xt7j6q1sgk05 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j6q1sgk05/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19850614 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 14, 1985, no. 457 text The Green Bean, June 14, 1985, no. 457 1985 2014 true xt7j6q1sgk05 section xt7j6q1sgk05 ” ImUvERsmw’0E*KENTUGKYIABRAREELNERGLETTER I I
h 6-1M-B5....................................... N0. ¤57
·.»  June 1M John Bartlett's Birthday (l820) _
‘_ A y I uNIvAc•s Birthday (1951)
June 17-19 Kentucky Genealogy Institute
A - June 18 - Henry Clay Folger Jr.'s Birthday (1857),
° June 20 I Staff Development Luncheon _
* June 2l· W Software Meeting, Peal Gallery
I June 27 ·»  _Ameriean HistoricallPrint-Collectors
‘I — A , Society Annual Meeting (Philade1phia)'
V · June 28 Library Faculty Meeting,
· Peal Gallery, 8:30 a.m.
, Next "Green Bean" issue: Friday, June 28, 1985 ·
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, June 2U, 1985
I Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Duff, ` A
. 1 Rob Aken (editor)

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We would like to formally thank those people who participated in
the Engineering Library barcoding project on May l3»l¤. We
' certainly could not have completed this project in 2 days without
their help. The following people participated: Vivian Hall,
Mildred Moore, Larry Greenwood, Cathy Hunt, Ruth Brown, Ruby
Herald, Paul Thompson, Kerry Kresse, Betty Sutton, Linda Raines,
Susan Osborn, Cindy Parker, Mary Gillis, Ghassan Mawlawi, and
Khalil Karem.
I We appreciated everyone's capable assistance.
‘ Russ Powell and Andrea Berman
Cataloging Update _
These are busy days in Cataloging. We are into a number of _
projects which affect not only our work but also the work of
other departments. (
K For a number of years, we have been participating in the SEARL »
serials project. The present phase of this involves adding our
specific serial holdings to our on—line database, using the newly
, formed MARC format.
The Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives awarded the
King Library a grant to fund conversion of a portion of our
catalog to computer readable form. This is being done by the
Retrospective Conversion Section of OCLC. The shelf lists from
King are being sent off at regular intervals. (We haven't lost
any yet!) In addition, the University has just funded us with
additional money to have the remainder of the shelf list
Q We are advising the catalogers in the Kentucky Newspaper '
2 Bibliographic Control Project, which will concentrate on
Q inventories and on-site surveys of newspapers throughout the
j state, including King Library.
i The most labor intensive project is the preparation for LS/2000.
Q The week of June 17th we shall receive training in the
Q bibliographic sub-system from Marda Johnson of OCLC. This is
§ probably the most critical training that we shall have.
j We have not forgotten that our main purpose is to catalog
{ materials, but the above activities have slowed us down. We know .
g that eventually our efforts with LS/2000 will pay off, and that i
§ all of us will benefit. In the meantime, please bear with us. Q
{ (Emilie Varden Smith) I

l 2
  ACRL Research Clinic _ , ‘
Kerry Kresse and Mary Vass have been selected to attend the first ·
ACRL Research Clinic in Chicago on July 8. The Clinic will
provide methodology and suggestions for library research. ·
Occasional Papers #7 Receives Favorable Review ”" _ ,
Occasional Paper #7, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Letters of
Charles and Mary Lamb in the W. Hugh Peal Collection, by Edwin W.
Marrs, was favorably reviewed in the April 19 5 ,Charles Lamb
Bulletin. The review also comments on the strength of the Peal
Collection, noting that "only the Huntington has greater
resources in this field."
Software Meetings A
. After our recent Staff Development Round Table discussion on
computer ,software applications in the library, many people
expressed an interest in meeting occasionally to share software
and ideas. We will be meeting for the first time on Friday, June
2l at 2:00 p.m. in the Gallery to plan an internal user's group.
All who are interested are welcome. (Michelle Gardner)
Staff Development Luncheon · `
John Sherman Cooper, Stan Musial, & Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis —
n what do they have in common? Come to the next Staff Development
Luncheon on June 20, ll:30 — l2:30 in the Staff Lounge and find
out. Terry Birdwhistell will discuss the ll year history of the
UK Oral History Program and will present excerpts from selected
audio and video interviews. Plan to be there! (Paula Pope)
Continuing Education Advisory Committee .
John Bryant will serve as the libraryf representative to the
Continuing Education Advisory Committee for the next two years.
Senate Library Committee Annual Report l98M-85 l
The Senate Library Committee's Annual Report notes four areas of
interest and comment.
l. The committee unanimously and enthusiastically supports
the proposed addition to King North, the renovation of
King South, and the consolidation of five branches into
a Science Library in King South.

