xt7jh98z9d6b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7jh98z9d6b/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Commission, Louisiana Purchase Exposition. 1904  books b96-3-34067889 English s.n., : [Frankfort : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904 : Saint Louis, Mo.) Kentucky. Kentucky at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904  : being a report of the Commission authorized by an act of the General Assembly to the governor of the commonwealth. text Kentucky at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904  : being a report of the Commission authorized by an act of the General Assembly to the governor of the commonwealth. 1904 2002 true xt7jh98z9d6b section xt7jh98z9d6b 


      AT THE


        ST. LOUIS, 1904.





           TO THE


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     Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
     The Commission appointed by you, pursuant to the pro-
 visions of an Act of the General Assembly of Kentucky approved
 January 27, I904, entitled "An act to provide for the collection
 and exhibition of the resources of the Commonwealth of Ken-
 tucky at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, at St. Louis, Mis-
 souri, and making an appropriation therefor," met on February 4,
 i904, for organization, at which time the following took the oath
 of office and executed bond as Commissioners, as required by
 said Act: Arthur Y. Ford, Louisville; Charles C. Spalding,
 Lebanon; William H. Newman, Louisville; William H. Cox,
 Maysville; Sam P. Jones, Louisville; Clarence Dallam, Louis-
 ville; William T. Ellis, Owensboro; Charles E. Hoge, Frank-
 fort; Joshua B. Bowles, Bardstown; Asher G. Caruth, Louis-
 ville; Samuel Grabfelder, Louisville; William J. Worthington,
 Greenup; Garrett S. Wall, Maysville; Malcolm H Crump, Bow-
 ling Green, and Bayless L. D. Guffy, Morgantown. Subse-
 quently, upon the resignation of Mr. Worthington, Mr. Frank
 M. Fisher, of Paducah, duly qualified as a member. of the Com-
    At the meeting on February 4 the Board was duly organ-
ized by electing Arthur Y. Ford, President; Charles C. Spalding,
Vice-President; Robert E. Hughes, Secretary and. Director of
Exhibits, and by creating an Executiyc Committee composed
of A. Y. Ford, W. H. Newman, Sam P Jones, W, H. Cox and
W. T. Ellis.
    At this meeting, as required by the Act creating the Board,
a full report was made by the Kentucky Exhibit Association of
the funds collected by it, of the work done up to that time in
preparation for an exhibit and building at the St. Louis
World's Fair and a transfer made of all property and funds of
the Kentucky Exhibit Association. At this meeting authority


was given to the President and Executive Committee to appoint
Superintendents to supervise the work of gathering, installing
and caring for exhibits in all departments. Pursuant to this
authority the following Superintendents were appointed: Min-
erals, C. J. Norwood, Lexington; Forestry, A. N. Struck, Louis-
ville; Tobacco, C. D. Campbell, Louisville; Education, E. H.
Mark, Louisville; Agriculture, I. B. Nall, Louisville; Fine Arts,
Marvin Eddy, Louisville; Horticulture, M. F. Johnson, Fern
Creek; Woman's Work and Relics, Mrs. W. B. Carothers,
Bardstown. Subsequently, upon the resignation of Mr. Nall,
Prof. J. N. Harper, of Lexington, was made Superintendent of
the Agricultural Exhibit. At a subsequent meeting, the Com-
mission elected Mrs. Bertha Miller Smith, of Richmond, as the
Hostess of the Kentucky Building, in which capacity Mrs. Smith
added materially to the popularity of the building, performing
successfully the very difficult and exacting duties of the position.
    The public spirit which, from the first, characterized the
effort to give Kentucky creditable representation at the Louisi-
ana Purchase Exposition was well illustrated in the unselfish
labors of these Superintendents. Messrs. Norwood, Struck,
Campbell, Mark, Eddy and Harper gave their services, involving
a great deal of time and much personal expense, without com-
pensation of any kind further than the satisfaction of doing a
worthy public work.
    In addition to these, the transportation matters of the Com-
mission, involving thee handling of a great deal of freight traf-
fic to St. Louis and return, was looked after by Mr. John J.
Telford, of Luuisville, who had been Superintendent of Trans-
portation for the Kentucky Exhibit Association, and con-
tinued in that position for the State Commission, and who, like
the other gentlemen named, gave services of the greatest value
without compensation. Too much praise cannot be given these
gentlemen fortheir unselfish labors.
    The duties of MIr. Iohnson and Mrs. Carothers, while in
the service of the Commission, required their full time, and
they were accordingly compensated, though at a rate that would
have offered little inducement to them but for their interest in
a public undertaking.
    Appended to this report you will find a complete statement
of the work done, the displays made, the amounts expended and
the awards secured in each exhibit department, together with an
account of the attractive calendar of events at the Kentucky
Building and all other information necessary to forming a just



