xt7j3t9d8974 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j3t9d8974/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1795-08-26 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 26 August 1795 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 26 August 1795 1795 1795-08-26 2023 true xt7j3t9d8974 section xt7j3t9d8974 - "fl‘fillvm. "nu—«p44




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Ik“’1}!‘ihl cs‘L (oniinuellx-Incn t dans un claL Lie szl‘vuzllanLc '

:i' ' Tnoxsmnm ALNHfiE REPUBLICMNE. N O NIDI 9 Fructider L
(Ere vulgajrc) Mcz‘crcdi 26 Aoit 1735.
4—— L .--__ 4:“- ‘
GIN/21L: ([Lmerl‘iorz palmi [es troupes- Infamy par/r (II/w“ .5 (VII "1'" ”IL/LT 3mm [’3 L’J’I‘ancaux (13.5 .9ln't/Irvz/dsr. —— (lc'ré—
mr/zis [mi/ijum juite a x/IILe/s, refiatima La 10151 «LI/L1,: {1' UK) 1’” 231111 —1L 1/ Int 1/ mm [Ll/.1: cL ALI/1103 , 3111' [L1, l
a! . ‘ lsilll-i [I'UIL (L2 (“e116 comma/1.15 —— lfé/I‘H'iuns Sill“ L1 (/[I‘tté Ln.- 717,6 dd .LIIII’L. [ 3 (:7: fl/(’ 9 It FOIL if: [lag/{11039. ——- ‘
bif’l‘uvés- var/ml (/16 30' mt llavre, gm (:.u/1;[(I(L, [‘01 mL [c9 LIL/mun 3.: (71.1; LIIIL’ILII'; [Inzlr 1111312 J r [m 1' .mm'zx cu
,L‘duotlLatIUIL dun-.5- 65 port. —— Discwhsw/I szcr [1 [UL (LIL I7 iIILLZn: cL" .mr Zea rqn'ésL/IZLL'IIE- an Ixziyyvsz'o/‘L L2 Lyon
‘ ‘fi
A AVIS AUX Somumm‘lauus DE LA BELLHQUE. ~ blcment; saveir : le premier 8: le plus conndc’x ll)lC au-
. dessus 3“ (oble‘ntz , lo. second p. cs Ll- \n l(lfl€i'\.l , '1' lc
IOn Izc rcgoit plus (‘L [’m'is L'I'Abonnenwny (1111‘ A701” troisIcme dans les envilons dc CL): ovnc. an ILLH" Iul , '. us
rpLL/I; [’0 I'l"(1U/.‘S nolu‘ [w lljt’-/’_’l:{/(/'L3 ; i1 fill“ 105 p11. omalII's pour 1c passmre Llu l1. Iin so Ifd is. SA l’ox v
6 Y1A“‘-'ll‘ lad/~13} (116 Harm/1, (l s Pasfes (‘L f‘.)))~![.\.¢[['s't. (-01"; /g qucnti d U11 Inslant u lawn: a app'mn'lu ”MC 11,5 9.11,}..‘23; I '1,“
d; la vita) L212 [{Lnu; «(n.5, c/Imgé de [a revel/a {:énénue pum' hm gazsrs lunl L‘fl; Cl ué D7 an aqu (61:3,, I‘L‘zmam. .QLIi §
10,; pays conquis. premii IL: szij'Is dos mu; 1%? cums. I1; IIé-uzge
_ aueuz: aniy'cns p omL-s i1 lv 5 LL- can :I in Hons iv; “Ls-L3 4“;
I: W Ll’urIL. .sz que los L‘LuLIiL:lIIcns on: s‘II ldJIVIS (UGlM‘ I'LL =1C X12
.. A L L E M A (j. N L‘, de su rtrwproLllcr (l'l :il‘LIE E; lesfronpn quL :III‘r-v sun“ Eva ;
Leann-1‘ LLCi.L(‘11-3 cat clé «dc-us idé m. ).l 1v: IL‘LL Ie-ILlo; ctna; "Tl”? n.
, Dc 1"1'mzrf2rl, [2 I5 nmh‘. n , 4
n ‘L