 rf 3
2. The Committee plans to provide advice on matters of
LS/2000 user training and acceptance.
3. The Committee voted unanimously to support revising the
library's fine policy. The revision calls for fining
all patrons (faculty and staff included) $1.00 per day
($20 maximum) after the 2 week checkout plus a week for
response to a recall notice.
U. The Committee proposes that the University adopt a
single faculty ID card (use of which would include
library checkout on the LS/2000 system).
The KAES Indexing Project
In April of l98¤, the University of Kentucky Libraries were
fortunate enough to receive three OCLC M300 terminals. In August
of 198N, a decision was made to place one of these terminals in
the Agricultural Library to test the versatility of the terminal
and assist with a proposed indexing project.
The indexing project was developed in March of l98M in response
to the call for proposals to highlight the agricultural research
of the Agricultural Experiment Station in its centennial year.
The objective of the project was to produce a centennial bulletin
of an index of all Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
publications published from the beginning through l98M. This
project would demonstrate the quality of research done over the
past l00 years and provide the College with access to past and
future publications.
» The central piece of equipment in the indexing process was a
microcomputer. The acquisition of the M300 was the key to
beginning this ambitious project. A 33-mb hard disk has been
ordered as well as a multifunction board and additional memory
chips to give the M300 6MOK of memory. Additional funding has
been acquired to add temporary staff to facilitate the project
and do the inputting, and indexers are being trained in AGRICOLA ‘
indexing so the index can be distributed nationally through
AGRICOLA. Arrangements were made with the Experiment Station to
submit the manuscript electronically in order to expedite
production, and a word processing program was acquired.
Plans for the project are moving forward, but the essential
element is still missing —- a good indexing program. It is
essential that we use an off-the—shelf program for this project
so it can be easily duplicated at other land grant institutions.
Nevertheless, the project moves forward and we are hopeful that
we will succeed. This will be an excellent test of the use of
auxiliaries with the M300 and the versatility of the machine.
(FPOM M3OO and PC Report, 2 (May 1985), by Antoinette Powell)

i u
  Crawford, Walt. MARC for Library Use: Understanding the USMARC
, Formats. White Plains: Knowledge lndustry, 198H.
Milstead, Jessica L. Subject Access Systems: Alternatives in
Design. Orlando: Academic Press, l98U. ZZ/695/.Mb73/198H)
Peterson, Lorna. Professional Development for College and Uni-
versity Librarians: a Selective_Bib1iography. Monticello:
Vance Bibliographies, April 1985.
Riggs, Donald E. Strategic Planning_for_Library Managers. l
‘ Phoenix: Oryx, l9BU. (Z/679.5/.R5H/19BM)
Saffady, William. Micrographics (Library Science Text Series),
2nd ed. Littleton: Libraries Unlimited, 1985.
Stuart-Stubbs, Basil ed. Changing_Technology and Education for
Librarianship and lnformatioh Science. Greenwich, CT: _
JAI Press, 19BU. (Z/EES/.C53/l98M)
Contents include: Changing Technology, Scholarly
Communication and the Research Library
(Black); Changing Technology and the
Personnel Requirements of Research
Libraries (Rochell); Strategies for
Adapting to Constant Change (Stueart).
Warren, Kenneth S., ed. Selectivity_in Information Systems:
A Survival of the Eittest. New York: Praeger, 1985.
SPEC Kit #ll3
Preservation Education in ARL Libraries (SPEC Kit #113) contains
four preservation—related policy statements; 32 examples of staff
training materials, including preservation orientation, general
information, audiovisual programs, specific information,
treatment procedures, library newsletters, and hands—on workshop;
lA examples of reader education, including handouts, newspaper.
(and other publication) articles, and signs; six examples of
donor information; and four descriptions of exhibits. This kit
was developed partially to supplement and update a Resource
Notebook on Preservation published as a part of the Preservation
Planning Program.

