xt7j3t9d8278 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j3t9d8278/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-09-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1981 1981 1981-09-22 2020 true xt7j3t9d8278 section xt7j3t9d8278 ’ y ‘ ' ' I . - ‘ ‘ ‘ .. if, 1. - 1“: " ’ V ‘13.”; , r; ’W"; 'i :1 7' "SM/"M‘rra " y??f’}$ ’ sag/‘5.
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‘"‘\x KEN I UCKY -
Vol. LXXXIV. No.21 An ‘ tudmt _. 1 University of Kentucky , .i
. Tuesday, September 22. l”! W ' W .ince 971 Lexington, Kentucky {12%
—————————————_—_ 121.1
1 1d
> — “74 _ 715’in
I g "1’
0 Connor ' 1 1
.‘1 we
t , 73 ~ ’3‘ "it . 1
approva y nate .   oi
.". A ‘ "”1' 1 I . L":
" t " (er .9!” 0‘ find? I 1 4m 1'
—“ 09m. . 51_y°“_old m m fa- O’m to sum M , y , “ . 5"." n'. "' - . .3. "I ,‘f” i/V'lérf‘jw
. ”mm" I state owe-18 ludse. will beswrnln wile-om. but tintshefeit confident 4’s." 1 1‘ a»: 4 _ 1 .; ,. -{." r ‘,
- I -———*——-— Fridayas the wand associate jmtice an’Conna'sability. .. . 1 - . A. n ‘ . i... '
in the lei-year history of the court. in Thomas P. Iewls, UK Law School : , - ' - ' 1, fig .
‘ it: WWINGmN-Themwv “I" time to join the court for the opening Dean. said, “I think it’s great." He ‘ - . ‘ "
l: dinganall-male traditionnearlytwo ofitslfll-fltemonOctobet-s. laiditwill“benicetohaveawoman “ . . ’ ‘ , 7" 9
‘,1 centt1riuold,unanimomlyconfinned ”Today ll my . historic 0008- (I) an court" m at“ to MW . ' ' . Y“ . .
’ Q: a. saw. my 0 M ll .11 mm “m," “id *1. mm “maid, R“ WM). “mint.” w, W , . ,4 ' “(W .
1, jmdceof the Supreme Courtyuter- S.C., chairman of the Senate that a unamimot. decision by the 1 5‘; 1: .
X 2 day. Judiciary Committee. leading of: g Saute is fairly rare and a positive “ , ” ., ‘
f _ seriu of 22 speeches in warm praise who’conw'l favor. . ,-.‘ m
g ' ofPraidentReagan’s firsthighcourt UK “51mm law plots-nor Mary . ,1. ”or e...
:1; - nominee. L. Graham said, “I am very pleased ., ' v 1 , 1:“ y _. _ “1,";sz
m to see s woman sitting on the court.” kw . 1 , _ 1 ’1 _ . '-,. ~ a“
w As the vote neared, a small knot of Although Graham said it is too early ' . we, 4; , L1... . ' " ”‘
l 1 conservadves who had questioned totellhowO'Oonner’s policies will af- %”’1’m 45%” '1’ ’ 3' 1 1' ‘
; ,.;'._""’- O’Connor's views on abortiom fell in- fact the court’s decision; she said “it” (“who 1:1 ,1“, j j; ., ,
’ _ tolinebehindhermminatim. O'Cainer“seemstobeasqualifledas " ,14u5 ,_ ., . r ‘ i
t Several Lexington officials also can anyothercandidate.” " " ’ “' ' ' " ' ' ' ' a,
l . ,e . -. .e1: 4, pressed favorable reaction to the O'ConnerisagraduateofStanfol-d . , 1 ”W" ' ' "”" “ '
l i 1 1 Senate's decision. University LawSchoolandworkedas my; are% ,1, " . 1. -1 _ ', . 1~ .
i 1 j ' “I don’t think it’s any surprise," a state prosecutor in Arizona before ,fimiug’tgif; " . . ’, 7 My 2 '
Z , ) said John H. Garvey, UKlaw alumni serving terms in both homes of the Funk?» “($113 . - W” M . 11
i; it; saw professor. statelegislature. MQK 1:2," ‘ ' ' 1., .
1, . 7- FayetteCountyDistrlctJudgeJulia A former majority leader of the 531*? . 11 “in ,.
g _ ’? Tackett said she was “very happy to Arizona Senate, she served as a state 1 ‘ " user—1' ' ' ,2 ‘ 1
5 i . 1 " bite” sheukwas confirmed," and that trialcourtjudgeandwas later- named , a ' ' a» 3.5 ‘3.
r, , s was ewisenotsuprisedbytbe byGov.BruceBabbltttotheArlzona .9 ‘ ‘1
i l SANDRAO CONNOR vote. Tackett said it would tairea few Courtoprpesls. , ‘1‘ ' ’ 1 ’
I ' ~11” ‘1 u, . " .