Dos avls (l3 plzxrsimrs villcs Llu {Bus Elfin nnnoncr'nt (3937 plus Mill's.
quL‘ lPs l'VLIZlIII’lYL’LlS 52ml les plus ‘Zi‘llflklfi ' ‘
cc ll: IIVL‘. Jm LoxnrmmianLgénu2L1 L '
soLane er; I wmmIt Liu SLIEII (lo
Front, 8; (REM plnsi'anrs la'l‘aillons
101’s :7 out LlLI sc ‘Inppzmlnr (lA'S c0121“!
la 11ml Ll. lain


cnt q 10;»; II’L‘st poiflt
Llrr l {.IIEQ n sIII' [5:5 I‘a3< l
; (Illl Par olsacnt ‘ ‘
w: l0 roi Llc l’reéuc. LI iié- '


"‘I‘Lh LiLLL ‘50



.5 L’fiI‘EIIC-g lzahwr', qui est tou-






, L} a Xmasf- lmumx «up Liv»; L" i his du siutheudr-z‘. Les L‘
‘ L in . 1‘ \ . .. .

VillL, P01” 5e “m!” an lJIs Rh 2:1, mu 1:“: oliuic‘rs Lgmnmn less 335mm: Gdanliu‘zltlil 1L.uzs d1dph‘bux Ll.
eéllc thi slcst (l‘llgl roHcc \L-Is ce'LI’: PUH‘fillel'sc1‘15LEYIII‘SUI‘if'jll'uiiilfilss m‘ussmnucs: Ll’aulrcs l
A u: .- ‘ '. ., L . .7 L». , . .. '.
on qtm’u‘al ‘ 0m; tlu “5,0 rlcs 7, L1,“. le “hum, 0.1 LILIL LlL‘nLnL mt lLuL (lL- I


randy: aux F'Imcais cc passage Lieu LliLLI'Iic


5m ‘(L‘ut lu anil.‘ route. A lrm‘ aI'ILVéC :‘I Oma-


(11fo ”HPUSSlb- (L PTLL Li ,‘ oLI 1‘1,le 81:1}:(1 ax CLILL!(£’ lLur ghau‘c 1
,- ‘l I r li‘ul‘ es.» I‘LtI‘LLLu, - (ICI _ EII’L , C); on leur lezIt
1‘ ;;,- '-~\.).7,'-,.‘, LLI'!‘ .
,’ ‘ ; 1.‘ 1" -"‘-'"7'“”"1 1" 1‘) m " " lcs PI'OXLL‘SSQJ lL;5 plus an ;.'I :Ilquv‘ pLUI l’avcmr. 11 y
5 ~ "" . , - L. _ '. L ‘ . . . . - I
,. L ”S j. ?J lusieurs bataiilom aulI'iclIiLns om (235.1533: cel‘m BUJt lc fiCluC'llmht‘m La”: la, V1“ ’;:‘S dill cm {03:5 dc CLtle VIllt’, ‘
V LLL. 1: .

Olhl') (l0 Slnn'clzfm TX] La Plus '75-; mule Pauli“ (leg {I .31 .pes D"CS dc l‘llll i1 neu‘ rm llC llommt‘s l1“ L
' xiv v H VI ’11.. ,-
~pu1IL3 u [mis (lCUX jams; su d: II mm was Lucia ,1-: xcstc I-nYHU , 84 L; II (l01.s.LL. E. 5(, LL
veIs lo Illl‘l'] 0n profile-t pCSILLIJ‘I’JJEt
< ~ ,, ~ ..:.':h _ ,, A‘L,
Writ/r LL‘ {3L0 general comm Lle Wurmscr (10M L‘lH. :11:ch 411215 roux ILrussL nn. comm. on