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The following is a summary of the articles in the )Spring 1985
LS/2000 Communique.
Serials Control
Because of high use of the online catalogs and the need for
"significant data storage space" on the minicomputers, many
LS/2000 sites are using microcomputers for certain technical
processing activities. OCLC suggests this maneuver will reduce
costs over the long run.
For serials control, the OCLC microcomputer based Serials Control
System will be available sooner than a comparable system on the
mini. Some users, however, are concerned about integrating the
microcomputer Serial Control System with the LS/2000. The need
for multiuser capabilities appears to be the major concern; OCLC
hopes to provide this capability this year. _
The LS/2000 Serials Control System will be tested at the Houston
Academy of Medicine this spring.
Bibliographic Databases
OCLC is developing a package (called "OpCit") for the IBM PC to
search "national databases" (i.e., the various search services'
' databases) and save the results on disk. "OpCit is designed to
reformat the citations and submit each citation automatically to
[the] ...LS/2000 system..., interrogate its files, and respond by
placing the citations into one of at least four files:
l. A file containing citations to journal issues...owned
at the local library and...currently available (on the
` 2. A file containing citations to journal issues...the A
local library owns but which are unavailable.
3. A file consisting of citations to journal issues that
the library owns but for which the specific status
cannot be determined from the information available
either in the local system or from the citations.
U. A file containing citations to journal issues not owned
by the local library."

E 6
5 Initial releases of OpCit software will focus on Medline
Q databases. SlRE—based software and hardware systems for mounting
E local subsets (initially only from Medline) will also be
§ available. The release date for both packages is planned for
g late l985.
l Software Conversions
  Release C of LS/2000 will make updates to the software universal;
  therefore all systems will be converted to Release C. The new
i release will eliminate "both subtle and obvious differences
i between releases."
LS/2000 and Theft Detectors
"Placing any terminals near the gates of a theft detection system
can hinder the effectiveness of the system .... Recently, OCLC
staff and 3M staff were able to overcome [this problem] and
successfully place an LS/2000 Lear Siegler ADM terminal within
six feet of the BM theft detection gates near the circulation l
desk at the University of Kentucky." A filter board was used,
and the terminal was adjusted to a particular angle. "Lear
Siegler is modifying its ADM terminals as a result...," in an r
attempt to place terminals within three feet of theft detection

A Word Processing Training for Lexington Campus Staff
N WordStar Software Training 12 hrs. of instruction
ee: 0.00 er ersgn `
This training gives word processing users the ability to edit as
they write and then produce corrected copies of documents. Topics
- include creating, revising, and printing documents; and basic
computer familiarization. Taught on IBM PC's using WordStar software.
I Cgurse Outline ‘
I; System Familiarization
• Hardware, Software, Peripherals
• Terminology
, , 2. Basic Typing and Editing
• System Defaults
• Insert and Delete Modes
3. Advanced Typing and Editing
• Duplicate/Delete Text
o Global Search and Replace
• Headings and Footnotes »
• Columnar and Statistical Data ·
a Multi-Paged Documents
• Form Letters with Variables
4. Printer Functions
• Line Spacing
• Character Selection · _
• Bold Print
‘ • Underscore
• Super~ and Subscripts
5. File Management ‘
• Condensing Documents
• Changing System Defaults
• Duplicate/Delete Documents
• Duplicate/Erase Diskettes
T Course I July 9—·25 8:00 — 10:00 a.m. Tues., Thurs.
Course II July 9~25 10:30 — 12:30 Tues., Thurs.
Course III July 30 — Aug. 15 10:00 - 12:00 Tues., Thurs.

