xt7j9k45tg93 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j9k45tg93/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1977 1977 1977-09-29 2020 true xt7j9k45tg93 section xt7j9k45tg93 . rhinitis}:


Volume [.XIX. Numb." it)

Thursday, September, 29, 19

Walk this



l: mat
Tyler, .loe Perry. Tom Hamilton and
Joey Kramer. in one of their more
tremied moments during last night's
concert at Rupp Arena. A review of
the concert appears on page it



tleft to right). Steven



an independent student newspaper



University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky


LCC can’t stop ’Calcutta'
despite council’s request

liy 'l‘llthASt‘latltK
Arts I'Itlitor

There is no legal way that the
Lexington (‘crtter Corporation
(Lt‘t') cart prevent the production of
tilt! t‘alcutta at the Opera House
(tel. 15, said Tom Minter, executive
director of the. |.(‘(f.

“The bottom line is that
production of tilt! t'alcntta is per—
mitted by law and the LC(‘. is
prohibited by law from keeping out
such productions," summarized

_ Minter

The director was referring to a

‘requcst from the Urban (.‘ounty

t‘ouncil tUt't?) asking the LCC to
reconsider allowing the production
to be staged in the Opera House.
The rmuest was initiated by
t'ouncilman l’aul ltose during
'l‘ucsday afternoon‘s work semion.
The measure was approved after
lengthy debate by a 7-5 vote.
According to Nancy Stitzel. ad-
ministrativc assistant to the council,
the motion was put ittto letter form
that would be signed and delivered
by \ice Mayor Scotty itacsler, who
chaired the session. She. said the
letter read. “The Urban (‘ottnty
t'ouncil requests the Lexington

Experience, license vital

Students learn broadcasting business first-hand

By DEBBIE Mt'l).-\.'\lll'1l
Kernel Reporter

Radio can be great company.
People often switch it on for
background noise while carrying on
other activities like homework.
housework and reading.

if tuned in to an AM station there
is always some good~natured.
pleasantsvoiced disc jockey waking.
cheering or enlightening you on
world events when not divulging
some personal information.

Many of these unseen, but often
heard voices belong to UK students
tryirg to get practical job ex-
perience with local radio stations.

Experience is hard to come by, but
it's difficult to get a job without it.

Dan Remlds of WLAP confirms this. ,

”Practical experience '3 very im-
portant. It‘s hard to hire a person
who doesn’t have enough experience
that we can test them out.“

In a competitive market such as ’

Lexington lack (1‘ experience can
dim one’s chances of being hired.
Another obstacle blocking the way
of would-be DJs is the Federal
Communications Commission
(FCC) law that requires a com-
mercial operators license for anyone
brmdcasting over the airwaves.

According to WKQQ DJ Jack
Renaud, a UK junior, anyone ap-
plying for a job without a license is
immediately disqualified

Although all of theUK studert disc
jockeys are not communications
majors, the majority said their
interest in the broadcasting field
might lead to other jobs related to
commercial radio.

UK junior Steve Scott
(professional name~~few ever rse
birth names) began his career early
immateur radio at the age of 13. By
15 he earned his FCC license, andat
16, thrwgh a Junior Achievement,
program, began his ‘nll'v: tat"
career in smaller i'frrirmt‘rr‘iitl
markets where most beginners

After working part-time, full-time
and amoming shift Witt! r, “all you
say is ‘wakc up. not“ or: ‘ 4 ~'.‘
clue to UK, “ "my -‘
lbw with die radio business.

Student by day. and disc jockey by
night, Jack Renaud. telecom-

But, through a friend he heard ofa
part-time opening atWLAP and sent
an air cteck that “wasn‘t the finest
quality." Despite his pessimism, he
was hired and has been working
there since June.

Ken Kristopher of WVLK outlined
the typical hiring process. “You give
them (prospective station) a
resume, one page or so—something
short. andthen they’ll give you an
air check." An air clack, be ex-
plained isa tape of the disc jockey’s
actual ontheair talking and in-
troductionsof records.

This is where experience counts.

Without a tape, the station
twins”; t" haw :ro .‘ .tt "i .‘hcclt if t)
' -" , 12m t"“‘lvmi ‘.\rl‘. til

into tir' .: .tatrorr's format.

