.

“1 think that with the number (of
officers) we have. we can increase our
visibility." Vick said. “What has hap-
pened traditionally nationwide, is
that everybody has a tendency to ride
in the car and just accept calls.

“I believe in parking the car. get-
ting out and walking around and just
being more visible and being more ac-
cessible to the community than just
driving to one place."

He has also already talked with
members of the police department
about the same issue and said that it‘s
important for officers to go where stu-
dents are on campus.

“We need to be in areas where we
know students congregate.” he said.
“If nothing else, just walking through
or standing around holding conversa-
tion with students so they can get to
know us better — that's one thing we
will be concentrating on is visibility

“I want the students to feel com-
fortable not just approaching the po-
lice when there’s a problem, but any

Because he wants students to be
able to approach him. Vick also said
he plans to eat lunch in the Student
Center with some of his officers.

“We will meet and assess (the de-
partment’s visibility) and I will hold
my administrative staff accountable
for making those people more accessi-
ble." he said.

While visibility is something Vick
promoted at NCCU. other issues he
faces at UK are a little less familiar.

“We didn’t really have an alcohol
problem." he said. But with UK's past
two fall semesters beginning with an
alcohol-related death. Vick said he

recognizes the importance of address-
ing the issue at UK.

“I see that as a challenge to try to
change people’s attitudes and stu-
dents’ attitudes about drinking on
campus and around campus," he said.
“Basically, I think it's an educational
problem — we’re going to need to edu-
cate the students and people in the
community that’s close around the
campus about what can occur and
what will occur if they continue to
use alcohol in that way.”

Vick also said NCCU did not have
a problem with women's safety, and
that during his tenure. only one stu-
dent was a victim of sexual assault on
campus. The city police handled off-
campus incidents. he said.

He's already talked with Carol Jor-
dan. the director of the Center for Re-
search on Violence Against Women,
about the issue.

“Hopefully, Carol and I can work
together to educate the females and
males on campus how to be more safe
and responsible," Vick said. “We want
you to have a good time, but we want
you to be safe doing it."

UK President Lee Todd reallocated
$1.25 million in general funding for
women’s safety on campus. resulting
in the CATS Path, landscape changes
and additional lighting on campus.

Vick said that he wants to invest
in and expand these efforts, especially
coordinating after-hours services for

Right now. Student Government
offers a student escort service, Park-
ing and Transportation Services of-
fers a shuttle and the police depart-
ment offers rides to students who call
and request it.

“We have a number of opportuni-
ties for students out there as far as af-
ter-hours and using escorts," said
Lance Broeking. UK's director of fi-
nance for campus services. “(But) I
think our coordination has been dis-
jointed to a certain extent.

“It's just a matter of getting every-
one together and to work together to

make one system that uses all these
part but is easier for the students to

Vick said that he wants to work
with SG specifically on this, as well as
other issues facing the department

“We’re going to have to work very
closely with Student Government be-
cause the police department definite-
ly needs SG’s support in any effort we
try to accomplish here,” he said. “I
would like to develop a liaison be-
tween the police department and SG.

“1 know this semester’s almost
over but with the new SG president
coming in, I’d like to sit down with
him or her.”

A working relationship with an
SG representative could help relay
students’ concerns with UK-related is-
sues to the department.

Another area Vick said he didn’t
have much experience in is working
with an athletic department the size
of UK’s. The police department pro—
vides officers to oversee football
games, basketball games and other
events. It also prepares for post-tour-
nament celebrations every year.
Broeking said.

“We typically will have pre-tour-
nament discussions and preparations
on the off-chance that we make the Fi-
nal Four.” Broeking said. “We haven’t
had that discussion that much this

But with the team potentially re-
ceiving a bid in the NCAA tourna-
ment, Vick said those discussions will
probably happen soon.

