xt7jdf6k3n47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jdf6k3n47/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1998 Vol.69 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 1998 Vol.69 No.7 1998 2019 true xt7jdf6k3n47 section xt7jdf6k3n47 . 5 i ‘ l .
F;r Cl‘\/' , , ,i,,,,,,
P" i th , '
n 3 THE KENTUCK Y my" 1998
, .( a. 12* "" me 69. Number 7
. é. okout F W ———————,fi. . P _ .
——. CENTRAL SERlALS RECORDS renal ubllcation
, , . , 0 01.89 l MARGARET l KlNG fixings Kentucky Press
- x BoardofDirectors UNIVERSlTY 0F KY 4 0506 Se rvuce
1 S'lVOlOOlHad Bridge State Park -
0 Oct.9
EntzydeadlineforKPA " “
0 Jan2l-22, A
" 1999KPAW'mta-Conventim
I GaltHomeEmt
.. Imzisville
I o o o
, Survey. USPS does poor Job dehvering Kentucky papers
f Postal Service delivery of indicated 73 percent of newspapers the Postal Service a portion of its "The Postal Service measures
% Kentucky newspapers is worsening reported that Postal Service deliv- costs. The Postal Service also the quality of First Class mail deliv-
», at about the same rate as commu- ery had become significantly worse changed the way mail is routed cry. but refuses to measure the
1. nity newspapers across America. over the past year. through its system. eliminating delivery of community newspapers.
. " In a survey conducted by KPA, Newspapers across the county some avenues of distribution for we now know why," said Kenneth
80 percent of papers responding have reported a significant decline mail volume which has led to slow B. Allen, NNA's executive vice pres-
‘ reported they had lost subscribers in newspaper delivery since the newspaper delivery nationwide. ident and CEO. "Community news- ?
ff over the past year as a result of Postal Service began implementing In the NNA survey, just over papers around the country report ,
.. poor postal delivery. Seventy per- its 1995 ”reclassification" effort. 60 percent of responding newspa- that it is taking longer than ever to '
;, cent reported delivery service had according to NNA officials. In 1995, pers reported a loss of subscribers get their products to subscribers.
; deteriorated over the past year. the Postal Service changed the way because of poor delivery. especially those who are outside the
/ j The National Newspaper mail is classified and put into place In Kentucky, the number of county and state."
,. Association (NNA) conducted a sur- work-sharing incentives to help lost subscribers ranged from two to NNA'S survey showed in-County '
7 vey of papers across America which customers take discounts for saving 20. See DELIVERY, page 7
‘ESP’ ro ram heralded ' ‘
p g I “i ‘77 ‘ \
. as cost, churn reducer , g g .
g The Kentucky Press Circulation Division Chairman i v, s; V
' Association in partnership with Dave Eldridge when asked to ‘j ' 3: ~ at.»
‘ Network 1 Financial is introducing describe the ESP program. i " “J
to Kentucky newspapers a new Eldridge. publisher 0f fh‘? " 1 __
- Electronic Subscription Payment Jessamine Journal. said the kPA . (he)
(ESP! program. ESP is designed to Board and Circulation Division ,’ . .. -- -.. rm
/ reduce costs and decrease sub- believed th" ESP program t“ h? a f ‘1 \ "I .1 9
, scriberchurn. good marketing tool for any size 2' ' ‘
‘ ”It's jazzy." said KPA See ESP. page 7 i 'i
r. —. ‘ ‘ I -.~‘ 0
UPC codlng used to reduce theft 3 . ,, ~
Tired of watching your single- Newspapers can apply online ~ ?
copy profits slip away. the result of at: www.uc-council.org or call UCC . .‘ u‘
‘ theft? Putting a UPC code on your at l800l 543-8137 or l937l 435- i- ' - \
newspaper may be the solution, 3870. The application process nor- fi ’ . ._ . ‘a
In order to bar code your news- mally takes about 10 L0 .15 days . . . ‘ -
1, paper, you first have to apply for a from the date UCC receives the i. 1' .. ‘ " . .
license from the Uniform Code application. . . "a“. , . _ " ,,
Council to receive a Universal The UPC ““195 has 12 d1g1t5~ '
Product Code (U PC l. See UPC, page 7 Achievement award
. Louise Hatmaker received the Russ Metz Most Valuable Member Award
, 'IN’IE i from KPA President Guy Hatfield during the 1998 Summer Convention.
- ’ ,. J“ . , , The award is presented to the individual who has pertormed the most
- -- . ~ . ‘_ ~ i outstanding service to KPA/KPS. Hatmaker recently retired from the
Wm ' T,» w”! I" I I ‘ mltdz'tfi h . i Beattyville Enterprise and Jackson Times. She served on the KPA Board
Wflm .‘ it 3; ’ ‘ ’ . , ~ . oi Directors for 21 years. longer than any member. During those years.
”fl“ 1 m m MM 3 Hatmaker was active in several KPA committees. More convention pho-
um ' m .. = a .- ulnmml mm on 98996-
" f H . . . . - i u
l ’ , .

 / .
Page 2 i A
- T I
he Kentucky Press Jul
K . y. 1998 .
ent UCk p60 !
K y p16 °
earn ' ' 9 < i I S
staff SJ01ns sports Ke I I
. - ntu ne
at Richmond Ck)’ New Er' .
Am); Kearn ' beginS S a sports‘ lifeh‘tvlpg . _ ’-
tion to the S is the newest ed' ‘ aturday Sion and “htert' .‘ . religion. tolevi. F g
R . Staff at the R- " m ' D .- ~ “'“mt'nt. ‘llzabothu . -
eglster. lchm0 d Ornln - _ and Rue. , . Mn New ._ _ _.