     1. Ilresidlet A. Y. Ford.   2. Cha;. 1. Hloge.  3. Samuel (Graltelier.    4. WV. T  Elis.
o. J. B. Boxvlwk     6. WViii. J. Woith1ilslt0o  resigned, suicceeded by Mlr. Fisher,   7. Vsice
President Chla-. C. Spalding-.  x. Clarence  tallain. 9. Garrett S. Wall.    Il). W. H. New-
man    11. W. ff. Cox.   12. Aslher G. Caruth.    1'3. Frank N1. Fisher.   14. Sam P. Jones.
15. Malcolm 11. Crumnp.    16. B. L. 1) Guffy.

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idea of the extent of the Kentucky display at the exposition and
of its value as an advertisement of the progress and the resources
of the State. Appended also is a brief statement of the organi-
zation of the Kentucky Exhibit Association, which organization,
upon the failure of the General Assembly at its session of I902
to make an appropriation for this work, had taken up the task
of raising a preliminary fund and of enlisting public opinion in
support of an appropriation to be asked for at the next session
of the Legislature to complete its work.
     The Kentucky Exhibit Association was organized May 28,
 1902, and incorporated November 5, 1902, with the following
 gentlemen as Directors: A. Y. Ford, Louisville; J. C. W.
 Beckham, Frankfort; James H. Parrish, Owensboro; A. Smith
 Bowman, Lexington; Ed Woolfolk, Paducah; Clarence Dallam,
 Louisville; William H. Newman, Louisville; David B. G. Rose,
 Louisville; Marion E. Taylor, Louisville; Charles B. Norton,
 Louisville; Samuel Grabfelder, Louisville; Sam P. Jones, Louis-
 ville; Charles P. Weaver, Louisville; Samuel S. Savage, Ash-
 land, and E. J. Hickey, Covington. The Directors selected
 A. Y. Ford as President; Marion E. Taylor, Vice-President;
 R. E. Hughes, Secretary, and Logan C. Murray, Treasurer.
 Within a few months Mr. Hickey died and was succeeded on
 the Board by Mr. John C. Droege, of Covington. Judge Savage
 was a most active member of the organization until in August
 of 1903, when he was cut down by sickness, which within a brief
 period terminated fatally. At the next meeting of the Board
 Mr. Charles C. Spalding, of Lebanon, was chosen to fill the
    It was the avowed purpose of this Association to secure
from all sources the sum of ioo,ooo, to be expended in erecting
a Kentucky Building and making a display of Kentucky's re-
sources at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. The Association
realized that an appropriation made by the General Assembly at
its session in I904 could not be utilized to advantage unless a
vast amount of preliminary work had been done. Its plan,
therefore, was to raise a sufficient sum to begin the construction
of a State building and the collection of material for exhibits.
It was necessary that the building should be erected during the
summer of 1903, in order to avoid the excessive cost of hurried
construction. It was necessary also to be in a position to secure
allotments of space in the various exhibit buildings and to make
considerable progress in collecting exhibit material. To this
end the Association created a Finance Committee, composed


