xt7jdf6k3s51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jdf6k3s51/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1998 1998 1998-02-05 2020 true xt7jdf6k3s51 section xt7jdf6k3s51  


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Tflll I‘BGI‘lllt
stays heme,
inlts with UK

By Jill Erwin

Sen/or Staff ll 'riter

II;\RR( )I)SBL7R(i, Ky —‘ The best kept secret in the state wasn’t
all that secret to Derrickjohnson.

Derrick, a redshirt freshman on L'K's football team, said he knew
all along.

Dennis]ohnson, USA 'I‘oday‘s National I’lay er of

the Year and Derrick's younger brother. signed a
national letter of intent with [K yesterday shortly
after II) a.m. in the gyiit of llarrodsburg lligh

johnson chose L'K after limiting his choices to the
\\'ildcats and Notre Dame. Depending on who you
spoke to dtiring the past few weeks, either the Irish
or the Cats had him signed, sealed and delivered.

But Dennis wasn't talking.

Derrick knew, because the Johnson brothers are




like that.

“I might have known a little bit," Derrick said. “Saturday night, I
pretty much knew. He didn’t say, btit it's a brother thing."

Saturday night was the turning point, Dennis said.

L'K recruiting coordinator Claude Bassett visited the Johnson
household on a last minute, three—hour pitch of L'K football.

Dennis, a life—long .\'otre Dante fan, was leaning toward the Irish
prior to Bassett’s visit. The rest is history.

“\Ve talked about UK and the program, and I think this is where I
need to be," Dennis said. “After the conversation. I was stire l was
going to L‘K."

“It's a monkey off ttiy back, I guess," Dennis said. “People want to
know, and you just want to give it otit so everyone will have a filial

“I was happy. and I hope everyone else is happy too."

His list of attributes reads like a storybook. :\long with L‘S.\
Today, he was natiied National Player of the Year by seveti other
groups, including Sports Illustrated.

The (i-foot-7, lib—pound lineman rutis the 40~yard dash in 4.7
seconds, benches 375 pounds and squats 501.

In 1993—94. Ile was the first eighth—grader in Kentucky foot—
ball history to be named to the first team All—Class State Football

Dennis has a 3.18 grade—point average and is a member ofthe Beta
Club, along with being a Central Kentucky Youth Salute honoree
and a class officer.

He was named the DARI". Student of the Month and is taking Col-
lege l’rep Advanced classes.

See JOHNSON on 2

Chemistry key
in llll lootball
recruiting blitz

Aggressive approacb pays off

By Aaron Sandorlord

Senior Staff ll 'riter

HARRUDSBURG, Ky. — Amid the stranded snow plows and
frigid conditions, a hot UK football recruiting year got even hotter.

[)ennisjohnson’s surprise pick of the Cats provided the crown
jeWel to a class that will be formally announced today and is
pegged by national recruiting analysts as one of the nation's best.

Johnson is the second Parade Magazine National Player of the
Year to sign with UK in three years. And he is the third-straight Ken—
tucky Mr. Football to choose blue.

Despite havin Johnson’s brother Derrick at UK, Notre Dame
emerged as the fgront-runner until a last-ditch visit from Wildcat
Recruiting Coordinator Claude Bassett on Saturdav.

“l was going to Notre Dame, but when Coach Bassett came by
my house last Saturday, he made me think,” Johnson said. “He
said like Tim Couch did for the offense, a lot of us new guys have
the chance to do it for the defense, and I would like to do that.”

UK’s recruiting coup came less than a week after stiff deadlines
imposed by second—year coach Ilal Mumme sent a couple of in-state
stars elsewhere and left \Vildcat fans erplexed. Critics questioned
Mumme‘s savvy, sending a pair of lauded preps from his program's
backyard elsewhere.


o «M» _....c-'..-)




snout See Snou‘.











mm Snot." tapering off
3. .1: tbisn/hwzoon. lug/J near ill.

(Jo/cl tonight. lot." (ff-3” (fold and

clear III/II()I‘I‘l/Z.", big/J near {I}.