Keam " g pUthatlon "”1 a 171m" Edm" “Weekend . AM will lead .5. Emervnso, '
w‘ 8’ a hative of ‘ The Kentu k v Said th 1 .' ‘ r Now Era v i , , ”f, r"Pm'ters . 0 papvhh‘ te- '
111 Serve Richm ubl - C y New E t Satum. ”(ran 1 and ph am
heWsPapeaS g Sperts Writer {broil}? Eion lJShmg a SatUrday m ra began (“Sign that dy Piper has a no“: ( ”Pit-t the 10am iiinnizmhhhrs Z1nd '
1 r. h - e Une6 . Omlnv d'- r - 0mp a" . 9““ uc h “n” r .
Madiso 8 IS a grad - ‘That ed ' - h e ‘ hraphlcs‘ “295 col ”it! loeq] . . mi. and .
‘ h Centr ] ' “ate Of the first » ' “10h Wll] m r‘ ‘ and phot "I togrq h' ‘ stories .
Easter 3 ngh Sch ‘ mUrnlng ark LIVOS the . ()graph\, .1 l ‘P s. and Phi)- .
11 Kent ()0] and newspaper- . Paper {0,- th . mornlng - ‘ n( A ‘
While “CkV Un' - - - mlts 128 9 uh'QUe 10 k . heWSpapt- . ‘ “ 3117.21pr
at EKU h ' Wersity Catlon. Th , . yeiirs OfPUbl' th 0 - Rllov hq- r d Are] m flown N ‘.
Student 11 , S 9 Worked f0 - pa C Saturda . l- 9 New, Er'l , . t S VVOTkOd at 1 < me [0 the N. , M ‘ Sldpnt'
9W5 1' the per replac . y mOI‘nln ’ “r ‘ ‘ In tho qr ,. . 4 month . i L“ S—hnt I '
ngres Paper, the E Bd't' Oh that da 's . h “t”. Era h' .. . ‘ (‘15 0f stqff 1‘ ago 'lft i ”prise
s, as assist aStern . 1 ion, but the N ya afternoon ate (d P Its (‘ditor and . i . yo‘drs as .1 x r (r nearly tl
Las . ant photo ed' tlnue to . 8w Era w' . itor, dSSoci- oyv ) ( rt Pin‘ter fort . ‘. iret.
Columbt- YGar She receiv dltor. thI‘Ou hpubhsh afternoong WEI“ (.On- Ray DuCkw n:n(.d I’jalladiun]_1t ht (xannctt.
plaCe la SChOlaStiC Pre e fthe Th; Erma)" i ‘ 0nday an of the nt’wsgrth‘ another Voter ‘ngapor in RichmOnsni' 21 daily
aWard for bl SS irst .. e aturdav .d' ' h3t0r f ‘ ‘ aper, is the . 7 rior to- - - ‘ nd. ‘
photo 9533 “R and whit Weekend .. and -’ ‘ “'0“ is Called r " the Weekendv “""dl- pa . “"“ms the R.
_ . . , . * . S , P”. Are] v . Khmi '
first 3’. She also r - e Slze of ‘5 abOUt do b ‘0” DUCRWO th s port“ SGC- f “a” an A . ~ ”"1
placc in th €Celv9d a the Previ u 10' the NEW E - r has been Dr Fort Km ' rm} J“Urn'ili‘
page layout 8 area Of Sport paper“ Features t IOUS Saturday 11 Ta blnCe 1985 ex at the f0r fiVe )X h Ihblde th ) S
, - . - , " years D - . ‘ Turret
Intercoll . from the Kent S Sunday Cd. . yplcally fOUnd ~ month btlnt Cept for an .11. ‘ ' Urln r h .
. u mo ,~ In in1 (sobi ,. pl: 1st) _
eglate Presg ASSOCiatioany th Era's W202]:rL mCthed in th: :3: >_P0rts COPY 9:32 When he newSphrvecd (‘5 "d1t0r of Chi-112' he ~.
— IhC K . Wm be deVOtede'fid'1Tbe editmn ‘ ””19(N-C.>Citim_%§mf‘” ‘1‘“ p r. my 3
) ()Cal “0qu CS. 1) . ,
‘ ~ - rlegt h
n. entu k P Are] re . ~ ll‘ed .
115:3?ng Piess(lSSN0023-0324)~ C fess —— at N CClVeg prOmOtion in M 21d. ‘ {is I€P0rter
ASsociau-m “(1:3,qu Kentucky firesslspub‘ District13 CWS-Ente - ‘ lhonVllle
PeriodicaL 1 CkYPreSSSemce Glennc q rprlse Jeane“ , . i
K cassPOSta e‘ . IlnC. raylManchegt “tOVO Ar ‘1 ( PrIOSt h. . ' .
Y.40601, . .g lSpaidat "efEnte ,5 i . L has i hi’ws 5 ‘ (*5 oi vi .
Subscn t, . Frankfurt 1'P e “port been n tatf qt J mt. Lh-
K .- Cha 9 peryear. ‘ tdder at ‘ “tier asa , ””m'ille '
Fentucky press 101Cg 0f address to The bma"5impsii,1 the S “porter l
ranld ort Ky 4560 OnSumer lane sume . ‘ , ee PEO
' - I, (502) 223‘88 ’ rset PUlaski N , e PLE pa
‘ 21. tws'hiumal ‘ ge 11
2:31:95 and Directors D‘Sfrict 15. A —_—_—_S—————————_——
tucky press Marian. Tom Cau dill . Paul we t .