l .
2 8
l Displagwrite and MultiMate Software Training 12.5 hrs. of instruction
T Fee: 70.0Q»per person
l Participants will learn to use a word processing software package
{ on a microcomputer for the purpose of creating, formatting, editing, _
{ and printing documents. Upon completion of this training,
Q participants will be able to create and print their own documents.
§ - Some special tasks such as merging, electronic spelling, etc., will
Q be introduced. Displaywrite software mimics the IBM Displaywriter
I dedicated word processor, and MultiMate mimics Wang dedicated word
l processors. The hardware used in this training will be IBM personal
i computers.
% Course_0utline
l 1. Background Concepts and Beginning Tasks
2. Creating Documents: Entering Text and Simple Revisions
3. Major Revisions--Moving, Copying, Using Search/Replace
§ 4. Document Formatting
5. Pagination
§ 6. Printing
Q 7. Directories
j 8. Utilities--Copy, Delete, Rename, Recover, Personalize Defaults
i 9. Spelling
10. Special Tasks
0 Advanced Formatting
0 Modifying Text Appearance--Justifying,
Subscripts/Superscripts, Headers, Footers, etc.
E 0 Columns of Text
§ 0 Numeric Tables ·
Q 0 Math
i • Merging
g 0 Backing Up Documents
g 11. Using Reference Materials
§ An attempt is made to tailor the class material to the participants'
§ office needs, thus each participant is asked to bring sample office
§ documents to the first class meeting.
l Course I Aug. 5-9 8:00 - 10:30 a.m. MultiMate NP
Q Software
E Course II Aug. 12-16 8:00 — 10:30 a.m. MultiMate WP
; Software
g Course III Aug. 19-23 8:00 - 10:30 a.m. Displaywrite/3 WP
E Software
Q i

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lr Enrollment Information
The cost for each session is $70 per person. The number of
_ participants in each course is limited, and the following
. guidelines regarding reservations and payment procedures
are necessary:
•_ Staff members whose departments currently
possess word processing systems will benefit
more from this training than departments who
do not presently use word processing.
• All training sessions will be held on the
University of Kentucky campus. Exact location
of training will be given when placement is
confirmed. All materials are provided including
software diskettes, user diskettes, handouts,
printing paper, etc.
• Staff attendance is at the convenience of the .
department and shall be approved prior to
enrollment (Personnel Policy #50). Enrollment
shall be limited to Lexington Campus staff
employees. You will need to call the Human
Resource Development office (15 Memorial Hall,
7-1851) to reserve space; you will be asked
for your department's account number. HRD
will IDIV your department. Because enrollment
is limited, cancellations will not be accepted
after the start of the selected session.

{ 10
E Research Activities
§ Research Grant Awards for 1986
( 1. The Association for Library and Information Science
T Education (ALISE) is now accepting proposals for its
2 1986 Research Grant Program. An Award of one or more
5 grants totaling $2,500 can be made to support research
E broadly related to education for library and
[ information science.
S 2. Applicants for Research Grants must be personal members
% Or Atist
§ ,
I 3. The proposals will be evaluated by the ALISE Research
E Committee and other appropriate and knowledgeable ALISE
E members ’as needed. Proposals will be judged on the
A appropriateness of the proposed projects to issues and
5 concerns in library/information science education in
§ its broadest context. Proposals should include the
§ following information to be considered in the
{ competition:
Q A. Abstract of the project no longer than 200 words
z .
g B. Problem Statement and Literature Review (including
Q justification and need for the research)
Q C. Project objectives
§ D. Project description
g E. Research design, methodology, and analysis
g techniques
§ F. Detailed budget (including institutional or
Q departmental contributions if any)
é G. Expected benefits and impact from the research
{ H. Vita of project investigators
E U. Proposals should attempt to be succinct and precise and
5 not extend beyond 20 double-spaced typed pages. If
g necessary, supporting information may be included in an
g appendix.
E 5. The deadline for receipt of proposals is September l,
E 1985.
g 6. Recipients of the Award must present a progress report
Q at the 1987 ALISE conference.
Q 7. Recipients of the Award will submit written quarterly
§ progress reports to the Executive Secretary of ALISE
Q and will normally receive the grant in periodic
( payments as the research progresses.