None ofthe DJs complained ofa
conflictbetween school and station
work. Scott, who works the midnight
shift said the effect on his classes
iv"! ll‘""l'llt"ll;1'i
tl“li’lt‘ i th.” gt, ruf'il
had trouble yet, but I'm taking 18

llc'inxnl ;.

munications junior. gains practical
experience at WKQQ and also

hours this semester and it’s
beginning to get to me."

Studying at work is hard because
of the distraction of watching the
records (in case of skips or other
malfunctions), the DJs agreed.
Besides, there are always things to
do such as setting up for the next
song or canmercial.

However, newspapers, trade
magazines and other light material
wasa favorite way to pass the hours.

Evenwith Renaud's heavy class
schedule, he works atboth WKQQ
and the campus station, WBKY.

At WBKY he began working with
tapes and newscasts, althotgh not
going onthe air himself. He is still
employed them and hopes to do the
piay-by-play reporting for
basketball and football next year.

Renaud was fortunate to sectrre a
job with WKQQ last January when
they switched from an automated
tow it to .‘. lite lir'tvtdcnst They
J‘ilf’t‘ tor inexjx-ncnced announcers
and trained them for the station.



II fight
moonlights at the campus statial.


He said his major in telecom-
munications p‘obably made a dif-
ferencein beirg hired. “The director
sawthat telecom was my major and
he wobably knew I was more
serious about radio than the guy just
on to get the fame (and fortune) ofa
ill," said Renaud, who now works
the six-toten evening shift

Often mechanical problems
develop when the station is on the
air, butfew listeners are aware of
what really takes place during the

WBKY DJ Al Klensch, with a
year’s experience, confirmed this by
saying, “There is always something
that goes wrong. You forget
something or a machine doesn't
work. Somdhirg always comes in."

Despite the proliems. Klemch
said it’s not necessary to be a
mechanical gerltl to work at the UK
nation. “You learn different firings
about different pieces of equipment
and sometimes grreutwork is in

t mrtnnmt on back page

t‘cnter board to reuinsidcr their
decision to lease the Lexington
tipcra House to the organization
presenting tilt! t'alcutta."

Minter, who was to he the
recipierrtol' the letter, reported that
as of early yesterday afternoon he
had not received the letter.

tilt! talcutta, a satirical play
about sex, has been the eye of
controversy ever since the
protlttct iotr o pelted off -lit'oa(lway irt
ltlliil. According to promoter ltyke
tupcar of “roadway Productions,
Inc, tltis company is the firstto go
on totrr.

tilt! talcntta was scheduled in
l cxington alter Broadway
t'roductons approached Minter
about staging the show in this city.
The company had already booked
louisville, ('ittcinrtati arid Evan-
svrlle tor the tour and was looking
tor an additional city in the area,
making Lexington the natural

As Minter said, “They called its."

\‘pcaking from his Hartford. ('0an
office. r~bcttrs said that the Hit?
tt‘tjltcs‘l doesn‘t bother him in the
least ”Soultat"”rcsrxtnded. ipcars

I think it’s terrific. All it s going to
do is sell tickets. '

Spear also said that the tour.
\\ Iticlr vacatiotted during August atrd
.Ncptcnrhcr, is having more trouble
\\ itlr city governments this fall than
it ctu-ountcrcd in the spring The
promoter blunted llte problems on
"l’oliticans who think they can
leather their political nests by
supporting censorship."

Legal precedent is on (th!
tolrtrtt:t's side Already city
now . :iments irt ( 'lcvclartd, ()lrio anti
Iii-ic, l'a. have drclared that the
show cannot be produced in their
titres. ltotlt decisions were
ovcrrulcd by the State Supreme
r'ourts of" (thin and Pennsylvania.

t 'urrtcrl man llose commented that
lie ltad brought the issue tip because
scvcntl people had called his office
.‘lmlll the play being staged iii the
tipcra House, a public theater.

