xt7jdf6k3r2q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jdf6k3r2q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1986 1986 1986-02-07 2020 true xt7jdf6k3r2q section xt7jdf6k3r2q . t . i ,
3 Vol. XC, No. 69 Established 1894 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky _ indopondom sane. 1971 Friday, February 7, 19“
7 Aquino asks voters to end Marcos’ ‘evil rule’ ' *
Bvl)A\'ll)BRlS(‘0E “Deliverusfrom this evil, this crisis would win with 53 percent of the last night. Marcos. 68. was to vote in bases located here—Aquino at least airliner that brought him homelrom , ’ 5 '
Associated Press which 20 years of evil rule has vote. Aquino said she would need 65 Batac. his hometown 250 miles north until 1991 when the current Vbluntary exile In the L'nited States , - .'
brought us.“ She holds Marcos re- percent to compensate for the fraud of Manila. agreement expires and Marcos be- ‘ ' '-
MANILA. philippines ._ Filipinos sponsible for Benigno Aquino’s and cheating she expected from the Aquino. 53. was voting on her fam- yondthattime. . Aquln‘) Pledged t0 SW6 Marcos the . :_ '
cast ballots today to determine death. president‘s people. ily's sugar plantation. Hacienda Lui- JUSthi’ She 583'5 he dld n0! give her . . . - -'
whether they will be led by Ferdi- Marcos said in his final statement Cardinal Jaime L. Sin. spiritual sita. 70 miles north of the capital in Am ri ff. ,1 d hUSbahd. and I10 lead nationWlde ‘ - J, " ‘ ‘
nand E. Marcos. who has held that the election was “not a battle leader of the dominant Roman Cath- Tarlac province, that theiranregoglhliies A231“: :93; demOhStrahOHSltShe 105‘ '- I ' - ‘1 .' 4
wer for two decades. or Cor on between 00d and evil." He accuses 0 lo community. urged peeple to be - . .- . , . . , , " -' ~, ' . ‘
: Khulna whose husband was athe AQuino ogf leading the country to- orderly and avoid violence. “One infetgsf‘fggg’g55513333353339“ onrItIhy 1C andldate despite her lack 0‘. t ,A 2(1):??mber Améglcjjn observer '.» " ‘
resident‘s main political rival until ward communism. little incident. one single spark could , . . . : ause p01 ica experience. Her candidacy edm .8, )" Chen R“ arI Lugar'.“ ' .t ‘ , ,- .'
he was assassinated R l _ , ded b ignitearagi'ng fire "he said ofItIhe close political. financial and was created by the murder of her Ind. chairman of the Senate l'or- ,- ,I , -. » ~I
A uino issued an el {0 l egu 3.; 'ca?Wae§:ln§a en y ‘ . ' . military relations between the two husband, who was snot to death in elgn Relations committee. and Rep . V; 1'.
statgment in the form ofec l n eveI awa mi nigh as y.I IHundreds of soldiers and not pt» countries. Both candidates have August 1983 while being Scorted by John Murtha. D-Pa.. came here at : .y , , if,
3 prayer. Marcos supp0rters predicted he lice guarded the presidential palace pledged to retain the strategic US. a military guard from a commercial Marcos" mutation . ' ~ ‘
. . ‘ f "i
" ‘ Federal le islation
Wyn/Hf“ ',.«I .. . ‘ I. :1 . '.'.‘ .- first;
’“ ' : ., . " I 717i; I -‘ .
affects rants loans
. -. I , , , I . ,I.I
. . Budget cuts Will reduce UK s funds, .
». XI _ : .7..'¥:~' .-
. : l" . restrict 1986-87 eligibility income levels ' g ,I
‘ ~, 3 - . t By ANN ROGERS ——_““‘——I‘ . '- . ,
_ Ig, ' . ' ‘: :I.:; ContributingWrrter Students who need aid 2 : ' i. ,_ _
/ . Although passage of the new fed- the mOSt Wt” b€ -.