of A. Y. Ford, Louisville, Chairman; Samuel Grabfelder, Louis-
ville; T. L. Jefferson, Louisville; E. H. Ferguson, Louisville;
Charles B. Norton, Louisville; Clarence Dallam, Louisville;
Marion E. Taylor, Louisville; Logan C. Murray, Louisville;
John L. Dunlap, Louisville; R. W. Brown, Louisville; J. D.
Powers, Louisville; H. C. Rodes, Louisville; S. H. Stone, Louis-
ville; R. M. Kelly, Jr., Louisville; John B. Castleman, Louis-
ville; J. H. Parrish, Owensboro; George C. Thompson, Padu-
cah; H. C. Trigg, Glasgow; A. Smith Bowman, Lexington;
J. E. Rankin, Henderson; R. C. Ford, Middlesboro; A. N.
Struck, Louisville; J. S. Escott, Louisville; Frank Fehr, Louis-
ville; W. D. 'McElhinny, Central City; C. C. Early, Louisville;
H. A. Schroetter, Covington. Various sub-committees were
formed for the purpose of soliciting contributions from different
classes of business. Some contributions were made also of
material. From all sources the Kentucky Exhibit Association
collected 3I,441.94. It vigorously prosecuted the work of
preparation for its exhibits through special committees ap-
pointed for that purpose. It secured a good site for a State
building and was able in July, 1903, to let a contract for con-
struction. The spirit of the Association was at this juncture
exemplified by its members pledging themselves to complete
the payments for this building, a sufficient sum not having at
that time been collected to pay for both building and exhibits,
though the Association had raised a sufficient sum to defray
the entire cost of the building had it been possible to devote
the entire amount to that purpose.
    An early impetus was given the movement by the formal
indorsement of the Kentucky Bankers' Association, in its an-
nual meeting at Paducah-an indorsement that was followed by
liberal contributions from the banks and bankers of the State,
made through a special committee of bankers. The coal oper-
ators of the State also gave their support in an organized way,
and some of the largest contributions were from coal companies
The substantial support of the bankers and the coal operators
at once secured consideration and support from other classes
of business. Good contributions were made by the brewers, the
distillers, the lumber interests and others. Several Fiscal Courts
made liberal appropriations, as did one City Council-that of
Mt. Sterling. Manufacturing corporations also gave generous
support, while the honor roll includes many firms and individuals
representing every branch of business.
    The financial statement of the Kenticky Exhibit Associa-


tion is included in this report, although not legally required to
be made a part of it. It is added because it seemed desirable
to show in one place the entire cost, paid from all sources, of
the State's representation at St. Louis. An effort has been
made to mark clearly the distinction between those items paid
by the Kentucky Exhibit Association-such as the expense of
publicity work and soliciting contributions, etc.-and those
items paid out of the State appropriation. Attached to this
report will be found a list of the contributors to the fund of the
Kentucky Exhibit Association. It is deemed by the Commission
that this information has a proper place in this report, since with-
out these contributions no exhibit at St. Louis would have been
     The Association also prosecuted a vigorous educational
 campaign throughout the State for the purpose of arousing the
 interest of the people of the State in its undertaking. In this
 it had the unanimous co-operation of the press of the State, to
 whose public spirit the purposes of the Association strongly
 appealed. No member of the Association drew any compensa-
 tion except those who gave their entire time as members of its
 office force. As a result of its labors, when the General Assem-
 bly of 1904 met, representatives of the Association were able to
 point to a State building practically completed, to liberal allot-
 ments of space in every exhibit building, to complete plans for
 exhibit installation and to considerable exhibit material that had
 been gathered from various parts of the State and stored free
 of cost in the Haldeman Warehouse, at Louisville.
     The General Assembly was sufficiently impressed by the
work that had been done and by the popular demand for its
completion to make an appropriation of 75,000 to carry the
undertaking to a successful finish. Of the 31,44I.94 raised by
the Kentucky Exhibit Association, it had expended prior to the
organization of the State Commission the sum of 25,426.74 and
turned over to the State Commission 6,0I5.20, besides all prop-
erty that had been accumulated by the Exhibit Association up
to that time, including a State building nearly finished and the
material for the various exhibits.
    The Commission continued the work of the Association as
to building and exhibits without change in plan or in the per-
sonnel of those in charge. The same officers and superintend-
ents were continued.
    The total amount of funds that came into the hands of the
Kentucky Exhibit Association and the State Commission was