I. l1 0 'Id h , - 1 "‘ ‘
ounc: raps t e ax on hazing . , 1
, By CINDY DECKER ly bad that we haven’t gone on record toothbnnh at 4am.” ‘2 ’ 2,333“; "l” {I 111% , e ' “ ’4, 5., - " a ‘
“The billisdesignedtoraise con- possibility it having fraternities pm- a 25* ; ' j; 11's.; ' 219* j,
——-————-——1 goal-11:; Moot people (in frater- vide escort services for women ’ , ,iw ' . *1 31%;?
ties) ’t even know “’8 not in needing a ride at night to or from . 151.1% ’ ’i ' ' .12» ,V ', 1..
mfgmmnfflgwwme ”a?! V3: thawungnid. residence halls, the library, , >_ qt!” 1 11 . '1 a” -1 ., 7'
MM amendment to its bylaws last The‘flm sectionoftheam ent classroom buildings “d the Greg "r111 Mitiiw,’ « -.‘ V 2.. i ’ 7 ’4'”,
‘ says Member chapters of the in- Page apartments. The Student . o ‘1; '1 ’7 ' f ’3' g e ' 1 ' i
"is? don't m I it (hazing) “3 left $3133,de do not engage in Association would also spat-or the x» 31’ ,3“ 1 7:211, ,2' refit»? a.
t purpose-it mtwasntln «w do 2.1m 1, 11s «on; ".1, ,
. m said Michael Pjalm assistant 11" bi" " W "m“ “MW” '1’“ “1" W“ '1” Wu” °‘ 5‘ By no MUN/Photo Edna
dean'ot students and fraternity ad- “ad“ u“ w“ b‘“ "e “V' “'3 member Debbie Barley, who says it Pro Of . .
fleshmbefimagaummha: was designed to “promote safety.” two, I,“
“m" 8 She hr the will be im
in the amendent. the IFC defined that it is . statement byevery frata-r planet: this mend has a star- Richard Greene. assistant manager of the Binding- some of the cafeteria employees to come for a son...“
ham as any “will 0' We“ ‘c' any on campus that they are outlast dateofOct {2” her K” "1" “mm" 3"" M m “""g'm n" "men" 3"“ A
tivity which causes pain, humiliates mm”, MW" “’3?“ u my Am?“ in gym Sunday afternoon. bySeaton field. Greene was waiting for
“alum“; zimt the amend- West, who in member 0‘ the KID- stagu at this moment,” Wat said. u .
macaw-m was.” WWW“ s........................ Assistance bill a roved
wasn't sure what would happen if Liam: pledge does that an ac- “This ‘3 ‘ M We!!! thlt the
V0 ' ~" fraternitiescanhelp.”
_ Lang says hazing occurs when ac- MW it would be voluntary for —_‘———_— while debate over the Student ed unanimously by the Senate after 1
' nihuent).o power to enforce the ”new 5““ ““5”“ ‘°" “" M“ the "timid!- to participate. be u- wfigfigfls Organization Financial Assistance questions regarding line items were
Tau “pp. Ema. mum», pm We “bf-m “Mud 0‘ 0011- poem “I very hish muse" todo bill continued. After several motiom fielded by Comptroller Will mpree.
Lang whoisthesponsorofthebill, structive. 1” °°° W to have ”th- H werepasaedand disposed with,the Heatplainedthehutketindetailand
said fuel, the amendment was Ions PM!" me over ‘0 01w! 0!! 8 However. ltmmtfirstbediscmed , 1 Senate finally voted to adopt the bill justified the spending of sum for
dueoncam “lthinkit’s real- Samrdayaftermonanda thirdthing hythellf‘CExecutiveBoardandaSA Conftnion m “t the Student asitstanth. public relatiominanswer toa ques-
‘ W 9“" to have "an mobbing floors with a committee. mm" 5““ mm 188‘ 018'“ The bill calls for the disbursement tion by Engineering Senator Mark
. l of $3,000 to registered student Vonderheide.
organizatiais to aid worthwhile pro- “We're not as effective as we could
jects. Although Arts & Sciences be because people don’t really know
senator Dean Garritson said. “There about all the services we offer,"
isnotasoulherewhodisagreeswith Dina-cesaid.
the intuit of this bill," several argued Dupree uplained that the budget
a - a a over particularpointsofthecontent. may, and probably will. be amended
Officiab admmnswarquastlonsaboutflashsig . homeowner” laterintheyear-“We’llaoe-few
senator, introduced 11 amendments month down the road what happen.
. . . . t t ' ' ."
W Harrison. “Youwillhavearashofit Lachal l whoare esandhelpthepolice.” totheSOl-‘A bill,allolwhichwere Righ nowwehave omor-itlze
ABLE "0mm chug resoundlngly defeated by the ex Graduate School Salata' Vincalt
. W ffl' several month. I]? then nothing scouted N flashed to immediately “We have very m succas in Ip- MUM ma The mum‘s!“ Yd] can“ an met “the [at
willhsppen for awhile, hesaid. tell someone in authority. Also, stay prehending these people,” Harrison called for word changes and m” budget We see“ in four m and
——————— Mostoftheincidents have taken stthelibraryandcooperatewiththe said. "l‘heyusuallycontinuetodoit designedtoprevent'hdangerofmb DipreewasapplaudedbytheSenate _
place in isolated areas of the library. campus police in identifying the untiltheyarecaiuht." berstamp votes" bytheCotnmitteeon forhiswork.
F“ ”mefe‘m" m“ ‘ mm" WTL'w‘LWfiZ" for cum-{Harrismt'hemdsaid tint there H also d that thisis tthe type 30“"
‘ a co s y, . are e sai no ,, . . 1
:methIanlsmmtumr: become “If girls are worried about several thing women should try to of incident that mually leach to fur- ”4%?8231‘31?‘ billlrgzutsctigs mfifiwglsom toEacmceptmmthem .