“I was just asking the l.(‘t‘ to try
to that arty alternatives to actually
prcscnlinr: the play lint if it actually
comes down to it. i couldn't really
r'xpccl ”Will to cancel the contract."

liosc t.‘l‘..pllrt.\l'l.t'.tl thax the L’(‘t'
action was merely a request and
that the (bunch "didn‘t have the
authority to tell the center board
\that they can .tttdt‘an't do.“

1 ontiutictl on page 3



l.lltlltl|l \I.


at run ’l‘hcri-

\ttltl yesterday

the larger cars.



the plane.

Duncan said

highs in the low 705



l t-adrrs ot a Senate firtnrster unnatural gas-pricing shew-d no sign'; of
in r lax :~r tln imp l>\t
.mdlltt t t-rttrtu- -d in tort e the Senate into .rsec ontlall night sessron

\lajon't) lcader Robert liyrd of Wtst \irgtnra Continued a simple
tactic or try mg to wear down the two freshman l)"l'll()t‘r.tlit' senator;
car l_\'lllL' on the lilthlrih't‘ tn the name of Ion. natural gas prices for con

ltut Democratic Sens. .lamcs Abourczk of South Dakota and Howard
Alt-lzr'itlianrn ol Ithio vowed to block a vote on deregulation by the unusual
dcvrce ofcalltnr', up about Stiltarumdtttcnts.onealterthc other, for Senate
as little debate just .t scco: rngly endless ‘ill tug of votes on
pr I'pnsdls that l!.lll little thancc of passage

The Ford Motor t o.. to Iricet federal fuel cffrcrency IaWs, may have to
discourage sales of large cars through pricing policies and delay ac-
cepting orders for the bigger vehicles. l-‘ord's president, Lee lacocca,

lacocca said the nation's second largest auto lirm would have to watch
its sales of i07ll model cars daily to insure that the firm wrll be in corn-
pliartccw tth fetter law, lie raised thepossihtlity ofcurtailcd production of

lll addition. lacocca hinted that Ford soon may begin nsingforeign
slot-La severe blow tothe already hardhil ll.S

.\ special panel set up to reduce government paperwork concluded
yesterday— after 35 separate reports and 770 recomrncndations——that
t'ongrcss and poorly written legislation are the root of government red

It also suggested that President Carter, who has vowed to simplify the
government and reduce its n-d tape, ask Congress to create a new
('abinctlevcl Department of Administration to improve federal work


A hijacked Japan Air Lines lit'tt wrth lfifi persons aboard sat isolated on
.t sutbakcd runway in Bangladesh yesterday while its Japanese “Red
Army" captors threatened to fire on anything moving within 500 yards of

At least 45 women and a baby were reported among the passengers.
'I‘wotttrrds of the hijacked people were believed to he Japanese. There
have been conflicting re ports of the demands.


Kentucky l'tilities has asked the state Public Service Commission to
approve a I9. 4 per cent rate increase. The rate hike would increase the
tornpnuy 5 gross revenue by $33.2 million a Kli spokesperson said

inc reused inflationary presumes and a greater demand for electric
power were responsible for the rate increase request, company president
WA Duncan said in a news release

"(tor crmpany is suffering. and that word is not too strong, from the
same inflationary costs that are causing so much trouble to our entire
economy and which are hurting ebctric companies all over the country."


There is n good chance of rat! and thundershowers today and tonight.
High near 70 and a low near so. Rain should continue into Friday with

t‘otttpiletl from \ssociatetl Press dispatches .

ion ed other U’tntil'hl‘ :ional bllhlllt‘ws

.stcel industry.



---.....‘V a,-,.


9334"“ .






‘ editorials 8; comments

l‘ dilu-ln-thlei
Steve ilalllnxer

MAM (in; Iidltnr
Dick Gabriel

l-‘dltorl-l I-llhar

Ne u a nun lhlrl Photographer
Sun-inm- Durham “l" Kllhl

Assotbtr l-Idlor
Marie Mitchell

spurts l-Zdlur
Duvli Ilthlls

w ..il \iiisi Art: Editor
‘.\llll.lll| that or Tom (‘Iarli

(‘uuy mu."
Judith rail-rum
Ly lim- l-‘unl
Ill lay l'earco
Will It rifled]!




lty litii’. Sl‘ll \ \l)

