xt7j3t9d829f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j3t9d829f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-08-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 1982 1982 1982-08-30 2020 true xt7j3t9d829f section xt7j3t9d829f %
KEN I UCKY - . ‘
.‘ I
3 ) ' lugby teem preparinghrfetl
, ‘II While Jerry Claiborne is preparing his
' o3 = 's Wildcat troops for the 25th toughest
'1' t’~ ' . schedule in the nation, Jim Mantaine
' ‘ lair ‘ t; is preparing his UK rugby team for
‘I h I. one of its tougher schedules. See
J 3. . seams. page 6.

Vol. LXXXV, No. is Monday, August 30, i982 An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, lexington- Kentucky
Reagan spokesman predicts fu laughs

-——————— Larry Speakes, the deputy White It was Reagan’s dghth veto since programs by nearly $1 billion and MONDAY

AggEggCrgsflgN? Home press secretary, said 27 gov- hetookoffice. contained funds for “several things
1‘ '1 er ernment offices were left hurting for Republican leaders in Congress l've vetoed already I! being unnec- mm ”Dam." PM.” ”H99"
funds because of the veto. He said had urged the president to sign the essary." F A "

——————— there was a good possibility some bill, warning that a veto might be In a separate veto message to

, government employees -— he did not overridden or that he might not get Concressi Reagan said. “I do not

. SANTA BARBARA, Calif — PM know how many — would be laid off a second chance to win congressio- take this step lightly - - - - 3“! this . .
idem IReagIan vetoed a $14.2-bllllon runwafiiy. mi approval or him for his highly bill would bust the budget by nearly Study on juvenile delinquents released
finding bill Saturday as a budget With the salaries of 3 million mili- prized Caribbean Basin foreign aid abilllon dollars.”
atelm' ”dnmakgfve?mlrme£§ tary personnel at stake under the program ; . 3 Reagan said that last week’s wssumoron _ Broken homes have little to do with pro-

_ y beat n8 698 bill, Reagan took extraordinary But Reagan, in a brief radio ad- d c' ' ‘| d |' t t d 'd d

Md” ead furl s of federal . . . surgeon Wall Street andother eco- u ing iuvenle elnquen s, a new s u y sai yester ay.

Dr NE" steps to avaid a payless payday to- dress broadcast live from his mom- - - - a - d ' ‘ ~

_ 3 3 3 nomlc improvements were a peer ut teen-agers who drive or hol labs run increased risks of

WOI‘l‘H‘Si agency shutdowns and F0“ marrow for those in the armed serv- tamtop ranch near here said the bill - - - - - -
gram disruptions. ices exceeded his wt for domestic five reaction to congressnonal appro- having scrapes with police.

a. I II a I II . , I” . -, . val of a ”.3 billlm tax-increase Those were among the conclusions in a study, which
3“? ~.- "" t . age?“ 36%??? ,“y”,§gM ‘ bln- . . . III was conducted between 1974 and 1980 in Racine, Wis. and
We a I33; II I tefifil y,.:3/%jfl7e . This reaction, he said, is founded financed by the Jusfice Department.
lg“ ' I3"?- 3.: ’ ' "123;.3' 353Mf3%c *e§~§3»2”’h, "l largemmeagnure on a 30mm: The researchers said: "Those Who were employed during
*gi’é .3 .3 3‘ ., '2?an a. ’z‘i’k’teifli V ’ racfiylavémsfifm; its fig: 50'” the summer and the school year. particularly the
I $35,413; .=- o. ”frag: -‘:'~..3I3_;“ :.}f$,p:{e§;w cal house in trder. This legislation males, had somewhat more police contacts and seriousness
“5‘“. 1 ‘”§§§so In“ .3 “a 3‘ _y- 3 fliainthefaceofthat conviction.” scores than did others."

,. . Imfl'r‘vz‘ ‘ '5, A 1" . . . The Universit of Iowa researchers noted that the delin-
eaod‘ir 43 ~ er‘?’e?‘~€ a 'a. y Dem (imp-ass Y
. f ; ”a. 1 . I thhyméiliefi'adefie mpresident’s (New ““9 5‘9"‘*i6°""r "mm” ‘°' "W wh° W "“9"
-~ . .. . 3 1 ‘ , move. trefoil-time lob a. use n or earlier.