“Once I get here next week, you
may win. You can never tell — I might
be your good luck charm.” Vick said
with a laugh. “We may have to be
planning for parties and celebra-

mboehnke(a kykernelcom




Continued from page i

said. “It‘s not just working
hard. It takes a significant
effort and a continuous at-
tempt at recruiting faculty
and retaining them."

UK is currently plan-
ning a new building for the
college. with a price tag of
approximately $100 million.
Sudharshan said.

“It'll be more than
worth it," he said. “because
it will provide the kind of
facilities that will be appro-


priate and conducive to the
learning methods that are

Not only will the new
building benefit the stu-
dents, he hopes the new
building will also attract
new business partners.

“It will invite faculty
and corporations to engage
with us," Sudharshan said.

The building's funding
will be the priority of the
2008-10 biennium.

Interim provost Scott
Smith said he agreed with
Sudharshan — the new
building and improving the
college’s faculty are priori-



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“The College of Busi-
ness and Economics is one
of our largest at the univer-
sity," Smith said. “If the
Gatton school is going to
participate in the growth of
the university the Gatton
facility has to expand as

This is a priority for
UK. and should be a priori-
ty on the state’s agenda as
well. Smith said.

“Kentucky and this re-
gion are well below the na-
tional average of percent-
age of the population with
college degrees." he said.

UK’s business school
produces a large number of

graduates, and many of
those graduates will go on
to have an impact in mat-
ters that affect the state’s
economic health.

“Certainly those gradu-
ates from the business col—
lege are people who lead
businesses,“ Smith said.
“They are important to the
commonwealth’s growth.

“This is the brain power
that will fuel the growth of
economic success in Ken-



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March to, 2006





UK’s win marked Rod
Barnes' last game coaching at
Mississippi. Barnes, who was a
guard for the Rebels from 1984-
88, spent eight seasons as head
coach. During that time, he
earned a 141-109 record. He was
named the Naismith National
Coach of the Year and SEC
Coach of the Year in 2001 after
leading the Rebels to a school-
record 27 wins and the school‘s
firstever Sweet 16 berth.

“Rod is a man of principles
and integrity, and he’s going to
be missed." UK head coach Tub-
by Smith said. “I sent my son
there to play for Rod and be part
of the Ole Miss program.”

Cat's face Tide in rematch

Alabama awaits UK in the
second round, a game scheduled
for today at 3:15 pm. The Crim-
son Tide turned back the Cats in
Rupp Arena 68-64 on Jan. 14. Jer-
mareo Davidson led the his team
with 28 points on 10-14 from the

“They’re a very talented

team,” said UK sophomore cen
ter Randolph Morris. “Last time

we had a couple of chances to

close the game out, but we did

Alabama finished second in
the SEC West with a 17-11 (10-6

SEC) record.

Next Game

UK vs Alabama
3:15 pm, today
Radio: 630 AM, 98.1 FM


“They have one of the best

point guards in the nation,’

Smith said. “Ronald Steele can

control the entire game, otfen

sively and defensively, he’s that

You won't see that again

Instant replay will only be
shown inside the Gaylord Enter-
tainment Center this year on re
markable plays, not controver-

sial calls.

“Our policy’s been that our
officials are right most of the

time," said SEC spokesman De

Wayne Peevy. “It’s not a situa-
tion where we’re trying to hide.
Lots of times when the fans
think there was a foul or some-

, works to our advantage more
than our disadvantage."

' Smith defends LeMaster's late

UK senior guard Preston
LeMaster drained a 3-pointer
with 1.8 seconds left in the sec-
ond half to set the final score.
But, Smith said, it wasn’t meant
as a dagger in the heart of the

“The game was won, and
Preston doesn’t get in a lot of
_ games,” Smith said. “He’s a se-
nior that’s been in our program
and a well-respected kid. He was-
n’t trying to rub it in or any-
thing like that."

thing, we’ll show a replay that

shows the fans were wrong and
the call on the floor was right. It

sportstytykernel. com


Crystal Little
Projects Editor
Hm. 251495 1 smut Mm


Photos or Itimi SMILEY 1 sun

Above: UK sophomore center Randolph Morris scores two of his team-high 17 points yesterday

in the Cats 7l-57 win over Ole Miss.

