xt7j9k45tm4c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j9k45tm4c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 2007 2007 2007-03-23 2020 true xt7j9k45tm4c section xt7j9k45tm4c M\R(ll 31111



\\\\\\ l\\l\lRNll .(()M



('ELEBRAHNU 1h \ EARS ()l NDE l’lNDl .\‘( l,

10 top candidates to Fans mixed about

take Smith’s place could afiect recruits Tubby’s departure

K ,

ead coach leaves to lead Minnesota

Coaching change



263-83 overall record
at UK

1998 NCAA National


5 SEC tournament titles

5 SEC regular-season

2003 AP Coach of the

10 NCAA tournament




Gophers to introduce Tubby today

By Jonathan Smith 1111.1 \\1 1.11 111111 1111' '11\
' \i.111:1'\111.1 "
.11‘11.11:.11111‘1l.. 31'.

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PHOTOLOURTFWOF RENEE10NES scwecen 1 _. -- 111- .~ .“H” 111-111111 “1 ”I“ l “HUN” L" Km “Y"“M” ‘-
. .1. _ . . . .. . 111111.11111111'1111'\1111~\ \111111'11111111'1111 11111 11.1%
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TUbbY’S may be gone, $3321.“;.i.‘L‘j“'.Z.‘.'.'l"’-f1‘if
but pressure isn’t

ll11(l111 11 =~1111111 lt 1111"1 1 .',11'1l1i.\11.'.\ ‘11'1'
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111 1111 “1111 111111“ Smith .1\ .1
111.1111 111 .1 11.1.111111 1111\1111111' 1'l\1' ' Below"

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

\\ .1511} g1 11 111 1111 1111.111. ll
tl111tS1111t 1.11111111'1111111111
1.1Il1 .1111111t11‘11s11'11-
111111. l'1\111‘1't11t11111\111‘1'

.1l1s11111t1'l1 \1111'111.
\llnncu 1m 1.11 1t 1111'
lth 111'1111' (lull
111-cause 1111'1 1.2111 one
111' the 1.:1‘1'111' crutches 111

Dick Vitale

ESPN analyst

111.1111' 9111'1- 111' 1.11.1 11
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\111111ls 111111 11111111111111
1‘l\11.1\'111'11111ll 1x111
st.1111ls1111‘ “1111111111
1111'\ 111' 1'1 11111111.: 111111.“

Richie Farmer

‘9811 1992

Newsroom: 1 E‘

11111.11s put .1 1111111111
1111111111;.1ltl1 \11111

1 l1lSS. \llllllt‘xt 11.1 IS
5.111111; .1 x1 1l11l 111.1111
.11111 .1 1.111111 pew 1111'

Mitch Bernhart

1111 31111911: duector

10"?1 Advenisingz 257-2872



your daily dose of entertainment pop culture and fun Keme' ‘ Q.







@ Horoscope-87

By LinuaC Blatk
0 get the advantage check the
day's rating l0 (S the easrest ital, L7
the most challenging
Aries (March 21 April 19) To-
day is an 8 Invest in your own
education first and travel the world
later lri other words, dorrt go until
you know what you to looking (or
Taurus (April 20 May 20) Ti‘
lay is a" 8 hurt (a st to art the
1 ’s1 tier without mprrtrlttrrr a' extra
not You re ttttt‘t at tliisi lI-lllltf Cave
W “rt 1‘ :ftr rrtri rr
Gemini (May 21 June 21) 1
la» is a F} The intact
press you uts‘rirl ttr ray iiirrtrst tit) we!
..:~rrtlrriu nu Sun at) it
. rtopatert tufigltt Ill ltattle rlutre
Cancer (June 22 July 22) 'i,
lay is a 7 Alon air. an vi ir ’t'Ill.‘
at t‘hn'r‘s r at r ‘

‘(t“y t“

rz"lt’.\\, ‘v" t ’t

theft s i t‘t'll

stuff to clean up You‘ll have to he,
more effrt‘rurrt Luckily you ran do

Leo (July 23 Aug. 22) Turin s
.t 6 Tt he an excellent leaner
t‘t'st you 't‘ust learn to lollort. For
you thats the must dtltiiurt part
but Vllli tart iearn to do it ltleatr
while relax with friends

Virgo (Aug. 23 Sept. 2) Erin
is an 8 You should he in a pretty
good "root? root work is attrattt'iu
attention You ve waited lent;
enouul': it” tlts .2 new thatxr Tli
.tiltattte your llzlt’l Pat (”l t... t.

Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22)
s a 5 '
t't' rwrrensi's vou‘

ted iv
h lut‘ titettet

.' ’ lliht.’

“you rtril your

l"‘< ‘ ‘1 :Ir‘f l l t.
lrt‘o .tttyourr1ia:stltt trl‘tr'ttttar
Scorpio (Oct. 23 Nov. 21

.16 \‘i \.‘. illitt tltt‘! s ‘
"tithe! r.x1‘t'f‘sr‘s T. ‘

.\ fifliut‘ tr


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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21)
Tuil ly is a 7 Your work leads to
make new alliances Basrcally, you
new: . irrartrrrrr who can help wrttr
yt‘ut short is: 'r to tet surrrebody else
traa rlruut you
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) ,
Tortav s an 8 You and your sup-
port svste’n will soon more up With
a plan Dent. wait until all the bugs
are .rrtrkutl oat "ruu want know
more they atr: until later Get start
of so yt‘r. t‘an linil thutrr
Aquarius (Jan. 20 Feb. 18) To
tray is a 6 lts it tlault tr; .lrst‘rzs‘s
.‘ ,' ultras w‘ i u r ‘e was tzittr'r
r'lLIt".‘sI(‘IIILI it ttttrfusr is t'ieirt irril
.attal‘le Il'l‘l‘ yin ‘t‘rrti
srrertrl itotrrrr ruseart h =rtstr:au
Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) a
tit» ts in b‘ Tutti rtt‘Mti atturtatrtrrts
‘t‘ r‘l‘ tut tilts tactile"? Cit." it‘r
t‘ l‘s‘lt‘ss ltlt‘tllll‘tls Vt‘ll need some
' :'t“ ix ll't‘“ ll‘: litt rttmi: r. it
"i ”re 1l (.t, “tits? t‘: at?

.‘i. filth

wt " .tis vl‘tu


By Rachel Paula Abrahamson

Did She Find a New

Buy friend in AA?

There is always some truth
in all these era/s stories." .lason
I"r|_\a\\. 33. lead guitarist tor a
rock band. told Splash .\'e\\s
alter the National Iinqurrer re-
ported that Ire and Spears. \\ ho
first met at a l'L‘k‘tll‘tIlllL' studio
in ltltll and reconnected at .\l-
coholrcs Arrorrsmous. are talk~
ing on the phone constantly and
plan to more rn together. And
he added: "It or” all come to
light \er} soon." While Spears
rep had no comment on her rc~
lationshrp \\ rth I‘rlran. a source
close to the singer tells l's'
"Ilrrtnes barel} kl]t)\\s this Jae
son guy He is rust riding: her
coattarls." Further ex rdcrrcc ot
his rrrcorrrpatrbrlrt) \\ith the
rrrorrr ' ()n his M)Sp‘acc page he
checked "I don't \sant kids "

Is She Refusing to ()he}
l’rornises' Strict Rules?

\t I’r'orrrrscs. no pets are .lIr
lonetl llllIt'ss_ apparently
sou re a pop star. Spears
checked in \srtlr Srnm While.
her chihuahua ”She‘s all our
the place \srth her little dog.’ a
source told Is on I'ebrriars Ztr
:\Iso. I’rornrses rep Sarah ( ur
ran tells I s \rsrts are limited to
\arrrrda}. and ”\\e dont take

A new man!
A love note from Justin!

we Dig" Us Weeklyinvestigatesthe

latest Britney rumors

more than t\\o \ rsrlors per
guest,“ Yet. stt}s the
"Spears lamrl} is m and out all
the time " Spears' rep could not
be reached tor comment.


Did (‘her Send the Pop
Star a (‘are Package?

AccordingI to thc -Ntlllt\lltlI
Iinqurrer. Spears recened a
special delrser) from Cher. ()(I.
"The care package \s as loaded
\sith treats. including home-
made tridge brimnres with
vanilla frosting." the tab -r'e»
\ealed. The report \rent on to
list other contents: In I’erl‘a srlk
pajamas. stacks ot tashion
rrraga/rnes and the iconic
singer's I‘morrte tangerrne— and
hone) tIL‘\\».sL‘L‘ttIL‘tI candles. Iltll
(‘her's rep. Lil Rosenberg. tells

"It‘s not true."

Did She (let a Letter
From Justin in Rehab?