CLEAN ll’ State road trans and totem- try

to dig themselves out oft/tore t/mn «foot of


page 2.













my 5, I 998
[alum-X note- Due to mm." and
.1 lnnnet/ not]: [lie Kernel Is
Z not [our Inigo '/ lie Felt. 4 (dl'

tmn :e/ll remain on the minds,


All i u'lll pub/Lib I’m/41y.








By Mat Herron

.Veriit lleitor

Big blue got iitore white than it bargained
for yesterday.

A foot of snow blanketed the campus,
prompting University officials to cancel classes
from 10 a.tii. on and Physical Plant workers to
break otit the plows.

Closing classes is part of Plan B, which
means UK is essentially shut down, except
for a few necessary services. said Bert Carr.
assistant to the president for administrative

Barely any students dined in the Student
Center cafeteria. Although campus recreation
facilities and the Dean of Students Office
closed around 2 p.m.. Food Services kept open
the (lining halls in the Complex Commons.
Blazer IIall, K-Lair and the .\largarct I. King
Library Deli.

To determine whether or not the L'iiiversi-
ty will cancel school, officials rely on [K
Police to look at the current weather condi-
tions, check with Lexington police to find out
road conditions. and make a recommendation
to UK adtninistrators.

Up until about 5:30 a.m. yesterday. Carr
said, all systems were go. But two unpredicted
storms changed the forecast from the original
4 -6 inches of snow to 6-12, iving enough rea-
son for administrators to cal off school for the

first time siiice_lanuary I‘M-l.

\Vhile students whooped and hollercd in
delight. one employee didn‘t have the lll\ll‘
ry of a day off: l)l‘. Steve Stapclynski. direc—
tor of the emergency department at [K

For the most part. his department has been
moving .it the speed ofsnail.

“Nothing‘s moving. llardly anything's been
able to get around town," said Stapclynslxi.
who rolled into work at 6:4; this morning.
“liven though you may have spin—outs atid col-
lisiotis, it's not enough speed to do iiitich dam-

L'K l’olice used three Chevy Bla/crs and
a Ford Bronco to transport doctors and
nurses back and forth to the hospital. and
the Chandler Medical Center sent out six
four—wheel drive vehicles to bring in
patients needing medical attention and sup»

“\Ve're at ftill operation," said \lary
Margaret Colliver. head of Med Center
Public Relations. “All the supplies have
arrived but we‘re asking staff to conserve.
because you don't know what might hap—

Because the UK and Children's hospitals
were full and all hotel rooms around town
were booked, staffhad to set tip extra beds




u" IAIN! Kn‘ml ttlfi

M a. After classes were called ofl‘at ll) am, campus teas
nearly deserted. Some students put in extra time at the library.

.._.... .w-.-..


By Alison Klglit

Senior Sta/f II 'rlter

college student.



on Euclid Avenue. “'l
i . .. . . '




PHOTOS BY MATT BARTON [\t’l7lt'l tut}
8UP SLIDING AWAY Fire mentlte/‘t~ offlte Rl/lt‘ 'lenn/ (above) \‘lnl (burn the lull belt/nil tl’e ll lit/e Ila/l Classroom lint/ding on til/elem! tmi's/‘i‘om tbe Stu—

(lent Center. jam)” Steiner. n pol/Heal science senior. gives finnfivenr—o/d Landon a rule urn/mil an empty run/pm.




While many eople are frustrated by
inclement weat cr conditions and the
inability to travel anywhere, there is one
group that can only rejoice when nature
gives them an unexpected day off —— the

Especially the beer-drinking college

“We had a milk truck delivery this
morning, but not a beer truck delivery,"
said Tane Curtis, a customer service
representative at Kro er Supermarket
ere are a lot of



Two storms blanleet, sbut clown campus


Local businesses profit from
claustrophobic student body

students here right now looking for food

and beer."