' With the start of school the library (flashers) —don’t go into the far cor- notice about their assailant. Clothing titer physical assault. “These people l-lisle. “All the time this bill has spent Senator Edie Rowe due to . schedule
isfacedwiththerecurring problemof ner d the library to study, “Ch type "‘1 “1°" approximate Wt gettheirsatisfaction Wtdml incommitteehasbeenspentjmt try~ conflict and purged Engineer-in
said. The chance at such an incident and weight, hair color and lulgth, they normally don’t seek to go any -
varimnmenexposingtlmuelvesto i bout “2000 t fcialhairandf tures nd ,, ingtogetthebillright.andnot SenatharkSutu-becameofex
female students. mmcmm'm‘” u'ufey m hmwmmm '" “M fium‘m “21’, ‘m- wastim 2.000sheetsofplper.” ceaslve absences. Malvaria Smith
Michael Lach. assistant director isolated area he said hel 3’1“” i dattilf‘ya However, the dung“ of mg is As chairman of the Student will replace Sutu- and Steve Geisc
ofpublic services at the library. said ‘ ‘ “awn. lot flung“ when gun Mgmmmgmmmdm. Organization Assistance Committee. will succeed Buiness & Economies
thereareseveral llls'aryflashers, not Thar-tedwmmuw e w.“ mm will cidents, “It would be stupid not to Hisle was required to expound in Senator Ray Carmichael.whoresign.
jut one. “We don‘t have a resident is down fran m” onu Lech mm M the lice" worry about (the physical dfil‘fi‘)." detail dedsiom madebythecommlt- edatthelast Senate meetim. Rowe’s
libr flasher ssisthecommm ' ' y .. P 9° ’ tae.’nleSenatevotedtoapprovethe successorwillbevotedoninthe
“'3’ t sald.’Iherehaveonlybealtwoin- “a...“ mwumtm
The flashers seem to operate in and mm W “m" "’° h. ' UltehapteroftheNatlonalOrganiaa— inearlyOctober.
9°“ , was waitingtogivesnimmediatedescrlp- PD“ in the afternoon, between 3 .
cycles, said UK Police Chief Paul dmingthefirstweekofclasansaid. tion Y m t be willim to m‘pmy tion (1 Womens request for $150 to In other business, Brochman ap-
' cu m N publicise an upcoming production of pointed Garrltson and senators-at-
Silitwood. large Mike Scott and Rayvon
' ' ' ' The S.0.A.C. voted to deny Reynolti to accompany him to a
Istrl utes maps to a! 155 a stu ants mm mt became-W men or a. 5...... ma
N tative of the maturation twice failed Associations of Kentucky in
L t the .
' ___—————— ”may coulch't make a map big disagreement, however. Com- became they might schedule a 296$}: Aupmotion was mm m?:hm\rmmd
”NANCY Iii-DAVIS enough without it being ianrhy 1' rnmieationa Senator Jim Dinide, classinoneluildim. and then find ' "“‘k "mm" 1
Staff Writs- . _ , passed that the committee give situation of higher education with
saidGregEast.adisahledbuinsss whocastthedissentingvote.said. ctlttheycsntgettolt. lvebeen V.0.W. anotherchancetomt its otherstatetmlva'sitieslnxmtucky
. _ administratim junta: “it‘s cmve- “With all the mafia! m on, has lime the fall of 1m. and by case. The Saute m . Nil that sets
nimtantleaaytoueaslongasyou thenewmapswlllbeoutdatedvery mwlzve learned which places to “hiatmumwd saideMcolumninchssoutofthe .
Some disabled students, par- hnwwhu'eyouaretobeginwith.” quickly." avoid. the bill "I n. good piece of PtPGI'" previosly allocatedimcolinnn imb- g
ticularlynewcomersto UK. may Abillappmvlngtheallocationof Dinhlealsotinuhtthattoomany Useofthemapsalsomight “mmmwmtwuu fordiscretlonaryadvu'tisinglnthe _
‘ havesmoredifflculttimegsttim tlsotocovuthecostofthemaps mapmpdnted.”’l'hceareonly alleviatecodlnionregsrdimcm-h be tba to ttee r .

.. couldnot sen ch acommi its not Vice fluidmtBobbyClark
mummmnmatstudsnts. waspaasedbyflieintc-imStudent 37handlcappedstudentamcampm immaterial-id. Atthecornerof for . third time became of ml” uplainedtotheSenstethatithaaths ;
’l‘oassistthan,the8tudsntAssocia- Senatetllssummcbyavoteofls and so of these beasts lying Rose'and Mild. for example, statedintheSABy-LIWI. mtovetotostophnhfrmlbeing I:
tionhasissuedmapsindicatir‘the tollihefinalcostwastno. around." thaesacurbcutononesideolthe MinivnSAbuchetwasapprov- usdfordiscretimarysdvertung ,‘ .
locationsofcta‘bcutsandaccasi- ‘mswasbecauethsatlmate Mpuposeolthemapsismtso streetbutnotoneattheotlud ' .5
blemtrancesoncamptl. wasgivmbdoreJuly l.”Yshsaid, much fa- culrmt handicapped hvetocro-thestnettwicejt-t to

nanny-loincbmaps.thebrain “and the fiscal year ciiarigsd saidanta as for prospective nettotheothu'side,"hesaid." ' 0 1 1 1
ditlddAl-tsandSciencOSmata betwealthmandwh-lwereceived studsntsandvhitonJ‘arnessaid. Altholuhtheoostofthemapo lDS‘ e if
, MadeleineYleremwgallsble thebill.” d of Marenmanydnrmz- "IMMINMMW g
' for distribution mist! Hm Jay Kama. rector Hm puns amid comm” . nlnirle. sa President srltt 1 .