.lustm sa_\s'
It>\L‘ )tlllln

Brrtne). I still
proclaimed the cm-
c‘l‘ \‘I [Ilc .\I.t!’r'll 2“ Lite «K
Stsle. 'I‘hc stor_\: I‘rmbcrlak‘c.
1h. penned a gush) letter to his
es. in \shrch he \oxsed to ”be
“alllttg when she gets out.“ .»\
touching: tale but. alas. rmtr'rie.
"He did not “me a letter. s.r)s
.t sttttlce cIirsc It) Spears 'I‘lttl
he did Ic‘a\c .1 message at
I’r'omrses \\I\Illll:_' her ucll '

Addicted to
N0“ ‘.’


She has been drinking:
about 24 (‘okes in 24 Irortr's.'
Star i‘ecerrtl} reported Il‘ardl)
"Ifitnrrlies can bring soda. brit
\se don‘t pronde rt." (‘rrriarr
tells l's But Spears does cra\c
clothes. .i\ltcr dropping 53.0”“
at Shoprmturtron com March I.
Spears sent her assistant to
Hewrl} Ilrlls boutique Snitch
tor $21100 in drids March I4
"She said on!) dresses and no
black!” owner .Irrlra (‘ohen tells
l's. Ilcr rep couldnr he

Is She (letting ()ut Earl)
for Kevin's Birthday Party?

British tabloid The Sun
claimed Spears~ \\ ho began her
At) das program I‘ebruar) ‘I.
u as rIllt'klllg out No d.i_\s earl)
to attend hcr e\s March ll
brrthda} bash in 1“_.\ "She is
getting out ot rehab this neck.
a sorrrcc corrlrrms to l s but
not tor hrs \IllllLIl}: Rumors
were big: enough lor I‘eder'lme
to cancel the part} lire last
thing he \\ ants rs lrei parrsme
on his accorrnr ”Kenn rust
wants her to gel \\.cll again,
sass a source close to the rap
per Ilrs rep had no comrrrerit

,- ‘ q (. tat ',
t‘)".’t‘i."‘._o‘u rm \v‘t‘r‘t‘iv L‘i '

A l(
'zlll strum ,.



Party Pics...
We're Covering You:





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Friday "Isn't"!

Mart h 2 t, 2007


I wish him every success. except if they


ever play us."


--—- UK President Lee Todd iii a statement on the
departure of former UK head basketball coach Tubby Stiiith to Minnesota


Chris Miles
Asst Sports Editor
criiiles@kykerriet coni






Star pitcher endured injury, and fought
to recover to play again for Cats

By Travis Waldron uasii't keeping llllil'ich nit l‘.1\e and he \xasii‘t iii

twatd'rtv‘tinktww gn- tniiitiiaiid nt ltl\ pitthes, ali lietaitw nt the iiiitii'_\

lnllnuiiie the \ttieet’y (iieeii spent It‘ll:

Setitt (ii'eeii'~ ai'ii'i \uitiltlii't \tnp shaking iiintitlix iii aii ariit hiat e that restritted lth l.lttf_'c nt

”1C['Kl‘llt‘illlttlhcnttllt'\lltllttll.ll.id l'tl\l itii ttintinii

hhcdl\\tilllnlt1_fl\til \xnik .t};.lttt‘l \aiideih 2' at \ttt' tine “rate was ieiiinxed. (iieeii spent t\\n

SIMS Htit iii the dugout attt'iuatil he tell like lie :ltt‘ttll‘m ii'ttiig.’ axeielflx aitti atnilkiit.‘ ltt\ i‘ntatnt
had thin\\ii a tniiipiete game ellill‘.l\l~_fllli‘\lt.1;"'\‘


When he \\eiit nitt tni the iti'» aiiiiii: his Btit the llitltiewl txnil, ‘.\._t~ ~ttlt ahead, he \ttltl



tasthail had lnxt \eimih~ lib 'tieakitie pi't‘tt's \ \ 'itniitli\ tilei t .llL' \ttl_\‘l\ liieeti “as
uereti‘t birth-RH“;.1l‘itlh‘x’\\.f‘ildfli'liltht‘ili\ alil; in thin \ hat 2‘ wt twitli \' ’I\' lie tliie\\