’ . eral budget-balancing law will cut u v , . . .~
‘ . .‘~- " UK financial aid allotments $500000 affeCtEd the teas." We ' , I. ‘ » »
, . " . , y to $1.?I miliitIiInIIItIiInabrIiIcial aldhoffiCials suspect that it Will hit . . t -_
u g ‘ say t ere s o enoug money ‘ . . . f
/ a» / .. 1 ’ I“, .. forstudemsm need the Pell grants and the . , . II I .
. . , / 0 fi} 316'" “We want to avoid scaring the stu guaranteed student I . .. - _» ,
‘ -t ‘ .. 1 It ‘. ’ dents." said David Stockham. direc— l ,, “ ' -
= . ‘ r‘ f ,. tor of financial aid. “UK will still oans the hardest. - t, .
, . . . as: ‘ v/ 5- have a strong aid program next David Stockham. ’ . ‘5.
- t ~ 5 ' - ' yea“ dir t ff‘ ' l 'd ' » ' '
g t /.. T. - .1 I.‘ Stockham emphasized that L'K ec 0'0 manc'a 3' . -
_ . j..- , ‘ [If r J. .l' » and its community college system — . I
2 t r . s; ' I .. 4, / P1 .. , - received about $35 mllht’h ‘h t‘hah' In addition students previously 5. . ’ .
’3 . ". ‘ t I k a ’ - Clal aid last year. The CUtS rep- had to pay a five percent origination ' . t,
I” i 1'! _ «as» . 1'" resent only about a 4 percent dc— fee when they took out the guar« _ .
i' I; “*4. -' m or). , crease. anteed student loan and now they , ' '
' i .4}. ““575 _- .. ' ' “We urge students who want aid will be required to pay a 5.5 percent ' '
,~ 515-2.. »- / 4 .z.% .t ' - for next year to apply early." Stock- tee _
t'w‘w” A " . _:, i - fag"; 7 ham said. “The great majority 0t Currently. 50 percent of Hi stu- . , '
« ’ ‘ ' 3‘3, " :5?!‘ t "7"“ ‘ aid is based on need." dents receive some kind of Manual .
«$5 . Q ~ Students who need aid the m05t aid. When the law takes effect _ . '
. a4 , 5' Will be affected the least. "We 5‘15: March 1. Stockliam said some stu- ‘ . ~
“.53 5 pect that tt Wlh hit the P9” grants dents will have to find other sources '
cg and the guaranteed student loans for money 5 : '
the hardest." he said. . , '
. ’53 .~ Prior to the passage of the Students who wish to apply for aid . ' .
.;.»t . . ; Gramm-Rudman bill. the income $0111: aIlI>plyIas soon as possible '
o cuvowlu “W""S'W cutoff for a student seekln 3 Fe” e eat ”19 Ol' priority assistance
Reflectlng Grant from a famil) of fiur “as applications is April 1. Kentucky . ,' . 1
Joan Cleves, a first-year biology graduate student, sterilizes was doing her work last night in a laboratory in the Thomas 325.000. according to a release from ”lght‘r Education ASSlStant‘It‘ Forms ‘ . .
microscope slides that will be used to grow muscle cells. She HUMMOFQO" Biological Sciences BUi'ding- the Associated Press. The new CUI' may be picked Up-On the fifth floor ' . "
off will drop to $24300 of the Patterson ()fflce Tower I ; . . ,
a err in n1 , 5‘ ,. A&S ll v .. .
y y a a » w ’ » 'T. ,Egs'T.;l:f,.i¢i;;%-'j. f , ca S I : , .