clapped solders Service in the dcappsd Student Smiles. believu ‘htddsmapisnsllyastp—todate Bratman told. ”no. a. m Editorial Editor CM- A-h expo'io'wu lif' 0' a ““00"" “fl"- 5“ l ‘
may". thmsptobelmdkhl ”we," uitcanl’n." cahhmlyumdfljw W1 .9 'g 1
“They W a large map nevu- had a map with ills type of Barry diaries, a dsahled com- W fr.- a. year, "In"; my. Former Sen. McGowrnpionsapaahfngsngagsmsntat UK. Storyon -.1'
wouldbeincouvuiientfa'gsncal information! Wt. octane-Ida. said. ”HID amiallpricotollHWMIsood 5- i '.‘
u"'ydiuid. muudldmtpsaswltimtaonis mapawoaidbaipihaaswsmdants mice ‘ , J
,. , , ‘
. 'WM‘T m. we “.mmwmswfiwwynww' ~ w was-W rm, sew. . We... .-.. . . s . . .r . “4...... ..._.'..,......... > 1- ‘ _‘ , H“ > , C ’ 1 *3“ ”$3391:
_ ~ _ . s , 9 ".a;‘ >1 v. 1“. ‘xvfl‘éiaiii, . if, . .2" ,
x ' ~ - 11 .~ .ofiiirifif‘ejifj‘ wit-11.1w ‘13 Tight}: -
-\-———w -1 ~ ‘1 ' . ‘ ‘1:- ‘, 1;”ift’: ‘ *i"‘z:‘:’§:1r:1“‘§
‘. ‘ l 1-; ‘ .. . - ,‘a I... . .. 1 - “$311? “to ~

 - - i’ ., -"' .e, eix “an"; r“ 3 Tim" , > ~ t ' ‘ ‘ {3 ., ' ""5“?" ”1”" “1".“7‘7‘5'5-
7, e- :"':'.‘,t,: 1w" 'if‘f‘iWfi-e‘k V, L t ‘ T'i‘ ~' with?) ‘ L,“p1 ‘ 5 “Est I . ' I ‘ .‘ y‘“: Vi ‘ 3%€?é‘aa::figflfigr.g'."fi?:3}::y ' ..&A1(_‘\l if ‘ I , {EM-I. ‘ ’ ‘7 I L l .I z ‘ .v I “>1 . 1 ‘ ,r,.,_‘;fi;‘:j"',‘ 'i‘z;§,'~;i’€:e
o't’fiffi: ,Yt ”1%; ‘5‘ .1: ‘ ,‘3 ‘i‘ " _ 4, u . . ~ ., - . ‘ - ”if, *3“ ‘ ,3 ' ‘ie‘i‘o‘ph‘lli‘, ' iii-h, e. ,. " ;. v ,' ' i A, ‘ ., ‘ ' 1 , ., - . , , , =2 o
' slitting? “ - 353’" N Legit. ‘ “ _ ' 5 g ' ‘ ' " V ‘ , j ‘A I " ‘ ‘5 'H _‘ “ " “f “@rfl'"“ , 5‘ ‘ ‘ A, if ,- a» , ' " ‘ i ,,4f%$§ir§y
tiVfi ____.._________‘
, .2? ’ :2» W
e, —_
glii'i_,,«'i;:‘i:.: - ' unstead- QrbAsI Koo/thins Annamaria . UssWsllnce M. ole-disent- ' .
eiiq'gfjii‘f ‘ ; O eat-W new ulst- James uwh Harris sports solar W ldltor Phat-Mar _ bl
crsuasro , MM- 'W ._
“ - ' Peggy Beeck mm Discounters SevesWJannher uslieMichelsen a“
‘; _ .Iscklltuld muses Asslstsalsoomnditar Whiz-him”!!! WP“
" g « Ansel-mum mm
, Groomsmen a I
' "‘2 I I H - -_.———_—V "H — u 7 In.
' flirseh'
Senate correct In 1:anan efforts . .. nee:
. ~ 2 to and tobacco support PPOQram ;' wt
’ The Senate showed sood inclement in last Walter middle-ton toimpmss upon the public , I "/fl 3, My.
"0*" "Mtimti‘mlmm “midi Wild the M" 0‘ “mm"! mm W / 4/ - 1/- ' / " f / I no, s
have W the We well-helm 0‘ from W placed " the mm 0‘ mm 4 ‘\ \x\\\\‘\\\ V “' ti ‘ ’t / . )2 (£5; m-
thomandsotxentucldsns. manufacturers. , , \\\ \\,\‘ ”C ,/ ”Wt
In a latentght 53-42 vote Thursday, the Presently the Department of Agriculture ‘ CV, \ W ,' / ‘ r , ““1”“
* Senate tshlsdsnetiert by Sen- MarkI-latfield, establishes minimum prices that eemrsnies i \ ~\\ i," was
R-Ore., to abolish all federal tobacco pro- sre required to pay farmers for their j ' ‘, c ‘ "i was as‘
grams. Lsta-theeamedsy,a4845vote tabled harvested W—Mmcesflhidl "17 ac- , X f. 4’? w -M- ’ i Will:
an amendment by Sen. Thomas Eagleton, D- cordlng to the quality of the tobacco, are \ ’, (w snstlonl
Ma. which would have siven the agriculture guaranteed: if no manufacturer is willing to ‘ , 7, _, k i " A m "l
secretary more leeway in determining pay the support price. the meflt Ptir- '3 i K ‘ m:
elisihiiityftittsdersl Wm Price NW- theses the WW and "“11! 1‘ t° ”“000 ' l / . when at
Theseamoodmenhwmsupponed by those companies when they the Militia to W the i. ‘ “t :4? s , =9 maso-
opposed to the federal government’s present minimum. g {4/ \ ' ’4 m‘
involvement in seemineg opposing causes: Huddlestonhasststed that 124,000 Kentucky E (z ', l, i i ”um"
helpins to preserve tobacco farmers’ farmers depend 00 mm “ "it” ”it“ “'1‘ t ( .,- “3‘13:
- livelihood while at the same time sponsoring crop. A 190 MM“!!! restricted ‘0 owners ‘ ' ‘ / ' ' {fifihg tivities at
an education program aimed at warning the 0‘ tobacco allotment! drew 140,” ”Mm“ E // / / 3 l‘i to varlou
, Public abwmtedansmtifimokins. 8“"?! WWW by the University 0‘ Penn- flit , l K “ \ 4%" “titt- In
Cutbacks in federal Wm gave anti- Sylvan“! “minded thereareslfiOOjohsother ' u ‘ K . 4 x “a“
program lobbyists the chance they had than actual farming connected with the crop 4 I" ’ / a a?“
awaited. for how could senators airport what in this stste- Accord!“ to “sum supplied by (i l 5 "m
is erroneomly viewed by the public as sub- uie Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative ' , ‘ ( "Vi “ -‘. .——-—
lidilins thept‘oductiontif ahealth-threatenim Association. last year’s W19? crop grossed "7 ', =2 . ; ' I 7".
