xt7j6q1sjc22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j6q1sjc22/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2002-01-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 11, 2002 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 11, 2002 2002 2002-01-11 2020 true xt7j6q1sjc22 section xt7j6q1sjc22 PRIDAYKENTUCKY


serving Cat’s


January if, 2002

Celebrating 30 years of independence


ma Alpha house razed


Thanks for the memories

Pascal Rich, a secondary education junior, returns to his former home. the Kappa Alpha house. for a memento. KA decided to demolish the house

rather than Investing the money to repair it.

Demolished: Kappa Alpha seeks new house
with help from national headquarters, alumni

By Kristi Martin

UK‘s oldest fraternity no longer has a home.

In fact. all that is left of their long-time home is a gaping hole.

The Kappa Alpha Order fraternity house was demolished last
Friday before classes began.

The members of Kappa Alpha Order fraternity voluntarily
moved out of the house last spring because of the deterioration of
the aging building.

Problems with the building were too expensive to fix. said
Nick Doiron. vice president of KA and a biology junior.

“In order to make the house livable again. it would cost
$100,000 and we were not willing to put that kind of money into
the project of restoring the building." he said.

The fraternity decided to allow their lease with UK to expire.
said Matt Proud. president of KA and a nursing senior.

He said that they decided to look for another place to reside

UK decided to demolish the house instead of allowing another
organization to use it.

Proud said that the house will be missed. “The decision to de-
stroy the building was disappointing because the members that
lived in the house had so many memories within those walls. but
we did not want to live there any longer." he said.

Though not all KA members will live in a house together this
year. they have moved to a cluster of a few houses. Activities
have continued as usual.

“A fraternity is like any other organization. and we do not
function around a house. We go on with meetings and activities,"
Proud said.

Both Doiron and Proud agreed that living without a house
has been a learning experience. but said that the fraternity has
managed to keep ties strong.

Weekly meetings are currently being held at an off-campus
site. Doiron said. Doiron added that the fraternity listserv also
helps bridges communication between the members.

The fraternity is currently working on fundraising ideas to
buy or build a new house in the future. Alumni members and the
national headquarters are supporting them in the efforts to raise
money for a new house. A national coordinator is working on pro-
jects to raise more than $1 million for UK‘s Kappa Alpha Order.
and alumni members are donating money to the eflort.

“We are not planning to leave the University of Kentucky
anytime soon. Our chapter is as strong as it has ever been. and we
wagt to continue the tradition of Kappa Alpha Order." Doiron
sai .

it w“)? {.3 _.




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A house in ruins

This pile of rubble is all that remains of the Kappa Alpha fraternity
house. Members currently live In a cluster of nearby houses.

mints [ rtnuttsurr




Parking spaces
now full of bricks

Construction forced
the closure of this
lot behind sorority
circle. “There's
concern with bricks
falling on the per-
mit holders," said
the parking direc-

185mm: 1 Mann

By Casey llamilton


More than 20 students found their parking spots filled with
bricks Thursday morning. as construction on new fraternity hous-
es spilled into their lot.

“There are just piles and piles of bricks in the parking lot."
said Heather Watts, who lives in the Delta Gamma house and
parks in the lot.

The R-S lot is located off Columbia Avenue and behind Sorori~
ty Row. Sorority members and members of the Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon fraternity usually park in the lot. Normally there are about
30 spaces. but now only about three or four spaces remain.

UK decided to close the lot to prevent any damages to cars
parked there during the masonry work on the SAE fraternity
house. The lot will reopen when construction finishes in about
four weeks.

“There's concem with bricks falling on the permit holders."
said Don Thornton. director of parking. ”We are trying to do some-
thing to open up some more spaces."

During construction. students can return their passes for a
pro-rated refund or have it switched to another lot somewhere else
on campus.

But many of the lots are already filled and permits aren‘t

“We have to be sure we don't oversell the permits. and we
don‘t find out about construction until the permits have been is
sued " Thornton said.

See PARKING on 2


Professor goofs,
misses final exam

By Emily llagedorn


It was the beginning of a very long week. The students of Socis
ology 409 and Sociology 342 came to their classroom Monday
morning. Dec. 10. expecting to take their final.

But their professor. Thomas Egan. committed one of the
biggest faux pas of college — he missed the final exam.

“We all thought something happened to him." said Courtney
Sullivan. a communications senior in his Sociology 409 class.