”h rLexmgtm Heraldlead P'l 1 '8 phellng
rire-"idem Distr' u . (-u VV“Siphelin r . “‘W‘ral (
C ’ ict15-B {hr Hlen« ‘ L. pubhg} . . f "her h .,
'UY Hatfieldci , l , . l‘lthe . . ) hm (”Urie . ~ Hr of ormpd ”T . "(11 mug-i
tum \. . . lson D at I. T. d x ht ‘\ Utii \
) oiwnglmes . anVllle Ad\'iicdie.\i1 drktmy Region] ud June 20 Band ore} . Jelody MPH .. . i.
hrljsldentEltx~t t‘i'late in L1 ‘ 055mm? ““5 84. d H"Spital. Hi- Kt‘ntuekxu M7111 that I(lured ~wed IB1LT
“55 P0\\')]] . ‘ ‘ ‘rgt' \\V(A_- _ - ‘ ~I 11n( \" Ilv ‘ , is “I‘ll
t ,Ashlai‘d Dailylnde , Sham" TUmi115hl w- . ‘ dent \thh‘ hhil *(‘rVed . . . for m‘m' than 2,»— if,“ m T"“lli'ssi-t»
I’ds‘i 1m 'd Ptndm“ / mtht’stgr Sun \ (’1 thi‘ Ki-nt d5 prhhl' SUr\'|\ ) "Udrs’
‘ )5 ‘ x \‘s‘ .‘ - ~> . ' - '
Genec] ‘beht hd RUM-“OW, "“N-llltlifi] in It) - U( h«\ I’M-gs Ann;i \\ _ _()r‘\ ”It‘ludt. his .
d eiseCmder New‘pd « Uisbom Nthlll-Zt‘rliiq . IUUIldlnif din (l - ()(l and W1. 1 “MW l t“llllielniu .‘ (i ‘ V‘ liii.
_ e; m» . h w” » (>1 A. ‘. “mi il l, .i-
i/iccprmdent P rs Teresa Mullins gamet- m hum" (“"lmv Rirvliirthv ”Ickman— I’Iuil \Viiiiliii “115‘" 1‘ Ultnn' 'lu‘TlilllliI‘
omc , . ' ‘ llZen (* :Iru ‘ ‘~ ‘ ' )Hrt Ant} ' . >. h‘lhg ll ( ‘ I t .\ _ (
audill,Lex1ngton Herald L Dim Wh'ti ”t. Mn- .du‘iti (1 from mp 1,] . hm.“ and three ”kind“ i ii \ iiiiiigi. \H
Treasurer - 9ader lL'Andeh‘Un NEH" jour “Him“ In 1936 With 1 ihersit}. ShrVH‘e \. ”h ‘
~ . ha is 2 tour“.~ I‘ll .. ‘ ~‘ Vere } . -
Teresa Refle Assoc . . . m- I10 he ,, . h ‘ 1n (“(1rd (, it [it it .‘
' rt, . ~ lateSD ,~.- \Mirk , ~ L-ln } ‘- ., , diliil . . 1 5i
McLean Coumy News Ed MaStreanniéznn Wiseinh IMF Shvi‘rul “hall“; (dryer t‘hd burn] “‘11:“th hllrt'h 1n Fulton
aismctl Television I nmckyEdUCatiOnal Alissisili:ln‘ Thllnr-esole-“pm.S m 3101111},er (liir(i(.n( m ()Illiin (i‘lllllh
iniamthch “ “ )pl. “ HIM] ht' fun ' . , hi .
ell, Fulton Leader AdvertiSing [)iviqi) dui hnlh’wlhll six year: ‘ ”‘15 h" "indentlh ‘5‘“de thin hit-mun,
DiStrictz Larry Brooks Lei‘in \ v 3 in the ITS. Ari . i .M actiVe (hurcli \1 -‘ it 1' hdwin‘d (" (1
led . - I Xingu)“ Herald-Lead thar 11. “Yt‘fitph 111]} dUrlng “rot-1d ‘ Uhlc I‘llndv ‘1 liiilk.
(D . ‘ _ er 1 g . r (i In 1 . _
gliam awson SPhthPfogress Seal-Ni: Editorial DiVisiOn ad:::—1tl'n~gt0n p0St i: J10912hd the Edgar E E
$223“; Nmmk’xmh’Cky Pest lowing??? representative an“: {1 Edgar F. Filfterly JI‘.
' . )2 l 1 ' i - h _ 4‘ 415 i . ‘
vlett,McLean CountYNews Cll'CulafiOn DiVisiOn Johanna‘ ()rlhj ”ht dnd his with hllri'aU Chlcffor th: Fl; ‘.]r.. a lormt.r
Disin'c DaveEldi-id , khOWn ~ ‘0 as she Wag - m hentuckv. “-“K‘mtmi I’r--<
t4 ge] tulf‘] _ ti ) dnd Us
Charlie Portm I essamme Journal purchaysi 1 led a lifelong dro. )mily tw" govomors d‘ DresS soCretilr’y for i
3m, Franklin Favorite lollmalism Education Paper ‘Tnhg their Own wet‘kly film by 88. ~ . led June 13. Ht" was ‘
gisflficts {3""UU‘fiuff-Albers West Th0 éOUp(i ‘FUIton County Nags Easterly also w . i I
333" Gm'h‘eKmmckySm mm”, emxentud‘y Kentucky arid moved ‘0 W este bi Em m Milwaukoe‘irked 5‘” m‘“'5[)zi- 1
stown dard, Generalc per Until 1972 Operated the news :1 ad been the PUbliqhuild (hicago and
Disui _ Ounsels in 1986 . J0 Westph l. . P - newspapers , _ . U‘ ()f two Week] , .
Dor Ct6 10h “GISChaker and ' ' e lng died In F!" f 1“ NIChOIaSVlllo H - 3
othy Amity 0| Dimmere sigh)” KlmGreene ACCOrding to W Lou‘m‘ 1k. on He helped 0‘ . e lthd
Disirici I Era Uary in The Hick eStphehng’s obit (‘hil‘w‘lh‘ Chapter of shtabhsh the i
7 K man - ' ’ » no 1 m' , , l
K2119 W . €11kame A5600} - couple Chose w , Couner. the PN)f)<:w known 35 thegs dD( ltd
Y kavGallafin Kentucky Pressse . hon becfmse of its €§t8rn Kentuck Ehblona] JOUmali ‘tx ()Llety of . .
