xt7j9k45tp1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7j9k45tp1q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1977-03-21  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 21, 1977 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, March 21, 1977 1977 1977-03-21 2020 true xt7j9k45tp1q section xt7j9k45tp1q M

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The University Senate met in regular session at 3: 00 p.m. , Monday, March
21, 1977, in the Court Room of the Law Building.

Constance P. Wilson, Chairman, presiding

Members absent: Michael E. Adelstein*, Roger B. Anderson, Gerald G. Ashdown*,

C. Dwight Auvenshine*, Lyle N. Back*, Michael A. Baer*, Lisa K. Barclay, Charles
E. Barnhart, R. Paul Baumgartner*, Joanne Bell, RobertP. Belin*, Juris Berzins,
Norman F. Billups*, Cary Blankenship*, Jack C. B1anton*, Wilbur C. Blount*, Peter
P. Bosomworth*, Russell H. Brannon*, C. Frank Buck, Joseph T. Burch, Donald
B. Clapp, Richard R. Clayton, Lewis W. Cockran*, Kenneth M. Coleman*, Glenn
B. Collins, Ronda S. Connoway, Samuel F. Conti*, Marjorie A. Crandall, Bill Crosby,
Donald P. Cross, Nancy Daly, Robert J. DeAngelis*, George W. Denemark*, William
H. Dennen, Ronald C. Dillehay, Herbert N. Drennon, Roland Duell*, Anthony Eardley,
Mike Easley, Fred Edmonds*, Calvin B. Ernst, Kathryn Fair, Mark Fenzel, Bill
Fowler, James E. Funk*, Paul Fritts, R. Fletcher Gabbard*, James L. Gibson, Abner
Golden*, Joseph J. Gruber*, Joseph Hamburg, Bobby O. Hardin*, Jon A. Hendricks,
Beth Hicks*, Jeffery Hoeck, Raymond R. Hornback, Alfred S. L. Hu, Eugene Huff,
Steve Ibershaff, Dean Jaros, Raymon D. Johnson*, James A. Knoblett, Theodore
A. Kotchen, Joseph Krislov*, Thomas F. Lewis, Austin S. Litvak*, William E. Lyons*,
Abby L. Marlatt*, Levis D. McCullers*, Susan A. McEvoy*, Mamie McIndoe, Marion
McKenna*, Gwen E. Mead*, Bill Miracle, James T. Moore, Terry Norris, James
. Ogletree*, Alan R. Perreiah*, Paul M. Pinney, William K. Plucknett, Thurlow
. Robe*, Robert W. Rudd*, Stanley R. Saxe*, Rudolph Schrils, John Scierele,
. Milton Shuffelt, Otis A. Singletary*, John T. Smith*, Stanford L. Smith, Don
.Soule, Emilie Steinhauer, John B. Stephenson, John P. Strickland, Lee T. Todd,
Harold H. Traurig*, William F. Wagner*, Lester Wahner, Thomas J. Waldhart, John

. Walker, M. Stanley Wall, Marc J. Wallace, Matthew Welch, Kennard W Wellons,
Frederick W. Whiteside, Jr. , Ralph F. Wiseman*, Debi Young*


The minutes of the meeting of February 14, 1977, were accepted as circulated
with the addition of ”vote defeated" after the sentence at bottom of page 10 ”Professor

Ogletree moved the previous question on the original motion. ”

1. Action item:
Motion to amend Senate Rules , V, 1.8, Grades fo_r_Students Who Withdraw o_r; are
Dropped (circulated under date of March 10, 1977)
Motion passed as amended



II. Memorial Resolutions:

Harold Karr Charlesworth
Robert Lein Cosgriff

George P. Faust
Gertrude M. Skerski

*Absence explained



Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977—Cont
III. Senate Council Activities and Informational Items g

Michael Adelstein Reelected Faculty Trustee

Research Professors Recognized mm
Distinguished Professor Lecture - Professor Sidney Ulmer '
Focus on Teaching Dates

Retirement Dinner --April 4

Two ad hoc Committees Appointed [
Masters in Planning Program
Ombudsman Search Committee
Senate Elections in Process (
Computerization of Senate Rules




IV. Report on Experiment in Advising, Career Counseling and Developmental Studies:
Dr. Raymond Cox, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

V. College of Dentistry Revised Calendar 1977-78

Chairman Wilson presented the following four Memorial Resolutions on the deaths of
Harold Karr Charlesworth, Robert Lein Cosgriff, George P. Faust, and Gertrude
M. Skerski. Professor Wilson directed that the Resolutions be made a part of these
minutes and that copies be provided to the members of the immediate families. Following
Professor Wilson's presentation of the Resolutions, the Senators were asked to stand
for a moment of silence in tribute and respect to Professor Charlesworth, Professor
Cosgriff, Professor Faust, and Professor Skerski.