Clean humor attracts followers of TV show to new club \ . .ea 1" false funds » , _, : .» ,
ByKlMBERLYSlSK chapter at Vanderbilt University in bring in speakers. In fact. several of ' {)3 . .t / 3%“3: . . . :- ' ' . , - Q‘
Staff Writer 1979. the show‘s characters are on tour _~ /’ . f v * a“) ~ . . ‘ . . , '
, Mayberry mania has spread all and often speak at fan club meet- I, . ' ~ ' {a , ‘ ' ling“ for COIlege ' . '. jI ,
MAngg and BagneyIIIIliners unite. over and can affect anyone, any- ings. } , ’ ‘ or « II . ’. II . III
M rrymania as ' ~ where. There are now several h - - . ' ‘ 5" . . t . l ' . - -
The latest addition to campus or. dred clubs across the nation :rih M33?“ glglgemelclcotsg Figfttitgte‘rsa I “ \I . s1 a . . B) (‘llRlSTYNIltitiltE T II; .I 7." VI
ganizations is the “Andy Club of several chapters overseas. McGill marketing sophomore vice presi- ‘. .2 . I. _ I- Contributing\\riter 5, .I-...f I~
UK". About a week ago 10 followers said. dent- Mark Hicks a‘business ad- a, q ' t ‘ wads.» t .. ' .- '- ' . Tl
of the “sheriff without a gun“ and Suggested names for the club have ministration senior. secretar , ,, w := Since Sunday evening. the phones . , ‘_ .' . .' _' 'l.
. - .. - . y. Jeff . egg . t .. _ . .. . , ,.
‘one-bullet are gathered to dls' included ”Sara.“ “Ernest T-" and Dalton an accounting senior trea- --" 5‘5 ' .hd‘e rung ‘0 the tune 0f 5‘5"”) dur 7 - " ‘ i"
CUSS organizing a “The Andy Grif- “Salt and Pepper suit“ (Bamey’s surer ‘ ' T.“ ' ' ing the second annual phone—athon 'I ' .-I~ ».
fith Show"fan club. favorite dross attire) and famous ' _ :‘a- ‘ Eponsored by the (ollege of Arts 8: ._ .5 , ' ~’-I I-j . . x’i
0f the 10 devotees. several i . 5 I ,. c (1»- «~5» 311.- \ lences. ‘ ,y' . ' .‘ 1: "
clutched well-worn copies of the 153:: :ngIfigmgzzsmfgygitgxihcoxs roors‘gigftthjzft’iliznl‘ibilrsbegheg ficifioi .. . g1 .» 5* “t: 1 . "We call alumnrgraduates of the ' k .-I,I.-‘ I4; Iii-
“Andy Griffith Bible.” at book titled b0 5." The name icked must be u ‘ .. a a at u \ ' -' _ . i I _ College of Arts & belences. and we LU"? I:
I I .- .y P Andy watcher for about 20 years. « --\g , k th I hl . f . n.-- , _ . . ”-5,.-
The Andy Grljflth Show written by different from any other club “It‘s real clean humor“ Scarboro dSI 9m 0‘ 8p “5 thahtta .‘- . ., -. I . I ,iI’ ». :I i
Jim Clark. It is filled with facts according to whom wig Mch said ..Each minor char'acter la S said Ann thapmant director of ,-. ,_ ~
about the characters and places 0" said. his ' . pI y t, ‘ alumni affairs and assistant to the ‘ . ."- my ,
, . part as a nemests t0 Barney 0r \ dean of thecolle e. i' ' ‘ " t
the show. Most chapters pick a name of 3 And perfect] . .. \, g . . . - '..’
Md)‘ MCGlh- a journalism senior. character on the show or a famous y " The phone-aI-thon. “'h'Ch began - ' ‘i ‘ .1. " 5 -“
is leader of the group and a long- line as their group's name. 1“ch Hicks said he had been a faithful Suhdf'i." WlthI Pizza and a two-hot” » , . ‘3’)“ '
time Fife and “Ainge” fan. He was said. An offcampus Lexington chap- watcher for many years and espe- ‘ ‘ u: iJthuvs Kerneleapbvx training 595510“ for the caUers. Wt“ i , ‘_ t
inspired to form a chapter at UK ter of the fan club is called “Howard cially in the last few years. He said .. , , . . _ _ continue through Feb- ‘3 at the 5“" . . ~ " . f f
after reading Clark's book last McNear‘s wonderful World.” he likes the show because “it‘s just Everything JUSt dl‘lltSI 81008 and predictable that you can identify vey Research Center located in the ' I ..
