xt7j3t9d8431 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j3t9d8431/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1994-09-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1994 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 15, 1994 1994 1994-09-15 2020 true xt7j3t9d8431 section xt7j3t9d8431  




V!!! 91‘ ‘é'ZEI N5 M's/1‘ FOR 'uJIiiR
iifiiilriia OR M) I 9‘. Ai'u‘io 8303.2.



























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c [l WEITIIB Partly sunny today,
bigb 85-90,- cloudy tonight, low H /
in mid-60:; partly runny tomor- [l
. row, high in mid-80:.
w- ~~~w em 15 1994
- IE Comedian/ringer Sandra Bernbard sept ber ’
- . . . 0 CW . Drwm'aru 3
- lmngs bar unique, bipolar style to campus I N C . 7
- tomorrow. See story, page 3. cm 2 Viewpom I g
[5 lhi>«i'ii\lili’l,,il llPIiyrlilkllul‘lNl"li| Ky [III’HIIW hlirilllhl INUH’UJD',‘ ,l‘ui :
H - I I I
9 I 1
' C [I E d ' l d tors was 34 rcent below the teaching capacity by about 15 percent since 1990, “The University is very grateful 1
0 ege 0 uCfltZOn 6“ er acceptable level for 1993. If UK and return to his and the number of facul mem- to John for his strong leadership .3 .
M“ , does not reach 100 percent com- academic research 'bers has increased from 8 to 102. and for providing ample notice of
wle' std at l l E as 700 853070 liance by 1996, the council will interests next year. “In an era of emphasis on cul— his intentions enabling us to to
y p orbid the University from apply- In his tural and gender diversity, this organize and conduct a roper
. , ing for new academic programs. announcement, college has a stellar record.” search for his successor,” emen-
.' "la...“ ”'9'" land State Umversrty, made the Harris is one of two black deans Harris praised the In 1990, the college had three way said.
cmMMg WM" decisron at a crucral time for the at UK. The other is Retia Walker, College of Educa- black faculty members. Today, “As the national spotlight con-
, Unrversrtyc.‘ . dean of the College of Human HIM! tion’s faculty and that number has increased to 18. tinues to focus on education in 3
Thefirst hhd‘ college dean 'h _The ntucky Councrl 0" Environmental Sciences. staff for their Since 1990, the number of Kentucky, it is essential that we g
UK 5. history announce yesterday H’Sh" Education released a Chancellor for the Lexington “steadfast and untiring work” dur- female facul members has find a person who can continue i
h," “h" leave h‘S P°5m°h to COh‘ re rt Ange” that revealed that Campus Robert Hemenway said ing his tenure, which included almost double —- from 24 to 43. the work of developing great edu- ;
tinue teaching. was. h‘hd m eight equal the University will soon begin a restructuring the college to pro- Education now has two depart- cators for the let centu . '
10h“ Harris, dean 0f the C0," QPPOTmh’FY standards for "3 Phh' national search for Harris’ duce teachers attuned to the Ken- ment chairwomen, a first in the “I hope that John wi I assume
lege ,Of Education smce 1990! said he universrtres. replacement, including an “active tucky Education Reform Act. colle ’5 history. some responsibilities (next year).
he wrll SFCP asrde mee. The survey concluded. the minority search.” Said Hemenway: “The College Th: amount of research grants He is an excellent mentor for
Harns, who came from CICVC' number 0f hl‘d‘ UK administra— Harris will remain at UK in a of Education enrollment has risen increased to $4.3 million this year. young teachers.” 3
. i;
Panhellenlc "hwy”
I v
I ' -
IH: consular “”"""“ °""'°"-"'m‘°"
- - WASHINGTON — President Clinton declared
yesterday the United States has “exhausted every -_
available alternative” short of military invasion to L:
oust Haiti’s rnilita rulers. “They’re going to leave 1:
one way or the 0 er,” he warned, .
8" "huh." ""30” :gsrgflaisnizptiiencan warships sailed i;
Contributing Writer Soundin angry and determined,
. . , Clinton sais there was still time for
A Proposed new polrcres for UK s greeks would the milita leaders to lea th .
redefine the groups’ stance on alcohol at house par- own “1.13), do not h“? f: ueslh
ties. . . ,, .
Fashioned b the Interfratemity and Panhel- this: :vigrriifhgtgrrhgbrileeve of
lemc councrls, e new polrcyfro ls would state an Oval Office address to build sup— cum”
that only beer brought by in rvr ual students may port for his policy
be allowed ““ greek ouse parties. . . As Clinton spoke, two American aircraft carriers,
Students would be required to give the" alcohol the USS Eisenhower and USS America, were