I‘cuprs NHL-3i—
we snvnmzlées sous {3611.
he; l’appul Lle la.
3; mac vcngva nee érla—





Ln;- ..: “1 “23L lfililfl‘klk‘fi mh'iafsvh lrIIr_I'EIII,L’L. Ln lurllandc. Quant 51 f
‘ ’ ' 55 B E L G I Q U 17“ l’zu‘ncc nu \EUC ILL: 141 I‘:.‘Z}Lll,‘l)li‘i<" lmlzL'rc,e ll: a mac trsé l.
x. _? ‘ . / grancle [:9an i: {organugr : up 22mm: 111w panic 1c 1795- I
.L LY . L. 1; De Uruxefles, [a IIfluvlm’or, l\ 2L amfif, v. at.) cadre on aI'mzmc-nt 'vu icxc—l {k a Htlvo H'L 811138, Vlcnt
’ my“ all Es lcltrcs dos bards Llu lilIIn manqunnt que ious les (16 soriir 1W6 rull‘r CHHSCI‘ COMIC lcs Anglo IS.

60st de troupes (omposant larmée dc \umbrc 8L l‘vlc Luso. Le représcnlant du pr: upla 11:1 Incl nous a qmltc pour

sun on mouvcnmnt 1’0”" sc ”WHOM,“ dc cc flaws ; i1 56 I'endIe a la Haye, cu il est clI .Imé Ll unc m:
oiL quLl y aura hoiu pomls pIiLLLip-nux Lle Lassem- £165 éLuts- géncracx LlCi Plovlnccs-Unics.


Silo]! (11L LISP
LeiLbVIc ,














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.:I )II‘J (Ii/- 11.111114, 8.: I;11I L. ’.'/‘P .C l '1’] I s’evazm 5.1 151
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:‘15 m gains innncns's qui 0'11 I316 1r? p‘.us (11.11111 fruit
an !‘('li‘I‘ vivioirr‘ , 11.; 105, 8‘. 11011.5 11.;—

.'1; 11‘ .1! 15011111110. dom' mugs ..-11'-»1Ii1zuns {19.10111}

W virus (‘10 nus 010.011: (unnufirxntvs 0111.


11L’1111I'Ion .H. l). 1)., 131.1113; .I\u.n‘.v;;19n0
\ .
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fitment , {1‘115 001.1111 uncm‘c 31;.1' son (Ispnt 1’; par son

.I.:1~I'1‘ 1111111 11511115, (-1011 i..: .111'40111—1111j01 (19115 Royal—

,5 1-1111'01; 505 (2:1:\' 115.1 :1; K 17210.3, 0 '11}an 1am—

(ml. "1'. {Li-ffés to


qui 0. MI". (M115 c‘wf’s ": .2 ‘Z '11 1:9. firm
511.6 par :05
active 311:; I'oyalistcs; mnis


1501115 3: 51's



1' rnI'M cw; 11’nn rcconnuit d’au‘u'cs prrtuvos,
I ’nu .. 1‘s. 31.11.11-1511111 Ila 1‘111'15 , 105 531115 qu‘f-lle rc—


\‘ciw-‘I. 111.10 1.5 wild; 1m: '5 aux 11.21.1115, lcs 01.010112;

.v...-........-w. \IAl-a‘mfil .







i]‘C!“"‘JS€:"S , In. rediagoftc qnarréc , 3161C m'tny en 33.; ‘3 O?
‘3 5.7570 0:1 10 jcunc hnmme frivolc . iui 110 Pu d 1Il1 .11. (‘11:1
1I?11€I01 rIIII: dc- sr' willy 11 J11 1110110 I.‘u 1110.. 5111., 51-51 13.1!,
‘5 11.2121'1- mum} dzms ‘1'.) rue sans savoix' pourquoi. 3153““.
E 3.1 .I? 1111101 1L 11' 1.111'0 1111mm mo' lament; 1112118 .[ [Hut “3.1m
‘, S‘Cn Iirnm , :r'sL 5. re r111 on [Huh-11.11. pour luissI-r “I‘iI‘c
311:1 1‘("IU'.LI. pour 1‘“111I)‘.11' 5.05 391111010 8; 1:0le 111's 1111.3 1 i"_
‘ (S: '1'011 011.1111. .1110. ‘10. guerrv 11c 10101111110110“ 11.0112" 01-.