As ofarotind 2 pin. yesterday, Cur-

Students who

weren't at

tis said. there were still plenty of sta-
iles at the store like milk and eggs, but
mm was one item that was running

Kro er

searching for supplies could be foun at

Two Keys Tavern. soaking up the unex-

pected holiday atmosphere along with

their libations.

“There are lots of students here and
people who didn't have to work today,”

See SNOW on 2

_ ___._..__.___





' ~. 2

I‘I‘Mli‘tldy. Ifrl'rmlw t. 1993', Kentucky Kernel








5’33. g

H Int-m tt



Businesses around
campus turn profit
From PAGE 1

said Two Keys bartender
(ienevieve Banks.

“I love the snow, but I don‘t
tiiind the extra work."

Banks said she thought busi—
ness would retnain busy
throughout the night
becatise ofthe L'K basket-
ball game tonight against
Louisiana State.

Movie \Varehottse on
liuclid Avenue saw extra
business front students and
people trapped inside with
nowhere to go.

“It's been busier


around campus had cars,
trucks or sport utility vehi-
cles with front-wheel or four—wheel
drive. Keesee said he had to pick up
all his employees because he was the
only one who could driye.
Members ofSigina l’hi lipsilon
social fraternity were enjoying the
great outdoors on their day off by
playingr snow football with their
neighbors. Alpha Tau ( )iiiega.
"lt's great
the year and I didn't tliitik we
were going to get one." said Sig



8AM! /. \l' \m/Il'. ./ mum i.//iiilr.r in \em if. til/writ) \liil mm a tree l’t'l‘lllt/ the
H i.’ //.n/( lilo/«mm lilo/31mg \t felt/ii; after/um”.


lip President Keith (itiidice. who
threw snowballs from inside the

the first snow of

hers. “\Ve get school off, and we
get to have a snowball war."

(iuidice said although no one
could really get out ofthe Sig l‘ip
parking lot. some fraternity mem—
bers did go over and shovel tlte
area around the Chi Omega
Sorority house.

Sean (iriffin, a biology sopho-
iitore, stayed up until () a.m.
studying for an exam he didn’t
end up getting to take.

“I couldn't be happier about
the weather," he said. “I hope

class gets can—
celed tomorrow,

. . (Iivil engi-
neering senior

jason Money said

[couldn’t be he was happy
happier about
the weather. I
than ' hope Class gets week, even

about getting out
of class iii the
middle of the

usual for a weekday after— Cflnfeled tomor" though he had
noon." said None \\are— raw too,” some logistical
house employee David V problems getting
Keesee. “This weather is ready to play in
definitely good for business." #81:.“ 62"." the snow.

Most people driving w 950? more “lt took tne


hours to get these
clothes on,” said the well—padded
Sig Hp. “I hope 1 don‘t have to go
to the bathroom soon."

()ther students gathered on the
hill behind \Vhite Hall (Ilassroom
Building to sled, using everything
frotn Blazer l Tall food trays to giant
sheets of cardboard. A few students
wrapped themselves in garbage
bags to gain better momentum.

“I’ve been out here for three
hours," said Brandi Lewis, a psy—
chology junior.


Final decision will
he made in morning
From PAGE 1

As of about 4 p.m. no traffic
accidents or power outages on
campus had been reported.

;\mong the weather-related
incidents treated in the emergen-
cy rootn were; one male treated
for a frostbite injury, one male
pushing a car had received a hand
injury and another person. also
pushing a car, received a shoulder

injury, (Iolliver said.

Though the two storms debili-
tated the campus for a day, many
say this snowfall doesn't come
close to the winter storm of ")4.

“That snow was a really bitter
cold,” Stapczynski said. “This is
more of a slush, from what I've
seen. \Ve had more accidents and
stuff when we had the ice storm.
Ice is more treacherous."

(Iarr said University officials
will wait until early this morning to
decide whether school will resume.

“The chances are very good
if we don’t get a lot tiiore snow
then we'll be in good shape,” (Iarr
said. “(Irews will work through
the night."






JAMES CRISP Amiiv/ «an

DEFYING “IE ELEMENTS A woman uwsfon‘ed to cross roll/my ski next to

Harrods/Hug Road. Roads were impassable for most aflx'elitiirljv.