Warren Southwoith has found
ltillist'il out of a job. at least for a
while le has. been the state fire
n arshall Soufhworth‘s suspension.
with pay. was announced by (iov
.luiian t'ai‘roll coincidentally w ith


nit-releaseoi an :nvestigation r eport
.«mci. round numerous. srious
\ :olafions of tire and electrical codes
ttlie itl'yei‘ly lllllS Supper t‘lnb

Ninthwni'th‘s office is charged
Jill] t‘lttttt‘t‘lili. the tire codes and is
pit-surrafli iespnnsible for tiierr
eoncrini'ceirwnl in the case of the
“Mr i'ly lliilS



‘ ai rot? it >"tiiL'(illl a congressional
itearnie field in t'inclniiati which
investigafed {he ‘.l.iy :84 tragedy that
tliiiliied lot lites lti‘st‘l'ilietl on VHS
new s as the 'goyernor. who ordered
the investigntron.” t‘arroli
presunvably comes ctt as a cone
terried public seryarit who will not
tolerate negligence

indeed. the list of \iolatiens is so
long and sit flagrant that one is
tempted to believe the tire mar
shall's office has been operated in
total disregard for public safety.
\outhworth' s irlformancc may look
good. however. compared with that
of his predecessor. John ('alvert
the latter is alleged to have in»
torinedthe l'anipbell ('ounty Grand
Jury in f‘iTt that certain violations
had been corrected. when in fact

Government scandals

they li‘lt'.£..ttf"l n icni'i‘ci'etl 2.; until
the latest ti.‘e

the timing of such dismissals can
‘-- :fesigz‘ed f.) :llvcrt

path: attcit‘aoa :ioni the real

‘fllill‘lillit s

reasons otn goveininent has failed
to do its iob. by focusing respon-
siliilrty on one or two officials

‘fake. for example. the lrban
tonnty tioyei'iEiiient's it'f'tli
response loa scandal at the Kincaid
llome thejuveniledetention ball A
tzyeai old boy was :itlegedly raped
.\llllf‘ll‘ :lt'lt‘l‘lfirft tins sunaner 'lhc
boy was ll U11; held as a "status
offender" runaway. or vayward
t‘lrllti and was not ctiai ged w ith any

if". reacted l dismissing all the
iccenllylnrwl detention counselors
who were still on probatitet‘». ob
Mined the i‘esigne'ion ot Kincaid
llttll‘i" llil‘t‘t‘lftl .lin: ll-illfield and
Sli‘ilt‘ldii'tl t liildi'eri s Nervices
lirectorJiin l 'istler. .\lso fired as a
result of this llit'ifl-‘ill was ('lyde
.‘aniiroes. director ot Fayette
founty l. gal \id lilS dismissal led
'ottie . t‘>.};ll.‘litil' of llllrs'lftl the legal
tat: 't: nis office

f'fn- toiiiisclor‘s were dismissed
it calls" they were on probation and
therefore «as\ to fire All the
profuitionai'y counselors were
.tisnnssed includin; those not on
duty at the time o! the incident
.tistlei and illillllt‘lfl are out.
presumably. because as ad
Il‘iliiIsll‘liltll‘S they should have run
things ill a wax to inike such iii-
ll‘ll‘lrl\ tililioss‘llilt'

ftsteiisibh that was the belief of

Look out, because
'Oh! Calcutta' is coming


in l‘leveland, Mayor Ralph Perk polls the
citizens on obscenity. In Philadelphia. new wars

on crime are fought. Richard Nixon paraded iivities."

with hardhafs. And in Lexington, the Urban
(‘ount y Council seeks to protect the town from a


What all these things have in common, of
course, is that they happened in an election year.
And make no mistake about it friends, we’ve
got trouble headed for Lexington. That’s trouble
with a capital “0;“ and that‘s trouble with a


capital ‘(.. lock up your daughters and grab
your shotguns. because “Oh! Calcutta" is on the


But there‘s still hope. The council voted
Tuesday to ask the Lexington Center Cor-
poration ti.(1(.‘) to reconsider a decision to let the
sexual satire, which features nude scenes, open
Oct. is at the downtown Opera House.

Eleventh District council member Paul Rose,
who made the motion, said some of his con-
stituents didn't want the play to appear at a

public facility.

Legally and ethically, there are only two words
to describe the situation: that’s tough.

if the LCC were to void the contract with the
production company, it would leave itself wide

open for a lawsuit.