Spring funny" the characters are so believable and with them."he said. Porter Church Building. . . ' - I . , .
Clark is president of the national McGill said some clubs meet just Mayberry as a place where you can The club's next meeting will be at The money collected from the . - - , g . .
organization and started the first to watch the show. while others “People can relate to the town 0f getaway from itall."McGill said. 7p.m. Feb.27in1095tudentCenter. fundraiser will be used to support '
. ,. I t. I ,. w I the White Fund. named for MM. - . ~
0 C 0 . 95‘3““ '5 “' ‘2“,3’2, ' ‘ White. a past dean of Arts & Sci- . . ', I - .
ate 00 sa es lsapp Olnt O lCla S s ;, ‘ :33“? '5 ences. The fund gives money to stu» -. , .
".. ' ‘.'l , ~ . tit. I}? dents for special projects. Chapman
said. She also said the college will ' I
By WENDY Sl'SAN SMITH datebooks that were cheaper. The hoped they would arrive before (so- in the future. SAB will make some W 0' M “I" use the money to provide schol- I .
Staff Writer year is three-fourtis of the way over rorityi rush started." changes. will m a f". m" arships for undergraduates. ' .
now. and the datebooks are timely.“ The last time SAB sold the date- "The best thing for SAB to do in on m For 0 WW “The phone~a~thon does a lot more
Almost six months ago the Student said David Nickell, SAB vice proai- books was during the 197980 school the next three years is to cut the ' P' ' than get funds for the college." ‘ '
Activities Board began marketing dent. year. “They were not very success- price to $2 or 32,25 and to cut back m'm' P”. 3' Chapman said. “lt also gives 15 a
5.000 Wildcat datebooks for 1985-86. ful then either.“ Hayden said. “They in the ordering." Nickell said. real live human link with the alum- .
but it still has 3,137 left. “The way we marketed them had ran into similar problems. but they Nickell said if SAB makes it a sfa~ Am dating will be dis- ni.“
Even dropping the price of the da- an effect 0" the sale 0‘ the date- did h°t pursue it" ple item for the students. then after M at a m today. Last year. student volunteers
tebooks from $3 to $1.30 in Novem. books.“ Hayden said. “We were off Although the date-books have the initial three vears it should be- paw“ mwl reached 1.500 alumni and received
her did not increase sales. when it came to our marketing tech- turned into a disappointing venture. come a habit to. buy it. “The stu- ‘ ' $15500 in pledges. Seventy-five per-
“We may have lost a little money, nique and we were not as efficient SAB isn't going to give up. “We are dents will become dependent on it." cent of the pledges were collected.
but the season is not over with yet.“ as we should have been. looking into the possibility of domg “I. m “u Mk. °" Chapman said this year the goal is
said Paul Hayden. SAB president. it in years to come.“ Hayden said. Hayden said SAB will use the sur~ ”to “W W! to- to reach 7.500 alumni and collect
“Also. we received the datebooks “Sometimes a program takes more plus of datebooks for exhibition at m. p... k W, 822.500.
“The Wildcat datebooks. sold at a little later than we had hoped." timetostabilize.“ the National Association for Campus mm . In order to accomplish this. the
the University Bookstore. did not Hayden said. “They came right he Activities Feb 15-20 in Washington N ' college hired 60 students out of 125
sell at first because there were other fore school started and we bad So a similar situation won't occur D.C. » - applicants to call alumni across the
' " _ United States The students work in
R 0 ° , -,, j. two shifts. s to 8:15 pm. and 8:15 to
esponses no on ay to stu ent co e reViSions . mo it... .6 .. is We
' ‘ work each shift. The job pays 83.50
St!“ I'l‘PO"s any meeting of a registered student the student code. which concerns re- that a hall director could not dismiss 1. h with per hour.