Ilnnrenared state
T3088 SIIOW'S wrath

.‘lfl‘llt'ltllt'd Press

FRANKFOR'I‘ — A powerful
winter storm that mock up on
weather forecasters dutnped heayy
snow yesterday on the eastern half
of Kentucky. closing schools.
snarling traffic and cutting off
power to thousands.

The storm dumped a foot of
snow on parts of central and east-
ern Kentucky while producing
smaller amounts across a wide
swath of the state. National
guardsmen were dispatched to
assist people in the hardest-hit

The snow chilled business and
closed schools in more than 50

Numerous stores also closed,
including Fayette Mall in Lexing-
ton, while those that stayed open
endured hardships from the year's
first snowstorm.

“It's basically paralyzed us."
said Sheila Yates of Yates Truck-
ing in Stanford in south-central

Adjutant General Russ (iroves
and (iov. Paul l’atton said the
state was not caught off guard, as

ofjanuary 1994.

A winter storm warning
remained in effect \Vednesday as
the National \Veather Service
predicted several more inches of
snow overnight.

By ’I‘hursday morning, total
snowfall should range from 6 to
12 inches in central Kentucky, It)
to 18 inches in northern and east-
ern Kentucky and 3 to (i inches in
southwest and south-central Ken-
tucky, the weather service said.

The snowstorm slipped in by
darkness. Many Kentuckians went
to bed 'l‘uesday night expecting
light snow but awoke \Vednesday
to drifts as the storm stretched
hundreds of miles farther west
than originally predicted.

““hen I got tip this morning, I
didn‘t expect to see anything like
this,” said Norm Reitmeyer. a
meteorologist in Louisville.

'l‘wenty-two counties and a
dozen cities requested assistance
frotn the National Guard as snow
covered roads and snapped tree
limbs that became entangled in
utility lines. Utility crews strug—
gled to restore the power.

Patton urged people to stay off

fraternity house at fellow mem<

“l‘m having a great time. This
is awesome."

happened with the horrendous ice
and snow storm and subzero cold

the roads whenever possible.



Brothels haul; in action
together on UK sideline

l'iiit this stiit\ is all about faintly.

l): inns and Detritk will out c again
ll! on the sniic \ttltllltt'. and for this
Iainily. that's i dctiiint' plus

“llc‘s i tremendous athlete. .iiid l
t i, t w ii! to play with him ag tin." Der
i ik s.u.l

\\ ha :i asked how he would li.i\c
'1'“ tid h id Dennis chosen \otre
l).HHt‘. he replied. "lid h.i\e liccn h.ipp\
tii bun. he‘s still my brother llt'lHlL'
nothing else. lid still loyc hiin llt
dhilttil though. so l'ni just glad to set"
but: where he is "

lb nnis' signing tneans l l\ has
.‘i «Jilicd the last three lsct‘itu'ky \li‘.
l ootball winners. llc touts «pi I” -il~,ii L.
iiiii (,outb .ind Flilll‘ill‘i‘.’ batk Den-k
ilouii r on the sidelines

’lt iuakes .1 st itenieiii to:
"a state that tfthcy decidt l't stay in
’11". that they will lHH' .i ( haiiti- to go
' - tuiuls and go on from there." s.llti
lloi'ii-r. who made the trip to |l.iiioils
”mg with Derrick.

\lyis lolinson. Dennis~ lather ind
'lt (4).Itll and \llTlt‘lltS Dneitoi' of
lliiiodslitirg lligb. looks l).|\l\ fondly
on the whole recruiting situation.

‘lt‘s been fun. it‘s been difficult. it's
been busy. IliS been all ofthe above But
iiiost ot all it‘s been enjoyable." \l\ls
aid "( )nc thing that kept him here was
llH‘ \llllk'lik‘ (TL'\TrC lh( pcnplt‘ ()T KCTT’
rm Ly have to see him play there."

l)(lllli\i mother. Rosetta. was also
pit \t'tll .HTtT wore a l‘ls scarf in support

it! 'tst iii

of her son. She w as happy her sons would
remain close to each other, physically as
well as spiritually.