iollfa , I... -. . 3 I House Majority Leader Jim Driving, the study said, was a key culprit in leading
' ‘IQQ‘efiafl/Mgé’ a: ” V, " . ”h 3' Wright 01' Texas said the veto “re. young people into trouble. ”We saw how frequently the au-
i’ta . i z. 3-; “e vives the shut oi confrontation and iomobile go. iWeni'es imo trouble Wm. the police and how
.- I. e :- .», .;.3_ 3 ww.,v,l%s - . .. I .3 his.“ hostility which some of us had tried other behaviors were related to it."
. IIIIAI . 'xg'W. 1,”; :i' ~:.-_’_‘ III .I II.. Iv I , 2": - 3/3,:‘1fignI c ’.III ’2, II'II hi uh II II I LIIIIIII” to put at mt" With awoval of the
. '. x 3/ “at?” 1 - taxincrease packageaweekago.
1 ~ . ,1 ' Ea; are, ‘1 a 333,; Wright said Reagan’s “theatrical Dale calls farSaciaISecurity session
1 -' - '“ "i in “severe l‘eooardy-” He hinted that wnsmnerou — s a b o l h ‘ t
felt/feeei . .--.1':.~ -.“- . I. ”I . en. a a e, c airman o the Senate
. 1-" i ’ yigéktl‘ 3,; 6% "t:~.. it“ ' Democrats W03: “01‘1qu Caribbe- Finance Committee, called yesterday for a special post-elec-
. - , .. “r at; .33 I 3% . an mam tage (I: increased tian session of Congress to solve Social Security's financial
,3, .... a 3 we? ..ram yr . » funds for domestlc social welfare
. III; a?“ Mgwéh M" .. he. 24% warns. problems, possibly through a combination of Payroll tax in.
I; J" I I . ”31””... a... “Many of my colleagues are say- creases and benefit reductions for future retirees.
3 gig}; *3“ I- I 4% pg: "'8 that ifthe [resident isunwilling The Kansas Republican also said further "tax reform"
. raga Ingogg, . 4 ¢: a»; I 5% to give needed help to the old, the may be needed next year as Congress attempts to narrow
,_ . _ ”a e “‘ . . : poor and the handicapped in our the budgetdeticit-
i3. ” “'\I 3. it! 3. .yi‘fffi 1' “ own country, he can scarcely expect Dole said his Democratic counterpart in the House, Dan
i be? o fig fig?» = . Conchgress ‘0 hm”? mat: to}: Rastenkowski of Illinois, chairman of the Ways and Means
' N 3/3. ' .»: ' ,133‘3‘: .1 :'--1 “gave" 1:2, 5“, W; e m r aoun es, Committee, who also favors a lame-duck session that would
’2 $3 “"32; art“, 4” .‘ er‘ght said. I I deal solely with the politically sensitive subject of Social Se-
' f”? II'f pf“ Igfifigaw” Senate DemPC’atlc Whip Alan curity. And, he said, President Reagan probably "would
£33; . . I . a éfli" 933$“ “matsaldtfifvfht: look with favor on getting it out of the political climate."
., I‘ ' 3 Jew,” '3 m ,, “l“ However, he has said Senate Ma‘orit Leader Howard
..i -_-.ar 9%” US economy at a time when 10 7 ' Y
. . -- g, ’ million W e are joblss He said it Baker is not enthusiastic about such a session.
I '. 4;, :I would be difficult _ but “'0‘ impossi- Dale, who is a member of the bipartisan advisory panel.
($9,, ”Ii-32f»; .' I, ble _ to muster the required two- said Congress shauld be able to produce a compromise plan
fie", j__3-:;'3., I ~ ' '- “9:333 1'5} - - ~ hree weeks if we ut our minds to it."
{3, _ . a , 3g thirds minority of the Home and "1 'WO 0" P
gnsiiwj‘gz‘i . I I II IAN . I . . I . I a; .
”no? II III . . .. .33 I 3 3. .3, "mews". 8 grams“! mat: Arafetplens defiant em from lebenon
fig; -.;.I ‘“ l 3 . I . “l I. V g lion for StlieleatCaalllbllelfih peg-:3 2111 ..EIRUT' Lebanon - Y°sser Aral“ Wh°se Pdes'mm" le-
i“ .‘ 3, ~_ *gé - tary pay raises that took effect last 9°" ""‘e d°Y51 '5 ""99"“l '0 leave today or tomorrow in
I .4“ I. W . l - .4 “I October, and ‘5 billion in expanded what he clearly hopes will bea triumphal exit.

’“ ":m*§%% i ' I» ”3.? it . 3 ii borrowing authority fa- the Canmo- Yesterday, Arafat made hospital visits to guerrillas
r5231." @133; .- j- i, . gm? 3, I... , a ‘ dity Credit Cup, which finances the wounded fighting for his Palestine Liberation Organization
mop» I z»; I“ y “ , a government’s farm price sumort and told them: "The resistance will not leave Lebanon de-
I/e‘ j 1 I _ ' ;_ ' l and commodity pmhase programs. feated. The resistance will leave in victory."