to. a third- arty fnd‘pr, whpdwdtimldgnonétor "5 dls' steaming toward Haiti carrying thousands of com-
tnbutron. m" “h 5 won . . St" ute to entshure bat forces. Defense Secretary William Perry said
particrpants younger an US forces were nearly in place for an invasion.
1 would not get any alco-
«We m mg ,0 ”WWW llaanaalzatlaa aavlaaa aaylal crlla Illl
encourage more co-spon- WASHINGTON — A year into the govern—
sored parties between fra- M I. ”ml. Melina May, rbown bore sitting outside :17: Enoch ]. Greban journalism Building, is working ment reorganization effort,,Americans are seeing
ternities and sororities to bard toward a degree five year: after an automobile accident lefl ber in a coma. the benefits, President Clinton said yesterday. , z~
help decrease liability on Clinton, in a White House ceremony, praised go
any one group and protect the streamlining effort headed by Vice President Al 5.
eeks in general,” said Gore, saying it had saved the government $47 bil— :5
ei h Cunningham, Pan- lion in the firstdyear. Sf
hel enic vice president for ' Clinton sai savings achieved through the pro-
organization. am will pay for his crime bill. A status report
Panhellenic already has I re presented to the president said the savings
passed licies that are were achieved primarily through the elimination of
more comprehensive and stipu ative than IFC’s, a r I u 71,000 Jobs.
IFC residentJonathan Bruser saidf.ra
T e reason, he said, is because ternities typi-
cally have been more active 1“ 5P°h5°r1h8 °P¢ho 30 [d She later learned she had suffered may not be able to speak well, but 8"... l..'.'. “I. ”I .m..,.
Informal parties. -year-0 from 0 en deprivation, which I can write.” LOS ANGELES — OJ. Simpson 5 lawyers
The proposals have not benipassed yet but will , ‘ ' “page, s eh and balance. As a student, May faces the moved yesterday to sup .ress more than 100 items
be presented for a (proval byI C throughout the doem t have She said octors were 5- common problem of trying to of evrdence seized from rmpson’s home and cars in
semester, Bruser sai . simistic about her chances or a manage time. five different searches they claim were illefigal.
One chan e that IFC already has made is to t ' 'l ’ {on recovery. She went through Her day is divided between The defense motion, an amendment to apers led
change the [TC RiSk Management Group from “me or at are therapy for a couple of cars, then studying, exercising and working earlier, listed “2 items 0f evidence. CW items
nine male members to a Greek Risk Management sto d because she di n’t think it on he, a mem. from Sim son’s bedroom included two sets of
Team. By Emlly III"!!! was el in _ Ano er problem is getting to gloves an two knit caps. Other items mentioned
The team is made up of six fraterni members Conn-throng Writer So she hegan riding horses to class. She current] takes a cab on were blood samples, hairs and fibers.
and six sorority members and is headed the IFC work on her balance and be h the three days 5 c has classes, Simpson is scheduled for trial Sept 26.
executive vice president and the Panhel enic vice In a bright, cozy apartment a working out at a gym to buil up costing her 512 a day. In other develo ments, the defense filed a
president for organization, BN5“ said. woman sits in a chair and slowly her strength. She has advertised for a motion opposing t e prosecution’s bid to have
“The new Greek Risk Mana merit Committee recounts the events of her life. The doctors now 1 driver who would take jurors se uestered during the trial. Judge Lance Ito
is trying to look at issues a cting greeks and She begins by apologizing for can her a “miracle.” : her to her 9 am. class is sched ed to hear arguments on Monday.
examinin better ways to avoid potential prob- the “mess” in the room and “If you could only 3 and pick her up at z
lems,” and Gwen Harring, a current member of exrplains that she is in the process see how far I've come,” i pm. I.".' 'pm' I. 3....“ "I". '.y'
the risk management comnuttee. o remodeling. A quick glance she said. “I’ve sur- She has a handi- IRW'INDALE Calif— A525 million water con-
‘We'are hoping to encourage greeks to act more around the room reveals a corn- prised them.” capped tag that per— servati on project doul d ut recycled sewage water in /
res nsrblyh . . . puter 0" the desk, 3“ exercrse h‘ke' May refuses to “5‘ a mits h" to "1‘ near a brewery’s beer says 'ller Brewing Co.
ruser said getting women more involved will on the balcony and a beautiful wheelchair and relies the White all Class— The n ati on’s’se con d-l argest brewer filed a law—