(it‘eeit had pita lttd 7h: melt 'l‘l‘xl giant \Illxe llh “ was itiax a' :4 tt \'tet ugliii: tniiiftii’tahle
hieh \tl‘inni tiat ~ ltl [\lltl\.ki.r'\V .‘ liti; he finished .it 'l‘ia‘ x'ae; lit’ ttzie'e. “httx‘ at iniieei tli‘lillll.k\
lib \dlk‘t‘ld\.1l\\i‘lilttt' \Il \tatt \t-EueILnIi and a» \nd tl:et: atxt \ilieit lie tel' he ‘»\tl\ tttahlli;
the Mr Ham-hall t‘tiiiiiet up :it I‘M" pinetew. he evictteiitttt xetltatlm

But that da}. the paiii \\a\ \\Hl\t' in .et .itHHIJ lt» ieltalt (iteeti detetnt‘ed {en

".-\t that pttlltii the paiii iii tli‘till‘D ttt lll\ eilxnu. fi'leillf.‘ him
dieated that it “as \niiiethiitg tn ie~tart llh ll‘it'i‘\\lll‘_' pt'nei'aiii
bC\ILlL‘\ teiidntittts and haunt; '[t '.\.i\ a it‘llf.‘ itintexx'
\UmC tiit’laiiiiiiatiniif‘ (iieeii (iieeii \ittl


said He’s as lalellled as am», \n he i. ..eae natk tn the

He “as right titltl and \l.tl' itnitt the l‘.'-'ttl
UFW” “V“lk‘l 1“”lm.‘ kld lll [he (‘OUHNV He/q t‘ai: unilxiii; tliiniaeh the t‘all‘i
.lnhii \titeei) tn iepaii tht iii and ~_.i\tn:itfntt

iiar tnllatetal ilfldttk‘ttl in l]:\ [he XilaClOl Oil ()UI' [Ulii‘ll- \ttet .ilmin mitt HH‘Hl’n





tight ell‘tiu II (iiet-ti \\.t‘ ;t"tlitt‘ t_ “lit’t. \ ’x._ “t _t 5'



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PAGE! | Friday March 23 2007 V ‘ . . ~- . V V
y M“ W i “_ WWM_WM_H__ ’ ’ * _ e ’Ifffc\frlf' f4

Sir/sound C IN! MA‘s

Greeks get dirty for arthritis research - :

spitting . . _ _ . ~ . , ‘
ifasterOkvliernelcom . » -' " ’ '. X-T . V : ‘ .: V I ~ . ‘ . Va —iég§§ls§6‘ll:


Pie eating. pudding wrestling and pie
throwing were all pan of an event yesterday
to raise money for arthritis research.

Haggm Field was filled with 21 fratemt~ , . _
ties and sororities participating In the 12th , I T . Sam/I Wheat» Germ "TMNT'
annual Pl'Alhltfn, 'l'he Pt~Athlon. sponsored V . _' ' ‘ . i : i V “p“ w S‘sféd’fén.m "“2"“
b) the Alpha ()mtcron Pt sororrt) and the , -' V :3 I. A I; 10" :40 we 40 WW
Sigma Pi fratemtt). raised more than 52.300 i . _ " -- i TREHHZLSHAYE EYES: 3
through corporate sponsors and entry fees ' , - V P TuE L_AST Miuzv‘ M
paid b) participating (ireek organizations. - . . ~» “ i H “mum “mm,“ 1:31,” g‘;,‘1,,;, f5; fidfihfift

the money raised will go to the Alpha ‘ ' V ' REIGN OVER ME: V
Omicron Pi Foundation for arthritis re- . . y , ' ‘ "
wmh IllilrnrfIISIIIi II . ; I M

"I‘m thrilled so many people came." ”Fifi”???
said Kelse) Fort. w fro is an Alpha ()micron ’ ~ V V . ’ , ‘ . {ltT'NlN’EIIILIOVE' gesture
Pt member and one of the two tnain organil- " " I . ‘ .' / : t -I at ~~ ‘ ' DE“, sasucs-
ers of the eient. “I think everything went re~ ' . . . . “‘ . I II: t~ m: . ,. m” “ _, ‘ ‘ H‘ “I!”

allv w‘ell." - , s y II , . I. , I mmmmfl a; LIL”
' ’ ‘ " ‘ ’ ' I I. v ' - 4» WILD HOGS



SfIrfittI SIItIII - [III III 8 Im w







Although l‘ort said raising money for ‘ * _ ' 7 .- . » . V: . . _ :» V .<'-
arthritis research Is Important. she also said K _. _
it was important that e\er_\one have a good PHOTOS 8V ED MATTHEWS l STAFF
“'“S; , . Above: Kyle Johnson, top, a freshman finance major, and mettrher of Sigma Chi wrestles against