Dr. Harold Karr Charlesworth, Extension Professor of Economics, died ‘
February 25, 1977. Dr. Charlesworth joined the faculty of the College of I
Business and Economics in January 1967 as Associate Dean for Extension
and served in that capacity until 1976. He was on research assignment in A“
the Philippines when stricken with the illness that resulted in his death \
shortly after returning to Lexington. l

Dr. Charlesworth was born in Clear Lake, Iowa, in 1917. He graduated
from Carleton College in 1939 and received the Master of Business Administration
degree from the University of Michigan in 1942. Enlisting in the United States
Air Force in 1943, he saw service in Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines
and held the rank of Captain when separated from the service in 1946. His
Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics was awarded by the University of
Wisconsin in 1950. His dissertation year was spent as a fellowship student
at the London School of Economics and Political Science; his doctoral disserta-
tion, The Economics o_fRepressed Inflation, was a notable study of postwar
monetary problems and was published by the MacMillan Company.







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Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977 5029

From 1950 to 1967 Dr. Charlesworth‘s career included teaching, research,
and administrative posts in the United States and abroad. He held such positions
with George Washington University, University of Texas , U. S. Department of
State, Central Intelligence Agency, and Agency for International Development.
His overseas assignments were mainly in Indonesia, the Philippines , and the
Mid-East. At the time of his appointment as Associate Dean of the College of
Business and Economics, in 1967, he was Director of the Kuwait Institute of
Economic and Social Planning.

During Dr. Charlesworth's tenure as Associate Dean for Extension the
externally funded programs of the College of Business and Economics enjoyed
substantial expansion. Technical assistant programs for small businesses
and local governments were established, largely funded from Federal sources.
State support was obtained for the formation of the Kentucky Council of
Economic Advisers , the Center for Labor Education and Research, and the
Center for Real Estate and Land Use Analysis. Dr. Charlesworth‘s efforts
contributed to the establishment of the state's Office of Minority Business
Enterprise. His last major assignment as Associate Dean of the College of
Business and Economics was the creation and activation of a joint program
with the Mara Institute of Technology in Malaysia for the training of small
business entrepreneurs and small business consultants.

Throughout his career as an innovator and administrator of extension and
technical assistant programs , Dr. Charlesworth maintained a strong interest
in research. He was not only active as an author of articles and monographs
in his fields of special interest but also sought to expand organized research
programs with which he was associated. During his period as Associate
Dean, the College of Business and Economics provided significant research
assistance to various agencies of state government. A further accomplishment
of note was the initiation in 1970 of Growth and Change, A Journal o_f Regional
Development, which, as a quarterly subscription publication of the College of
Business and Economics, has gained wide recognition in the field of regional



Dr. Charlesworth was active in a number of professional, business, and
service organizations , including the American Economic Association, Association
of University Bureaus of Business and Economic Research, National Council for
Small Business Management Development, Society for International Development,
Rotary International, Masonic Order, Reserve Officers Association, and American
Federation of Teachers. He was president of the National Council for Small
Business Management Development in 1970-71 and 1971-72 and was president of
Local 189 of the American Federation of Teachers in 1973-74.

The accomplishments of Dr. Charlesworth during his ten years with the
University of Kentucky contributed significantly to the development of the
College of Business and Economics and to its greater recognition within the
state, nationally, and internationally. The external programs of the College
reflect today and will reflect for years to come his enterprise, his originality,
and his unstinting commitment to the College and the University.







Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977 ~ Cont


Dr. Robert Lein Cosgriff, Professor and former chairman of the
Department of Electrical Engineering, died on February 17, 1977, after
a short illness.