"'l‘liey‘ye always been really close,
and yet they 've been like brothers."
Rosetta said. "They'n e had their lights.
\Ve‘ve always taught them to be there
for each other and to steer each other
right when they see the other one is
going w rong."

She maintains that no matter how
llllltlt information Derrick supplied
or how iitiich pleading the [K fans
did. the decision was all Dettnis~ to

“Dennis listened to Derrick. But
Dennis is his own man. and he makes
his own decisions." Rosetta said. “Der-
rick chose to stay home. which was a
good fit for him. \Ve told Dennis it's
his choice because he‘s the one who has
to be in this situation for four or five
years. \Ve just told both of thetn to go
with their hearts."

That's exactly what Dennis did.

He plans to major in sports manage-
ment, and looks toward athletic train--
mg as .i possible career. He is art all-
state athlete iii not only football, btit
basketball and track as well.

(Lould he play more than one sport
.it L'K:

“lfl decide to try basketball, .tnd it
doesn't work out. then I will focus on
track and football." Dennis said. “But
if basketball and football both happen,
then I will do those two."

:\ lot has been itiade of [K coach
Ilal Mumme's deadlines for recruits.
That didn‘t seem to affect Dennis' deci—
sion at all

“(Loach Mumme is a rcat coach.
He's a real laid-back guy," )ennis said.

“He's a heck of a coach, and I just
hope we can get in there and turn this
whole program around."


m m I)emiis]ohmon met with media afier his announcement.



M3 CI” Krnirl i‘Mfi


C hemistiy key
in landing state ’s
biggest recruit
From PAGE 1

(Ihris Sheehan of
Louisville St. Xavier chose
Boston College when pres—
sured, and Johnson's Har-
rodsburg teammate Julius
Yeast picked Ohio State.

Mumme would not com-
ment on specific individuals
but said if a player doesn't
share his vision of CK foot-
ball, he doesn't want that per-
son oti his team.

He wants \Vildcat football
to operate with class while
teaching honesty, communi-
cation and loyalty. And he
wants to compete for a
Southeastern Conference

“Our approach is to recruit
nearest our home state and
re ion first," Mumme said.
“\ 'e make our offers there
first. These are uys there
that have had of ers on the
table since last year at this
time or at the first date we
could contact them."

The recruiting approach
by Mumme and his staff is
to make a list of layers
froin all over and ran them
on everything from aeas
deinics to level of competi-


tion and how the players fit
UK's needs. This year. the
primary need was defensive

“\Ve have 85 jobs to fill,
and the most important
thing we look for is chem—
istry," Mumme said. “If our
team chemistry can be
helped by someone in our
home area, then we will look
there first. But I don‘t care
what our numbers say about
a kid if he doesn't share the
same vision and love for
Kentucky football. we'll look

\Vhen his staff draws up a
list of recruiting needs, they
usually chart how deep they
want to fill at each position.

“lfyoti fill up at one posi-
tion, that's when you place a
deadline on a kid," Mumme

“If forced to choose
between getting the sixth and
seventh guy at one position (we
already have our needs filled at)
and getting the third or fourth
guy at a position we still need,
of course I‘m going to ask a kid
to make a decision."

As for the ones that got
away, Mumme said it's never
a perfect world.

“People sav you can't win
if you can’t hold on to the
players in your area. but we're
gonna sign something in the

igh 205." he added. “One-
third are from our home area,
and the other two-thirds are
from someone else's home
area that has a team doing just

. —..... -_.. -. . -.._........._...