“ M” u" I‘m)“ that “it re dmng i“ gm“ Phi Gamma Delta freshman Bill Kirk, a mechanical engineering lfldjtfl in an inflatahle pool of pud-
“m I." thc CW" i." the .(m‘d‘. community ‘1'“, dlllt] yesterday afternoon in Haggrn field during the Pi-Athlon . ,
the} re ha\ mg fttrr. lam sard, ‘ .53.?"1345 ' Ilmlimlfll "‘=“""-‘"'"““-"“ ”"4“ >'""-

). I . . ' , . ._

l‘mlUP‘mI" m [h‘ P"‘“hl”'.l ml‘md h‘ Below: Cory Eyerhart a freshman physrttal training mater and rrremher of Phi Delta Theta catches
tween ml" men“ dl” mg lh" hm. hm” " a pie with his fare at fire pit: throwrrig station during the PiAthlon yesterday in Haggin Frelrf

wheelbarrow racing. pie triaking. pie throw» ' . .
m. and We Cmmg VV _ .. , , . . I St. Chad 5 Anglican Catholic Church
K I" .. "ttln . “m ‘st‘tnt p.11“ ‘k SulltV m .1 “lc‘umg‘ h ‘ been “ fun “m" . . (859)489-785t fitter/stared ofoqspotcom
IL k‘ .. 5 k L ‘ ‘ L ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Johnson said he catne to the Pl'Althll . - ' 40m Sundays HoinommunIonan/arh [vensonqrsr 3rd85th

Phi Delta lheta pledge. said he came out to ~ r928 Book of Common Prayer ineHymnat r940
llaggtn liteld )esterda) afternoon to have
fun arid support his fraternit).

"It‘s good because one of the trtatn

. . . said. "It‘s also a good w as to get out. meet ‘ . u “- i i ' . r i i 7
things about fraterrrtttes and sororities rs .. r ' ‘ - _ . ' I I a P a
c I ,1, . . . fi .

brotherhood arid sisterhood and rust support- pfiu‘flow it .. “M Pt Beta Phl member M- - ~ C I B G D L E E
mg [With other. “Md SUHRML a hm”) lie JotTtsch. coVered trt Pudding after parttci- .I :2: . I “ , ' Beautiful One-Bedroom Apartments
tru.;l;l‘_1n'_ _ ‘ . “i. . ll V paling In one of )Csicrtld) ~s e\ent,s. “lt's re- " '» ’ ' ’ Located at Alumni 8t Man-O—War
\ I tliir mill” tithe]: >I:'\kt“lil)it'“tli\ lirmrLililiiiE ”I“ m”! I” ‘6“ C‘Cl'.‘ bod} 0‘” here ‘l‘l‘P‘m' - ‘ ‘ 9 $399 / mo. + electric

\‘L‘sIL' . e ’\t e;c r e ae' . ' .. “

~ g; g l “I I r. -

ties and sot‘ttt'llles competed lit a w t’L‘stlmg m“ icolmf H1“ ,1 l ,1 n‘ : é . lnClUdeS. .

m'ttc‘r iii '1 ool filled with lltltltll“ >\ftet‘ 7 \ “In“ 1 MPH “ “PPM “mm 0 - Ofl'Street Parkmg

‘ ' ‘ P P '5 ‘ her face. she ioked that she hoped it wottld , p ‘ i L d R

‘0”) term" in the ht‘tL‘kCIAsHlC toum'unent ' _ . ”V3 e 3”" ry 00m
‘ l *‘ ‘ - ‘ ' rattt soon to wash off the PIC. Still. .lttt'l‘lss‘ll . ‘ *‘f Water and Waste

l’ht Delt't 'l‘herr “‘h declared the fratenttts
‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ . said she was ultimateh glad slte XlrllL‘thllA -
wtrtner. and Delta /.eta won among sorort- ' ‘ l l Wireless Bandband

IIIII ‘ “l . 859.229.6370

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for ttrore than first wrestling In chocolate
"It‘s a philanthropic eient." Johnson


"It was worth it." .lorrrsch said


"It was awesome." sard finance fresh-
ttrart Kile lohnson after he finished



Bilemorial Philharmonic bringsfamous ‘ , ‘
set to saxophone player turned UK prof