Dish“ $9 :om't)’ News David T. “OmPSJnV1E:Staff tiVes in MPrOlejty to his r01 .V Was ‘hStalled as its fib‘e. and in 1953
K Bonnie How , ecuu've Direct west h . ' issomi a d 3- IIejoinOd . r-ét president
enMetz,Bath com“), Newsou Gloria Daviffécmtroue, or time pthelings in Mississiph _ AMrs 1932 tmmf th‘ AP In Cincinnat' ~
tlook Li " Vertisin Di ' e 0011 l H p" ton) (‘ l ‘ 3 erred ‘0 th 1'”
DiSUict 10.] 8aChmahan N 8 m0!“ rad' . p e 3130 ow ( ”0 umbUs‘ ' e bUN‘aU '
1 Rabalewi ’ eWSBm'eau - m Statum ' ned WFUL a ' ‘ m 1934 an r m
MahyBaCkus,AP a] ~ 5u C 'Rm/Mark . Direct” they Purch ‘ln Fu1t0h~ In 197 ppomtpd Statt‘edm d ldthr Was
p adua’lNewsE e ammack Ad . . em‘gCoordinato Cr ‘ 359d The H' 0 Easter]. )r thi‘rc.
Dis -. "P‘m" Buff Sam ’ mm‘Sh'afiV/eA . ’ ”uh" , ‘Ckma b . .-‘, mm'vd I( 1 ~. .
Ia inc? 12 RachyelmczBookkeerg Ass' t SSistam weqtphelin ntwspaper I; unau chief in 1970 ) iouisvllk. .N
C Thoma ai- ., 15 am ‘. _ g rema' 8m years‘ , f” and ._
Silackson Times saniantha Barty, Adverhs‘hg Assisian uhill his death med as PUblishor to h in th‘“ position bet" N “(d h‘"'
David Shm “115.913 Advertising Assist”: AlthUUgh l' . A B eruomi- pn’ss St‘t'r ) TWO rr-SImlt'd
p‘ "'9, Indiana Salegq t Sign “v . ‘1J()urnillist bV . ' ‘ 1121ppy" (Vi . (tar). It) (}()\.
~~Upervism 'iccoiii l'olhtphollng was i IPI‘otog, held the \"Hilt ' immnhr h'NU'rlt
( I) '5 it'd '; .‘. ‘i h 5“ ai (‘ . 3‘ 3"” 11nd . ' -V
i 17.2 music-12m, lie and Hmh" tr”m 1960 to 19h; (1m Bil"
See DEA f
THS- Page 11 .
. I

 The Kentucky Press, July, 1998 - Page 3
. . MW#‘—"—”” ‘ 0
TthI Of VOICE mail 11169921069 l l§§L16 O+ COl ll en T n
i; L C I | L k l b 1 g
o o 9 '
‘ I O O
Clt€d 1n paper S CObtly TEUdCtl()n l tr? V61 “me (1 SUV I {y one
lAI’i —— The Cincinnati Ancona said he \‘k‘i’lllltl not coin-l
Enquirer: after renouncing stories ment on the investigation lhe By KIM GREENE ly scheduled m {hp (mimngg Each
1t published criticizmg th“ Hamilton (”UMY Sllt’r‘” 1‘15" "" KPA(kIIKmlCmmseJ reporter‘s ”regular" hours must he
Chiquita banana company. has investigating whether ( hiqiiita [)insmore& Shohl ’ evaluated m determine whvfluir
received subpoena-s from a 599““1 property was “”19“ Most Kl’A iiiem- . travel tiriie to and from riiulti-daV,’
prosecutor investigating whether (:allagher. 40. was tired June 26 b” upwspapwg 9 _ 3 assignments is coiiirwnsable' what
I - ‘ . . ) \ h ' I ' l ' " I ' ‘ 'i It II ‘ I
Chiquitawas a Victim of theft Hr. had ht ( n at tht papt r slntt employ hourly-paid . . 15 regular for Um, “‘PW'U‘T may not
Enqmrer‘Publisher Harry M. 1995. He declined comment a hen rppflrt‘.” who uni *J ‘ 1“. regular for another nipnmir
Whipple confirmed June 29 that the contacted at hon}? my dwamnpm htiads MT . A “,w ”(ampleS should clarity
subpoenas had been issued. But he His lawyer, ‘ atricllr J llaiile}. Because ”ms“ ”H, extent I“ which trawl time b
declined to discuss who was subpoe- would only say: ‘Theres going to he rupnrtprg (in not m in any of the coriipeiisable iiiider tederal wage
naed, how many employees were a lot of information that comes out National Labor Rpiimuns Act‘s and hm” laws. 1“,“ take an ”any
involved or what the subpoenas in the future. but at this time We're ”pm” categories. tllt'." ”n, (“Hwy ple where 1“,“ “PM” reporters
demanded. Whipple said he could Just‘no‘t going to get into it With the ered “Dmixpmpt (.mpinng That ”(.va assignments to Cm,” the
not-comment because 0fth“ mVth' media. _ _ means the law regarding minimum ['mvprsn‘ “f Kentucky v.
gation by (zincmnati lawyer PM?" Th“ Enquirer 54ml ”i" “‘llml‘llts’ wage and lllllt‘»;tll(l'(tllt iiall pay tor l'iiii'ersitvol 'l‘eiiries‘see basketball
L. Ancona. the speCial prosecutor. "created a false and misleading hmm wwkpd m.” 40 m a given game m Kntthlllt‘ Tenn
The Enquirer renounced articles impression of (‘hiqiiita's liusiiiess wwk “)in to ”Him ‘ (MW “'IW'U‘F drives I“ on n C u
l on June 28 that it published May 3 practices . Al ”l“ Kl“ “”mm'r convention and the other reporter is a passeii
questioning the busmess practices The hnquirers It‘s-page report on mar“ my, J nmmimbp. gage-Hm t,” ”Pr “n ”W ”W to “WWI“. H)“
of Chiqurta Brands International (‘hiquita accused the company ot “mph“? minim,“ arid (.mpiuwm.m and] the film“) WM)“ ”H mum lb
. . . - » l 4 . . i l c i
Inc. The newspaper said it agreed improper land dealings overseas. pm- Leg-m...- s‘nmmmn asked a twigs ,, hotel ”1:.” (mm. 1,,“ k ;,..,,§.. tip.