I “It; 912a . . I“; 3 3 ' it; f r , 3;; “buwngllt' has“? “II: tun washila The night before, he had been asked whether he would

W /, II :' .3 . «n 1. i dge added-d ‘31:; . _tmw f; depart publicly from the city that has been his power base

.,..3_.I3;II . II3_II . .. . I I New; ; Congress 3 1mm. for 12 years. or go in secret to guard against attack from
* I , . ‘ ': $5“ 3 . a if mgpdozrngngcbypgblnnml. It cut Israeli and Christian enemies.
III (. .. ' I 'd the . I I ”Publicly, definitely," Arafat declared. "Don't forget that
I] s...‘ I . m 381 'th utmgffilm I am chairman of the PLO and the leader of the Palestinian
f a! .. ’ *1 needed for”; De“ 3”! ‘80 '3' ormedforces-”
.»,_j-,:.' I I I L. - ment’s payroll m “careful The state-run radio said yesterday that the 53-year-old
t . I .. '3/ $31". III; .~ management" and by tapping mili- PLIO leader would go by a "special boat" offered by a
. . . Q Is. fit ’ ... e. l tary m already mm“ but friendly country within 48 hours. The Athens newspaper To
1 3‘ . we . notyetspent. Vima said he would sail on the passenger ship Atlantis for
. - 13g 3 . . ».-ir Speakes said 27 separate govem- talks in the Greek capital with Socialist Premier Andreas
3 3 . Q . . - E mmgaaccomts “bane been identified Papandreau, who strongly backed the Palestinians after ls~
: 3' .~ €133“; , as vim potenti funding [rob- rael invaded Lebanon.
. . 3 a”... s I
- 1 ~ lems"becauseofthebill.
IUI' IAN/Kernel Staff
Hi hscra or To save money and avoid fur-
9 P loushs. 8mm” and mm cw Polandprepares farIebor protests

Joe Vaughn. 0 Transylvania University employee, thought he would help save his mother some backs, government agencies are tak- . .
money by scraping the paint from her house on Woodland Aveune in preparation for painting. “'8 a variety 0f belt-tightening WA'SAW' Poland _ Gen. Woioech Jaruzelski, the martial
L__.__._— steps, Speakes said. law leader, warned yesterday he will not tolerate opposi-

. . . tian as authorities increased military patrols and announced
UK to alr studen t-run tele Vlslon sho W the arrests of 27 Poles accused of urging protests for Solida-
rity's second anniversary.
.. I .. Meanwhile, Soviet and Polish troops continued maneu-
___By JEFFHIN'mN ye:luga?ex::l$mm:::bfia; {Locosschannelf provided tthe “Peal: dentéiéistugiowork." vers in the Warsaw military district that stretches over a
. l equl en orproduciono R sai thatheho f f ' '
Staffwi-iter for telecommunications students. show wlli'ipch operates on a “no bud- shows this semester 3:: ii our V0“ area from lhe-mp'lal lo the- norm-905' sowel border,
”We only pia l to do one show get” basis seven next semester x 0" according to reports in the army daily Zolnierz Wolnasu.
_— and we didn’t think we could do it, “Telxable and the Office of [n- “Lagt year we did some good Stu- The pfoxawily of "OOPS lo lhe Cl'y woold make ll easy

Students and faculty members in- but we took over the broadcast of stnlctional Resources (01R) have dent interviews and documaimy l°r ”mum“ '° make 9°°d °" his PUbli‘ V°w “’5' we“
terested in grabbing a bit of lime our own shop and produced a show been very beneficial in helping us stories like the one on the Kentucky ”‘°' ”W H°PP°S"‘°" M“ be ”when" '°”‘°"°‘”1 "‘9 °“"“’°"
light to air their Views and opinions about every three weeks." said get started." said Rudd. “The out artist, John Henry Faulkner," Rudd 50W °l ”‘9 AUQ- 3" “780 agreements that lounChed Solidar-
WillIhave a chance this fall when UK Rudd. . . has given us people to help in the said. “We like to have the same ity as the only independent union in the Soviet bloc.
mgIgni-ggcytion of its own student Telecable of Lexmgton's Public production booth and to train stu- thingsdonethis year.“ "Martial law can be liked or disliked, but it is a law

. . i. which must be respected," Jaruzelski said in a speech yes-
Dflfmfipfguzzégrwdn thlhlfigrzscs- terday to cadets at a military school in Poznan, western Pa-
m and UK television channels. 6 0 land. "Disturbing this law will not be tolerated."
will have a magazine format of The military prosecutor’s office said in a communique
news,sportsandfeatures published by the official PAP news agency that 27 people