Actually. Egan just made a simple mistake he wrote down
the wrong date.

“I was thinking the 10th was Tuesday." Egan said. "They (the
classes) were back to back."

The sociology department was sympathetic to the accident.

“(Egan) has two other classes and it was just a matter of writ-
ing down the wrong time." said William F. Skinner. head of the so-
ciology department.

The department sent every student an apology letter. Skinner
said. Special allowances were given to graduating students and
students with scholarship deadlines. and the secretaries took
every student‘s phone number before they left class on Dec, 10.
Egan said.

Some. though. believe the incident was not handled properly.

“They didn't handle the situation very well." Sullivan said.
“We called the offices and they didn't return our phone calls.“

See PROF on 2


JSHLiAiiigletary Center needs more funding to operate

He said the center has not in-
creased its fees in four years.
even though staff costs have

Money woes: Lighting and electrical systems
in 'a precarious state of disrepair'

inadequate funding for its en-
tire 22-year history. said Holly
Salisbury. the center's director.

By Curtis Tate

STAFF mire _—

It has echoed the melodic
violin of the late Issac Stern.
The lofty voices of Leontyne
Price and Kathleen Battle as
well as the acoustic guitars of
Collective Soul have filled it to
the rafters. Its patrons experi-
enced the humor of Garrison
Keillor. the seriousness of
Archbishop Desmond Tutu and
the poetry of Maya Angelou.

Yet UK‘s Singletary Center
for the Arts has suffered from

Salisbury. who has served
as director since the center
opened in the fall of 1979. said
UK has only provided enough
money to help cover annual op-
erating costs. And because ma-
jor renovations are needed
soon. that may not be enough.

“We're going to go dark in
the next year or so.“ Salisbury

Bob Shay. dean of the UK
School of Fine Arts. said the

Singletary Center's lighting
and electrical systems are in “a
precarious state of disrepair.“

He said the university par-
tially financed an overhaul of
these systems two years ago.
but could not come up with the
money to finish it.

“We‘ve got the thing duct’
taped together." he said.

With UK vying for top-20
status among major public uni-
versities. the Singletary Center
has moved up the list. It is
among top 10 capital funding
priorities President Lee Todd
presented to the university
trustees board in October.

But Jack Blanton. UK se-
nior vicepresident for adminis-
tration. said the state budget
shortfall poses a major prob-


He said the electrical up
grade alone will consume
$500,000 at a time when the
state may not be able to provide
enough money to address other
areas of UK that need attention.

UK gives the center
3150.000 each year. The center
hosts about 380 events annual-
ly. and all users pay fees. Even
the UK School of Music. the
biggest user of the facility. pays
for its 175 yearly performances.
Other users include the Lexing-
ton Philharmonic. the Chamber
Music Society and the Lexing-
ton Men's Chorus.

Shay said the fees. along
with university funding and
ticket sales. barely pay opera-
tional costs and staff salaries.

risen 15 percent. The center
does not generate a profit. he
added. ‘

Many of UK‘s benchmarks
have invested heavily in the
arts. The University of Mary-
land recently constructed a $130
million performing arts facility
The University of Georgia has
also built a new center and the
University of Iowa has commits
ted a substantial sum to reno-
vate its facility.

The center does have an en-
dowment established by former
UK President Otis Singletary
and his wife. But Salisbury said

See CENTER on 2


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Trial for Mullins postponed again

The trial for Tanner Mullins, the man
charged with fourth-degree assault in connection
with a crime committed against an international
student in October. has been rescheduled for
'I‘Iiursday. Jan. 24th at 10 am. This is the second
postponement of the case. Mullins was arrested
for his alleged role in an attack against a UK stu
dent. Ippei Inoue. a sociology senior Iiioiie
claimed that he was struck in the face by a male
after leaving the WT. Young Library on October
3th If convicted. Mullins could receive a maxi
mum of 12 months in jail and a $00 fine.