make the councrls become more aware of the risks watercolor tpicture she painted instead on a walker. room Building and is suit last week against the Up r San Gabriel Valley
thatthey face, which should foster greater respon- hangm on e wall. But she plans to get rid willing to Pay $50 a Municipal Water District, w 05¢ officials have pro- ,
s'b‘hty'. . . A“ rst lance, she “ pears to °fh someday. month for a driver. d piping the filtered chlorinated water coming
Additionally,'IFC plans to enforce guest list be a rca .30—year_-ol student. “I’m not hoping to; So far she has had :25; a sewa e treatment plant in Whittier to an
polrcres more strictly. But ere '5 nothing ordinary I’m lanning to,” she “'0 responses. area near Mi ler’s brewery in Irwindale, instead of
See POLICY on 2 about this remarkable woman. clari ed. But May said she dninjng it out to sea.
a a e a o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a o a a a e o a a a a a a o a a o a a Meet Mehm Mhy‘ May consnhtly believes Chewing The purified water would be pumped into the
May, who current] attends repeats how lucky she Will work out 0" the ound to replenish the aquifer serving the San
mung mos om. UK‘ has ' story to tell at '5 any— is ‘hd is adamant about been, , Sabriel Vall basin, where Miller draws water
I d" but ordinary. . "0‘ want: P'W- i _ _ “I m the most optr- from wells. Miller’s lawsuit claims the water might
. NOY' 25’ 1989’ “h": she “I have 3“ extremely fortu- rmstrc person you’ll ever find,” she contain anything from industrial chemicals to
mm season on “’93 in Chi“ . 0n the way to 3 nate. My body may have ne to said. harmful bacteria. ,
fnenkd’s wed F's. 3 Talk prcku hell, but my mind is sti 1 here. On June l8, Me|liissa mad; t:he _ .
. truc attempting '0 h“ e ‘ e Thank God for that. decision to cave ome an u _,
MM“ tum shifted into the “WW _"' “People help me to death. her own condominium. “It ways! murOszng ; '
. 'hd slammed into the car m h They don’t think I’m capable of time for me to spread my wings,” ' i .
Major league baseball ended its 1994 season not she was riding. doing things for myself.” she said. t
with “ homer, h?“ With “ .atrikeout, not With ' The driver of h" car, UK Before the accident, she led “My parents have been I”. m m "
“‘Ch“ '“Pmfi tr1umphant "1th “31“!" "h“- graduate 10h“ PORCH: h“ to h'" what she calls a “fast-paced life,” through a lot without having to Los ANGELES _ Patti Davis is at it .ggin,
N0, the m died ‘y With C whrmper 0‘ mple byp.“ surgery but “I” including dill five—mile Wfilks, worry about me." this time . grins m the In)“. on video_
“ conference all “h ' fax. . . resumed ‘ normal ””94“ workin full-time at a radio sta- Earlier in the summer, her only The rehle’le d.“ ter of former President and
O“ ‘h‘ 34‘h “V °f ' “ml“ by han ml" The 909.86" '3 0f the "Wk tion and attending UK part-time. brother committed suicide. chy Rug.“ 3.,- ,he liked h..- 1)]. .. . '
~. m league owners canceled the remain “'0.“ the sea- were “0' ‘h ' . . H" major N American “910’ She 5’ reluctant '0 discuss it la out so much that she made a .
”h’ "'Ch’d‘h.‘ the “I‘VE! ‘hd World sch“ MW: however, Immediately ry, and she wanted to become a because she believes she should 1) ayboy video. The video, due to be ,-
The last am; the Ofld Senea W” canceled W slipped into a coma and said she la r. kee moving forward and not look released in “fly 1995 features ‘
1904; the last an." the re ar ””0" was cut short remembers ““hih until she $1992, she retumed to school bacE. Davis kick-boxing in . 8;“, in the
was in .1918’ during Wo d War I.“ . "'0“ three months ater. _ as a mums] ism' major. “You do the but with what you nude, with . young man.
So 'hto the record books '1" “h “m".‘h “1"” “fly ""9 “MW“! S said she believes there is a have. I'm ' t doing what anyone ~ Davis said d)“ my) seemed to
explaining “h“ the 129.4 9'“ foun 0“ “ d'" 8°“:F 0“ armmdme," she ”'d- whole world of opportunity wait- else would“, .” like her zine .
puteover the owners 'mm 0" ‘ “P 0“ Pk?" ' he first’fh'hK 1 d'd "‘9 “h ing for her when she duates. May said most people expect '1 think a lot 0 women appreci- ;
salaries. . . , for my mom. _ “Maybe I’ll work or a newspa- her to fail. ated that at 4| I did this," she said. M ‘
The final decision was_made m “ conference “h MW ’00" noticed people were per or be a manager for a TV sta- “But I’m not going to,” she The new had no comment "
site.” 0‘3“?” led Milwaukee's 3"“ Selig, “h treating h" '3 if She ”"_'dh'hh' don. tells them. “I don t have time for WY-
”! WNW" 0‘ h‘h- because 0‘ h" SPC'H"! difficulty. “Perhaps I’ll write a novel. I failure.” WW 9;" W-
I .
u— A L L