"I l



”lee All







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g '7 Sfil








:, Knmrdy Kernel, Thursday. February 5. 1998 B ’
2 ' I ;
Call 2 5 7—2 8 71 V VlSd/Mllfté’fl‘flt’d accepted Deadline: 3 p. m. the day before publzcatzon
F0“ RENE PARKING Close drsianoa to campus. 263-5084 DAYCARE ASSISTANTS NEEDED 3-6. Mon-Fri ““9" 91°12" ""'"9 Slum“ " L°“'5V'”° and TIRED OF WALKING? PBI‘K too it irom 86E.
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, Soligar 400 mm 5 6 Also 2x convener All tor SGOO/mo 2558621 Females only WID. dishwasher. nice roommates. MOTIVATED? I need your help In my busrness ' 0' apporntment eave message ketball shoe Irom 1985-86 season Blue and White
I}: L 5303300,“ Call 606-879-0960 evenings. 6 30 pm - ‘ BR APARTMENT. Iurnished. 3295' includes W“. tumrshed. security system. Call Rachel 255-8056 Call 245-0867 WE ARE SEEKING dependable, harIO-Wotklng, sett- Pay up to $300. new or used Call anytime 1-800
‘ . COMPUTERS NEW 0 USED P u 233 “GS. ggsfzzagga 428 E Maxwell St Call alter 9 THE GROVE AT TATES CREEK - Great Location, EXCEPTIONAL SUMMER OPPORTUNITY— Camp 33:32:? 53711522: 'Ff’gsfim'fi. 833$ 9:33.315; 92‘5“ "

.- o . AN : entium pm - Huge 1 bedroom w/Study Irom 3539 (1000 sq Wayne, NE PA (3hrs/NYCl-Sports oriented. Coun- . WANTED: 1985 UK Basketball Shoes lee dunk
loaded with 17' monitor $2099 Barebone systems 1 2 AND 3 BEDROOMS available '0' short-term Ieet). Iull amenities Including Club House wIIire- selor/Specualistslor all LandWatei Sports the Ten grogsrsaggccgaesssigrct}engfirkgt‘gtge. sglecsarr'ngsslaggfiglge High Tops and Low Tops Also. Ist edition Air Jor
166MMX $440. 200MMX S485. 233MMX $555 'lease Walkmg distance '0 UK Med“! Center place and Resident Busrness Center w/computer. his. Camping, Climbing/Ropes Mountain Biking, hours apply In person! 911 or 23 MF 390$outh- dan 1985 basketbaltshoes Top dollar. will pay up
Servrce and upgrades SeIVIceDot Com 2776228 Call .mmediately Cravens Properties 252-5858 tax. and copier 273-5500 3525 Tales Creek Rocketry, Roller Hockey. Sailing/Water-skiing, A 8 land Dr or call Mark at277-3996 f0, turther Into to $300 Call anytime 1-800-921-5411