According to LCC Executive Director Thomas
Minter. even a private theater couldn't legally

Some council members say what’s banned
outside 1 hetheater will now be featured inside on

a stage.

deny a play “if that facility made its facilities
available for lease to other legitimate ac-

Pcrfomiances of “Oh! Calcutta” have won the
right to be presented in courts in Cleveland and
Erie, Pa. Opposition to the play has been led by
“politicians who think they can feather their
nests with censorship," in the words of Dyke
Spear, the play’s producer.

Asidefrom fhelegal argument, why should the
council have the right to limit artistic expression
in Lexington? Plays are not forced upon the
public, and the right to choose whether or not to
attend is all the censorship that’s necessary.

in an ironic note, the council recently ap-
proved a “clean zone” surrounding the
Lexington Civic Center and the Opera House.
That zone would keep those neighborhoods free
of pornography-related businesses, which the
council feared would hurt the operations of the
center and theater.

But the only obscenity is local goverment’s
at tempt to determine what kind of entertainment
the community should see. Freedom of ex-
pression and artistic preference, unlike
politicians, are not subject to majority rntp



' not \‘vvggiiigton. directoref Social
Services. and next in the chain of
responsibility at the Kincaid llome.

tince si:e ii iii finished tiring those
she thought were to blame.
it iggnit on closed Kincaid Home and
transferred the juveniles to the
l‘ayette f‘olinty .ltill.

'f'be new jail is a better facility
than Kincaid. but the fornicr's staff
can providi- even less attention to
the offenders

\tate law prohibits housing
|ll‘.f'ltlit‘ with adults except upon
t'ttlll". ord~r in exceptional cir~
i‘itll‘sliiiit'es Siniinons. the public
defender. decided to file suit to force
the county to pioyidc .‘t separate
iaeitiiy for jll\t'tlllt‘.\

ff-. .lsltii'i not fosiie by |.egai.\id
hoard f liazi'iiian l.le‘ l‘olicy. but
rniiii on-- penisted and the board
tl|.~lllfs.\’t'ti lttttt.

Lobey expained the firing by
say ing he had ordered Sininions not
to "involve himself in cause celehre
type actions" and because Simmons
had discus sell the case with
.‘i(".’~..Sl]lt n

I went thereasons a juvenile could
be raped tn Kincaid Home is that the
building was outmoded. The over"
crowding and lack of recreational
i.tt‘llill(‘S made inmates at Kincaid
li'til'l' likely to express their \iolent

'l'he jail-like. security
arrangements required a counselor
ioiinlocka heavy and loud hall door
to check on the inmates. This gave
the attackers warning and op
porfueify to conceal their activities.


Do at or innilijfiwpil



at: 2.3 of a series







“an-7&2 .4: m...

covered by dismissals

‘ief t'aiol \tiggington‘s office
planned to use the old Frankfort
f ike \f'orkhonse as a replacement
inr Kincaid. \\'iggiiigton was quoted
is saying she wanted to keep it as
much as ajail as possible.

The Social Services director
abandoned her plan only when the
workhouse structure was con-

the detention center firings were
Ill response to public scandal. its use
for status offenders is in violation of
federal guidelines and contrary to
wood social work practice. in ad—
dition. no public official seems to

consider it a scandal that afternatve
resources are not developed.

When the emergency shelter for
runaways ..f the Salvation Army
was closed in June 1976. partly
because the [Yt'tt refused to provide
adequate funds. there were no cries
of outrage from high level county

l ocal and state governments have
failed to provide needed social
service resources. This failure is the
result of conscious priorities set by
elected officials.

I 'ivicand convention burldings get
funds. but social services tand


Stooges return

the three Stooges are back!
'I'bat's right fans. no more junkie
jitters, no more soaps. no more mid-
afternoon thlliiilg'ltHiOlilUL’S. Every
weekday at 3:15. channel 62. the
rill)“ goes on! To those self-
proclaimed Stoogies junkies, as l
an:.this is the ultimate in afternoon

I et‘s face it. When you imagine
fail you think of school. leaves.
football and...the Stooges. Nothing
proves more relaxing than coming
borne after school and sitting down
to the famed All-American Moe.
l arty andf‘urly. 'l'heir screen antics
soothe an overburdened college
brain w ifli dialogue like:

“I'll inoida ya?“

”Wa it a minute. you can't liitiiie. l
was a victim of circumstances!“

"tth.a wise guy. ch?”