Fayette County Courthouse opens

LEXINGTON. Ky. Fayette County's new
circuit courthouse was dedicated Thursday. The
new il‘illllllillllit‘lli‘tlilllill‘ courthouse. at Main and
Limestone streets. is full of amenities. It will re»
place the historic courthouse a few blocks away.
A long. carpeted ceremonial courtroom filled
with oak benches takes up much of the fourth
tloor. It was built for swearing-in attorneys and
robing judges. "It's much nicer than anything
we ye ever had in Fayette County icoui‘tsi.” said
Chief (‘ircuit Judge {\Iary Noble. The building
also will include a high-tech courtroom with pro-
visions for videos. telecrinferencing, remote testi
iiiony and computerized presentations. Beefedeup
security will allow bailiffs to use secured eleva
tors and separate corridors and entrances to sep~
arate prisoners from the public, The 120.000-
squaretbot courthouse is part of a $62.5 million
complex that Will include a new district court
building across the street Noble said the second
building should be finished by summer.


Al-Oaida prisoner shipped to Cuba

KANDAHAR. Afghanistan US. Marines
began an extraordinary security mission on
Thursday night . flying the first 20 of hundreds of
aLQaida prisoners to a US, base on Cuba. where
they are to be held for questioning and possible
trial. Gunfire broke out near the heavily guarded
Marine base at Kandahar airport as the US. Air
Force 01? took off - a sign of how the area
around the city that was once a, stronghold of the
Taliban remains insecure Shortly after the air»
craft left the runway. the base received small
arms fire, and Marines responded with heavy
outgoing fire. Marine Lt James Jarvis told The



Reformed bad
boy Charlie
Sheen is looking
to make an
honest woman
out of Denise
Richards. The
two actors are
engaged, reps for
both confirmed
Although details
are scant.
Richards' rep.
Tracy Shaffer.
says Sheen did
the proposing
over Christmas.
Neither Shaffer
nor Sheen's rep.
Jeff Ballard,
knew if the
l0vebirds had set
a wedding date.
Richards. 30.
first shared
credits in 1993's
Loaded Weapon l.
Both had small
parts in the
Lethal Weapon
parody flick,
which starred
Sheen's older bro
Emilio Estevez.
But things got
mushy over the
past year, as
they costarred as
lovers in the
miss-it romantic
comedy Good
Advice and on
Sheen‘s Spin
City, which
Richards guest-
stared on.
According to
tabloid reports.
Richards recently
moved into
Sheen‘s Los

Associated Press. He said he knew of no US. ca-
sualties in the firefight, which witnesses said
lasted about a half-hour. The prisoners are being
taken to the American base at Guantanamo Bay.

Cabinet admits ties with Enron

WASHINGTON ”The White House revealed
on Thursday that Enron Corp. an energy firm
closely tied to President Bush. sought the admin-
istration‘s help shortly before collapsing with the
life savings of many workers. In a separate dis‘
closure, the company‘s auditors said they had de-
stroyed many Enron documents. In the rapid
swirl of events. each one raising questions about
potential conflicts of interest. Attorney General
John Ashcroft disqualified himself from the
criminal inquiry into Enron‘s conduct. The com-
pany donated thousands of dollars to Ashcroft‘s
Senate campaign in 2000. Bush. who counts En~
ron as one of his biggest political contributors.
pledged to aggressively pursue the investigation
into whether the Texas-based firm defrauded in-
vestors, including 401(k) plan holders, by conceal-
ing vital information about its finances.

Bush to Iran: Don't harbor al-Oaida
WASHINGTON < President Bush warned Iranian
officials Thursday not to harbor al-Qaida fighters
fleeing Afghanistan and not to try to destabilize
the country’s new government. If the warning is
ignored. Bush said. the U.S.~led coalition "will
deal with them in diplomatic ways, initially.“
Until now. the United States has quietly praised
longtime foe Iran for its help in the war on inter-
national terror. Now. however. Iran is moving to
safeguard its traditional influence in western
Afghanistan. apparently unnerved by growing

TS. military influence on almost all sides. ana-
lysts said. US intelligence has evidence that
Iran is providing sanctuary for a small number
of al-Qaida fighters who fled the fighting in
Afghanistan. a US. official said, speaking on the
condition of anonymity. Iran denied those re-
ports on Thursday. An official called Bush’s
warning “baseless" and said Iran wants neigh-
boring Afghanistan to be stable and indepen-

Compiled from wire reports



Research regarding student smoking habits
in a story in Wednesday's Kernel should have
attributed the information to University
Health Services.

To report an error call The Kentucky Kernel at
25 7-1915.