Left: Sophomore qaurd Joe Crawford and junior forward Bobby Perry put pressure on Ole MISS
sophomore forward Jermey Parnell yesterday during the first round of the Southeastern Con-

ference Tournament in Nashville, Tenn.



Continued from page i

partisan UK crowd.

“When he pulls up like that
it's usually good." said Craw-
ford. “Sometimes you can just
see that he’s really confident.”

Perhaps as important as the
hot shooting was the absence of
Ole Miss’ leading scorer
Dwayne Curtis down the
stretch. The big man went to the
bench with 11:30 to go after
drawing his fourth personal
foul. Curtis missed the game
against UK in Lexington be-
cause of the death of his broth-
er. but he was a key reason the

Rebels hung around for so long
yesterday. In just 17 minutes of
action he tallied 13 points and
seven boards, including half of
Ole Miss’ first 18 points.

With Curtis on the bench.
Randolph Morris took over
down low. scoring 11 of his
game-high 17 points in the final
10 minutes of the game. Morris”
7-of-8 shooting performance
keyed the Cats‘ 58-percent mark
from the field in the second half.

“Randolph was great." ju-
nior forward Bobby Perry said.
“When he hit that ‘and one' and
got that reverse layup, that was

Morris returned to the start-
ing rotation along with Rondo
and Crawford for the first time
since last month when head
coach Tubby Smith instituted a

new grading system and gave
the lineup a facelift before the
Georgia game.

“Every game is rated and
evaluated and we passed the test
today," said Smith. “I‘m more
concerned with how we finish
the game than how we start it."

With the win, the Cats im-
proved to 20-11 on the season
and moved one step closer to se-
curing a NCAA tournament in-

“I think we’re in," said
sophomore swingman Joe Craw-
ford of the Cats” chances of
making the Big Dance. “But I‘m
not really focused on that right
now. I want to win the SEC


Follow the Cats over the break:




Continued from page]



And they were. His second triple of
the night gave UK a 40-37 lead. and his
final 3»pointer stretched a 49-48 lead to
52-48 inside of six minutes to play.

It was also the kickstart to a iii-(l
run that put the game out of reach for
the Rebels.

But it‘s not that he stayed out on
the arc the entire night. like the lazy
guy everyone hates at the Johnson

He stayed involved in the offense.
even driving to the basket and getting
fouled at one point. But. even with a
pin in his paw. Bradley continued to be
the only (lat who can make contain»
ment defense energetic. frenetic and

Bradley had zero steals or forced
turnovers on the night. but UK head
coach Tubby Smith saw Bradley's de-

fensive play as a sign of encourage-

“His defense today is what was im-
pressive." Smith said. “He's always en-
ergized. he loves to play the game and
he comes to practice that way."

Love of the game can mean a lot of

In this case. it means playing.
sparking your team and helping them
get off the NCAA ’l‘ournament bubble
for good. all with a broken hand.

“We feel confident that With “:0
wins and the schedule we've played
.,.we should he in." Smith said.

Bradley should be fully healed by
next week. and putting on the show he
usually does in the Nt‘AAs.

And if he‘s on his shot. he could he
healing a lot of ills come Final hour

(yo/Nixon (I A‘ykerne/t‘nm







 Editorial Board

Adam Sichlto. Editor in chief

Tim Viiseman. Managing editor
Andrew Martin, Asst. managing editor
Brenton Kenltel, Opinions editor

Wes Blevins Asst. Opinions editor
Chris Johnson. Sports editor
Crystal Little, Projects editor
Doug Scott, Features editor
Josh Sullivan. Staff columnist

March 10. 2006



Laud DeMoss’


THE Cour.“

UK hoops success

UK women's basketball coach
Mickie DeMoss was recently vot-
ed Southeastern Conference
Coach of the Year by the SEC's
12 coaches.