organization that receives most of move] of students from the resi- astudent from a residence hall with- w“ M ‘ “Even though they are paid a lot
Monday will be the last day to re its funding fromtheUniversity. dence halls. out an associate dean reviewing the n W M,“ M °' of me students are develop“ 3, re...
spond to two revisions being consid- Robert Zumwinkle. vice chan- The current rule has been incor- case. but simply didn‘t read that M“ m um 50 In ing of doing something for the Uni-
ered forthecodeof student conduct. cellor for student affairs. said the rectly interpreted to mean that no way. ”I. 5 I m M M" versity "Chapman said
The Advisory Committee on Stu- initiative for this revision came one has the riyit to remove a stu- h g‘ M M ' '
dent Code Revision is currently con- from the Society for Profqgim] dent from the residence halls, Zum. All opinions should be sent to ». . ”I Karen Levin. an maclded fresh-
sidering two revisions in Student Jamming, Sigma Delta Chi. winnegaid, Zumwinkle, 529 Patterson Office if; m, "‘ ‘h h man. said about her first night of
Rights and Responsibilities. The ma PW calls for the Tower. and the committee will con- m a. .3, . , callirg: "It's neat. . . . I like to talk
The first proposed revision in- deletion of a contain Mme Joe Burch. dean of students. said sider them at its next meeting at ll 5 513:} to people and it’s an interesting way
volvu the right of students toattend from the residence halls section of the sentence was intended to mean a.m. Feb. 19in 545POT. " ’ " > ’ todoit.“

 i l . l '
' Illa-both Ceres Sacha DeVraomen “EN “SKY
V I EW PO I NT Editor-in-Chiet Managing Editor erne
'Mn SOON-fl Aux-II“! 3. Crouch ' ' law. “I!“ 1.7!
News Editor Editorial Editor Ietablle I.“
3 ’- “ff. («\xs...“ !V!°*”§.§§vw§’ as?
O I O C —_—_———————
Revrews more than Just another opmwn Lmens
_ 3 . ___________ we think about a particular movieor V ,- yer sad tessor for violating safety rules.
. One 9‘ the great things about “m' , album. at least our reviews should e y’ y 3 Gosh. what “abuse." I want you
!"8 rev.‘ews {0" the Ken'UChy Kemel And even If you don’t provide some information about that Gee. I'm feeling really amtious guys to stop it — right now. I mean,
' ' '5 getting {whack from the read- Guest h. k movie or album that may help you about all this controversy regarding how else am I to have a better GPA
ers. However, until last Dec. 17. I PINION care what wet In decide whether to spend your time Pharmacy 222, 1 mean. golly jeep- with labours imteadofls?
had never gotten any response ex- 0 at least 0111' and money on “3 ers. if they knock class enrollment Dan “assert.
c'3!”fwmfn‘mds‘ 3"" ”3933“” , ' ' ." . For an of you out there who do from 450 to 300, I might not get in Journalism sophomore
f' 0:] "filtrlgtlgtm d3). 1 got m) I'CVICWS ShOUId pI'OVldC have something to say abOut the next year. And if I’m not one of Ebb:
US Cra - . . - ~ 9 ‘
‘ ' ' ' ' o imons ex essed in our reViews. lucky 300. Ill be real sad. I mi I
AndIthinkl mmheaven. t "“1" ‘5‘“ ”°“' "‘9" I“ “c" a" i” some information tigere is a sipnliple way to let us know evencry. Right 0 space
' The letter V‘s 1.?“ rfipogseedoo: 99mm?” f°°1 “he you w" "'9 '9‘ about that movie 01' what you think. The Kentucky Ker- You see, I don't want to miss one In response to the column by
9“" II "we“ m “., 0.. gg Views '5 beymd '"9- but maybe. “.93" nel is always open to letters from of _the very. very. very. very. very James A. Stoll on Feb. 3. I would
, sylvester Stallone s Rocky I\. will get smart and kick your big _rat album that may help the student body. However. letters greatest classes at UK. 1 mean, this like to say some things that contra-
Apparently “0‘ everyone agreed. "0594'““9'0” “53 0‘" 0f ”C" a “'0'“ Cu in semi-clean language sent to the class is the best. It is so “interest- dict his opinion that Americans. and
. , derfulneWSPaperv y ' editor at 113 Journalism Building ing." “informative" and “beneficial anyone else. for that matter. don‘t
- ”PVASSHOLEI . . , , . . . —— rather than the critic‘s home are that “about 60 percent" of the stu- have the right to reach beyond our
. . ' L." "m .5"): this 0“! O! m." system Hey-hey-hey. theres nothing like preferable. dents show up every day. (I guess earthly realms forspace.