to pay the Cincinnati-based banana involvement in a brilier_\ scheme in 1“”. pm” how p“. laxx “wrung in,“ ‘m \t IH'MTII‘I ”H “‘N H “ i m
.. ‘ . . . ' i.;! "i tpt.
exporter more than $10 million to (rolombia and putting puolic health to pa\ [He gym,” ““1” when he I“ m“ lit ”<1 ”m“ m i“ H ”(I
. ‘ . . . r . . V » i ' 1 1.. i . i ‘z ' -
settle any legal Claims. Chiqurta at “Sk Wlm l"'5t1c"l('”5“““( entral traVels to cover out ot' town shorts triiii tii iiid t'rorLii Knoxvilli is ( iii
‘ - - ~ r ‘ i' ' .' 'l' -
has not sued the Enquirer. American banana tarnis rllt'St‘t'lll)ll ”-..mg Evniuunmt “ppm” H n m“ lor m (”H r l m “h
. , . . . “ ' .s‘: ‘ t‘ ‘e i ii ‘
The Enquirers management said was illustrated With maps. [)lliir ”Wm.”- traxel mm, 18 ”mum“. l ' ‘ ~
. . . V . travel tiiiiediiriiig regular hours is
it had tired the lead reporter on the tographs ot ( hiquita documents and up]. Lg ;. tricky task ()1 particular m n l l i r H) l n H r
. . . . A‘ . . ‘ . ' l'tl H' Sit ) t' t) (' )2 F‘t' "
Chiqurta series, Mike (:allagher. pictures of ( entral Americans llltt‘TA mummy ,5 t‘\'tilll‘.tIlll;' Win41“ r J \' “l t tl ”T“ r ' ”Ml \ m: 'm
, , ‘ . ‘ , l) t‘ (l H'i ‘ ' 2 t‘ 4) '(’
because he stole taped ChiqUita Viewed by Enquirer reporters “Wm” should i,,. (“nippnfimpd {Hr L h
V“ ‘ i'h h \Vh' l h l U 'l 1 l' \1. . time is coiiipeiisalile unless the
phone "19553395 on Wh“ t 9 lPP “ 3‘ mm m "-‘r N A (l‘ the time spent trawling toaiid troiii , .,
. . t , . . ~ -. s - , , reporters Work diiringthat time
series was based and deceived his that the (/hlqtlltd reporting “as an out ”g “M” ”gmgnnwm l t' tl t t l 1
' ' ' ‘ .t' 4 SU ) )UN‘ lr'l llliN (‘lH l
editors about how the information supported by multiple sources WM“. and hour nyupmmle l H [ti ‘ l i
. . . . V - l ] r'lllr ers ('ln' SHT 5
was obtained. instde and outside ( hiqiiita make u clear that mm. spent travel " ‘ l ’ L l ’
. reporters~ one ot the two reporters is
mg to and troiii a sariierdav Itfizs'lgll' ~ . ,.
‘ lilliiig in on this assignment lhe
_ , . . w riieiit is coiiipeiisahle. whether that . _ .
o ,z. 77 ' ' till~iii reporter regularly works troiii
“ J. ' tiiiie is spent drivuig a car. sitting ( - H ‘
K ‘ i _ .t a in to .i p in llie two leave tor
*3 i . ”ll an airplane reading a hook. or , q
l‘ i hiioxville. a two-hour drive. ill _
- e sitting iii an airport drafting a story ,.
' 3 ‘ 4t ‘ p in lhe regular sports reporter is
. i ll)" more iiiniplli'ateil issue ls‘ _
. I the tll‘l\’t'r and the lill-iri reporter is
. the extent to \\lll(‘lt travel time is
'I ' . the passengerdiiriiii'thetrip
1 _ r-oiiipeiisahle it the gissigiiiiieiit is an .
5;- , . . . All travel time to and trio,
2 , . oVi-riiiyhi or tiiiilti oat .issigiiiiieiit ,
3-K i « i _ l\iio.\'\'illi- is i'oiiipetisalile tor imili
E s H lu-derai mag:- and lioiii regulations l l ltl tl
' x " Effl—kfi—j , ‘ . . . - g' - 1r \
5» / state that an employee must llt‘ 1“ ”is“ trim" ll: In": ”F! ii I“ 11'
-- -- -:'- -i;r'. s
‘ Advertismg Sales Rep District Sales Manager t~oiiipeiis;iit-ri lor all travel lllli" ‘T‘m‘f‘ r'“ ml‘l ” 1.; r: If '
l The Jessamine Journal is currently The Owensboro Messenger iririiiimr when that time occurs- during the " “““ “"“l" ""“ “ " "" 1"
seeking an experienced Advertismg Circulation Department has an irnmedi- “mppww \ ‘nipuidr work “an”. “'l’H'l” ‘ “V'H‘l “"1" 1‘ ""“ll‘l H‘
Sales Representative to help us contin- ate opening tor a District Sales H...” ,1 ”MN- hriilrs til't' on noon-m, alilr- lll‘tvdllsl' lllt trawl llllll' te .lllll
: ue Our growth. The Journal is an award Manager A high school dsploma or ;” xx'orkd'ns ”a”, kmmwip. “ Ag lllll'tlltl HM.
wrnnirig community weekly Situated in equwalent requued. sales Pr soperwso- \“ ”uplm‘ .- W” “I?! M mm ”pat-1tyen-.tmlur hm.“
_ Nicliolasville. about 8 miles south of ry experience. desoable Antiliuazit ' "I‘ it *, ' i _ Y 'r \ AH", lll‘li's llll \t'llilltl "\.llllllli -\
Lexmgton ll VOU are creative, aggres should be able to rerun" train ll’i'l 'fl “Ni H .or it‘ll.“ ‘ii‘ Iil | {I Hi hi ulna-t. r ti-oiii l' tlllll' in :lri\~- tit
Sive and want to earn above-average direct adoitxyouth carriers :lf‘itl achieve "”‘N‘l‘ "l "‘l"”‘” “”l‘ "”“r‘ H '1'“ i I, I“ ‘ ”i. m Ii” .1“ m”, it.