'>g‘q.’l~~"~‘. c .~‘ . .


.1-..-«-~.-¢~§~q...3 _

2 Kentucky Knml, Thursday, September IS, I 994


Excuse me. I'm looking for
Mel “Sticky” Fensel. the
Reds new scab manager.

You must be Brooks
“No Nickname" Ashcraft.

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l WW3] mumbled '
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9% mew is‘tbeSigm Pitt
You M u ST Fai- masts
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AN INTERVIEW fiefififmgfii
BY 5 PM FRIDAY! » fists?”
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CALL 257-3191 OR STOP cgnuzmdmmaafm.
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E I. E c T R 0 s E “VI 0 E 3 Sherman ’s Alley by gibbs 'N’ ‘Vor’gt 3 . Meeting The Manager

I see my reputation
has preceded me.

This random draft '5 i The Frillies have a 14—month-l
something. Ashcraft. Any

. . , old baby in right field.
team caniget any Citizen. And

He JUSt lays there.
hey ha to keep everyone. No hustle at all.


3 I'm a realtor from _ .

y Terre Haute. Indiana.

‘ I'm hopingtobringa ~

realtoresque perspective
to the game. ‘


T Red Sox got stuck
ith a professional
circus geek.


That t's got an
attitude problem.











P l‘
°'°’ M r. B u n ny

M . B d Ci 1 -H d by Kennett-m
new rules on alcobgol r 3 an we ea ‘

From PAGE 1


“A significant amount of risks
and liability problems could be
avoided if guest lists were
enforced," Bruser said.

Bruser calmed fears that the
policies may be too restrictive on
greek organizations.

“People need to realize that
IFC and Panhellenic are not try—
ing to regulate our social lives,” he
said. “They are trying to help
chapters improve their current
policies to protect the reek sys—
tem from potential probFems.”

Reactions to the proposed poli—





cy changes are mixed. n7
“- . .
Fhe idea of a third-party ven- 30033336 503
dor, such as a cash bar, 15 a good AuFULN PUMP€D 60min FlCHT?
$0M: Came: .


idea, but it is unrealistic to expect
that people will willingly turn over
their own alcohol to a third party,”
said Greg Ehard, of Pi Kappa
Alpha social fraternity.

But some fraternity members
were less wary.

“The new policies, while a little
strict, can onl help chapters to
avoid legal problems that could be
detrimental,” said Paul Skiermont,
of Phi Gamma Delta social frater—
nity. “The advantages by far out—
weigh the disadvantages.”