DeMoss. who has coached UK
Hoops for three years, led the
Cats to a 20-7 regular season
record. including a 9-5 record in
the tough SEC.

She is also the face of the
largest sports marketing cam-
paign at UK outside of the two
major sports. The team’s atten-
dance ranking has been in the
national top-25 for the last two
seasons, even in Memorial Coli-
seum, which has seat restric-
tions because of the construc-
tion of the practice facility.

“It's an honor to be recog-
nized by your peers for your
hard work and accomplish—
ments, but it all boils down to
the players buying into what you
want them to do," DeMoss said
in a UK press release

She also gave credit to her
staff, saying, “It always boils
down to the people who are
working under you and for you.”

DeMoss has been, to date,
Mitch Barnhart‘s best hire as
athletic director at UK. The
coach’s mere presence has been
the breath of life for a program
that was dormant during the
days of Bernadette Locke-Mat-

And her team is really good.

The 2005-06 season has been a
banner year for UK women’s
hoops, which has accomplished a
series of remarkable feats.

The Cats’ nine SEC wins are
the most in school history. Their
20 wins represent the highest to-
tal in seven years. They also fin-
ished fourth in the SEC, their
highest finish in 23 years.

Also notable is the fact that
in the two years prior to her ar-

rival, UK women's hoops had
won a total of 20 games.

Perhaps most impressive is
this season’s accomplishments
came with a team composed of
nine freshmen and sophomores,
and just one senior.

No one will soon forget the
Cats' 66-63 victory at Rupp Are-
na over then-No. 1 Tennessee on
Jan. 26, the first win over a No.
1-ranked team in UK women’s
basketball history

In the SEC Tournament in
North Little Rock. Ark, the Cats
defeated Florida convincingly 88-
70 before falling to conference
champion Louisiana State Uni-
versity 79—52.

They will likely enter the
NCAA Women’s Tournament
next week for the first time since
1999. Fans can join the Cats on
Monday in Memorial Coliseum
for an NCAA Selection Show

Doors will open at 6 pm,
with the Selection Show airing
on the big screen at 7 pm. Con-
cession areas will serve free re~
freshments while supplies last.
Season ticket holders will also
be able to purchase tickets to
NCAA Tournament games from
the ticket office.

Kudos to Barnhart and the
UK athletics department for hir-
ing, and putting their full mar-
keting strength behind, DeMoss
and achieving a successful
women’s basketball program at

Also, congratulations should
go out to DeMoss and her Cats
for turning around the UK
women’s program.

In a state where basketball
reigns, true blue fans need to
show support to both UK teams
as they enter the two NCAA


With increasing tuition,
remember aid deadlines

The cost of a UK degree is
steadily rising — this year’s 12.5
percent tuition increase, and next
year’s proposed 12 percent hike at-
test to that.

Most students can use all the fi—
nancial assistance available, in—
cluding grants. scholarships and

Simply put. money for educa-
tion is important.

So, in between bouts of drunk-
en Spring Break debauchery and
fervent prayers for our men‘s and
women‘s basketball teams. keep in
mind that the state deadline for

the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid is March 15, and the
university's FAFSA deadline is
April 1.

FAFSA awards include federal
and state grants. work-study and

Forms are available at the Of-
fice of Student Financial Aid, in
room 128 of the Funkhouser Build-

You can also apply for free on-
line at http://wwwfafsaedgov.
For more information, visit the
Web site or call 1-800-4—FED-AID.



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‘Vaqina' a worthy trip outside my comfort zone

If you had asked me a week
ago what I was doing Saturday
night, I wouldn‘t have said, “See-
ing ‘The Vagina

Not because
I hadn't already
planned on it,
but because my
s h o r t - t e r m
memory is atro-
cious and it
would have
slipped my

this past week-