“All are welcome who wish m had been arrested Saturday for distributing leaflets calling
help." said Tom Rudd, stud! n 0'88' for demonstrations tomorrow.
niaer and anchorman. “We need
people to report, edit and work on I

The show will fill the gap of news ‘
and feature stories not found on reg-
ular television, he said. “This year \ “A
we're going to showcase students’ -
work and sports like baseball and , “ 3 ‘\
swimming not regularly picked up ‘ Q ’ /'/ "‘
onothernetworks." “ r - . ‘ ' \~
Students interested in working,

i can devote as little time as a few ’ T d III “-
hours a week on Friday afternoons / . l . a ey we w ve Increasing cloudiness wlth a 30
for studio work. or spend a lot 0‘ . ’ percent chance of thunderstorms. The hlgh wlll be In
time for bigger projects. such as / \ '. thelow to mid .0“
writing a script and taping a show. / x 1’ ~. I ( Tonight wlll be mostly cloudy with e 40 percent
. ..i saidthetelecommunicatiom senior. \ chance of thunderstorms. The low wlll be in the upper
“We’re hoping to have a staff of so I , 00'-
students willing to work on the pro- , f. Tomorrow wlll be cloudy with e 30
. percent chance
ductlon and writing — but right now of thunderstorms and a high In the low 00s.
we have only 10 people. and that s , \ ~ M