He was a native of Montana and attended Montana State College early
in his career. He received a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree
from Ohio State University in 1947. He subsequently received the Master
of Science degree in 1949 and the Ph.D. in 1953, both in Electrical
Engineering from Ohio State University. Dr. Cosgriff had a distinguished
professional career.

He initially worked in industry as a Research Engineer, after which he
served on the faculty at Ohio State University from 1952 through 1967,
achieving the rank of Full Professor. During his tenure there he was
Associate Supervisor in the Antenna Laboratory, Director of the Communi-
cation and Control Laboratory, and made notable contributions in remote
and automatic control of modern vehicles.

He came to the University of Kentucky in 1967 as Professor of Electrical
Engineering and served as Department Chairman through 1971. During
that period he was instrumental in organizing and implementing the Ph.D.
program in Electrical Engineering. He eagerly sought the association of
students and was continually incorporating new developments into the
curriculum. He had a constructive and positive perspective on the develop-
ment of the present, modern program in Electrical Engineering.

Dr. Cosgriff was honored by membership in Tau Beta Pi, Engineering
Honorary, and Eta Kappa Nu, Electrical Engineering Honorary Societies,
as well as in several other technical and professional societies. He was
especially active in his professional society, the Institute of Electronic and
Electrical Engineers, IEEE, and served on administrative and conference
planning committees .

His wise counsel, contributions, and dedicated service will be missed
by the Department and the University.

The faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering, as well as his
friends and co-workers , through the Department Chairman move that the
University Senate adopt this resolution in honor of Dr. Robert L. Cosgriff,
that it be spread upon the minutes, and that a copy be sent, with our deep
personal regard and respect, to Mrs. Jane Cosgriff.


 Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977


Professor George P. Faust died in Lexington on January 3, 1977, after a
brief illness. He had served in the Department of English from 1947 to

1963, and in the Department of Anthropology thereafter until his retirement
in 1971.

George Faust was born in Buffalo, New York in 1905 , but grew up primarily
in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where his father had retired following a career of
service in the U. S. Navy. As an undergraduate George attended Princeton
University, receiving his A. B. in 1927. After a year of graduate study at
Oxford he returned to Princeton and completed his Ph.D. in English in 1932.

Structure; it was later published by Princeton University Press.

The depression years and World War II brought a series of short-term
teaching appointments, at Princeton, Duquesne, Knox College, the University
of Michigan, and Howard (now Samford) College. George joined the Department
of English at the University of Kentucky as Associate Professor in 1947, and
was promoted to Full Professor in 1956. In 1955-56 he took a year's leave to
serve as Fulbright Lecturer at the American University in Cairo, and from
1959 to 1961 he served in Washington as head of the Language Department
Section of the U. S. Office of Education.

Although Professor Faust taught a variety of courses in English Literature,
and served for a number of years as Director of Freshman English, in the course
of his career he became more and more interested in the study of language
for its own sake, and in the wide ramifications of linguistic theory. Most of
the basic or core courses in linguistics now cross-listed in English and Anthropology
were originated by George. Although his effort to establish a separate department
was not successful, he did persuade the College of Arts and Sciences to create an
undergraduate, topical major in linguistics —* a program that has resulted in the
recently-formed interdisciplinary Linguistics Program. In 1963, he transferred
from the Department of English to the Department of Anthropology, because most
of his students in linguistics classes were Anthropology majors. He remained in
Anthropology until his retirement in 1971.

Although he found a receptive home for his linguistic interests in the
Department of Anthropology, George was never entirely comfortable in a dis-
cipline for which he had no formal training. Indeed, one of his last requests to
the University was that he be allowed to retire with the title of Professor Emeritus
of Linguistics rather than Professor of Anthropology. "For eight years now I
have been masquerading as Professor of Anthropology, a title I do not merit by
any stretch of the imagination, ” he wrote. ” . . .the false colors under which
I have been forced to sail have become a perennial joke among some of my
fellow linguists. " In spite of this disclaimer George was a shrewd observer of
many aspects of the human scene, and his contributions to the Anthropology
graduate program were by no means confined to the field of linguistics.



Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977 - Cont 5032

He served on a number of graduate advisory committees, and was active in various
aspects of departmental governance as well as in the academic sphere.