. , “fl. , iil‘rl F‘. i' ‘t is ' .
‘ commissions for your work, send a Circulation sales obiectives A ili'llld lie WW |> *lfl'm «tr 1' l’-'»‘>"lwi' i'il‘l ll ". 1 ‘ g H . ., ’ y‘
i resume to: Dave Eldridge. Publisher, ver's license a good drmri “3:. ml, the . ItlllltiH'i' l.s‘ not \kiit‘hlllif \xiiile .t ‘ "‘1‘“ l" 'l‘“ “~‘ ”l i'“ i"‘” “'“
i , The Jessamine Journal. P O. Box 8. excellent seliing skills rrzailir-riiatu .ii [)nsst‘le'i'r Time spent rlnrtmi iii .mri 3"! ‘Hi ill" '“lrllllif ”UH IVY” ‘1
. NlChOIaSVllle. KY 40340 aptitude and ab'l't‘)’ I“ WW“ tlexihie than an .is‘sigiiiiieiit is coriipeiisziltle ‘l‘l"lllll' .l lllll dax ‘ \thrtll 'il Hlli l'
hours are requtred Pay cornmensu'ate regardless H, m, 1, ”Mil ot H“. ,it its. tho reporter rlriVes hark li
Staff reporter With exDenence‘ excellent benefit ll‘mk' issli'ltnieiit l’.iilii< ali tliat mitiii' Ila\ ;\li li‘.i\i 5
- a. g
The Times-Tribune. an award-Winning age Pletasessean "“tV°rlLetl:’ ST”: It 15 ditliciilt. (,fmurg-p~ m an”. time is coiiipeiisalile in this iast.
and growmg daily newspaper servmg rResume 0 Mue “3U vya [HP ‘3' mu“, what “regular" hm,” are M ;, lilttll because the reporter is the dri
htle counties is esources, essenger- nquirer. , ‘ .. g . ._ , l H H .' _ . .
Knox. Laurel and W ' y . .. re mm” H thp ”(Me H Hir ,\ l \i r and utaiisi no on riiigtit sta\ is
Box 1480. Owensboro KY 44302 I 4.} - - .
currently looking for a stalt reporter to EOE morning daily. evening hours are ”WHlVHl
take overa well-established beat in one , probably "regular" work h‘m” ll ()ne mm] memm, ”Huh.” J
of the fastest growmg areas of the state Take advantage of KPAs l 1 . . , kl tl l]1llltl~(l‘l\' m” “HM.” 'ngmmm
The ideal candidate will be a self-starter “Th? Job Shop." List v01”. l 11‘ ”W‘flldllt T I5 A “H y. H n a . , . ,, l . ..‘ ~ }
“ who can bring energy and excrtement to ‘ ) , . b ‘ , regular Work hours might be clos A. reporter is assigner to (oyer t H-
a Wide variety of subjects Quark newspape r S J0 . (’Ppn'ng er to 9 a iii. to :3 p m It the reporter T‘d AA basketball tournament iii
Express and photography skills are a forJust $10. Or. tfyou are is a sports reporter lor (‘llllt'r a San Antonio. lems llie reporters
; D'US Please send resume 80d Clips to a newspaper professional weekly or (laili. eyeiiiiig hours are llight li :iVes liexmgtoii at H .i iii and
t‘ John Wh't'OCk' Managing Editor. 201 N seekin new 0 ortunitr’es probably "regular ‘ because A sports arrives in San Antonio at Tl p H!
I? Kentucky St. Corbin. Ky 40701 or call ‘ d gth t .1)? t. H reporters tel: duties include attend While iii transit, the reporter spends
_ 1-800-739-8878tor an appomtment sen us a rnforma um. m: athletic ‘ . "mg “W,“ ”m ‘NMI See ISSUE, page 1?
i . .
' i

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, July, 1998
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' ' COt an ad that l 166d “ W k0 ‘
VBI'tlSEI'S W ant au ICHCE I 5 0r -
, f ' T
makeup info not numbers l ake a 100k under th€ hOOd
Newspaper advertisers want NAA to examine how newspapers l . " ”1' -"‘-"‘ " ‘l - i 1‘ " ~ , ? ’
details about audience makeup compare to othvr advertising: E ”1111‘ i1 m 1" f.. t. t i : O V
b ' 1. ' b ‘ ,dU . d h w‘.‘ .7 t A {"1“} Hr :‘t‘ t , . ~’ f :‘1. Q -
moret an Clrcu atmn num ers, mt in an (m m .xsptiptr z ; ,,
. t . t 3 . fl . 'i .‘ . V _ A \ ,.. . , $7 "
according to a new survey smxrces ot Inltflntttlit)“ i-umpztrvtiv ; ‘ -- ~ I“ i - i . 1‘ » m
released by the Newspaper uthor media. infv'ntIttitl-ii snuri‘iw 7 " v’ 'E ‘ ’ "‘- " ' ‘ ’ " 1 , Bu Junri Faust " J
H n'. ‘ ”c . 'T‘ i V "\l ,_ ,, . ‘ 4 4‘ A; innit: J v, .r - ‘ . .V ’
Amatiatmn titAmtrii,‘t, \ .ht sung. stuttt .t it ntititmti ; ~ . I“ , ' ' ‘ Raleigh :'\ k .«
Just (in r halt 1:»;3 percent) of samplv Ul (‘Hnlpéit‘ilt“~ and m! t V " ‘ ‘ ’ " ‘ ' _
advertisers SUT\{3}'t‘(l -.._ zigt'ncirs agencies and gathered 11> result ' ‘ “—7—“ _ ’—
thut make newspaper buy: unit through 2“ mitiuti tt-lt-pn tr » ~ ‘ » . ,
tompunies wlm atlav-rtiso- in ll]it‘r\'lt“.\\ ; _, «- f - ‘ ' ' '
newspapers -~~— said that whun "A'lx'rrtisvrs ttf't‘ Tt‘iil!t;‘_ u " ' ' :;_ . , . .. A , .