, bejore I kill you. Just who in the be“ intelligent, unbiased. constructive Critics, whether they are analyz- And to be absolutely honest, I this is how 450 people in a 300-seat First how can you, Mr. Stoll. say
.' . do "0“ "mm “0“ ‘3'" m blowfl’amng criticism from a fellow member 9‘ ing b°°k$- movies or albums, are wouldn‘t mind adding that I wish the classroom do not constitute a fire such a’thing as this in a newspaper
, ,3 Sylyestor (SIC) stallone s3 3Rocki' the UK student body, I'm sure it themselves often criticized for being person who wrote the above letter hazard.) at an institution for higher learning?
' . . IV a I know mu We 0." 13'?"th : was simply an oversight on ms part elitist and pompous m. the" 09m had had the guts to call me or see But it isn't the thought of missing You spoke of not riding the shuttle
3 couse any. sane person won 0 33‘ that led him to misspell the first ions. Sometimes this is true. but me in person so we could intelligent- this best class that makes me the “untile they get a few more bugs
3 , 3 ! . disagree on your shitt) renew. We 3- names of his hero Stallone and his there is a purpose,3a3nd I think a def- 1y discussourdifference of opinion. saddest. I‘m saddest because I'll out .. SO you are interested in riding
3 . 3 i} th93VI10Vl0 suchs. then why did it rival Fellini, along with the name of inite need. for critics. which tran- Come to think of “3 I’d also like to miss this most superbest professor. it going into space where you say
. 3 . take in $33 million the Just neeh- ouruwonderfulnewspapel‘. scends theopinionsweoffer. 3 ask him what in the world i.cum_ live hearda lot of great things about w’e have!” the right to 80 until
3 3 - 3 ,3. . . ! end.” ':,-g-,..'- ' .sséi‘i» 1’32ngt ' : aw“ .4!
I : I- it"? I 'M a ‘9! ‘§'s%:§f‘ 2;... if ° . me "' Tim?! " .. ,3 2.23;.
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3 . '- ’ . 3! _ ,- $2.15 ' . - _ ‘ = ,x ‘
3 . ., ' - , New Calendars Available _3 ' : t
‘ .: ~ '. . at Theatre Fri.£vonlng .5 31‘ Q .J '“ .
J'I .1 _— . N *f .,
.! I ' ‘. Showing this weekend -:_, ‘3 3 33, 3 .3...
' . ‘ : , . "cuoeus LINE" ., ~ “ \ :i Q _ '
. J . «, .3 , "rouv: :- mun LA." --; . “' \\ ‘ ~ ..
i i. L .» . I . I '1 __ ._c°'”°_' """Ll I MM! .. 3 ., " ‘3. 33 33 ‘V‘i' ,591:32};51.3;3f=5:333353559”33:5:13‘33 ' "
- , 3 .. » ‘ "id-v Munich" r s. ” if» . * " --
. . f . "U“ 0" "MN" -‘ " . , , ,
~ . ' - '_ Saturday Midnight! . a ’1’” " ' . i
.4 ' I 1', A Great Horror Fllclr 33.3.3439. ,..,.,--!.....5._,33__ 33 33 §
- . f- "THE mus HAVE cvss" _J ‘ “‘ e ‘ , j
I ill : I .'33.‘ (Inemn 'itorts Today
' " ' ' -' Every 70“. . . . . . .