Continued from page i


The R-14 lot is located
next to the RS lot and is often-
times not filled to capacity.
Thornton said UK parking will
be flexible with students with
R-5 permits parking in the RM

Even with the flexibility.
many R-5 permit holders face
the reality of either being

without a place to park or
parking at K—lot around Com-
monwealth Stadium.

“It kind of cuts into safe
parking." said Abbie Neary, a
psychology junior. “I would
much rather have a shorter

While students will have a
long walk back to their houses
for awhile, the problem of con-
struction on campus has no
end in sight.

“Construction is a prob-
lem that a lot of us have to deal
with." Thornton said.




Continued from page 1

Other students echoed Sul-
livan‘s sentiments.

“I think they should have
done a better job of contacting
us." said Robyn Halt, a psy-
chology senior and a student
of Sociology 409.

The sociology department
and the Ombud‘s office decided
students could either take a fi-
nal exam in the classroom or a
take home essay.

“We made sure there were
several options. both before
the semester as well as now
since this situation is ongo-
ing." Egan said. “People have
the opportunity to make a
choice of whatever is easiest to
do to complete the course."

The department did not
treat the final grade differently
because of Egan‘s absence.

Some students felt this
was unfair.

“I really think they should
have let us take the grade we

had at that point or given us a
100 for the final and factored
that in with the rest of our
grade.” Sullivan said. “If we
didn‘t attend the test we would
have gotten an incomplete. but
the professor doesn't show and
we have to take out time to
make up the final."

Halt had to return to Lex-
ington to take the final.

“It took a lot of effort and
at that point I was done with fi-
nals," Halt said.

Skinner says Egan is still
a professor at UK and his stu-
dents say this is uncharacter-
istic of him.

“(Egam was a really nice
guy and a good professor."
Halt said.

“He didn't seem like he
would do this, that’s why we
thought something was wrong
with him when he didn’t show.
I think he just made a mis-

This situation is unlikely
to happen again, Skinner said.

“Not in my memory has
an instructor not shown up for
the final." he said.




Continued from page i

the endowment is not nearly
enough to bring the facility up
to the standards of other per
forming arts centers.

The center has done its best
with limited funds. Salisbury

“Under the circumstances,
I think we've done a good job
for the past 22 years," she said.

And she said the center is
still offering to name its 1,500-
seat concert hall —~ for $1





After meeting with the Dean of Students staff and several
students, we agree that there are problems with the current
lottery process. Although we agreed not to abandon the current
lottery process completely for the year, we will implement the

following changes:

Doors will open early in order to get the students in the
building so that the lottery can start earlier.

An announcement will be made as soon as the doors are closed
to notify all students as to whether or not they are guaranteed

to get tickets.

We will not guarantee that large groups who attend the lottery
will sit next to each other, but only that they will be in the same
row or the row behind their group.

There will be no group seating for the last three games.

There will be a separate lottery for the Florida game, in
anticipation of an overflow crowd.

Tit kels are $5 antl are available only to Full—lime UK or

Next Lottery

Monday, January 1 4th

'UK vs. Alabama

January 26th


UK vs. South Carolina

February, 2nd


UK vs. Vanderbilt

February 13'“


l-(i(‘. students with a valid UKII).



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Stacre Meihaus
Scene Editor

S E§ g ‘WW Phone 257 I915 1 Email kernelartiwyahoocom





§ i iiiiiasitrril

l}:1 [3.1.2


Sui '
M “rah-MW... sans-iv

Winter signals dry air,
‘ dry heat and dry skin

Hemp products can
be used on the hair
and on the skin.
Hemp seed oil can
leave one's skin leel-
ing as smooth as a
newborn baby's, says
Ivey Henton, owner
of Hemp Universe on
South Upper Street.

AMY cuntoao
i mom SlAH


Skin needs protection in winter: Certain choices prevent dry skin

By Andrea Uhde


Even though it has been

Skln can get snowing. the white decor high-
dry even Inore lighting scalps this winter

_ . could be a little more perma-

1n the \Vlnter nent than [)l‘l‘l'lplilillfili

. Here's a hint: Snow melts.
than 1n the Dandruffdoesn't

\Viiitei‘.is the season for

summer. P801319 dandruff and drv skill. said
. - lvev ilenton. owner of llemp
don t thlnk l'niverse. which sells dry skin
. ' lotions.

abOU‘t p1 OteCtlon “Skin can get dry even
in the Winter. more in the \\‘llllf‘l‘>ili:lll in the
summer] she said 'i’eople
- Ivey Henton, don't think about protection in

owner of Hemp Universe the winter."