 W ‘.
Ker-so“ I
II“ Motion Andre! Wan John Griffin Itm W. “WM Llnl I. I“ J... V“ Dun (”Noel
Editor ln-Chlol News Educ: Am Editor Spam Educ! Special 'voiofls Editor Photo Editor Graphite Editor
m [Ma page". (Indy Mar lurk-II F. “lb. Nd” New ICON. Willow Ion Van M Chm Adi
Managingidltov Editorial (dllor NHLWIWJI. AnlltamSpornEdttor SwulProlunAulatom Chief Photogrovhll KOO! A"...
Assistant Ana Editors Copy D“.
un a I llOl' sa GS' 81: t e voters
- I
The Lexington/Fayette Urban County sides, a law prohibiting intoxicated people
Council should approve a referendum on from driving already exists. This will not [9
Sunday liquor sales. change. The proposed law doesn’t say one V 3 m 'READ I . F I
Unlike city governments, the state has has to drive after drinking on Sundays, only m- or Heb. T AND “HPJJDW U E.
ruled urban-county governments -- like Lex- that one is able to buy a drink in restaurants DON'T Ya) KNW SOME ARE m EQUAL THW
ington — cannot decide the issue by an inter- on Sundays.Those who broke the law and O‘THERg‘DJ '
nal vote. They can only decide whether or drove while under the influence of alcohol ' '
not to let its constitutents vote on it. before will probably continue to do so, and
Perhaps that’s for the best. On an issue those whodidn’t probably still will not.
this controversial, it’s important to let the Furthermore, the issue also should not be “’
voters — the ones who have to bide by what- confused with religion. Although it is true 3". . . ‘w . (/3 3' ACTl/Ptbtfll‘b
ever decision is made — have a hand in the some religions oppose liquor. there are m ~ " "‘ c d , -‘ i, ~ , Wm?
- - t ’ W. "' " ‘ ’ A "‘1 WHOLE
outcome. , many other religions that don t. One cannot . WV“: --SV . j , , , [55 E g
And the controversy over the bill may be tr thfull l' - d 1' a 0R Iw' U W!
t" , u y say re igion an iquor are on op- QU ,y), . \ , M 5
more smoke than ire. The form of liquor posite ends. And besides, whatever happened sail” (TY s 2;. 9} 5W: NKF/l 9
sales to be_allowed by the law_is quite lim- toseparation of church and state? . c ”ms/1'5 g, a -/ 36W. . n, m ’2
ited. Only liquor by-the-drink Will be allowed , . . _ gag/77’ 'fv . . - /’/r
People 5 personal lives cannot be legis- ONLY" , , , z
and only at restaurants that seat over 100 . . . -~ 7 s or
. lated. Just because some oppose liquor, they , m mg, . .- 1 ,. 5__..,__ a\ l l 1
people. At these establishments, at least 50 , . . - , w 5.: ° a» Mallow.
. . don t have the right to keep it out of the lives .‘. . “rm .. . r ., ,. - . 91' ,
percent of total intake for the day Will have . , .fi . d , ,0 L52?!
t of others. And Sunday hquor sales would , , :2 - i
0 come from beverages other than those . . . *2 .9 ‘ or In” ' i“.
containing alchohol give tourism a boost, pumping more money . to 02$) an, , u lDNDwM
. ' . . - into the economy of a state heavily depen- . ‘ #9“ ~' 34:“ t, m sow No '
And we re all for it. Its about time the . -..-,.,-.-,.-. V , - , f -...- .Mr
. dentonthat industry. -Z-‘::,:: .- :.:.~. . “Q24; ( l ‘l ”Mil. w
state brought us out of the dark ages. ReSl- '. .5” _ ‘ .31 MY”
dents in cities that are already wet should In fact, the General ”89'“ny may have 5 AM i? do" {at ”(Wet
have the option of whether or not to buy stopped short. Allowmg_liquor sale-soonly in :- $33.5. t :siéi. R (KW a"! dual»?
drinks on Sundays. And those who don’t large restaurants, while a definite “n' ,, ; . ‘i a W s‘ rill/Iggy
want to drink on Sundays still will have the provement, would raise a question of ‘3 W: t . a l it) New" “fl ,. -1
- - I’ if tli tat fairness to smaller restaurants, taverns and l ' - , . . Ill ' \L ‘65“ v .
option of not domg so. ts not as e s e , in: , . . . ,_, 62:,
- - drunk - - l f bars. Shouldnt they, too, be allowed to sell i h h. \ - ,3, . -
were legislating en orgies in pace 0 . , . 3.. .fl.) , , a a . ,
religious holidays liquor on Sunday? Shouldnt hquor and gro- _- t , ' _ It '§§§§§§§§§gsss; , 2' 5..“
_ . 9 .- , __, g , / Cut sszszzvssiiéi - ~ . :3
Even so, opponents of the pmpmd law cerystores alsohavethatoption. » .2” ”j 1'7"“ K‘ v: ’ ‘i’ Sr .31
have charged it will increase drunk driving While the council cannot. settle that ques- .iz ~ ‘ 7 o‘ ‘9' fig .
and will ruin the sanctity of Sunday. This is tion, it can at least put the issue at hand to a : f; i 63"}; \‘
absurd. Drinking alcoholic beverages on referendum in November. For far too long, 5 I , 1 ,3. i 5 t l ‘ .ui
Sunday has never been banned — only per- the council has dilly-dailied With the idea of E 2.:- 5 1 “it; . ,3e '5
missiontobuy them. a referendum and postponed a vote. (Louis- 5 _ ' j: l jt “q in?
We find it very doubtful that allowing us ville’s Board of Alderman passed its law for tr , - . bl '69?
taurants to sell alcoholic beverages on Sun- Sunday liquor salesmearly May.) ‘ ' ,
days will increase the number of alcoholic- We ask the council to put an end to the
related deaths that occur on Sundays. Be- suspense.
Student ’s death renews emphasis on traff '0 safety
From what I’ve been told, the y'rl As you ogled the members of the I’m not heading right for you, I’m tions I take to avoid hitting you, clipboards and tape measures per- gauze path rests against a scuffed