‘ l840 Oifard Cute
Adam Rafferty "It the tittistcrans don t gel honed her musical skills ”mg,“ n 40504

l]()l]()la nestkykert‘Hl rttrtr together well. the music will Now she learns more frortt 859.154 8047 $4011”le ,
stirrer," ()sland said her students than from any www.1lbplasmaxom $8()'I‘IIIS “1;ng
\ l K professor who has ()sland began pla_\tng sa\ flung else. ZLB Plasma {OR NEW DONORS

. . V
‘11 t 1)] ()f "mm“! “”11 R“) ( mm“ orthotre rtt sc\ctitli grade with “Him teach me a lot about mama-Immunm—n
‘ . . ‘ . ' .. nunmmt-nmuml—

l)llk bcwrtrrsetr or the her schools ia/l ensemble whats current today. she ”Immune-Immanu-
"iltlmill" “10“” «mil Rt‘l‘ct'tIt .She attended ltthlt school to said “I cart aditisr what I‘m """"""
l'lack is sorttl‘rtrlttg' her t-tls‘ttt her home state of Massachtt doing using different angles
with the lIs‘UttgtrtH l’lttllt-H serts. where she participated in because t-\c't’}t\ttc“s so differ-
I”! RU“ /.1tklt‘. fl \\.ts all rt‘rrrtlls it] an all l'tettclt c‘rtttct‘t‘l Utrintlcss all state l‘tattrls She out U I N E A R I,“ Wimd‘i'Y ”9“"59'"

tonight Ilet riled t.I attend the l m\etsr Despite the perks of (each

about helping people lllltl their ,, _
own 'ie no ll\ l l‘ "“Wl‘ll‘tnc i‘l‘m’w‘I t\ of \lassachttsetts and stttd\ me. like stttrttttets off. ()sland VT h c VBV Vc st VS c of . .I. -
k ‘ . , I ,g ,,__ ‘ ,,_ -_ g ‘_
‘ .. ltsa ()slartd knows what it - ~ .. I I - . - ~~
HHH mu” up alwa\s open. r } r l rl r] f I :llltltlkltld;\ltdl sasophonrst tll|\t)l\ pctng ablc ti; ltispili. C . MOVIES 10WOODH|LL
' “W" ‘ll‘rl‘t “l »l re ‘9‘ \mr oc . " rope to trtf rtettce rm htmtltkm-Entrh
satd Herr atttrtr \\tthets. 'llde of .. ' ’ ‘ l T
the art dcpatttttettt tit l l\ s ( ”r. k‘ ., f i _ I l , * .. ’ 00'5"?" E" Movri'sg-Artrltxrse ’Ntttsmtmr‘ I mmowo- ocu-
l y [m \r' "ll \ i). rm‘ ,\“1” ~11“ 'sll'sk aIrt _\“'-‘l more than the that tltrs was wet] as tttrtstcia' s, ()slattd ' . a c 271m” . x I ~ 4.
L‘L‘L‘ U C. is c' L'a c‘ a it -~ .. ~ .. an Ir . u
_ ~ employer. she said \ott rc what l was meant to do. stiltl, ""?"“","."""‘"‘ I“ ”m“ . mwmm mm...“ ,5 ”"5 d
W“ l“ l” ”‘1 PM} well“ I'ltrl (fsland said ”l‘\t‘t'_\llllllg‘ itrsr (island will take a break "imam...“ . _ " " ’ ‘K’ W'mm'wm mg“ a '
.‘tlll ””1“ N “‘tltl} l" ‘1“ kept unfolding the tight w a\ from the classroottt to pet'tortti M“ " “-W‘WI'I » _. '0‘ “ w "Wmmmu
. : ~ ”I I -I » moan Per: ,, '
”W‘s ’s'\l‘s'“s'”sk" l’lt‘s‘lls'rl ttrittl l r‘c'alr/ctl it too as a featured soloist with the . m I ”W .. ' ”5’90”“5‘ ”3:532:31"; '9;
i I ""i IA" I'II' K A _ ‘
V q \ ‘ lts‘t PM“ it) llts‘ ts‘Wl r‘l \ls‘d \\htle .tt Ltlllt‘L'K. (tsland le\rtrgtott l’htlhat'tttonrc at the ’ ‘ ‘ 337375;» gw't-“M‘M
., _ ‘ . ~ ‘ museum-Ir I"
[“l‘l" —' ‘I'Ul 1““h I‘ "1 ttL‘IC\\-lt’_\ to N Ht Ill“ sr‘lttl‘s‘l tlL'k" led sl:e \\ titted to teath \itiglctan (“enter for the .\t‘ts "Wet ‘6 _ 1 ' ‘ y , “WNW" " ”WWW ' “

II I r 'i . - “alum tr. “‘5“
hair .. IItt. .‘attlt with carrier 111w field .