Henton said skin gets dehy-
drated during cold weather be-
cause it is subiect to less hu-
ill1(lil_\' and people are less ac




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tive. which causes oil glands to
slow down l‘old wind also dry
the skin.

Henton siilll having dry
skin can look like dandruff all
over the body it it isn‘t taken
care of.

“ t's iinciimt'ortable. and it‘s
unsightly.” she said

Henton said the worst cas»
es she‘s \f‘f‘ll has been people
with dry skin who put on lo
tion. and an hour later look like
they have elephant skin again

She sairl these cases are
more common in people who
are either very active or old.

Dry skin also leads to acne
and red blotches. commonly on
the tace. according to Lisa
Fuller. a consultant at ("linique

Fuller said the best treat-
ment for skin is to wash. espe-
cially on the face. before and at-

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ter going to sleep at night. "The
main thing is to not go to sleep
with makeup on." she said

Daily drinking 64 ounces of
water and haying a humidifier
at home also helps the skin
retain moisture. Henton said.

Both (,‘linique and Hemp
l'niverse are offering products
this winter to help tackle dan-
drutt and dry skin.

(‘linique just put out Mois
ture Surge for Extra Thirsty
Skin. a moisturizer which
Fuller said has sold very well.
and Hemp l'niverse is selling
shampoos, conditioners and lo»
tions with hemp seeds

Dry skin is certain to
plague several types of skin this
winter. Stock up now on mois
turizing lotions. soaps and
above all. water to prevent the
annoying effects of dry skin.

ItEIIruCItv KERliEL it‘riiioiv, JANUARY it. 2002 i 3


Dylan and Diamond will help close historic show

HOESTUN RodeoHouston organizers have announced
the musical lineup for the Houston Livestock Show which runs
from Feb. 12 March ‘l. (leorge Strait will be the tinal pt‘l'iiil‘lllt'l‘
as the rodeo moves to the new Reliant Stadium next door in
2001’, "Not since before this recent country music movement
have we had a non country star like Bob Dylan " said rodeo as
sistant general manager Leroy Shalei' "Obviously you'd put
him up there With Elvis Presley. the Jackson 3 and others who
played the rodeo in the '70s Diamond's appearance is si lieduleil
for Feb. ill; Dylan is to perform on Feb 3o Strait s concert
might be the last maior event at the :\\ll‘ll(illlili', olii‘e dubbed
the Eighth Wonder of the World Reliant Stadium should take
most of Houston's major events when it opens next year, and
the Astrodome‘s late is lilil‘t‘l'tltlli it Houston is not the i' 8 bid
city for the goiz ()lvmpics

Elvis Presley remembered in Memphis with statue

MEMPHIS. Tenn liftiipound bronze statue ot a 1.; year
old Elvis was introduced Tuesday to coincide with the 67th an
niversary' of the singer's birth "We chose iii because that was
the age his family left and went to Memphis." said Henrv
Dodge. chairman of the Elvis Presley Memorial Foundation
Dodge said the goal was to depict Elvis in his "innocence and
humbleness " Sculptor Michiel VanderSoInmen created the
statute. which shows a young Elvis dressed in overalls and car
rying a guitar at his left side His right hand is reaching for
ward. "The most important thing in the sculpture is the ges
ture he makes,” VanderSommen said VanderSrimmen created
the statue at a cost of 850.0%. which the Tupelo Visitors and
(‘onvention Bureau paid for

Survivor million dollar jackpot settles in Vegas

LAS VEGAS At least one Las Vegas oddsinaker likes t.it~
tooed father Lex van den Berghe's chances in Thursday's chatti-
pionship round of (88' "Survivor Africa " The former market
ing manager for an Internet company is the 2-1 favorite to win
the reality shows $1 million jackpot. said the Bally"s-Par1s Las
Vegas Race and Sports Book director. John Avello. He had the
.‘K8-yearold Santa Cruz. Calif. man at 15-1 when “Survivor
Africa" began the season The winner will he revealed on
Thursday night‘s show. ()f the three others. Avello puts odds of
:32 on Tom Buchanan. ~16. who began the season at 15H. and 3-1
on Ethan Zohn. who was a 30-1 longshot whet the season began.
The lone woman. 377y'ear-old retired schoolteacher Kim John
son. is listed at it Avello's opening line had her at Bl The odds
are only hypothetical because state law prohibits wagers on
events in which the outcome already is known.