was pretty. I can't be certain of opposne sex who passed you in the going around the corner you just there’s always a rabbit you pull out form various investigative duties. white tennis shoe.
that, for I never met her face-to- opposite direction as you made stepped off. And, characteristically, of your hat to break the concentra- A young man in a red shirt and And a short blond young man,
face. I have sometlung to refer to. plans to blow off your 2 pm. class you never look for me before you tion I so desperately need to operate black pants leans against one of the dressed in a t-shirt and shorts,
however; one of our photographers so you could catch a catnap before cross-you just keepwalldng. a motor vehicle on this campus. It patrol cars and nervously smokes a dashes from officer to onlooker to
shot a roll of campus features going to that night’s rush party, you You’re lucky my mindset while almost seems like you’re eager to cigarette. He watches the people officer, towing along a medium-size
Wednesday afternoon and captured stepped off the curb and lazily driving has advanced from ignorant playthegame with me. who have gathered at the scene, and doberman pinscher. His eyes are
heronsomeoftheframes. . began ambling acrossthestreet. carelessness to exceptional alert- Well, the next time you cross a perhaps he hears some of the com- filled with the fear of someone who
The daughter 0‘ a. prominent ness. Whenmotoring during the day- street on campus, I want you to turn ments that come from the periph- knows too little and expects the .
“mm, W- Va. family, she “’35 » time around campus, I drive at a on your mind’s portable television ery. worst, and his voice wavers a little .
8 student like the rest 0‘ “5- She was snail’s pace to 20 miles per hour. I set. I want you to flip through the On the pavement next to the more each time he asks, ”Does any-
a Wm“. 311111118 for a degree 1h . have my right foot on the gas and channels until you find the trogram chalklines lays the debris left by a bodyknow who got hit?”
marketing from the College 0‘ {3‘38" ‘3. my left foot hovering over the Iwant you to watch. medical team that worked its hard- Watch that program, then step off
ness & Economics. She hved m a ,r . brake. Adrenaline begins to flow It stars a set of yellow chalklines est to keep someone alive long thecurb.
—-————-———- ' ,. .31», . when I make the left at Euclid to drawn on a recently blacktOpped enouyl to get to a hospital. Surgical And pray someone as careful as l
:.:'- , y ~ head south on Rose. And my eyes roadway. Seven flashing red lights, gloves, adhesive tape, syringe am is coming toward you. You're
an " it? . are always moving around in my seven flashing blue limts and seven sleeves and Kling bandages are hap- tooyoung for stardom.
, at . . head. pairs of headlights illuminate the hazardly discarded in the gutter, on Jim Harris is a journalism senior
. HARRIS ' " ' "q But no matter how many precau- scene. Uniformed patrolmen with the grass. An unopened pack of and Kernelmameins editor-
suburban apartment with two j .29
friends. I imagine she had some of ‘
the same ambitions, the same , ’-
dreams we all have about our fu-
“12° ml am flogging: lé: 5\~’b} . awarded to the Lexington Police De- attitudinal barriers constructed by
. . ~ at» - t to 1 th . th ’ 'nl , '
dame! they“ 1‘?thme t ,_, .. - e. Escort serVIce fi‘jfi‘ alwgggommecaflmmmm 3:3,, cfgfiggzgigpmuggygf- “m“ y Need parking lots
y m' ”as e . yabout her ' V - . . I've needed them and I’m certain No doubt many considerations . .
her weekend. Wondering ,, g In the mta‘est of making this cam- they are equipped to deal with crisis could be included in such an obser- If parking is such a problem here
boyfnend‘t Mulllng over redecorat- ‘” I pus safer from the outrageous Irau- situations thus benefiting the cam- vation. As a transfer student from a at UK! why do?“ someone do
“18 her hwgéoom7dmlgenn8 ma of rape, I would like to make pus area. ’ community college last year the os- something about it? Instead of a
W” in"? f 1‘ Lauren Trocin, on cam- msggamn-S: _ It seems most likely that a crimi- tracism I encountered was d'amati- new sufinhcmgétwghcflm
'2 never w, “I uren 1’ t a mght escort walk serv nal will strike at a vulnerable tar- 'cally new and unfamiliar to me By parking ve t or
’l‘rocin’s life ended barely an hour pus August 25. the morn- ice be orgamzed. This would proba~ et The above 5 6m would him “my dmtficatton_ ”we“ out-of-state students who need to
later on an anergency room operat- ing before her death. bly be most efficiently accomplished ignake the cam :5: far less vul- as financial concerns _ I never had haveacaroncampus?
ing table. For all her friends and through the Student Government As- “mm 9“ Rick Price any dam to become a fraternity Irealize freshmen parkins is dis-
relatives, a sunny, pleasant Thurs- You casually glanced at me while sociation. Volunteers may be solic- ‘ Microbial ad student member I would gladly entertain 0°“?an 0" campus, but sometimes