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{FV lv  
‘ 8. The results of the funded study must be submitted to
» the Association's Journal for possible publication
prior to submission to other publications; that is, the
Journal will have first option on publication.
9. Any publicity or presentation based on the funded study
must acknowledge the support of ALISE.
_ lO. If recipients of the Award receive funding, in addition
V to that provided by ALISE, they should so inform the
Executive Secretary.
ll. Proposals should be sent to:
Terrence A. Brooks
School of Library and
Information Science
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 522H2
Research Paper Competition - 1986
l. The award has been inaugurated to further stimulate the
communication of research at ALISE annual meetings.
2. Research papers concerning any aspect of librarianship
or information studies are eligible; particularly, this
` competition is not limited to research regarding
education for librarianship and information studies.
The foregoing notwithstanding, the paper must be
submitted to the Association's Journal for possible
publication prior to other publications Zthat is, the
Journal will have first option on publication). Any
research mode is acceptable.
_ 3. All research papers submitted must represent completed
research not previously published.
M. Papers must not exceed 75 double—spaced pages.
5. Research papers completed in the pursuit of master's
and doctoral studies (e.g., theses, seminar papers, and
dissertations) are not eligible for entry. Research
utilizing data gathered by a master's or doctoral
student is eligible unless the research report is taken
directly from a paper submitted for degree
requirements. Papers which are spinoffs of such
research are elgible for entry.

{ l2
{ 6. Papers generated as a result of a research grant or
{ some other source of funding are eligible for the
{ competition.
{ 7. Papers are eligible only if the author is a member of
{ ALISE as of the deadline date (September l, l985).
{ 8. Research papers prepared by joint investigators are
{ eligible for entry; at least one author must be a
i member of the Association.
A I 9. Only one research paper per entrant will be considered;
{ multiple entries from the same author will not be
{ accepted.
{ l0. The same author may submit for both the Research Grant
{ Award and the Research Paper Competition; however, the
{ same work cannot be submitted for both categories.
{ ll. The author(s) name should appear on a separate title
{ page so that the name(s) can be removed prior to formal
{ review; all reviewing is "blind."
{ l2. Research papers will be judged on the following points:
{ A. Definition of the research problem
§ B. Application of research methods
{ C. Clarity and organization of presentation
{ D. Contribution of the research and its con-
{ clusions, including significance, orgina-
{ lity, and provocativeness.
{ l3. The papers will be judged by a review panel composed of
{ four members of the Research Committee; the review
Q panel may also include additional ALISE members in
§ those cases where the research topic or methodology
{ warrants.
{ lU. The committee reserves the right to select no winning
{ paper if in its judgment none of the papers is
§ considered satisfactory. `
{ l5. Up to two winning papers will be selected; an
{ honorarium of $500 will be awarded to the author(s) of
Q each paper. In cases of joint authorship, one
¤ honorarium will be awarded for the paper.
l6. The winners of the awards will be expected to present
the papers at the l986 ALISE annual meeting. 0ne
program session will be devoted to the awards offered
through the Research Committee, including the {
presentation of the two award papers from the Research
Z {
Hi . . tct. c- _ lll u V