material in a time in which health services, farmers 31 billion nationally, withstoominion 1 = ‘ l / ;» 5 Build."
education funds and employment programs ofthisgoingtoKentucky growers. 7/ ,, :fg’g'; a - / 4.» _, :2, :1 i l ington
5 arebeingslaahedatthetederal level? Although measuring the total effect of ’ 4’ fl 7:}; ”/4” 1 , _ Eat-’7 . d d‘
Supporters of the tobacco program were tobaccoonthisstate’seconomyisanimpossi- f; - ’ t-' , ‘ __ oys '
also hindered by the antagonistic behavior of ble task, it can be ascertained that Kentucky ‘ E e l during
~- .. two of their leaders, North Carolina cannot afford the loss of tobacco unless the 9 , posing
‘ Republican Sens.JesseHelmsandJohnEast. total agriculture system of this country is . O O 3 Subscri
'l‘hezestthesetwoshowedinmakingthe altereddrastically.lfbuyersoffarmlandare he ' Ow o e l ..o .1" parser
budget cuts, coupled with their stated desire to to pay for their purchase through agricultln'al n ,
. make personal attacks on liberal Con- means (excluding using the land fu- develop-
gressmen part of their fight to preserve the meat purposes) they mist begblelteoproduce ' , Ric
, tobacco program, hindered theefforts of Ken- tobacco, and produce it wi present . . . . ,
tucky Democratic Sens. Wendell Ford and marginofprofit. A world Of dirty dlShBS. i a!
WI l
t l 6 , » cafeteria work a chance
, ~ [Xi/“9‘- ‘ I - . - lmmls
v I ‘ i6 i- t), /‘ ,iv Letters to experience another life
, ~"t ‘\ » ’C‘V; ‘ ,
l '4': PM 3ICKOF i\\ i, - ’7‘ 1 I J \ W u ,
__ i i, Tileseteoclll W” m \W$/ M tabernacle-meme“ st; _
\ ’4‘, Sgcuglslm/ ,1“ liq" ‘%&:ut" t L, ,2?) firs m ,mm m to m, Goth-eeiood. s s
— 7/- ‘ ” \ l 4? ‘ of)“ ”mi-immunoassay "M“‘mwm'mm‘m i: ”
Q 'a ‘ ., .I' ,‘l‘ Tl. m commmtypedsndtriplom mmmay'daumtflns 3““ "mm; ‘
i \\\\‘\ “ e\ f 1“,», “a, totheedltorlaiedltorsimsou- °" mm' wadsslins ”mi . ._ ‘
ii, \ 71!,» 9 g _... 5 mm mm. These were the W going sndwlnflmesfledashotstmw: ~
' W45 497 My M44“ 1570,“ All», ts Unilrersity Chm memindsslsppliedtom ingmyeompetuee. I. g
t‘_ a c“ "70370 i, a“ _ mat/2,20 a“ .. “WWW“ mt toruxioodservieesdmihgthem- inthshrlerhmeuntlhsvesttemp- .
o '1 0" o”~?~"’rhi”’ - ‘l mum ”3:". msrflsvmhssnflndssthssurm tedtomuterjoia-nalism,lhsver
' -5; “ --—— " ., "my"? no; "' '; 1 mm“: maedltorolthexsmlsndnotwm- folmdthstsueesssdspmthmorethn:
! a: ' L?" , , 5.} Q - . at wdmficstiomwmflm “”WWWTJO‘ Anythinsebsinhdnssfletoidsflfly: 'Ll
I (5; ., #337? «L N_\ J»)! ; ~ , “:31 _ withUK.Lettersshouldbelimlted needed ”Smiling tlmesnd . withpeopleAstoryontallegedwmfi:
l 'V _ _._lw" - ' ' l §~r$ 7”" _' "do ”1‘ 4,1. ”mm“ to mm somemoney. dissect-edufeshremsmiqueoc- -
I i"; fl 1 ’i .’*‘-?.L.L° F's. ,5; mismmwhhins ”‘3‘ . solsppliedtorajohatthwom- mflmshmldglveresduissnides: -
I 5 .4: . i, 13% iii-:1? J- , \“ ‘ “m “mm A?" ‘1'}? www.mflnstobotold. otnotoluyhowthensjecthesnus:
"*\‘ ,., ,«pr 0 ‘ ‘ \. ~‘ ’3”'W-ls me, 3m 3:; 2 “Memmsmdentsspplylngfor mountain-cinema: Wi
- _/- ‘ woo éocv_"é .\\‘ g .‘f aa-hAshstzss-sissheta-enb- Mwm‘m'tmk'g mmm'mf 5‘"
\ {so ’y a \ , r mitflngmsterlsl. canyon, sts-surprhed at suchidamstionlnvolvaintervlew- _ i
\ /' /\: 0 “'K'm'mm’m” mt me . “ligamfinintcvlewhmmmtheg 50
oz W fitmmmmfi’wfl My eyes M my lures-then- shle to may with their nihiecss. :
tu'lsl sdeqmtestunschflhisbesstshsll Andtinslly,toschievesu:hidm-Z
ms ' lets resppesr)growlsdssthe tincsflmulequotlonu-mlltlnve:
manager described the food saneidesotwhstmshesthstpcson : llv