3 1 . m. m“ 2,. .00. Students If Fletcher Christian and Captain Bligh had known credit for wrong numbers and collect calling.
. . . - . J3 SILK" “3/.”- ‘3-75 what being stuck in the same boat would mean, chances And you'll get discounts off our Day Rate on your
,3 i: ‘ CH'NA 8‘ l ’ are neither would have set foot aboard. state-to-state calls. With savmgs of over 50% during
' . 3 WW And if you’re stuck in the same boat With along weekends until 5pm Sundays, or nights from 11pm to
_ " .j,‘".'! (8 Mo. Cinema g? distance company that doesn’t give you all the serVices 83m. Sunday through Friday. And 40% discounts eve-
. J , , 3 m if you need, its easy to harbor mutinous thoughts. nings between 5pm and 11pm, Sunday through Friday.
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no or . ,, Concert to feature
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J By LYN cnnusu: grant and that they were the only ,\ . ' a . '
r. r Assistant ArtsEditor truVrVnVVEeVVt/organ duo at the time. \3 ‘ " I .
- _. .V‘. ._ ,. , >- ' Th most recipients use the t. _ . ..
«:‘uwur in 3".L'.'."".n.."“m'”"'..."'2."§...'§£,‘3’.3"i°.§'§§3 2"...“ A we we" is “P ‘9' "“5 mm W only one concert. DiMarti- ' l‘ ' . r f 3 . ‘ -
V ”m . V ’ ' ’ ' week 5 Center Sundays series: an no and Robinson chose to stretch it \ t: Va 1 . -

- organ/trumpet duo. into a lo-concert tour. From Dallas .3 '4 . - .: '.
We —-.fl' W. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, The Metropolitan lluee . . . to 30¢”er New York the duo " I ~ l . i ’ V' .
WWhWIMM’p.m.tola.m.flcaver. School of musrc faculty members performed concerts and conducted . . . . ,V , ,r
mm~m E. Main St. Tonight. Walk The West (original rock) W Vincent DiMartino, trumpet, and masterclasses _ classes with stu- ‘ ' " _ - . .’ V. V

'10! two Small WW rods), 9 p.m. to l a.m. tomorrow. Two Small Schuyler Robinson, organ. will per- dents and professors at the universi- ‘ "' ' .i ; , - . -_ V
Iodleedoeeltaiorte.aleefratn0p.m.tol a.m.$2caver both nights. form a free concert featuring works ties I V ,V . , .’ .. fV,".-j'.
cry-tare— Hyatt Regency Hotel. the lounge lectures top 40 dance music on by contemporary American compOS- The W and classfi were to ' .. > ‘ '- = ,’ f f
a eound system, In addition to your favorite videos on a large screen TV. ersaswell as traditimal pieces “draw attention to this unusual com— .: ‘ .433 Vt ~ . vV VV . V‘ 3'; tVV-‘.
WWWWl‘O-m-MW- h _ . bination," Robinson said. “I think movoeoumvorcrmno-mms - ,1 ‘."-‘;‘_-JV,‘

. 'VI‘ e nine pieces to be performed we’vedonethat." , , , , , V' 3 if.”

._ MM“-t02 W. High St. Tonight and tomorrow. Mystery Train (ms Sunday range from Handel 5 Vincent DiMartino, left, and Schuyler Robinson wtll perform a .2' V _, I .V .:.