CAN deafiv








R -------- j mime; " . 9.-.:{ E... [m 3 T: '.




















have a release party tomorrow at the Wrocle-


lage. National act Seed will open. For infor—
mation, call the Wrocklage at 231- 76 5 5 .



Van Damme battles through time starting
tomorrow in ‘Time Cop.’ The movie will open

1:10pm. at Lexington Green.

music all
washed up

By Stacy Coonlz
Contributing Critic

If Cotton Is King, would some—
one please overthrow the monar-

The new release from Cotton
Mather, titled Cotton Is King,
leaves much to be desired —
including originality.

Whit Williams, Greg
Thibeaux, Matt Horvis and
Robert Harrison —the members
of Cotton Mather — seem to be

oing through an identity crisis.
heir guitars and drums are
vaguely reminiscent of Rush. The






vocals, on
the other
hand, are
a bad Bea-
tles imita-
tion. This
. is not a
MllSllh'eview good
7 combina—
*l/Z Lead
“Cotton is singer
King” Harrison
Cotton Adarher sounds as
(ELM Records) if he is
names straining
*** Good his voice a
*1: Fair little too
* Poor much to
those Paul

esque high notes. And Thibeaux’s
drumwork borrows too heavily
from Neil Peart of Rush.

Harrison’s voice does not suit
the lyrics. On “The World’s Bou—
tique,” for instance, he makes “I’m
comfortable in my exile/Forget—
ting most of my problems” sound
almost nonchalant.

While some son s are well-
written, such as “En of the Line”
and “Ivanhoe,” most are not.
“Lost My Motto” and “Cross The
Rubicon” can be best decribed as
awful. The rest of the songs on the
album fall somewhere in between
decent and unbearable.

“Ivanhoe” is one of the two
songs that saves this album from
being completely horrible.

“He’s a Crayola beau , a per—
fect cartoon/A helmete knight
with a dusty plume,” Harrison

he hero of the son is “in love
with a girl he’ll never ow,” out
of time and place. It is a haunting
son and a good one.

he second son worth listen-
ing to is “End Of T e Line.”

“I was washed up in her wake/It
was time to sto pretending/I
could write the appy ending,”
explains Harrison.

In contrast, “Lost My Motto” is
a poor way to begin an album.
Cotton Mather is trying too hard
again. This time the group aims
for quirky, insightful lyrics but
winds up with dumb, annoying
lyrics instead.

Finall , “Cross The Rubicon”
may be t e worst song on Cotton
Is King. The band starts out with a
nice idea: “I’ve sold some
secrets/But I've ke t a few.” Then
the grou ruins it y adding, “I’ve
rolled t e best/into a big new
valentine for on.”

Maybe if tton Mather would
not re y on other bands so much,
it could develop a true style of its
own. There is a trace of individu—
alitytin some songs, after a search.

aybe if the band’s members
could stop writing songs that seem
to be pieced together from other
songs, the lyrics would make more
sense. “Ivanhoe” shows that Cot-
ton Mather can tell a good tale in a
son , even if “Cross The Rubi-
con denies it.

Overall, this is not the best
album in the world. It may not be
the worst. but it is close. Very

Bandy} Volkswagen will

Action posterhoy jean Claude










Photo cannery of Sony Records

”WA WITH A" ATTlTllllE Sandra Bernhard will hrin more than comedy to the Sin leta Center as she e owns son s
g . g '3’ l’ g
from her recent vocal release Excuses for Bad Behavior Part I in aUK concert that starts at 8 p.m. tomorrow.

By John Dyer Forl

Senior Staff Writer

E andra Bernhard can go both

Infamous celebrity and cele-
brated critic of fame and the
famous. Feminist and fashion
model. Critic of sexual exploitation
and Playboy bunny. Po entertainer
and anti—icon. Defemlhr of under-
dog causes and skeptic of the poli-
tics of causes.

Yes, and sexually too, as Bern-
hard is quick to boast.

Contradiction is a mainstay of
Bemhard’s charm, especially in her
biting, combative comedy. Bern-
hard, who performs tomorrow at
UK, combines the angry sass of
rock, a haute couture aesthetic and a
hipster ethic with such New Age
precepts as “Screw Guilt” and
“Feel Good Here Now.”