. sllowsncuforeschmeslworkednhe —sodslhsckgrormd,fsmilislcmtent;
w t I smolmtofworkthstwouldbeandwa-kexpciucs. -
OIIISOIDO rave S .mmamoaam momiiw_m.a.: ,
wollldhesssiiped. um tour toluflfywlfllthnlno-tzyflwm. : "it
. . . . lsllppose twssstnnge s - Anddon'tfslllntostrsp sunning: '
mmmmwwmmmmmmomm nelismuppeclsmamwhoshmld memw.moeamn;
, hsvshesnlookinsshssdshertyem manner: despite thelnlurge in;
Today 1 will be leaving the myselfcsnonlyplayAtlufor-solmg. milhillies. peqlle marrying their to . “01‘ job market which, n medlsnintim, in m “up . m
Bluegrsu (jut when the westha' No,theKemlwllljmthsvetotshe callusndesflmcrlttcs.” mm,mldmultin dry, in shes m in the :
startedgettingnicenndhesdimfor A ‘ csreditselffcaweémndlrsst Sistelkmsnottoworry.“.illt mebecanllusmtm WWWMMO:
thedlilliaclimeofNestnd. ssslredtlutitwillstillhehu-ewhml m — you're going to be satin doneolflsematwlro- still 01““ fran m school and ; (corm
IqulMtallmmlnto flammdmmmm gauchmlybellflflemfll‘th , 1m." {dill W. md b. .0 Whlmdmwlfl- .
Bostonheoel-eImm-twtthths h-ip. weer,hut-tlusolvsnt. M-Mvflllsmbsm-w agatogetsuehsjobdthenlne-to sssunhlylinsAndthstlslerhNylihs‘
sircontrdla-son strike, 1W ‘Mcln’tfiltlubyw‘vu istillhsvestlesstonsothcmsjor hyl-ingthewrmgforkorm ”NM. mmmmmw_ {
mmwawmhb“ “WUWWMKWW- worry,however—I’llbetllonlycd- "gum? M renor- for this: confldmce dh-ayssndplscir'th-nins 12-foot- -
bytshingthehu—itwouldpohshly mmmmmgiw legenswspapcrqrumtstivestthe Its not me Im varied short, thstheiqeditu-dths Km," talldlshwuha'. :
3 hessfu-snywsyButfrsnkldeenvt yw’vebeenspendimtoomuchflme calm from outside the Ivy WJmsynotbethsPrlneed mamrsw‘c mlmmdi , A1
MIWJ'WflfuI’dlylltnl mmuuru‘ykflmu hesgue.lntact.l'llhethsonlyons Weightltlcsnhsndlemyselfin mm;m,mpmm “Mummtm: _ l
Ania-lean Editorial Writers Con- Mlflmmehw'llm thaewhopsysiastlnnflmnsyesr polite society. We all those M, . desire to become . madam. mostthys. I hsdnot:
: tmhfivvidsncsonsnm you." tuition. preemcelvsd notions 1'11 N D tmgm,”tom,llbdt shonemplemotivstiontodotfls; .
Mandlplsnwmskeitwwth mm,1m.mm WhatdothssshsushtyNorthsrhsu suit-t ”www.mm, sortdtflmdningmysflntinlsm. ,
% mywllile.3aides,l'venevcvisited wmmgmmJgi.” knowsbouthtwky?Astwyin Mpohablyexpectsgsmly mom,tllsltfsolsbluscollsr muntlndWlitfledif-r ,- I
» Newman's. tultothepointwhu'elesnfindmy Maldsy'sxernsHStlsthu'nlifutyle Isysssdinmallswlthsdnwl- work. Mwmfimflfl- mi:
Mbdnlhmmil'u waysmmdtlnslittledmeeinthe mywwmmm' Wide " “‘9 W m‘ Din-inghighschodmyworkex- maesttnetivestssthsnstsi
mmmmmyhow Mfimmm.m MM!” reallygsvemes mmhlcelflfltmhw WWdem pmn‘IWtthuymm:
WMiWhW‘m ptsesdmisplsesdhnihrensfltss m- l a“ in“ "'9 may t‘ It fln- “it'- “n m ' PW“ lsmily'stohsccotarlh—someotit ortsnstahoutrspsscsntscoosangto;
“mummifi- futwhshmewsidsrtI-ttllsplsee hw'mmm“"" “WU, " W “i M mmditammm thsthsrtsmoltslkdlows.WKYT-f r
goddamn middleman-sternum state-NW.mNisorhsr moon-laden private tritium. dith,Anhnpm-tsntapsctd M‘MMM.” - ; Levi
lesthhslyJ'ilvorrysbmthov hammered-ponder. ssiddss‘vehlsdtlrtmdsmspls southwestern-Mum tflsJa'Msv-thtinmfw Itmhm.8cvicingthe3 ;
hit-fibmlmflwm- Andthsstsflhhnproving—more mmcgbflNsndmoon- wm'mlndwn- nymhlw-nothdmpddllh culinary needs of foreign: ' 3°
l'nhsvenlsismsresmhhslms och-.isunhseeiodoslotothsch sflnslihsm- .Mdtflfli'smtnt otherworhsrs;lwssn’tlslllflsd Wmflmsndi-Z
stat-,typm,mlsssddssdlin-,get- mummmfim Ah-inddminefmmCumsetieln, blnehdm. W- Htssndlistdutothssmsslsdf M$.I.