112,362.i6, of which 31,441.94 was collected byx the Kentucky
Exhibit Association, 75,000 was appropriated by the State and
5,920.22 realized from various refunds and from the sale of
building furniture and other articles of salvage at the close of
the Exposition.
     At the conclusion of its work the Commission turned into
 the State treasury, as required by the act creating it, the un-
 expended balance of the State appropriation, amounting to
 2,832.02. It also placed in the custody of the State Geological
 Bureau, the State Experiment Station, the Kentucky Institution
 for the Education of the Blind, the Kentucky School for the
 Deaf and the Governor's Mansion property of the total cost
 of 7,955.85. This property, consisting in part of exhibits and
 in part of many specially constructed cases, may be of value to
 the State in many ways, and will be of special value if there
 should arise any future occasion on which the State should desire
 to make a display at another exposition. The Commission was
 in many ways impressed with the value of such a nucleus, having
 found in the progress of its work at St. Louis that many States
 with a small appropriation were enabled to achieve excellent
 results by reason of having such material held over from former
     The Commissioners appointed by you were, under the pro-
visions of the Act, required to give their time without compen-
sation other than the payment of their actual necessary ex-
penses during such time as they were absent from home upon
service of the Commission. This expense was not to exceed
250 for each Commissioner, making a possible expense on this
account of 3,75o. The amount actually expended for the ex-
penses of Commissioners was 2,568.80. The fact that there
were fifteen Commissioners made it possible to divide the time
of service so that each Commissioner should be in actual charge
at St. Louis for two weeks. A room was fitted up in the Ken-
tucky building for occupancy by the Commissioner in charge,
and this materially reduced the expense of the Commissioners.
It is not likely that any other State represented at St. Louis
paid out so small a sum for the services of its Commissioners.
    Similar economy was observed in all other departments.
Those Superintendents who labored without compensation for
the collection and installation of their exhibits were given the
aid of Assistant Superintendents who were to remain for the
entire period of the exposition in charge of the various exhibits.
The salaries of these Assistant Superintendents were fixed at a


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reasonable compensation, so that the entire salary roll of the
Commission was held within a reasonable total. In the case of
the Educational Exhibit the plan was adopted as far as practi-
cable of dividing the time between various persons interested in
educational work in the State so that they might profit by
spending some weeks at the exposition in charge of the Educa-
tional Exhibit, with opportunity also to study the educational
exhibits of other States.
     The largest single item of expense of the Commission was
in the erection, furnishing and maintenance of a State building.
The entire cost of construction of the building, paid in part by
the Kentucky Exhibit Association and in part by the State
Commission, was 33,69o.23. The cost of grading and land-
scaping around the building and caring for the lawn was
2,055.63, the cost of furnishing 6,58o.85, of maintenance of
the building 6,439.51, packing and returning 272.15, and inci-
dental items, 941.88, making a total of 49,980.25. This cost
should be credited with 2,719.20 realized from sale of build-
ing and contents and refunds and returned property, leaving
a net cost of 47,26i.05.
    Besides a State building, Kentucky collected, installed and
maintained, exclusive of live stock, fifteen different exhibits:
    A collective display of minerals, a separate display of coal,
a separate display of clays, in the Mines and Metallurgy Build-
    A collective display from the schools and colleges of the
State and two separate displays in the Blind Section, in the
Palace of Education and Social Economy.
    Two collective displays-one exterior, the other interior-
of forestry in the department devoted to Forestry, Fish and
    A collective display of tobacco in the Palace of Agriculture.
    A collective display of general agricultural products in the
Palace of Agriculture.
    Displays of paintings and sculpture by Kentucky artists
and sculptors; of fancy needle and drawn work by women; of
historical relics; of the works of Kentucky authors and com-
posers, in the Kentucky Building.
    The displays in the exhibit palaces occupied I5,000 square
feet of space-the tobacco display, with over 4,600 square feet,
having the largest space assigned to any one product, resource,
industry, art or science on the grounds. Four thousand square
feet were devoted to minerals, 1,200 to education, 3,000 to a