“Take that!" ta finger in the eye)

“And that!" to kick in the butt)


Ah. i can see it now. poetryin
motion \ou Star 'l‘iekkies know
what I‘m talking about.

liven between recls, Froggie
provides priceless intelligent cori—
veisation with:

"iley. babyyyyyyy."

“Roll ‘eni Ranger Rick!" and
“I"our 0 five 0 l'iveofivmfiveol“

l havchut a few objections to the
overall show. though. That
character Happy has got to go. He
pl'iliiCOS around like a senile grand
father. doing stupid things and
saying even more stupid things. Why
doesn't he grew up? This ain‘t no
kiddie show you know.

Secondly. those damned record
album commercials are polluting
our minds. We all know who Roy
Orbison was. but who gives a damn
where helound his blueberry thrills.

Then there‘s the ltonco rump roast
meat cutter. med by restaurants
arid surgmns across the nation. We
don‘t need it? How can they possibly
destroy ag‘eat American art form
by plugging such commercials in the
show ’

Nevertheless. Stooges junkies like
myself are once again content.


[sissiblyfire safety inspectors) are
less enthusiastically funded.

When people like (‘lydc Simmons
try to bring these deficiencies to
public attention, they are subjectto
dismissal for “crusading"

Ituf the next time a scandal breaks
out. the same public officials may be
the frirstones to obscure the role of
their policy by calling for the
dismissal of some “negligent"


Itoh Schaadis a graduate studelitat
l K and thel‘iiiversity of Louisville.



'l'hank you channel f2. Someone
should give ya‘ll an Emmy.

llugh .i.l"ilidlay

English .I iinior

Sexist ads

l have just moved up to l.exrngton
from fzirnimgham. Ala. for the
purpose of transferring to the
lringlish and Theatre I apartment in
January to finish work on my un-
dcigraduate degree.

l wason campus this past week to
pick up some information when I
picked up your newspaper. Your
paper is fine but some of your ads i
find really offensive.

fine was advertising “Ladies”
night at a local lounge and the other
two were lielp wanted ads asking for
“student w ives." (‘ome on. youhave
no business running airy sexist ads.
by ruiuiingsuch ads you are telling
people that you are not only sexist.
bill that the University is as well.
this is of because of" the role you
play in representing the school. i
hope it is a false image of the school.

if you cannot persuade advertises
to run messages for “Ladies and
(ti-riflemen" nights and “Student‘s
wives and husbands and room-
ninfes“infhe help wanted columns.
then I believe you have no right. in
the interest of fairntss to the women
on your campus. to run theads at all.

Such ads offend me as a female
because of their sexism and they
also offend me as a prospective
student because of their inexcusable
poor taste. Ms. Ittls limulu

lltt .\Iyesiord I’Iace


While 1 fully understand the
media‘s right and obligation to
capture major news events on film, I
found the behavior of print
photographers and television
camcraineii at Monday night's
stovallSloane debate intolerable.

Photographers hovered around
the ('lassroom Building Rm. t06
speaker‘s lcclem not 'pst for the
first tots minutes of each speaker's
presentation I certainly emughlime
to get enough adequate shots) but
for the f'ullhour and a half of the


. u vhhfirnvca$-.§A..cm

l forurd the constant clicking of
cameras and the frequent bla-ringof
’l'\ lights a major distraction to a
debate on the complex issue of
constitutional revision.

considering the photographers’
habit in making nuisances of
themselves at events of major
media, interest, perhaps organizers
of such gatherings should consider
sites where photographers aren‘t
quite so bothersome to the audience.