day was filled with the shock. the making your way to the double yel- ited from fraternities, dormitories “’9 ' “Greer? iii-aid, but have not been it can’t be helped In order tn save
bewilderment and theanger that ac- low line, then in five fleet steps andcampusorganizations. ableto acquaint myselfwith many money, I plan on driving when 1
companies a loved one’s tragic darted in front of the brown subcom- The service would have a central Lk l problems do arise under these tip visit my family, WhiCh lives in 8n-
death. pact in the other lane to the side- phone number the student in need ' es CO umn cumstances in dating particularly other state. If I don't keep a car
While several of my Kernel con- walk. My mind’s ear could hear you could call. Escorts would regista' on a large diverse campus such as here on campus, then I can’t drive
temporaries and I were investigat- say to yourself, “There Got across with the dispatcher so they can con- In reading Ms. Decker’s column, ours but ’these can be alleviated toseethem.
ing why the car hit lauren that that damn street. Now, what am 1 firm their identities to the student in “ma-e is oftai more to others _ , _" when the “interests and personali- Also, if a dormitory resident
niylt, talking to witnesses and po- gomgtoweartonight?” need. _ (Aug. 24), I notice what seems to be ty” a person wishes to project be- wanted ‘0 get a M during SChOOl.
lice officers, scrutuiizing a tennis What you dithi’t hear was the 2) Greater leniency should be a v common observation of the come the character that makes the chances are he or she would need a
shoe here, the remains of a para- curse that escaped my mouth the person happy with himself/herself 1 car. The bus system may seem like
medic’s crash kit there, I switched second you took those first three a a . too believe that such things as a solution to some, but it can be an
on the portable television in my Steps off that curb. it took me that OPINION POIICY wealth organizational membership inconvenience. Buses don't run 24
mind, as I'm prone to doing while I long to take my foot off the accele- and clothing are “trivial.” hours, and they don’t always go
work _ "tor and slam ‘t onto the wake leaders of the Kernel are welcome to express their views on So, how about putting our best font Where we needs them‘ And, after- a
I. flipped through the channels pedal. . ”'0 “I'M-Irene forward . . . how about dinner and a while, ”‘9’?“9'“ “P .
“m“ 1 fund the [rogram I wanted M 10 "“1“ an m: I only needed Persona munlmn. loner-a to tho Kernel should address their movie this weekend? I'll watch for I" my quI' It dean t ”emf”
—theonestamngyouandme. about 25 feet to. stop the car, which man typed ond dooblo-rpocod to ”I. odloorlol odlior at no your reply! Mark Medlin that m "mm“ “"9.” cm!"
You were Wilkins lions Rifle Is about the dlstlnce I was from Journalism aulldlng, mt. some. Lotion should so llmltod Pol sci aecon senior the umk.tm °r {our “m“ and
Street. It wfas noon. Youthhad Just you. That took another fraction of a .. ”om"... " ' ' “8313‘"th in order '0 hhd a park-
gotten out 0 that class WI the an- second, but by that time you were W l ' _ rho (mm—Tim :10 Journalism nodding, Uni- m8 aceonthe 3m-
3”“ formatdplt'ofessor. You waster-ointment surely mbyme 6°er yellow s... :zzmzlmm;'.'.'....'"".:‘.:'...."".'.-.:.':.'r..."1."; '33:. 7.2%.: WWW" " was: GM” "°‘ 3“ ““3," "e“
ungry rying to nemem r a ine. As 1 paaaed you. muttered I l w", m' ' Z": to. - ...'""'Z""'.'.’ .' canoncampll. ut, some usdo.
mmcfulwwd to, “hard ”my" W cum mt time off. ltmmamrln '- ln nor-on M“ W»- UK “3- or 2’. “13535:. mi, silicfis‘otné‘u'fi’fi gear our money. i think there should
so you if finish the Kernel cross- I meet you seven] times weekly. "i. t 'm, u h m ”'" W,""'"."’ W” , “WV somewhere safer and easier for
word. You’re always ci'oasing a street. If “thmet. matrix.” '" " mm, "d 23:; m tooth» Ah M, [mum mtopark. Kim Chriae
0 our, mu. Physical therapy freshmen
_STAPt TBEIL A creation of Gene somehow By Ron Harris and Sherman DiVono
wme man/5002752300,»! 1 ~ IKNOW. mum IT alt/moms Ia ma 2122 3“ “~# '2' r“ _}". ‘ 7 *fl
0;: rue BOLD van/rare... '1' E whim: tufilogfii AMEN/54... *1 ageing-63m ME Aguasouj:£iggst§§segzls l: ,ggg’jp, fled/5625125. ’mr""gst;"-Fng ”'o/fzrfiimif'
WHEN IGET‘ ' 1345 Plans: THAT l‘l‘Q Mosaic: $98 NODGUARAHTEE MT THE - THAT / u E'” . figglebo, Wit/Wflfz‘é
ABOARD me me: RA E HA5 DID IT... ‘3 , craze moose WEE TRADEfleWM A‘ F \ ‘ msiiNCT ' W L mmmu
gfifi‘ias'sc‘i'géi? gumsoMI‘mfiow (”in s ‘ l . S l.- ‘ " sum . ', - ‘5‘ “*5“- i {5%, F} TELL5 as Tue 625349 :2 L:
econommes VERA... ' V I5 ‘ ' f“ , ( ' l ‘" W59“ ' / 15 ige‘ngggfil‘tfg ’ . ' n * 1N" :- €5le
*0 9" . . it“ =£ i ‘ 53b r t at west... . ' . i, ; est
ESL " ‘ fem: ”k 1" ; /t‘ g f , i; k‘ [if \ ‘4? I’llr gl ””2355 amp. 7" ' s t 2
,2? a: '7. , . “33"" , ‘ 12!} _ _g . f Her.» ..\ 1‘ r h ... ('1 L'-
f V “ $3 ”'5 ‘\\‘¢- 5 viii g is. ‘W‘x‘r \ l' ’ THEVARE our—Muueetzeo, ' l’ ’ , l / . ..
g 5 NOT LIKE s 3 Am i i ‘ DMTHOUT easement I ' . a. ’9
w . W h l vouroge £ng l.\ 1%, I %§2mgmg% l. \‘t . t i . , t :1" _.
"WM‘ ‘ ”m » “ERO' ' mu? 1501:! 2 h— ‘1’“ ' (Kr rust 064w uovzm Iior' exwe. ' - - a ’ ' s..- M” \