-— EXPERIENCED SENIOR SELLING MATERIALS Ior "Md c, 0'3"“: Rad“: “’90 campus '"‘°'V'°"’5- '
all Classes taken 272-8643 2 “mm” p°°'- 3“ °°”°‘“°“9d- 'am’l- 537°“ Two BEDROOM 0N cAMPus sssorm In all rilr- ”“56“" "8887379296 °' ”WWW” MLDERNESS cm" sum” “unse'ms “3 Wk ROOMMAIE WANTED
EXTERNAL 14 ‘ MODEM $25 080 C II D d S390/mo Call255-1115 ties pa K1 Cal!281-1049 leave messaggn ‘ u your name. phone number and mailing address Ethaulnei'q‘uedprggzfim gigllfimptéinilgélgghgloégy
. 3 av: - . - . _ . I l . - ———-—-————-—————-————
Wachtel. 257-3683 2 OR. I DA. close to campus Available Immediately UK AREA 2 bedroom. 208 Rose St and 838 W FOODSTAFF- Lexington s newest staffing CO tor the 4733 59; J; at the UK Camp Fair. 2.12 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!!!
$500/mo 4 electric 2695550 th 5450. 225-5464 hospitality industry is now hiring servers, cooks. and . Ior 2 BR spacrous apartment Washer/dryer. pri-
~ ; FOR SALE. Panama city Spring Break plane tickets 2 BR 2 1/2 BA TOWNHOMES- ‘ mile Irom campus- ’ ‘ stewards Temp and Regular lull time available. WE’VE" 125$ “'38- [EARNdUPtTO :175- ” you! vale bathroom. lire-place. many extras $275/monlh
. 0an 7 available tor a low rate. 03113236783 on bustine! One left I or F 00. Only $599/mo Hurry! HELP WANTED Call266-9006 mega: anay‘nma‘r; tutolrgm’eeigiéons 2201;120:112 througtl May. 226-0501
FULLtMEITtAL FUTON FRASMEQ.l H589; 81:11:! crime love Call 255-5454 GET. PAID TO SAVE FUN! CAOMP MATAPONI- a need your assrstance In a research proyect. Mini- FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share a brand
sea w uon mattress . un r covers. girsmmpin am has over5 summertime Open- ma! time involved. Contidentialit alwa 5 main- new home close to cam us $300/mo, Includes
.. 3 BEDROOM TOWNH E. 1 1 th. H . . . Y Y P
r also tables. beds. bookshelves. etc Bluegrass appliances privacytegclis 266-55153 ookups ”3209:5552: zozfgg'fiegmggmg't’é:”:42: ings tor Iemale and male stall Ior Watersports. tanned Call the research nurse. 277-4221. utilities WID. central air. garage. home alarm Con-
1 Bedding. 512 E. H19ll Street 254-4065 3 BEDROOMS p 5 Call “0347.1": ' p ‘ Landsports. Tennis. Ropes Course. Ans80ratts and tact Kerrie 0254-0074
a . . - 00!. air conditioned. laundry, 435- much more Top 5 Room/board and travel PEnsuNAl-s
GOVT FORECLOSED "m "°"‘ WW“ °" ’1' $455. 03112554115. 100 INSTRUCTORSICOUNSELORS NEEDED expense provrded On campus Interviews will be - mm" "00““75 “"TED‘ F°’ 3 30"” 3
Delinquent Tax. Raped. REOS. Your Area. Toll ___...___________ 1/2 BA Maxwell Street town h m Pr
Coed sleep away camp Pocono Mountains Penn- conducted For more into c311609424-2755 o e "a” bath,
IFir (1) 800-218-9000 Ext. H-1802107 current 4 BDRM: Woodland Ave 8950 268-1754 sylV am a Over 60 land/water activities ' Good GREAT OPPORTU TY ' ‘ llIHAsIR 0N LIME:s Massage SPECIaISSOIhr , Nail W/D. SZSO/month iutilrties 226-5028
. ‘ is ings. , ‘ ‘ NI FOR PRIMARKETING STU- sets 35. Waxes 7 Late hours by appt. 306 S.
‘ 4BEDROOM. Walking distance Newly renovated salary/tips!(908)6893339(www.campcayuga.com) DENTSI 512/hr , EXPENSE ALLOWANCE” Limestone. 252-SNIP. FULLY FURNISHED UTILITIES. included W/D. Own
HYDROPONIC SUPPUES AND GROWLIGHTS. Hardwood lloors. A/C Available now! Rent . kitchen near campus Lots or prrva $285/mo
’ . . _ AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE and light house- Work as a hostess during the coal trade show at CY
a , Bonsai. Tabletop Fountarns.GrIls.Organic Garden S790/month. 268-2093 . . . ACCESS SINGLES VOICE BOXES. 1-900-285- 278-7664