8y Dariush Shafa

dshafadikykertiet com


to ltrs students and Iolleagttes to
help them tttrd that spot of discos

et'_\ lle allowed them to tttrd their
I\\\tt standard or Iteatt\ir_\

I‘LD NOGS ’0 'l
t I

I V . V othtts to lost must. as mirth torttglit at \ ltI kets Itt'c lice
\“H'l‘c‘l “"l‘“ ll‘mm‘il‘ (“ttt'ttllltlsstllrtlt |\ ”Its “l as she «lid .\‘he felt a desire to with a student ll) attd are ""‘”'““‘""“”

“"“lil “""lwl' 1“ keep [”l‘l“ ”l” the ”tr“! Httf‘t‘ltdttl elerrrcnts ”l gt\e hack to the pitltlrt school .t\.rtlal‘Ilc at the \‘ttrgletan

“i m" *l"“‘""'” .l‘lI‘olttL' Ill a group. \lts' ‘I-Hll rititsrc pt'ogtatii iti which she ('ettter ltcket ifftrce V
"ll: was Ilctctrttirtcd that he

‘Itas :I the to keep teaching as long a . . a ' Err:

ltederal Judge strikes down Internet porn law Graduating seniors _

t's because .
i By Joseph A. Slobodzian the problem " Dont be lE’ft OUt Of

he was all The, Philadelphia lnotrtret littt Reed noted that \\It\ i A greater c‘~"““lu YOUR UK YEARBOOK
abSOlUle rrt protecting the ('onstttttttoit
l‘llll NH | NH \ \\rrttrtg that he "titat "Indeed perhaps we do the mirrors of tltrs

I\ my“ you pthllOlllellal not turn a blind r‘\\' to the law tn order to at totrriri\ harm it l'tl'sl \mendrttent protections. 1 cap 8‘ gown for portrait
"L'i'l’ll‘l l“ leatjllpf alld terttpt to \.tll\l\ rtr‘I urge to protect this nations which the\ will w rtlr age itrhcttt lllll\. arc Will be {um/Shed
ltls‘tlt‘tltIt't/V N \ortth bi upholding a flawed statute.” a federal chipped awa\ in thc ttame of their protection."
/”bl‘ "‘ ‘i afllSl. rttdge ttr l’hiladclpltta lhtttsda\ struck do\\tt Reed added V

“WW” ”I'll" BENJAMIN another or r‘ongress‘ attempts to t‘estt‘lrt lrtsttce Department spokesman ('har'les i free graduation & yearbOOk
i lltrll lrt I I
, porttogiaphx on the Internet \ftllet satd department law \ets were renewing '
\ l ' . c
l‘ll“l' “ WITHEVRVSV l. 8 District lttdgc Lowell ‘\ Reed .lt the \‘4 page opinion now and "haw tirade not I portrait Slttlng

." 'lll ‘Il\ lI' . . . _
“‘ ‘ titled that the rims ( lllltllt‘li s ()nlttte l’totet determination what the L'Uu‘t‘ttttlt‘ttl s nest step

by l‘t‘lrl , ‘ - ' ‘
\l‘l‘l Wk rrt tron \ct was rrieftt‘ctpc. o\etl_\ broad attd \to will be lit this matter l0 am. to 6 pm.

lair-d l itst ‘\tttetr~lmcrtt's ttcc \Pt‘t‘tll \ lattse be lhe s.!\L‘ would now be a Healed to the
w I:II :IIIr flall .. I. . ll . Tues., March 27

. I tatrsc it was not the least restt'ictrie ‘I\a\ l S (ottrt of \ppeals for the lhtrd ( tr‘ctttt tn

“3 like to rt-trzcttiher him as ( 1 I Illh I kl ltlr m [m ‘1 b u | l . l
_ V ., tI‘ 1: L‘s‘s it t (I .t‘It‘ .t C C U' 0 Id ‘ f t .