From repression to expression,
alienation to liberation and free—
dom from excess to the excesses of
freedom, four decades of American
pop culture are both exalted and
satirized by Bernhard: beginning
with the ’605 (“Be whatever you
are”), the ’705 (“What the hell, be
whatever you wanta be”), the ’805
(“Be more and get more before the
Republicans get it all”) and into the
’905 (“Oops You can't help what
you are”).

Today’s po philosophy is a sort
of beach-blan et a logia, and the
basis for Bernhard s Excuses or Bad
Behavior Part 1, her musica debut
released Aug. 28 on the Sony/550

Bernhard’s latest roject features
a rarel seen side ofjihe performer:
that o vocalist and lyricist. Bern-
hard and her band, the Strap-Ons,
opened their national tour last
weekend in Seattle. The promo—


Provocateur to bring
‘Bad Behavior’ to UK

tional blitz includes MTV spots.
videos and single releases.

Bernhard’s career has included
stints as comedian, host of TV’s
“The A-List,” Tom Arnold’s wife-
turned—lesbian al on “Roseanne,”
a minor triumph as kidnapper with
Robert DeNiro in Martin Scors-
ese’s “The King of Comedy” and a
major off—Broadway triumph,
“Without You, I’m Nothing,” a
Bernhard parody of famous enter-

divas Marilyn McCoo and Melissa
Manchester. At times, Bernhard's
soprano borders on breathy falset—
to. For the most part, however, her
singing on Bad Behavior is melodic,
rock-steady and even vulnerable ——
a far cry from the nasty aloofness of
her comedy.

At times, the rawness is excruci—
atin , at least coming from Bern-
har . Is she serious or just being
ironic? One waits for the other foot
to drop — for the bitter sarcasm or
the relief of a punchline, but it
rarely comes.

Of course, there are several
monologues spread throughout the
performance, some funny, some
critical. Bad Behavior is not just a
collection of songs, but a perfor-
mance work full of different voices,
different visions, different sounds
— and an emotional undertone of
sweet tenderness, bitter irony and
plucky defiance.

Nowhere is Bernhard’s attitude
better expressed than “Sym athy
for the Devil." The apoca yptic
rocker becomes a haunting ballad
in Bernhard’s hands, exposing the
dark heart of contradiction and
hypocrisy: “Just as every cop’s a
criminal/and all


But Bernhard is
no stranger to
music either.
Arriving in LA. in
the early ’705 to
pursue a vocal
career, Bernhard
made it as an actor
and comedian
instead. Occasional—
ly, her music would
creep into her com-
edy routine as an

Lociuucabead the

Sandra Bernhard and the
Strap- On: will p701»:
tomorrow night at t e Otis
A. Singletary Center for the

the sinners
saints.” Bernhard
delightedly casts
herself in the role
of devil as
redeemer, bad girl
preaching love,
pop star
sneering at fame,
the rose and the
thorn in the flesh.

Is Bernhard a
diverse artist

ultra-hip . loun e Am as thefirst mum", ready to explore
act, Singing _t e ofthe 1994.95 Next Stage new avenues 0" a
funny, if acrdly Series. dizzying per-
iromc, . blues In former with a
some bizarre, _out— Tickets are “ohm”, mild bipolar con-
of-the-way mght- $15fizr UKemp (sand dition? Her fans
fll‘léb alt 3’16 edge of ”£0,5th $17.50 will claim she
a ' the eneral ic. Th embraces every-

IE; 1992 1:; avagilable amITichet? thing. While critics

onsta eextrava an-
za, “giving Til It
Hurts,” tipped the
scale in favor of
music and vocals


Master outlm includin the .
Student Center. Next egg: rejects nothing.
, season passes will be on s alf-

will complain she

Is Sandra
full or half-
empty? Will she



interspersed with
the characteristic comedic mono-
logues and a variety of more serious
spoken word pieces.