hwdhydsshloodyflerald,“ mmu,mtugym sfmhostonumvasitym lisedslepnvinesthsm layhstlntdal’tsflsctfism WWMm-:
. man. bummhu'dgth whoMtoUthldan-l- aqlnnssttlntwlntlhsnhssyb IMNItMMW ”my-mm, -
g uptmhsdthstjl-tthsothsrdsyl hm'tmedgm Udemhhm. walmmw mumdmmflm Iwmmmm: Lees
I mtisdtotslhthsshadutplflcs- hm'edstu'enla-tslsuch- “I pictured “rho Beverly wbtit'sflhstsbsgpmtfcy'o: m m m. it she tsksmsfsrinlits:w-flum :
, mumm- rm Momma; null-tann- «mammalian-teem: ral
, mcwm byBcs-Iaellmtlsed mum‘s-Whitt- mw—‘Todhsdn'tmihsmpwths: .W.
,. . ammonium: “W'WM’ lssrnsdhowhndltbwodmmscflns;whmmfldl|irhydl: rat
smurfs“... mw Have M W m “ a” nploysrs'qu. pr'ovsestivs slug-rim out a his;
i MJUTW. mm fsthuflmseeonsniepohlcnsdsn (‘htsyurnsmmheyfl' winds-s they puny dart mssn : Pal
y" ,‘t / [7" ”Mt... } . mutfllhnlly urnmm” h. -
- ‘ a / «unmonauht ‘Mwwwm Mdpn’tsllowsslsdmnhll:
e 7/1,") ,1“: , ' " . manna-momma m—smshsuoouetom. mums. :
g ‘N b ._ ° ’ .I‘ E " '° «,4 ( 5 '° /// mm? mamhbwsu?" ls I gained some “t and i :
{52% ‘y‘. 1: y i" “ ‘I / ) ‘; / ”Nam“ “i...Mmmmh‘- w.” :
grip-g: i‘ «4 , fi J \g , g , M! lhstwsmyhvsvl'ylltflsheu- It'smm.” .
i” m i \ 4i i» a a I r / . 1% 3‘ 'myou.Wen,sstbwut.lur ammunition-«mm: SWO
' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ W’ ' 6 ‘ v s '
. . -l f v‘ . ' {:5 ‘1' h 51,, 1. ,s. A s‘ . pm!) flmdflne‘mm -
i- .» .e, / ”Wht'mtVW' mutbflmsflmymh. «(PM With. some:
' ml .w __:<:’_.S?__”_ @ "MW““MhM m to out less sash llf- MOIJIs'sdssMWd: slsww
;_“T‘:'.:t—:i_-i--l__a '1‘.__l-,.~ 5....-l t“ Moth-mb‘ht’tsm- 1 WW
‘ e e e V ‘e' 3* ? ' ,.
' . -‘ ' (iii efiwmufindfiw - . W ‘- ‘ it w ~: ' *' ~s
- ,e i iii; my" ., "if” ,ieiiirtir ’3 = ,, iiiift i first» ”ow“ i . ,i eke, is, “it. . ‘ , , ,
, ' T ' , . " i tires v o it if ‘i i‘ if"? ii‘iei figs" " ' " his, 1’3 i” 5 f
. ‘ " '4; ' i "e if , ' h ti ”catfisgicgiiei “" . ' ' ‘- o. is c We sic-i i - pie
. _ 5 m ' ~ 5.’ ‘ 7V :3 _ “i ,‘ 3". Z“ .. p keki‘ b} is ‘_' ‘ . _' L r- . ‘, flffiwigfaégrfij’mfififjig}; . .1“. H 1 » 7 Mn.“

 1 . , ' ,_ " ,~ ' , ' ,, ‘ - ‘ 9 1 ' » ' ' ' , ' ; ‘9 ' " é ' 9 " ”fll‘t’r-éi’grttifio{flair ifiiséfi“ .- -' .
1 ' 9 “Mé. .9 1' .. ..,.W.. . .. ..-NM~—M .. . , . . . Jm—n‘h‘mm _ .. .. ..-..M.L..~. . 7 «4 . fig}; 3“,...‘1'217 l; ,'
1r." 2 'r .331. ,.: '.
$4?ng '6 {if {3;}; r; .
rm; tugN'l'UCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. September 3.43133 in: .91 $341“
WWW—*1 ' if {1" ""
*‘Vfiif‘fi‘ii .9 ~
bill to - doux round pon pages
“I 15 2%}11'21137213’6‘5‘ 7.» 1.
doubvflmwamdflnlflu m"wttliinyteuter, mother-nom- onevcyllmitedhlbsthouidprmme htw.mmmmmmdm 5.3,; ;
”.mm nevlolroteltomuen. year-old m.We Wye-amount- htmmwmtowpwtmm mtmmu-Wt—W ' ' ,
'l‘heBrthedeonvu'tedpertdthehotel deoentWaltDbnsymovieehoutfl‘imrhhlp, smeliny—hyhuyinsslhemmtiai biasethopethstpeoplerseliselhathslsnot ' ' .__ , ,
‘mfflmhm”mm mmmmflnflmflned loyaltyJoveandr-pectformeenoflth’s have totally law this article, I whtiveolailjurmlhmm. 3' ’ 7
w' N. (W- 17) W that approximatelyfldvilstvsnls.whflswotm- oalyovcsooltentlntmovlemekmwomee un'tmhwmmldmmulmmn ,. ,«
WMWM'W-mmmmm.muunuudm nioholeehmtelhmenteveryooeoehen- mnemonmethloanultorltuur. Wan-e l .