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Paper Competition. In the event that the recipient of
. the award is unable to attend the Conference, an
alternate will be selected.
To enter the 1986 ALISE Research Paper Competition, send six (6)
typewritten copies of your research paper, postmarked no later
than September 1, 1985, to the Chair, Research Paper Competition
Award, ALISE Research Committee:
Terrence A. Brooks
School of Library and Information Science
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 522M2
(For more information, see the Reference Department.)
A Alabama A
Acquisitions Librarian, Auburn University. Salary: $18,500
minimum. Deadline: July 1.
Microforms and Documents Reference Librarian, Auburn University. V
Salary: $18,500 minimum. Deadline: July 1.
Non-Book/Music Cataloger, Auburn University. Salary: $18,500
A minimum. Deadline: July l.
Serials Cataloger, Auburn University. Salary: $18,500 minimum.
Deadline: July l.
Social Science Reference Librarian, Auburn University. Salary:
$18,500 minimum. Deadline: July l.
‘ California
Assistant/Associate University Librarian for Public Services,
University of Southern California. Salary: $35,000 minimum.
Deadline: July 15.
Assistant/Associate University Librarian for Technical Services,
University of Southern California. Salary: $35,000 minimum.
Deadline: July 15.
ORION User Services Librarian, University of California at Los
Angeles. Salary: $21,02H-$36,996. Deadline: July 10.
Popular American Music Archivist, University of California at Los
Angeles. Salary: $25,692-$M3,M6M. Deadline: July 31.

I 1M
{ East Asiatic Librarian, University of California at Berkeley.
l Salary: $21,02M-$28,212. Deadline: July 15.
E Illinois
I Two Research Information Specialists, University of Illinois at
¥ Urbana—Champaign. Salary: not specified. Deadline: June 21.
I { Kansas
E Two Serials Cataloger positions, University of Kansas Library.
i Salary: $18,000. Deadline: August 30.
{ Kentucky .
I Cataloger (including retrospective conversion), Transylvania
l University. Salary: not specified. Deadline: not specified.
' (Contact Kathleen Bryson at 233-8226.)
E Missouri
Q Director, Library Systems Office, University of Missouri—Rol1a.
i $M0,000 minimum. Deadline: August 15.
I New Hampshire
Q Physical Sciences Reference Librarian, Dartmouth College Library.
Q Salary: $l7,500—$20,000. Deadline: July 31.
* Catalog Librarian (temporary position), Dartmouth College
_ Library. Salary: $17,500 minimum. Deadline: July 31.
; New Jersey
S .
Q Reserve Librarian and Assistant Circulation Librarian, Librarian
Q I or II (temporary position), Princeton University. Salary: not
· specified. Deadline: June 26.
i Catalog Librarian, Rutgers University Libraries. Salary:
3 $2M,l92 minimum. Deadline: July 31.
g Information Services Librarian, Rutgers University Libraries.
§ Salary: $25,182 minimum. Deadline: July 15.

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rt 1 5
New York
Catalog Librarian, Syracuse University. Salary: not specified.
Deadline: June 30.
Science Librarian, Wittenberg University. Salary: not
A specified. Deadline: August l9.
Engineering Reference Librarian/Science Cataloger, Pennsylvania
State University. Salary: $18,50U minimum. Deadline: August
. Rhode Island
Catalog Librarian (temporary positions), Brown University
Library. Salary: $l8,89U-$2M,l92. Deadline: August l. ‘
Assistant Head Circulation Librarian, Brown Unversity Library.
Salary: $l8,89U-$2U,l92. Deadline: June 2l.
Life Sciences Reference Librarian/Bibliographer, University of
Houston. Salary: $l6,500 minimum. Deadline: July l5.
Serials Department Head, University of Houston. Salary:
c. $2U,000 minimum. Deadline: July l5.
{ Systems Planning Librarian, University of Virginia. Salary:
$30,000 minimum. Deadline: July l5. ° ,
Washington i
Health Sciences Librarian, University of Washington. Salary: i
$30,000 minimum. Deadline: July 26. l

(If interested, contact Ann Howell.)
Library Technician V, grade 7, Circulation.
Library Technician IV, grade 6, CSR (hours: 1:00 pm - 9:30 pm).
Library Technician III, grade 5, Circulation.
Library Technician V, grade 7, Architecture Library.