.\aiic_\ Italy
.ionrlriilisiii Senior

Image dispute

in reading the recent review by
Walter 'l‘unis on (”hit-ago XI. all one
can say is that the man is entitled to
hisowri opinion. llowcver,i disagree
with him ona couple of points that I
think are important to the (.‘hicago

Min'l‘unis writes that the band is
finding it harder to produce an
album about (‘hicago As any
f'hicago fan knows. the group writes
very few songs about the city itself.
six of the eight band members are
from the f‘hicago area. as the
produr-er, James William (tucrcio.
points out in their first album t
tliicago 'I‘ralisit Authorityl way
back in llitttt. ’Ihe group only uses the
ironic because the members were
brought up in that. city. 'Ihey could
be labeled by any other name and
still sell albums because of their
good music. “hall a person imagines
the music of l'hicago to he like
should not have any impact on what
they should expect out of this

Another point Mr. 'i‘unis makes is
that ltobert i.amm‘s political
ballads sound more tired than ever.
It More that Lamm has a political
or social message on just about
every album. but we need to be
skepticalabout our society. Lamm‘s
songs are good for thorght. it keeps
me (prestioning and that's healthy.

No musical group is perfect,
though and ('hicago does have its
problems. In his analysis of the
different sounds produced. Mr.
'I‘unis did a solid evaluation.

Mel Stephen "(I'M







Record on

\t‘.\.\‘lllN11’l‘th— Attorneys
general must be forgiven when they
say sillythings in the field of anti-
trust laws. Listen with a charitable
smile when tiriffen Bell complains
that munlrres like Britain, West
tiermany and (‘anada have laws
forbidding people on their national
turf from cooperating with our anti-
trust law enforcers

"To my mind there is a fun-
damental US. interest in not having
our citizens pay substantially higher
prices for imports because private
firms get together and rig in-
ternational markets." quoth our
diligent A.(;. It‘s difficult to square
that with complaints of American
steel andelectroriics manufacturers
that foreign products are‘being sold
too low. bit never mind. because it' s
also more difficult to reconcile these
words of noble laissez—faire in-
dignation \iith our own American
law making illegal for LXS. firms to
form cartels, monopolies and
restraints of trade when selling


von hoffman


'l‘he ti‘ebb—Pomercne Act is an

obvious invitation to find retaliation
against us But antitrust is “here
everybody in this society plays let's
pretend. it is the mechanism by
“inch our dream of perfect com-
petition are to be made real In 1i
\\()l'ld tulrcre most competition is
imperfect indeed

lit the 1 'ise, of ‘ 11i liell it is int.
pi rtett to the point of be in: 1'11- 1tto
nonexistent. That is hy the
government. 11131111111.111111111111111, is
suing’ 1\.'l‘. 8.- 'l‘. to divest itself of
Western Electric, its wholly owned
manufacturing subsidiary This
particular suit will be threeycars
old next month and probably 1.1-
years old before it is settled.“ was














the thougirtot the elapsing tune, the
battalionsarid divisions of lauyers
rrtr'ench \'.1iil£1lt’ annd millions of
documents that not long; .igo
prornpled Itell to \\1)n(lt‘l' out loud if
this might not be .1 case to drop and
tttr it over to (buttress

'l‘he titstice lti'iuii'tiiient record in
breaking up large. monopolistic
corporations has been so bad for so
lone. the nonresults cannot be W.-
piained b): dishonesty . i'oi'ritptiorioi'
iridiffer'en1e 'l‘h1- ll'tlllt is litigation
doesnt nork I’m-i. when the
department '.‘tll.\' .1 =11: one. iihieh
has 01-111» rii=1iil\ tiappi ii11l bv the
lllltt i1 111:11 \11toiy tiien. attr-r has
iisuallt l11-1- i. siipe ‘l.\lil( d l» othti
l",‘ .l“:

That s '.1h.it happened”: the trim:
tainous ofal‘. antitrust cases, tile
one1iunirrstbtaridaitl t til. ltacku'l‘reri
tiroier t le \e 'land \1 as president the
1onipant.1ontiolledtitt per cent of
the n11 irk. t but set er1il decades
later .1tter the case was tried and
appealed 11nd the final decree

dissolvrngthe 1 or poratron u as giie n
illect tlr1 monopoly had already
b1 en br'ol11-n bj. 1onipe.titors 'lli1

same than; happened \\ith US. Steel
:1 inch beat the rap. 1 luring the years
of litigation \\llllL‘ attorneys made
their fortunes arguing, other steel
1oriip.iiir1's destroyed US. Steel's
unchallenged positron of donnnance
.\tier' ‘1!- _\1'1ir‘s of legal (tracer)-
i.1iin:1n. the itii‘.‘1':‘t‘rri1-rit get a court
ordi r choppii it up 1\l.t‘tt1\. but the
o‘. hit the bi iii1l11 ~2 of government
i1i1l1ib1 11h 1‘111111 t1ic jttl) by grub-
staking iii 11 1 nti ants. like Reynolds
and Kaiser. into the aluminum in
ductry during the second porld wrir'