  general agricultural exhibit, I,200 to forestry and its manufac-
  tured products, and I,200 to horticulture.
      The most costly exhibit was that in the Mineral Depart-
  ment. As explained in greater detail elsewhere, this work had
  been in progress for a year before it was turned over to the
  Commission, having in that time been looked after by the Min-
  eral Exhibit Committee of the Kentucky Exhibit Association,
  under direction of Mr. Charles P. Weaver and Prof. C. J. Nor-
  wood. Both of these gentlemen gave their services without com-
  pensation, Prof. Norwood's service continuing after the organi-
  zation of the Commission and through the entire exposition
  period. The Commission acknowledges its debt to him for put-
  ting at its disposal his great familiarity with the resources of
  the State and his skill in collecting, classifying and installing
  the display. It is believed that the demonstration made at St.
  Louis of the mineral resources of the State has already been
  productive o' good results and will continue to be so productive.
     Special stress was laid upon showing the clays, oils, coal
 and structural stone, lead and zinc in the State. No previous
 effort having been made to demonstrate thoroughly what could
 be done with Kentucky clays, the Commission, under the general
 supervision of Mr. Norwood and with the assistance of Mr.
 William F. Keates, planned a comprehensive exhibit of Ken-
 tucky clays, showing II4 varieties of clay, with products made
 from each variety. One of the four enclosing walls of the space
 devoted to the mineral exhibit in the Palace of Mines and Metal-
 lurgy was constructed entirely of clay products, all the material
 for which was donated, coming from the Waco Brick and Man-
 ufacturing Company, of Waco; P. Bannon Company, of Louis-
 ville; Louisville Fire Brick Works, Highland Park, and
 the Hydraulic Brick Company, of Louisville. The clay
 from Waco was used in the construction of a handsome
 arch, specially designed and burned for this purpose. This arch
 was one of the most striking displays in the Mines Building. It
 is indeed proper here to say that a competent authority, writing
 for the Baltimore Manufacturers' Record concerning the exhibits
 in the Palace of Mines and Metallurgy, referred to the Kentucky
 exhibit as "one of the show pieces of the exposition." The en-
 tire clay exhibit was preserved at the close of the exposition and
 has been placed in charge of the Director of the Geological Sur-
 vey at Lexington, subject to such disposition as the State may
 choose to make of it. Another of the enclosing walls of the
exhibit was made of Kentucky stone and a third of Kentucky



D)edication, F'ebrtuary 1:3, 1904.

Picture Taken the Day Before the Dedication.