The extent of George Faust's scholarly and professional activities is not
fully reflected in the list of his published works, for some of his most im-
portant work was editorial. He served as Associate Editor of the Journal
General Linguistics from 1955-1962, and was Editor-in-Chief from 1962—66.
Thereafter he continued to serve as Associate Editor up to the time of his

College Composition and Communication; on the Executive Committee of the

Linguistic Society of America; on the Committee on the Place of the Linguistic

Institute of the Linguistic Society of America; on the committee on Critical

Languages and World Areas of the Southern Regional Education Board; and on

the Advisory Committee of the World Book Encyclopedia Dictionary. He was a

member of half a dozen professional societies in the field of linguistics. His

editorial and professional activities gained him a national reputation as a dis- A
tinguished linguist. Several of his early articles are still regularly anthologized. “1'3


death. George also served on the Executive Committee of the Conference on 1

After his retirement George Faust began dividing his time between Lexington
in the summer and Arizona in the winter. He remained active in a number of
professional activities up to the time of his death, and frequently dropped I
into the Department of Anthropology and the Department of English to sustain 1
old acquaintances and his professional ties. He was always a welcome visitor, ]
and will be sincerely missed by all those who knew him and who continue to
profit professionally from their contact with him. I


Miss Gertrude M. Skerski, Emeritus Assistant Professor of Nutrition and |
Food Science in the College of Home Economics, died on January 28, 1977. A55
She had served the University for almost 20 years from 1956 until ill health "
forced her early retirement in January, 1976. 1'

She was a native of Pennsylvania and received a B .5. degree in 1951 and 1
an M.S. degree in 1953 from the University of California in Los Angeles. She
had completed doctoral coursework at the University of Wisconsin where she
also served as a research assistant in Nutritional Biochemistry from 1953 to
19 56.

During her professional career at the University of Kentucky she was
associated with the Agricultural Experiment Station in many nutrition research ‘
projects, including Southern Regional studies on the metabolic needs of pre- 1
adolescent girls. From 1968 to 1971, she served as a visiting research associ— 5
ate at Kentucky State University, where she helped in the establishment of that ’
institution's Experiment Station research in basic nutrition. fl%

Miss Skerski was a member of the American Home Economics Association and
the American Dietetic Association. She served on the board of the Kentucky




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Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977 5033

Dietetic Association as constitution committee chairman from 1971 to 1975; she had
also served as a member of its Bluegrass District education and public relations
committee. Within the University she was active in the Faculty Club , serving as
secretary in 1960-61; she served as an Enteract advisor from 1971 to 1974; she
was faculty sponsor for the U .K. student section of the American Home Economics
Association, and served a total of nine years as secretary to the faculty of Home

Economics. She was also a loyal participant in the Newman Club and an enthusiastic
worker in the Altrusa Club.

Her many friends in the academic community will remember Trudy as a warm
and giving person as well as a conscientious and meticulous researcher, a sound

and thorough teacher and a concerned and generous counselor of students at both
the undergraduate and graduate levels.

For her dedicated service the faculties of the Department of Nutrition and

Food Science and of the College of Home Economics express their profound

The faculty of the College of Home Economics, through its Dean, moves that
the University Senate adopt this resolution in honor of Gertrude M. Skerski, that

it be spread upon the minutes, and that a copy be sent, with our deep sympathy,
to her family through her sister, Mrs. Pearl Kalinski.

Professor Wilson summarized Senate Council activities and informational items as


1. Professor Michael Adelstein was reelected as faculty trustee.

2. The Senate and the Senate Council would like to congratulate the four research
professors: Guy Davenport, English; William Ehmann, Chemistry; William
Markesbery, Medicine; and Roger Wets, Mathematics. A Senate Committee last
year headed by Professor Zakkula Govindarajulu made this proposal and it was
implemented promptly by President Singletary.

3. The Arts and Sciences distinguished professor, Dr. Sidney Ulmer, who has

served on the Senate Council and is now on leave of absence, will present a
lecture on Wednesday, March 30.

4. Professor Wilson called the Senate's attention to the Focus on Teaching dates ~—

March 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, April 4, 5, 6, and 13. Details are available
in the Senate Council Office.

5. The Retirement Dinner — April 4 at the Lafayette Club- Reception 5: 3O p.m. -

Dinner - 7: 00 p.m. If any of the twelve people retiring this year is in your
department or college , please make a special effort to honor that person.