‘tI' Isas \\rthers said He had an i y i I . L i l '1 .Hil 1“ through Fr|., MarCh 30

lcrtr or tl‘ItlIttr-n s attess to pot'ttogt‘aph} on It ( hris Hansen, who argued the ease for the

personal mtttptttct .\trietican ('t\il liberties l nron. which led

lhe law known as (’(tl’t would ttttposi' about a half dozen tr‘r'espeech and lnternet

prison time and heaxs fines to Internet porn groups If] opposing the law, said Reed's ruling

saw-Ion K't III. _ t é‘i‘ I. It I, III-I w -« tmit tom"
I .




atria about the w.t\ he taught and
:a‘Ir' to his students and that s
what we want to r‘cttrettrbei abottt

‘I\rthcrs rlso said arrrt'motr tl

M mi 'l‘l‘ll‘ w A,“ \ [mm H m Iodes personal identification. or credit \dl'tl\ to came up the technology has prown met more I For more information call 859-257-9786

aItI-ss their web sites t learl_\ that tltts law is unwise ttncottstttuttortal
pronents of the law argued that most and rtretfectiw'

softitel‘. phcttotitcnal leather and gm!“ “l““1‘l}“"“l“ t'rom abroad and “Wild “”l Ihe law is the tftttd attempt l‘} (ortfltess

“I‘M “Hm.“ NH" it afttcrtt w tht .aw ant. that its pro\tstotts strict lt))(I to tcsttrct pornograph) and adttlt

I”, mm" ittfotrttatton on how would put .rdttlt users at a gy-eatpi ttsk of ltlollll' “rim-m on the Internet (fill) one ”1 the three.
to hclr‘ ‘tl donate to the memorial I} ”W“ llk' I‘l‘ltl (‘ltrldtett‘s Internet Protection .»\ct.
_“ ltoiar‘ship “mm” llenramtn Reed acknowledged that tortiputet' lntertiet ‘I\.ltltlf requires schools and public libraries to

\\ ”he“ ‘11 3v 4‘”: or l‘“llll pornograpn} filttts are lit Ithrr a panacta not insralf Internet pom illitls on eontpllILIN. was V . ,
V“ H ”M “1,1 necessat'rl‘I found to be the ultimate solution to upheld b\ the Supreme (mm ”b. l “llt'w' "l l a“ \“llmtr‘t‘N
t I . .

King Alumni House
id? ‘1’ “hf" ~:_)t't‘("t (fl ROV‘ ‘1""I ind if


f‘lHM‘MIIs who do not rctittttc adttlt access doctttttents ltow "tn the _\eat‘s since tltts \.l\L‘

rtrt- :trsr stage sot ttcartot.

it s because he was an ab


will help sou with \Hltf returns

Student (ioiernment.” l'ort "l'ie been intol\ed with \thl Rt: law Building Basement. Km 47
G PA' rte} said freshman Repteserttatne DAVIS ‘
l’helps said he wants to ('outicrl attd Student (imetn .

7 . V I V .
show the Board of lrtrstecs merit in the past. but for the \Nm\‘ NU“ ”mil .'\[)rll I"

conllnlled from page 10 thth (itecks are art asset to the past seat l'\e been a student Continued from page 10 “me As I,“ h ”"l””

l l\ communtt) arid lotus on rust like all of sort. \ltlnlosh “‘1‘,“an 3.,“ ., ll‘lpm
building relationships with said “\Hiat makes the lltttsl
(il’.'\('. the lttterfraterntt} qualified for tlits is being a
('ottnctl and the l’anhelletttt good listener and reall_\ pajs
(ireek tommttntts on NmPU‘ ('ottnctl mg attention to what the slit
H“. \ “Mum“ (hwmwd After the announcement of dents want
how ”u.” l‘l‘m‘ for g“ “I” tht‘ t‘fttlttrsetttenf. Mt‘lntrish Phelps said he plans to
debated said he was looking forward continue working hard for the



left iii a bus iii the (iteek -\f
lttlls olftct' twri \‘c‘e‘hs .IL‘tt.
and seir'ral pertained to the

America." l)a\ is said “That pe twin 3 oo o tttfpm

rtod rtt m_\ life trattied me. and | “mm.“ \m," 5 tllpm

l't‘tlll} wanted to be art 1tL‘i|\f\l

It‘s about making a commitment BRING:

to chatige the world It's impor ”Wt“ ”’

tant to find your own passion - \mtafscuirtrsr'anlnr11t\

because it becomes your to} " \ll tormsW 3. MW”. ftr‘tzt. or W42 \
l lid“: hiid ilk‘ per'lngk‘ 0i Hm trim ntattum of utfur Int tum

benefit Greeks and

the issllt‘ of retruttment by to the Women s Plate debate next week until the e