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cannel coal, entrance through each being through a handsome
arch. The stone arch was constructed for the Commission by
the Bedford-Bowling Green Stone Company. The coal arch
was erected by the Kentucky Block Cannel Coal Company, of
Cannel City. The display of Kentucky coals was thorough and
effective, and the demonstration of the great variety of Ken-
tucky structural stone elicited many inquiries. Kentucky lead and
zinc, for the first time at any exposition, were conspicuous, at-
tracting much attention to the development of this rich resource.
Kentucky oils were also for the first time strikingly exhibited and
emphasis given to the recent development of this industry. The
oils were shown in their crude state and refined.
    The total expenditure for the mineral exhibit by the Ken-
tucky Exhibit Association and the State Commission was
11,268.27, on which is to be credited 345.85 for salvage and
refunds, besides which property that had cost 5,944.79 has
been returned to the State.
    After the installation of the mineral exhibit, it was in the
direct charge of the Assistant Superintendent, Mr. W. U. Grider.
Mr. Grider's familiarity with the mineral resources of the State
made his services of the greatest value to the Commission in this
capacity. He was at all times able to answer all inquiries and
to increase the interest of visitors in the resources of the State.
    The Tobacco Exhibit, under the competent direction of Mr.
Charles D. Campbell, was in many respects one of the most
successful features of the Commission's work. Mr. Campbell,
who is thoroughly in touch with the tobacco trade at every point,
planned a most comprehensive display and succeeded in carry-
ing it out successfully to the utmost detail. His achievement
in this respect was noteworthy. His exhibit, occupying the
space of 4,628 feet, should have cost, according to the general
experience of expositions, an average of 5.oo per square foot for
its collection, installation and maintenance, instead of which,
through Mr. Campbell's splendid management, and the co-op-
eration he secured from the tobacco interests, it cost only I.04
per square foot. The entire amount expended for his exhibit
by the Kentucky Exhibit Association and by the Commission
was 6,177.05, upon which are to be credited I,199.7I for
salvage and 13I.20 for value of property returned, making the
net cost of this exhibit 4,846.14. This result is justly regarded
by exposition men as remarkable. In this work Mr. Campbell
had the able assistance of Mr. Frank Sutton, who was in direct
charge of the exhibit as the State's representative during the



exposition period. Both Mr. Campbell and Mr. Sutton were in
close touch during the exposition with representatives of foreign
countries interested in tobacco, and many evidences were ob-
served of the awakening of interest that must result in introduc-
ing Kentucky tobaccos in new territory. The tobacco growers
and dealers of the State gave liberal assistance in getting up
this display, representatives of the trade having contributed to
the funds of the Kentucky Exhibit Association.
    Besides the space in the Agricultural Building devoted to
the special exhibit of tobacco, the State occupied a space of
3,000 feet for a general exhibit of agricultural products other
than tobacco. In preparing this exhibit the Commission had
the hearty co-operation of the State Experiment Station, which
installed one of the most attractive portions of the exhibit, Prof.
H. Garman and Prof. G. N. Keller giving their services for some
weeks for this purpose. The installation of the general Agri-
cultural Exhibit was in charge of Prof. J. N. Harper, of Lexing-
ton, who served without compensation. After the installation of
the exhibit it was left under the supervision of Mr. W. M.
Shobe, as Assistant Superintendent.
    The contributions of agricultural products were not secured
with the ease that the Commission had hoped for, owing to the
effects of drouth and other causes, but sufficient was brought
together to make a very striking display of the State's products,
and the material so obtained was skillfully and attractively ar-
ranged by Prof. Harper. The list of awards in this department
attests the excellence of the display. The total cost of the Agri-
cultural Exhibit was 4,847.38, on which is to be credited salvage
to the amount of 75.20, making a net cost of 4,772.i8, besides
which there was returned to Lexington and left in charge of the
State Experiment Station and State Museum property that had
cost 607.69, subject to disposition by the State.
    The Horticultural Exhibit was continued for only two
months, during which time it was made with fruit that had been
secured during the previous season and placed in cold storage,
first at Louisville and then at St. Louis. The Commission was
disappointed in not securing from the fruit growers of the State
such contributions as it had hoped to secure. Most of the fruit
placed in cold storage was purchased. A thorough canvass of
the State was made for the purpose of securing promises of
shipments of fresh fruit, which it was expected to place on the
tables in place of the cold storage fruit. The prospects, how-
ever, were not good in this direction, so that it was finally de-