6. Advance Registration dates - April 11-22






Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977 - Cont 5034

7. Dr. Leonard Curry, Chairman of the University of Louisville Senate Committee
on Allocation of Resources , is coming at the invitation of the AAUP on March 31,
to the Chemistry-Physics Building, at 3: 15 p.m.

8. Professor Malcolm Jewell will chair the ad hoc Committee on Renumbering --
specifically the 400 and 500 courses. Professor Nicholas Pisacano will chair
the ad hoc Committee on Academic Ethics and Responsibilities.

9. The Senate Council has accepted the proposal of Dean Royster and the Graduate
Council that the expiration date of the Masters in Planning Program be extended.

10. Professor Ogletree’s Ombudsman Search Committee has requested that nomina-
tions be submitted to his committee as soon as possible.

11. The Senate elections are now in process. Professor Wilson urged the Senators to
vote. Attached to the minutes is a list of the Senators who have not missed a
meeting of the Senate this year.

12. The Computer Printouts of the University Senate Rules will be out this week.


Associate Dean Raymond Cox, College of Arts and Sciences, gave the following
Report on Experiment in Advising, Career Counseling and Developmental Studies.

”Professor Wilson has asked that I report to you on two services for which I
have some administrative responsibility. These are the College of Arts and
Sciences Advising Service and the University‘s Developmental Studies Program.
There are recent reports on each available in my office so today I will attempt
only a general overview and to those of you who wish more details I will be
happy to send the appropriate statement.

As many of you know, for years Ben Black, Herb Drennon and Jack Delap have
served as advisors for many Arts and Sciences‘ students. Due to their great
efforts , the college Dean's office gained an excellent reputation for giving good
and accurate advice. A result was that the status of being an undecided or
undeclared major became very respectable and the business these men generated
was simply more than they could handle. Serving well this population of un-
decided students was one of the problems involved in structuring the new organi—
zation plan of the college.



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Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977 5035

In this reorganization, the division of basic studies was given the responsibility
for advising and otherwise looking after this group of students. Now, Dr. Black,
Mr. Delap and I do some of it. However, the bulk is done by Assistant Dean
Carlton Williams and a staff of five professional advisors: these persons are roughly
half time -- actually, they each work 880 hours a year or an average of 20 hours

per week for 44 weeks -- and each has an active client list of over 200 students.
Two of them have close to 300.

The advisors all have master's degrees -- two in counseling, two in education
and one in English —- and all have had some type of relevant experience. In re-
cruiting we looked for complimenting, but differing, backgrounds so that the staff
as a whole represents a broad range of advising skills and experiences.

The purpose of the advising service is basically threefold:

First, to help undecided students in Arts and Sciences to explore their interests
and goals and to relate these to their planning of personal programs of study
within the larger context of life and career planning:

Second, to assist Arts and Sciences students who encounter academic difficulties,
specially those who are on probation or have been suspended for academic reasons:

Third, to serve all University Students interested in learning about the variety of
opportunities for study, available degree programs and the possible impact of these
on personal goals.

It is appropriate to mention here that we do not View our role as advertisers or
recruiters for Arts and Sciences, just the opposite. We want students to take advan-
tage of the entire University. Our goal is to get the right student to the right pro-
gram at the right time and, hopefully, in the right frame of mind. We have sent
students to every college and nearly every program that accepts undergraduates.
We do not want students to remain undecided. We want them to make a choice, but
only after they have sampled, explored and, most important, thought: so that
their choice will be logical and right for them. Once the choice is made , the student
is referred to the appropriate unit which then assumes the advisory role. However,
it is interesting to observe that a large number of such students continually return
to their undecided advisor. Not so much for advice, but just to talk and generally
to discuss their progress and ideas.

To fulfill the purpose of the advising service, the advisors work with the stu-
dents on basically two related, but also separate, fronts —— the academic and the

On the academic front the advisors deal with problems familiar to us all. These
involve schedule building, course selection, drop—add, etc. However, we have
much more in mind than this. There is an attempt to work with students on long
range academic planning and to structure for the undecided a rich lower division
educational experience. One which really exposes to the student the many
academic opportunities here and help him to take full advantage of them. That is
the advisors attempt to get the students to View their academic possibilities in







Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977 - Cont 5036
broad perspective and to make co-ordinated and meaningful course selections
and to sample various intellectual areas where they may have strength and interest.