While Bemhard’s sneering
comedic style is hard-ed ed, her
vocals are another matter. elieve it
or not, she has the sweet, fluttering
voice reminiscent of ’705 disco

ever decide
whether to nibble or bite the hand
that feeds her? Bernhard the provo-
cateur is a tease and crank at the
same time. But her sweet and sassy
vocals, backed by the music of the
Strap-Ons, makes this undeniably
interesting performer an entertain-
ing paradox.



loamy Kennel, Thursday, September is 1994 I


Bole GIMGIS "ll conch

Grammy Award-winning singer Natalie Cole
announced yesterday that she is cancellin her fall
1994 tour, including the UK Fine Arts ga a benefit
on Oct. 19.

Instead, Cole will fly to London to film a PBS
television 5 cial.

The C0 lege of Fine Arts current] is seeking
other possible artists to perform at the benefit con— J. , .
cert on a new date. r .'

Proceeds for ticket sales for the event benefit '
student scholarships and program development
within the college.

Tickets may be refunded at the Otis A. Single—
tary Center Ticket Office at Rose and Euclid
Avenue. For more information, call 257-1915.

MOW Gold 881 to Bill new 8088”
IOIIIIII'I'BW Wllll "Mll'Vlll'S KIWI!"

Actor’s Guild’s 1994—95 season will 0 en this
weekend with “Marvin’s Room,” a play y Scott /
McPherson. y’-

The play is a comedy about a woman who main- /
tains a commitment to loving others even as she
faces her own death.

The play was the winner of the Outer Critics
Circle and Drama Desk Awards for best play.

Performances will be at 8 p.m. tomorrow
through Sunday. It also will show at 8 p.m. from ,
Sept. 22 to Oct.l and from Oct. 6 to Oct. 8 at 8 l
p.m., with 2 p.m. showings on Sept. 25, Oct. 2 and
Oct. 9.

For more information, call (606) 233—7330.


Movies showing in Lexington theaters this weekend
starting tomorrow.



Angels in the A small boy prays for angels to help i .




Outfield his baseball team. PG
Futuristic bounty hunter tracks i
Blade Runner cyborgs. R
Blankman Dweeb becomes crime fighter. PG-
Body Snatchers Horror tale of body snatching. R


Camp Nowhere Kids run their own summer camp.


Agent helps declare war on Latin
American drug trade. PG-13

Young boy lakes the stand in
Grisham adaptation. PG-13

Whoopi Goldberg changes life of
widow and daughter. PG

Clear 3. Present

The Client



Corrina Corrina








The Flintstones Comedy based on pie-historic
cartoon. PG 3

Forrest Gump Dim-wined man gains fame through ‘3
positive attitude. PG-13 .

Germinal Epic story of coal mines in
Napoleonic France. NR

Go Fish Lesbian romantic comedy. Fl

A Good Man in Sean Connery plays a doctor. PG-

Africa 13

Hard-Boiled John Woo directs epic action flick.

Nick Nolte and Julie Roberts play
dueling reporters. PG


I Love Trouble








In the Army Now Pauly Shore goofs off in the Army.
PG .
It Could Happen Cop wins lottery and splits it with 4
to You waitress. PG
The Little Rascals 19305 comedy makes it to the ‘90s.
The Lion King Young lion reclaims throne after
long exile. G
The Mask Boring banker finds powers in //
magical mask. PG-13 /
Maverick Mel Gibson plays a gambler who
meets his match. PG
Milk Money Two kids set up father with a

prostitute. PG-13

Natural Born Psychotic couple becomes famous
Killers in media feeding frenzy. Fl















Next Karate Kid Trilogy continues - this time with
karate girl. PG
0n the Walerlronl Brando stars as dock worker duped .
by crooks. NR 3
The Shadow Alec Baldwin stars as comic book _ ‘
hero. PG-13 : . "
Speed Cop matches wits with an insane i | - ' -
bus bomber. Fl é. ’
Tlmocop Van Damme chases villians across
time. R ‘
Trial by Jury William Hurt stars as hit man. I! j
True Lies Secret agent hides his identity from
wife. 8
Wagon: Elsi Late John Candy stars in western
comedy. PG-13
Whonaflan Manslruwlostoholphisalcoholic
Loves I Wanna who. a
Waddle. em Slokly woolen arranges new mate
for mu. P043.
We": Put “any «19203 wldows' «relays.
Hall New York Rim hm into a





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