planning a nit‘tll’d bu} they itl't‘ that they i tn kn » \«lzu .> - ' l‘ i -._;_ i i i . i i . . i i .
t'zir tttiii‘t‘ interested in rvzit‘hing reading: tht- Ytt‘k‘ ~pttpur. n»: Just 5 " ” ~ ' > “i ‘ " ‘ i l. .i , ' 7
tht'ir tlt‘hlt‘t‘d audioni‘t: than in linw n1;ln_\'t'trplt‘$ vmrt- stiltl " sziiti " " " ‘ ‘ ' I ‘ ' i ' ’ H , ‘ ' "
tin}; other factur. In :1 distant SH" NAA l’rcsultnt ttt'ltl ("EU .lzzhii '1“ f , V i ‘ ' x ' . r \
and place with 18 percent “21> Sturin "Thr tilittlitN it!" :ttlfllt‘l’tt'i _ “““'" i" ' ' ‘ ' i i . . ‘
tht» desire ti: reach the maximum is more tlt‘tplirlttlil in them than 3 \ “'3'” 7 ' 7 ' ’i 1’ ' ’ - " ‘ ‘i ‘
‘ v - t . ’ \z \. . t‘ .. .. _ ~ ‘ . ' ~, _- i ,.
number (it pt'ttpltn (wt was third the quantity .iii:i w- KTHH‘. tht * * '
, i., Jr” .‘lr ,\ w} » 3 - t ’ ‘ ‘ ~ :-
tit 14 purcvnt quality (ll thv nt wslmiii-i ;i12(ii- I i‘ "' " ' ‘ ‘ . V
The survey was CUIthtftt‘d tiir (1160 is tilll>lttlllllh§j " l “ ‘1' . ' 'l r' ' ii ' ' '
,. ‘Xk‘lti‘, 01‘ 'tii'" H i l I ' H i 'y‘ ': ii .L'Y
. r i ‘ t r V 111i ”'3 ‘71. ')(‘: 3!.9 A 5,.r'i, t ’T“ ‘ U 7‘ 'f ~
Promotional (ids \NL mum, i
.. ‘ iii.” ~‘~lt.i““llt’l" tri- ll it t i: t '~ ' : '. ‘ ' r 2‘
lhw vii-int rwiiizit ii t’l‘ tin: .ii:;: w :2' iv "r , , .. i ,. . . .t “ ‘ - , \
.. _ n.1' llltlt .i‘ .‘.2"' ii' i‘ . ’1 _ \ t. :‘z' .
this .\n-\\'\ii,tiwr :\\“‘t‘.tll"lt ' iziw'ii‘ . «.1, I‘l'vi ~:ii‘;:7'w ‘ y . . I, ~ . .. pvt ., _
;\iiili-i‘i<';iiu'\:\s\ in‘wiiiwtliitzl‘ litwr.i~‘«. tit-tin": 't l"_' r 1“ {his wig“. it. ,.\ \valjif ;‘ w: in ' ' I ' ~» ‘,1‘ \‘~
‘ ‘w H \ ‘ 'i ‘\ 41‘ 5,, t't " ; .'[, lg!‘ : ti'~ ‘ "'
.tiit it tit it), iuiititt. .ii . .iiii it, .t .ti i.,ii 1, I l i \lwnh h ttimiyl, :w n il'u‘t‘ihiii: , H. ., . N, t I 1,. . I.“
\i\itiiif l“"‘l’l“ l" ‘1“;“1'lll‘v‘” l“\“‘-‘ll"“i'll“ _'1"*‘-‘l“l?" ”“1" ill'.tl'lllli‘lt".' litt‘ i thizi'i‘. ll\'. 3 i‘. :i 'e'. ‘ I ,r,
*‘ ' ‘~~ l . 't‘ ktio " .-‘ ‘I. my ii "put” t‘v i‘- ~ ‘ 1- .
impel. tilltllltllt ‘lt tl\ \' t tl\‘t it it iii . it l- ””117le prmfimlp> \ f“! \H: in“. 2 .,._ 1111’,“ _
‘I" ‘ - ’ ti 0‘ ' rix.’ '1' \ 'i ..,.-, .
>1)“ .itl .lpflt .il til .tiust ultt ti.t\ timt l' !t\.t\ t ttl tit it it.“ NIH“ \ ml“ :1“ \ with." A .itlt \ “
St't‘ll lllt' ('illllllillirll .li't 'il l'l‘\lli‘llll"?il‘ '9‘» li' l” ilk‘\‘ _ t . " t - '
‘ V ‘ lllltt‘ tuxxtftil.“ Etit't‘vtlivi.t\ -.'. '. \Z‘ tl‘ thlttt‘tv 7.!“
;\ti‘.‘it'kiiiu>Iir\w\ iillltt'\1‘4‘<‘lt(t llt'\\ \[Mt‘ll‘l'> .tl' ii-ml li\ l""l'1'« V . _ _ .