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cided to open the Horticultural Exhibit for only two months,
using the cold storage fruit. During these two months the
display was entirely creditable to the State. Perhaps the most
striking advertisement of Kentucky's fruits was secured from
the distribution of a number of barrels of apples on Kentucky
Day and during meetings of the International Press Parlia-
ment and American Press Humorists at the Kentucky Building.
This distribution established a precedent that was followed by
a number of other States in distributing products during the
exposition. The total cost of the Horticultural Exhibit was
i,644.16, on which is to be credited 30I.95 in salvage and 5
in returned property, leaving a net cost of 1,337.21.
    The display of Kentucky's forestry products at St. Louis
was more extensive than had been made by the State at any
previous exposition. The exhibit was designed by Mr. A. N.
Struck, the Superintendent, and the details of installation carried
out by his assistant, Mr. William Boa, who remained in charge
of the exhibit during the exposition period. The exhibit was
designed along commercial lines, with a view to showing the
commercial value of Kentucky forests. It included about i6o
varieties of Kentucky woods and displayed a great number
of articles manufactured from these woods. The exhibit elicited
high praise from expert and practical men connected with for-
estry and wood working industries. Its cost was 2,439.67, on
which is to be credited 78.05, realized from salvage, besides
which property that had cost II9.08 was returned to Lexing-
ton and left in the custody of the Director of the Geological
    Great interest was manifested by the educators of the State
in making the Educational Exhibit at St. Louis a creditable one.
Unfortunately a sufficient amount of space for this exhibit could
not be secured, and it was, in consequence, more crowded than
had been designed. A careful study of it, however, such as was
made by a large number of prominent educators of the country,
resulted in a verdict entirely favorable to the educational prog-
ress of the State. The collection and installation of this exhibit
involved a great amount of unselfish labor on the part of the
Superintendent, Prof. E. H. Mark, who is Superintendent of
the Public Schools at Louisville. The Louisville School Board
cheerfully consented that Prof. Mark should give a considerable
portion of his time to this work, and appropriated a sum of
money sufficient to make a very striking exhibit of the work of
the Louisville schools. In the exhibit was represented the


schools of Louisville, Hindman, Berea, Bowling Green, Lexing-
ton, St. Joseph, Nazareth, Hazard, Kensee, Lancaster, Frank-
fort, Stanford, Woodlawn, Hopkinsville, Owensboro and Dan-
ville. The cost of the exhibit was 3,803.37, on which is to be
credited for salvage 568.31, leaving a net cost of 3,235.o6. The
material, costing S528.og, that had been gathered for the
exhibits of the Kentucky Institution for the Education of the
Blind and the Kentucky School for the Deaf, was returned to
those institutions, to be preserved as the property of the State.
    Kentucky's live stock achieved a distinct triumph at the
St. Louis Exposition, securing from the Exposition Company
premiums to the total amount of I4,146. To this was added
7,500 in premiums from this Commission, pro rated among
the successful exhibitors. The Commission had undertaken to
duplicate all premiums secured by exhibitors of certain classes
of Kentucky live stock up to the amount of 7,500. Some of the
State's finest stock was put on exhibition and constituted a
most marked feature of the live stock show. This exhibit was
made under the direction and management of Commissioner
J. B. Bowles, who aroused the interest of Kentucky live stock
men and personally looked after the interests of all Kentucky
exhibitors. The entire expense of this department, exclusive of
the S7,5oo in premiums, was 326.89.
    The Commission feels that the expense of constructing and
maintaining the Kentucky Building was amply justified by re-
sults. It was not intended to advertise Kentucky hospitality
except as an incidental to attract attention to Kentucky's ad-
vantages for home-seekers and those desirous of investing cap-
ital in the development of the State's resources or in manufac-
tures. In promoting this end, the Kentucky Building was of
the greatest value, besides serving, of course, as a popular gath-
ering place for the people in our own State. It was visited by a
larger number of people than any other State building on the
grounds, with the sole exception of the Missouri Building, which,
as the host of the exposition, was, of course, first. Within the
building wer