ce 3111111; aims C? suroil dc part 1‘}; ($311111 um- Ddcue











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De Harts, [e D/ruwlrdor. 1
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‘ ‘1)‘5 1:35 TI". :11I7'3 41-? Mute V651)". ’
il i‘au‘. ‘ (0113 its 1141- quain-
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§ .0111 point .31,- Ics pnvex' :111 p.3x my (1% 0113
E n qui 105 .iI1r.u1t;3£ c-“HI? cause 8.11 1'011'I1é- ' Ce 11

(we 10 0.311111? M1 vs? 2113.10.13 pour :1
C; mrurt (iiflaiflion aI1 miiivu drc I17:.rc‘1I."F pourvlzs d9 [(1 (Ions





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{10.11 .‘P {3111 est. 11mph: 11. 1:2. suaa'zsl. we dv l‘h mime. est. 11w
1 (L....'P1!ons c1110 51 in I}! QI‘L‘ '.r11-1 m .-.I'—:11<.111n.)11'I...1':0t 113111....

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E119. 5? 1113111731)“ {mint 1':1v.'1]é 21 L111 101 pom! .3 (, 1111.5 llju1 l



111115501113 011110115 IEII In 1Iép11b'iiquc, an 111'- EI: 1 (3:111 1.03? 5.0 pun
. 61‘0ch .L'l


1n: \1...r:.11' , 5": (3:10 10 11103111 (‘1: IL'
1'. r. I‘M w 5 (+111. dc se meme cm .01.
"jam-111 's COImus.







V oi E cc qu’on lit ‘11115 une leHx'c ale 4 f‘mc- RII' MI:
tc‘mx‘: 111.10 11
(1 Ln nature (711 inrrm‘n & 111 l'ivr‘ I‘Ioi'e du B11171 "‘1‘ 1“" “11"
est (It's—1350:1111. -,c 3. (111i (“toil 111.1111? IL; ‘- 71:...101‘01- "“"nc
madame, sc ..onl 01 31051-5 .111 sumfis ":11 ”112...:sz ' q.“ C“ a
. ~- I111 11:01.

(11.10 105 131n-‘1n‘1ccins out 101110 [11-05



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1111151 épnu.
1‘..- 1111111111,
1133 151113131.

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1'10111 1051111013 pale-us". ti: ghmnm
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Iignturrs 110 111 (10
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(3Z1? madame. (31.1139 1"11'3"
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11's 23 1111611113 00:1:n1'311111'r 10 1011 p.113 13111111,)—

11n1‘. de 1.101121.- 11.113016,

Sm le c5111 (10 ce 1
piouces 111: longuun',

01 131111. fxée 13116 13.111116 do far
$3'1cx11'éu111é dc 11111111416 1:»'

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1'” hm' 111.1131 81 1141111121131.) 111‘. nn<1'1r1rpa1'.11'('u51:" 3

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1113 1.".
1151116 p.11 1';-
'1 013 116 11101111='
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your 11-s p'TtS E1916."
11'1131111az1111'1015u1'crs 01.
11110 11‘ 1111' 10"!)13 1:11.
\1'1011-1'. ric '1‘ 1hr
1.11m” (10%|
in 1’a11‘L1-1z1 1'
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(1111‘. (113 CPUL‘
1111113101113 '
com): 195 .
(1'1nS1sIcr 1131'
Le 111115 scandalntx

“5; “155 0311'

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1531-131 1131—1-33
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Livourne. . . . . . . . 5800—6825.