ing Suppiies. Equmox Nursery. Nicholasvrlle. 597. ‘ BEDROOMS NEW DEVELOWENT D I 21°28 r7: girlsag'es 8812. 5'3“”01 . Jessfre 2:99 NfingmngfS“ ‘ "gal ‘SEGRWNgnlg-gm 9245 an. 8976. Serv-U (619) 645-8434. GRAD STUDE T
- up ex on a Ou exing on area. on-sm er. sa 9 mm o oca iver . oca, N NEEDS ROOMMATE- 2 BR tur-
2671‘ _ Rose St. W/D hookups Available March 1 288- driver. relerences. good pay. May work up to Iull WV 25159 ALTERNATIVES! that guys like you On The Conlr- ntshed home near campus. W/D. pets welcome
MISSION STYLE FUTON $250 (negotiable) Will 5807 JetI. time in summer. 278-7868 Leave message. HAVE FUN _ “Isms FUNDS. c, b T dermal Connection! Record/Listen to ads FREE' 5250 41/2 utilities 275-2063
de'we' 2934464 425 EAST HIGH STREET 1bedroom 1 bath central AFTERNOON CHILD CARE needed 11-30 a m 400 6 Groups Earn up to $500 grr mur'e! L201 :35? ‘8‘ ”5° °°°° 606" (606) 2544606 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED 6250/ Ih 11'! It
. . . .- . - : mon rou
, MOTOROLA PAGER...97 CENTS!!! Plus connect heat. A/C, dishwasher. deck. $450+KU No dogs p in Must be able to transport children and help years 0! tundraismg experience to work lot you B‘BN-L SHORTS FOR WI! (3011‘1 $0005 335 5- May Above Two Keys Patio Washer/Dryer Rega-
‘ 199 8 servroe. 276-5217 'Mention Kernel." 253-9893. with homework. Please supply references. Call Call now Ior details on a FREE CD 0! your choice. LWGSIW 255‘5125- sonable Utilities 2590002
OFFICE/COMPUTER DESK 525 or best otter Must APT ROOM Large private room in older house le9 2584873 “8005922121 9’“ ‘23 BEAU”!!!- WWENUVE!" “9098604400 5)" RESPONSIBLE NON-SMOKING Female to share
sell Call 281-9604 aiier 7 PM. Ask Ior Kathleen haVIng your own apartment only sharing coed bath ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT- Fishing Indus- HOUSEKEEPER/COOK Ior Chevy Chase Iarhity. 12- 6665- 33-99 Per ""0 Mus! be ‘8 Yrs SEN-U 38R house 5250 mo Plus 173 electric Available
OFFICE/HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE D esk. ch airs, and kitchen [Centralair W/D Near Med Center try Excellent earning 8 benefits potential. All major 7 pm 3-5 days per week. Own transportation. Non- 1619) 545‘8‘34- Feb 1 call Holly 276-6165
tables. file cabinets accessories. bar lights. mirrors and Ag. $250rmo . utilities Included. 223-9372 ziggyers Ask us how! 517-324-3115 ext. smoker. 2638202 or (eye) 269.8679 BEGINNING KARATE cuss, Learn the ancyent an. ROOMM ATE NEEDED apanment 0" Richmond Rd
_ and decor. 293-7303 ARE YOU MOVING? Trust Man With van. 244-3457 LEGAL RUNNER. Tuesdays and Thursday mornings gaghgrglg'g: £32213? ringer); 5313;": 0am $2307mo call 355.9165
.01 PAPASANS MANY COLORS . $990 Bluegrass CAMPUS DOWNS 3 Bedroom (2 good-Sized rooms $25336"; g‘go‘ggggcfuw‘ “may ’33:; fi'fieaw a""'"°°"s' ca“ cm 5W“ a‘ 225' 257-5524 or 887-4803 to: details y '

, Bedding. 512 E Hrgh Street. 254-4065. and 1 master bedroom), 2 Iull bath. Washer/Dryer. ' ' ‘ . ”“9”"- ‘ '

, PENTIUM 100 MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER ‘ 32 All appliances turnished in Iull size. on-srte man- APPT SETTERS/ no SELLING Earn up to $20/hr LEXINGTON EMPLOYER seeks creative Internet DAY'ThON‘AnBE‘ACcItI SWISS gREArKI Break a");

.- MB/R AM 12 speed CD-ROM Ms pe ak er s 33 6 agement, right next to Credit Union. Lexington City Comm/Bonus/sprts. PT hrs =FT pay. Mon-Fri 5-9 technologist wrth 680908009 In NT- P9". JavaScript ‘3”; Sneesotathfrhlenwe 071:0:er eaetgtéys me: 1” AUTO INSURANCE Monthly pay. all dnvers'