WW‘mlv’Prmrhu-m-fim" Concerto in G Minor (originally The trumpet and organ are the free trumpet/organ concert this Sunday at the Center for the ' . ' L. f, ;". "

'tholteer'e-ttolldaylnnan l'75WW" "l“- W Wk. MW“ '9‘" written for oboe) to David Samp- “perfect" duo, Robinson said. he Arts. Bath UK faculty members, their performance will complete , '4; ..‘j
“N" ‘WW' Wk“ ”“99 "WM "hf.” 5"” °" ”‘0 50" 7°” son's 1982 piece “The Mysteries Re— cause the trumpet can “top the a lO-concert tour financed by a National Endowment of the Arts ‘ ”1." ‘, l
“*W’MWP-m-“u-mu“Wk”P'h'9‘°“mu9-N°C°V“- main," which Robinson said has organ," even when it’s playing its grant. The concert will begin at 3 pm. in the Concert Hall and is ‘Y 35 -' ,i
M... 3” WW Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, Nervous Melvin and some “far out" sounds. The reper- loudest. pa” of the Center Sunda Series z. ‘- gig": .9, 3.5
the Mietoltee (original and popular rock). 9 p.m. to i am. tonight, happy hour toire, he said, has “such a wide v3. . Y ‘ 3. j . V}: ;,V'.'
from Sta 8 pm. with a $3.50 cover after 8 pm. Tomorrow. happy hour from 7 riety of programs that it touches ev- ‘fThrOllSh Vall this (the tour) we '1. _ ff "V i' if f
to!p.m.wftha$3.50mofter9p.m. erybodyV” strive to bring recognition and ac- ‘ ’ f. 3" V'V. i; .
Splitter- ,ltooisson Hotel rim. Tonight and tomorrow, Thin Mort (Top 40 . . _ claim to the University of Ken- Broadwa dro S 0 ‘. j i ii
dretcel,99.m.tolo.m.Nocover. The concert 15V a culmination 0‘ Va tucky,” he said, “and especially the , '-." ., 1i. 'i -. :;.;.
lyre Kaye —- as: s. Limeetone St. Tonight and tomorrow, The Attitudes (origl. 1984-35 tour, WVthh was made POSSI‘ school of music." ; ~ -V' ‘5'5- (5
“ado“.yopmJoigmgmu. ble by a National Endowment for ‘ . ’ . . .‘ 'f.‘. “1

the Arts gant recognizmg Ameri- . , . . ._ '. ,~ '5 ,
”Iowaub—WAthene-Boonesborokood.Closedforrenovotions. ca's outstanding performing musi. DiMartino and RObmSO" W” per- I romlse tops llst .p' .- - ‘ 3' ‘2'
clans. form at 3 pm. this Sunday in the V ,r f3 - V‘W .-
Concert Hall of the Center for the _ VV , .' V ‘ ', ;..' ,
, Robinson said it is a competitive Arts. The concert iSfree- The Assoc'ated press _ _ "
I7 /‘\L . .1 ‘D bl b l, h The following are Billboard's hot record hits as they appear in next . V ‘ ' . ‘ ‘
’ 0. - w week‘s issue of Billboard magazine Copyright lime. Billboard Publli'il ' j g ' N
/ a W on e arre S 0 tions, Inc. Reprinted with permission. . - , . 3‘?
| g' g . V , . .
. ‘. ON . pairs orchestra, opera . _ .- ,_
1.“How Will I Know" Whitney Houston u Aristal . vV - .' l ‘:
. . v .. . 2.“When the Goin Gets Tough" Billy Ocean [Jive _ ., « .
the Adventurlee or Merl: Tweeter — This tantasy trip to Halley's Cornet is the Egnitlgmgflvagglt ggifirxffiggfélsand Samuel Barber 5 3.“Burning Hear V5, Survivor lScotti Bras. V V V . V V V .
first full-length film to feature "dayrnation." Rated G. (Fayette Mall: Saturday " ‘ 4.“Kyrie" Mr. Mister (RCA) . ,V . : '.
mm only at 1:30. Also Northpark: Saturday and Sunday only at 1:45 V There's a “double-barrel concert" In a telephone interview, Bricett