INWBMW- ”mum um included Hamming, polltlc‘] joy. , Stephen has. Granted. every sltuetim is Advertising-eater 3 , , »- '
with 'Prol-sor and” m at mmmwymurdusandothr Soplsue,Mr.Ford(doIdaretocalitoyou rsletive.endbodymovetnentssndgsstlm 1 .
memmmwmm. ectodviolsneedlrectedstarithhnlleinthe Mn). open your eyes and your mind. meenelotinlttlnewerenotemphuuedln . " '
“WI“Wfi‘hmdfim Pele-tine. Understand that people ilve diluent opi- theartlcle.llthlsi|thecue.themlythin¢ “mm _ - l
“mu-mm““'m“° Wmomperluwnto‘luur man-holdeuutowlutpleuu-eletoutem. thsttheeuthtrisguiitydisbeimehed ; ,
I duathesomednqlnsecflvlti-mgg Arafatcllmmmrei-flddafleeomsutine- You are not “Hill" and WW eke writs. l’mmmyletta-speehtormanypeople . . -
100. a Mod m m iywtemdtflndmm.l “wrong."vouwrote.“lnmyopinlonlwoulo nieonlytmepolntlcenplchoutorthleer- whenleey thetlamdisuled by your -. t
' discus. the sevsrleewlshtu- anditrethu-irooicthstthsmanwhowwld nthersse..."l‘lne,hutjletmemhsrthis ticlehfllat“gtlysmeiwsylaskln¢¢trhii newspape'sediurlalcertoommdyoweol- . 1
i Dln‘lnd all!!!“ ecti m u.- MWqummmmm is your opinion. To me such descriptive theycenhuythemd’lnhml'hisismisud umnuhoutotn'preeentedminlsa-etiome ‘1
Willi-Ilium mend '3 m mu.mwmtu. phi-emu “menu! disorder," "ohvlotisly ifmenpunchedoutevcyguywhodldthls haveuu-nedyom-peperlmospolitlceijow- 1
l “I'm-0'" W m "' frectiondtherduasesmtcrorisb.flthe thromed'flndsanebamyerdepithet (only wewotildheveehouthelrthemlepopuletloo as] when we couldn't one less what the .l
. mummmww mmmmmmminlmthere muckotinteuimsndmmty) annlyinchwimtallyonthefloor. malcontmts and hleedlm hearts of your .. ‘
l wutheweommlndsr 1"“ midlthsveheeanoisreellstate. simpiywovesthepointlsmmakingfleue, ledmitthetlwouldhemorethreetmediie newspepu-statftlunk.lttheythinkitisany
mmyMImfllhneimahmll openyotn-eyotootherifnothetteriormsol womanh'ledtoplckmeup—butlthinkthatl hettuenywhereelseintheworldtimwhy . 9e
“stimulus. . w. Edy-rd. Wtandmtu'tammmt would wait for I better style! than a sin-pie doa'ttheygothere.
mfiwwflflufi‘nfimw Manama-Meat drinkofler. mumflemmhmtmafmmm -
mmmmmm.mmmmtea 'Fox' - Wm Mr. Stephens compared on. older WWWWW-W” mum" .
1‘ I m Blologyjunior ti tohlsfether Dldhe to sndhsvetlgovu'mnaltdotmmoreta-their
: when another Jewish terrorist Kronp .. ‘ , . . 8mm - Wm? welfare.Wemtinddthecheepshotsand 9
assessineted hora Mayne, the British 'nlisiettu'lsinrqllyto Stersior Stripes 3.3mm oouioerthettloemeowulneherheoeue www.mmwm
minuterneldemmthewddlenutmuttheu "(8qtt.lslette-tothoedltor). , he had no Ion. no family and maybe no N u. hush .nd {ed M m m u,
I! activitieshegnnsuinsttheoonchlionol MMywareobvlotnlyflle“dllidllh mummwmflwm (who MM? sickllwillheweitingtoseemylettcinm , .
l World w” n. W" win: the “low 1.0." Not only that but claim to he a Jotmlismfenior) socalnt of My biggest complaint, mulch. is that Mr. “newspaper .. that is ifyou can take it a well
Insttunptstoflneneethsirltmdltlc- m", immatlu'e,lntentile,narrow-m1ndod his“:hockin¢,umettlln¢ experiment Stqlheuisglvilujourmlistsshedmme. uyoucendishitmlt.AlsoIamsm-ethatmy
llvluesetterthewsraeun'sirgtmmwted endeveryothereddectiverefcrlngtothe loalberrecently.fiomwhatlolnulher (Andsnyoaehnwsthatshouldhelettlpto letter-isquiteciesrendcorrectsodon'tcut
toveriulmbherlessndettanpts at exta- mhtmdeldnotreadtheu-ti- fromhiserticlemneiderlygmtiemamflced thewdessioaaislikePuliturPl-lzewinnen, toomuchout
flatlnooeinddentthslrgunmurdced cleeotnperingthetwomovluwl‘heli‘osend WWIWfUlcmlmmer- etc.)leminadvertisin¢,whichisinthe ' .
sevulndtlshsoidia'swhilesteelingweepom. nae Band” or “Stripes," nor did I see the mulmcewlfflflld’lwhlwwhw school otjournslism. Journalists are trained Markl‘mtleo
meninJune IMJheIrguncotnmitedoaeol movie“Stripes,”orhsveenydssireto. hutodowlththeerticleldonthtow). to he Open-minded and see both sides of e Computascleacetreshm
- thehiuestetrocitiesinfluhistwyottheMid- However, I did see “‘me Fox and The Cal-1W flutmostoollegestudeutsm still-um to prevent hissed stories. I think
i .——————————————9 xxxnnnnnuuxxnnxq
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