Jordan and Nike come together for new magazine

Michael Jordan is getting his own magazme courtesy of
Nike. which is paying Hearst Magazines to make and distribute
the publication "Jordan." which is to make its debut next
month. will be sold on newsstands and sent to readers on a
mailing list that Nike will maintain Hearst plans to publish
two editions of the magazine this year and four next year. with
an initial print run of300.000. Hearst didn't go into detail in de»
scribing the contents of the new magazine other than to say it
would be an “aspirational" lifestyle title aimed at young men

Compiled from wire reports




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laboratory experience. (iraduate degree or coursework highly desirable l ither
requirements include practical knowledge ot‘ molecular biology techniques.
especially in the area ot'recombinant protein expression. and the ability to read
and understand scientific literature The successful candidate will work in a team
eny ironment. and be responsible for antigen design. database searches. literature
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Please submit resume to:

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BD Biosciences

133 Venture Court
Lexington. KY 40511
Fax: 859-259-1413

[\ilitil prortunity lnipioxc'









Rupp Arer..=.


There was an
article in
discussmg the
renovation plans
for Rupp Arena
like more stalls
in the women's
bathrooms and
new seats in the
stands. What the
story failed to
mention were all
the ideas for a
better arena
that were shot
down. That's
where 1 come in:
I know how to
dig up the real
dirt. I had to get
my spy on to
discover all
original plans to
make Rupp a
better place for
the Cats. I don't
think they had
UK's best
interest at heart
on some of
these. See
for yourself:

The student section
was going to be
moved from
their comfy
location and be
seated in all the
isles. We now
have a reason to
be thankful for
fire safety.

Hydraulic lifts were
going to be
placed under the
court in order to
raise the
starting line-up,
but the initial
test launched
the crash
dummy into the
speaker system.

They were going to
add more space
to the men’s
bathrooms, but
tests showed
that the one
urinal and bottle
of Dial was

A giant wildcat and
statue was going
to be placed out
front but the
only contractor
available was a
guy that makes
the cheesy
dinosaurs for
golf courses.

After the incident in
Texas with the
players running
into the fans.
harnesses and
spring loaded
nets were being
developed to
prevent this.
They decided
against it
Bogans to the
court with ropes
would throw off
his jump shot.

Giant mousetraps
were to be
placed at all
entrances and in
the air ducts
until advocates
stated that the
campus sqmrrels
had every right
to be there to
their team.

They were going to
add more
speakers to that
above center
court but
decided against
it when the roof
started to
buckle under all
the weight.

4 | FDY. AU1, 202 "

Kristo: tat Hint: {2

Clay McDaniel, dialogue editor

Stacie Meihaus, senior staff writer

Samieh Shalash, asst. dialogue editor Amanda Hardaway, cartoonist

Josh Sullivan, asst. dialogue editor
Ashley York. editor in chief

Jennifer Kasten, at-Iarge member
Wes Blevins, at-large member






At “ (N t‘LkL“. al‘y'r it Li L“


You we \NDlGiESTlON,

Tilt. FoNYTNL .




State reps

well-paid babysitters

are just

As busy as ever. Kentucky's General Assembly will soon consider
bills to ban cell phone usage while driving. to allow police to pull over
drivers simply for not wearing a seatbelt and to mandate that every per“
son under 4 feet 9 inches tall be secured in a booster seat.

The last issue would not be controversial but for the fact that 4 feet 9
inches is not exactly a toddler. Heck. that's a decent-size dwarf (or the

world‘s tallest midget).

With respect to the first two. though. when will the legislature stop
trying to ensure that no one ever gets hurt? When will they realize that
the citizens of Kentucky do not mean to elect babysitters (although. how

many babysitters can set their own pay)?

The proponents of the cell phone bill cite a Kentucky State Police re-
port that says 300 accidents and two deaths were attributed to cell phone

They are
trying to
take away
the right

usage last year. While those deaths are tragic. the numbers hardly mer- t0 be

it a ban on cell phone usage.

Why not just ban automobiles altogether? There weren‘t nearly as stupid, and

many traffic accidents when horse—drawn