Another facet on the academic side is working with students who are on proba—
tion or under suspension. Never before has the college been able to offer all of
these students advice and counseling. Now we can. A serious attempt is made to
contact each and every probated or dropped student, urging them to come in for a
session with one of the advisors. So far, the acceptance rate is about 50%.

While we feel that the main thrust of Arts and Sciences is , and should be academic;
we cannot afford to ignore the career implications of a college degree. Therefore,
our advisors work with students in this area. Our objective is simply to get the
student started in thinking about his or her career. And by career we don’t mean
just ”job” , but rather all life activities. Our aim is to induce students to begin
thinking of career possibilities early and to help them see how their academic work
relates. What we want is for students to look at questions of career and life style
early enough to have the results influence their academic program. Now, our
mission is not in depth career counseling. For this we refer the student to the more
qualified professionals in the Counseling and Testing Center. Last term we made
151 such references. But, we do think we can work effectively with students on
the beginning phases and we can certainly see that the question is brought to the
student's attention. In some cases, this is an effective way to make the student
perceive the relevancy of his course work and the result is better classroom per-

To assist the advisors on the career front we have some new things going:

First, a room on the second floor of Patterson Tower is used to house a small
collection of career guidance materials. The major item being the Cronical Guidance
Publications Occupational Library which features carefully written and up-to-date
four page briefs on over 600 various occupations. Associated with this is a self
paced career assessment exercise that helps the student match his interests,
attitudes, etc. with possible careers.

Second, we have worked with the Placement Service the last two spring terms in
offering career planning workshops. These involve four two-hour sessions during
which the students go through various self-awareness exercises and then relates the
self-knowledge gained to questions of career. This spring the sessions were held
in the Koinonia House and 30 students participated.

Third, we recently invited a consultant to our campus to teach our advisors how to
use Howard Figler's path. For those not familiar with this, it is again a series of
self-awareness experiments spread over four two-hour sessions but the approach
is specifically designed for career exploration for liberal arts students. Our
advisors have just finished a trial run with 30 students and the reaction by all was
very positive.

Finally, we have been working with the Alumni Association to generate a referral
list of U.K. Alumni working in various occupations. We hope that soon we will
be able to put students who are seriously contemplating a certain career into direct


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Minutes of the University Senate, March 21, 1977 5037

contact with a person actually in the area. This idea has worked well at other
schools and we are hopeful it will be successful here.

I would like to emphasize again that we View our main mission as academic, but
we feel that to be successful we must address the career questions.

Well, the obvious question is ”How is it all working?” In my opinion, very well.
If there is any truth in the responses we get on the Student Evaluation of Academic
Advisors, questionnaire that we have administered the past three pre-Ee-gistrations ,
then the students are well satisfied with the arrangements.


Our numbers are surprising to most. We have on our books 1,792 undecided
students. Now not all of these are really undecided. Three hundred to four
hundred are using the undecided status as a holding pattern while they await
admittance to some other program such as Allied Health, or Architecture, or
Nursing in LTI. However, this still leaves 14-15 hundred actual undecideds.

Well over 1200 of these have conferred with an advisor at least once and the
majority have made multiple visits. Since the expanded service makes it possible
to have an advisor on duty from 8: 00-5: 00 Monday through Friday, we have also
generated an increasing amount of walk—on business. Students, not necessarily
from Arts and Sciences, who are seeking answers to various questions -- most per-
taining to rules and regulations -- but also a good number of other types.

The salient factor is, I believe , that the advisors are concerned people, intelli-
gent people , who have the time and willingness to talk in depth with students.
We have gone to great pains to make them fully cognizant of the breadth and scope
of the University's lower division offerings , as well as the various rules under
which the system operates. They do not know as much about mathematics for
example as I do, but they have , I think, a better overall knowledge of the totality
of 100 and 200 level courses and how they relate.

This brings me to a pitch for your help. The advising service has never been, or
ever will be, error free. But we try and one way we try is by having an ongoing
program of sending our advisors out to the various departments to make and main—
tain close contact with chairmen and the directors of undergraduate studies. We
need to do more of this and certainly to get beyond the doors of Arts and Sciences.
Therefore, I would appreciate any suggestions you have concerning key people
we should conta