 ‘ North questions 'summer' weather ' ”’ m
«IA-WAR ' ———_wmww “mastermind? streams“ ..
AssociatedPressert - e m "8‘" “'8 °° 5'
FE BRU ARV “ 1?" m mmuy iii-0.... mi in... “my tied a 1955 record. Mich?” Office sets meeting on studanrbenefirs
tistics, temperature table and the record lows included 26 in Cadillac,
MARCH ——'—‘—‘——__ likel wighout editorial comment. But 30 in Alpena, 33 in Traverse City, 37 The Veteran Services Office will sponsor a meeting today
ear y was a - ' Flt t ' ' ' - ‘ ' ‘
It’s a ertime but the living y :unda thue ques p 11:)“ 53,438 13 Degort, .39 in Muske for all students who receive VA educational benefits. Infor-
_“"u“ _ _ Wed 8 a “n 1'3" Rapids. mation Will be presented on the GI Bill VA t
A PRI L was chilly from the Wisconsin north- “Is the cycle of seasons advancing Ch' . di f 43 da . ' paymen Wow.
I IotheJersey shore and a couple of months? Is it time to icagos rea us 0 f yester y dures, progress requurements, work~study and other assis-
MAY of Dixie, as a weekend cold WI “Ye Sm waxing the skis? ' _ . Is winter $231118" 3:033:55"?! the dc: tonce available through Veteran Services.
mmfimntwwu? records in :20.) wt follow here in the Soc? 1 near the Penhsylvania Wm)“ re Eligible students and especially new recipients of bene-
ci we. no ." . ' ' ' ‘
J U NE ces rumbled awake from hi- fie comments were mixed into corded 23: and it was 34 at Youngs- fits are encouraged to attend this i p.m. meeting at the old
“mason as the cold air hit the the weather "pom from Sault Ste town, 35 in Toledo, so in Cleveland Student Center theater. For further Information contact Vet-
J U LY upper Midwesda t Saturday and moved Marie, and the writer did not identi: :1]? £0: {Shiflgrhggttmrfig- era" sewices at 206 Gillis BUilding‘
east yester y. fy himself. However, a weather e .
A 9 The mercury dipped to 22 degrees service colleague downstate in Ann records for the date. V’suala’ts WO’kShOP ‘0 be held
ug us t , yesterday in East Haven, Vt.. and in Arbor had an explanation: Erie. Pa.. had a record 37. Wilkes-
Thomas. w.Va., it was 28 degrees, 8 “Cabin fever sets in earl u Barre’s 33 shattered a record that . . -
SEPTEMBER recordt‘orthedate. there.”hesaid. stood for 42 years. The 46 in Phila- The Universny, Lexmgton Citizens for Cultural Devel-
StyeMtzrmgerfi-ug we; 29 8&3?" 39:8 Chfllfcamecm :awave of delphia tiedarecord. opmenL, the city parks and recreation department, and the
_ i ' 1H; in as. co . y air rom ana and a _ . Kentuc y Arts Council have c b' d t
OCTOBER Barre, P81; 39.1" Windsor Locks, ”Eh treasure system that formed shsgemohg?!‘ :1 gecghqtlf 2:: grid 0 series of visual arts workshopZTOi'.?:ne:-ecsifu:;::|sdr:npresem
Conn.; 43 in Chicago; 44 in Milwau- Saturday over Minnesota and took ' ' " y .
. _ . Wilmington. Del. while farther The worksho s be on Sat d t th M H
kee, and 50 in New York City and the temperature down to 30m lnter- north it was reco d 35 ‘ c 'bo - p g m oy a e 0mm ouse'
Richmond Va. nationalFalls. . a r In. an ll. Fifth and Limestone Streets. The workshops will be at l
.. . ' . _, i Maine, and a record 46 in Prow-
ngrgungp ThismAugust . . J10“? reads The cold weather left Minnesota deuce,'R.I. p.m. each Saturday through Dec. ll. Children should be
ages 6 through 12. There is no charge and materials are
a a I free.
3 UL law freShmen Strive to fallow In father s footsteps Enrollment will be limited to 25 students on a first-come.
LOUISVILLE (AP) _ Three of Mary Beth, the eldest at 26, grad- from ldi Coll c with 'a meat They’ve tried studying togethe. firsrserved basis. There will be a waiting list established.
the six sons and daughters of Joseph uated from UL with a major in in- inbusfisa'gnmisffmn, j since classes began and have found .V°IU”'ee'5 0'9 needed ond C0" COMOC' ”‘9 UK A" DePO'I'
and. Dorothy O’Bryan are together tel-national relations in 1979. She, too, took a couple of years off i