' . '_ llllltl‘lttJllwll.\ttl‘ilt‘ttltill iywiu. .ii»' I :i't_'Y"‘l-.‘}il~ lllliittllm
i‘ntiiiil tuttiiil th.‘it .tltlt‘(l l't't'illl ("’l: lllt‘\ riwiw't "“\t‘ tan y lint» t , .-, i , v:
. . , l liitt>i‘iii.it:~i. lit'tt-‘l‘ltllk tins ttlll \.t|'1' tl.’l \lill :iwi
tlltllt'tl ti» t'linit». pt‘tlplt‘ ltittl plNliH" iii-rm lll. .iim tnim‘ \xh . \‘titl llt'\\\ _ r r , v
t siiiuikiiiit NW) w‘ \\ttl('tl ? xisiivzt \xwrk \\lllt«i ll urn-um. thi rw \ .'l
l‘t"it'llttlt\ ltl tht- lttt‘\\'i"“ ‘tlttl t'iw [lt[" t‘» tlt ‘tl itt Il‘i"\ vim t'lttl ‘ b l l
y.‘ ' ‘ f ' ' ' _‘V “ ,' ttlltl ll\ll'lt t" iltt‘ innit v tui- "H'H" See AD. page 10
t.tl]1[ltll‘,’ll lit-lin-il humt lllt' ItII.tL‘t‘ ‘.‘.;t\ 11;: \IX ltiilllt> ill in lt't'll‘
ml lltt' iimx'spiiin'r ltt(lll.~'lr\'(t\'l‘l‘;tll Ninti‘h .l thiril mt th« [ltllillt' JE-u 5 _ ‘—
NMV tn Iltl> rtiiiiiil (ll iiriiit .iiiil iii-rt «int think llt‘\\>})lt}\t‘l~ zuiiw ’
lii~.);i.;.;-stsg.:v‘-*5»zz“i 1i:;‘l143““.lliiitgx‘:lx‘itilfili‘,!';~:i;ifl‘f"3n§a i
~ ‘ , t ,. n t 3H .::;*-.‘-niit.!pti.zt~ t ‘
lul\\;i\ Ht thr lli lt\t'l l')l'>tlt‘lt> .tiitl lh‘ tliiw \.» ii .iiiti- t.,'tt is wt; : 3,1 3. min M, ' \t l
t‘lllt'l'lJlltt'l' .inil illllllitl' ll l. t‘iwl .l. iwi't tl iix pit» lt-i‘ttt wt ttl\ It fw $3 ‘ «X "l! ;
.ill zit \\lti)ltt .tl)f)t‘.‘ll‘t"l in tht- tirst .\X\;\ nit-min i' ltl '\\\}l.t}ii't'\ x-thww j ."‘ "1‘ 3 gt f:
V , , ; i .1 _ \i
St't'lt‘.\ Ht .t(l\ \\'lll(’ll rtiii lint l:tll Htltlllli'llttl w'ltli‘llllt'tl‘ lt\ ll"ll)t“l I r .3 _ . - it
'l‘hr surxi-t tniiiiil thtit tlllllthl iilgim- .li’l\ in uthvi lttv‘lll t. lltt'ltltlltt:' l f» “if I > '
li.ilt wt tarp-t lttllllt> i-tti [it'l‘t't‘llt‘ spilt lt'lt‘\l\ltilt wilvle- within ttllvl 5 5‘ " V ‘yb
m‘lltl tlii-_\ (‘Htlltl rwnll tht- st-t-unil iiitinriiii l 52““
rl N d dditional C ies ‘ ‘ l l i ‘ i ' ’
CC 21 O ‘ ’
l p f I t last . «'1 program that istziilnrriii;i(lv lHt' Ht"\\'\l)tlllt‘l\ I
of ‘ I the Kentuc Press ‘ l [WISII‘SH’Illl‘(li'll(171(1(UPYl‘gt'lllnlfll’él‘\t‘Y""'»'lt“»\\ll‘ill‘? I
l puhlislivrsziiitludninnztgt-ixmusi tirt‘ngis‘ l
t I? t l It‘szi \x'nrkshnii, nut :i lt‘t‘tiii‘t' \tvttl,’ \lgtll '.‘»‘.ll ‘u ii‘ min i; t
a 510111“ I16 W Spaper . l i tram lllt' \lztt’t-r-—\\'tit‘l\'tl‘.)ltil‘. l;lf~«i‘t.t'\. tze‘ttiznt a" :11! ttllI: l
‘ i f writingiiini'm-ttvt 'tl\"'llt£t(lltltt \ l
l Contact KPA News Bureau i W l t i
i 1‘ Hut. mri’iit turn” fry it 1.30; i
l ' ' ~ 1 . t ,
; Director Lisa Cat nahan 4 t , i
I‘ i'lli, \l""‘ ltii"t'l' "‘3 in" '17: ‘ ‘ ,'. l
i 1—800-264—5721 ~ - I
' l

 The Kentucky Press, July, 1998 - Page 5
C h ' t 't' 1
~ , their iiivestigatioii and would not say whether At least It) others were sickened and treat
coaCh S . they \xere st ekuig a suspect ed by .‘Htllillltlltt't‘ crews in the store parking lot
corner a Sbau said the progi'am would enhance the Milltpiist has claimed he is only 17 and mi
“L 4‘ present duality of education bx centralizing the tially was transported to the dixisioii of Youth
By Jim Stasiowski' Q kindergarten statt and services through the Services. but prosecutors say his fingerprints
sharing wt resources and ideas. better commu prove he is LII
"“ ’ W '" nit_\ among statt. center-wide themes. activities
Reporters wrote these sentences. editors and programs. and several other points Vehicles have crashed into a car owned by
edited "em. and I found em in my (‘IHH‘IHHL’ the 'l‘ruxels that was parked in their driveway
When I write my autobiographv liii going to With the exception ot moving implementa next to their home five time.s in less than ten
call it. "Sentenced To Death ‘ tion back one year. the administration's resolu years
tion offered little that was new since the place
The Bulldogs took the opening kick offand was first made public several months ago The report pointed to smoke as the big
with Iioring and (‘oles running inside. outside except that it called for creating an implemen killer among those surviving plane crashes
and up the middle out of the Bulldogs power tation plan to take into consideration the con
ground game and Finch and hate”