1\.’l' 1\’ 'l‘ is sulllt'll‘rtltS’, of a special
case. In the early years of this
century. until the 10305. it had been
fighting a losing battle to retain its
iironopolyfl'lie only reason that it
‘~llt't‘t‘l'(l‘. 1.5 121w that in title A 'l‘.& 'l‘
\\.'1.\ permitted to tll\\'_\ up no less
than a thousand patents in the
electi'orir-.-:; held it. uh ticrieral
lilectr'ic. lit .‘1, \testinghouse and
some lessertii'iiis the effect of this
patent agreement iias togive Ma
Itell absolute control overall patents
pertaining to telephoning. thereby
putting ei‘eriborly else in the
businersat the Iron .\iother‘s men-y.


A lot more tlrne and energy
goes Into your dolly Kernel
than you may realize.


It take. wrlterl. edltoro,
circulation staff. productlon
people, layout and graphic
artists, nIecmen and a
host of other. to auure

the Kernel will be on

the stand. for you to

pick up In the morning.



The Brothers


cordially invite you to attend

Little Sister Rush

Thurs. Sept. 29 Cocktail Party












Chevy OI!
tum Nut
Winter than


Geode Barn


UK 's Horticulture Club

is selling

Red & Golden Delicious
Thursday. Sept. 29 & Friday, Sept. 30

3:30 to 6:30 pm.

(by the stadium)
1 bushel $6.00 1/2 bushel $3.00

10 lbs. $2.00 - 5 lbs. $1.00




Wits M
Eli Hm





1\ patent rsa g1irei'iiinent—eri'atcd
leiai rinrioiiily, 'l'he system iias
doused tni'euai‘d inventors. but it
has lit‘t'ii ll.\l‘tl by companies like
.»\.'l 1t 3 . which invents ri1ithin;;.to
iii-t 'tl'tiillttl the antitrust laws. 'l‘hrs
tilt>~t‘l‘\.‘1iltt)llll1ililly‘ co-nes under the
beadini: t’tillit‘~‘ under tl'e heading: of
.1 lr'1s'n scoop, ~o Monte-y
tin: t‘tl ”1 ll ntiald tie 1'1irr‘I “it 1:1
had .11 j~.".1r':1t.11 lti1l\ ll‘11 .ltrly i‘t‘ii.
1;;l't’t'tll“"l. l‘-:tt|l=s‘it1‘1l‘.\lill tln~.11nd
\'.itti.the Il'tilttllltl) t‘tiiruren». created
in permitting misuse it its patent

’l'liurinoiid Arnold. u tio headed the
antitrust tllVl\l0l‘. in the Justice
iepai'triii nt ill the ittitts .nrdun is one
of the most :iggessive entorc1 rs of
the “llt‘l'ltltltl .\1't. came to the
rooclunon that tires" suits are ".\
11'1'i'riiriii) isot1itoiieii:=-nt with for.
pra1'ti1al results." \othing has
happened in the tlllt'l'Vt‘lllilt’ years ti
.1iziti'a1lit't '\i :iolil‘s .t"-:wt‘\.\il‘1('ltl

'liiis bring the case, ltt,\l";itl id
11111111 back to being brinuse and
confused. \ttorne} (Jeri-'r'al [tell
might lolou' up his insight by ac
tirally dropping the AT. 8. ’1' case
and telling t'ongrcss. if it \\ ants to
lti'l‘ilh iipbig companies. don‘t do it
it; litigation birt b). legislation



Little Sister Rush
226. E. Maxwell

Thurs. Sept. 29 7:00
Friday Sept. 30 8:00

The New
‘ J & H Army-Navy Store

KENTUCKY kERNEL. Thursday. September 29. 1977—4

6tSixi [:19

bands. Free Honda
giveaway on t